Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 05, 1913, Page 15, Image 15

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    THE MOEXINfi ORF.r.ON'TiV TTTTT'R sir a. "V TTTxrn io-i. 1 '
s'""'M'Ms.Ms.sM.sM.saMsis,.Mi,..M,.,,M. ""tJ-"J-'l W' -M. J C ff
Far-Famed Developer Athletes
Succumbs .to Illness of
, Many Years'. Standing.
with men on bases, an-d 12 of the locals e a r n r m . . a. . - "M""MM"r i m ibuj i-rn ri i rn ! ihmuw ' "
"Ss-f WOLFARD YET WKS pllm - rS?C:: rNl "ferK f
over the right field wing of the grand- V. - -V.,-.-f',Ki. m--t- "V lSSs-' 2 7 N
Btand. This is the first time this feat . - """fi? . ?V - jSK8-l!Os! i"' " 3 -r "" V "" fr,rm! ."' " 5w ;
has been accomplished since the Brush ' f - f J "--X' '' r'' 'J 59 I "SSsSnI is 1 . X f
stadium was constructed in 1911. The v I - " 1 V';"'','!! ' ; "1 I TWl r .f. I x " Jf ' . sS
S-bkoaE -iHOas Lieutenant Lentz Defeated in -V . 4V f4' ' i " T 'If' J d Wl :
i I ? I Ste 1 1 5 S? Hard. 38-Game-Match. I'V NV X 1 J7 I - ; 1 1 S fj mj V
Olson.3.. 5 3 2 20 Borton.l.. 5 2 8 3 0 f . g f 1 V,1 I . it-' ; C I JSV
Turner.'.. 2 14 4 OlCree.l 4 3 0 1 0 J Jbnsl I .: T i ss " I 3 C; : VvS. ' t W RTf
Jackson.r. 4 1 1 0 O'Sweeney.c. 4 2 5 00 - ' I -. 1 Vivvy ' 1 W S ' ii ' ikNjJS. t 1 j?v?A. ' mtf l -'
Ryan.m.. 5 2 4 0 0Zeider,3. . . 4 1 6 32 t n . f fL I - I I Sv I it- - fiijtfcl F?Sm,- " S .
Oraney.l.. 4 2 2 0 OlMldklf f,3.. 5 0 O 20 - tM. .Sv I Vs. ' lTtu?S? F"5 -f9 1 '
bb:- 45 i 3 I8ir.p'h.-r: ! S I 11 WICKER S'HAM LOSES MATCH -MOVv I ; TTTIfl7l & ' I -'
Daniels,.. 1 0 0 00 . p. -- .ii c - ' I I I n cOs I f r yi f f
warhop.p. 0 0 o 00 ' t : 1.5: .. J S f , l' ' NVJC. I L Y S A
M'C'n'lTp.. 0 0 0 1 0 I - 'll T f ' 1 S ! ' X I HS " ' If "
Caldwell" 1 1 0 00 v " -S,. . I 6 , - , T11! ? I T" ' "S Vnf, '
As Developer of College Stars, Pro
fessional, Olympic Meet Cham
pions and Track Men Great
Ooich Wis Peerless.
PHILADELPHIA, June 4 Michael C
Murphy, famous as a developer of ath
letes, died shortly after 3 o'clock this
afternoon. Death was due to a com
plication of diseases.
Never a robust man. "?Mlke" Murphy
had been practically aying for the last
15 years. About eight years ago he
was at death's door, but he pulled
. through and he was able later to ren
der great service In bis chosen calling.
Murphy was born in Natlck, Mass.,
In 1860, and early In life became promi
nent as a trainer of athletes. He had
charge of the American teams at three
Oly'mplo meets, the last being the vic
torious one of last year.
Str Athletes Developed.
Many of the best college athletes In
America have been developed by Mur
phy. To his wonderful knowledge of
the conditioning of men was due his
selection as the trainer in charge of
th.three foreign invasions, all of which
. turned out successfully. He had charge
of the combined teams of the New York
Athletic Club and the University of
Pennsylvania which represented Amer
ica in the Olympic games In Paris In
1900, the American teams to the London
Olympics in 190S. and the American
team to the games in Stockholm in
Murphy also was the trainer of the
New York Athletic Club team which
defeated the London Athletic Club In
a dual track meet in 1895.
During his career Murphy was a fol
lower of all kinds of athletics. Ho be-
came physical director of Yale In 1887,
and since then had been considered the
greatest coach of track men and trainer
of men In other branches of sport that
America has ever known. He had three
years of success at Yale, and In 1890
. accepted the offer of the Detroit Ath-
letic Club to become its trainer, but
after three years returned to Yale.
Later he came to the University of
May CbflmiiloDM Turned Oat
He remained in Philadelphia four
years and then went back to Yale, but
returned here In. 1D05 and had been at
the University of Pennsylvania ever
since. Murphy never had a team finish
worse than third in the intercollegiate
track competition, and for Ave years
straight he won the championship for
Before he was 25 years old he became
the trainer of John L. Sullivan, After
one year with the great pugilist Mur
phy conceived the Idea of finding a man
able to defeat Sullivan. He searched
for a year through the wilds of Canada
B -and the lumber camps of the great
I Northwest,, but he failed to, find the-)
; man. -j
"Prnniy" Postpones Activities.
When the news of Murphy's de-ch
was received at the University of Tenn
sylvanta.. the flags on the -..rversity
bulldings and fraternity houses were
lowered to halfmast. All athletic ac
tivities were ordered suspended until
after the funeral, which will be held
Two baseball games scheduled for
this week, one with the alumni tomor
row and the other with Swarthmore
Saturday, were canceled, and Franklin
Held will remain closed until Monday
Totals. . .39 15 27 12 II Totals. . .30 12 27 15 3
Batted for Ford in tn sixth.
Batted lor McConnel in the elEhth.
Cleveland 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 2 3 9
New York o 0 0 O 2 0 0 1 2 5
Runs Olson. Turner. Jackson 2. Ryan 2.
Graney 2, Blandlng, Wolter. Borton, Cree.
Sweeney. Caldwell. First base on errors
New York 1. Cleveland 2. Two-base hit
Wolter. Cree. Home runs Jackson. Graney,
Sweeney. Stolen bases Hartzell, Cree. .Sac
rifice hits Sweeney, Turner, Blandlns.
Left on bases New York 12, Cleveland V.
Struck out By Ford 1. standing 3. Base
balls Off Ford 2, Warhop 1. Clark 1.
Blandlns 4. Trouble plavs Zelder and Bor
ton. Hits Off Ford, S In 6; off Warhop. 3
In 1 (none out in the eighth): .f McConn
ell. none In 1; oft Clark. 4 In 1. Time
2:10. Umpires Evans and Egan.
Philadelphia .14, Detroit 6.
PHILADELPHIA, June 4. Philadel
phia won its tenth consecutive game
today, easily defeating Detroit, 14 to
6. Twenty-nine men participated in
the contest. Philadelphia making use of
14 men and Detroit 15. Both Dubud
and Wyckoff were driven from the box;
Senational catches by Veach, Mclnnis
and Oldrlng and the hitting by Collins
and Strunk were the features. Um-
pirs Ferguson ordered Jennings off tha
coaching lines for disputing' a decision
Detroit 1 Philadelphia " " .
O.Bush.s.. 1 0 0 0 0 E.M'rphy.r 2 2 0 0 0
Louden.s.. 3 2 0 1 tWatsh.r. . 2 1 1 00
Vltt.2 3 2 2 0 1 Oldrlng.l. . 3 1 1 00
Henn'ssy.2 1 o 0 1 0 'Collins 2. . 5 3 4 40
Crawford. r 5 0 2 lOBaker.3... 4 2 O 10
Cobb.m... 4 2 1 O O Mclhnls.l. 4 0 9 10
Veach, 1... 3 2 B 0 0 strunk. in . . 5 3 0 0O
fialner.l. . 4 18 2 Oi Rarry.s. . . 4 2 3 20
Morlar'y.3. 3 O 2 2 6 Orr.s 0 O 2 00
AlcKee.c. 4 13 1 0 Lapp.c 10 3 10
Dubuc.p.. 0 0 0 1 0JD. Murphy 1 0 0 00
House, p.. O 0 O 1 OlSchanK.c. . 1 OR 0O
High o O O . O Owvckoff.p. 1 1 0 OO
ClaiMB.p. , 2 O O O 0 J. Bush, p. . 2 1 1 20
Kondeau 0 0 0 o!
Totals. 83 8 24 1011. Totals. 341827110
- Batted for House in second.
Batted for Clauss In ninth.
TBatted for E. Murphv in third.
tBatted for Lapp In third.
Detroit . ..0 4 1 0 0 O 0 0 1 6
Philadelphia . -.. ..7 0 5 0 0 110 -14
Runs Cobb 2. Veach. Gainer. Morlarlty,
McKee. E. Murphy, Walsh. OldringV Collins
a. Baker, Ptmnk 2, Barry -, Scharuc" .Wyck
off. J. Bush. Two-base hits strunk, Vltt,
Walsh. McKee,- Baker. Three-base hit Old.
HnK, E. Murphy, Baker. Hits Off Dubuc, 3
in 1-3 inning; off House, 2 In 2-8 Inning;
off Clauss, 9 In 7 Innings; off Wyckoff. :t In
1 Innings; off Bush. 6 in 7 2-3 lnnlnss.
sacrifice hit Mclnnls. Sacrifice fly Old
ring. Stolen bases Strunk 2. Double plays
Collins to Barry to Mclnnls; Collins to Mc
lnnls; Louden to. Gainer. Base on halls -Off
Wyckoff 2. off Bush 3, off Dubuo 1, off
Clauss 3. Struck out By Wyckoff 1. by
Bush 4. by Clauss 1.
The Brooklyn Athletic Club Colts are
without a game for next Sunday. Any
team under 18 years without- a game
is requested to call Sellwood 1400 and
ask for Sherrett. Either In or-out-of-
town teams will be -taken on.
Washington 6, St IvOuis 2.
WASHINGTON. Jun, 4. It required
but one Inning -today for Washington
to lefeat St. Louis, the! final score beins
6 to 2. The locals drove Wellman from
the box In the third. Shottfcn had a
perfect day at bat, making a single
and working Engel for four bases on
balls. The score:
St. Louis I Washington
fthotton.c. 1
Johnston. 1 5
G.wn njs.r :i
Pratt. 2.... 3
Brief. 1.. . . 3
McAlter.c 1
Austin. 3.. 2
Walsli.s.. 1
Balenii.s. 1
Agnew.c. . 2
xtovalt.l . 2 3 0 1
Wtllmau.p 1 l u
!-tone,i ... 2 O O
"tTonipt'n 1
tWallace. 1
1 0
O 3
0 u Moeller.l
o 0 sohal!er,2.
0 Milan. m. . .
5 1 Gand:l.l...
0 0- Liporte,3.".
1 0 A.WU-ms.r
1 0 McBrlde.s.
4 01
4 2 3
1 11
1 1
0 o
1 l
1 0
2 0
li 0
6 10
0 4 0
0 0
o o 0
u o o 0
- Totals. 80 6 24 15 8; Totals. 32 10 27 17 1
Baited for Ae;new In sevenths
.Batetd for Walsh In fourth.'
tBaned for ston In- ninth.
St. Ixmls . .O 0 0 0 0 O 2 O 0 2
Washington ...........OO60O0O1
Kuns raff. Balentl. Moeller, Schaefer 2,
MlUn. Gandll, Henry. Two-base hits Mc
Allister. Henry. Three-base hit Gandll.
Hits Off Weilman. 7 in 2 1-8 lnnlncs;
f tone, 3 In ( 2-8. tfacrlf loe fly A. Williams.
Stolen bases Austin, Laporte. Milan. Gan
illl. Double plays Walsh, rratt and Brief;
Balentl, Pratt and Brief; Gandll, McBrlde
and Gandll; Milan, Laporte. McBrlde, Gan
dll and Henry. Base on balls Off Stone 1.
off Knfrel S. Struck out By Wellman 1,
l.y Sinn 4, by Knget 4. Vmplres llilde
brand and O'LouKhlin.
Chicago 4, Boston 1. '
BOSTON. June 4. Chicago made
three runs in the first two innings to
day, and as Boston was unable to hit
ilcotte In the pinches, the visitors won
4 to 1. Threa pitchers were used by
Boston. The score:
Chicago J Boston
" ' "' 11 II O A E
3 2 o .2 0:Hooper.r. 4 2 1 i)u
4 1 11 2 0 Yerkes.2. , 4 2 3 3 0
3 2 12 0 o'Speaker.m 3 0 4 0
Rath.2. . .
ollins.r. .
Bodle.l. . .
s.-halk.o. .
0 Ol.ewls.l.
0 I' Kngle.t. . .
0 O.Wagner.s.
5 - Janvrln.S.
1 O'Carrlgan.c
4 0 O'Brien. p.
Foster.p. .
0 0 0 0
0 10 0 0
4 1
0 O
0 o
1 o
4 0
1 1 1
4 2 0
0 2 0
0 0 0
0 10
0 0 0
Totals 30 27 14 2. Totals. S2 6 27 13 1
Batted for Bedlent In seventh.
hicago 2 1 v 0 0 0 0 0 1 O 0 1 O 0 0 0 0 0 I
RunsRath, Lord. Bodle. Schalk. Bed
im. Two-base hits Schalk. Janvrin.
Thrve-bnse hit Lord. Hits off O Brlen, 4
In J inning; off Bedlent. 4 In . Innings:
off Foster. 1 in 2 Innings. Sacrifice hits
'olline. M-attick. Weaver. stolen bases
V ag:ier. ' - LHtubla plays Clcolte. Weaver
lut Fournler 2, Wagner and Engle. Sac
rifice fly Speaker. Left on fcases Chicago
a Uojtun 7. B-i'e on balls Off Clcotle 3:
".f O Brlen 2; off Foster 1. First base on
rrore Chicago 1. Boston 2. Struck out
.v t lcotte 6; by O'Brien 2. by Bedlent 2.
Yaklrna Loses, , 8 to: 0, Against La
Grande, and In 1 1 Innings Walla
AValla Worsts Boise, toS.
With a crippled team Pendleton de
feated Baker In the Western Tri-State
League, Wednesday, S to 3. La Grande
gave North Yakima a hard drubblnfr.
8 to 0, while Walla Walla, In 11 hard
innings, worsted Boise 3 to 2.
Pendleton went Into the Baker game
with Augustus and Varian out on ac
count of injuries, and Berger and
Krause, pitchers, playlns: the outfield.
Osborne's control of ciirves'was so poor
he gave up the attempt and threw
straight balls, fanning 10. Ward pitched
a good game except in two Innings.
Berger and Krause s stlckwork was the
feature. Each brought In two runs.
Baker tied the score In the eighth, but
in the same inning the Bucks drove In
the two winning runs. The score:
R. H. E.l R. H. E.
Baker 3 9 l;Pen Jeton ..5 7 4
Batteries Ward and Cress; Osborne
and Byrnes. . .
At North Yakima, Kltchner, the La
Grande pitcher, had the Braves at his
mercy. Gordon's single was the only
hit off his delivery. Engle's error was
the cause of two of the La Grande
runs. Fitchner starred aside from his
work in the , box. He got the only
double of the game, stole two bases
and fanned four men. Score:
R- H. E.l R. H. E.
La Grande. 8 It 2;n Yakima.. 0 1 4
Batteries Fitchner and Conroy; Gor
don and Stanley.
Walla Walla had her usual extra
inning luck, winning in the 11th over
Boise. The Bears got two in the first
on a walk, a single and a double, and
the Bucks tied it In the second with
the same combination. Brldger and
Leonard pitched great bill, pulling
themselves out of several bad holes
with the bases full. Leonard won his
own game In the 11th 'with a single,
scoring a runner. The score:
R. H. E. B H. E.
W. Walla.. 3 11 2Boise 2 7 1
Batteries Leonard and Brown; Brld
ger and Gard.
Catlin Wolfard, the 18-year-old ten
nis player, was the sensation of yester
day's play in the Irvington Club's an
nual Spring handicap tourney. This
youngster,- whose work has featured
the tourney to date, defeated Lieuten
ant Lentz In a match which required
38 games. 22 of these coming in the
first set. '
The 2 3-game set. 12-10, was the long
est of the tournament, with Lentz put
ting up a great struggle against the
youthful racquet phenom Wolfard
was tired after his effort and lost the
hext set,-2-6, but recuperated and took
the final set and the match. 6-2.
Kyle, another junior player and part
ner of Wolfard. was defeated by Lieu
tenant Meyer, 6-2, 6-2.
Kirk Smith and A. D. Wakeman
aprunsf a surprise when they defeated
Andrews anJ Wlckersham In the men's
doubles. Andrews played a strong
game, but couldn't win alone. Wlcker
sham was far off his game.
- Testerday"s scores ana schedule for
Test c-day's Besnlta.
Men singles Meyer beat Kvla 6-2. 6-'
Stewart meat Smith 6-J, 6-4: Wc-Iford beat
Lentz 12-10, 2-6, 6-2; Wlckersham beat
Gaither 8-1. 8-S.
Men's doubles Lentz and Mever heat
Humphrey ana Wilklns 6-2. 7-0: Smith and
7 6 6maan Andrews and Wlckersham
Mixed doubles Miss Thayer and Wilklns
beat Miss Campbell and Morton 6-4, 6-J.
Schedule for Today.
M. Cooke vs. Stewart. Miss Camp
bell and Mrs. Judge vs. Miss Thayer and
Mrs. Raley.
3:30 P. M. Miss Fording vs.'Mlss Bent.
Mrs. Northup vs. Mrs. Irwin.
Tc4i.M;TIi!nt!l. and Me' Kyle and
Wolfard. tv ickersham vs. Munger. Miss Fox
and Humphrey vs. Miss Thayer and wilklns
4:30 P. M. Kirk Smith and Wakeman vs.
Richardson and Gill.
P. M. Miss Fordinc and Stewart vsr
Miss Morris and Shlves.
Middle Western Players Coming In
clndo Brilliant Performers.
- The team of Middle Western golfers
which will appear In matches on the
Waverly Country Club links on June
19-20. comprises an imposing array of
talent. Among the members off the
party are: Warren K. Wood, runner
up In the Western championship and
probably the most brilliant player In
the Wtsti TV F. -3a-arvnt
champion; Charles Evans,' Jr., Western
i,uaiiii,juii, .marry i-egg. . many times
Trans-Mississippi and Minnesota cham
pion; W. C. Fownes. Jr., Pennsylvania
state champion and ex-Natlonal cham
pon; Howard Lee, one of the best play
ers In Michigan, and C. B. Devol. who
led the field with, a brilliant 73- In the
National championship qualifying round
last year. ..
A Northwestern team, -comprising H.
Chandler Egan, Dixie Pleager, Cali
fornia - stars and -.' British Columbia
players of note, will compete against
the Middle Westerners at some point,
while there Is talk of organizing a
professional team to play against
Tha nartv nff n Vo 1 . .
ever taken nv n o-nllno- - t ..
country, left Chicago this morning.
The Itinerary Includes St. Paul, Butte,
Spokane, Seattle, Victoria, Tacoma.
Portland. Salt Lake . City. Colorado
Springs, Kansas City and back to Chi
cago, the final match being played at
Kansas City on June 28.
Portland Uncertain Yet of Men to
Participate in 50-Mile Run.
Names of the Salem Y. M. C. A. relay
team which will run against a team
from the Portland Y. M. C. A. next Sat
urday in the annual Salem-Portland
race were received yesterday.
Minton will run the first lap for Sa
lem, starting at the Salem Y. M. C. A.
building Saturday morning at 10
o'clock. The other members of the
Salem team will run In-the following
order: Fiokc. Schaefe, Kiutus Jim.
Spencer, Laf key. Huggons, " Patchin,
Tallman and L'tter.
The Portland team has not been defi
nitely selected because it Is not known
whether Tom Booth and E.. Treuchel,
members of last year's team, will be
able to run. If they are not, the
Portland Association will be represent
ed, by 10 of the following 11 men: Mc
Donald. Payton. . Vanderllp. Gunther.
Moss, Fox, Quinn. Brown, Day. Flem-
ing and Sawtell. The laps will average
about five miles.
Coulon and Harris to Firlit.
BALTIMORE. Md.. June 4. "Johnny"
Coulon. bantamweight champion pugil
ist, has telegraphed an acceptance of
the offer made by "Sammy Harris,
manager of "Kid" Williams, of Balti
more, for a 20-round championship bout
between Coulon and Williams. Tne
bout probably will take place in this
city July 4. The terms agreed: upon
are said to be a guarantee to Coulon
of 65000 and 40 per cent of the receipts.
Baseball Statistics
"lk Cicotte. Tim
: Greevy and Connolly.
-1:51. Umpires Mc-
Cleveland 0, Xew York 5.
NEW YORK. June 4 The Cleve-
and team again defeated the local
American League club today 9 to 6.
Chance used four pitchers -to stop the
fast visiting Invaders bnt Cleveland
hit them all hard. The New Yorks also
hit Blanding hard, but he was strong
National Leaarue.
W. L. Pct-f w. L. Pet
"hlladelphia 24 11 .6!Plttbur;.. . 2121 50
New York.. 22 17 .S4f;t. Louis... 20 4 455
Brooklyn... 21 18 .SSSOlnclnnati. . . 1727 lS3
-uicaito 22 20 .S24Boaton. 13 23.373
American League. .
Philadelphia S2 10 .782 Boston :" 19 23 452
.Meveland... :12 13 .711 Detroit - 1S20.K3
Washington. 24 19.55 ;t. Louis... i 31
i-blcago 25 21 .543 Now York.. . 6 32.220
American Association,
olumbus.. 2417.5S5St. Paul.... 22 23 .489
Milwaukee.. -M 21 .5s.i Minneapolis. - 2.1 24 .4Sa
Louisville. . . 26 20 .55 Indianapolis 19 24 .44-'
Kanaaa City 26 24 .520,roledo 13 31 .320
. Western Trl-Sfate.
VVstli Walla 27 11 .711 Pendleton. . . 1S19.JSS
Boise........ 21 lrt 5ftsi.a Grande. IS 21 .417
y.- akima. IS 19 .4SdjBaker , 13 26.333
- Yesterday's Kesults.
American Association Columbus 3. Indian
apolis 1: Minneapolis 8, Kanssa City Mil
waukee 13. Su Paul 5: Loulavlllo 0, Toledo L
Western League Lincoln 5. Wichita
Moux City G. Omaha 4: re Moinea 2. St"
Joseph 1; Denver g. Topeka 2.
Southern League Mobile 7. Memphis 4:
Atlanta 2. Montgomery 2 7t Innings, rain)'
Ohatranooca !: Birmingham 1; Nashville 9
New -Orleans o-Uortelt, New Orleans (ailed
lo appearj-
Entries for Rose Festival Motorcycle
Contests Close Saturday.
Entry blanks for the Rose Festival
motorcycle races of June 9-10 on the
Country Club track were issued yester
day by Promoter Harry, the programme
showing eight events dally with cash
prizes or valuable trophies hung up
for the winners.
Entries for the race meet will close
at noon on Saturday, after which no
rider will be permitted to file blanks
and deposit entrance fee for the com
petitions. Harry Is receiving entries at
609 Washington street.
Reports are being circulated that sev
eral Portland dealers will import noted
riders from all over the country to
compete In the races next week. Nearly
a score of men. Including the best dirt
riders on the Coast, are already In Port
land,, and took their first workout on
the track today.
Tror Xinc Heads L-ist With Two Vic
tories and Xo Losses.
The. Laundry League Is now In full
swing and last Sunday's result saw
several teams change places In the per
centage column. All the games were
played on the Portland field .and all
were close.
The Troy nine bested the Broadway
Dye Works by the score of 8 to 7, while
the TJ. S. team was being downed by
the State Laundry to the tune of 8 to 6.
The- other game resulted In a victory
for the YAle men over the Palace repre
sentatives when 8 points were regis
tered to the Palace's 4. -The standing
of the teams to date is:
- W. L. fct. WL. Pet.
Troy..... 2 0 1.000;State 2 1 .667
Yale 2 1 ..667 Palace.: .. 0 2 .000
U.. 8..-.,..- 2 1 ,667;B. D. Wks. 0 ' 2 .000
' Japan Team Defeats Stanford.
TOKIfX-.June 4. The Melii fnlver
sfty baseball teem defeated the Leland
btanford. Jr, university team. 6 to 1.
Fails to Show Class and Smitb !:E - " ' 1 . '. I " r'. - J 1 I yS
and Wakeman Defeat Them. - ;-r' 1 h " Af ' t$f
Play Important Todaj, to--. 1 i i -.'-.?.- H ft
i Si stsi lisii
Yes, John- I always want to sell my customer a cigar
that will please him now when a man comes in and
asks for a sweet, mild, free burning cigar for 5c, I can
gamble nine times out of ten that he will come back for
more, if I give him a good, fresh
Many cigar dealers don't realize the importance of keeping their stock in
good fresh condition the best cigar ever made can be ruined by neglect
but you never got a dry, hard cigar from me did you? No. you bet
you didn't And say, how do you like that cigar fine welL I'm triad to
hear it that's what they all say. - '
Yes,- there's a reason the manufacturers
select the clean long filler for Tom Keenes from tobacco grown in
the great "Mano" district and use as fine a Sumatra wrapper as
many manufacturers work up on their 10c cigars you are not
likely to change your smoke for a long time for the makers have
been producing Tom Keenes like that for over 20 years.
Russell Smith Turns in Best
Card in Qualifying Round.
Preliminary Round of Men's and
Women's Consolations Played.
Mrs. Sanborn Wins on Clock
Green, Miss Snow In Iadder.
The Oregon state championship golf
tournament opened yesterday on the
Waverly Country; Club links, with
nearly BO players competing in the
qualifying .rounds of - the men's and
women's amateur championships and
the putting contests.
Russell Smith turned in the best
score for the men's championship, but
his mark of 164 for the 36 holes was
not sensational, due largely to the
newness of the course. Mrs. W. D.
Skinner, witb a score of 101, topped
the contenders for the women's cham
pionship. In the putting contests Mrs.
G. F. Sanborn was best i the clock
golf, while Mrs. Zera Snow was low
in the ladder golf, with eight.
Much interest Is being taken in the
tourney, which closes Saturday, a large
gallery being in attendance yesterday.
The high water has inundated a part
of the course and it will be necessary
to change the lTth hole for today's
75 Entries Expected.
Seventy-five players are expected
to participate In the mixed foursome
and the handicaps, - which are sched
uled for Friday and Saturday. The
women's handicap, set for Saturday,
will be played In the morning. .
Today will be devoted to the first
and second rounds of the men's and
women's championships and the conso
lations. Yesterday's results.
Men's championship, qualifying
round, 35. holes, medal play Russell
Smith. 164; J. Gillison. 168; R. Wilder,
177: M. B. Oregg. 178; C. H. Lewis. 17;
C. H. Davis, 178; Thomas Kerr, 187; E.
DeSchweinltz, 189.
Men's consolation. 36 holes, medal
piy Jordan Zan. 190; G. F. Sanborn,
194; E. C. Shevlin. 197: C. C. Overmire.
202 ; . C. T. Whitney, 204; E. Johnson,
214; Donald Green, 225: G. Frost, 239.
Women's championship,, qualifying
round, 18 holes, medal play Mrs. W. D.
Skinner, 101; Mrs. Peter Kerr, 102;
Mrs. J. J, Morrow, 103; Mrs. J. Gilli
son. 106; Mrs. Richard Koehler, 111;
Miss Richardson, 111; Mrs. W. B. Ayer,
113; Mrs. Elizabeth Freeman, 115.
Women's consolation, 18 holes
medal play Mrs. E. C. Shevlin, 122;
Miss Jean Mackenzie, 129; Mrs. A. G.
Labbe. 129; Mrs. Donald Green. 138;
Mrs. Hawley Hoffman, 140: Mrs. G.
Frost, 146; Miss MacMaster, 153.
Putting .clock golf Mrs. G. F. San
born; ladder golf, Mrs. Zera Snow, 8.
-'Scheanle for Today.'
Today's programme will be:
9:30 to 10:30 A. M.: . Men's, cham
pionship, . first round Smith vs. De
Schwelnltz, Gregg vs. Lewis, Wilder
vs. Davis, Gillison vs. Thomas Kerr.
Men's consolation, first round Zan vs.
Frost, Overmire vs. Whitney, Shevlin
Vs. Johnson, Green vs. Sanborn.
10 to 11 A. M.: Women's champion
ship, first round Mrs. Skinner vs. Mrj,
Freeman, Mrs. Koehler vs. Mrs. Gilli
son, Mrs. Morrow vs. Miss Richardson,
Mrs. Ayer vs. Mrs. Thomas Kerr. Wom
en's consolation Mrs. Shevlin, a bye;
Mrs. Green vs. Mrs. Hoffman, Miss
Mackenzie vs. Mrs. Frost, Mrs. Labbe
vs. Miss MacMaster.
The second round will be played also.
Effort Being Made to Bring De Oro,
Three-Cushion Champ, Here. '
Alfred DeOro, the pocket -and three
cushion billiard champion of the world,
may play In Portland within a few
weeks. Owner Parker, of the Waldorf
parlors. Is negotlsting with DeOro for
LOW FRONT 2.for2.5"c
Cluett, Peabody St Co., Inc., Makers
an appearance here, Brown and Hulen,
of Seattle, promising to assist in bring,
ine the "Cuban Wizard" to the North
west. DeOro won the title from Horgan,
150-120. in a match at San Francisco
Henry Solomon, Northwest three
cushion champ, will meet Walter John
son in a 60-point handicap match to
night at the Waldorf, at 8:30. Solomon
has agreed to play 50 points against 45
for Johnson. The winner Is slated to
meet DeOro.
Catlilamet Team Ixses. .
CATHLAMET. Wash., June 4. (Spe
cial.) The Cathlamet ball team was
beaten Saturday for the first time this
season by the Astoria Giants. Th
score was 2 to 0. A large crowd of
excursionists accompanied the team.
Famed Pacer Drops Dead.
June 4. Major Mallow, a , 15-year-old
gelding, sometimes called' the cham
pion half-mile track pacer of the coun
try, dropped dead of heart failure after
a workout here yesterday. Major Mal
low had taken & mark of 2:03- on a
mile track and 2:06 on a half-mile
to the
Portland Rose Festival
via the
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday
JUNE lO, 11, 12, 13, 14
McMinnville to Portland
Late Night Service Returning
During the Rose Festival, special trains will run between Mc
Minnville and intermediate points and. Portland on the following
Lv. JleMinnville Ar
St. Joseph ..........
. . Newberg '.
......... Sherwood ...........
.......... Oswego
Ar. Portland Lv...
(Jefferson Street.)
Round All Points
For further particulars, with programme, on application to any
S. P. agent or from .John M. Scott, Gen. Passenger Agent, Portland.
11:00 A.M...
11:06 A. M . . .
11:10 A. M . . .
11:15 A. M. . .
11:35 A.M: . . .
12:00 Noon...
12:25 P.M...
12:50 P. M. ..
.12:30 A.M.
.12:33 A. M.
.12:20 A.M.
.12:12 A.M.
.11:55 P. M.
.11:25 P.M.
.11:00 P.M.
.10:30 P.M.