Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 05, 1913, Page 11, Image 11

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Printing Room Main 707. A 05
City Circulation Main 7070. A 6095
Managing Editor Main 7070. A 6095
Sunday Editor .Main 7070. A 6095
Composing Room Main 7070. A 6095
Superintendent Building-- .Main 7070. A 6095
HEIXio THEATER (Eleventh and Morrl
aon) Xazlmova in the play "Bella Don
na." Tonight at 8:15.
ORPHEl'M THEATER (Broadway and Tay
lor) Vaudeville. Thia afternoon at 2:15
and tonlKht t 8:15.
BAKEft THEATER (Broadway and Morri
iun street) Baker players In 'The Wolf."
Tonight at 8:15-
PANTAfSES THEATER (Broadway and Al
der) Vaudeville. This afternoon at 2:15
and tonight at 7:30 and 9.
EMPRESS THEATER (Broadway and Yam
hill) Vaudeville. This afternoon at 2:15
and tonight at 7:30 and 9.
LYRIC THEATER (Fourth and Stark)
Musical comedy. "Wlshland." This
afternoon at 2:16 and tonight at (:20 to
10:45 o'clock.
tures. 11 A. M. to 12 P. M.
GLOBE THEATER (Eleventh and Wash
ington) Continuous first-ran motion pic
tures. OAKS AMUSEMENT PARK (cars from
First and Alder) Royal Italian Band and
vaudeville. Afternoons at 2:30; evenings
at 6 p. M.
RECREATION PARK (Twenty-fourth and
Vaughn) Baseball. Portland vs. Oak
land. This afternoon at 3:15.
I'ubucitt Man to Leave. C. H.
Williams, of the publicity department
of the Promotion Bureau of the Port
land. Commercial Club, has resigned
from his position and will go to Van
couver, B. C, to take the position of
secretary of the Bulkley Valley De
velopment Association. Mr. Williams'
restoration becomes effective Saturday
ami he leaves on June 15 for Vancouver.
Bulkley Valley Is situated In British
Columbia in the district into which the
Grand Trunk Railroad is buildinsr ex
tensively. Before taking the position
with the Commercial Club four years
ago, Mr. Williams was a reporter for
The Oregonian.
Bot Gets $6700 . Damages. Balfe
Robertson, a minor suing through a
guardian ad litem, obtained a settle
ment of $6700 in his personal injury
suit against the Columbia Contract
Company for the loss of an arm in
Circuit Judge Morrow's court yester
day. The settlement was made after
the plaintiff's testimony was before
the Jury. The evidence showed that a
loose bolt hit the boy in the arm as he
was dumping a wagon and that as a
result a disease developed which made
amputation of the arm necessary.
Strong medical testimony was produced
in his behalf.
Veterans to Bb Banqueted. The
Association of Sons and Daughters of
the Northwest Indian War Veterans are
preparing to give a banquet in honor
of the veterans at noon Wednesday,
June 18, on the occasion of the grand
encampment of the Indian War vet
erans of the North Pacific Coast, which
will be held at the Woodmen of the
World Hall, at Eleventh and Alder
streets. Mrs. K. L. Benedict, president
of the Association of Sons and Daugh
ters of Veterans, heads the committee
on preparation. Otto Kleeman is grand
adjutant of the Indian War Veterans.
"Bible Boosters" to Entertain.
One of the largest Sunday school
'lasses in Portland is known as the
Busy Bible Boosters of the Union-Avenue
Methodist Church. From an enroll
ment of 18 in September the class has
srown to an enrollment of 102 at the
present time. The boosters will give
their first annual entertainment in
the church tomorrow night at 8
o'clock. The programme is expected to
be of unusual interest and the public
is cordially invited. No admission will
be charged.
Total Abstinence! Essays to Be Read.
Tomorrow at 3:30 P. M. at Lincoln
Hisrh School auditorium, students from
Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln high
schools will read the prize essays writ
ten for the recent contest planned by
the "Women's Christian Temperance
1'nion. The subject is "The Value of
Total Abstinence to a Life." Mrs. Fred
Olb-on will sing. The public is in
The Portland Psychology Club will
meet today in the auditorium of the
Kast Side Library at 3 P. M., Miss Eaton
will lecture on "Thought Power: Its
Control and Culture." This Is the last
meeting of the year. The combined
reading circles will continue their
studies at their beach clubhouse at
Mrs. SuTcurra's Will Filed. Hamer
Sutcliffe, husband, and Mary Rosetta
Viggers, a daughter, are the heirs under
the will of Mrs. Sarah L. Sutcliffe,
who died In Los Angeles, April 29. leav
ing real estate in Garrison's Addition,
Portland, of the value of $(5000 and
personal property. The daughter re
ceived $5 and Mr. Sutcliffe the residue.
Literary Meetino Is Today. The
current literature department of the
Portland Woman's Club will meet this
afternoon at 2 o'clock, at the home of
Mrs. Thomas Moffett, 875 Northrup
street. Mrs. James W. Tlfft, Mrs. D. A.
Watters and Mrs. C. M. Hoeber will read
"The Girl of the Limberlost."
Professor Torrkt to Lecture. The
biology department of the Portland
Woman's Club will meet tomorrow
afternoon at 3 o'clock, in Women of
Woodcraft Hall. Professor H. B. Torrey
wlll lecture, on "The Assimilation of
the .Mien." . .. . -..
Will, of John R. Slavin Filed.
Kmma E. Slavin. widow, and Clyde Ross
Slavin. minor son, are heirs to real
estate of the value of $10,000 left by
John R. Slavin, who died intestate
June 2. Mrs. Slavin has been appointed
River Ride to Vancouver, Wash.
See the Willamette and Columbia rivers
during the flood. Fast steamer Ameri
ca leaves Alder-street dock every Sun
day at 11 A. M. and 2:30 P. M. Return
ing leaves Vancouver, 12:45 P. M-, :15
P. M. Fare. 25 cents.
Father Is Beneficiary. John Nis
sen, father of Arthur Nissen, who died
M' 30, is sole heir to an estate of
$3220.66 left by his son. He was ap
pointed administrator yesterday by
Probate Judge Cleeton.
For Sale. A 46-horsepower, 550-volt,
Crocker-Wheeler motor, complete with
standard blade starter, no voltage re
lease and 75-ampere over-load I-T-E
circuit break. In A-l condition. Ad
dress room 203 Oregonian bide.
For Sals. One 125-volt. direct
current generator, complete with field
rheostat, ammeter and circuit breaker.
This machine ts in good repair. Ad
dress room 203 Oregonian bldg.
For Sale. A 40-K. W, 600-volt.
Crocker-Wheeler generator, complete
with field rheostat and circuit breaker,
in good condition. Address room 203
Oregonian bldg.
. Michigan Men to Meet. The
regular monthly luncheon of the Uni
versity of Michigan Alumni Association
will be held today at 12:15 in the
Oregon Grill.
For Rent. Near Seaview, Wash..
Iarge house facing the ocean, suitable
for two families: rent, $400 for the sea
son. Phone Main 951. "
Dr. J. L. Hewitt, moved to 509-10
Broadway building, Broadway and Mor
Webb Cottage, Seaside, Or., for rent,
reason, 8 rooms; completely furnished.
r ine location. Kast 1619.
Dr. Banner R. Brooks removed to
902 Broadway bldg. Phones: Marshall
32, A 3143.
Dr. J. W. Morrow has returned from
turope: office Oregonian bldg. "
Dr. Leo Ricen moved to S09-314
Broadway bldg. ,
Dr. e. 1 1. Anthony moved to 309-314
Broadway tld&.
Dr. Swain, dentist; experience, Europe
and Portland, many years. S16 Dekum.
One-Fourtk less for diamonds at
Aronson'a removal sale, 294 Wash. st.
Fire Apparatus Case in Court. Cir
cuit Judge Hamilton, who Is here from
Roseburg to assist In cleaning up the
Circuit Court docket, yesterday heard
testimony and argument In the case of
D. R. Young against the City of Port
land and others, a suit to enjoin the
city from paying for fire apparatus pur
chased last Summer from the American
La France Fire Engine Company. Judge
Hamilton has taken the case under ad
visement. The plaintiff, suing In his
capacity as a taxpayer, charges that
there waa Juggling by the city admin
istration which led to the American-La
France Company getting an advantage
over competitors and to a higher price
being paid for equipment than should
have been paid.
Mrs. Coburn'b Estate $14.000. An
estate of the approximate value of $14.
000 left by Catherine Coburn, who died
last week intestate, will be divided In
equal shares among Ada Coburn
Hawkins, daughter, residing near Van
couver, Wash., and Dennis C. Pillsbury
and Jean C. Slauson, grandchildren who
resided with Mrs. Coburn at the family
residence, 684 Wasco street. They are
the children of Camilla Pillsbury and
Agnes Slauson, deceased daughters of
Mrs. Coburn. The estate consists of the
residence and about $10,000 in .notes,
cash and mortgages. DenniB C. "Pills
bury has been appointed administrator
at the request of the other heirs.
Saloonmen to Test Ruuno. By an
arrangement made yesterday with City
Attorney Grant saloon interests of the
city are going to test out in the courts
the question of selling lunches In con
nection with drinks. The arrangement
is the result of a dispute over the rights
of saloons to sell foods without paying
a regular restaurant license fee. City
Attorney Grant has contended that the
sale of food Is against the law while
the saloons declare that they are within
their rights. Arrangements have been
made for the arrest of one of the
saloonkeepers for the purpose of con
ducting a test of the question.
Flower Day Commemorated. At the
meeting of the Mount Scott Women's
Christian Union at the home of Mrs.
O. E. Lents, at Lents, Tuesday, the
memory of Miss Jennie Cassiday,
founder of flower missionary work, was
commemorated. Mrs. Ella Fankhauser,
superintendent of the flower mission
work, read a paper outlining the work
of Miss Cassiday and the purpose of
flower missions. Mrs. L. H. Additon,
Mrs. J. A. Dunbar and others spoke on
flower missions. Mrs. B. B. Clark, of
North Bend, Or., was a visitor and
made a short talk. Refreshments were
served by Mrs. Lents.
District Attorney Turns Teacher.
For a short time yesterday District At
torney Evans resumed his old profes
sion of teacher. In which he was en
gaged before entering the law. but in
this instance his pupils were a score of
attractive young women who are about
to take a county examination lor ad
mission as teachers and they called on
Mr. Evans to ask if he would kindly
instruct them In the duties of his office
and of the State Circuit Court. The
District Attorney gave them m hour of
his time. Later they went to Judse
McGinn's courtroom where they passed
some time liatening to a trial.
C. Williams, of 762 Thurman street, and
Frank Carthy, of Salem, pleaded guilty
to aiding and abetting a cocKngnt at
Woodburn Tuesday, when a second Jury
had been summoned to hear their case.
They were fined $1 and costs amount
ing to $44.85 by Justice Hayes yester
day. The first Jury disagreed and
another was summoned Immediately.
Henry Hunt, the third man arrested in
a raid near Broadacres proved an alibi.
The case was instituted by -J. E.
Rudersdorf, manager of the Oregon
Humane Society.
Waverly-Richmond Club Reorgan
ized. The Waverly-Richmond Improve
ment Club was reorganized at a meet
ing Tuesday night, held in the Con
gregational Church, corner of East
Thirty-fourth and Ellsworth streets.
There was a large attendance. Officers
for the ensuing year were elected and
a number of important committees ap
pointed. The new officers are: Presi
dent, Norman C. Thome; vice-president.
William C. Leslie; secretary and treas
urer. Herbert R. Dewart The club will
hold regular meetings on the first Tues
day of each month.
Board Holds Last Meeting. The
first board under the present city gov
ernment to finish its work preparatory
to turning over the reins to the new
city commission is the Municipal Free
Employment Bureau Board, which held
its last meeting yesterday. After trans
acting some business of a routine
nature the Board adjourned sine die.
The bureau, comprising three members
of the City Council, has had direct
charge of the free employment bureau
maintained on Second street for the
benefit of laborers seeking work.
Mission Circle to Meet. The month
ly literary meeting of the Florence
Mead Mission Circle of the Unlversalist
Church will be held today at 2:15 P. M.
at the home of Mrs. C. W. Ertz 1673
East Yamhill street. Mount Tabor. The
paper will be presented by Mrs. Ellis
McLean, whose topic will be "What
Universallsm Has Accomplished
Through Its Missions in Japan." The
hostesses will be Mrs. C. W. Ertz and
Mrs. N. J. Lottritz. All Interested will
be welcome.
Wolverines Plan Trip. The Wolv
erines' will meet at Powell Valley Road
and Fiftieth street Friday night at 8
o'clock and go to the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Luce. 6227 Forty-third
street, between Fifty-second and Fifty
third avenues. On Sunday. June 8 they
will meet at Second and Stark streets,
at 2:45 P. M. and will take the Linnton
car to gather foliage for use in decorat
ing the Wolverine car In the automo
bile parade June 11.
Mbagher Is Acquitted. Del V.
Meagher was found not guilty In Circuit
Judge Kavanaugh s court yesterday on
an Indictment charging the commission
of an indecent and immoral act- There
are still two indictments pending
ascainst him and from the District At
torney's office comes the statement that
he will be brought to trial on them. He
has been In the County Jail several
months in default of bond.
Window Washer Falls. Chris Lar-
sen. a window washer employed by the
Globe Theater. Eleventh and Washing
ton street, fell from a second story
window yesterday afternoon and landed
in thA street, receiving a serious in-
iurv to his back. Larsen was removed
to Good Samaritan Hospital. w. r.
Spencer, of 765 Division street, was
walking below the w.ndow and the man
fell at his feet
Expansion to Be Discussed. 'Trade
expansion" will be the theme of the
speeches at the meeting or tne rrosres
aiva Business Men's ciuo at Tne aiuix
nomah Hotel today. A. H. Devers will
talk, on "Reciprocity in Trade Between
Portland and South American Ports."
C. S. Samuel will be chairman of the
day. -
Artisans to Have barbecue. xne
ITnited ArtiBans will be entertained
with a barbacue by the Piedmont As
semble of Albina and jiuungswortn
avenues next Tuesday afternoon at
Council Crest- The affair is In honor
of the Golden Gate Cadets who will
come from California.
Mrs. Kerr to Speak. Mrs. Mabel
Kerr, member School Board, will speak
at the Mothers' Circle Council at cre-
ton school this afternoon at the an
nual session which will be held.
Dr. S. M. Gkllert has returned; Tooms
516-517 Broadway bldg.
W. J. McMillan, dentist, moved to
seventh floor Broadway bldg.
Mount Hood auto stage. Main 2456.
Mount Hood auto stage. East 162.
We wish to extend our sincere
thanks and appreciation to our many
friends who assisted us with words ol
sympathy and acts of kindness, and
also for the many beautiful floral trib
utes received during the illness and
death of our son and brother. S. H.
Marsh and f amily, Aiuwauaie. ur.
Milton Margulis Has Strong
Lead for Mayoralty.
To Date 12,319 Votes Are Cast, Giv.
ius Returns or $123.19, to Be
Devoted to Adding Equip
ment at Xewsboys' Home.
"If you don't know what the Junior
City Government Is, or what It stands
for, you ought to make it your busi
ness to find out. Every man or woman
who is interested in the growing boys
and girls of the city should be interest
ed in the Junior government."
This is the emphatic statement of
Dorr E. Keasey, president of the News
boys' Home Association, and friend and
confidential advisor of all the hustling
newsies" in the city. Mr. Keasey has
given the newsboys Junior government
headquarters in his offices on the sec
ond floor of the Chamber of Commerce
building, and his sister Mrs. G. J.
Frankel. assisted by Miss Mae Ross,
is in charge, receiving the reports of
the enthusiastic boy and girl candi
dates and attendirrg to the numerous
details Of elootinn ... V, i ..1, v. ,
--- . " OTlll lit) Kept
open until Saturday night. Votes are
a penny eacn and the receipts will go
to the general fund of the Newsboys'
Since the "grown-ups" have now
elected their Mayor and four Commis
sioners, the two dozen boy and girl
candidates for Junior government of
fices now have a clear field and are
waging a "whirlwind campaign." The
second count, taken last night, resulted
in a total of 12,319 votes and brought
In $123.19 to be devoted to the pur
chase of new equipment for the news
boys clubhouse. Alice Campbell, aged
15, leads the list of candidates for
commissioner with 1543 votes, and
Henry Pander, Indorsed by the Jewish
, . second, with 1097 votes.
Milton Margulis Is in the lead for
Mayor with 4408 votes, Clair Kidd be-
'"S secona witn 1407 votes. Ballot
boxes Will . be nn.l. . ,
down-town DOinta SnA in aK..... - :
tricts today, and the Juvenile campaign
will be the all-absorbing thing for the
candidates and their friends the rest
A" the "newsies" on
behalf of their beloved clubhouse are
boosting" hard to rouse interest In
the election and several of them are
ui ior oince.
The first COlint- t'l.n T" . . .1 . ,. .
of the 24 candidates, is reported bv
rs. c J. Frankel as follows:
Mlltnn V ....II. c i. .. . . . . . .
Clair Kidd, Failing School Ma?
, , , -"- .Neignoornooa House "0 1
SeLen.9ulnn' I-add School 56
Bud Thompson ?
Vn -....., ...j DO
Andrew Young. Wlllsburg- School.
, . , . . . -......... . i. w--,n-j.u t-uL nowsDoy.
G- Mclary, Lincoln High School.
A lira, rnmhaii T J J c, . -
Henry Pander. Jewish Boys' Club
' " ".i-"' , xuuepenaeni. ....... . 870
el5e!;. Fa"'n School 396
RaJph R. Holzman. "South" "Portland VrV.." "" 829
-oiiina, arista School 639
cmaieiii, ino.epeno.ent. ....... . fli
uesier uood. waning School tg
..w iciiuriea
William W ..7 ,- II ..i I . .
'.I' . ..u,ia.uiy OCnOOI.
'Jennings Dletz. Couch School.
MM1BH. inaepenaeni newsDoy.
Earl R. RMdwIn I.lnruiln Vi-l. ttll .
Al ("'Ichey") Schllt. Lincoln TJI-), '
joo ecnnitzer. Falling School..... 614
Joe Welnsteln, Independent ......... 81
Total 12,
Council Proposes to Suspend Permit
Requirement for Festival.
AJthoUcrh thura la a ) ' ) ! ..
" o. - . ,7 UAUluaUi.C
requiring the payment of a fee to the
CitV for a Tiirmil . r .. I.. . : 1 . :
its provisions are to be set aside for
the Rose Festival. The ways and means
committee of the City Council yester
day prepared and signed a resolution
"""""5 me exemption or tne Festival
week from the provisions of the ordi
nance. The resolution has a sufficient
number of signatures to make It effec
tive. Tt Will Ka aslnr 1 .
Council meeting.
A number of persons complained be
cause the building Inspector was de
manding payment of the fee. Members
of the committee were of the opinion
inat tne city snouid help pay for dec
orating rather than place a penalty
Mayor and Maguire Make Up.
After A bitter titrn Katnraan TIT
liuBhliht and Councilman Maguire
during the campaign leading up to the
city election, peace was declared yes
terday and the two MhnnU i. .. . . i- -
City Hall. Mr. Maguire made a num-
oer or accusations against the Mayor
This Ad Is Addressed to You
Whether you have an-account with us, or are contemplating
opening one. At this store, the right goods, right prices, right
weights, right measures, right service; these we emphasize as
first things to make it an object to you to open an account with
us, if you have not already done so.
"The Store of Quality."
Portlajid's Oldest ajid Best Grocers
148 Third Street A 4432, Main 9432
Snider 's Catsup, regularly 25c a bottle 20
Mammoth Canned Asparagus, regularly 40c a tin .!!1!30
Canned French Mushroom Buttons, regularly 35c a tin 30
Macedoine, Mixed Vegetables, regularly 3ac a tin 35
Canned German Carrots, "Midgets," regularly 35c a tin..30
. Pin Money Pickles, regularly 40c, pints . ...35
Huntley & Palmer's Arrowroot Crackers, Reg. 25c pkg 20
Dubonet Cocktails, regularly $1.50 a bottle $1.35
Vermouth,. Manhatten and Martini Cocktails, full quarts, Jeffer
son brand, bottle $1.00
All local and Eastern Beer at brewery prices.
Mammoth Ripe Olives in pint and quart glass jars.
Educator Crackers in all sizes and assortment. J
Assorted Sugar Wafers in tins, per tin 50
Virgin Rice in 2V--lb. and 5-lb. sacks, each 35 and
Bezier's Boneless Sardines, three cans for Sj1.00
Imported White Creme de Menthe, pints.
offers the "appetizing character" for. your Sunday outing. Wo
pickle, cook and offer only the market's most careful selection.
Call here before choosing. We will please you, we are sure.
"Special Messenger Service"
There is a chance of the
title to your home being
That chance may mean
endless litigation and the
possible loss of yonr home.
Secure a Guaranteed Cer
tificate of Title now and
be safe. Investigate. Call
for booklet. Title & Trust
Company, 4th and Oak Sts.
Snil 1 tr t- him 4n olmna .m-
during the campaign. The Mayor in
....... II X . .i . . , ,
eo-vo .hi . juaKuiio iew u u l snots.
Served at tne Holtz Store.
Daily from 11 A. M. to 6 P. M. Best
foods, quick service, low prices. Try
it today. "Holtz" Corner,' Fifth and
Washington, Sth-street entrance, direct
to restaurant.
The biggest and best 25-cent mer
chants' lunch in the city served dailv
at the New Republic Grille, corner Park
and Morrison, upstairs. Chinese and
American dishes of the better kind.
Breakfast Social Fete.
LA GHANDE, Or., June 4. (Special.)
The Neighborhood Club established
a new. precedent In La Grande Tuesday
when an early breakfast was served to
more than 60 of the members at the
home of Mrs. P. A. McDonald. 1606
Second street After breakfast speeches
were delivered by the women, there
being no men present at the function.
It was noon before the addresses ended.
Mrs. F. S. Ivanhoe acted as toast
to Be
of His
Examination Free
rower Stump Puller at Capitol Hill
Or., Oregon Electric Line, Friday, Sat
urday and Sunday, June 6. 7 and 8
Hotel Hoyl, Portland.
Charming "White Suits
for Rose Show "Wear
OUR showing of beautiful White Suits is at its height right now !
At $25.00 we have a number of pretty models plain tailored and
semi-fancy that embody splendid style and workmanship. One
of white serge has shawl collar, inlaid in white moire. A plain
tailored, 3-button cutaway, is very distinctive. Another fetching
style is of white Bedford, with black stripe. We 're certain you can
do no better anywhere.
at $25.00
Other White Suits in plain tailored, fancy and Balkan styles all
fabrics all the new features, 20.00 to S45.00.
"Always Showing Something "New
exclaimed a lady yesterday as she looked at a stunning new White
Moire Coat just in from New York. It has the new mandarin
sleeves, draped back, caught with self-buttons; black velvet collar.
Other White Coats equally new and distinctive $20 and upwards.
Beautiful Showing
Our Liberal Credit Policy is for YOU! Why not open an account today?
The Big
Portland's Largest Stock of
Masonic Emblems
The Masonic Convention, soon to convene, makes apropos our '
mention of Masonic emblems, charms and buttons in surprising
variety from ones of simplicity to the handsomely engraved and
jeweled styles of elaborate design.
Stock Being Closed Out at Removal
Sale Prices
Barring contract goods, our entire stock is being closed out at
prices unusual, indeed, for merchandise of such high character
and individuality. Diamonds, watches,, jewelry, cut glass, sterling
silver, art goods, bronzes and clocks await you here at prices
dangerously close to cost.
Established 18S8
283-285 Washington St.
Acting under authority of the United States Court, sealed bids
will be opened by the undersigned on Friday, June 6, at 10 o'clock
A. M., for the stock and fixtures of the firm of I. Gevurtz & Sons,
bankrupt, contained in the building at the southeast corner of
Fifth and Alder streets, this city.
Bids will be considered for the stock, either as a whole or in
segregated portions as stated below. Inventories and goods may
be examined at the building between 9 A. M. and 5 P. M.
The following described goods are offered :
Furniture Stock
Drapery Stock
Carpet Stock
Hardware and Crockery Stock
Jewelry and Cut Glass Stock
Clothing, Furnishings and Shoe Stock
Also two auto trucks and one runabout, several valuable lease
holds and apartment-houses are offered.
Bids on cash basis only will be considered.
The right is reserved to reject any and all bids.
Bids should be addressed to
Trustees of Estate of I. Gevurtz & Sons, in Bankruptcy.
Fifth and Alder Streets. Portland. Or.
essential in good glasses are good
vision, comfort, appearance.
The most conspicuous article
one wears is Eye Glasses. How
essential that they should add
to one's attractiveness.
We fit attractive Glasses at a
price within reason.
Lenses Sphero in your own
frame $1.00
Lenses Sphero In Alum.
frame 91.50
Lenses Sphero in gold filled
frame 13.50
Lenses Sphero (curved) In
G. F. Eye Glass Mtg $5.00
Kryptok Lenses. . .$8.00 to $15.00
When 12 o'clock comes around, drop up
to the Imperial Grill and take luncheon
there, with the leading business men of
Portland, who have found out that it
pays to pause for a moment in the
middle of the day and . let a change of
atmosphere freshen them for a better
afternoon's work.
Luncheon fifty cents.
the Newest, Visit the Eastern"
of Summer Millinery for Rose
for Brown Trading Stamps
Between Fourth and Fifth Sts.
162 First Street
Aear Morrison. Portland, Oregon.
" 1 " -
Carnival Wear.
at Tenth
Teachers' Examination
Notice is hereby given that the
School Superintendent of Multnomah
County will hold an examination for
applicants for state and county papers
at Lownsdale school building (old Lin
coln High), at Fourteenth and Morri
son streets, as follows:
For Static Papers.
Commencing Wednesday. June 18.
1913 at 9 o'clock A. M. and continuing
until Saturday, June 21. 1913. at 4 P.M.
Wednesday Forenoon.
Writing, U. S. history, physiology.
Wednesday Afternoon.
Physical geography, reading, compo
sition, methods in reading, methods in
Thursday Forenoon.
Arithmetic, history of education,
psychology, methods In geography.
Thursday Afternoon.
Grammar, geography. American liter
ature, physics, methods in language,
thesis for primary certificate.
Friday Forenoon.
Theory and practice, orthography.
English literature, chemistry.
Friday Afternoon,
School law, botany, algebra, civil
Saturday Forenoon.
Geometry, geology.
Saturday Afternoon.
General history, bookkeeping.
Primary Theses.
l from which to choose for a primary
' tiiesis: (a) What should be taught in
tne primary grades that Is not found
in books? (b) Home geography in the
primary grades, (c) The use of phonics
in the first grade, (d) Primary read
ing, (e) Nature study, (f) Busy work,
(g) The Montessorl system of educa
tion, (h) Play and playgrounds.
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