Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 02, 1913, Page 6, Image 6

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Sntered at Portland. Ore-con. Postorfica aa
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The primary impulses behind Mr.
Rushlight's campaign are mainly the
forces and elements that are occupied
always In looking out for themselves.
From The Oregonian, May 29 and
May 31.
The Oregonian repeats a statement
twice made previously. It is a fact
within the knowledge of any citizen.
Do the people of Portland desire to
commit their government for four
years to an administration having for
its chief monitor, guide, friend, apos
tle and inspiration the Infamous Port
land News?
Are the people of Portland blind to
the enthusiastic approval of the Rush
light administration by all the red-
light habitues, beneficiaries, parasites
and grafters?
Do the people of Portland desire to
perpetuate in office a political ma
chine that proposes to rescue from
the scrap-heap the repudiated, politi
cal leaders of a former regime, and
to sustain every self-seeking boss, big
and little, who is ready to give value
received in service and support?
Do not the people see that Rush
light is good enough for every privilege-hunting
corporation, every franchise-grabbing
monopoly, every license-seeking
interest, all the asso
ciated powers of grab, graft and gain
which look upon government as an
avenue of private profit?
The verdict from some interested
quarters that Rushlight has done well
enough is based upon the idea that
he might have done worse. But there
Is nowhere any expectation or promise
that he will do better.
The people who want something
better are against Rushlight, and are
mainly for Albee.
The voter who has no second or
third choice for Mayor should vote
for first choice only.
If you are for Albee and against
Rushlight (or vice versa) it is folly
to vote for Rushlight second or third
choice (or vice versa).
Do not vote for McKenna, Kellaher
or Smith second or third choice mere
ly because you do not know what else
to do, unless you desire one or the
other of them to be Mayor as an al
ternative to Albee or Rushlight.
If you are for Albee, do not vote for
McKenna, or Smith, or Kellaher, sec
ond or third choice with the Idea that
you are thus aiding the defeat of
Rushlight. But of course if either of
them is satisfactory as second or third
choice, vote for hlrn.
The Rushlight managers are pass
ing out the word to "single shot" for
Rushlight on first choice, but are ap
pealing for second and third choice
votes from citizens who have another
first choice.
The McKenna plan Is to "single
shot" for McKenna, but to inherit and
the second and third choice votes of
citizens who are for Albee, or Kella
her, or Rushlight, or Smith. It is an
adroit campaign and might succeed.
Vote your second or tliird choice for
Mayor, if you have one; but do not
vote second or third choice if you
have none, or are indifferent.
With Commissioners the situation
is different. You strengthen twelve
desirable candidates by voting first,
second and third choice. If you fail
or neglect your second and third
choice you thus improve the chances
of the undesirable candidates.
In after years the burning question
for the American people may be:
"Where are we to get our beef?" We
have been discussing this question
spasmodically for some years, but
have comforted ourselves with the
thought that we could import it. Then
we have turned to talk of trusts, tar
iff. Bull Moose party, woman suf
frage, while our butchers" bills ran up
But we are warned by M. A. Tray-
lor, vice-president of the Stockyards
National Bank, that the cattle supply
of the countries to which we natural
ly look to make up our shortage is
also diminishing. The number of
beef cattle on farms in the United
States decreased from 52, 000,000 to
36,000.000 head and we changed dur
lng that time from exporters to im
porters of cattle, while our meat ex'
ports diminished 97 per cent. Imports
of meat from Australia have begun,
but drought in that country caused
a decrease of 1,000.000 head last year
and the ratio of cattle to population is
decreasing year by year.
Argentina has suffered from
drought for the last three years and
has had an epidemic of foot-and-mouth
disease. There has been a de-
crease of about 1.000,000 head In the
last year and alarm is so great that
legislation Is now pending to prevent
slaughter of calves and all female
cattle under seven years of age and
to stop exports entirely. Even these
extreme measures would not restore
the normal supply for ten years. Can
ada has just lost heavily through
drought and has less than one head of
cattle per capita. Mexican herds have
been depleted by civil war and ex
ports to such a degree that it is pro
posed to offset placing of cattle on
the free list by the United States with
an export duty equal to our present
import duty.
Mr. Traylor exhorts bankers to aid
restoration of our cattle supply by
financing the stocking of farms in the
corn belt with cattle and by stopping
the slaughter of calves, which last
year totalled 8.000,000 head. Devel
opment of the small herd to take the
place of rcnge cattle is his remedy for
the evil and in its favor he cites the
advantages of livestock farming as
expressed by a "writer
he does not
Grain farming reduces the fertility, stock
raising Increases it; grain farming reduces
the humus in the soil, stock raising in
creases it; grain raising results in the de
crease of yields, stock raising increases
them; grain raising bringB the .mortgage,
stock raising pays it off.
So with regard to our meat supply,
as well as many of our other prob
lems, we come back to scientific farm
ing as the solution. If we carry on
each branch of farming so that it
keeps each other branch, the consum.
er will have enough of everything and
the farmer will become more prosper
ous. TODAY.
The time for talk is past; the day
to act is here. '
The citizen who desires good gov-ernme-t
all good citizens say they
want good government cannot re
main away from the polls today, with
out contributing his share to the prob
ability of bad government.
Every citizen who is concerned in
the welfare of the city ought to
search out another citizen his friend,
or neighbor, or companion and learn
whether he or she intends to do his
or her duty.
Every woman has just the same re
sponsibility as every man. and she,
too, should vote. If she is registered
the task is easy; if she is not regis
tered, let' her get Blx free holders to
help her at the voting booth, after
the usual form.
The active interest of the voters in
an election is the security and pro
tection of city and state; their in
difference is a grave peril.
What does Mr. Rushlight, who is
urging his followers everywhere to
"single-shoot" on Rushlight; or Mr.
McKenna, who as the ostensible friend
of all is making an appeal for every
body's second or third choice vote
(thus' procuring his election); or
Mr. Kellaher, who has Common-User
Dan for first, second and third choice,
expect the friends of Mr. Albee to do?
What must they do, to insure Al-
bee's election?
The candidate who makes a, cam
paign for second-choice votes by that
fact concedes and advertises that
there is a better candidate in the field;
and the candidate who asks for third
choice votes advertises and concedes
that there are two better candidates.
The following is a list of twelve
honest men who are competent for
the office of Commissioner. Only four
can be elected, but the four, if elected
from this list, will give the city clean
and efficient government. By exer
cising first, second and third choices
well-meaning voters, who are unde
niably in the majority, can elect four
of these men. They can make good
government more certain by thus vot
ing three times against the unfits.
60. W. I. Brewster t8. C. C. Craig
87. T. N. Stoppenbach 60. T. M. Hurlburt
58. Will H. Daly 9(1. J. JO. Wcrleln
84. Robert O. lllerk XS. Marshall N. Deum
(ionr B. Cellars 7. V. U. McMoniea
liS. C A. JBisrelow 36. .John Oriscoil
The" two measures (105 No and 107
No) abrogating the franchises of the
O.-W. R. & N. Co. and Southern Pa
cific Railroad are cinch bills. They
would deprive the railroads of the
right to operate trains over certain
East Side rails now used as main
The existing franchises are in the
form of ordinances. They can be re
pealed at any time by the Mayor and
Commissioners if, after intelligent
investigation, the best interests of the
city seem to demand repeal. The gen
eral public have no grievance against
the two railroads. The railroads have
complied with the terms of the grants
and an arrangement has been entered
into for admission over their tracks
to the East Side terminals of the com
peting Hill roads. If there is a just
or honorable reason for repealing
these ordinances the public knows not
what it is. It is a matter that can be
safely left to the Commission. On
the other hand, a repeal of the fran
chise by vote of the people would in
dicate an antagonism toward large
railway corporations with whose pros
perity the prosperity of Portland and
Oregon is identical. It would dimin
ish the power of the companies to
raise money for needed betterments.
It would discourage construction by
these two roads and would not en
courage, but rather cause hesitancy
in the entrance of new lines. In ad
dition it would probably cause sus
pension of the extensive improvements
planned for the East Side by the Hill
If it is desirable that these fran
chises be superseded by new ones the
change can be accomplished In an or
derly manner by the Commission. Or
dinances granting new franchise un
der new terms and embodying a re
pealing clause operative upon final
adoption of the new ordinances would
leave the securities of the railroads
unimpaired and would be the sensible
and business-like way of accomplish
ing the change. There is no excuse
within the scope of reason or fair
dealing for going after the two rail
roads with a bludgeon.
What's the use of all this hullabaloo about
the Mayoralty? There is little room for
choice. . . The Mayor will exercise bus
one-fifth of the great powers conferred
on the commission. Any Commissioner, after
the new regime is once organized, win have
equal voice with the Mayor in the work of
governing Portland Journal.
If the Mayor has no greater power
or responsibility than a Commission
er, why does the charter provide a
salary J 1000 greater than that pro
vided for Commissioner? Is there
no additional power or responsibility
conferred on the Mayor by section
20, which requires the Mayor to dis
tribute the city work among the five
departments, and by section 20a,
which directs the Mayor to assign
the Commissioners to departments?
Whether it has a use or not, there
will always be a hullabaloo over elec
tion of Mayor if the charter provisions
be not changed and the hullabaloo
will be heard whether candidates for
Mayor are equal In merit or not. The
charter makes the office superior to
that of Commissioner. The title im
plies a greater honor. - The salary is
greater. The authority and power of
the office are greater. The interest
in the election of Mayor will there
fore always be greater and the press
or any other agency cannot prevent it.
But aside from all that, to say that
In this particular election the five
candidates for Mayor stand on a level
plane of desirability denotes either
a lamentable lack of judgment or a
political purpose. Conceding that each
of the five is willing to do his best,
the traits of character, the business
training, the education, the affilia
tions of the five all of which are Im
portant considerations in determining
fitness for office differ widely.
Everybody knows this. To deny it is
The Journal has proclaimed a fear
that the well-meaning public will ac
quire an exaggerated idea of the im
portance of the Mayoralty election.
What if it does, even though the five
candidates be of equal merit? Four
must be defeated and only one be
elected. If there is no room for
choice among them, why worry over a
hullabaloo? Neither noise nor Sab
bath quiet will affect the public in
terest, so far as this office is involved.
But what if the candidates are not of
equal fitness? If the public, because
of alarm, turns to the best man, does
the city's welfare suffer? It can suf
fer only in the event interest in the
commissionershlps is deflected out of
proportion to the importance of the
two branches of service. If the Jour
nal fears that a particular unfit among
the Mayoralty candidates will be de
feated by the hullabaloo it is treading
miry ground. If it fears for the places
on the Commission, its quarrel is
with the charter. It recognizes as
having come to pass what the Nation
al short ballot organization predicted
in its criticism of the Portland char
ter and what the Journal condemned
The Oregonian for predicting when
the charter was an issue before the
Another correspondent argues in
The Oregonian today that the railroad
crossing at East Thirty-seventh and
Sandy Road is not dangerous and that
the grade crossing amendment there
fore should not carry. Again The
Oregonian points out that this amend
ment does not mention East Thirty
seventh street or Sandy Road or any
specific crossing in Portland. It mere
ly provides a method of eliminating
dangerous crossings. The City Council
is authorized to determine, after am
ple hearings, whether any crossing is
dangerous or not.
If the grade crossings mentioned by
this correspondent are not dangerous
and that fact can be established, the
amendment will give the city no au
thority to eliminate them. Only the
property-owner who knows a crossing
is dangerous, but prefers that life shall
be menaced rather than that his prop
erty shall be disfigured need oppose
the amendment.
In reference to one guarded cross
ing which the correspondent declares
safe, it is a matter of record that
more than fifty "smash-ups" have
occurred at that point in the last three
years. He who argues that every
grade crossing in a city the size of
Portland can be made safe with
guards the effectiveness of which de
pends on human frailty is woefully
unobservant and misinformed.
Mrs. Townes Randolph Leigh, state
historian of the Alabama division of
the United Daughters of the Confed
eracy, has with true militant energy
stirred up the worst tempest in a tea
pot that literary circles have witnessed
for a long time. Ever loyal to the
South, and especially to the sectional
South, Mrs. Leigh has expressed im
mense wrath at Professor Brander
Matthews' "Introduction to American
Literature." The fault of the unfor
tunate book is that It does not glorify
Southern authors as Mrs. Leigh thinks
it ought. Like many another lovely
woman when she is angry, Mrs. Leigh
sees only one side of the question un
der discussion, but she sees that 'With
a crimson vividness which make
broader vision seem superfluous.
She demands with genuine feminine
ferocity that the offending text-book
be removed from Southern schools be
cause it ignores "the great treasure
of Southern literature." Why dees she
not clamor to have It excluded from
Northern schools for the same reason?
Is it not as important that children
should be taught the truth on one side
of Mason and Dixon's line as on the
The fact of the matter Is that Mrs.
Leigh does not particularly care to
have the truth taught anywhere. What
she wants put into the minds of South
ern school children is that huge fable
about the splendor and beauty of
Southern civilization in the good old
days of slavery which some senti
mentalists are resolutely trying to
build up regardless of facts and com
mon sense. Of course a great civil!
zation must have a literature, and
therefore these fabulists of both sexes
are doing their best to magnify the
ante-bellum writers of the sunny
Southland. Their task is difficult. In
these days the South has able and pop
ular writers like other parts of the
country. They do not particularly
boast of their blue Southern blood,
nor make their aristocratic connections
their chief title to literary fame. They
simply write readable books like other
authors and sell them on their mer
its, which happily are considerable
Joel Chandler Harris, George W. Cable
and men of that stripe need no recom
mendation from the Daughters of the
Confederacy. People buy their books
because they like to read them. And
they refuse to buy most of the books
written in the South in ante-bellum
times because they are unreadable.
This patent fact explains that "neg
lect" of the Southern genius of which
Mrs. Leigh complains with so much
Much as we hear nowadays of the
poetic beauty of Southern life and civ
llizatlon in slavery times, there were
some circumstances surrounding it
which were unfavorable to literature.
Of course the main difficulty was- the
moral rot at the heart of the system.
As long as men were condemned to
think and speak in certain fixed form
ulas In defense of an indefensible in
stltution. it stands to reason that such
poetic expression as they attained
must have been hollow. It is often
I wondered at that the South produced
no great lyrics of the Civil War. Who
could write lyrics In apology for hu
man slavery? We must remember
again that the South had no indigenous
system of education before the war.
Its girls were taught as conventionally
as possible in the most artificial
schools on earth. This custom reared
a lovely. but futile type of women who
were illy fitted to stimulate real
thought in their sons. The men were
sent away to other parts of the world
for their college training. Some came
North. Others went to Europe. But
wherever they went their education
naturally lacked touch with their
homes and native soil. It was. in an
other way. as purely artificial as the
schooling of the girls. The result of
It was a certain pomp of expression,
well seen in Southern Senatorial ora
tory, a certain fond lmitativeness. of
threadbare quotations and moth-eaten
sentiments and an almost childish
fidelity to accepted models; that is. I
to models which were accepted a cen-!
tury or two earlier.
This sort of thing is extremely
agreeable among people who have
nothing to do but live on the unpaid
labor of others, but it does not produce
literature. Hence, with all its leisure
and culture, the South produced hardly
any prose or poetry before the war
that people want to read now. Sidney
Lanier, who was born in Georgia and
lived from 1842 to 18 81, -was a true
poet, but he could never have been
popular, no matter where he was born.
His thought is as rarefied as Shelley's
and he had none of Shelley's revolu
tionary fervor. He wrote for poets
alone, and by them he is highly es
teemed today, and always will be. It
is extremely woman-like for Mrs.
Leigh to grumble because the multi
tude do not read Lanier. Of course
the obvious reason for it makes not the
slightest impression on her mind. We
doubt if she reads him herself, but she
wants others to read him because he
was Southern. Such is local patriot
ism as it exhibits itself in suffragette
form. ;
One other true genius of the days
before the war may be claimed by the
South. That is Poe. He "was born in
Boston, but since his father was a Bal
timore man and the poet passed his
youth In Southern surroundings, it is
permissible to say he belonged there.
though what help or recognition he ob
talned from that section in his day of
need It would be interesting to dis
cover. Poe's literary life was spent in
New York and Philadelphia, and such
miserable support as he received came
from those cities. Henry Tlmrod. of
Charleston, who was born In 1829,
mignt have been a fair poet if he had
lived in other-surroundings. But the
Southern self-consciousness blighted
him in his prime- Saturated with the
philosophy of slavery, he wrote noth
ing that is not tainted with that subtle
poison. Fortunately for his fame, he
died while he was still young.. His life
was full of misfortune, but he escaped
the worst that could possibly have
happened to him, writing a really great
poem in defense of the system he dwelt
under. In Poe the moral taint of slav
ery took the form of a general pessim.
Ism. His genius delights to sing of de
caying swamps and falling castles, al
most as if he were prophesying the
downfall of the giant evil that over
hung his country and poisoned its civ.
We may in time ' see amontr the
Royal Mail liners visiting this port a
specimen of the armed passenger ships
wmcn are auxiliaries to the British
navy. The first armed ship of that
line, the Aragon, recently sailed from
Southampton for South America, but
many others are to be similarly
equipped. The Aragon has two 4.7
rapid-fire Mark VI guns mounted on
her poop, with a range of five miles
and with a supply of ammunition, the
guns having been taken from old war
ships before the latter were sold. A
retired gun-layer Is added to the crew
and drills gun squads during the voy
age. All naval reserve men drill on
these crews and get credit for this
service. We may see the day when the
Beaver, Bear, President, Governor and
other passenger ships on the Pacific
Coast will be armed with guns taken
rrom such ships as the Oregon and
when members of the Oregon Naval
Reserve will receive training on the
gun crews.
Publication of names of dealers In
impure food Is demanded by the New
srork Globe, and rightly so. Their
apologists say publicity would ruin
their business. Their business is to
poison their customers, and it ought
to be ruined. If their names be
suppressed, we shall not know whom
to suspect. Thus the innocent may
share the penalty in order that the
guilty may escape its full -effect. This
would not be Justice.
The law governing commission men
will have a tendency to eliminate the
evils that brought it into existence
by inducing a straight buying and
selling business between grower and
dealer, the former getting the cash
for his products. Houses established
on firm basis will not be injured, and
the other kind need watching.
"Can he afford to place such a taint
on his - administration ?" asked the
present day Rushlight second fiddle
when it iwas announced the Mayor
would appoint Max Cohen temporary
Municipal Judge. Cohen was appoint
ed. How about the taint?
The mustache Is the vehicle through
which the baccillus does Its deadly
work, it seems, and only smooth-faced
men are eligible to do the kissing. Os
culation will become a lost art, once
that Idea prevails.
Four pens were necessary for Sec
retary Bryan to sign a proclamation
of the direct election amendment, but
one tongue was enough to make all
the speeches he made in the last
twenty years.
The Army belle at the Presidio who
declined to marry into the service,
preferring the groceryman, knows
which from what in these days of
high cost of living.
The hardest thing for some states
men to learn is when to resign, says
the New York Tribune. But resig
nation is most unbecoming to a states
man. Kansas will not need the 40,000
harvest hands she figured on a few
weeks ago; yet Kansas is optimistic,
and the worst may be in .her imagina
tion. Parisiennes wearing hosiery that
costs $300 a pair are hardly to be
blamed if now and then they fracture
the law of good breeding.
- Having paired in matrimony. Sen
ator Brady will probably pair on the
tariff, at least until the honeymoon
is over.
Think what a watch charm those six
cents, if bright and shiny Lincoln
pennies; will make for the Colonel!
Count Helie de Talleyrand-Perlgord
Is putting tin plate Into his armor to
the extent of $14,000,000.
The man who marries after today
will have a certificate of character
in the community.
If California would do a neighborly
act, she will keep her grasshoppers
south of the line.
Yesterday was not a rare day in
June. Today is the day.
This Is a day of surprises and
day of woe.
Vote early.
Correspondent Think Safety Demand
ed Elsewhere) Not Required Here.
PORTLAND. May SI. (To the Edi
tor.) Two pictures of railroad cross
ings at East Thirty-seventh and Sandy
road and East Fifty-third and the O.-W.
rv. 6 is. track,, published in The Ore
gonian last Tuesday, prompt me to
lay before the voters a few facts that
show that the danger of train collision
is lessening rather than increasing, and
to urge a vote against the charter
amendment No. 120.
The agitators would lead us to be
lieve that We were liable to looBe an
Leyelash any minute o. the day if we
aiiempiea to cross the tracks. The
speed maniacs do not wish to take the
time to "stop, ' look and listen." An
auto owner says he was compelled to
stop his car to see if it was safe to
cross the track. These are the ones
that are the heaviest boosters for via
ducts and kindred remedies. I claim
the danger is not as great today as
when the Sandy road was a county
highway with a narrow roadway. The
present wide expanse of street makes
it more safe at the intersection. The
railroad company has provided a warn
ing bell, and the incoming trains come
to a stop 600 feet from the crossing.
The trains crossing the tracks are not
as numerous now: the freights are'now
routed through the Peninsula, leaving
tne passenger trains using it only.
"A Man Trap" la what it is called
in one of the pictures. I have been a
close observer of dangerous crossing
and tracks In the city, and those two
pictures are mere nlirmles compared
with others right in the heart of the
city. For one on the East Side we
will take the crossing of East Morri
son street and the Southern Pacific
tracks. The railroad still routes pas
senger and freight trains over It 24
hours of the day, and It Is under
good, systematlo control and rarely has
been the place of accident.
Now, let's go over the river to the
West Side. What do we find? A track
running almost due north and south
through the most populated district in
the city. 1 am writing of the Fourth
street line. The writer can remember
when the rails were first laid, and the
motive power was not used for quite
a period after. The speed would make
your hair stand up and take notice.
So there you are, Mr. and Mrs. Voter.
From what I have seen and reviewed
I hope you will vote against the amend
ment. Mere cost and disfigurement of
property are all that It would effect.
J. S. K.
Denies Tsiat He la Running; aa a Drm
- ocratle Candidate.
PORTLAND, Or., June 1. (To the
Editor.) I was surprised to see in The
Sunday Oregonian editorial reference to
my candidacy for Mayor as a Demo
cratic candidate. In all fairness, I call
upon you to make a correction. I was
a candidate for the Democratic nomlna
tion before the primaries and in sup
port of such nomination I had cards
printed to pass out to my friends the
same as did the other candidates. I re
ceived the nomination, but the adoption
of the new charter annulled the nom
inations of all parties. I, like the oth
ers, filed under the new law, as a can
didate without parfy designation. 1
am not even put on a slogan.
I have submitted my record of 20
years in Portland in active business
and no one has been able to find a
flaw in my business dealings or my
private character. I call upon The Ore
gonian to make this correction. I have
issued no cards or literature of any
kind or nature In which I referred to
party since the new charter was
adopted or since the primaries were
held. If The Oregonian saw a card
with a party designation it was an old
one and the fact could have been veri
fied -at my headquarters.
I hope you will give this correction
the same prominence that you did the
editorial to which I refer.
The statement that Mr. McKenna was
being advertised as a Democratic can
didate for Mayor, was based upon the
distribution of campaign cards by per
sons on the streets, who, It is fair to
presume, were acting in the Interest
and with the knowledge of the Mc-
Keniii management.. One of them on
Saturday handed to the writer of this
paragraph a card of "C. L. McKenna,
Democrat," candidate for Mayor.
Complaint la Made That Few Ameri
cana Speak Musically.
Kansas City Star.
"Her voice was ever soft, gentle and
low, an excellent thing in woman." And
not only in woman; in man also. Yet
how few Americans use their voices
musically. The "unheard melodies" of
many personalities are succeeded by
.una ioieni aiscoras wnen they speak.
The unattractiveness of the usual
American voice cannot be laid, prop
erly, to climate, as is often attempted.
American singers, those who try for
pieasing voices, develop most musical
ly. Prairies and hills, north and south.
east and west, contribute their beauti
ful American voices the same locali
ties that give us our anti-choral
choruses of B flats and nasal Ditches.
What voice is more lovely than Miss
Julia Marlowe's? Oh, Americans can
have a charming voice in speech, if
they will. But, for the most part, they
uw not win ro nave l u
Is It not about time to institute
general try for it? In the schools, in
societies for all kinds of cultivations.
what can be more inportant than the
development of a race, a DODulation
that gets art and grace into its speech?
ijet us Keep our American language,
it mere is any mark of patriotism in
that; but let us use it with such ex
pression and such regard for the ears
o others that we need not be un
patriotically ashamed of it.
Free Amusement Parle Desirable.
PORTLAND, May 31. (To the Edi
tor.) It appears that we are to vote
on a bond issue of $90,000 to purchase
Council Crest at the tOD of Portland
ieignts. where Is now operated an
amusement park.
I am certain that the part of the
population, especially those who use
this privilege, are devoted boosters of
our delightful city and loval toward
the idea of elevating it to an exemplary
standard. Yet, why should we dwellers
in the lowly places pay for the pur
chase of this land when it is the people
on the Heights who want the amuse
ment place done away with, and who
would be gratified by it only?
I know many people who cannot af
ford to pay 10 cents to gain admission
to the Oaks when they wish to givo
their little folks something to talk
about Stach as the exhilarating en
joyment of the merry-go-round, the
scenic railway, etc
The wonderful City Park amply pro
vides us with a place for recreation
and also a point from which to view
the charming scenic grandeur that some
of us know is difficult to equal In other
climes. c. C. M.
Lawyers' Support of Courts.
William E. Dodd tn South Atlantic
It has not been the false patriotism
or historians alone which has kept the
truth out of our achool books. The
great legal profession has had its
share of the work. In a history of the
American oar Charles Warren, of Bos
ton, showed last year that the majority
or tais most powerzui or tne profes
sions nave long constituted a group
who not only feel themselves better
than other elements of society, but who
have for a century or more given' their
support to courts . and judses when
there was every reason to withhold It.
Some Considerations Suggested aa to
Voting; Bond Issues.
PORTLAND, June 1. (To the Edi
tor.) In the days immediately suc
ceeding the Civil War there resided a
talented lawyer in an Eastern city who,
while admittedly the most able and
successful in his line in the community.
was notoriously the worst manager of
his own finances in town. When urs-ed
on one occasion to give his note for a
long overdue account he promptly com
plied, devoutly exclaiming aa he handed
it over to his creditor. "Thank God that
bill Is paid."
It would be lnterestlna- and. nerhsina
Instructive to know if a good many
of the people who are so stronirly in
favor of issuing long-time bonds for
mat or tno other utilitv or ex
travagance, according to the inrlafrnm
which it is viewed are not imh,l
with the same mistaken idea as was
this otherwise brilliant man n.
thinkingly undertake obligations for
"themselves, their heirs and ixirns"
in excess of their ability comfortably to
discharge at maturity.
ix might De productive of some good
If, at the time when these bond issues
are being so strenuously advocated, the
newspapers would print a few pert!
nent quotations from "Poor Richard's
Almanac." a work, by the way, with
which few, of the present generation
of local statesmen appear to have much
if any acquaintance. No doubt some
or tnese issues are very necessary r
-perhaps Indispensable to the unbuild
ing ot ins city, though no harm would
oe aono ii tne voters were set to think
ipg aoout wnere their share of the
wherewithal to meet these obligations
at maturity, as well as the Incidental
interest payments, is to come from.
Probably very few of the voters wh
obligate the city at large or an lm
provement district for the payment of
tne very contnaeraoie sums represented
by these bond Issues and the annual
Interest thereon would be willing to
give meir personal note for even the
small proportion of the total amount
propeny cnargeaDie against their own
property without very much more
thought and consideration than their
vote on these measures is likely to
receive. Man is by nature gregarious
and will always embark in undertak
ings with others of his species that he
would not consider for a moment en
gaging In alone.
Despite the finespun theories of many
of our so-called modern thinkers and
speakers on the subject and these gen
tiemen are Dy no means confined to
the "soap-box varley" there are still
many things in finance as well as in
other branches of science that are fun
damental, not the least among which
may be mentioned that "a debt incurred
must be discharged when due, else
credit is impaired and progress re
tarded." ' w. D. F.
Writer Thinks Marring; of Beauty Spots
Indicates That Public Does Not Care.
PORTLAND, June 1. (To the Edi
tor.) Regarding parks and play
grounds, are they as necessary as be
lieved In some circles? For one thing.
Portland is already, by nature's own
hand, unusually blessed with nl aces
all around where children can roam
about to their heart's content. I con
tend, too, that the special playground
with all kinds of "readymade" play
things Is not always for the good. On
the contrary, it gives the children a
lesson In craving for entertainment and
pleasure thirst and does not develop
When parents don't understand their
holy duty to Insure the children breath
ing a mentally and physically clean air
In the homes, no amount of parks will
benefit them much. But, where parks
are needed, let some of Portland's rich
people give away some of their super
fluous wealth and land. We "small"
taxpayers have burdens enough to carry
as it is, and there are manv thine-s
more necessary than parks.
as to beautifying: Portland: Lift nn
your eyes and behold, you people and
administration, what we get, or, rather.
do not get, for our taxes. Look at
the condition of the streets in our busi
ness, district. Look at the dirt, at the
paper flying around, at the spitting;
take a peep into the butchers' back
chambers: look at the beautiful poles
ror telephone and light which are
adorning our boulevards instead of or
namental ones and green, shadeful
trees, and look at the street In the
center of the business part after the
crowd, watching the baseball or prise
fighting scores, has gone.
A people that mar any place of beauty
with their carelessness and are allowed
to do so by the authorities need some
thing else than parks at the present
time. Especially they should learn "to
care" first. Very characteristic it is
to. notice what seems to be lots of peo
ple's favorite expression: "What do I
care?" and they live up to it.
Do not vote for parks. Teach peo
ple "to care" In the parks they have,
and let us taxpayers use our money
for something more necessary.
Mr. Cornwall Declare Nominal
Can Well Be Afforded.
PORTLAND, June 1. (To the Edi
tor.) Now that the din and rattle of
the campaign are over and only the
recording of the popular verdict is
awaited, it is to be sincerely hoped that
the good citizens and voters of Port
land will not fail to give their support
to the firemen's pension fund. This is
a most meritorious measure, and is
framed along the lines of the work
man's compensation law.
There are no employes of our city
government whose services are of such
vital Importance to the city or whose
personal hazard is so great as those
of the members of the Are department.
These brave fellows arc ready and
willing to sacrifice even their lives in
the fulfillment of their duties. Their
compensation Is relatively email. Many
of the firemen have families and chil
dren dependent upon them. The risks
incidental to their calling precludes, in
many Instances, securing protection
from fraternal or accident insurance.
Under the provisions of the measure
sought to bo enacted it will enable
them to contribute to a fund for the
defense of themselves and families in
case of accident or death. The amount
to be contributed by the taxpayers is
merely nominal. When the fund on
hand reaches a sufficient sum to guar
antee the pension payment under the
proposed plan, contribution by the city
Every consistent friend and believer
In the principle of compensation, based
on a help to Injured employes, whether
engaged in municipal or Industrial en
terprises, should record his ballot for
the firemen's pension fund.
lost Acquaintance With Albee.
PORTLAND. June 1. (To the Edi
tor.) In advocating the candidacy of
H. R. Albee for Mayor of the city, The
Oregonian is performing a service which
merits the thanks of all those who wish,
at this crisis of the city's affairs, to
see a Just and honest man elevated to
the highest office within the gift of
its people.
Having known Mr. Albee for the past
14 years, I can assure your readers that
he is all you claim for him, and is as
near an Ideal man as the citizens of
Portland could produce.
It la Not Compulsory.
PORTLAND. June 1. To the Edi
tor.) Is it necessary to vote second
and third choices? A NEW VOTER.
Twenty-five Years Ago
From The Oregonian of June 2. 1SSS.
Washington. June 1. The President
has signed the bill to revive the rank '
of General of the Army and sent the
name of Philip Sheridan to the Senate
for that position. The nomination was
received by the Senate this morning
and that body immediately went Into
executive session and confirmed it. Gen
eral Sheridan held - his own through
the nierht. There has been no recur
rence of Immediate danger, but his gen
eral condition justifies the gravest anx
San Francisco. June 1. Dr. Colvig.
a dentist residing in Oregon and father
oi Airs. A. c. Cawley. who recently
figured in the Faling murder case, will
become the possessor of a snug for
tune of $100,000. This figure represents
one-sixth of half a fortune left by the
death of his grandfather a number of
years ago in France.
Judge George H. Williams addressed
a large and enthusiastic meeting last
evening at the Courthouse. He was
introduced by Hon. I. T. Barin.
Colonel W. H. Wyncoop, wealthy mer
chant of Rush City, Minn., who pur
chased a ten-acre tract near Mount Ta
bor for S1200. has disposed of all his
interest in Rush City and, accompanied
by his wife, son and daughter-in-law,
will leave for Portland very soon.
The bark Colome last evening ar
rived from Hong Kong. She has as
passengers Mrs. Armstrong and child.
Mrs. Woodworth, Miss Applegate and
29 Chinese. Master Victor Smith, son
of Mr. W. K. Smith, and Herbert Sut
ton have been doing duty as seamen.
A sawmill will be built about live
miles back from Westport by the Nlco
lai Bros. Company.
Mrs. T. M. Stechhan, wife of the man.
ager of the new Market Theater, ar- '
rived here early this week and began
suit for divorce on the ground of wil
ful desertion and ' failure to provide.
Her stage name is Irene Dudley.
Dr. J. T. Ghiselin returned this week
from California.
S. Bullock is an independent candi
date for Justice of Peace for East
Joseph Burkhard returned yesterday
from Grays Harbor.
Today the final preliminary work, ot
the great hotel will beirin. It must
be concluded before the 15th Inst. Onlv
30,000 more is needed.
The creditors of the late Ben Holla-
day, through the sale of the stock ot
the Oregon Real Estate Company, have
been able to secure the full amount of
their claims. The stock was sold to
R. Koehler on behalf of the creditors
for S200.000. After the sale Nelson
Bennett and the Larrabee brothers, of
Montana, gave the creditors $333,000,
the full amount of their judgments, for
the stock.
Half a Century Ago
From The Oresonlan ot June 2, 1SS3.
Washington, May 27. Great fears are
entertained by the Administration of
an invasion by the rebels into Penn
sylvania. General Schenck, at Balti
more, is said to have communicated
his fears to the authorities at Wash
ington and those at Harrlsburg, and
the rumor has spread.
Chicago, May 27. A Cairo dispatch
brings news from VicksburK to Thurs
day, last. The rebel batteries on the
hill north of the town were taken and
turned on the enemy on the evening
of the same day. The water batteries
at the foot of the hill . were captured
at the same time. On Friday morning
Pemberton sent a flag of truce to
Grant, offering to surrender Vicksburg
If he would allow the rebels to lay
down their arms and march out. The
offer was refused. Grant moved on
his works and the rebels were driven
to the inner fortifications.
'Squire Barrett is never behind time
In keeping his counters well covered
with the latest issues of all kinds of
reading matter. He placed before us
last evening a huge bundle of maga
zines and pictorials, among which were
Harper's Weekly and Monthly, Frank
Leslie's, the New York Illustrated and
many otner publications.
We are pleased to announce the re
turn of Mr. G. B. Waldron's theatrical
company after an absence of several
Multnomah No. 2 and Protection No.
4 fire companies held meetings last
night and passed resolutions to partici
pate in the celebration, of the approach
ing Fourth.
Genius In After-Dtnner Speeches.
London Chronicle.
After-dinner oratory, which a head
waiter has been criticising, is generally
supposed to be at Its best In the United
States. Undoubtedly, the Americans are
able to stand more of It than we can,
for the speeches following their ban
quets are commonly prolonged until
long past midnight. Their toast lists,
too, are different from ours "The
rress right or wrong; when right, to
be kept right; when wrong, to be set
right," or "Truth and trade; those
whom God hath joined together let no
man put asunder." James Russell
Lowell, one of the most successful of
its exponents, once enumerated what he
called "the Ingredients of after-dinner
oratory." "They are," he said, "the
joke, the quotations, and the platitude,
and the successful platitude, In my
judgment, requires a very high order
of prenius."
The News of
Latest Fashions
Wy be had without turning to
the fashion books. In the ad
vertisements of the dry goods
stores and specialty shops
women may always find valu
able suggestions as to the new
est things in the world of fash
ion, not only in this country
but abroad.
Turn at any time to the ad
vertising in The Oregonian and
you will find pleasant verifica
tion of this fact.
Readers of The Oregonian
learn from the advertisments
what's new in practically every
line of ready-to-wear and the
yard fabrics as well.
The newest style ideas in
;hoes, in millinery, in neckwear
in all else are faithfully and
.nterestingly described.
But that isn 't all.
The advertising of today de
scribes the latest advances in
art, in mechanics, in all the sci
ences that apply to our every
day lives.
Advertising is a wonderful