THE MORNING OREGOXIAN. TUESDAY. JUNE 3, 1913. L REPORT New York Police Commissioner Declared to Be "Incompe tent and Unfit." . GAYNOR ADVISED TO ACT Kxisting Evils of Department Traced to His Inefficiency, Is Finding of Investigators Waldo Says He Will Not Ecuisn. NEW VOBK, June 2. The removal of Rhinelander "Waldo us Police Com missioner, an appointive post lie has held for two years under Mayor Gay nor. 1b recommended in a majority re port adopted today by the Aldermanio committee that investigated the police department after Herman Rosenthal, the gambler, was slain last July by gunmen hired by ex-Police lieutenant Charles Becker. The report was in tended to go to Governor Sulzer, but at the last minute an amendment was adopted directing the recommendation for removal to the Mayor. The Board of Aldermen as a whole must pass on the report before It can reach Mayor Gaynor. Commissioner "Waldo is characterised In the report as "incompetent and un lit" and incapable of administering his department. "Many of the existing- evils of the department can be directly traced, to his Inefficiency and administrative blunders," the report charges. It setB forth in lengrthy detail the commit tee's reasons for recommending his re moval. Alleged failure to prevent "a widespread system of blackmail and extortion by certain of his subordi nates" is one of the dozen reasons mentioned. After a conference with Mayor Gay nor Commissioner "Waldo said he at tributed the action of the committee to politics. The Mayor, he added, had not removed him and he had no in tention of resigning-. RIVER HIGH AT VANCOUVER Columbia at 2 2 Feet 2 Inches, but No Serious Damage Done. VANCOUVER. Wash.. June 2. (Spe cial.) The Columbia. River Is yet and has reached 22 feet 2 Inches. With weather continued, -warm it Is probable that the river "Will continue to rise for several days. The water is over several feet of 'pavement at the foot of Washington .street. No serious damage has been done Trere. THE DALLES, Or. June 2. (Special.) At 6 o'clock this evening the stagre of .the Columbia River here was 37.8 feet Hbove low water mark, the highest the biff stream has been in several years. iThn river baa been slowly, though steadily, rising all day a.nd it is ex Inected to go still higher during the night. It came up a. foot during the last 24 hours. , UMATILLA, Or.,"juno 2. (Special.) Water at 6 P. M. was at 23 feet 3 inches. 2 feet below flood, stage. The river rose S inches in the last 24 hours. During the Intense heat of the Inland Kmpiro the river will continue to rise, probably reaching flood, stage. LTCWISTON, Tdah June 2. S"pe oinl.) The 5 nuke River registers to xitgfiT a stage of 19 feet, the Clearwatei U 1:5. Both rivers have been rising steadily since morning and are only a foot lower than the high water mark set lust week. With present weather conditions maintaining for the rest of the week, a. repetition of the high water of 1894 is expected. Tonight both rivers are stationary, but are expected, to reg ister over a foot rise tomorrow, which will bring them, to the danger point. LOCOMOTIVE MEN GATHER 00 Dclesntos at Brotherhood Con icnt ion Begin Work. WASHINGTON, "June 2. The con vention of the Brotherhood of Locomo 1 1ve Firemen and Knginemen organ ized today and more than 900 dele gates got down to work. Three im portant questions are to come up, be sides election of a new set of officers. The convention will be in ueasion 28 days. Selection of a city for permanent headquarters and convention place probably will be the first important question. Another subject to come before 'the convention is the question of consol idating the brotherhood with the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. Changes In the constitution and by laws probably also will be made with the selection of a city for the 1916 con vention. So far Denver. Oakland and Houston are the only cities in the field. MRS. PANKHURST IS BETTER V Suffragette Leader Recover-in s; From Effects of Hunger Strike. lXXDON, June 2. Mrs. Kmmalina I-ankhurst. the militant suffragette leader, whose "license" expires on June . ia recovering: from the Illness aris ing: from her "hunger strike." She was too weak today, however, to at tend the usual Monday meeting of the Woman's Social and Political Union, the militant suffragette organization. In a letter from Mrs. Pan It. hurst, read at the meeting, she expressed the hop. that she would be able to be present next week. The letter breathed continued defiance of the government. Jtrs. Pankhurst declared that her spirit vas unbroken. INVENTION BRINGS PARDON "Wilson Frees Man When Patent Proves to Be Success. WASHINGTON, June 2. President "Wilson today pardoned dr. Theodore Khiras, of Elmira, N. Y., sentenced at Omaha, Neb., to four months in Jail and to pay a fine of $300 for alleged misuse of the mails, in connection with ihe selling of the stock of a company promoting an invention. Since his couviotion the Invention ia eaid to have proved successful. lSeeord for Prompt Divorces Set. ABERDEEN. Wash.. June 1. (Spe cial.) A record for prompt divorces nas been set in Ohehalis County by Judge "Mason Irwin, who Saturday granted .Mrs. Wary P. Sutherland a writ cf separation before breakfast. Mrs, Sutherland Is prominent in educational work aid was a candidate at the Re publican primaries last rail for County Superintendent. 'S NEW YORK POLICE COMMISSIONER, WHOSE REMOVAL IS URGED BY ALDERMANIO COMMITTEE. 111 'ill HOPPERS M NQHTH Much of California in Grip of Destructive Pests. FRUIT TREES ARE DENUDED From San. Iiego on South to Shasta County at Xorth End Golden State Is Invaded by Hungry Horde. Warning Is Issued. SACRAMENTO. CaL. June 2. Califor nia from San Diego on the south to fehasta County on the north at various sections is In tha otIt nf th ot-,,.- hopper" and unless an Immediate and unetramea campaign against the In sect Is prosecuted by farmers and fruitgrowers, possibly total destruction to some crops may result, according to State Horticulturist Cook. Reports were received today which tell of an invasion of Fresno and Kings counties, while practically ail the big agricultural sections of the Sacramento Valley are being attacked by the pests. The 'hnnnorji a r-m noptlminvln t ...... ii. i j nuiij, i y and are climbing up the trunks of fruit .oco uu mere is some evidence that they are completely denuding the tree of bark and foliage. Dr. Cook advises whitewashing and tin discs about the trunks of the trees -- tveep nil ine pest. HANLEY IS HOST TO HILL GREAT NORTHERN l'.Utir OFF FOR VALE TODAY, Railroad -Magnate Makes No Prom ises but Assures Burns Ootmrry It Will See Road Soon. BURNS. Or., June 2. (Special.) The party of Great Northern officials arrived Sunday night and were guests at the William Hanley residence, near this city. They consist of Louis W. Hill. chairman of the board of directors of the threat Northern and director of the First National Bank of St. Paul; Joseph H. Young, president of the Hill lines in Oregon: W. P. Davidson, president of the Oregon-W estjern Colonization Com pany; Edward o. Rice, controller of the First National Bank of St. Paul: A. M. Lutser, chief engineer of the Hill lines In Oregon; C. E. Leedy, general Immi gration agent or the Great Northern: 6. W. Graham, Western industrial and ROSE FESTIVAL WEEK SEVEN ISSUES, IXCLt'DIXG POSTAGE, 20 CENTS. Mail to your friends in the East The Oregonian during Rose Festival week, beginning Mon day. June 9. and ending with the great S tim da v edition. June 15. Complete and exhaustive re ports with numerous high-class half-toned illustrations will be featured daily. The Portland Annual Rose Fes tival has been widely advertised throughout the .United States, and no more attractive testi monial to your friends could be given than a subscription to Oregon's great daily during the event. Orders given now at the busi ness office or sent by mail to The Oregonian will receive prompt and careful attention. Subscription price for the en tire week, including postage. Is 10 cents. immigration agent of the Great North ern; John R. Stanson, agent of the Oregon & "Western Colonization Com pany. .They were met several miles west of town by President Donnegan. of the Commercial Club, and escorted to the city. Today they were taken to the Harney County Agricultural Experi ment Station and around the Harney Valley. This evening the Commercial Club -gave them a reception and lunch eon, and good boosting talks were made by Mr. Donuegin, Mr. Hill. Frank ,. - --- - A f ' V ' I t : sys vv:'- . 7 t '.-- t I p t ' " ""-f I RHINEOaAHUER WALDO. i .i v;- Y Davey, Mr. Young, Mr. Hanley and Charles H. Leonard. The efforts of the local speakers were to Impress on the railroad men the necessity of trans portation and the reason that war rants It. Mr. Hill and Mr. Young gave no def inite promises, but earnest assurance was given that this section will get . railroad in the near future as a part of the Hill system. The party leaves here tomorrow for Vale and Ontario and then to Boise, where they will separate, Mr. Hill and Mr. Young scroing to Butte. This was the birthday of Mr. Hill's little daughter and there Is a girl here with, the same birthday, Annette Leon ard, dauffhter of Attorney Leonard, whom Mr. Hill met on previous visits, so he insisted on having a birthday party with her and her girl friend, and the little girls had a glorious time. MURDER CHARGE DENIED PRESIDIO STEWARD NOW OCCU PIES ceiliIj rv jaiihere. George C. Schall, About to Retire From Army, Now Must Answer to Accusation as Slaver. Tearfully denying any knowledge of the killing of his wife and three sons at the Presidio at San Francisco last April, George C. Schall yesterday sub mitted to arrest by Deputy United States Marshal Talley and is now in a cell In the Multnomah County JaiL He is charged in a San Francisco in dictment with the murder of his fam ily, the members of which were found in a burning house, with their beads cut open. Schall for many years has been hos pital steward at the Government mili tary reservation. He declared in th marshal's office yesterday on arrival from Vancouver, Wash., where he was located, that he arrived on the scene of the fire to find his home so nearly destroyed that any action on his part was Impossible. He said he was first informed that his wife and children ad escaped and later that they were still in the ruins- He said he had passed many weeks In the hospital suf fering from nervous shock. He did not explain why he suddenly left the Pre sidio after leaving the hospital. Schall will be taken back to San Francisco by a deputy from the Port land office probably some time this week. His arrest was made by a deputy United States marshal and John csecrlst, chief of police of Vancouver. Schall married a sister of the wife of George B. Stoner, Councilman of the Vancouver City Council, and part owner of a bar ber shop there. Mr. Stoner had never seen his brother-in-law, Schall. until he arrived a few, weeks ago and se cured a position In a local drug store as a pharmacist. Schall was steward of the Government hospital and is due to retire after SO years' service. In August. He secured a four months' leave of absence to be retired at the end of that time. Mr. Stoner took Schall into his own home when he reached Vancouver, and that night he had a long talk with him. He said that Schall got badly tangled in his stories about the death of his family. The wife and children of Schall were- insured and Schall col lected 1403 on their policies. Mr. Stoner said Schall did not even attend the funeral of his family, feigning sick ness, but that he found men there who said he was playing cards the follow ing day. Mrs. Stoner accused Schall openly of having killed her sister and ordered him from her home, as she could not bear to see him. After talking over the matter for some time, and holding many conversations with him. Stoner finally decided to go to San Francisco and demand a grand jury investigation. He made an affidavit there and it was on his request that the Investigation began, and has resulted in Schall s arrest- Mrs. Stoner said that she be lieved that as her sister had become paralyzed and that as she was a bur den to him. and he was so soon to re tire, he took this rash method of get ting rid of her. 8-YEAR-OLD- BOY DROWNED Launch Runs Down Two Lads in Canoe, tout Both Are Saved. Robert Wright, aged years, son of C "W. "Wright, of 101 Morris street, was drowned at 9 o'clock last night ia Threo-Cornered Lake, at the back of the O.-W. B, JT. carshops In Lower Alblna. The child had removed his clothes and gone In wading when he grot beyond his depth. His clothes lying on tne Dank attracted the attention of Frank Loomis and Holbert Burd and they went in the water to Investigate ana soon discovered the boy s body. The harbor police arrived prepared HEAD ITCHED Ears Swelled Up and Got Raw. Scratched In Sleep and Made Sores. Used Cuticura Soap and .Ointment. Now Well. 413 B. "W. Boulevard. Roeedala. TTnnsi Mr trouble commenced km sir ears about fifteen years ago. My ears waned up and got raw and raa a dick yet low jnucos. There were small pimple that bad a thin yellow fluid m them. rThen tiiey broke tha fluid ran down en ay faca and neck which poisoned tbe pi ace a Sametunea tins would all dry up and the flpsh -wotrli! U sti-i, - 4 V - and crack open in place. Then tt would all break out again. It itobed and burned dreadfully. I would lie awoke meats for hours. I scratched In zay sleep and made sores. Then that yellow fluid would come out of the cores. I suffered a great deal wlta my head Itching and burning and It broke out in pimples around the edge of my hair on the bade of my bead. " I used everything I beard of but got no relief. Intact got worse. My ears sweUod two or three times their own stae and turned almost black and I was in despair. A Mead asked me if I bad tried Onxleura Soap and Ointment, so I went and go a box of Cutt oura Ointment and cake at Coctcura Soap and commenced. By the thne I had used one box of Cutloura Oiatmant and oaa -i-fr of Cuttoura Boap I waawcu." (Signed) Mr. Mary Conidlng, Apr. S5, WIS. CuUiuiu 9 cap 35c. and OutSeura Ointment eon. an sold ewy whore. Liberal sample of each mailed free, with 33-p. Skin Book. Ad dreoa post-card "Ou&cura, Dept. T, Boston. av TtJuder-fBced men should use Cuttcura Soap Shavmg Stick, 36a. Sampta free. to drajr the lake, but thai-- inxvi. w.. not needed. While the harhor Tnlin n-oro An errand thn launch v- j two boys in a canoe on the "Willamette. "" were rescuea out refused to give their names. , 'ANTI-HATPIN' LAW PASSES Seattle Ordinance Puts Limit on Length of Fasteners. SEATTLE. Juna Th "t,m.i,.. pin" ordinance introduced intv th City Council at the request of the Fed eration or women's Club was passed unanimously ty the Council today. The ordinance provides that the point Of a hatnl-i shall mitted to BTfoni mn tt... - , . . ... " " vuc-ijiuiriar inch beyond the crown of the hot and -o. ueyuuu me orim. violation of the ordinance will be punished by a fine of not more than $100 or imprison ment for not more than 80 days. BANK CASE INVESTIGATED Roseburg Grand Jury Probes First National Records. ROSE BURG, Or., June 2. SpecIal.) Alter n. -amolr'a a.aoa;i nv- a j -"-"j"-v.a tn-c (uiu jury filed Its final report late tonight and " " " wviili isu iur me term. The past two days of tbe term were snent almost e-ccinRtv,iv in gating certain transactions involving T. R. Sheridan during the time he was president of the First National Bank. Other than oral testimony, many of the bank books were introduced before the Jury. A report that the Jury was in vestigating the affairs of the Rosebnrg National Bank was erroneous. Aberdeen Commencement On. ABERDEEN, Wash., June 2. (Spe cial.) Commencement work ooened here yesterday when the baccalaureate sermon was delivered at the high school auditorium by Rev. R. E. Coop er, of the First Presbyterian Church. A musical programme was made a part i"e service, commencement exer cises will be held Friday night, when Maynard Lee Daggy, of tbe State Uni versity, will speak. High School Graduates First Boys. CENTRALIA, Wash., June 2. (Spe cial) The baccalaureate services of the 1913 graduating class of the Kelso High School were held in the Presby terian Church in Kelso tonight. The Rev. C. B. Latimer delivered the bac calaureate sermon. The 1913 class, which Is the fifth graduated from the school, is the first class to have boys In its membership. Man and Woman Arrested. Albert H. Mitlehner. brewer master of the Portland Brewing Co.. and Mrs. Katherine Sherrill, a trained nurse who resides at 704 Lovejoy street, were arrested last night on complaint of Mltlehner's wife by Of ficers Moe and Martin .n na.. with a statutory offense. Both were reieaseu on nan xo appear this morn ing. 40-0 Killed In Mexican Battle. EL PASO. Tex., June 2. Four hun dred are reported killed Saturday In a ThattlA between Phlhnolina r-'- 1 -- - -w.vj uu Santa Rosalia, Chihuahua State. Both reoeis ana ieaer&is witnarew alter thi day's fighting with the losses divided Campbell Heads Court of Claims. WASHINGTON. June 2. Edward M. Campbell, of Birmingham, Ala., was sworn in today as Chief Justice of the United States Court of Claims. lggp Delicious 'S j SP Layer Cake Your cake will be uniformiv even in texture, of that soft, velvety consistency that makes it melt m your mouth W Rumiord Baking Powder is used Rumtord makes all cakes to 'digestible, light 4nd nourishing that it makes perfect cake. THE WHOLESOME BAKING POWDER "?;,p'yTF el B 1 ' S YOU can never realize the "comfy" and all-to-ourselves feel ing of home without the Packard interpreter as a mem ber of the family. It is always ready to delightfully entertain. (J Have you a Packard in your home? No? Then try one, and see tha. old skeleton rattle out of the closet when you give the Packard a place in the parlor. Players and pianos may be purchased on terms at m M til 1 a n S3 m m 11 MORRISOX AND BIG TIME IS IN VIEW 'Royal Oaks" Due to Reach Portland June 9. TRAIN COMES IN SECTIONS Drill: Team to Be In Excellent Con dition to Take Part In Hose Fes tival Fun Alameda County to Bring Along Exhibit. OAKLAND, Cal.. June 2. (Special.) The "Royal Oaks" will leave Oakland on the morning of June 7 in two or more sections to repay the "visit of the Rosarians last December, and to show to Portland and the other cities of the Northwest , that Central California and particularly Oakland are sincere in their enthusiasm for the "Hands Up and Down the Pacific Slope" senti ment. Reservations pouring in to the Oakland Commercial Club Indicate that practically every city in Northern and Central California will be represented in the party. Daily meetings of the committee are being held and the drill team Is meet ing three times a week to perfect itself In evolutions that will have Army precision. The marchers are to wear white serge suits and in "various places about the costume will be the Oakland thought of blue and white. The assurances, which have been re ceived from C. C. Craig and other mem bers of the Rose Festival committee. of. special entertainments being" planned and provisions being made for every minute being a pleasure Ailed minute, has awakened curiosity in the heart and mind of every Oak lander. Crowd Comes Prepared. "Whatever you have planned for us, we'll be there on the moment," said Fred E. Reed, chairman of the Rose Festival committee of the Oakland Commercial Club, and a Rosarian. Mr. Reed was the first Calif ornian 'to be initiated Into Portland Royal Honor, and is. by appointment. Special Am bassador to round up and take to the Northern Carnival City California's representation. "I know the Portland, crowd. I can conceive what Is meant when they In form us that every moment of our time Is to be occupied. We are going to have the time of our lives, enloy the Carnival spirit and at the same time meet the community builders of the Northwest. We axe not losing track of that thought here that we are to meet the men who are having part In the development of the cities and sec tions of the entire Pacific slope. We want to know them. Their problems n(Q I Ir- 6 6 BROADWAY. are our problems. Their task Is our task. And their success and our suc cess are so linked by the common cause of the Pacific Coast that we should be one compact organization. KxhJblt to Be Bronx-ht. The Oakland Commercial Club guar ters in the Portland Commercial Club building will house a comprehensive exniDit or. Alamada Countv rjrorfuctx. Particularly will attention be given to the exhibit of California roses without Oetraclng in any measure from the -Kose city" fame of Portland. The Royal Oaks will reach Portland the morning of June 9 and will go from me train to the steamer "Rose Cltv1 and accompany Rex Oregonus and his retinue, an escort of honor, in the mag nllicent entrance pageant to the city. ine oaklandcrs headquarters will be at the Hotel Oregon, where a reserva- 1011 ot iuu rooms has been made. Bryant Assault Trial On. " CHJSHALIS. TVash., June 2, (Spe cial.) The June term of the Lewis County Superior Court convened here this morning. A. 13. Rice presiding. There are but a few criminal cases to be tried, the most important being the --.aiR against wiinam .Bryant, of Cen trana. The latter attemted to shoot ins wife some months ago, and. when Ben Scars, a well-known business man of that city, lntrfered, Bryant shot Sears, inflicting a dangeroirS wound in " ies. ryan will ce tried lor the as sault. Most of the cases to be heard are dam-tee suits. Freshet Closes Shiuple Mill. CENTRALIA. Wash., June 2. (Spe cial.) After operating only three days the Rhincla mill of the Washington Cedar Shingle Company in Kelso closed down again Friday because of the rising backwater from the annual Columbia River freshet The rapid rise of the Columbia was unexpected and is likely to result in considerable $985 F. 0. B. Voledo The greatest difference in popular-priced cars is the difference in price, and this difference is due to factory and facilities. The "Willys-Overland Company do not claim to be more conscientious builders, but they are more economical. It is merely the Overland method a 95 per cent efficient factory system making 40,000 cars yearly. The Overland costs 30 per cent less than any other similar car made. -The Overland has a powerful silent, smooth-running thirty-horsepower motor, seats five large pas sengers comfortably. The bodv is finished in the famous dark Overland blue and the wheels in battle ship gray. Every Overland owner is proud of his car and you will find them no matter where you go, in the country as well as the city. Overland is a.great favorite with the farmer, and he is used to buying machinery, and his choice is the Overland. Let us show you this wonderful car today. J. W. LEAVITT CO. Pacific Coast Distributers 529-531 Washington Street, Portland, Oregon ORDER YOUR WINES and LIQUORS By Telephone and Have Them Delivered Here's Our Delivery Schedule: West Side Two deliveries dailv. Auto leaves at 10 A. M. and 4:30 P. M. Sellwood, Woodstock and jount Scott Auto leaves store at 1:30 P. M, Mondays and Thursdays. Piedmont, University Park, Wood lawn and Alberta Auto leaves store at 1:30 P. M. Tuesdays and Fridays. Rosa City Park, Montavilla, Mount Tabor and Laurelhurst. Auto leaves store at 1:30 P. M. Wednesdays and Saturdays. Irvington and Holladay Every afternoon. See TnuTsday and Friday papers and call np Main 6499 or A 4499 and your order will be de livered. For Lass of Hair "We will pay for what yoa use) it ,Kez-mlI."93' Hair Tonic does no promote too growth of your hair. In all our experionoa with haia tonics the one that has dona most to sain our confidence ia fiezall "OS' Hair Tonic We have such well founded faith ia it that we want you to try it at our riak. If it doea not satisfy you in every parti cular . we will pay for what you use to tha stent oi a SO day treatment. ' If Rexall "03" Hair Tonio dee Bot remove dandruff, relieve scalp irritation, atop the hair from falliaa; and promote a new growth ei hair. ome back to as and ask us to return the money you paid for it, and we wilt PFamptly hand it back to you. Tew don't sign anything, promiae any thing, bring anything back, oar in any way obligate yourself. Isn't that faiiT Doesn't it stand to reason that vs would not make such a liberal offea if we did not truly believe taafi Rexall "93" Hair Tonio will do ail we claim for it that it will do all and more than any other remedjrr We hava everything there is a de mand for, and are able to fudge the) merits of the things we eelL Cus tomers tall ua of their eueceaa. Tbers are more satisfied usera of Rexall 'S3" Hair Tonio than any rimilr preparation we seU. Start a treatment of Rexall "93't Hair Tonio today. If you do, wa believe you will thank ua for this adviee. Two aise bottles, 60e and $L ' ' You can buy Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets In this community only at THE OWL DRUG CO. Portland, Ore. Stores In Portland. Seattle. Spokane. Sal F-rancisco, Oakland, Los Angeles and Bacramanto. Them t a Rsxall 6vr m nearly amy town ' and city in the United Btatea, Cauda and Great Britain. Thara ia a different Rexall nemeay lor nearly every ordmary hunua ail each eapeciallT designed for the -larunilu ill loss on all the bottom vicinity of Kelso.. lands in the Fatlier-in-Law Tortured, Is Charpe. FORT SMITH. Ark.. June 2. Charged, with tying his father-in-law, P. w. Adams, to a tree and torturing him. Harry Copeland. a schoolteacher of Red Oak, Okla.. was arrested here todny. He was taken to Wllburton, Okla., for trial. $985 F. 0. B. Toledo