THE MORNING OREGONIAN. TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 1913. 9 r CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OREGONIAJT TELEPHONES. Printing Room Main 70T0. A 60S5 City Circulation Main "070, A 6095 Managing Editor Main 7070. A 6093 Sunday Editor Main 7070. A 6095 Composing Room Main 7070. A 6095 Superintendent Building. .Main 7070. A 6096 AMUSEMENTS. HEILlrj THEATER (Eleventh and Morrl on All-star cast In the play "Fine Feathers." Tonight ae 5:15. ORPHEVM THEATER (Broadway and Tay lor) Vaudeville. This afternoon at 2:13 and tonight at 8:15. BAKER THEATER (Broadway and Morri son street) Baker players in "The Wolf." Tonight at 8:15. PAN-TAGES THEATER (Broadwav and Al der Vaudeville. This afternoon at 2:15 ana tonignt at :3U and w. EMPRESS THEATER (Broadwav nrt V. hill) Vaudeville. This afternoon at 2:15 mjiu lunigni at :3u ana 9. LYRIC THEATER (Fourth and 8tark Musical comedy. "Wlshland." This afternoon at 2:15 and tonight at 6:30 to 10:45 o'clock. PEOPLE'S, STAR. ARCADE. OH JOT, T1VOL.I AND CHRVSTAI First-run pic tures. 11 A. M. to 12 P. M. GLOBE THEATRp 1 1--'-. - - ti ..v. lngton) Continuous first-run motion plc- OAKS AMCSEMEVT BIBir First and Alder) Royal Italian Band and vaudeville. Afternoons at 2:30; evenings CIRCI'S GROUNDS (Twvntv.fmiHh nnri Tlol lgh) Sells-Floto Shows, this afternoon at 2 and tonight at 8 o'clock. RECREATION PARK (Twenty-fourth and usnm usieoan. vs. Oak land. This afternoon at 3:15. Doubi,b Tracks on East Broadway Hurried. The Portland Hallway. Light & Power Company is completing double trains un aast Broadway from the ap proach to the Broadway bridge at Lar rabee street to Union avenue. Double connections are being- made with the double car tracks on Williams avenue and Union avenue and also on Ibarra bee street, which will make it possible ii ruute any or all of the cars now uiiLMaim un tnese trtree streets over Broadway bridge. The double tracks probably will be finished within 10 days, so that cars from the East Side may be run over the new b rid ere this month tf the West Side tracks are ready. Residents of Lower Peninsula and St. Johns are asking to have the St. Johns cars routed through Lower Alblna and Larrabee street over the new bridge, as it will save 20 minutes' time over the present running time. buoidwai Extension Opposed. The court will be called on to settle the controversy over the extension of East Broadway from the Sandy boulevard and East Forty-sixth street. Remon strances nave been filed since the re port of City Engineer Hurlhnri was filed. According; to the new method of extending streets these remonstrances carry the matter to the Circuit Court. where the benefits and assessments are aecia&u uy a jury. Few of the property owners appear to be satisfied with the report, some asserting: that their as sessments are too high and that the owners or property used for the exten sion are given too much damages, while the latter think they have not neen awaraed enough damages. Rhv. Mr. McLean's Resignation Not Accepted Yet. The resignation of ftev. KoDert -McLean as pastor of the Anabel Presbyterian Church, near Powell Valley road, submitted some time ago, has not been accepted by the congregation, and an effort is being maue to nave nim reconsider it and remain. The matter will come before the Portland Presbytery at its meeting June 17 at Orenco. It is expected that the church will ask that the pastoral relations be not dissolved. The church lias greatly prospered since Mr. McLean has been the pastor, the membership uuvinjc more man tioiiDiea. Woman's Auxiliary to Meet Toiut.. Members of the Woman's Auxiliary of the Oregon l'ioneer Association are requested to meet in the rooms of th Oregon Historical Society, Tourney building, 207 Second street, southwest corner or Taylor, today at 2 o'clock P. M. The special business to be trans acted is to arrange for serving the ban quet at the forty-first annual reunion ot the Oregon Pioneer Association, which will be held in the Armory June i3. J lie auxiliary requests a full at tendance. Old Resident Dnss. Mrs. Marv C. V. Lewis died at the familv residence. 117K East Thirty-first street, Sunday, at 62 years and 10 months old. She lived at Canyon City until she moved to Port- lano. ana was the widow of the late Dr. Lewis, of Canyon City. She was the mother of Mrs. A. P. Smith and G. A. Lew's, of Portland, and Charles Lewis, of Jackson. Pa. The funeral will be held at the family home Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Railway to Make Rates for Confer ence. Excursion tickets from Califor nia to Portland will be sold bv the Southern Pacific Company. June 25 and 28, with final return limit of July 31, for the World's Christian Cltizenshin conference, to be held In this city June 29-July 6. The rates are on a low basts, that from Los Angeles being $37.90 and from San Francisco $26.70. A large delegation Is expected from California. W. S. U'Rkn to Speak. The Women's Political Science Club will hold Its reg ular weekly meeting in the lecture room or the Medical building at 2:30 P. M. today. Meetings scheduled for June 10 and today will be reversed, and v . fc.. u Ren will talk on a constltu tlonal amendment providing for repre sentutive, efficient and economical government by a majority of the voters. lie meeting will be open to all women. Missionary Society Meets. The quarterly meeting of the Women's Haptlst Home and Foreign Missionary Union of Portland and vicinity, will be held in the Tabernacle Baptist Church today, opening at 10:30 o'clock and continuing till 4 P.M. Women of the church will serve luncheon. Those at tending may take the Woodstock car anil get off atHolgate street. Body Takkn to Salem. The body oi iieivin ri. settlemler, who died Saturday in this city, was sent to Salem yesterday, where the funeral was con ducted. He was 27 years of age, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Kelly and brother of Fred Kelly, of Lents, and Claude Settlemier. of Salem. The funeral serv ices .were held at Salem on the arrival of the body. Holman Mothers to Meet. The Holman Mothers and Teachers Circle win meet touay at 2:30 P.M. in the as sembly hall of the school. Prize essays - will be read and primary drills will be held. The annual election of officers will take place. See Euoene W a l t e r Wonderfxt, Plat, "Tbb Wolf." at the Baker Thea ter Tuesday night, June 3, and help com plete the pipe-organ fund of the Uni versallst Church, It Is a good thing. Tuesday Is our night. All Members of Clan Macleat are requested to attend the funeral of our late clansman, George F. Robertson, from Masonic Temple, Seventh and "Yamhill streets, on Wednesday, June 4, at 2 P. M. Henry- Dickson, Chief. For Sale. A 45-horsepower. 560-volt, Crocker-Wheeler motor, complete with standard blade starter, no voltage re lease and 76-ampere over-load I-T-E circuit break. In A-l condition. Ad dress room SOS Oregonlan bldg. For Sale. One 125-volt. direct current generator, complete with field rheostat, ammeter and circuit breaker. This machine Is In good repair. Ad cress room 203 Oregonian bldg. . "o Salt. A 40-K. W, 600-volt. Crocker-Wheeler generator, complete with field rheostat and circuit breaker, in good condition. Address room 203 Oregonlan bldg. Webb Cottaoe. Seaside, Or- for rent, season, 8 rooms; completely furnished. Fine location. East 1619. Sheeh y Bros., painting, papering tinting. 129 12th. Main 3072, A 2410. Dr. Leo Ricen moved to 309-314 Broadway bldg. . Dr. e. H. Antbobi moved to 30S-314 Broadway bid p. a One Juror Is Absent. To permit the attorneys In the personal Injury suit of Balfe Robertson, a. minor, against the Columbia Contract Company to argue a point of law. Circuit Judge Morrow yesterday excused the trial Jury tem porarily. When he was ready to pro ceed only 11 Jurors responded. E. A namiin iil not return to the courtroom, and searching failed to locate him. Judge Morrow was forced to continue the trial, but put in the rest of the day taking the deposition of a physician who could not be on hand to testify later. The deposition will be read to the Jury this morning. Descendants of Isaac Dillon Sought. J. B. Horner, of the Oregon Agricultural College, writes: "Where are the descendants of Rev. Isaac Dil Ion, a Methodist minister who was drowned some years ago while on the way to one of his appointments? Rev. Mr. Dillon performed a valuable serv ice to Oregon and Washington, dating as early as 1856. Therefore information touching his career, especially that part which covers 1887, will be thank fully received." Junior Candidates Announced. If the senior voters of the city had trouble picking out Commissioners, the Junior voters will face a still greater quandary at the rate nominations for Jobs in the Junior government are being filed. The latest out for a place among the four is Ralph Holzman, of Couch Gramn-ar School, with a popular platform. He heads it with free admission to the Oaks. More playgrounds and a re organization of the Junior police force follow. Civil Service Examinations Set. Civil service examinations will be held in Portland, July 2, for the positions of laboratory helper, laboratory assistant In physics and teacher of agriculture. On July 2 and 3 examinatio'ns will be held for clerk-draftsman, and on July 7 for soil biochemist Men only are eligible for all these positions. Z. A. Leigh, of the Postoffice Department, will furnish information to those de siring to take the examinations. Street Extensions Relinquished. An order was made by the County Court yesterday relinquishing to the city to be used and Improved as city streets the extension of Montgomery drive from the foot of Montgomery street, Fremont street from East Thirty-third street East and portions of Forty-first street Southeast and Fifty third avenue Southeast. It is desired to improve these thoroughfares on a frontage basis. Glover Succeeds Connell. For mally turning over his office here to William A. Glover, of Seattle, his suc cessor, S. A. Connell, for three years operative In charge of the United States secret service bureau here, left his successor in charge and prepared to leave for his new post at Kansas City, Mo. Glover has been field man at Seattle for eight years and has been a government sleuth for 16 years. Studs nts to Present Play. The Irish Drama, "More Sinned Against Than Sinning," will be presented in Alumni Hall by the senior students of the Christian Brothers' College tomor row night, June 4, at 8 o'clock. Pro ceeds from this production are to be turned over toward the fund for the new church of St. Philip Neri, the cornerstone of which was laid Sunday. Many Basements Flooded. Scores of business houses have vacated their basements, at great expense, on account of the high water. Many houses have economized this year by renting electric motor-driven pumps of the Standard Machinery Company, 46 Second street, thus saving themselves much annoyance as well as money. Improvement Club to Meet. There will be a meeting of the East Seventy second Street Improvement Club at 8 o'clock tonight at the Tremont Fire Hall. Reports will be- made by the park committee and by the street committee. Other matters of local interest will be taken up. Cascade Locks Closed. Str. Bailey Gatzert now making round trips to Cas cade Rapids, stopping at Multnomah Falls; SI round trip; leaves 9 A. M. from Alder - street dock, returning 6 P. M. Phone Main 914, A 6112. Merchants, Attention! Large Nat'l cash register, good as new, for sale very cheap. C. C. Bradley Co., 345 Washington street. Dr. J. L. Hewitt, moved to 509-10 Broadway building, Broadway and Mor rison. " Dr. George F. Koehler, moved from Electric to the new Broadway building, corner Morrison and Broadway. $50 Diamond Ring for $37.50. Aron- son's removal sale. 294 Wash, street Mount Hood Auto Stage; two stages daily. Phono East 162. Mr. Hood Auto Stage. Main M. 2456. PENSION AW EFFECTIVE WIDOWS' CLAIMS TO BE INVES TIGATED BY COURT. Elaborate System of Blanks and Re port Cards Installed Benefi ciaries to 'Stay Home. To assist in the administration of the widow's pension law, which be comes effective today. Dr. Mary Evans and Mrs. Lida Hobson yesterday Joined the staff of the Juvenile Court. They will be assigned as Investigators of applicants for pensions. In the ad ministration of the law the court will be assisted also by a volunteer com mittee of 10 prominent women. These will act-as advisers to women securing pensions, particularly in teaching them how to earn money for themselves and conserve their resources. Under the law & widow with children will re ceive $10 for the first child and $7.50 for each additional child. The law also is applicable to women whose husbands are in state institutions. An elaborate system of blanks and report cards has been Installed. When a woman makes application she will be required to flu in a detailed history sheet. Next an investigator is sent out and makes a report. The applicant will have to furnish the names of five references, and letters will be sent to these for additional informa tion as to the applicant's character and habits. Next in order will be the probation officer's report to the Juvenile Judge, based on all information obtained. The judge then makes an order allowing the pension. If merited. This will be in the form of an order on the County Auditor directing payment of so much a month till further order of the court. Judge Gatens expects that before the week Is out there will be about 40 ap plications. He states that he has heard of at least that many wno intend tan lng advantage of the statute. It is pointed out that the pension will be of little benefit to the woman with only one or two children, as a requirement is that she stay at home and take care of her children Instead of going out to work. PORTLAND'S BEST LUNCH Served at the Holts Store. Daily from 11 A. M. to S F. M. Best foods, quick service, low prices. Try It today. "Holts" Corner- nrth and Washington, nth-street entrance, direct to restaurant. LUNCH, WOMEN'S EXCHANGE Curried Iamb with rice, waffles, egg timbales tomato sauce, cucumber sandwich, baked Virginia ham. straw berry shortcake. Ice cream served daily, 11:30 A. M. to 6 V". M. 186 Fifth street. FAMILY IS AT WAR Will of Mrs. Rachel L. Haw thorne Contested. ENMITY OF SISTERS SHOWN Estate Divided Equally Between Mrs. M. O. Collins and Mrs. Whitney. IV. Boise, Excepting: 4 Shares to Carry Balance of Power. Catherine H. Collins, wife of M. O. Collins, has filed a petition in Circuit Court asking that the will of Mrs. Rachel L. Hawthorne, her mother, be set aside. She charges that it was executed under pressure of "fraud, mis representation, coercion, circumvention and undue influence" on the part of her sister, Mrs. Louise H. Boise, wife of Whitney L. Boise, and while her mother was under the influence of in toxicants, narcotics and opiates. By the will, which was filed June 20, 1912, Mrs. Hawthorne, who was a third owner of the Hawthorne estate, di vided her property equally between her two daughters, with the exception that she gave four shares of stock of the estate to the Security Savings & Trust Company, as trustee, wishing that in stitution to maintain the balance ft power between the daughters, each of whom has 1498 shares of the stock. The total issue is 3000 shares and was divided equally among Mrs. Haw- tnorne, Mrs. Collins and Mrs. Boise. The real trouble is bitter enmitv be tween Mrs. Collins and Whitney L. Boise, her brother-in-law. Prior to her death Mrs. Hawthorne brought suit against Mrs. Collins to recover posses sion or ooz snares or the stock of the estate. She set up that Mrs. Collins had secured the stock by going into hysterics and representing the dire things would happen to her interests If Mr. Boise secured control after her mother's death. This suit was still pending when Mrs. Hawthorne died. in her will Mrs. Hawthorne gave 498 shares of this stock to Mrs. Col lins, 498 shares she had left to Mrs. noise and the other four shares, to the Security Savings & Trust Company. lie win was executed in the pres ence of W. D. Fenton. Mabel Wood- worth and George V. Van Waters. The executors are 1 r. s. ir. josenhl n. T. L. Lewis. Probate Judge Cleeton has set October 1 as the dato of hearing on me contest. New Bills Open at the Vaudeville Houses Pantages. REAL comic opera heads the list of mixed entertainment at Pantages this week. A lively company of good comedians and singers presents a 25 mlnute skit which is a distinct hit. The music is unusually fine and the come dians present a good line of music and jokes. The act is listed on the pro gramme as Armstrong's Baby Dolls. A chorus of young women adds much to the musical end of the act. Another good act for this week is Jewel and Jordan, whistlers and imi tators. They have a remarkably good line of music and also put over some interesting and laughable bird and fowl Imitations. Particularly entertaining is their rendition of popular ragtime airs. Picturesque In the extreme is an act entitled the Gypsy Girl and the Rus sian Prince. Sparkling costumes of the Russian nobility and well-rendered music of the classical variety make the act something new and attractive. A line of fun runs through the act. Fun is the feature of the act of Beau monte Bertee and Jack Arnold, late of the "Miss Nobody From Starland'" Com pany. They create numerous laughs, taking humorous slaps at the medical profession. They -wind up the act with some good singing and some graceful dancing. Costumes play an important part in the act. As an old maid, Ruth Chandler makes a distinct hit. She appears on the stage in a comical costume and has a strong line of jokes and songs. The climax in hat and coin manipula tion is marked by Friscary in an act which opens the show. He has an in teresting series of juggling tricks which, are new and catchy. Orpheum. WITHOUT a doubt Joe Jackson Is the funniest creation of vaude ville that has come Westward this sea son. Joe finishes last in place on a bill at the Orpheum which features Louis A. Simon and Kathryn Osterman In a miniature musical comedy,- "A Persian Garden." But Joe makes a headline finish and undoubtedly takes first place In popularity. "A Persian Garden" is an elaborate offering. It carries pretty girls, an at tractive setting and tuneful songs. Kathryn Osterman has a typical big part, that of an ex-chorus girl with so many ex-husbands she doesn't know what to do. Around her and Louis Simon, an unostentatious comedian, but an effective one, centers the story which is a series of surprises, ludicrous situations and songs. Helen May, as n-ose jiMi5Qn, ana uohn Kbeinhard as Paul Morgan, the American Consul, handle the most of musical situations Their "My Little Persian Rose" is a melody of haunting sweetness. Miss May is responsible for "The Girl on the Persian Rug" earlv in the sketch becomes an Immediate favorite. The cast Is exceptionally large and well proportioned and a wealth of scenery and costumes is carried. When the headliner is put out of the way,, Joe Jackson goes down as the best visitation the Orephum has had in his line In. well, since Joe was here last. witnout saying a word, and with only a bare stage and some tat. tered garments and his old "bike." Joe does a pantomine that can't be beat. Tou must speak of it in the vernacular, because it is that kind of a sketch. The audience actually howled for more. Incidental! v Joe's appellation is "The European Vaga- oona. Louis London, a stylish, handsome, devilish sort of a character sonsr stud ent, gives the first blush of brightness io me diii axter tne opening of an acrobatic act. London is accomplished. His work is finished and his singing voice is rich and full, expressive and tuneful. His characterizations are picturesque. Eunice Burnham, who once was with the long lanky Charlotte Greenwood who threw her hands and legs every which way in unison with the chords of the piano, returns this time with Charles Irwin, a clever monologist and Binser. xrwra - souse" confidence: are unusually high-class. The talking moving pictures srive unscheduled entertainment. Instead of being taming pictures, they were balk ing pictures, in as much as the talk ing balked and the films went on about three laps ahead of the voices The funny part, too, was that Mayor Gaynor was the center piece of the film and when he sat down, lo his speaking continued. The audience was Be On Your Guard U Complica tions con- title are liable to arise in any real es tate deal while the deal is under , way, immediately after wards or years later. Protect yourself by securing our Guar- . anteed Certificate of Title. Investigate. Cair for booklet. Title & Trust Company, 4th and. Oak Streets. delighted. It was the best thing the taiKing moving pictures have done yet. Montambo and Wells, acrobats, do a lot of useless stuff to open the bill, but get down to downright cleverness Just as they finish. Four people, two men and two women, stage ''Handkerchief No. 15," a much too long, much too vulgar. much too useless attraction for the Orpheum. Lyric. UNADULTERATED merriment Is the offering at the Lyric this week, where Keating & Flood offer "Wlsh land," a farce laid in a tropical isle. Tiney Snyder plays the part of a dis tant relative of the late king, called-un-expectedly to the throne, and Billy On slow Impersonates Terras O'Gourk, a man-servant whom his master has prevailed upon to play the part of the heir apparent while he himself as sumes the servant role. Terras is not acceptable to the Is landers and Inez, the queen dowager. pio.yea oy vera Alwyn, plots to take his life. She is abetted by Bishop Blatherskite (Guy Woodward), and Wozzleback the Wizard (Lew Dunbar). They plan to have the false king show his prowess by fighting a tiger, and Terras, with fatuous conceit, under takes the obligation. But Queen Inez cannot wait and stabs the figure of the king as he lies sleeping, only Terras has heard her threat and substitutes a pumpkin for his devoted head. The attack brings forth a revelation of the imposture, and the true King assumes his place and the hand of Lucy (Katie Carlson). who had been "for him" even when he was a servant. The song numbers are good. Miss Alwyn offering two effective Bolos. and the Rosebuds pirouette and parade in tneir Dest form. The same bill will continue all week, with the usual spe cial features. Kmpress. f LMMY BRITT, billed as former light aj weight champion of the world, is the leading attraction at the Empress this week. He appears in a monologue which is brimful of funny stories of wit and humor with a dash of pathos and lots of human interest. He says that when asked why he became a boxer he replies that the neighborhood was responsible, l-fla story of his boy hood days in San Francisco and of in cidents in Dublin and London are amusing. As a finale he strips to fight ing garb and recites a graphic ringside story in verse. "The Nine Piano Bugs" are a collec tion of artists that present an un usually fine number of gingery songs, dances and piano playing that Is skill ful. An especial hit is the dancing of the tango by two graceful members of the company. For the last song the whole troup go right down into the audience and start a riot of fun. Charlotte, violinist with a marvelous touch, appears in various costumes which she rapidly changes right on the stage. The Wheelers and Company, in "Fun on the Boulevard," contribute some rapid-fire comedy juggling which wins much applause. Agnes Lee, a gifted little actress with lots of vim and a remarkably sweet voice, is assisted by Ray Dahlberg, Arthur Cappelen and William Bowers in a dramatic playlet entitled "The Test." The plot is interesting and well portrayed. Miss Lee does some strong emotional acting an3 does it well. Edward Barnes and Mabel Robinson "kid" the audience and each other and dp several comical songs and spring some real jokes. These attractions and the high class of moving pictures and artistic work of the orchestra round out a good show. Land Company Sued. VANCOUVER, Wash., June 2. (Spe cial.) The Swedish Land & Coloniza tion Company has been made defend ant in a suit by J. P. Wilquet, who Juggling two pairs of glasses is often to indicate old age. Our Kryptok Invisible " Double Vision Lenses obviate the need for two pairs of glasses by combining all ranges of vision in one pair. And because the lens is ground from one piece there is nothing to distinguish Kryptoks from a single lens. Ve have had the pleasure of fitting many of our patients with Kryptoks in Shur-on mountings. Possibly the logic of Kryptok lenses appeals to you. If it does we wish you'd come in. THOMPSON OPTICAL INSTITUTE Second Floor Corbett Building-. Fifth and Morrison. lHl-w b .it L Tramping Boots Trunks and &?&C "The Steinbctcri Store' seeks to recover $5000 on promissory notes, alleged to be due. Portland People In Chicago. CHICAGO. June 2. (Special.) E. L. Harmon and Robert Shaw, of Portland. Or., registered today at the La Salle. ARE YOU SURE that YOUR VALUABLES are SAFE? For $3.50 per year you can rent a safe deposit box in our Massive Chrome and Bessemer Steel Vaults, thus insur ing against Fire, Theft or Accident. eci Ji unmi 'BEPOljSlf &TRUT Co! pSAFE QTiDB7 284 Oak Street Henry Building That "Wednesday Made-in-Oregon luncheon at the Imperial is doing a lot to boost "home cooking" to Port land people and the many visitors. You ought to try it. The advance guard of the Union Live stock Show Associa tion and the State Threshermen's Convention will be on hand Wednesday. Luncheon 50c PEERLESS TRUCKS Pay Profits in Pure Transportation MANY concerns use Peerless trucks for die prestige they yield, for the enterprise they represent, for the advertising that results from doing things in the modem mode. But local and national express companies who sell nothing but transportation use Peerless trucks because they pay. The average monthly record of this jton Peerless in the service of the United States Express Company at Newark, N. J., is half a million pounds of miscellaneous merchandise, carried a thousand miles with 136 stops. Its daily trips average 18,801 pounds, 33.8 miles and 54 deliveries. It replaced to horses. Wherever Peerless Trucks are in use they are giving consistent profitable service every day. H. L. Keats Auto Company 341V347 Burnside Street, Portland, Ore. Dcakn bo in Peerless Passenger Cars I 1 MM, KAMI IMfUll Outing Suggestions In Men's Wear- The Kuppenheimer Worsteds are coming in daily fine models in English and Semi-Box. These are in next sea son's fabrics. There are Norfolks, too, fine for vacation wear. You will be well satisfied at twenty-five dollars. Others at fifteen to forty. Other timely suggestions include The Palm Beach Suits in cravenette, mohair, white serge and white flannel. Silk Shirts White Silk Hose Bathing Suits Outing Shirts Athletic Underwear Tub Ties Bags Tan Shoes Ducks and Khakis Motoring Apparel . ' Stamps Given Upon Request continue to be the feature of Friedlanders' Reduction Sale This week we are offering those Half Carat Solitaires at $67.50 $40.00 Kings 30.00 $25.00 Rings $18.75 $20.00 Rings $15.00 $10.00 Rings $ 7.50 With corresponding reductions on all large pieces and throughout our sil verware department. 310 "Washington St. Expert Opticians. Examinations Free. WOMEN'S AND MISSES' Plain Tailored SUITS (of Ihe Better Class) 1-2 Price C. E. Hollidav Co. Alder St.,torneV Park 0 Morrison at Fourth Teachers' Examination Notice is hereby given that the School Superintendent of Multnomah County will hold an examination tor applicants for state and county papers at Lownsdale Bchool building (old Lin coln High), at Fourteenth and Morri son streets, as follows: Kor State Papers). Commencing- Wednesday, June IS. 1913, at 9 o'clock A. M., and continuing until Saturday, June 21. 1913, at 4 P.M. We-dneaday Forenoon. Writing. U- S. history physiology. "Wednesday Afternoon. Physical geography, reading-, compo sition, methods in reading, methods in arithmetic Thursday Forenoon. Arithmetic, history of education, psychology, methods in geography. Thursday- Afternoon. Grammar, geography. American liter ature, physics, methods in' language, thesis for primary certificate. Friday Forenoon. Theory and practice. orthography. English literature, chemistry. Friday Afternoon. School law, botany, algebra, civil government. Saturday Forenoon. Geometry, geology. Saturday Afternoon. General history, bookkeeping. Primary Theses. The following arp liKtn nf ciihiar.r. from which to choose for a primary thesis: (a) What should be taught in the primary grades. that is not found in books? (b) Home geography in the primary grades, (c) The use of phonics n me Altai, graau. laj mmarv resil ing, (e) Nature study, (f) Busy work, (g) The iiontessori system of educa tion, (h) Play and playgrounds. n A. P. ARMSTRONG, County School Superintendent. ELECTRIC FANS That Oefy the Hent of the Hottest Day. Stufobs Electric Co. SIXTH AT PWE. Everything; Electrical." COLLAR HIGH IN THE BACKEND LOW IN FRONT 2-for25"c Cluett, Peabody & Co., Inc.. Maker ANNEX HOTEL Twelfth and Washlnsrton. Absolutely Fireproof, Modern; First class, 150 Rooms, With or Without Private or Detached Bath. Special Rates per week or month to families bachelors and single men of good character. ANNEX HOTEL CHARLES H. ROWLEY, MGR. Sol Due Hot Springs Hotel la the Heart of the Olympics. For descriptive literature, address the Manager. Sol ruc. Clallam County. Washington. The Belmont School BELMONT, CAL Collere Preparatory. Lowrr School. Mr H. r. Oliphant. of tlie Belmont School for Boys, will be at the Hotel Portland during the month of June. rxrr t 77-. r zyXr c i . vz jT sz- v a. im ARROW 1