14 riiK MOKMXG OKEGOMAN. MOADAY. JUNE Ji, 1D13. REAt ESTATE :hoice BUILDING LOTS OX "WEST side. Glenelyn Addition, restricted district. In side 3-mile circle; commands an unob F'ructed vi?w of Tualatin Valley and Mount Hood: walks. graded streets and Bull Run water In and included In price; Fourth -street line runs in front of prop erty, the electrification rf which is now Id process. Prices range from 2350 up. Se lct your lot and we will butid to suit you for una U casli pa vment down. I'ROVIDE.NT TKl'ST COMPANY, OWNERS, Second Floor Celling Building. BEAUTIFUL VIEW PROPERTT on West Side, overlooking the entire city and mountains; 7 rooms, all modem; will sell for $50o cash and eaey monthly pay ments. PROVIDENT TP.l'PT COM PANT, OWNERS, Second Floor Seiiing Building. LOTS near car. $nr, ; $5 monthly. Owner, "-0 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1166. IRVINOTOV F. MTS" S L7R PTE CI A.LTY. NEUHAUSKN & CO. MAIN S0T8. Tor Sale House CH6APEST BUY IX HAWTHORNE DIS THICT. MODERN" 6-ROOM HOUSE. PRICE $2750. Oo tolay to 393 Marguerite avenue and look over the beat bargain in the Haw thorne d 1 strict ; it Is a modern 6-room Tiouee, c anient basement, furnace, modern plumbing, gas and electric lights; beautiful lot 60x100, nice, lawn, flowers and several large Royal Ann cherry trees. Take Haw thorne car and get off on .Marguerite ave nuv which lies between Kast K."th and 36th, get key from neighbor at o& Mar guerite, look the property over and come to our office Monday and close the deal for this elegant property. HAUGROVB &. faONS, 122 Korth 0th street, cor. 6th and Gllsan. Main 43S1. A 725-t. " FkvIN'TtoN SNAP. fi-room home, east front; all modern conveniences ; two Fireplaces. hardwood floors. YOUR OWN TERMS- AK Orcsonlan. XEW 4-room, modern, up-to-date little home, for the people who want to get started right. Your opportunity Is to see this homo with living-room, fireplace, din in k -room, built-in ourfet, paneled walls, built-in Dutch kitchen with all modern conveniences; full back porch, front porch, reception hall, nice bedroom and large bath; full cement basement, wash trays wad cement shelves; street Improvements all paid. Think it over, fur only $20 per month, including interest. Prico $2259; 5ux H lot. Call Mr. Hoges, Main 775U, East 2459. . Yol R best opportunity to secure a beauti ful, new 5-room modern house of the most complete arrangement, utilizing every postih le inch o space ; full cement basement, nice large living-room, dining room, built-in Dutch kitchen, roomy bed rooms and bath ; California bungalow ; front porch, ti rep lace ai.d your improve ments are all in and paid. This artistic little home for only $27.50 per month, In cluding interest. Call East 2459. that vacant" Tot. why not turn a uuhdex into income? we will, furnish the money. build apartments, resi. dunce ok anything. plans free, w e are responsible. w e k.no w how. talk to our clients. see our work. will give bonds. l. it. bailey & co., contracting architects. 324 ahin'gton bldo. POSITIVELY" A BARGAIN. 7 -room modern residence, on good cor ner lot; close in on E. Taylor st. ; this house is going to be sold regardless of what It brings. I am prepared to offer you the best bargain In the the way of a residence that is to be found in the City of Iorthnd; this will positively be sold inside of t.-n days, regardless of price. If interested rail at my office in person. J. E. Smith. -11 Chamber of Commerce. SNAP $600 cash; 7-room bungalow; this takes nil furniture, worth $550. and fix tures, 4 rugs, brass bed. springs, new mattresses, dining table, library table, 3 rockers, 0 dining chairs, gas range, win dow shades, lace curtain, wash trays, buffet, Dutch kitchen; balance $2!00; terms ; take Hawthorne avc, car to 39th, three blocks south. 1176 Lincoln. IRVINGTON HOME. On quarter block, 24th and Hancock; modern, V-room house, with beautiful porch on three sides; two fireplaces, hard- ood floors. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox Bldg. I RVINGTOX HOME. Block to Irvington Club; entire, house hardwood doors; 2 swell fireplaces; living room 17xJ; 4 very large, fine bedrooms and sleeping porch on second floor; $10,000. tM-nis. R. T. Street, Hnry bldg. The Irv ington Real Kstattt Mail. WE BUILD ON EASY PAYMENTS. WE FURNISH V L A X 3 AND MONEY AND BUILD YOUR HOME OR APART MENTS. ETC. TAYLOR BUILDING CO., fiutt M'KAY BLDG.. SD AND STARK STS. FOR SALE by owner, strictly modern 14 room house. 17th and Morrison sts. Non resident, will sell for balance of mort gage. MAGNIFICENT HOME. 719 Halney St.; 9 rooms, 2 fully equipped bathrooms, S toilets; finish oak and mahog any; parage. East 27;i. w. H. Herdmann. FOR SA LE Exclusive home in Irvington, eight rooms, modern In every respect; ga rage and only one block from car; 'bar ium for quick sale. East 764. fSOOO CASH 6-TOom furnfshed up-to-date bungalow, 1 6-room modern house, rents HQ month, 3 extra lots, fruit and shade trees; barn. J 121, Oregonian. P OR TLA ND H F. I GH TS BU .foALOW Cosy, modern, hreplaee; 6M Ravensvlew Drive; $4250, tevms ; lot worth $3000 Marshall 4S27. BROOKE. A 38 3 9. LEAVING CITY. MUST SACRIFICE. My elegant 7-room $7000 Laurelhurst home will be sold below cost this week; urgent ; Investigate. phono Tabor 2SJS3. A It ARGAIN Desirable 6-room modern house, close in; $390i; J2M uown, small monthly payments, owner, b 2091. $JT TABOR home, 6-room cottage, lawn and flowers, reasonable price. 1612 E Davis. Come and see It. MODERN 5-room bungalow, lot 50x100, and garage, for $1600: $30t down and $1 a month. Tabor 49,4. IRVINGTON B U N G A LO W, new, 6 rooms full lot. bargain. 637 E. 11th X. Home A BARGAIN In a Pellwood home; new, and just like rent; see my attorney W E Thresher, 431 C. of C. t-ROOM bungalow, built in ronvonUimt hades, screens, range. all connected! 4. ttv u an u i w r ma. ooamwn TOO WILL sacrifice my $1600 equity in a mod ern 7 -room, houe in Kcssmere for $500 must eel!. Columbia 411. ' FO R SALE 4-room house, lot 50x100 In St. Johns. A ISO 4. Ca.l 836 Th urm an. IRVINGTON" HOUSES OUR SPECIALTY NEUHAI'SEN- A CO. Main SOTS. 11. T. STREET, IRVINGTON HOM ES. -ROOM house will tnke lot as part pay ment ; walking distance. 606 Eugene st. For Sal -Butdneww Iro pert y. $350 WILL handle well-known restaurant with established trade,, close in on West Sid. Hurry and get the benefit of the hum; r enm. j t. uregonian, For bale Acreage JO ACRES STUMP LAND $700. Fe--fectly level, fine soil, close to a rood business town, with high school, bank, c-eamery, newspaper, etc.; 1 mile to R. TL. store. P. O. and eighth grade school large sawmill with plenty of work at good wages; $70 cash, your own tnui on bal ance at per cent interest. AI-VORO CO., tlS Board of Trade Bldg. CHOICE ACREAGE. On the Germ an town road. 3H miles west of the Willamette River oppo site St. Johns ; 5 and 10-a.cre tracts fronting on graded road close to school. 1175 to $-00 per acre; $17.50 to $20 down, the balance like rent, monthly payment. THE SHAW. FEAR CO MP ANT. Main 35. 102 Fourth St. A 3500. b ACRES, best of aoil, 3 acrea cultivated. beau: if ul maple grove, creek. best of water. 1 piock station, electric line; $2100, terms. F 120, Orenonian. CA LI FOR.M A LANU J-end for catalog Properties in all counties. Valuable, re liable information. C. M. Wooster Caw, I'helan bldg.. Ean Francisco. $oo ONE acre, fronrtng auburbui electric r ue. cicse to eration, line son. cultivateU, $ mouth iy. Y 107, Oregonlan, HEAL ESTATE For Sale-Acreage. SURE. WHY NOT? Go out with ua and, look over our acreage. We go every morning at S:o. The ride win do you good. The Tualatin Valley la beautiful; the distance is short; the land is "A" number 1. The fine electric Interarban cars to be running on the Southern Pa cific West Side line in about 60 days, will make the run Into the city from our acreage in 30 minutes. You can buy half acre, one acre, two acrea or any number of acres, fronting on graded road, $250 to $500 per acre; pay J 23 to $50 down and $3. SO to 7.rt monthly. This district will all b suburban homes in two or three years and the land will be selling at $75o to $1500 per acre. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 35. 102 Fourth St. A 3500. CHOICE ACREAGE. Pallay Park, just outside of th 6-mile circle from the Postoffice. on the West Side; very best of aoil, some stump land and some cleared and under cultivation ; best of drainage; convenient to car lines; prices rang -i fn.m $3 "15 to $450; we will build to suit you. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY, OWNERS. Second Floor Selling Bids. 10 ACRES, $30O. 110 DOWN, $5 PER MONTH, Buys 10 acres of logged -off land, one mile from the railroad station, town and the Columbia River. The soil is free from rock and gravel and none of thia land overflows, some of these tracts have running streams on them, these tracts are ideal for chicken ranches or dairy pur poses, perfect title and warranty deed, BELL REAL ESTATE COMPANY", 212 Railway Exchange Building. 1 ACRE FOR $550. TERMS $10 DOWN AND $5 PER MONTH. Buys 1 acre of level, fertile land, ali cleared and firee from rocks, and graveL three blocks from the Mt. Hood electric station at Gresham. Gresham Is 12 miles from Portland, has three main county roads running into Portland and a popula tion of 1000 people. You will have to see this land to appreciate it. BELL REAL ESTATE COMPANY, 212 Railway Exchange Building. . ELECTRIG LINE, eight blocks station; chicken and fruit ranches near Portland; new subdivision near Gresham; 5 acres, $400, $500, $700; b acres, 5500, $700; 10 acres, J750, $900. $1000 per tract; best oil. free wood, spring water; acreage at iScappoose, Or., f'5 to $100 per acre. FRANK M'FARLAND RE ALT X CO., 809 Yeon Bldg.. Portland. 1 CAN sell you a fine 10-acre tract of choice acreage for $1700. Bordering on a main macadam county road, close to the 4th-sL line and only 25 miles from Portland. Rich, deep loam soil, cleared and In cultivation. Good terms. Inquire 41 S Board of Trade. 11 ACRES CHEAP. All cleared and In cultivation, good transportation and only short distance from Portland. Itlch loam soil. $180 per acre, good terms. Investigate. 41S Board of Trade bidar. "BACK TO THE SOIL." HALF ACRE of rich sandy loam, Just beyond city limits and near streetcar; sidewalks, graded streets and water In cluded at $750; $75 cash will handle. AD y, oregonian. 14 acres, ail cleared and under culti vation; rich loam soil, splendid location, good transportation, 25 miles from Port land; $400 cash required. Price $165 per acre. No trade considered at thia price. E 31,' Oregonian. $175 CASH. Will give you possession of a fine 6 acres; rich loirm. soil, only short distance from Portland on the 4th-st. line. Price Sh75. 1 A really good buy. Long time on balance. aj h.i. oregonian. 5UBU KB AN home site of one acre, with Bhade trees, near river, electric line, on auto road; price $350, $7 per month. J 106. Oregonian. WOULD you like to secure an acre of land, closo to five-cent fare, running water, spring, trees, no waste land? See my at- lUUlO), .Ui. X., Vi v. FREE trips to Canada to buy land going about J uly 1. Phone E. 563S and make appointment to talk it over. SNA P 20 acres, 11 miles east of Court house; price, $100 per acre; terms; A-l soil, no rock. Phone Tabor 1554. For Sale -Farms. FARM LANDS IN CENTRAL BRITISH COLTJMBI ALONG THE GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC HIGHWAY. The railroad will soon be completed, giv ing settlers main line transportation ; an army of men are rushing the work that It may be completed in 1914. The land along this new railway is unsurpassed for fruit, mixed farming, gardening, dairy and stock farms; no irrigation. Summer rains; pea vino and wild grasses to horse's ba.ck; rich soil ; good climate : fine drinking water, beautiful rivers and lakes, wild fruit, flsh and game in abundance ; thousands will go Into the country when the railway is com pleted. We sell the best valley land In all size tracts at a low price and on unusually easy terms; can give guaranteed title to every acre we sell: over 100 stereopticon views of Central British Columbia free; everybody welcome. Call week days; will show views evenings by appointment. For maps, government reports, tield notes and full information call or write W. A Stock ton, district salesman for the NORTH COAST LAND CO.. LTD., Paid-up capital. $1.500,0oO. S24 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Portland, Or. FARM FOR SALE. 100 acres, 165 acres level land In cul tivation, balance hillside pasture with some timber; good S-room house, good barn with room for 6 horses and 24 cows; all farming implements. 3 horses, 10 high grade Jersey cows. Price $125 per acre, one-third cu-sh, balance long time at 0 per cent; this Is one of the best farms in Marion County, only 1 3i miles from town; telephone and R F. D. Address Tandy & Beishee. Jefferson. Or. WAGE and salary earners, you can become independent by putting your rent money into one of my little farms, one to ten acres, close to church, school, stores and station; red shot and clay loam soil- elec tric service direct into Portland; you can pay as little as $ per month. Address 1 rost. Pleasant Home, Or. P. O. Gresham R. F. D. No. 31 FOR SALE 2000 acres In one body, 40 miles northeast of Wallowa, good black soli can't be excelled for hogs and cattle plenty of plow land, best fenced tract in N. E. Oregon; splendid water, also very valuable body saw timber; short Winter and most healthful climate. Write the owner. Box K, Troy, Wallowa Co Or 522 ACRES. WILLAMETTE VALLEY u mutd 01 rori.ana ana lli miles to K. R. station; 125 acres in crop; one of the best, at tf5 per acre. See mo about 1 Jesso Hobson Co.. 219 Lumbermen! Bank bjdg. A GOOD farm to a good farmer; 85 acres In cultivation; crops all in; a good lease must be rented at once. II. Billincs." Preston Station. 1 miles south Kiiacada RANCH. 60 acres, with buildings; 13 miles from Portland, near electric iine; bargain for all rash. Ti v nwnr 1 so vin.... Byowner 160-acre farm in Saskatchewan. V- Ourran, J0 10th st. FOR RENT FARMS IMPROVED 10 acrea near car, berries ready to pick. 620 Hen ry bldg. FOR SAT.K-TTMBFK LANDS. TTV T? P r? t vno C. J. M'CRACKEN 34 McKay bldg. AM tired of paying taxes on my 160 acres timber. Jackson Countv; who wants a real snap T AN (19. Oregonian. FARMS W1NTED. FARMERS and land owners. If you wish to sub-divide and sell In small tracts to those who will Improve; I can sell your land for you. Experienced, reliable and In touch with good class of buyers. Write AG 124, Oregonian. WANTED RE M. EST ATX. SX2UITIES bought In houses, average farms, contracts, or exchange the same. United Realty. 206 Gerllnger bldg., 245 Alder st. TO EXCHANGE FOR SALE or trade for an automobile. 6V4 acres finely improved land with house, fenced, ht mLe to electric car to Draaham Station, R. W. Apply to Deicump & Marco, B5 N. Second st. frO ACRES, partly Improved. 3 miles to railroad. only $3200, mortgage $1100. trade for unincumbered house and lot in suburbs. 515 Chamber Com. M. 1955. FOR SALE Equity in small Rose City bun galow for apart-houifl or lota. Deal with gwner. am xl's. oregonian. $4250 EQUITY in SO acres, to trade for good mortgage; will pay difference up to TO EXCHANGE FOR SALE or exchange for automobile. . real estate or other property. What have you for toe following Canadian lands: 1 ) 160 acres of unimproved land In Manitoba. Price $2400; $100 equity, bal ance easy mortgage. (2) 320 acres in Saskatchewan, partly Improved ; price $8000 ; $500 equity, bal ance easy mortgage. 3 Business lot In good Saskatchewan town. $300 clear. 4) acre in Vancouver. U. C. ; $1600 equity, balance on. contract. 5 y.i 0 acres in Alberta, equity about 13500, bal. easy contract. AV 29, Orego nian. INCOME property. East Side, stores and apartments; trade for houses or close-in acreage; owners only. D 124. Oregonian. WILL trade 10 acres near Reed villa. What have you to trade? F 121. Oregonian. 3 CITY LOTS to trade for acreage free of incuraorance. j oregonian. WHAT have you to trade tor 16 lots In Goldendale, Wash.? AT 12,1. Oregonian. WILL trade Schubert piano for auto. Phone East 5936. FOB 8ALE. Horses, Vehicle. Ktc. HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALES OR RENT. Second-hand vehicles bought and sold; new wagon and auto beds made to order; livery furnished to business parties at special rates. HAWTHORNE STABLES, 420 Hawthorne Ave. Phone East 72. B 1869. BARGAIN Rubber-tired surrey, steel-tired surrey, nearly new steel-tired top buggy, new breaking cart, rubber-tired racing cart. 2 work teams. 1 big team of cheap brood mares, good rubber-tired dye or laundry wagon, 2 old farm wagons and 2 dump wagona. 14 Union ave. CLOSING out new delivery wagons at second-hand prices; also second -hand deliv ery wagons at real bargains. Call and see them. Oregon Moline plow Co.. 105 Union ave. N. PASTURE for horses, stabled at night If desired; finest timothy and clover; expert horsemen; close to Portland; terms rea soaaole. Harris, 305 Salmon at. WANTED To buy one or two young mares, black, preferred, weighing botween 1100 and 1850; must be sound and true. Phone East 4304. WANTED 4 brood mares, 1200 lbs. or over: heavy wagon and harness for ranch. Will exchange player piano, cost $500, for above. Marshall 1127. MUST sell one ranch team, mare and horse, 1100 pounds each, and nearly new double farm harness, $140. S35 E. Pine st. Trial allowed. MUST sell at once, leaving city for Cay., good ranch team, nearly new $105 wagon and good harness, all for . $225. Inquire for Bosier's rig. 14 Union ave. ALL kin as of horses for sale ; several fancy ones. 44- t. loin, .n. ruoue o. iii. Call mornings. BIG, sound, true work horse for sale or will trade for 2 smaller ones. 265 16th st.. near Jefferson. 2100-POUND team, with harness, good for farm use or city delivery. Call 124 North 12th st. FOR SALE 1 team, 5 and 6 years old, weighing 2t00 lbs., 1 rubber-tired buggy, first-class shape. 226 Russell sL $50 TAKES a pair of serviceable ranch mares, absolutely reliable; weight 220O lbs. lytJT East Stark St., Montavilla. PASTURE for stock, close to Portland, O. L & S. Co. Main 1410. CLOSING out harness at wholesale prioe, 200 2d, cor. Taylor. HORSES for sale at 83 East 7th st. North. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. PIANO Elegant mahogany upright, almost new great tat bargain in city, less than $150. Call immediately. 701 Northrujr- su Bogs, Birds, Fet StocK. Airedale terriers to protect your home and family. Laddix Kennels, Kstacada, Or. Furniture for Sale. HAVING disposed of my home, will sacri fice furniture. viz.; Emerson-Angelus player piano, heavy fumed oak leather upholstered chairs, 8-foot extension table, buffet, Wilton velvet rugs, 2 brass beds, steel springs, mattresses, dressers and chiffonier, etc.; everything In best of shape. For appointment phone Mr. Drake Main 54 U3 or Tabor 4J30. FURNITURE for residence, comprising leather parlor furniture, library furniture, beautiful dining suit, bedroom furnish ings, rugs, brass beds, etc.; great oppor tunity for those starting housekeeping. Call immediately, TOi Xorthrup. W cax. ALL or part of furniture 9 rooms, facing park; 6 blocks S. W. from P. O. ; a home and a good income; rooms all full; terms. Mam 6049. THREE dining chairs, rug 9x12, maple chif fonier. Apt. 31, St. Francis, 21st and Hoyt. BEDROOM and other furniture, reasonable. Apt. for rent, Fordham Apta, see Janitor. HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale. 22 -a 3th, city. Inquire 8 N. 5th. BEDROOM SET. chiffonier, sanitary couches, etc. Phone Marshall 4342. Automobiles. REBUILT AND REFINISHED. Second-hand cars for sale by THE WINTON MOTORCAR CO.'S PORTLAND FACTORY BRANCH AT 23d and Washington Streets, WInton Sixes, 2. 4, 5, 7, 12, 16, 20-pass. Stevens Duryea, model Y, 7-pass. Packard 30, 7-pass. Lozier Little Six, 2 or 4-pass. R. C. H., 20 H. P. Peerless 7 -passenger. We have a3so listed for sale the follow ing cars: Buick, Chalmers, DeLuxe, Franklin 6, Kissel Kar Mitchell, 4 and 6 cylinder National, Overland, Ford and Locomobile. List changes dally. Full description, prices and photographs furnished on re quest. AUTO OWNERS ATTENTION. Can take your auto trimmines off, re plate them and put back in 2 davg. Have your auto plated in time for Rose Festival. PORTLAND PLATING & MFG. CO., 22d and Thurman sts. A 5282. Main 43. FIVE-PASSENGER touring car, recently painted and overhauled ; fully equipped, including seat covers; no reasonable cash offer refused. Inquire 500 Burnside st. Phone Main 460. 1912 CHALMERS 30. 4-pass., fore-door, tor pedo, fully equipped and In finest condi tion; cannot be told from brand new; cost $1950; price $1000 cash; no trade. AD 175, Oregonian. AM forced to sell my Packard 80 roadster, 40 h. p., A-l condition ; just been over hauled. Apply 6 to 7 P. M. No. 2SOa Margin st., cor, Clackamas. WANTED Motorcycle; must bo bargain ; give lowest price and f uii description. O t7, Oregonian. Sfc-TON motor truck for sale, only used 6 months; on Installments. Inquire at 123 3d. WANTED Second-hand cars; any make Powell Garage. 206 E. 37th st. Machinery. FOR SALE. A 45-horsepower, 550-volt, Crocker Wheeler motor, complete with standard blade starter, no voltage release and 73 ampere overload, I. T. E. circuit breaker. In A-l condition. Address room 203, Ore gonian bldg. FOR SALE. One 125-volt direct current generator, complete, . with field rheostat, ammeter and circuit breaker. This machine is In good repair. Address room 203, Orego nian bldg. FOR SALE. A 40-K. W . 50O-volt Crocker-Wheeler generator complete. with field rheostat and circuit-breaker, in good condition. Address room 203. Oregonian bldg. DONKEY engine, sawmill, three-saw edger and planer, now in operation, for a.:e cheap; write or call on Edmund Oleen. Deer Island. Or. STEAM boiler for raid cheap, 54-inch shell, aingie firebox, allowed 110 lbs.. 6 years old. Western Trans. & Towisg Co.. 711-16 Yeon bldg. Telephone Main 7830. Mf!rrllneo3v SAFES, new and second-hand ; low prices ; easy terms; safes opened, repaired end painted. PVRCELL SAFE CO. and POUT LAND SAFE CO.. 85 5th st. Main 6301 a 1" F- -i N ?v a : d se co n a - ha n d, larte asso rt - nicnt. U w r-r'ces , sales opened, re paired. Mos.pr Sat Co.. IPS 2d t. Main TtiTtl. MOTORCYCLE sale. 2 r.hdmac h : neTTt cost; a few 1012 modela at reduced price. West Coast SupPly Co., 31 No. Broadway. LA RGE safe for sale for storage charges. Western Iran. & Towing Co., 711-10 Yeon bldg. Telephone Main 7S30. T 1 P E WRITE its. all maes. $lt to ioT NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO. " 202 Stark at. ii;K, chairs and filing cabinets. Bustong Co., park and Stark. NATIONAL caah registers; get my prices Povey, 351 hi Wash, basement. Main 606. DERBY desks aid ..fTice f urnitur E B Haley De.k Co.. 210 Broadway Main SS7. FOR SALE or trade, a fine 4-foot Dlebold safe. Inquire 565 Clinton. RIVAL peanut roaster, show cases, soda fountain. 33 X. loth st. cor. Couch. USE Basset's Native Herbs for constlpa tion: 50c tablets tor 25c: all druggists. LAUNCH hull 28x6 feist; best of construc tion; a bargain. H 108, Oregonian. FOB SALE. Mlecellauaeo as. MANURE IN CAR LOTS. Ftockyards manure in car lots. $1 per ton, f. o. b. cars, North Portland. Book your orders early. PORTLAND UNION STOCKYARDS CO North Portland. Oregon. SEWING MACHINE EXCHANGE. Immense stock of second-hand machines, all make. j:t to SaO. Guaranteed. "We make them right, cash or payments. For merly -'t2 3d st.. now at -01 ad it. be tween Taylor and Salmon sta. M CASKEY register. National cash register, safe, showcases, horse and wagon. Bowser tank and other fixtures. McNeill Bros. Phone B 6111. W ANTED To sell my oil paintings; also very rare inlaid vases, table and other genuine antiques. Inquire 3S4 W Morrt son. Conservatory of Music. CA.LL- n the Oregon Tent & Awning Mfg. t-o.. 21 Grand ave.. for awnings andsleep. tpg-porches. Phone East 626, B 1232. FOR SALE Lunchroom counter with 25 stools; oak top and good as new; cheap. call Immediately. Mevea restaurant, 311 W ashlngton Bt 10ih OR less eacKs of potatoes. B urban ks, good condition. lOc a hundred net. In quire 26 4th st. North. S. Clavdlanos. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE, 20d 1st., between Taylor and Salmon, will pay best price for your furniture, carpets, stoves, etc., etc. New and second-hand furniture our specialty PHONE MARSHALL DtfSL LEVIN Hardware & Furniture Co., 221 Front at., buys second-hand furniture, carpets, stoves, ranges, hardware or tools of any kind. If you have anything In this Una call Main tt072. WE BUY CLOTHING AND FURNITURE. Highest prices paid for ladles and men's cast-off clo tlnng and shoes. Call Main 2080. 234 First, The Globe. WE want to buy $1000 worth of second hand furniture In the nexX 30 days and pay all the cash it is worth. Wllliams Ave. Furniture Exchange. East 636. WE buy for cash second-hand National cash registers and sell them on easy terms. W. J. Macauley, 354 Burnside st. Phone Main 1B1"), A. ASItt. FAIR DEAL opened again; we pay high est prices for your second-hand clothing mj injuocuum jJua. i IIUIIO in 111 V i i A WE pay the highest cash price for second hand furniture. M. R. Seater. Phone East 3134. 34S Hawthorne ave. FORD Auction Co. pays most cash for any kind of furniture. Main 81)51, A 2445. CASH paid for hair combings. Sanitary Beauty Parlors, 4O0 Dekum bldg. WANTED At once, teams for street work by day or month. Phone East 4017. WE want $10,000 worth of second-hand fur nlture; highest prices paid. SeJlwood 1682. NATIONAL cash register; price must be reasonacie. rnone iiain eoo. a. 30O6. W'Ei PAY highest prices for second-hand clothing, 294 3d Bt. Phone Main 9263. TRANSITS and levels bought for cash. 606 Concord Bldg.. Portland. WILL kalsomine rooms for $2.50 ; paint house at your price; reliable. East 323. PAINTING exchanged for plumbing. Call Co lumbia 449. SECOND-HAND goods bought for cash or taken in exchange for new. Tabor 4346. HELP WANTED MALE, BIG foreign cruise next winter. Men over 17 who enter the Navy now may get thia oppertunity. Opening of Panama Canal and San Francisco Exposition later. Chances to learn high-wage trade. Get full information at Navy Recruiting Sta tion, Railway Exchange bldg., Portland, Oregon, or write Bureau of 'Navigation, box 326, Navy Department, Washington, for free booklet about pay, hours, pro motion, chances to save, etc. WANTED for U. S. ARMY Able-bodied un married men. between agea of 18 and 35, citizens of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English lan guage. For information apply to Recruit ing Officer, Worcester building, 2d and Oak bls., Portland, Or. WANTED An experienced accountant ; must be reliable and competent to handle a department; state age, amount and na ture of experience had and salary wanted. Answer in own handwriting, giving refer ences as to character and abi'.itv; must be willing to leave the city. Address AV 34, Oregonian. WANTED Men for railroad work; location from Columbia River to Nehalem Valley. Camps first-class in every respect. Work will last for several months. COLUMBIA & NEHALEM RIVER R. R., 710 Spalding bldg., or at the work. Wood's Landing or Ross Landing on tha Columbia and S. P. & S. R. R. WANTED Industrial commissioner for the city of New Westminster; competent to produce results. Applications should state experience and salary expected. Address Secretary, New Westminster Progressive Association, box 401, New Westminster, B. C. TO ONE man residing in or near very small town who can givo good references and devote entire time to our work, we will extend an opportunity of making money in an honest and legitimate way. Address Box 87, Weiser, Idano, inclosing stamp for reply. WANTED Experienced bookkeeper, one that understands general of lice work and typewriting preferred ; must have good references; position permannnt to right party. Phone or call on A. Wilhelm & Sons, Monroe, Or. WANTED Two men who can furnish horse and harness and good reference to act as collector and salesman In Columbia Coun ty, Oregon, and Cowlitz County. Wash.; good pay to right party. Address Singer Sewing Machine Co., 402 Washington st. WE have a few good fields open for compe tent salesmen. If you appreciate the ad van -tange of selling for the largest and best-knoA-n nursery In the West at the best terms offered, apply today. Give reference. Oregon Nursery Company, Orenco. Or. WANTED 2 young men 18 to 20 yearsId with high school . education, to learn h ard ware business ; good chances for ad vancement to the right parties; must be bright and quick, to learn. AL 109, Ore gonian. TRANSIENT Y. M. C. A. MEMBERS can se cure furnished rooms at reasonable rates in the new fireproof association building, cor. 0th and Taylor sts.. and have privi lege of consulting Advisory and Employ ment Department. MEN wanted to sell and to show Evinrude rowboat motors, in operation In various towns of the Northwest. Write for cata logue. Address F. G. Epton, agent, Evln rude Motor Co., 106 4th St.. Portland. Or. WANTED Two men to -act as collector and salesman in Portland and Multnomah County who can furnish horse and harness and good reference. Apply C. F. Johnson, manager, 402 Washington at. WANTED One Intelligent and well-dressed person for Portland ; easy proposition for stead v and persistent worker. Apply $ to 9:30 A. M. and 4.30 to 5:30 P. M. 617 Worcester bldg. WIRELESS OPERATORS In constant de mand. This coming vocation taught at Y. M. C. A. All the Year Round Day and Night Schools; complete equipment; tbest on Coast. GOOD salesman to canvass city with sta ple line of Jewelry on easy payments; sal ary or commission to right man. Sea Mr. T nomas. 207 Corbott building. YOUNG man under 25 assistant bookkeep- er. wholesale house; state age, experience, references, phone number. AF 07, Ore-, gonian. OFFICE boy, wholesale house; opportunity; state age. experience, references, phone number. AS OS, Oregonian. WANTED A boy for all day work in li brary ; apply Librarian, Broadway and Stark. WA NT ED An experienced timekeeper for logging camp- Apply between 3 and 4 this afternoon. 13ul leon DJQg. PHYSICIAN Registered in Washington, for advertising office; good opening for right party. AC 126, Oregonian. WANTED Two newsagents to work on pas ctiger trains; cash security required. Ap ply il'JKt Johnson st. TWO biight men to solicit for old estab lished corporation; good future for right men. Apply y to 12. 413 Mohawk. . GOOD practical shoemaker at once; no other need answer. 367 Stark at. WANTED A barber; steady Job. 221 Mad- iiAPii iiiENCED solicitors. Call fc21 Missis sippi a-.e.. from 8 to 0 A M-. 5 to 7 P. M. WANTED At once, apprentice barber with two ytars" experience. 1002 Belmont st. COMPOSITOR. Oregon City Enterprise. FlflS T-CLASS coat helper wanted. McLeod, 4 i 4 Washington st. BARBERS wanted, steady Job, good salary. 2v'5 Morrison street. BARBER WANTED Good man. 163 N. 6th st. BARBER wanted; guarantee $12 a week first start. 1st st. S. THREE men for two hours evenings. 1014 E. 15 th st. N. WaNTED Stave bolt cutters, good Job. Ap p:y 622 Corbett bldg.. city. PHOTO coupon, best offered, beauty contest started. Cutberth Studio. Dekum bldg. DELIVERY boy wanted. 432 Washington. a HELP WANTED MALE. INCIDENT. (One of Many.) tfrice Secretary Employment Department. Y -M. C A Young man, stranger, seeking employ ment ($20 his total cash asset) If I pay you $5 for employment membership I will have only $15 between me and starva tion. Secretary If you pay $ for employ ment membership you will have the Y. M. C. A with all Its resources between you and starvation. Result Young man Joined association. In less than a week ha had aaUafactory employment. Record for year 1$1J: Calls for men from employers 2265 ' Positions filled 1697 Our special employment membership guarantees member will secure employ ment or refund of membership fee; gives two months' full and 10 months' social privileges. Constant demand for CLERICAL TECH NICAL and COMMERCIAL MEN. All young men seeking employment, especially strangers, are cordially invited to consult with the Secretary of the Era ployment Department. WANTED BY ONE OF THE ESTAB LISHED REALTY FIRMS OF PORTLAND, A GENERAL ASSISTANT. Wanted A general assistant In the real estate business of one of trio established realty firms of this city; experience pre ferable, but not necessary; permanent position for the right sort of man; scope of work extensive enough to keep him busy; must furnish first-class reference as to reliability, qualifications, etc Address A J 6. Oregonian. WANTED At once, all-around baker. City Bakery, Hillsboro. Or. HELP WAM'Kl) FKMAI.K. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen eral housework; no washing, no ohildren; Scandinavian or German girl preferred. Apply 645 East Ninth st. North. Phone East 934. LADIES can earn big money by high-grade soliciting work in connection with the Rose h estival; this week only. Apply room 20i Merchants' Trust bldg., Uth and asnington sis. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework in tho country, 12 miles from the city; no children. Call at 302 Selling bldg. be tween 10 and 12 A. M. MANY of tne best families of the city ara registered with the Domestic Service Bu reau for cooks, general housework and second girls. aOQ Central bdg. M. 7S67. NEAT, competent girl for general house work; must be good cook; small family, good wages. Call mornings, lij80 Franklin at-,, Willamette Heights. A. 1522. WANTED A model for several days; must bo full 36 bust; liberal salary. Inquire between 11 and 12 o'clock, Oregon Hotel, room 612. WANTED Couple or widow, adults, take care private house; few furnished rooms in return. Write particulars. P U6. Ore gonian. RELIABLE woman for housework and care for sick lady; wages f25 per month; no objection to one child; 2 In family. Main 668 or evenings Main 4338. EXPERIENCED girl wanted for cooking where second girl la kept. Phone Main 1776. 233 NO. 24th Bt. MIDDLE-AGED lady to care for 3 months twin babies on farm, $20 monrti ; state age, ajid references. AV 27. Oregonian. GIRL wanted for general housework. L G. Pfunder, 505 20th at.. Portland Heights. Phone A 5562. WANTED Girl for general housework, small family. 881 Mellnda ave. Phone Main C-.13. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework and cooking, no washing, $30. 625 E. Main, corner 26th. B 14l9. WANTED Maid for general housework, small family, good wages. Phone Tabor 564. FURS Operator wanted, must be thorough ly competent. H. Llebes & Co., 2S3 Mor rison st. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES AGENCY. Washington bldg.. 270 Wash., room S3, rear 4th. phone Main SS:i6 or A 3266. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavl Co.. 003 Roth child bldg. 4th and Washington. WANTED Telephone operator for country; 1 13, board and room. Apply Monday be tween 9 and 10:30 at 302 Buchanan bldg. COMPANION wanted for elderly lady, ap ply In person at Hotel Mallory, room 320 at 9 A. M. WANTED Woman for general housework, good cook, two In family. 410 E. loth North. MIDDLE-AGED lady would like a position in country or suburb in small family. 561 4th st. WANTED Young lady to give private les sons in dancing; give price per lesson. E 105, Oregonian. WANTED A woman to work for husband's room ana board; small boarding-house. Phone A WANTED Girl for general housework and plain cooking. Phone Marshall 1634 Port land Heights. ST. LOUIS AGENCY Cooks, waitresses. chambermaids, nurses, housekeepers, house maias. nua otn st. Mam 033, A 4775. WANTED Competent colored woman for general housework; must be cook. Tele phone C 2364. BY' wholesale house, an ambitious woman willing to apply herself; experience not requirea. AK 'Jo, oregonian. WANTED Girl for general housework and plain cooking; good wages. Call forenoons between 10 ana 12. 800 Lovejoy. GIRL for general housework. 460 Holladay ave. WANTED An experienced lady presser. Standard Cleaners & Dyers, Salem. Or. WAITRESS wanted to serve soft drinks only. $3 woeK. 2S 4th St. North. GIRL wanted for general housework. Phone Tabor 3845 or call 660 East 69th st. N. EXPERIENCED girl in confectionery store. 53D Last roaaway WANTED Oood girl for general house work. 409 7th st. Mar. 3267. Ull-L to assist with general housework. Call mornings. 148 N. 18th st. EXPERIENCED waitresses wanted at Mor ris', 11 0th. near Stark. WANTED Hair aolicitor at 345 Russell at. will pay wages and commission. GIRL for cooking and general housework; wages $30. 751 Hoyt st. COMPETENT girl for cooking and gen eral nouseworK. Kearney, near 23d WANTED Competent second girl; refer ences. 690 Flanders. GIRL for general housework: ; small family. gooa wages. asp miamooK st. GIRL wanted for general housework. 7S7 N orth rup. COMPETENT girl for general housework and cooking. Apply 771 Kearney at. WANTED Woman cook, call 795 Thur man street, corner 4tn. WANTED Competent girl for general house work. 1S1 E. 16th. Phonea E. 15f3. B 2175. WANTED Experienced ironer for hand laundry. 648 Wash. st. An experienced finisher for dressmaking. 770 lioyt st., near aa st. WANTED Olrl for general housework. 230 N. 24 tn st. Lall afternoons. GIRL for light housework and do cooking in lamny or two. ut couch st. WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap ply 616 Lovejoy at. FIRST-CLASS ladles' clothes ironer. Pa cific Laundry, 231 Arthur st. MIDDLE-AGED lady for light store and home worn, qyo 4tn. DISHWASHER. 590 Broadway. WANTED Competent cook. 245 St. Clair st. HELP WANTED MALE OK FEMALE. MORE STRAWBERRY PICKERS. Families, with tents, free wood and water, gooa camping place, good wages. Call this day at 611 S wetland bldg., be tween G and 6 o'clock P. M. WANTED Piano player; none but moving picture players neea apply. 1 lub, ore Konlan. AGENTS, men and women; something new, small sample. Call 306 Pino at. F1SK Teachers Agency secures positions for teacners. titt Journal bldg. Main 4835. HELP WASTED MISCELLANEOUS. lioVEltNMENT positions, parcel post sys tem requires additional clerks; salary up to $luo; "free book." Pacific States fccnooi. McKay oidg.. Portland. Or. MAIL CARRIERS WANTED Average $00 momn ; examinations coming. specimen questions xree. trans: nn institute, jjept. 22 3 D, Rochester, N. Y. , PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE Individ ual instruction. GREGG SHORTHAN D, bookkeeping. 642 Hamilton bldg. Mar. 425. MEN, women to learn barber trade, eight weeas; position guaranteea. Oregon r her College. 235 Madison. 26S Couch st. LOCOMOTIVE firemen, brakemen; wages about iiw; experience unnecessary; send age, stamp. itaitway, oregonian. GiRLS Learn beauty parlor work. Earn money wnne learning, eia Koincnua mag. SHORTHAND. TYPEWRITING SCHOOL, -O'J iilU SI. OH. dJ). Ji-Af. IftBTJAUUT N, HELP W ANTE I MISCELLANEOUS. 100 M EN and women to learn the barber trade in 8 weeks in all its modern meth ods ; send for catalogue ; tools free ; learn a trade that you can get in business for yourself. Moler Barber College. 35 N. 4th. Keisier a Ladies' Tailoring College and School of Dressmaking. 143 nth at. HiTtABONS WANTED '" Sookw-rir aud Clerks. I WANT a permanent job; ha e had long New York experience as correspondent and am unbeaten in that line; present salary no object; can turn out two men's work accurately and will work my head off to make good in YOU R business. Especially strong in collection, advertis ing and sales departments, but under siand all office and executive detail. Young, well educated with unquestionable references. Y l'Jl. OreBonlan. UIGH-oka 1) E office man wishes to con nect himse.f with good, reliable firm, experience- exceptional and reterences first-class. i, 124, Oregonian. WILL AUDIT, OPEXT CLOSE OR WRITE up books, prepare baUirtce and statements. Install systems. Glllmgham. auditor. 512 Lewis bldg. Marshall 717. EXPERIENCED cigarette salesman wants position, city or on the road. Best of references, p iofl, Oregonian. bUUftKr.hi'KH, 5 ears' experience, wants position. y or particulars phone A 4560. AB US Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER with experience, accurate p"" cm position. Aiarsnau z 101. Mifu'ellaneoua, AN ABLE mechanical draughtsman desires position w-iin ttern lirm on June 1. Age M. Experienced in sawmill and gen eral machine work. Fifteen years of prac tical and technical experience. Careful and systematic worker. A low cost ma chine producer. A thoroughly practical and artistic designer or machinery. AC 87. i rcgonian. SITUATION wanted by competent, sober. u-t.u-ui.La Ulan iu supermtena a logging business, one that has been in logging for 15 years Jn Oregon and Washington, un aera lands logging both by railroad, road and w ater; w ould take working interest; can give the best of references. AV 906, Oregonian. INDUSTRIOUS, ENERGETIC. COMPETENT ociiAiA.-s toiin.a toil CATION AS ALL AROUND HANDY MAN ABOUT PRI VATE ESTATE OR INSTITUTION. AS GARDENER, MILKER. DO CHORES. DRIVING AND RAISING POULTRY ; ALSO HANDY WITH TOOLS: KKFER ENCES. C 14, OREGONIAN. LUMBER AXD MILLMAN. Thoroughly competent live man of wide experience In lumber and mill work in all Its details, desires first-class, respon sible position in any of its branches. C 123. Oregonian. YOUNG man, experienced in dry goods, gents' furnishings and window trimming, desires position. Can furnish good ref erences. Moderate salary. AL luO. Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED, RESPONSIBLE, RELIA BLE DRIVER WISHES SITUATION AT ualk; UA.N UIV 1J SECURITY IF RE QUIRED. C 121, OREGON I AN. CLEANER and dyer wants position in Port- iana or near; can manage machine or hand plant. Address F. J. Barker, Cai exico, CaL SALESMAN who can take charge of any department in the furniture and carpet business wants position; Al reference. AL 96, Oregonian. POSITION wanted by Japanese man and wife; man any kind of work; wife cook. O 96, Oregonian. ICE CREAM maker wishes steady position; 8 years' experience. Sey forth, 409 East Lake, Seattle. Wash. MAN and wife cooks, German, In camp, boarding house or boarding cars. 904 Van couver ave., Portland, Or. FIRST-CLASS waiters furnished. Marshall 7yl, A 4!UO. Portland Waiters' Club, 148H 5th. Portland. Or. G. C. Gerald, manager. YOUNG man, German, wants position as gardener and drive auto. Phone Main 1684. H 107. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED Japanese chauffeur, me chanic, wishes position with private fam lly; good references. M 99. Oregonian. YOUNG Japanese boy wants position as cook in ramuy. a &t, oregonian. . TWO young men would llKe steady work on farm. Room 1. Victoria HoteL A. J. Hall. WANTED Situation by experienced Janitor. a- iza, uregunian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. ASST. bookkeeper, typewriter ooerator. bill ing, general office work; references. Wood- lawn 2toi. SUBSTITUTE stenographer and bookkeeper. S yt-aia' experience. Miss Everett. Phone Tabor :ltt54. COM PET EXT, experienced stenographer. best references, desires position. Main 0459, Room 7. STENOGRAPHER wants situation: 4 vears' experience; real estate or legal work. AK n."5, uregonian. YOUNG lady wishes position In doctor's of- nce. Ail 1 w, oregonian. Dressmaker. PLAIN sewing and children's clothes, work guaranteed. Room 14, 400 Morrison. Mar- 5I1UU FIRST-CLASS dressmaking at reasonable prices. bo Ella su fhone A 7483. PROFESSIONAL nurse wishes maternity cases at ner nome; best 01 doctors ret erences. Phone East 3607. NURSE. 15 years experience confinement and care invalids specialty. Mrs. Hughes. aiaranan o.o. Housekeepers. EXPERIENCED housekeeper wishes man agement of apartment or rooming house. AM 97, Oregonian. SITUATION gentlemen. as working bookkeeper for Call at 531 E. Market. WANT housekeeping for aged couple or chamber work. Phone Marshall 4925. Miscellaneous. YOUNG lady pianist wishes position with orchestra; no objection to going out of town or playing tor picture show. AM 99, Oregonian. LXPER1 ENCED laundress wishes work in first-class places, by the day only; 25c hour. Phone Tabor 2800. YOUNG Japanese girl wants position as housework ; can't speak English welL Y. Kasahara, 63 10th at-, N-. city. TEACHER going East In June wishes the charge of children or girls for expenses; good references. Box 73, Newberg, Or. LACE curtains laundered carefully, 25c up; special prices to hotels. Tabor 4109. Mrs. Anderson. COLORED woman wants work by the day only. Address 61 North 9th st. Phone M. 69P0. LADY caterer will manage luncheons, din ners, weddings, evening refreshments; can furnish waitresses. Phone Marshall 2544. WILL care for children any time day or niaht; responsible person. C 3293. WOMAN like to do work by the day. Call East 5371. EXPERIENCED woman, day work, washing, ironing, cleaning. Main 203$. A 4775. COMPETENT laundress wants day work Monday, Tuesday. Call Main 5465, room 1-. A GOOD, reliable laundress wishes for more work; daily or by the hour. C 1972. WANTED by a first-class colored laundress for Monday and Tuesday. Marshall 33S. LACE curtains washed and stretched. Tabor 2445, C 2227. Mrs. Scott. Y O l S G widow with child wishes house work, nurse work. Main 6554. LACE curtains, draperies, linens laundered by pvprt. Thone Tabor 317. WOMAN wishes day work of any kind ex cept laundry. Call Main S6S4. LADY wishes day work. Tabor 732 WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS We have a new line of Summer Specialties; every housewife needs them. Valuable premiums, catalog and sample free. Write The Home Supply Co., 1306 Terrace Court, Seattle, Wash. LIVE AGENTS Are sMtlnc the Jaeger vacuum cleaner Why rot you ? Call 701 Rot rich lid bldg. AGENTS S. and M. mop. pail and wringer combined. 3 OS Pine street. WANTED TO RENT. Houses, WANTED HOUSES TO , RENT. If you want v rent your house, list them with us. We have a number of people waiting for houses. UMBDEXSTOCK &. LARSON CO., 2S6 Oak St. Main 7750. I WAN T to rent a furnished modern house, on Portland Heights, for 3 or 4 months; must fce high elevation, with view of city (with parage). E. Holman, 220 Third st. WANTED 5 or 6-room house; give price, street and number, full description. J 42. Oregonian. YOUNG business men want room, sleeping porch; evervthing refined. Nob Hill dis trict. P. O- Box 353. FOR RENT-. F'urnlsued Rooms. NEWLY furnished room, reasonable. The Dczcndorf Apts., SOS 16th at. M. 4795. FOB BENT. FurnifcUeU ho ROWLAND HOTEL 20 4TH. PARSONS HOTEL SOW 4TH. MINOOK HOTEL 213 4XH. Are you looking for nice, clean room with hot and cold water, private baths, homelike and respectable, at v KKY MOD ERATE PRICES'; ir so you will be satis fied at any of the 3 hotels above. Giva us a trial and you will be the winner, and besides save money and get the beat. HOTEL SAVON. " 131 Eleventh Street. New, modern brick building, steam heated, private baths, hot and cold watr In rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy, com I or table, rent reasonable. Call and sea us; regular and transient trade solicited. THE HOTEL ARTHUR. 11th. between Morrison and Yamhill; re cently opened, every modern convenience. ftienty of hot water and heat; beautiful obby ; rates $4 week and up; with pri vate bath $5.50 week and up; transient rates. 75c and up. Free phone. Main 426. THE VIRGINIA HILL HOTEL. 34th and Jefferson. An established hotel. Rooms en suite or single, rates reasonable. A 622S. M. 923. HOTEL RENWICK Ideal home for busi ness people; centrally located; elegant rooms; modern conveniences. Broad nay and Taylor, block from Portland HoteU opposite Orpheum Tb.eat.er. Main 916. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM. 52 Va Wash st. Elegantly located. all modern outside rooms, with or without private bath, t2.Su week up; quiet place for tourists visiting city. STANDISH HOTEL ISth and Washington Streets. All outside rooms, modern. $2.50 pep week trb. Main 36U3. A 7534. MADRAS HOTEL. a2TH AND WASHINGTON $1.00 and up day. $3.50 and up week. HOTEL Gilmore. 131H 10th at Rooms by tne day, week or month. Large light and airy. Under new management. Mrs. M. Joyce, proprietor. HOTEL NETHERLANDS. 126 13th St.. at Washington. Rooms. $3.50 per week up; under per sonal management owner. J. W. Bushong. THE Larrabee, 227 Larraoee. Rooms $2 wees: up. HricK Diag.. steam heat, hot, cold water, bath, phoae. electricity. HOTEL CONGRESS- Beautifully furnished rooms witn. all modern conveniences, 6th and Main. HOTEL Edwards, Grand ave.. E. Belmont; rooms $12 mo. and up; $22.50 and up with bath ; absolutely respect a b!e. East 3-3. Furnished Rooms In Irfvate Family. NEWLY' furnished room In private family. tast siae, witn or witnout ooara; 10 min utes' walk lroiu 3d and Washington sta by Steel or Broadway bridge. Call Horn phone C 1270. NORTH room, large alcove, J4.&0 per week; aiso one j; line grounas; large veranua; cool, 3 blocks from Olda &. King. 414 Market, cor. 11th. NICELY" furnished rooms, single ?nd dou ble, modern, 6 minutes to business center; nice location; front $10 to $14 per month. -) nth st. NICE, neat rooms; close in; day or week; no small children account day sleepers, 21 N. 11th. DESIRABLE room for gentlemen, hot and cold water, large sleeping porch, separate eds. W. Park. Mar. 4215. A. M. PLEASANT, clean front room, heat, elec tric lights, hot and shower baths; rent reasonable. Apply 302 12th. Marshall 57 si. NICELY" furnished room with board. H block from car. Call 569 Market EU, flat 6. A 2503. CL.EAN, sweet front rooms, water in rooms, gas range, closet, free phone, bath and light, $15 per month. lUo N. 17th st. FOR RENT Sleeping rooms, use of parlor. Pacific phone, electric lights and bath; rent reasonable. 454 Market St. NEATLY furnished sleeping room for gentle men ; modern convenience. $2.50 per week. 31 N. 17th St., near Wash. THE PALACE. 308. pine Bt, newly fur nished rooms i 2 and up. SLEEPING and housekeeping rooms, facing park. 405 W. Park. BEAUTIFUL large front room, also BmaUer one. Marshall 3677. 569 Flanders st. LOWER front room, porch room; very rea sonable. 211 12th. SU 1 TE Newly furnished, reasonable. 13 E. 7th. corner Ash. East 1021. TWO nicely furnished rooms, Hawthorne dis trict, price right. Phone Tabor 3109. Unfurnished Rooms. LARGE rooms, $7; small room, $3.50 and $2.50 each. mo. 192Va Market near Front. Rooms and Itosra. NO RTONIA HOTEL, 11th, just oft Washington St, American and European. Beautiful dining-room, tearoom and roof garden. Very attractive rates to families and bachelors. MODERN ELEGANT EXCLUSIVE. American and European plan; near City Park; convenient to carline. THE HILL, Washington, at 23d St. Residential and Tourists' Hotel. Attractive rates to permanenta and transients. Main 7584. FOR Y. M. C. A MEMBERS Furnished rooms, reasonable in price; fireproof build ing, vacuum cleaned; shower baths, swim ming pool, club facilities; special rates at cafeteria, and 10O other features. Full particulars at business office, cor. 6th and Taylor sis. THE WILL Alt D HOTEL. MORRISON AND PARK. STS. European and American, $2 per day with meals. Rates by the month and week with or without meals very reasonable. New, modern and fireproof. PARKVIEW HOTEL. 8S6 Montgomery st., at West Park, mod ern conveniences; rooms with or witnout bath; excellent table service; reasonable rates for regular and transient guesLa. ELTON COURT. Select Family HoteL Modern rooms with excellent table board, very reasonable rates. 11th and Yamhill sts. TH K WHITEHALL. 253 6TH ST. A residential hotel, large sun porch; rooms witn or without baths; home cook ing; table board a specialty. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION, 24th year; rooms with board, use of sewing room, li brary. 510 Flanders. Mrs. E. N. Wilson, sup. THE HAZEL Large outside rooms, steam heat, running water; with or without meals; moderate price. 3?5 3d st. THE LAM BE R SON. 554 Couch, cor. 17th; outside rooms- steam heat, running water; special rates for good table board. THE MAXITOU, 261 13th it Excellent table. large, airy rooms. Summer ratea. "J" car at Depot. HOME FOR INVALIDS, nervous and aged people, fine location; beautiful view. Miss Tower, 1724 E. Stark st. Tabor 4159. CHOICE single rooms. first-class table board. S3 N. 17th; block from Washington. EXCELLENT board, beautiful rooms facing the para. 374 Park at. Room a With Board In Privet. 1- nmilr- GOOD home for girla In private family, rea sonable rates, or take care of two chil dren over 7 years age, at 144 Stanton. L car. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS RESIDENCE OFFERS ROOM AND BOARD TO PEO PLE DESIRABLE OF EXCLUSIVE SUR ROUNDINGS. MAIN 593. NICE, comfortable rooms, with breakfast, board, hot and cold water, bath, phone, walking distance, reasonable. 120 N. ltith, corner Gllsan. M 3017. TWO newly furnished rooms, nice residence district, house strictly modern; price can't b beat; meals If desired. Phone Ta bor 3109. NEWLY furnished. modern rooms, good board; home privileges, nice yard, close in, reasonable- East 2339. ROOMS, with or without board, close In. price reasonable; home cooking. 262 12th street. 424 V- J EFFERSON, room and board, pri vate family, reasonable rates. Call and se-?. LA RGE front room and board, everything modern, only young people in family. East 6rt2o. GOOD room and board, modern, cloae In. 472 Salmon at. Marshall 4273. IX private family, furnished room wit board ; references exchanged. 656 Gllsau. 241 NORTH 22d. two well-furnished connect ing rooms. Excellent board. Main 2071. LIGHT, airy room, with or without board, reasonable. 3"3 12th St. Marshall 4410. Apartment. ROSE-FRIEND. S. W. cor. Broadway and Jefferson Modern unfurnished apta.; first class strvice; private phone. THE DAYTON 6 large rooms, apt., porches, every convenience; low rent. 658 Flanders. MAYO Apts., Union ave. and Sacramento New. up-to-date, reasonable. Phone . 920. WANT to sub-rent my furnished apart ment. Call Marshall 3746. 3 OR 4-room apt., with sleeping porch, gas and electricity. Phone East ISOS.