Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 03, 1913, Image 1

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    VOL. LiIII. NO. 16,387.
Election as First Choice of
r Voters Indicated on Face
of the Early Returns.
At 2 A. M. Albee Has Strong
Plurality Over Other Can
Total Vote Will Not Exceed
45,000, It Is Believed.
Clyde, Brewster, deck, W. H. Italy
and Baker Arc Leading for Com
missioners Women Fea
ture in the Voting.
At 3 A. M. Albee had 6366 first choice
votes. Rushlight running second with
49SS first choice votes. Albee's lead
Is 13S0. If the count continues at this
ratio Albee will finish with a lead of
about 5500 over Rushlight on first
ct.oioe votes.
With one-fourth of ' the total vote
counted at midnight, H. R. Albee was
leading-, so that if the ratio continues
to the end he will have a plurality for
Mayor of about 6500 votes.
With second and third chotce votes
Included Albee's lead would be reduced
slightly. Albee on the present count
exceeds Rushlight by 1241 votes when'
all three choices are included. On the
same basis he is S3S8 votes ahead of
McKenna and 4892 votes ahead of Kel.
laher. In the best residence sections
Mr. Albee led Mr. Rushlight, his nearest
opponent, as high as 4 to 1.
in such precinct as those in the
North End. South Portland. Lower
Albina and the South Kaat Side- Mr.
Rushlight led Mr. Albee some, but not
nearly enough to make his election
at all certain. He will be unable, to all
appearances, judging by the way the
votes were being counted at 2 A. M..
to overcome the big lead of Mr. Albee.
l.lKht Vote Is Cast.
With one-fourth of the vote count
ed at z A. M. Mr. Albee had a lead
over Rushlight of 1380 in first-choice
votes, and the count, as it was in
progress, indicated a continuation of
this ratio. There seems little reason
to doubt at 2 A. M. that he is elected
by a substantial majority, and that he
will head Portlands first commission
for the next four years.
Ideal weather failed to bring out as
large a vote as was hoped for, but in
dications are that about 60 per cent
of the registered vote was cast, or
about 45,000 total.
For Commissioners. Ralph C. Clyde.
W. L. Brewster, Robert G. Dieck. Will
M. JJaly and George L. Baker
are leaaing and it is indicated that the
four men who will servo with the new
Mayor will be chosen from these five.
In all probability first, second and
third-choice votes will have to be
counted to determine the result.
At A. M. the vote so far as counted
was as touows:
Mayor One to He Elected.
First Second Third
choice, choice. choice.
1 2
Pan K-liahr ..
A. a. Kushlight.
H. It. Alhc
C. L. McKenna..
"V. J. smith
B. Stiff
7 W
Auditor one to Be Elected.
A. L. Hflrhur 5.4SQ 213
H. A. Moer Ml 437
John T. Klchardgon 774 4r4
E. M. Helmo SOU J75
Commissioner tour to Be Elected.
First Second Third
t . oholca. choice, choice.
SI Ralph r. r-lj-ds ... 2.6;;l 274 83
-'3 John H. Nona .... 3sl 7o 713
O. A. Hiiteliw .... 473 isi
ITS George L Hnkfr. . 2.159 23 lis
lf3 W. B. lioMlngsw'th j-,, iw rts
-4 L. G. Carpenter .. s iy lo
-- Wm. C. Benbow... 807 10-
? I.. M. t 4-j ift
M. O. Collins 37 ih 20
so Thos. J. Hammer 167 3. 2"
32 H. C McAllister... 1.071 KM 1ST
II. D. Wavnon.... 25 1 tjo
:1 J hn Drlscoll. . . . .' 1,142 372 "is
3tt Win. A. Munly. 1.078 1 l50
41 Alfred A. Closse-t.. 1 16 n
42 J. P. Marshall.... 41 13 7
I.. V. Hampton HiiO 143 M
44 AVm. Kchmeur 203 &4 30
S t'hai. H. BoarJ . . " 17 1 ' 1
4 K. Verstfeg 1S2 157 92
47 K. C. ,in 22.1 13i' M
4 lr. W. I. Cottpl 72 2-7 13
49 Maria L. T. Hidden 307 139 123
. Ss Will II. lialy 2-.7H9 StU 209
w V"m. I, lirowster. 2,1 lt 5SU 182
1 Robert Andre . . 22 10 3
62 Kclpar a. steinau.. 13 16 9
3 Frank E. Watltlns f2 287 149
4 1.. p. w. Qulmby.. 23 12 10
8 T. o. Daly 182 R4 va
J J T. M. Ilurlburt 1.234 K7S 2'S
67 H. t:. Thompson.. OS 24 20
S M. C. Reed 23 4
69 TV. T. Vaughn s so 9
70 James N. rravls... 20 17 14
1 f. L Dagffntt 9 0 T
72 Ge-o. C. Kwen '7 3 R
T3 Alfred B. Pavls... 24 IS 1
74 John D. Wilcci... 11 ' 0
7f Thomas J. Lewis.. 19 15 11
. 78 G. M. Zahm 171 14 10
' 7. J. P. Roy 149 IS 9
75 August Kschle .... 11 14 a
79 V.. u. MeMonles. . 293 1S9 ISO
M 1.. G-rlin-l, Jr.. 15S lo7 12si
t Robert G. Uleclc .. 2.71 273 Ins
V Marshall N. Tana. 422 12fi 75
eT T. N. Stopper. r-."h 2.020 369 11(1
ft ". J. Richardson.. S4S 126 10"
92 G. a. Van Waters 41 17 -ji
94 J. lRoy 8mlth.. 49 13 24
US F. W. Winn US -3 ;a
9 J. E. prerlein 2R a.39 27j
9T Georse B. Cellars.. 1.222 54 244
95 C. C. Cralc 361 260 254
99 .'tinton A. Ambrose S4e- 19T 1S4
Adding In firyt. second and third
(Concluded on Fat ll.
Congressmen Challenge Newspaper
Men and Tariff Schedule Will .
Provide Some of the Words-
WASHINGTON. June 2. (Special.)
Once too often has ' the banter gone
forth that Senators and Representa
tives hire secretaries to, write brilliant
speeches and spell correctly for them.
This accusation one of years' stand
ing has brought a challenge from
statesmen to the newspaper correspon
dents for an old-fashioned spelling
bee. The challenge was promptly ac
cepted and a team of fearless states
men will wrestle with a contingent
of writers at the national capital the
night of June 5 at the National Free
Press Club at Washington.
Professor David Franklin Houston
incidentally Secretary of Agriculture
in the cabinet of President . Wilson
will pe the official pronouncer of
words. .Professor Houston will show
neither fear nor favor. If a single let
ter is missed, down he will go in the
Ignominy of. defeat.
It is safe to say that at least once
somebody will bite the dust on that
most 1 famous terrifier, our old friend
asafetida," but that won't be a ringer
to the destruction wrought when
Professor Houston passes the dumping
clause and begins to toy lightly with
the apothegms of the chemical sched
ule of the Underwood bill. Fancy
Senator OUie James, the great phys
ical giant, stumbling over such a tiny
word as xylol," or taking a head-long
plunge into "dlamldostilbendtsulfo
acid." Will he be able to get away
with it? Such are the questions all
Washington- is asking.' So fierce has
the contest of choosing sides waxed
that it Is now being done in a secret
County Jodge Retained in Office by
Overwhelming Vote. .
(Special.) County Judge Worden was
retained in office by an overwhelming
vote in the recall election held today.
Complete returns from five precincts
give Worden 626 to 274 for White.
Partial .returns from other precincts
give Worden an even greater lead. The
figures are:
Fort Klamath Worden 100, White
11; Pine Grove. Worden 64. White 4;
Shippington, Worden 65. White 4;
Klamath Falls (First Ward), Worden
76. White 143.
Other wards in Klamath Falls, ao far
as counted, give Worden about three
votes to one for White.
Illinois Progressive Leader Serves
Xotice of Filibuster. ,
SPRINGFIELD. 111.. June 2. Repre
sentative McCormick. National Pro
gressive leader, served notice on Gov
ernor Dunne today that he would at
tempt to hold up all the administration
measures until the woman's suffage
bill is put to a" vote in the House,
where it is on third reading.
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'Insidious' Tactics Un
known to Witnesses.
Members Deny Knowledge of
Improper Use of Money.! ;
Democrats as Well aa Republicans
Insist That Callers on Tariff Is--sue
Are Only Those Who ;
Have Right to Be Heard.
WASHINGTON, June 2. The Senate
struck out boldly tonight on the trail
of the "insidious lobby," which Presi
dent: Wilson declared is operating to
modify the tariff bill. . At the rate of
four Senators an hour the colleagues
of 'the five men on the Investigating
committee . stepped to the witness
chair, took the oath, and then told
their stories of Senatorial wealth, or
poverty, or moderate circumstances of
business and professional connections
and of their interest or lack of It in
the tariff measure. - Suspicion that the
trail might prove a winding one with
many a strange turning brought out
a good-sized crowd that listened in
tently to these tales from Senatorial
Existence of Lobby Denied.
As Senator after Senator denied
knowledge of the existence of an or
ganized lobby, declared , that improper
influence had . not! been exerted, upon
him, and that money to Influence
legislation had . never appeared on the
Congressional horizon at the present
session, the crowd slowly thinned out.
Senators who had served In Con
gress for -many, years repeatedly test!
fled that they believed there was less
personal appeal to members of the two
houses now than at any tariff revision
of recent years. Nearly & dozen and a
half Senators had been examined be
fore the end of tonight's session, and
while they disclosed freely their per
sonal business affairs and the extent
of their property investments, the
committee found no evidences of Sen
atorial or outside influence to affect
improperly tariff legislation.
Right to Appear Upheld.
The majority of the Senators de
clared they did not consider men who
legitimately appeared to present argu
ments to Congress as lobbyists. Both
Democratic and Republican Senators
expressed the opinion that "Interested
(Concluded on Page 2.)
- . - The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 7
degrees; minimum. 56 degrees.
TODAY'S S$a.r; northerly, winds. ,
Election. .
Albee on early returns haa safe lead for
Mayor.- Page- 1.- - .
Bulletins of The - Oreconlan -watched by
crowd of 20,OW. Fag 11. .
Pr"terntial election declared great success
technically. . pare JO. . ,
National. .
Senate finance committee proposes to take
meats and flour from iree list, fage -.
Democrats in caucus decMe to restrict pro-
gramme Tor extra session. t as ?
Senators defend methods' of -tariff lobbyists.
Page -1.
Japan accepts. In principle. Bryan's plan for
universal peace. rag x.
Congressmen and newspaper men to fight
. it out in oid-lasnionea spelling ocei
Page 1.
Removal of Rhlnelander Waldo as New
York police commissioner urged by In
vestigating committee. Page A. -
At tea ox involved by taxlcab chauffeur, who
tells of trip on night of dynamite plant.
Page 1. t .
Steel inquiry calls up opinion by late Senator
Hoar on legality of pools. Page 5.
"Royal Oaks" prepare for big time In Port
land. Page 4- .
Pittsburg citizens" committee finds School
Superintendent Hester guilty, of Immor
ality, page 3. . "'
' " ' Pacific Northwest. ''
McMinnville's Major sentenced to pay 3O0
fine and pass six months In jail. Page 1.
Wendllng matrimonial romance ends in dl
. vorce court, at Coq utile. Page 3.
Many new laws operative in Oregon today.
Pag - B.
- ' sports, i
Northwestern League results Portland 13,
Victoria 3 r Vancouver 6. Tacoma O; Seat
tle 6. Spokane 2. Pace .
Erve Higsfnbotham is indefinitely suspended
for playin -VBush" ball Sunday, page 7.
Tennis champion is. defeated. Pagre T. -
Jimmy" Britt picks Bud Anderson, i any,
: to lick 1 Ritchie. ; Page 7.
Beaver .make ;mosC double plays of last
series. Page T. -Bud
Anderson to referee1 at Butler's fistic
programme tonight.. Page 6
Commercial and lAarlne.'
Oregrcm hop crop may not -equal, that of last
- year. Page 17. " ' ' " ' - - -Rains
In Southwest cause, decline In -wheat
at Chicago. Page 17.
Stocks forced-down- by aelUng; for foreign
account. . Page 17.
wii.AmttAa'' further rise ' exDCcted here
causes rush fox higher levels. Page 16.
Portland and Vicinity.
Von .Klein's crime career starta at 19.
Page 10.
Playprounde open and thousands of young
sters romp. Page 12.
Baby eonstest to be held In Multnomah
Hotel Thursday. Page lO.
Sisters at- war' over division of Hawthorne
Estate. Page 9.
Circus greeted as old friend. Tage 12.
Recent prioe-f Ixlnfr decision expected to pro
duce general reductions. Page 12.
BlacKfoot Indians to be pnests of Press Club
- a Rosa Festival. Page 16. .
Cupid gts good start in June. Page 13.
Weather report, data and forecast.' Page 13.
W. Iouls Flledner Procures Wcense
to Wed and Xearly . Loses Vote.
"W. Louis Fliedner, a' candidate for
Commissioner, didn't let election af
fairs weigh too heavily upon his mind
yesterday to prevent his going to the
Courthouse and buying a marriage li
cense to wed Miss Gertrude M. Miller, a
charming Kansas. City girl, who for
some time has been visiting In this
city. ' ; . :
Mr. Fliedner. was so happy over his
approaching wedding that it is ru
mored be almost forgot to vote, but he
absolutely recused, to tell when the
important ceremony would be . per
formed . and even his closest relatives
have not been informed as to his plans.
A new home, all furnished and ready,
awaits the occupancy of Mr. Fleldner
and his bride.'
Mr. Fleldner is the son of William
Fliedner, a well-known Portland pioneer.
3, 1913.
in Cell 3 Hours.
Jurist Galloway's Last Official
Judgment Hurts.
Sheriff -Henderson Will Take His
. Prisoner to Capital City to Ap- .
pear in Habeas Corpus
' ' Proceedings.
- M-MIN.WIlle, Or. June 2. (Spe
cial.) Judge William Galloway, sitting
in the Circuit Court today, sentenced
Mayor W.. T. "Vinton., of McMinnville;
to. pay- j, fine of $300 and to be Im
prisoned six months In the County Jail,
without bail, , or until such time as
he should see fit to obey order of
me court. He was : placed in Jail
this afternoon by Sheriff Henderson, of
ramnm County.
Mayor Vinton's life in jail, however.
today was short, for he was released at
S o'clock after experiencing three
hours of cell life. He will be taken
to Salem tomorrow to appear in habeas
corpus proceedings.
This Is the climax in the long-fought
suits, which first originated in the
lorm or an Injunction suit Instituted
by a private citizen of McMinnvllle,
enjoining the Mayor and Recorder
signing the contract entered into by the
city with a paving company. Imme
dlately following the setting aside of
the temporary injunction mandamus
procedure was instituted by the State
of Oregon, ex rel., A. C. Chandler ver
sus William T. Vinton.
. Judgment Like Farewell Address.
.. The court's official judgment given
today reads like a farewell address,
as It is perhaps also the' last official
act as Circuit Judge of William Gal
loway, who presided, this from the
fact that the new law dividing the
present district, known as the third
Judicial district, takes effect tomorrow.
The court's judgment, as officially
filed, reads as follows:
This, perhaps my last official act in this
county, is certainly most painful to perform,
especially as the defendant has ever- ben
a very dear friend and esteemed official of
this court since my incumbency. However,
the Issues have been imposed upon the court,
without reason or justification. - hence I must
do my duty without fear, favor or personal
To wavor or refuse at this time would be
an admission that the court' was 'without
power to enforce its own oreers and" that
one-man power was auprem. tn McMinnvllle
(Concluded on Page R.
Japanese Ambassador Announces Ac
ceptance of .Bryan's Plan Has
No Bearing; on California Law.
WASHINGTON. Jiyie I. Viscount
Chinda. the Ambassador from Japan,
late today called on Secretary Bryan
with formal notification that Japan
had accepted in principle the proposed
plan advanced by the XTnited States for
universal peace. .
Signatories of the treaty proposed in
Mr. Bryan's plan would agree to re
frain from hostilities for a period of at
least nine months while any conflicting
claims were under consideration by, a
joint international commission.
In the case of Japan, as with ten
other nations that have received the
proposal favorably, the response replies
solely to the general principle involved
and none has committed itself to ap
proval of any of the details of the
project. Therefore ' it may be many
months bcfore the tentative draft 't
the , convention which Mr. "Bryan sub
mitted to the various embassies and
legations can be reduced to a form
which will receive their unqualified ap
proval. . .
. The 'statement by the Japanese Am
bassador that his. government will be
prepared to give careful and favorable
consideration to the peace proposal has
no bearing' whatever-upon the nego
tiations now in progress between the
two countries regarding the California
alien land legislation. -
During his call on Mn Bryan this af
ternoon the Ambassador discussed the
subject from various angles for half an
hour, but without definite result,-
Totals for Two Days Prior to New
Law Is. 13 7. -
The marriage license rush kept up
yesterday unabated, beating by one the
record of Saturday, when 68 were is
sued. This makes a total of 137 for
the two days immediately preceding
the day when the new state law re
quiring physicians" certificates of men
Commencing with this morning such
certificates will be. necessary. Cancel
lation of licenses to practice and heavy
fines and Jail sentences are - provided
for doctors who , may issue them
laiseiy. .
Kins; on Birthday Today Makes
Knight of Forbes-Robertson.
LONDON, June 2. King George's
48th blrhday will be celebrated tumor
row and the usual birthday honors
were announced tonight. " A baronetcy
Is-conferred upon James M. Barrle. the
novelist, and knighthoods upon John
ston Forbes-Robertson, the actor and
theatrical manager, and Dr. Edward At
bert Schaefer, professor of physiology
in Edlngurgh University.
General Sir John Denton French is
promoted to Field Marshal. No peer
ages are created.
Night Trip to Scene of
Dynamite Plant Cited.
Driver Says Journey Was
Made From Wood's Home.
Quarryman Says He Saw Package
Irop, Which Another Says Con
' tained $500 or First Install
ment of Cost of "Plant."
BOSTON. Mass., June 2. Evidence in
tended to close the gaps In the prosecu
tion's case by connecting William M.
Wood, president of the American Wool
en Company, and Frederick F. Atteaux.
directly with the alleged plot to
"plant" dynamite in the houses of th
textile strikers at Lawrence was in
troduced y the state today.
When the trial of Wood. Atteaux and
Dennis J. Collins was resumed. District
Attorney Felletler called to the stand
Arthur Plera, a taxlcab chauffeur, v .10
testified that on the evening of Jan
nary 19, 1912, the date upon which the
dynamite was "planted," he drove a
man resembling Atteaux from the Bos
ton residence of President Wood to
Franklin and Washington street,
thence to a saloon in Court street, back
again to Franklin str -t and then to
the clubhouse of the Boston Athletic
Story Partly Corroborated.
Earlier In the trial. Collins, who
turned state's evidence, told of assist
ing John J Breen in placing the explo
sives. Breen, who also confessed com
plicity, said that ttenux paid him
1700 to do the work and that Ernest
W. Pitman, a building contractor ot
Andover. had furnished the dynamite.
Breen's story of Pitman's part In the
affair was corroborated by William
Brice. a quarryman. who testified that
Pitman had obtained the explosive
from him and tht he had seen the con
tractor deliver the explosive to a man
resembling Broen at Franklin and
Washington streets. Plera's testimony
agreed In essential particulars with a
portion of Breen's testimony. ' Breen
had told of two meetings on January 1!
with Atteaux at Washington ami
Franklin streets, at the . second " of
which Atteaux had dropped a package
containing JB00, the first Installment
In payment for the "planting."
Identification V Positive.
j?iera was unable positively to iden
tify Atteaux as his passenger o.- Breen
as the person met. Piera, however,
was quite positive that no package was
dropped by his passengers or picked up
by the other man.
Plera's story also tended to corrobo
rate the testimony of Orva A. Reddig, a
chauffeur formerly in Wood . employ,
who testified that on 'he night of Jan
uary 19, 1912, he took Atteaux In an
automobile from the Boston Athletic
Association clubhouse to Wood's Ando
ver home.
The District Attorney offered as evi
dence this afternoon " a copy of the
Lawrence "ribune. Issued on the after
noon of January 20. At the same time
he submitted a voucher '? 340 paid
Dy the woolen company to the pub
lishers of one of the Lawronce news
papers. One of the witnesses said that
this payment was for extra copies
which were distributed to tht strikers.
' Paper Placed In Evidence.
On th first page of the newspaper
offered as evidence by the prosecutor
appeared a letter from President Wood
advising the strikers to return to work,
and an account of the finding of the
dynamite. The detenso objected to the
introduction of the whole paper and the
judge said he would aam.t the letter.
but would exclude the headlines and
the story of the dynamite. The Dis
trict Attorney persisted that the paper
should go In in its entirety.
I offer It," he said, "to show that
the intended result of this conspiracy
was to affect public opinion.
"A large number of copies were
bought and placed in circulation. In
one column It tells of the finding of
the dynamite, in another Is Wood's
fatherly letter advising the operatives
to return. At once public opinion is
created. What could be more effective
than Buch a juxtaposition, the discov
ery of dynamite and Mr. Wood's let
"The newspaper publication was n6t
intended for the operatives, as most
of them could not read English, but
was meant to affect public opinion."
The court refused to change Its rul
Bible ttndenls Ask Ministers to Quit
"tising ''Offending; Word."
HOT SPKINGS.Trk.. June 2. Hell
and hellfire are myths in the opinion
of members of the International Bible
Students' Association, who are holding
a district convention here. A resolu
tion asks ministers to discard the "of
fending words" and cease teaching lit
eral Interpretations of them.
The resolution also asks that the
words "sheol" and "hades" be inter
preted to mean a tomb or grave.