TOT.. I,III. XO. 16,389. PORTLAND, OREGON. THURSDAY, JUNE 5. 1913. PRICE FIVE CENTS. Il HILL STEAMERS TO PLY MB COAST Portland-San Francisco Line is Projected. CHINA TO STUDY AIR NAVIGATION TOM GUSN PUTS DUTY TEMPOR ARILY AHEAD OF LOVE. THREE VESSELS BUILDING Competition With 0.-W. R. & N. Subsidiary Is Plan. BRITISH DERBY IS SCENE OF OUTRAGE OPERATION ON WITH CANAL When Panama "Waterway Opens for Traffic New Steamship Iilne May Be Doing Business Am ple Facilities Here. Recent acquisition by the Hill rail Toad Interests of terminal facilities In Ean Francisco Bay was for the ac commodation, not of a new transcon tinental rail service, but of a steam ship line between San Francisco and Portland. Plans for this steamship line have been eomDieted and fixing the date of Inaugurating service now Is a mere detail that depends upon the time re quired to Improve the terminals and to complete the construction of three steamships now building In Eastern shipyards. The line will operate in competition to the Portland & San Francisco Company, an O.-W. R. & N. subsidiary, and may connect at San Francisco with a line to Australia. It Is aimed to have the line In operation before the Panama Canal opens. It is probable, too, that early service will be estab lished from Portland, and. San Fran cisco, through the canal to Atlantic Beaboard points. Facilities Here Ample. So far as Portland Is concerned the Hill Interests are ready to begin thtlr service at once. In the North Bank docks they have ample faclltles for the accommodation of their steamers. There they can connect with the rail roads handling California traffic to and from the Fast. These railroads will caTe for the freight business at this ond and. will act as feeders for the steamship line. The North Bank, the Qreat' Northern and. the Northern Pa elflo operate past the North Bank ioclc. While freight will be the principal revenue producer in this steamship service the Hill people will hold out attractive offers for passenger pat ronage. Their new boats will have a capacity of 1000 passengers each. They aim to handle the passengers between Ban Francisco and Astoria by boat and between Portland and Astoria by train. Fast trains will be operated between Portland and Astoria, making the run In two and a half hours, so that trav elers may gain more than three hours over the present steamer schedule. This service will be In effect before the world's fair at San Francisco opens, as a heavy traf flo between Portland and California Is expected during the period that exhibition Is In progress. In this way the Hill Interests will gain an effective entrance Into Cali fornia, but Invasion by means of a steamship line Is considered but a temporary expedient. Terminals In Tjmg Soon. Tt Is probable that ultimately, and no doubt very soon, the Bay Farm Is land In San Francisco Bay. which tt is reported has been sold to a syndi cate representing the Hill Interests, will be used as both a railroad, and a steamship terminal. That the Hill lines Intend to ex tend their network of railroads Into California no longer Is a secret. But the suggested plan of building into San Francisco from a connection with the Burlington In Wyoming Is not ac cepted by railroad men acquainted with the situation as one likely to be adopted by the Hill officials, as It Is not consistent with their conventional style of railroad work. It Is certain that the Oregon Trunk was built with the view of extending It to California, whenever occasion de mands. It is constructed on main-line standards and will accommodate main line traffic Indefinitely, it never was Intended that the Oregon Trunk should stop at iiena. in iact. surveys were made from Bend south into the Sacra mento Valley, even before the Oregon Trunk was completed. Grade Important Feature. Ralph Budd, now chief engineer of the U-reat Northern and ex-chief en gineer of the Oregon Trunk, conducted these surveys at the time John F. Stevens was head of the Hill system in' Oregon. The maximum grade between, the Columbia River and Bend, the pres ent Oregon Trunk terminus, is l.C per rent. At no place south of Bend does U reach that extreme. At a point about BO miles south of Bend the grade reaches Its maximum elevation. From that point it would be possible, theoretically, to start a. boxcar toward the north, and it would roll, by grav ity, all the way Into Portland; started outh. it would roll all the way into fan Francisco. So when -the Hill Interests decide to txtend their rails into San Francisco It Is reasonable to expect that the Ore on Trunk and North Bank will be come Important links In the chain of vteel highways. L W. mil's present visit to Central Oregon and Idaho and his frequent Chinese Aviator Takes Biplane, Air Boat and Military Tractor to Xfw Republic. ' SAN FRANCISCO. June 4. (Special.) Tom Gunn, the young Chinese aviator, left to day on the liner Wilhelmina. his destination being Shanghai, where he will establish a military flying school for the new re public Gunn. who recently received his commission from the Chinese Gov ernment, nad to choose Between love and duty. Accomplishing the latter, he hopes to return here within a few months to wed Miss Lilly Tong, daughter of a prominent Chinese mer chant, who like himself is a native or California. Miss Tong and her sister, Anna, who are both attending the Oakland High School, were at the pier, dressed the hetcht of Occidental fashion wish Gunn success in his ing. "I have no fear concerning Tom, said the pretty Chinese girl. "I am confident that he will 'make good,' as I know what he can do. Some day I hope to make a trip in the air with him myself. "I am taking with me a biplane, a flying boat and a1 military tractor," said Gunn, ."and It is my object to establish a government school in China. The new republic has expressed Its intention of going ino aviation in earnest, and I believe China will soon rank with other countries in aerial navigation." Militant Badly Hurt; Winner Disqualified. WOMAN THROWS KING'S RIDER Daring Suffragette Seizes Rein of Horse at Full Speed. ROYAL PARTY IS WITNESS m to undertak- WEISER IS HOST TO WOMEN Southern Idaho Club Folk Appear for Convention. WEISER, Idaho, June 4. (Special.) Welser is host to 60 or more dele gates, representing 17 women's clubs of Southern Idaho, who are here to participate In the two days' sessions of the 14th annual Second District Fed eration of Women's Clubs. One of the pleasing features of yes terday was the elaborate banquet served at Hotel Washington, at which horBes Mrs. A. G. Butteriieia, or vveiser, pre sided as. toastmlstress. Among the many interesting topics on the programme for discussion was the address of Miss Grace Shepherd. State Superintendent of Public In struction. Her subject was "The Edu cational Bureau and Its Connection With the Work of the Several Women's Clubs of the State." The three days' convention of the lOO-to-1 Shot Gets $32,500 Stake as Craganour, Finishing ' First, Is Ruled Out for Bumping Ac tion Is First Since 1844. l-PSOM, England, June 4. Today's race for the derby, the "blue ribbon1 of the British turf, was one of the most sensational on record. It was made memorable by a ..daring mllitf.nt suffragette outrage in which Emily Wilding Davison was terribly in Jured while trying to stop King George's horse, Anmer. when he was running at full speed around Tatten- ham Corner, by the disqualification for bumping of Craganour, the. favorite. after he had finished first: and by the award of the race with its stakes of 132.500 to a rank outsider, Aboyeur, 100 to 1 shot. King and Queen See Excitement. King George, Queen Mary and large assembly of royalties were wit nesses of these exciting incidents, which caused something like consterna tion among the Immense crowds. While interest in the classic was at Its most tense point, just as the 15 were turning the Tattenham corner into the stretch, a woman rushed out of the dense crowd and threw her' self In front of Anmer and another horse, Agadlr. She apparently hoped to interfere with the progress of the race by seizing Anmer's reins and plac Ing not only herself but the two Jockeys In danger. Fortunately the horses were at the end of the string or the consequences might have been more serious. Agadlr, Idaho State Bankers' Association opens ridden by Jockey Earl, passed in safety, here tomorrow morning. Already a but the woman managed to cling to number have arrived to participate in I Anmer's rein and brought down both this important event. horse and rider. King's Jockey Hurt. MODERN BENT DEPLORED Jones, the King's Jockey, Teceived in- INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. JlESTURDATTS Maximum tmpratuf, 68 desrrees; minimum. 54 decrees. TODAY'S Fair and. warmer: northwesterly winds. FnreisTH. 4 British Derby Is scene of outrage. Page 1. National. Sugar and wool mm accused of lobbying. Pag J. Senators, Ignoring warnings of renewed vlo- ; lence, will visit West Virginia strlH dis trict. Page ft. Japanese rejoinder without rancor. Page -4- Dometik'. Secretary Wilson's daughter makfa plea for union, label on women s clothing. iage z. Woman friend of Wilsons defends non-re si stance to divorce suit by husb&nd. Page 3. Rose elected Mayor of Los Angeles. Page 2. Atteaux blames undertaker for Lawrence dynamite plot. Page 3. Factory girls won't go to park where men escorts can get only soft drinks. Page s. Jack Johnson Is sentenced to year behind bars and to pay fine of $1000. Page 3. Chinese to study aviation. Page 1 Pacific Northwest. Vancouver scene of unique engineering feat in moving concrete building, page 7. State completes task of picking school text doors I or six years use. page a. Louis w. HIM, In auto, gets loat In saga- brush. Page 0. ' Indications point to success of stock show , unton rase t. , Sports. Coast League results: Portland 3, Oakland 0; Los Angeles 3. Sacramento 1; s.n Francisco 9. Venice 8 (10 innings). Page 14. Northwestern League results: Portland 11. victoria 7; Seattle a, Spokane i; Van couver 7. Tacoma X, Page 14. Olympic Athletic Club, of San Francisco, to enter Portland Rose Festival cham pionship meet. Page 14. Mike' Murphy, famous athlete trainer, is dead. Page IS. McCredie lifts suspension on Hlgginbotham, who may pitch today, page 14. Russell Smith turns in beet card for quail fylng round in golf championships. Page IS. Wolfard. young tennis player, sensation in Irvington handicap play. Page lo. Cnmercial and Marino. Lower oriental bids for wheat rejected by holders. Page zo. Wheat drops sharply at Chlcsgo en heavy soiling. lJagc 2U. Bear d rives in st ock market followed by rally. Page 20i Spezla, of Hamburg-American line, to sail with cargo for Portland July 4. Page 21 Portland and Vicinity. Japanese one of 23 widows seeking pen sions. Page l. Weather report, data and forecast. Page 16. City Attorney preparing code for Incoming commission, fage iz. Test given babies at mothers educational bureau. Page 8. Mayor-elect Albee opens Peninsula Rose Show. Page 16. Mayor-elect, captured Yy Admen, makes brief address. Page 22. Mayor-elect Albee calls meeting of Commission-elect for today. Page 9. George Teal weds In Seattle. Page 18. Freshet may record 4.3 feet by Sunday; says weatherman. Page 21. Junior city government contest returns $123.19 to date. Page 13- Lodges and business associates honor late Oeorge F. Robertson. Page 12. Max G. Cohen found guilty of subornation of perjury. Page o. Commissioners are all trained men. Page 1! Secretary Wilson's daughter plesds for union-made goods. Page 2. Albee's plurality 6412. Page 8.- Woman of mystery follows Von Klein from East and charges siz.uoo theft. Page Hill terminals in San Francisco are for big steamship line Portland-San Francisco. Page 1. WOMAN OF MYSTERY INVOLVES VOH KLEIN JAPANESE MOTHER ASKS PENSION HERE POHTL.SD WIDOWS SEEKING STATE AID XOIBER S3. New Accuser Follows Man From Chicago. DAUGHTER IS ALLEGED VICTIM Theft of $12,000 Is Charged Against Swindler Suspect. Colnmbia President Says Tendency f"bulance- whe the woman was Is to Make Life "Flat.' NEW YORK. June 4. Nicholas Mur ray Butler in his address to the gradu- ating class at Columbia University to- rlbly kicked. She was taken uncon scious to a hospital suffering from se vere injuries to her head. Suffragette papers are said to have Jbeen found in her possession, and a suffragette flag day deplored what he termed the pres- I was bound round her body. (Concluded on Fage S. ent dav lack of thoroughness, espe- niailv "trial bv newspaper." which "el-1 bews to one side the slower process of trial by Jury." Careful study of any proposal, he thought, was at a disadvantage when public attention was dragged quickly from one topic to another. Just now gossip displaces conserva tion" he said. "Vice . and loathsome diBease are extolled as worthy of dis cussion in the drawing-room and. of presentation on the stage: absorption of current topics, which tomorrow may neither be current nor topics, leaves no place for the genuine study of his tory and literature. Every ruling ten dency is to make life a flat land, an affair of two dimensions with no depth. no background, no permanent roots. GERMAN TOWNS FLOODED Period of Excessive Heat Followed by Cloudbursts and Storms. BERLIN. June 4. A week of ex cessive heat has been followed by violent thunder storms, cloudbursts and hurricanes at many points in Ger many. Seven houses have been de stroyed by lightning In the villages of Wabemo. Nordhausen and Nleder- iwehren. in the Province of Hesse- Nassau. Bebra has been inundated, by a cloudburst and several children are snorted to have been drowned near Eschwrea. Heavy damage has been done by the cloudbursts in the upper Schwarza Vallev. Two persons have been killed bv lightning near Paderborg. During the army maneuvers at Ayres, Kast Prussia, five Infantrymen died of heat prostration and 19 are in hos pitals" as a result of exhaustion. GREAT 'SEA SERPENT' SEEN Ocean Marvel. Half-Mile Long, Proves to Be School of Dolphin. NEW YORK. June 4. (Speclal.) The first sea serpent of the season he been sighted. It was seen from the Prlnz Joachim, which arrived today from the West Indies. Soon after leav ing Fortune Island. Dr. Flynn of the ship, saw it first and thus describes it: "It was about a hilf mile long and seemed to rise and fall with the waves. As we got nearer, it swung about so as .to . cross our bow. Then we found it was a half mile of dolphins. moving closely in each other's wake. "I guess that's about as good a sea I serpent as any of them." and the doc tor aald he had not had even a tea- spoonful of brandy in a goblet of milk when he saw the half mile of dolphins. Jones, the Jockey, suffered MEXICO OBJECTS TO LAW California Allen Land Measure Is Cause for Protest. MEXICO CITY, June 4. The Minister of Foreign Affairs has sent a note of protest to Washington against the anti-alien law recently passed by th State of Arizona. It is reported that at least three res ignations in the Cabinet will be pre sented before the end of the week. DETECTIVES ARE BAFFLED Prisoner Declared Recognized In Eastern Court as Young Woman's Betrayer Mask to Fall Only When Conviction Fails. "Mrs. C. Weber," of Kansas City, the mysterious "Woman of the White Veil." who has concealed her Identity behind face covering and absolute secrecy. appeared In Portland yesterday as a new nemesis of E. C C. von Klein, the alleged marrying swindler whose victims are alleged to have totaled a half dozen women in the past two years, and who is now in the County Jail, charged with the theft of $3500 worth of Jowelry belonging to Ethel Newcomb. whom he is alleged to have married in San Francisco and deserted in the Portland Hotel over a year ago. Giving a name which she- acknowl edged Is not her own, Mrs. "Weber, following the prisoner West when he came the other day in custody of De tective Joe Day, says that she will fol low Von Klein wherever the paths of the law lead him, and that if all the charges now against him fall she will reveal her Identity and that of her daughter, whom he is alleged to have defrauded of $12,000 in money and jew elry, and will start a new prosecution. Woman Keeps In Hiding?. Mrs. "Weber" is staying In a hotel In Portland now, ibut her whereabouts are not Known even to tnose memDers oi the detective force and District Attor ney's deputies who have talked with her She wears always an impenetrable white veil, which even in private con versation she refuses to discard, and be. yond the fact that .she is middle-aged and well dressed no one has so far pen etrated her makeup. Yesterday, speaking of her case, she said that she followed Von Klein to Portland, traveling a day behind Joe Day and his prisoner, whom she recog nized in the Harrison-street station court In Chicago a month ago. She said that it the prosecution fell through in Portland she would follow him to Mil waukee, where a warrant is out against the smiling alleged swindler, and if the Milwaukee case also fell through she will reveal herself and take up the prosecution. According to Mrs. "Weber," her Woman learning $40 a Month and Three With More Than $1000 Are Among Applicants. A prety Japanese woman with a baby in hor arms was one of nearly 20 women who made applications to the Juvenile Court yesterday for relief un der the widows' pension law. The law went into effect Tuesday and the total number cf applications for the two days since is 33. So far Dr. Mary Evans and Mrs. Llda Hobson, who are in charge of this work, have been busy filling in history sheets relative to the applicants and have not started investigation. Four applicants have already come forward whose cases have been re ferred by Probation Officer Mcintosh to the District Attorney for informa tion as to whether the law is such that relief can legally be given them. 1 nree are women who have two or three minor children each, but who have over S1000 each in the bank, pro ceeds of life Insurance policies carried by their husbands. A question has been raised as to whether this money must be gone before they are in line for tensions. A telephone exchange operator, earn Ing $40 a month, is an applicant. She has two children, which would entitle her to a pension of $25 a month were she not earning money. It must be determined If the law will permit her to draw the money by leaving the chil dren at home with her mother during the day. "We are taking Information relative to all who apply and later, when the rush has . subsided, will investigate their stories." said Probation Officer Mcintosh. "I anticipate that many will be refused pensions because of failure of the law to specifically apply to the cases of some women because of their unwillingness to cease their employments and take less in pensions than they are earning now." SUGAR MEN IN LOBBY NAMED INQUIRY Ransdell " Freely Dis cusses Activity. PLANTERS WORK BY TURNS Senator Lane Points Out Sec retary of Woolgrowers. M'CLURE WILL BE CALLED Trom a I i.r,a,rt tUo. p.Mnt V, - nra iirnHlnp t c "NT i "Wphrr " her I (Concluded on Pase 5.) sented before the end of the week. 1 (Concluded on Page 4. ............. t BARRING- A LITTLE HIGH WATER, ALL IS QUIET ALONG THE WILLAMETTE. t I I II t .1 i - jutirFi- r,rTwnA AsWasitw jp- r-- fm j..- ! Rifini - ' '- --'--- '' - . '..jf"'-i ..r : - w 3t&SyLr' 1 '',niiitin ii- i-hi "r-' ' '--J t I piiii' '"liiiniKiid"!!)!!!"'' it w v i vw r 1 11 I ii t-- y a i r-.s' x it ft J" ii n i v is i t i 1 iH;r 1 1 teen a r jti . ymi u - vr rc 1:1 t I t GEMS POUR INTO COUNTRY Imporiers Rush In Diamonds Fear ing Increase In Tariff. JSEW YORK, June 4. (Special.) The indication that local diamond lm porters are rushing large quantities of gems into this country in expecta tion of an increase In the t tariff,- Is given In' figures complied by William B. Treadwell. Jewelry examiner at the appraiser's stores. According to his report the total value of the gems re ceived through the Port of New York for the month of May reached $4,606, 323. These record-breaking figures are Sl.e00.000 greater than the value of the gems imported in May 1911, and nearly J600.000 more than the highest figures ever recorded for that month any year. In May. 1906. the total reached $4,021,405, which was the previous high mark. COUNCIL MAY DIE DINING Proposal Is to Have Final Meeting Merged With Banquet. A banquet probably will be the last official act of the Portland City Coun cil before that body gives over the city government to the new city commission on July 1. Arrangements are under way for the final session of the Coun cil to be held in one of the downtown hotels or grill rooms and for combining pleasure with business. Details of the celebration have not been completed but the session probably will be held as a. special adjourned meeting. Tbe date has not been decided upon. It Is proposed to invite only the members of the Council, the city em- I ployes who have worked in the Coun cil meetings and members of the press who have "covered" the sessions. "HELLO" COSTS MAN $25 Milwaukee Man Finds Liove's Labor, Lasting Two Years, Costly. MILWAUKEE, Wis., June 4. After endeavoring for two years to become acquainted with a young woman here. Max Schuster summoned enough cour age to speak to her today. His first word caused his arrest. Schuster saw Miss Tener Safer two years ago ana has watched and fol lowed her dally since that time. Miss Safer appealed to the police, but was told they could do nothing until the man addressed her. Schuster and MIfs Shafer met In a crowded car to day and he said, "Hello." He was im mediately arrested and fined J25. KANSAS IS STORM CENTER High Wind and Rain Cripples Wires and Lightning Kills One. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. June 4. A heavy rain storm accompanied by heavy wind crippled telegraph and telephone service south and west o Topeka, Kan., tonight, but no serious ! damage to property was reported. At Jewel City one man was killed by lightning. Western Missouri also was visited by a heavy rain. Hosiery Workers Lose Strike. IPSWICH. Mass.. June 4. The strike which closed the Ipswich Hosiery Mills six weeks ago. leaving 1100 employes Idle, has been called off and most of the strikers returned to work. Th strike was Instituted by the Industrial I workers of the World. Their demand for & 20 per cent Increase In wages wa not granted. 'Senators Difrer as to Existence of Improper Influences at Capital. Pittman of Nevada Alleges Intimidation. WASHINGTON. June 4. Ramifica tions of the sugar tariff fleht beins conducted outside the halls of Congress gave the Senate lobby Investigating committee a busy two hours late this afternoon. With Senator Ransdell. of Louisiana, as the chief witness, mem bers of the investisratlnar committee pried into every phase of the fight be tween the free trade and the anti-free sugar forces and established the fact that general offices are maintained by both factions and that a systematic and organized fight has been carried on for and against the free sugar provision indorsed by President Wilson. New Names Added to List. The activity of the sugar tariff forces was partially responsible for President Wilson's statement that powerful lobby ing Influences were at work in Wash ington to efTect changes in the tariff bill. Several names were added today to the list of persons who will testify later as to why they are "lobbyists." These included employes of a bureau maintained hero by the Louisiana sugar growers and various persons who have been connected with the anti-free sugar fight. Senator Ransdell discussed freely tile organized activity of the Louisiana sugar cane growers, but believed little money had been spent as compared with the amount spent by Claus Spreckels, the Federal Sugar Refining Company and Frank C. Lowry, of New ork. said to be an employe of that company, in an attempt to create public sentiment in favor of free sugar. 1 urged the Louisiana people to or ganize two years ago and combat this false sentiment that was being created In favor of free sugar," he said, "but they did not act in time." Island Sugar Men Active. Some light was thrown on the activ ity of the Hawaiian and Porto Rlcan. growers by the JSenator. Ho denied there had been any concerted action among the three forces and said the Louisiana growers had devoted their efforts to distributing literature and presenting arguments to show that free sugar meant destruction to their busi ness and no benefit to the consumer. Senator Ransdel named Henry T. Oxhard, Truman G. Palmer, Sidney M. Ballou and A. D. Baldwin as leading figures In the anti-free sugar fight. and said H. N. Pharr. J. D. Hill. Jules Burguleres, Charles Godchaux. Jules Godchaux and F. F. Dickinson were sugar planters who had done "turns" In carrying on tho campaign from the Washington headquarters. The Inves tigating committee will finish the tec- tlmony of Senators tomorrow and then will begin hearing outsiders. All of these mentioned today by Senator Rans dell probably will be called. r Senator Cane on Stand. Senator Lane, first witness today, said he was a physician and had no interest in anything affected by the tariff. "That handsome man buck there by the wall was very much worried about wool," he said, pointing to a-listener. The "handsome man" said he wm S. W. McClure, secretary of the Na tional Woolgrowers' Association. Ho probably will take the stand when the Senators have finished testifying. Senator Lane said that he did not consider those who called on him "lob byists." He thought they were "look ing after their own Interests." He knew of no lobby, but said he believed money waa being used to try to con vince people that bad effects would fol low the tariff bill. Senator McCumber said he produced wheat, - oats, rye, flax and sometimes potatoes, all of which were "disastrous ly affected" by the tariff. No one had attempted to influence him, he said. and he knew of no use of money or the maintenance of a lobby to In fluence any legislation. MType" la Dlsappearlng-- Senator Newlar.ds had some farming interests In California, Nevada, Mary land and District of Columbia. "Wheni I came here 20 years ago one occasionally saw a man who was re garded as a lobbyist," said Mr. New landS, "but that type of man seems to have disappeared." A list of more than 1500 additional names were put in today by Senator Penrose, covering somo of the persons who visited him while the Payne-Ald-rlch bill was being framed, and all his callers during the reciprocity and do mestic wool fights in the Senate. Senator Perkins said he severed his financial Interest in any business that might be affected by legislation when he came to Congress and Invested his (Concluded on Pass 2. X 4