Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 04, 1913, Page 3, Image 3

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Kenyon Declares Practice of
Entertaining Senators Jus-
tifies Wilson Charge.
La Kollette Kegards 1egislator as
Species of Judge and Would
Penalize Speaking to One
on Public Business.
WASHINGTON". June 3. "Social lob
bying" in Washington justifies every
word that President "Wilson uttered in
regard to the presence of "insidious
lobby" at the capital. Senator Kenyon,
of Iowa, declared on the witness stand
before the Senate investigating com
mittee. It was the first unequivocal
statement in support of the President's
attitude since the inquiry began.
The Iowa Senator explained that he
believed the "most insidious" and
powerful lobbying possible was the
practice of flattering Senators by hav
ing them out to dinners, to theaters
and on automobile rides, ingratiating
the host with the distinguished guests.
Pointing to the sworn testimony of
Edward Htnes, a "lumber king," be
fore the Lorimer election investigation
that he entertained Senators at hotel
dinners at a time the lumber sched
ule in the Payne-Aldrich bill was be
fore the senate. Senator Kenyon de
clared it his belief that Senators were
being entertained in this "Insidious
way" at present.
KelloTT Senators Denounced.
He also denounced ex-Senators for
capitalizing1 their privilege on the floor
by using it to lobby. Referring to one
ex-Senator representing many railways
In Washington and often -seen on the
floor of the Senate, he advocated the
enactment of legislation to prohibit an
f x-Senator from being a lobbyist.
Senator Hughes of New Jersey and
Senator James of Kentucky told the
invest! gators for the first time of the
trials and tribulations of majority
members of the finance committee with
with the many persons who had flocked
to Washington to present their views.
Neither knew of any attenppt to cor
rupt Senators, but both suggested they
rould have done better work if they
had been bothered less. These Sena
tors, as did Senator LaFollette. who
followed them on the stand, suggested
that legislation for the registration of
lobbyists would be a good thing.
SiiKiir Appeal Made Iublle.
Senators let it be known today that
they had received by registered mail
what purported to bo a reproduction
of a letter from the American Cane
Orowers Association of the United
States sent o members asking for con
tributions for the use of a "large com
mission in Washington."
A copy was dated New Orleans, April
2. 1913, and read as follows:
"Pear Sirs: Your association has a
lnrge commission in Washington now,
doing everything possible to try to
save the sugar industry.
"We have hesitated In calling on you
but as we have now overdrawn the
bank It is now absolutely necessary
that we have funds at once and there
fore call on you to please send one
half of your subscription, say 5 cents
per thousand pounds on the crop of
"This is very important and we
would like to have remittance at once.
"You rs verv trul y,
"CHARLES A. FARWELL, President."
I'enrose Gives. 175 Names.
Senator Penrose gave the names of
3 75 persons who had called on him
since January 1, but said none had
made "improper" attempts to influence
him. He said their work was "perfect
ly legitimate.'
Senator Lippitt, first witness at the
a fternoon session. testified that he
owned about one-quarter of a cotton
cloth plant capitalized at $6,000,000 and
located at Providence, R. I. He had
talked with other Senators about the
cotton tariff. He furnished a list of
25 tariff visitors.
Senator Lippitt declared that he had
not tried to Influence anyone improp
erly, nor had anyone so tried to influ
ence him. Common stock of the Mann
ville Cotton Company, of which he was
manager, had gone down probably 50
per cent as a result of the threatened
tariff reduction, he said.
"Is it true you prepared the cotton
Bchedulo as it appeared in the Payne
Aldrich tariff bill?" asked Senator
Aldrlch Advised by Lippitt.
"I am perfectly willing to say I ap
peared before the ways and means com
mittee and said the manufacturers did
not ask for increased duties, but later
I tendered a letter which was Intended
to correct several decisions. I also
asked for an increased duty on mercer
Izatiou because that was a new process.
Shortly after that I went to Europe.
When T arrived In New York I was
asked by telegraph to come here to act
as an expert In advising Mr. Aldrich,
who was a personal friend and who had
confidence in my knowledge. It took
in a a week to study out the changes
made in the Senate. I had nothing to
do with the changes."
"Hid you furnish Information to
I talked to Senators Smoot, Lodge
end Flint. I remember."
The Senator said he believed some
of hi3 suggestions to the ways and
means committee were incorporated In
the bill.
Senator Hughes, of New Jersey, the
first majority member of the iinance
committee to take the stand, testlttod
he was not financially or professionally
Interested in the MIL. "I have sought to
influence members of the finance com
mittee as to rates, however." said the
Senator with a smile.
"Making due allowance for the in
terest of men in their business." he
Fail, "I . should, say no Improper at
tempts were made to Influence me. One
lft a piece of soap; one h safety
laxor; another a hat that lit me."
Ho declared a favorite method of ap
proaching him hud been for delega
tions of laboring men to come to him
with an appeal not to hurt their busi
J on en Qualifies as Farmer.
Senator Jones, of Washington, quali
tw d as a farmer by saying he owned
1 acres. He said he had no knowledge
of a lobby, livery day. he said, he got
a circular from W. L. Bass and another
from Frank Lowery regarding sugar.
H" said this must cost money, but he
did not know whose money it was,
senator Kenyon testified he. too. had
a farm in Iowa. He said he had re
reivt'u several letters about the tariff,
one regarding dog biscuits.
Senator Johnson, of Maine, said he
owned 2$ shares in a cotton mill in
his home town, but a" he was In favor
of reduced duties on cotton he never
i "'iKid.-red his interests disoarred him
'r- in parsing on the schedules.
Senator Myers, of Montana, testified
considered a -man a lobbyist who
eMHbllshed himself near a legislative
body and rtpeatedly talked to members
and under that definition, classified H.
T. Oxnard and truman O. Palmer, who
had called upon him to urge sugar du
ties, as lobbyists, but not in an obnox
ious sense.
Senator Hitchcock, of Nebraska, de
fined a lobbyist as one rho came to an
executive body and interviewed mem
bers for private interests. He said h
would change the law so that man
would not be made rich by statutes
and would no longer have a special in
terest in legislation.
"I believe a lobby exists here and the
President knew just what he was talk
ing about," declared the Senator. He
said he did not know to what extent
"social lobbying" was being carried on
at this time.
Senator LaFollette, of Wisconsin, tes
tified he was interested in the publica
tion of a weekly paper, but said he did
not believe it would be affected by any
Item in the, tariff bill." He said he
owned a farm and an interest In some
zinc-bearing lands in Wisconsin, which
since the Payne-Aldrich tariff had been
enacted had been producing a small
royalty. In response to letters from
zinc land owners in his state the Sen
ator said he asked Senator Stone re
cently if it would be advisable for them
to come to Washington to present their
views against a reduction in zinc tariff
rates. As a result he wrote them not
to come as it . probably would do no
good. x
LaFollette Defines Lobbying.
Four years ago. Senator LaFollette
said, he was interviewed in regard to
hides, the interviewer informing him
that he had already engaged a page or
two of advertisement in his magazine.
"I told him if he did not hurry to the
telegraph office I would be at him In
ordering a cancellation of his adver
tisement," declared the Senator.
Replying to questions about persons
being maintained in Washington to look
after legislation. Senator LaFollette
said the American Federation of Labor
and the Seamen's Union kept men
"Under my definition of the term,
that is lobbying," ho declared.
"A legislator should stand in the same
attitude as a judge," Senator LaFollette
added. "I would make it an offense to
speak privately to a member or Senator
about public business."
Rosebur Sheriff Catches Man Who
Ilis Been Trailed All Over
Country for Crime.
ROSEBURG. Or.. June 3. (Special.)
Marked by tell-tale scars which he
was unable to conceal. James H.
Staley, confessed murderer of Matt
Monohan, of Springfield, 111., was ar
rested by Sheriff Quine and Deputy
Sheriff Stewart here today and ia be
ing held at the county jail pending the
arrival of Illinois officers.
When arrested Staley denied being
the person wanted and not until he
was confronted by photographs and
other unmistakable evidence did he
Staley's crime was committed at
Springfield on March 18, 1912. and was
the ou tcome of long-standing trouble
between himself and Hugh Manahon,
a brother of the murdered man. Ac
cording to Sheriff Quine, Hugh Mana
hon and Staley engaged in a quarrel
in the latter's saloon at Springfield
with the result that Staley pulled a re
volver and wounded his opponent. Matt
Monahan then joined In the affray and
was shot dead by Staley.
Commission Form In Third Class
Proposed in Pennsylvania.
HARRISBURG, Pa-. June 3. A Sen
ate bill which. If enacted, will establish
the commislon form of government in
third-class cities of Pennsylvania, was
passed finally in the House of Rep
resentatives today by a vote of 147 to
14. The bill was sent to the Senate
for concurrence in amendments made
in the House. It is expected that the
bill will reach the Governor before
the end of the week.
The bill abolishes the present form
of government and vests municipal af
fairs in the hands of a Mayor and four
Commissioners, who are to be the mem
bers of the Council.
Confidence in "Unwritten Law Leads
Husband to Surrender.
SAX FRANCISCO, June 3. Such con
fidence had Angelo Genovase in the
unwritten, law that he returned to San
Francisco from Reno and surrendered
himself to the police today, making
full confession that he had killed his
wife. Dominica, February 13 of this
Genovase surprised his wife with a
rival and began shooting. His bullets
killed the wife and slightly wounded
her companion. The husband fled, but
on thinking over his act, rather than
have a warrant hanging over him for
life, decided to stake his future on
the verdict of a Jury.
He was locked up and charged with
Drouth, in Southern Kansas and Ok
lahoma Is Broken.
TOPEKA, Kan., June S. More than
an inch of rain was reported in South
ern and Southeastern Kansas today,
bringing great relief to crops which, it
was feared, would suffer heavily from
dry weather there.
From Tulsa. Ok La-. It was reported
that showers in that section had broken
a hot wave extending over five days
and threatening the oats and potato
and Pick Strawberries?
The O.-W. R. & N. on June 4 to 11.
inclusive, will sell round trip tickets
to Hood River for 12.65. Final return
limit June 30. For further particulars
apply at City Ticket Office, 3d and
Washington sts. Phones, Marshall
4500. A 6121.
Millers Discuss Wheat Cleaning.
KANSAS CITY. Mo.. June S. Dis
cussions on the topics "Wheat Clean
ins." ""Wheat Tempering" and "Test
ing Mill StreamB" occupied the morning
session here of the second day of ahe
Operative Millers' Association convention.
Boston Judge Refuses to Dis
miss Case Against Head
of Woolen Trust.
Committee Favors Caminettl.
ate immigration oommltte today voted
to report favorably the nomination or
Anthony Caminettl. of JacksOn, CaL.
to bo Commissioner-General of Immi
gration. Opposition was threatened.
Court Points Out That Certain In
ferences Might Be Drawn lYoni
Meetings and Incidents Al
ready Referred To.
BOSTON, June 3. The guilt or inno
cence of "William Mt Wood, president of
the American Woolen Company,
charged with conspiracy to "plant" dy
namite on the premises of textile strik
ers at Lawrence, must be determined
by a jury without any direct evidence
by the defense.
Judge Crosby, presiding at the trial
of Wood. Frederick E. Atteaux and
Dennis J. Collins, overruled late today
a motion of Henry F Hurlburt, coun
sel for the millman, that the jurors be
instructed to return a verdict for his
Before arguing his motion. Mr. Hurl
burt had announced that it took the
responsibility of resting his case with
out presenting any evidence.
Jury Left to Decide.
In denying the motion, the court said
that so far as Wood was concerned
the questions to be considered were:
Does the evidence show a conspiracy
to have existed, and was the defend
ant. Wood, a party to such a conspiracy?
"Juries said Judge Crosby, "can
only draw such Inferences from facts
such as are fair. It seems to me of
much importance to show the relations
business and otherwise between Mr.
Atteaux and Mr. Wood, as well as the
relations between other co-conspira
"It Is necessary for the common
wealth to show something more than
passive knowledge or acquiescence in
the conspiracy, but it is not necessary
to prove that the conspirators actually
met together, though this might be in
ferred from the evidence.
Conrt Fornw Impmnlun.
"I have not been sitting here for
part of three weeks without having
some Impressions. Some of the evi
dence offered here tends to show that
the defendant Wood was Interested as
the head of a great corporation and
also as one of two of the largest in
dividual stockholders in corporations
afrected, in the settlement of this
"There is evidence that might in
fluence the jyry to convict Atteaux
There Is evidence of intimacy between
Atteaux and Wood. There Is evidence
that Atteaux and Wood were together
at wood's Andover homo the night be
fore the discovery of the dynamite,
when both were attending a conference
of millmen to discuss the situation and
to consider the text of a letter published
the following day over Wood's signa
ture in which the strikers were ad
vised to return to their machines.
Inferences May Be Drawn.
"There is evidence that the evening
belore the dynamite was found, a pai
senger resembling the defendant At
teaux, but not identified took a taxi-
cab in front of Wood's house and went
to Franklin and Washington streets.
x nere is evidence presented that Breen
saw Atteaux and received from him
$500. There Is evidence that might
warrant tne lnierence that, half an
hour before Breen and Atteaux met.
Atteaux was at Wood's house.
The prosecution rested early In the
arternoon. and Mr. Hurlburt immediate
ly announced that he would rest his
case, in asking that the jury be In
structed to acquit, he based his armi
ment on the contention that it had
not been shown that Wood took an
active part in the alleged conspiracy.
Immigration Afrected by Political
Peeling In California.
SAN FRANCISCO, June 3. The peak
of Japanese migration to this country,
as shown by the statistical abstract of
the United States, compiled by the
Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Com
merce and Just received here, coincides
with the surges of political feeling in
Thus, the highest number of arrivals
in any one year was 30,226 In 1907, at
the time of the agitation suppressed by
President Roosevelt. Again In 1912,
just before the enactment of the alien
land law, the excess of arrivals over
departures was 4617. a greater num
ber than for any year since 1908, when
arrivals totalled 15,803.
Since 1906 the figures are as fol
lows: Arrivals 1907, no, 226: 1908, 15.
808; 1909, 3111: 1910. 2720; 1911; 4520;
1913, 6114. Excess of arrivals over de
partures, or vice versa (figures not
compiled previous to 1910); 1910, minus
2118; 1911, plus 994: 1912. plus 4617.
Delegation Urges Continuance of Ir
rigation Projects.
WASHINGTON, June 3. Apprehen
sive that Government reclamation work
might be withdrawn from Montana, a
delegation of citizens of that state
called on Secretary Lane today to urge
him to continue the projects.
At a recent conference representa
tions were made to Secretary Lane that
the lands to be Irrigated In Montana
were not valuable enough to warrant
the amounts the water-users will have
to pay. Secretary Lane intimated,
therefore, that Jt might be goad policy
for the Government to forego the
The probability fa, however, that
work on the four projects in Montana
would be carried on as planned. The
delegation was headed by Governor
Stewart, ex-Governor N'orris, Senators
Walsh and Myers, and .Representative
McCartney holdings have secured the
property of the Newark Development
Company on the Western Alameda
waterfront. This latter report Is de
nied by Harvey M. Toy. but the internal
evidence points to the confirmation of
the rumor. Toy owns all of the stock
of the Newark Development Company
in conjunction with his wife and one
of the clerks in his office and is active
head of the company. He admitted to
day that he had sold his holding on
Bay Farm Island, from which action
his connection with the Hill system
may be surmised.
The Newark Devolopment Company's
land is better known as the Neptune
Garden project. It was said when the
land was secured that it was to be used
for an amusement park and bathing
resort. It appears that it was never
intended to while away the tedious
hours of the residents of Alameda. The
company owns 94 acres of waterfront
and tide lands property. The peculiar
feature is that while its bay frontage
is 751 feet, its water frontage is much
larger. The rights to the ttdelands
of the adjoining property have been
secured, and it is understood that negro
tlatlons are being carried on for th
property and tldelands of the holdings
just to the south of its tidelands.
Water Terminal Proponed.
Here will be developed, the great
water terminal of the deep-sea lines
to be operated in conjunction with the
railway system. A large amount of
dredging and rilling will be necessary,
but the site 'Is much more practicable
than the Bay Farm Island for a deep
water terminus, for the bay shoals
rapidly to the south.
It is not only in San Francisco that
tne activities of the Hill system are
arousing interest. From Sydney,
Australia, comes the report that a
steamship line is to be established be
tween that port and this. That the
company is planning an increase in its
water carriers is substantiated by the
building of three steamers in the East
for the Pacific service. Each rumor
points to the quick entry of the rail
road into this region.
Even the route from the East has
been tentatively chosen. From some
point in Wyoming, on the Chicago, Bur
lington & Quincy road, the line will
be run to Salt Lake City, Utah. From
that point two courses are open. A
new road paralleling those of the Cen
tral Pacific and the Western Pacific
may be built, or the complete absorp
tion of the Western Pacific may be
effected. In the light of the recent
attacks on the Harriman lines under
the Sherman anti-trust law, the latter
plan Is apparently barred, and to secure
entry an additional road must be built.
(Continued From Firt Page.)
only Is it one of the largest in size,
consisting of 625 acres, but its position
on the western end of the island brings
with its purchase the most valuable
waterway right and the most conven
ient location. This property recently
changed hands, and it is understood
that the purchasers of the McCartney
holdings bave secured a large part of
the other lands of the island. The total
area of Bay Farm Island is 1778.78
acres. Including the marsh lands.
OHM Property Bonkt.
Tt has also been learned that the
same interests which have bought the
Deputy Coroner Convicted of Em
bezzlement Three Others Are
THE DALLKS, Or., June 3. (Spe
cial.) George K. Ross, City Recorder,
today was indicted by the grand jury
on the charge of larceny of public
moneys. It is charged that the official
from July 5, 1911, to May 2, 1913, re
ceived, at different times fines, license
moneys, etc., which he refused or
neglected to turn over to Edward
Kurtz, City Treasurer, and that during
that period he feloniously converted to
his own use the sum of $884.63
belonging to the city. Ross was ar
rested by Sheriff Chris man and fur
nished $2000 bail.
It took a circuit court Jury less than
lo minutes today to find X. M. East
wood guilty on the charge of embez
zling $1209.66 from the estate of Emil
Hedberg. Eastwood was committed to
Jail to await sentence. Hedberg, a
Swede, was killed while employed on
the Oregon Trunk Railroad construc
tion work two years ago. He left no
relatives and Eastwood, who as dep
uty coroner, investigated his death and
cared for his body, was appointed ad
ministrator of the estate. It i
charged that he never accounted for
any of the $1209, the remainder of the
money left by Hedberg after burial ex
penses were paid.
Robert Smith, who pleaded guilty to
a charge of assaulting with a dan
gerous weapon. City Marshal McRae,
of Antelope, today was sentenced by
Judge W. li Bradshaw to serve from
six months to ten years in the state
John Kislung pleaded guilty to the
charge of stealing clothes and valua
bles from Miss Gladys Carpenter in a
local restaurant and was sentenced to
serve from one to seven years. The
same sentence was given George Kemp,
who was convicted of stealing a check
from Miss Irene Hopper.
Statute Demands That Hotels With
Burs Accommodate 5 0 GueMs.
H1LLSBORO, Or., June 3. (Special.)
The new state liquor law. In effect
today, has closed but three saloons In
Washington County, one at Buxton, on
the Pacific Railway & Navigation Com
pany's line between here and Tilla
mook, one at Timber, and one at Tual
atin. The Buxton saloon closed May 1,
because its license expired at that time
and the proprietor concluded It was not
worth while to continue for a month.
The two saloons at Banks, and the
saloons at Timber and Sherwood are
located In hotel buildings. The North
Plains saloon, on the united Railways,
yesterday moved into the hotel building.
District Attorney E. B. Tongue today
received an opinion from Attorney-Gen
eral Crawford, touching on the hotel
qualifications necessary for Installing
a oar. ne law requires that the
County Court may grant saloon licenses,
outside of incorporated towns, only to
bona fide hotel keepers having capacity
for the care of 50 guests. The state's
legal adviser holds that it is not neces
sary for such hotels to have 60 guest
rooms, and avers that in the country
many hotel keepers "double-up" their
patrons so that two occupy the same
The Attorney-General advises the
District Attorney to use his own jude
ment in this regard, as the law is not
exactly clear.
The town of Tualatin, which has no
large hotel, will vote on Incorporation
In July and if it carries, will handle the
license question from a municipal stand
point. The law now cuts saloon licenses
to 12 in this county, five of which are
in this city, and two in Beaver ton.
Another peculair feature of the new
liquor amendment is the inhibition of
gifts of liquors of any kind, even hard
cider, outside of incorporated cities or
In dry territory. The law says any
persons is prohibited from selling or
giving away liquor of any kind con
taining alcohol. If this Is followed to
its last analysis a host cannot give his
guest a glass of wine, beer, whisky or
hard cider, either at the table or at any
other time, if he shall live outside an
incorporated town. Members of the
local bar here allege that such an in
terpretation of the statute would be an
absurdity, but the District Attorney
refused to commit himsell when asked
the question direct. Some lawyers,
however, say that such a law Is un-
June Clearance Prices
Women May Buy These $32.50 and $35.00
Tailored Suits
Today at $20.00
For We Have Decided to LET GO
This Means an Exceptional
Clearance of New Suits
Here is one of the greatest opportunities of the season in practical, tailor-made suits
for the woman who does not care to put more than $20.00 into a suit. It is seldom
that the economical woman can find a suit at $20.00 that meets all the requirements
but this sale offers some of the finest $32.50 suits at this price and embodies the
newest ideas of the season, along with superior workmanship and materials of excel
lent qualities.
They are fashioned of fine hard twisted serges, Bedford cord and fancy whipcords.
In navy blue, Copenhagen, brown and gray. Every jacket is lined with silk and beau
tifully finished. The skirts are made in a variety of newest tailored and draped models.
In this collection you will find suits on the perfectly plain tailored order, semi-trimmed
and novelty styles. Third Floor
33arts anfc "CTennese Hmgertc
Go Out Under the Impetus of
Most Unusual Price Concessions
The June bride will revel in these and will doubly enjoy getting her
trousseau. Dainty skirts, made of sheer, delicate material, exquisitely
embroidered and trimmed in pretty Valenciennes or cluny lace, are
specially priced from $2.19 to $35.98. Combinations, just as dainty
and attractive are offered in this sale at $2.69 to $49.98. Lovely
night robes, daintily embroidered by the French needlewoman, are being
sold for as little as $1.59 up to $50.98. The heart of the sweet girl
graduate will thrill with delight at the thought of this exquisite lingerie,
and as for yourself, you will feel well able to indulge in French lingerie
at these remarkably low prices. Pretty corset covers may be had for
79c to $7.98 and drawers from 79c to $9.59. All of these designs
are new and exclusive, and the workmanship and materials unsurpassed
for quality. Fourth Floor.
Regular $2.75 White
Walking Skirts Spec. $1.95
, Of white cotton Bedford cord
in a new straight gored model
trimmed with pearl buttons.
Third Floor
A Fashionable Blouse
of Crepe de Chine
Selling Regularly to $6.50
Special $5.75
Exactly as Illustrated
This season the crepe de chine
blouse is particularly popular and
is an indispensable factor in the
fashionable woman's Summer
We have just received by ex
press the finest of crepe de chine
blouses in the most fashionable
They come in a pure white
only and are made with a soft
turndown collar of the material
and a deep side frill on each side
of the center pleat, which is
hemstitched and finely pleated.
The sleeves are long, finished at
the hand with a narrow pleated
frill. Across the back is a yoke
finished with a silk-covered cord.
For the warm Summer days
nothing so cool or practical can
be worn with the tailored suit as
one of these crepe de chine
blouses. Third Floor
c" Merchandise of cJ Merit Ony"
is a real treat these hot days. Why not make yours cool and inviting,
a place for the family and friends to spend a few restful half hours? To
that end we are offering some porch specials which will make porch
furnishing very simple.
Bamboo Porch Screens
To protect your porch from the
sun's rays. These screens are made
of natural color striped bamboo,
and insure cool porches these hot
6 by 8 feet, Special, $1.19
7 by 8 feet, Special, $1.39
8 by 8 feet, Special, $1.68
10 by 8 feet, Special, $1.98
Couch Hammocks
Just the thing for porch use
these hot days. These couch ham
mocks are covered with good qual
ity of khaki colored canvas. They
have stuffed mattresses that are
soft and comfortable, made over
standard Yum Yum springs.
$ 9.75 Hammock, sp'l $7.50
$12.50 Hammock, sp'l $9.75
are especially suitable for bungalows. Summer homes and out-of-door
porch use. They are firmly made in colors of brown and green, in plain
centers with pretty striped or key borders or plain all over in solid colors.
Size 3x6 feet, special, $1.65 Size 4x7 feet, special, $3.25
Size 6x9 feet, special $5.45 Size 8x10 feet, spec'l, $6.95
Size 9x12 feet, spec'l, $8.95 F-irtb Floor.
Ideal Coat Dresses at $8.50
That Usually Sell for $12.00
These attractive novelty dresses are quite the
rage in the East and echo the latest Paris fad. At
the races, at polo games, on the street, and in fact
every place where the tailored suit is worn, these
new coat dresses are being seen. They have the
advantage of the "trim" appearance of the suit
without the additional warmth and inconvenience of
the coat and extra blouse. In fact, they combine
lf the advantages of the one-piece dress with those of
the two-piece suit.
They are made of fine imported cotton eponge,
in pretty shades of blue, pink and tan. The skirt
is white, while the jacket is of solid color, with
Byron collar, piped with white and trimmed with
r 1 t-i ....... , .. ..
rancy Duttons. i ne waist is finished with a nobby
white leather belt. Third Floor
constitutional, and one successful prac
titioner alleges the law as it stands
will not stand the test of the Supreme
Shipment of Thousand TMfles and
Bayonets Seized In Ireland.
BELFAST. Ireland. June 3. One thou
sand rifles with bayonets arrived here
today on a steamer from Manchester in
cases marked "electrical fittings." De
tectives promptly seized them.
Government officials say they are
fully Informed on the plans of the Or
ange Clubs to resist home rule.
The action of the authorities today
was the first interference with the im
portation of arms.
Oregon Senator Insist on Knowing
About Indian Founds.
ington, June 3. Senator Lane today
gained one point by his attack on the
Indian appropriation bill, but has not
let up on his fight to require the In
dian Bureau to Justify every appropria
tion that has been asked of Congress.
The committee has agreed to rewrite
these items and specify the exact pur
pose for which the appropriation Is to
bo used, for salaries of employes and
for improvements at Indian schools and
on the reservations.
Even yet, however. Senator Lane has
been unable to procure from the In
dian Bureau a. complete explanation of
various estimates for which many ap
propriations are really intended, and
he has insisted that this explanation
must be forthcoming; before the bill
receives his sanction.
White he is making no threats, he
has conveyed the idea to members of
the committee that If they outvote him
and. rush the bill to the Senate over
his protest he will transfer his fight
to the floor of the Sena-te and there
openly demand the information he is
now seeking in committee.
Karly Returns Indicate Shenk Is
Beaten In Los Angeles.
LOS ANGELES, June 3. The early
count of today's municipal election indi
cates a defeat for the reform element
which has controlled the city since the
recall of Mayor Harper five years ago.
Incomplete returns from 339 out of
466 precincts give Harry H. Ko6e, inde
pendent. 20,275 votes and John W.
Shenk, municipal conference candidate,
18.019 votes.
Power Sites Withdrawn.
on. June 3. On tbe recommenda
tion of the Secretary of the Interior,
the President has withdrawn for power
alt purposes 7370 acres on the Snake
and Salmon Rivera in the Nez lJerce
Forest Reservation, Idaho. At threo
points on these streams it is estimate!
by Government engineers that from
200,000 to 340.000 horsepower can be de
veloped. About 256 acres at Eagle Rock
dam site on Snake River have also been
withdrawn, it belnp estimated that 20.
000 horsepower can here be developed.