13 TTTE MORNING OREGONTAN. TTTITR SDAY, JTHSHE 5, 1913. TRAINED HEN WILL GEOEGE F. ROBERTSON, PORTLAND BUSINESS MAN, IS BURIED WITH HONORS BY FRATERNAL I Visitors Special FILL COMMISSION Daly, Dieck, Bigelow and Saving $ 1 GO to You on This Piano Brewster Experienced in Public Affairs. BUSINESS BASIS DESIRED Printer, Engineer, Merchant and Lawyer Are Chosen ; None Is More Than 44 Years Old; All Born Outside State of Oregon. In. Will H. Daly. Robert G THcnV. o A. Bigelow and William L Brewster r-oruana has selected as Commlnlnn rs four men who have had much ex perience In municipal affairs and -who nave Riven tne subject close study. Individually and collectively they are peculiarly fitted to perform the Impor tant duties that will devolve upon them and the Mayor under the newly-adopted ommislson form of government. Each In a trained. executive and each is pos sessed of a special fund of knowledge that will allow of natural assignments to the heads of the five branches into which the government of the city will be divided. Will H. Daly is 44 years old and a native of Springfield, Mo. He received a common school education, but gained much of his education through his own personal efforts. Early in life he learned the printing trade. He came to Portland 11 years ago and worked for The Oregonlan as a linotype oper ator. In 1907 he Joined the Portland Linotype Company and two years ago he organised the Portland Monotype Company, of which he Is president. He is a successful business man. Previous to his election to the City Council two years ago he was best known as a union labor leader. He has been a member of the Typographical Union for 27 years anj was president of the State Federa tion of Labor for four years and of the Portland Central Labor Council for two terms. He lives at 767 Missouri avenue. Expense Probe First. "I think that perhaps one of the firgt tilings to do will be to check up on the employes and expenditures," said Mr. Daly yesterday. "My Idea is that, while it will require considerable time in which to get the new machinery working In proper form, that we will be able to save a considerable sum In expenditures without much delay and to increase the efficiency of the depart ments. I am not a man who believes in making a wholesale change in employes; I favor going slow, but I shall insist upon efficiency In every employe. Any man or woman who is efficient need have no fear for his or her position in sofar as I am concerned. My sole ob ject will be to give to the people of Portland the very best that Is in me and to make the first Commission prove the wisdom of the people in adopting It." Robert G. Dieck is a native of Phila delphia and Is of German descent, his lather being the editor of a German newspaper in that city for many years. He Is 38 years old, and a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania en gineering department. He has had much experience In, public affairs, serving successively with tho board of highway engineers and the bureau of filtration in his native city. In 1901 he was sent as one of 20 engineers to the Philip pines as provisional supervisors. Later ho was superintendent of the water supply and sewers In the city of Manila, under a form of government similar to that provided by Portland's charter. From 1905 to 1907 he served as city engineer of Manila, 1n full charge of all Improvements, including water supply, sewerage, garbage collection and dis posal, street cleaning, parks, bridges, roads, streets, building Inspection and plumbing. Mr. Dleck has been a resident of Portland since 1907 and has engaged in private engineering work and as con sulting engineer. His candidacy was first announced by the Oregon Society of Engineers, of which he is a member, and members of that organization were Instrumental In conducting his success ful campaign. "I realize that there will be much important work for the new commis sion to do." said Mr. Dieck last night. "I believe that some of the depart ments will have to be reorganized along business lines so as to expedite business. I want to conduct the busi ness of the city so that the public may, at all times, be advised as to Its rights. A very Important feature Ik tho purchase of (supplies. Much pconomy can be affected along this line., .but It Is Just as important to conserve the city's supplies after the purchases are made. I hope that the Kennett plan of public Improvements an be fitted to the needs of the city and I shall try to work with that end In view. Dieck Civil Service Mid, "I am a full believer In civil serv ice for municipal employes In so far as It protects the worthy and per mits of the dismissal of the unworthy. 1 think no favoritism should be tol erated. "I have heard more or less about vice conditions in Portland, but I don't suppose Portland has been any more successful in treating this prob lem than any of the other cities of the world. I don't think the men know how to handle it. anyway. Re lief will come only through the work of the women. We need their help here. "From what I understand of the new charter all such boards as the Water Board, the Park Board and others are to be abolished. I would favor appointment of a number of boards, such as a health hoard. In an advisory capacity only. They should not be given legislative functions. That work and responsibility belong to the Mayor and the Commissioners. I expect to give up all my private work and devote my entire time to the business of the city. I like public serv- Ice. I aim to make myself a profes- slonal public official. I have a theory that any man can be elected to office merely by presenting to the people his record of past achievement, and my ap parent success In this election seems to have vindicated my theory." C. A. Bigelow has had previous ex perience in public life. He was a mem ber of the 1911 Legislature and served with credit. Two years ago he was appointed a member of Mayor Rush. light's Executive Board, but resigned after a few months on account of press of private business. He Is vice-presl-ient and general manager of W. H. Markell & Co., an -East Side depart ment store. He is a native of Michigan and Is 38 years old. Most of his boy hood was passed in Olympla. Wash., where he was' educated and where he learned the printing trade. Since 1894 he has been a resident of Portland. He entered the employ of the store of which he now is the head as a clerk. His remarkable rise from the ranks is Indicative of his business ability. He Is an active member of the Kast Side Business Men's Club and an ex-presi-aient of that organization. He lives at 104 East Fifteenth street North. Mr. Bigelow realizes the responsl- Ml 'iU'lMl J J I A u - - it- s Tv?i i mi Mil a'L Is - yt " ' .Vc V" " i - ' ' j S-. ,.dt .UL. kJatdi '"' .., " -,"" , i-iT .-r.Mb'n r , n -v 'rri SL - tW. w 1 HI F hhv- fe? ' V. r -v v- -a .1,'. . . .!'. - w -4 'i w . .-.v v . . ... ,ts,' ' .TMorj ' . m an1 km u-wi V ... ...' J-. -: PtACwe COFTPIJf IX HBARsB. 2 KNIGHTS TBMPLABJ, S MASO NIC AND ELKS BAD COMBINED 4 ELKS. bllity that will rest upon the Mayor and 'Commissioners under the new charter, and expresses the intention to devote his entire time and his best efforts to the interests of all the peo ple In administering the affairs of his office. "I expect, as soon as nossible after taking office, to redeem my platform pledges," said Mr. Bigelow, yesterday. "Among the more Important improve ments that I have promised to the citi zens are a municipal lighting- plant and a reduction in the cost of paving. ine lighting plant is most import ant. I don't know yet whether the city should build one of its own or to ac quire one already in existence. Port land needs one, the people want It and I believe the Commission will provide it. My amDition will be to work har moniously with the Mayor and the other Commissioners, but I have not thought particularly of the details of operation. The Mayor-elect and Commissioners- elect will meet tomorrow and I hope that we can arrange to work out an administrative code, so far as is possi ble, before we take office." William L. Brewster is an attorney with a reputation both In the practice of his profession and as a public offi cial. He is 44 years old and a native of Philadelphia. He is a graduate of Am herst College and of the law depart ment of Columbia University. New York. He came to Portland in 1S91 and has engaged in the practice of law ever since. He Is secretary of the Ore gon Bar Association and a director of the Portland Public Library Associa tion. He has been instrumental In the establishment of branch libraries in various parts of-the city. He is also a member of the Oregon Textbook Com mission and devotes much time to that work. For the last three years he has been a director of the Associated Char ities. From 190S to 1811 he was a mem ber of the City Civil Service Commis sion. He always has taken an Interest in municipal affairs. In fact, has been a student of them. W'orklic Bulk Hoacht, "All that w can exnect to acromnlish for the next six months." said Mr. Brewster yesterday, "is routine work and the adjustment of the various city departments to fit the new charter. That will keep ub busy, I am sure. After that I hope that we can take up some of the important problems that Portland now is facing and that It will be required to face in the next few years. "In adjusting ourselves to the new charter I think we will be able to use to advantage much of the Information and many of the suggestions given us by the experts or the municipal re search bureau that recently conducted a survey of the city'a affairs. "We ought to reduce the city's busi ness, as far as possible, to a working basis. I hope that under the new ad ministration the public will take a re newed Interest in civic affairs. I hope that the people of Portland will com often to the City Hall and become ac quainted with the workings of their government. "My understanding of the new char ter Is that all such boards as the Water Board and the Park Board will be abolished and their work taken over by the Commission. It may be some time before we can relieve these boards of their duties, however." LAST RITES SAID Late George F. Robertson Honored by Associates. MASONS CONDUCT FUNERAL Elks, Knights Templars and Other Masonic Members and Business Men Escort Body Floral Tributes Are Many. Knights Templars and other Masons, Elks and many former business asso ciates yesterday afternoon formed the funeral procession of George F. Rob ertson, manager of Blake-McFall Pa per Company, who died Sunday, and escorted the hearse containing the body through Portland streets. A band, composed of members of both the Shrlners' and Elks' bands, played at the head of the cortege. The services in the Masonic Temple were under the auspices of Oregon Commandery, Knights Templars, and those following at the Crematorium were in charge of Columbia Masonic Lodge, of which Mr. Robertson bad been treasurer. A large concourse of friends, fraternal brothers and asso ciates filled the ball Many beautiful floral tributes surrounded the bier. The ritualistic service of the Knights Templars was performed by Hopkln Jenkins, eminent commander, assist ed by R. A. Miller, prelate, and the Rev. Dr. Benjamin Toung, pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal Church. Mrs. H. Hutchinson and a male quar tet sang. The active pallbearers were: J. R. Rodgers. Alexander G. Riddell, T. H. Hutchinson, F. A. Freeman. William Davis, C. F. Wlegand, Walter Gadsby and Joseph McClelland. The honor ary pallbearers were: John F. Logan, George L, Baker, Thomas Maguire, James Cormack, O. W. Mlelke. Frank Dunham, F. T. Griffith and J. W. P. McFalL ITALIAN EDITOR IN COURT Kellow-Ountryman Charges Slander - and light Hollows. Municipal Court yesterday furnished the setting for a settlement of trouble between F. Moraca, an Italian former ly employed by the Arlington Club, and R. E. Romans, publisher of an Italian newspaper, who appeared against each other following a. fight begun in Ro mana's office. CBS. Wood appeared for Moraca and Judge W. H. Bard for Romana. F. W. Mulkey and W. D. Wheelwrigut testified as to the good character of Moraca, and when the case was put in the hands of the Jury a verdict of not guilty was quickly reached. Moraca charged that Romana had slandered him without cause in his pa per. and that he went to his office to have the statements retracted and that a fight took place, whereupon each made complaint against the other. PARK FORCE TO BE CUT Ifo Additional Projiert y Can Be Pur chased. This Tear, The defeat at the city election of the proposed park bond Issue of $2, 000,000 will necessitate the elimination within a few days of a surveying party and a number of other employes of the city Park Department. It had been planned to keep all the present employes and to secure others If the bond issue carried. The fund has been exhausted by the purchase of land ' for the Terwilliger Boulevard and equipment for play grounds. It will not be possible this year to acquire any additional prop erty. Dentists' Referendum Pushed. SALEM, Or., Juie 4. (SpeclaL) Cir cuit Judge Galloway will hear argu ment Friday In the suit of W. T. Slat ten against Secretary of State Olcott, the plaintiff seeking to compel the sec retary to accent the petitions to refer the bill relating to the regulation of tne practice of dentistry. Mr. Olcott refused to file the petitions on the ground that they were not regular. They did not contain a copy of the law, as is provided, but only contained the caption. Attorneys for Slatten declare that the circulators of the petitions carried copies of the law with them to show to the signers. ROSE FESTIVAL- WEEK SEVEN ISSUES, INCLrDINQ POSTAGE, 20 CENTS. Mail to your friends in the Base The Oregonlan during Rose Festival week, beginning Mon day, June 8, and ending with the great Sunday edition, June 15. , Complete and exhaustive re ports with numerous high-class half-toned Illustrations will be featured daily. . The Portland Annual Rose Fes tival has been widely advertised throughout the United States, and no more attractive testi monial to your friends could be given than a subscription to Oregon's great dally during the event. Orders given now at the busi ness office or sent by mall to The Oregonlan will receive prompt and careful attention. Subscription price ' for the en tire week, including postage, is 20 cents. $375K fWI- $6 New Mi I Imtt- Cash tor5 f '?,Hrfflw BalanCe The Best Piano Proposition Ever Offered This Is the opportunity for every home that wants a good piano that ought to have a nuui ni.n i. the time to be prompt. The 40 per oent saving dispels indecision. 8 avo a eoo1 P1"" now is These pianos will sell fast, so come prepared to make a deposit. Round-trin railroad tar. fm .r,-K-the state refunded to out-of-town purchasers ounu trip railroad tare from anywhere in Don't hesitate, don't wait; come tomorrow to secure first choice. Free. 100 niece of muslo nt tvi. i.,i. selection Included with every piano during this sale. 1 " Pieces or music or the Eclipse Graves Music Co., Ill Fourth Street CODE BEING DRAWN City Attorney Preparing for Change of Government. REVISION TO BE COMPLETE Many Alterations Will Bo Necessary in Operation of Various Depart ments and Some Employes May He Dismissed. To make it possible for the city com mission to take over the city govern ment July 1 and immediately g-et everything- into working order. City Attor ney Grant yesterday beg-an the prep aration of a complete administrative code. He will complete this by the end of the week preparatory to its submission to Mayor Albee and the members of the commission. The code will outline the five depart ments of the city government, giving the various city departments to be in cluded under each head and outlining the procedure in both the administra tive and executive work of the com mission as a whole. The code will be subject to any change desired by the commission. It is tho object of Mr. Grant to get the code worked up in such manner that there will be no hitch in munici pal affairs because of the change of government. To do this will require a great deal of work, it is declared, owing to the fact that the entire book keeping, acocunting and record system of the city will have to be changed and the power now vested in various boards and commissions will be shifted to the commission. Charter Provisions Cited. The provision of the charter under which all the changes will be made and under which Mr. Grant is working is as follows: A complete code providing: for the ad ministration of the powers and duties of the different departments and for their organi zation shall be enacted by the Commission ers as soon as possible after their election. Such code shall provide for a uniform stand ard for tne purchase of materials and sup plies and shall provide a purchasing agent, not under civil service rules to Inspect and test the duality and auantlty of tha mate rials and supplies purchased and determine their exact conformity to specifications. Pro vision shall be made for the transfer of em ployes from one department to another. Methods shall be devised for the publica tion of charts or diagrams showing; the fi nancial condition, growth, receipts and ex penditures of the different departments. These publications shall be made at least every six months and shall be so published as to trlve a. comparison of the condition at such period with that at a prior period. Each department shall keep time reports and cost data and efficiency records of its em ployes, which shall be made the basis of promotions and Increase of salary. Methods shall be provided for by which the heads of departments may determine and compare the work accomplished by the department with reference to its expenditure. A defi nite system of accounting shall be provided for each department showing: the work per formed and the material furnished com pared with the cost thereof so itemized that it can be determined whether each depart ment is becoming; more efficient or less effi cient. All stores and supplies of the city shall be properly housed, segregated and tabulated and a perpetual inventory kept showing- the additions and depletions there of. Each department shall keep time re ports, time records and reports of expenses to be compared with the prior month and prior year, which shall show percentage of increase or decrease and shall also keep stores and material accounts for like com parison. Employes to Be Transferred. Many changes will have to be made In the operation of the various city departments. This may occasion the shifting of employes. One important change which is expected is the shift ing of the financial part of the Water Department to the office of the city treasurer. This will occasion the shift ing of employes. Another change which may be made is by placing the engineering part of the Water Depart ment in the department of City En gineering. This also will make a dif ference in the personnel of both de partments. A number of changes will be made In the City Auditor's office, and there Is a likelihood of an oversupply of em ployes. Under the present system of government. Deputy City Auditors serve as clerks of Boards and Com missions. These having been wiped out by the commission charter, the work along this line will be reduced. ADMEN ARE AFTER FAKES "Printers' Ink" Ordinance Covering Deceptive Advertising Effective. Owing- to the crowded condition In the Circuit Courts, which caused delay in bringing- to trial the indictments se cured by the Portland Ad Club against fraudulent advertisers, the Ad Club ha5 secured the passage of what is called the "'printers' ink law" as an ordinance of the City of Portland. This ordinance will become effective June 19 and there by will make it possible for much of Low Rates East VTA Rock Island Lines May 28th TO September 30th - Inclusive Return Limit October 31, 1913 The Route of the De Luxe Rocky Mountain Limited By purchasing your tickets at our office, you have your choice of any line out of Portland. Special attention to women and children traveling alone. Tickets, Reservations, Information, Etc, M. J. GEARY, General Affent Passensrer Department. 364 Stark St., Portland, Oregon Phonea Main 334, Home A 2666 the campaign aga-inst fraudulent adver tising to be handled by the city courts. The Sprinters' ink" ordinance covers every phase of advertising that is in tended to mislead the buyer and Is not confined to newspaper advertisement, but covers books, handbills, posters, circulars, pamphlets and letters. The ordinance applies, no matter what it may be that is offered for sale, whether merchandise, service, securities or anything- else. If the advertisement con- For Dyspepsia . If you suffer Stomach Trouble, and you try our rmadjr, it won't coat you a cant if it fails. To prov to you that Indipwtioo and dyspepsia can be thoroughly re lieved and that Rczall Dyspepsia Tablets will do it, w. will furnish the medicin. absolutely free if it fails to gire you satisfaction. Th. remarkable success of RexaH Dyspepsia Tablets is due to the hica desre. of scientifie skill used in de vising their formula as well as to the ears exercised in their manufacture, whereby ths well-known properties of Bismuth-flubnitrate and Pepsin have been properly combined with Carminatives and other agents. Bismuth-Subnitrate and Pepsin are constantly employed and recog nised by the entire medical profes sion as invaluable in the treatment of indigestion and dyspepsia. Their roper combination makes a remedy ivaluable for stomach relief. We are so certain that there is nothing: so good for stomach ills as Rexail Dyspepsia Tablets that we urge you to try them at our risk. Thrw eises, 25 eenta. 60 cents, and S1.00. . Ho can buy Rexail -93" Hair Tonic In this community only at ' THE OWL DRUG CO. Portland. Ore. tores In Portland, Seattle, Spokane, Basj Francisco, Oakland, Los Angeles and Sacramento. Then Is a Rexail Store in nearly every tows and oity in tbm United States, Csnsda sad Greet Britain. There is . different Rexail Remedy for nearly every ordinary ausua ill eanh eapacially deeiamea for lb. pajtioulax ill Cor which It im reoommenrierl. The Ksatall Stores are America's ViaTas Dnu Store 2T1 They are FowneS KID FITTING SILK GLOVES that's all you need to know about a glove V Monthly tains deceptive or misleading- state ments. The penalty attached for viola tion of the ordinance Is a fine of not lees than $10 nor more than $50, or imprisonment in the municipal jail not exceeding- 20 days, or both fine and im prisonment. WOMAN IN TERRIBLE STATE Finds Help in Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. Bellevne, Ohio. "I was in a terrible state before I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable) Com- Ff' achednntil I thought r ft it- - it would break. I had pains all over me, nervous feelings and periodic troubles. I was very weak and run down and was losing hope of ever being well and strong. After taking- Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound I improved rapidly and today am a well woman. I cannot tell you how happy I feel and I cannot say too much for your Compound. . "Would not be without it in the house if St cost three times the amount." Mrs. Chas. Chapman, K. F. D. No. 7, Belle vue, Ohio. Because your case is a difficult one doctors having done you no good, do not continue to suffer without giving Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound trial. It surely has remedied many cases of female ills, such as inflamma tion, ulceration, displacements, tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, and it may be exactly what you need. The Ptnkham record is a proud and peerless one. It is a record of constant victory over the obstinate ills Of woman ills that deal out despair. It is an es tablished fact that Lydia E.' Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has restored health to thousands of such suffering women. Why don't you try it if you need such a medicine? S g 7