1 7 THE MORNIXG OREGOXIAN. MOXDAT, JTTXE 2, 1913. 13 FLORENCE CARNIVAL IS BIGGEST SUCCESS YET "Prlnce&ses" and "Braves" In Full Indian Attire Add Picturesque Note to Festival in Which Exhibits of School Children'! Work is Feature. U It (-!', , : ' "'" . ' j - i ABOVK. WATERFBOM SC'E.VK AT FIOREXCK) CEXTBB, A FEW CHIEFS ai rBXEssi:S) below, ritowu at festival. ' l.ORENCK. Or..' Slay 31. (Special.) In 1906 some penlus conceived tho happy thought ot holding a arnlval during; the month of Slay, when the rhododendrons, which are no where more plentiful and beautiful than here. wore lit tho height of their bloom. This carnival has been made an annual custom, but at no time have the flowers been inure lovely nor the weather more fa vorable than when the sixth annual Rhododendron Carnival was held on Iav ;g and 33. Departins from the former custom of choosing the carnival queen hy popular vote, each of 11 die trlcts this year sent a "princess" and a 'brave," appropriately garbed, to the council, which was called to meet ,at Florence by tho bis; chief. Black Hawk t Koscoe Hurd). On the appointed morning th town was decorated gaily in tho pink and reen of the rhododendron, which are the official carnival colors, when the Indian visitors arrived. All were In full war paint, the chiefs wearing their full war head-drees, and wrapped in their blankets, the princesses in l'estal attire, bilsht with many beads. They were conducted by tho local brass band to where a platform had been built around a fir tree in a natural amphi theater, an oltT-efW"TearlnK on her back a tiny papoose and with three youns lade following- her, and the medi cine man Shack-a-Shack. in his teepee on the platform. Bach princess had come provided with a strop: bow and m quiver full of arrows, and In order that the oueen might b sho wlro was most skilled in the use of bow and arrow, an archery contest was held, the mcoesxful contestant, Nita Schroeder. 1'rincess Silver- Fell, of the Floreice tribe, belntr proclaimed queen. B-ack Hawk then clasped about her throat the royal Jewels, a pearl dosr collar and necklace of srold beads with locket, and the princesses and braves danced about her to the music of the tom-toms played by th. medicine man and. the squaw. . The chiefs held council about the campfire, bewailing the loss of their lands, but sugrsrested plans by which the palefaces could improve conditions, and each took a whiff at the great piP8 0f peace. When tho tom-toms were heard to make excltin music the Indians broke into hilarious dancing and soon loft the stage to enjoy a clambake pre pared by an Indian who was real, though he wora no feathers nor war paint. Swimming and launch races with a few addresses from the platform-made up the afternoon programme, and in the evening; the last of a series of three names of basketball was played be tween the trls of the Mapleton and Florence High Schools. As the first mm of the series hacl been a victory far Florence and the second a tie, the score of 14 to 10 In favor of the Flor nce school gave them the pennant for the season. The first school fair for Western T.ane County, supervisory district Xo. t. was held in connection with the 'arnlval of 1912, and was so successful that this year it was repeated on a ''"'lo complete scale, and considering that Industrial work has only been in troduced here within the last two years, the exhibits, good under any circumstances, were truly marvelous. There were booklets of short stories which had been written by the gram mar school children, maps they had drawn, collections of mosses, weaving which had been done by the children of the primary grades, a relief map ac rompanied by specimens of Oregon products and representative Indus tries, herbarium prepared by the high - chool students, work In sewing and mbroidery. raffia bags, raffia and reed baskets, bread, cakes, cookies and some beautiful bead work consisting f moccasins, watch fobs and bags. The work of the class In carpentry ot the Florence advanced grammar grades attracted much attention, a finely constructed chest which was the work of one of the lads being shown, while tables, a desk and magazine and music racks were but a few of the pieces of furniture which showed how skilled the boys had become In the use of tools. The second day was devoted to an educational conference in the morning, and many availed themselves of the opportunity for an excursion to the beach. During the morning the chil dren of several schools paraded the streets, those of the several standard schools bearing their pennants, and many of the younger children cos tumed to portray the various Indus tries of this section of Oregon. There were the fishermen with nets, poles and bait, the loggers, the dairymaids each bearing her milking stool and pail, and various other features. In the afternoon the Florence and Gardiner teams met on the baseball diamond, and in the evening the young men of Florence and Mapleton played a match game of basketball. Owinsr to the fact that the railroad work has rendered the roads difficult of travel for automobiles, few visitors were present from the Willamette Val ley as compared to the number who have attended the former carnivals. But another year will see the riiirn.d completed, and there Is no doubt that the Rhododendron will then attract ia.rre inrongs to do honor to Its beauty. TWO TIED AT WEST SALEM Incorporation Carries, but Another Aldermonic Race to Be Held. SAIr. Or., June 1. (Special.) The voters of West Salem, h. Jorlty at an election yesterday, decided to incorporate tha community as a vil lage. The following officers were eieciea: Mayor. George L. Frazurn? llrn,.n Charles Baker. T rimis-ina. rN..nt. Lambaugh. W. B. Gurth and Edward Brock; Recorder. F. 1 Wood: Marshal. ju.epn f-.iuu . -treasurer. .Mrs. M. e Smith. J. R. Shields and J. R. Bedford, can - - . U . 1. 1 1.1 d- II - nth., election will K. h.M v. . 1. . . .. -- ' VI WVbU will be candidates again. Floating Drydock Probable. HONOL.I7UJ. June 1. If the weak ness of the strata ui:ierneath is a menaea' to the permanency of a solid drydock at Pearl Harbor, as Indicated in the recent report of Admiral Stand ford, it is likely, in the opinion of naval officers here, that a large INFORMATION FOR VOTER. AH arrangements for the first election to be held under the new commission charter have been completed. The polls will be opened at 8 o'cloclt this morning and will remain open until 7 o'clock to night. A Mayor, an Auditor and four Commissioners ara to bo chosen. Every voter Is entitled to vote first, second and third ohoices for Mayor, Auditor and for each of the four Commissioners. There Is some confusion as to whether or not the law makes It obligatory to vote more than ona choice. It does not: a voter has that privilege, but it is not compulsory. AMTBEMKTTS. heil:g r.fK.1?;.. Phone: Main J. A 1122. TfJNIPHT TUMORKOW i vi i i a an1 weiiielay. SPECIAL PRICE MAT. WEDNESDAY. H. H. FRAZEE Presents All Star Production FINE FEATHERS FOBKKT EUED' warox LACKAYE -VAX l'IGMAN ROSE COT.Ht.AX I.OIJTA ROBSIlTSOV AHEUA snrERS Evenintt-Lower floor. 14 rows J3, 8 rows S1.60- Balcony. 3 rows S1.50. 6 rows f-1, 6 rows 75c. 1 rows 50c. Spe cial Wednesday matinee Lower floor 1.50. fl. Balcony Si. 7Sc iOc PEAT SALE TOMORROW 3 NEXT THURSDAY ' MATINEE SATURDAY CHARLES FROHMAX PRESENTS NAZI MO VA In the Sensational Sucreei BELLA DONNA Adapted from the Famous Novel by Robert Hicbna, by James Bernard Fag an. Prices Both Evening- and frat. Matinee: 2.00. $1.50. $1.00, 75c, 50c. . BAKER g THEATER Z. A 63GO Ln ker. Mer. The popular Baker Plarera. Tonight, bargain night, all seate 25c. All week. Mats. Wed. and Sat. Eugene Walter's superb drama ot the Canadian woods. "THE WOTF.M Fascinating, wierd and intenselv interesting. By the author of "Fine Feathers." "The Easiest "Way." "Paid in Full."' and other famous successes. Evening prices, 25c, 85c, 50c. AH matlne-es 25c MATINEE DAILY. - alaln 6. A IOSOl "A PERSIAN GARDEN." Bond and Benton. Joe JarI:son. , Louise London. Burnham and Irwin. Mootsmbo and Wells. ElISON TALKING PICTURES. Ammtronir's Baby Dolls In "A Srotch Hlgh ball." Cat of 20, lncludinc Miss thel Davis and Will and Ed Armstrong. Beaumont and Arnold, Makaranko Ino, Frlscary, Jewel and Jordon. Miss KutU Cliondler. Pantae scope. Popular prices. Matinee dally. Boxes and first row balcony rc-ecrved. Box office open from 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. phones A 8236, Main 4636. Curtain :S0, 7:lfl, :10. Any IJatlnre Seat 15 tents WHERE llrtUI'H EVERY. BODS GOES JIMMY BRITT 0 PIANO BUG 8 FOl'R OTHER BIG FEATURES COOLEST SPOT IN TOWN WEEK .JITE I 50 HiKb-rimM Artist., the Portland Ladles' Band. 50 select soloists. The largest added attraction ever appearing in Portland. New Comic Opera, Companv In "W IHLA'1" Nisbts. 15c, 25c, Matinee, any Mat, 194!. THE OAKS Portland's Great Amusement Park. FREE ENTERTAINMENT ' Tbla Afternoon and Tonight at SiitO and S. Vital., Wonderful Boy Leader. Oaks Hawaiian, lues de Caatlllo, Prima Donna. Fisher Maidens, Dainty Soubrettes Lyndon and Wrenn, Comedians. La vails. King Novelty. TOMCHT and Saturday and Sunday After noons. HOVAL ITALIA X BAND. Cars at First and Aldor. Launches Morrison Bridge. floating dock will be constructed In stead. It is thought that the original idea ot a Dig naval station' at Pearl Harbor will not be abandoned com pletely. DIALY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. June 1. Maximum temoer- ature. 87 decrees; minimum. 68 decrees. ttiver reacting, A. M- i'O.s feet; change In last 14 hours, O.S foot rise. Total rainfall. 5 P. M. to OP. M.. none: total rainfall since September 1, 1912, M4.S4 Inches; normal. 43.22 inches: deficiency. T.S8 Inches. Total sunshine. 10 hours 30 minutes; possible. IS hours, to minutes. Barometer (reduced to Ma level) at 6 P. M.. 86.87 Inches. , THE WEATHER. 5 22: STATIONS Stat, oi W.ath.1 Baker ......... Boise Boston S4'0.00 4;NW;ciear Clear 8o;o.oo;n sw s4!.O0il4X 1:0.00' 4 X 820.30, 8:n 70 0.80 g!SW 70 O.O0ilO;NW SSlO.OO 12 SW 04 0. 00 10 S 84:0.(10,12 SW Chicago ....... Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Cloudy (.ouax ........ Denv.r Des Moines . . . , TJuIuth Eureka Galveston Helena Jacksonville Kansas City . . . Klainath Falls Laurler Los Angeles . . Marshfield .... Montreal New Orleans . . N'ew Torli North Head . . . North Yakima Pendleton Phoenix Poeatello ...... Portland Rosoourg ...... Sacramento St. Louis ...... St. Paul Salt Lake San Francisco . Spokane Taeoma ' Tatoosn Island Walla Walla . Washington . .. Weisex Wenatehe. Winnipeg M-tear jPt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Wl!0.00i 4 SW s!0.00'12iX Clear 82:0. 031 4 Clm Pt. etniirtv 90 0.001 4 N Clear 64 0.00,14 SW Pt. cloudy ,0.04jS0 SE Cloudv 74, T. 24:SW Clear" 520.00: 4 NW Clear 78,O.00;S4 S Clear SS'O.OOlOiNWlClear SS'0.001 4 NW Clear 96 0.00 4 E Clear 9& 0.001 8 SW Clear 82:0.001 C6K IClear 87 0. 00 J 2 .NW Clear 4;0. 00 e N Clear 80o.oo;i6 S -Pt. cloudy 941 T. !20'NWRaln "4 0.00 12 N Clear 86 0. OOI14lNWfClear S81 T. 14IW Cloudy 0:0.00.fiW (Clear 74 0.00.14 N IClear S:0.00 4 NWIClear 74 0.00 NE IClear 84 O.OOj 6S Pt. cloudy 95 0.001 4 Clm'Clear 97:o.OOi 4;ClmiClear 7210.001 8,SW IClear WEATHER CONDITIONS. The barometer Is relatively low over the Rocky Mountain states, and a moderate high-pressure area Is central over Nebraska A disturbance of slight energy 1s passing down the St. Lawrence Valley. These pres sure conditions have caused showers and thunder storms In California. Southern and extreme Eastern Oregon. Southeastern Idaho, the Ohio Valley and the Lower Lake Re gion. The temperatures In the Northern Rocky Mountain States are from 10 to -0 degrees above normal, and it Is warmer than nsual In nearly all portions ot the United States. Tbe conditions are favorable for fair weather Monday in Washington. Northern Idaho and Northwestern Oregon, and for showers In Southern and Eastern Oregon and Southern Idaho, with probably lower tem peratures In Eastern Oregon and Southern Idaho. FORECASTS. Portlend and vicinity Fair: northwesterly winds. Oregon Showers, except fair northwest portion; cooler east portion: westerly winds Washington Fair; westerly winds. Iilaho Fair north, showers and eooler south portion. EDWARD A. BEAL8. District Forecaster. The Germans are doing a great road building work in Africa, and at no distant data the possessions of that country In tb. dark continent will be In touch with each other by motor routea. PORTLAND ACCOKDION PLEATING. K.. Stephan, accordion, aide pleating;, button covered, goodi iponged. 3So Alder. M. 9373. As&Allii, AJSJJ AAL,VBTb. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE laborator and ure-teating work. ltt Morrison at. v n. iL.& jt CO., mininje engineers, cbemieta auA Hn5t) era. V aaamgton iu AITOKMSXa. UiiO. N. FAKKiN. 708 Selline bldg. Fro tice all courts, abstract examined, con veyancing, .-divorces, ,coiloctions; tre d vice; reierencea. ' tAKiiiiXT . tj'rt OPK, 1 Cham, ot Com. Ket.; rcuanu' Nat i, xlartman k Xboinp uo, i.ftukar, and lorr i. iea&ey fc Co. ALTO BED AND TOPS. Auto giocery and express bed and tops niada to urcer, reasonable price. Tabor BOAT UliLDlNG. '. x'. titAilAii iioaioulia.ug and repair tt.g. Marine wicys. io. Ai,rnetny at. CARPET WEAVING. NORTHWEST liUi CO. Rugs from old carpets, rag rjs. 163 Union ave. CELLL'LOID BUTTONS, BADGES. THfc: lKWiN-UoDSON COMPANY. 2 6tn st.. pnones Main 312 and A 1254. CHUCOPODIbTS. WILLIAM, LsieUfi and Uewiine Deveay, the only scieu cif ic chiropodists in the city. Parlors au Gerl.nfcer uidg., ti. W. corner gd and Alder. Piione Main 1301. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. lira, M- D Hill, Omcea 42V Flieaner bldg. Main 3473. CHI ROPK.ACT1C PHY bIC LANS. DR. M. H. M'MAHON, 121 4th. delivers tha goods at $10 a month, $10,000 equipment. Board, room and treatment. $lu a week. Dr. Lehman, 17 Ablngton bldg., haa no $10, 000 equipment; $1Q a week, expert work. COAL AND WOOD. EDELFSEN FUEL, CO., East 303, C 2303, or k Lab wood not watersoaked. ALBINA FUEL CO. lor Summer orders green slab wood. COLLECTION AGENCY. NETH & CO.. Worcester blag. Main 1790. No collection, no charge. CONTRACTOR A'D BUILDERS. KULLBEHG &. BECIUlAXt repairing of all kinds neatly done at moderate prices: get our estimates. 171 13th st. South. A 41t5, Main 4R1. DANCTXG. PROF. WAL. WILSON'S Dancing School summer dancing leBsons, oc: waitz, "twosten. etc.: aruarantca to teach any- - body who walks how to dance; failure impossible. 85 v 5th st. pnone Main ityiT, HEATH'S DaiicTng Schoois, 101 2d et., bet. Wash, and Stark eta., and Altsky bldg.. fid and Morrison sts. Lessons dally, waits and two-step guaranteed In 4 lessons. Class Friday eve., 8 to 10, at 109 2d st. AUVKKTlblSU AUOGt. BOTS2TOKU Ajv. tj !.. Jioaru ut Trade bide KASB Auv. Co.. inc. Commonwealth bldg. AdUIUlLlXKAl, 1MPI.KM K"i 8. Mitchell, iewis fit suver Co.. Morrisou a 2d. JjiiN UEiiKE PLOW CO.. Morrison iid. R. il. WAOa & CO., U21-ii Hawthorn, ave. AK(.Hllt,lTtKAL WIRE A1 IKON WKS. fc'orti&na vv lr. tit iron Vv as.. 'Jta and Coluino. AUTO A 1 JBUtiGX TOPS. DCBRtUl-ifc: Buuut TOP CO.. -OO 3d t. AL'TOMOttlLLS. Mitchell, Lewis btaver Co., E. Mor. '-a. HOWARD Automobil. Co., 14 and Davis. N. W. AUTO CO.. 617 Wash. Xtao. Hudson. All'u 1-aJdJ'O A1 RADIATOR REPAIRING. PORTLAND AliXO LAA1P CO.. 610 Aider si. AUTOMOBILE bLPPLlLS. BALLOU c xtluHX. 7th and oak. UAUUAUK CUKCK1.U AT MOAJLE. Ba.-ggage Ac omnibus Xraoat.r. Park ac Pavls. tiAlx&M COJECT10-SiiltS' bl'PPLlEBU lirtAi. M'lEaN & PiKC 1. 4th and Oiu.o. HAKBtiH ISLl'PLlES. Lswls-stenger Uiiroer Supply Co..l0tli dc Mor. OREOON jaARKiSR SUPPLV CO.. 7a Bin BAR HXTtllKs. BruBswlck-Baike-Colleooer Co.. 46 Fifth .t. ilC.CLEei. MOl'OKCsCLEei BtPPLlfcS. UA1.LOU WKltiBI, 7th and Oak. rOPE F. P. Kcenan Co.. 1D0 4th st. BICYCLES ANU SUPPLIES. DAYTO.N CCiwCj CO., -'47 Ash st. B1LLLAKD ANU POCKET TABLES. Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., 4ti Fiftti at. BKEAO BAKERY. Royal Bakery tfc Cunl., inc., lllh and Everett. BULWtKa AM BOTTLERS. HENRY WfeliNHAKD, luth and Burnslde. CANDY MANLl'ACTl'RERS. J. N. MATricHEK CANDlf CO.. a70 First at COFFMAN'S CANDY CO.. 4a Front street. CLOTHING AND GENTS' FlBHSHl.Nli. N. & S. W EINSTEIN. 0-7 N. 1st. aar. lstl. CEMENT, LIME AND PLASTER. F. T. CKOWE & CO.. 4.1 Fourth IL COFFEES, TEAS AND SPICES. CLOSS1ST & DSVEKte. 1-11 N. i'ront st. BOYD TEA CO.. 208 Salmon st. DAIRY AND CREAMERY SUPPLIES. Monroe c Crtssel, 12tt Front. M. 640. A 042U DIES AND &11EET METAL bT AMPIN G. WESTERN Tool & Die Works. JOB Pin. St. DRUGGISTS. Clarke-Woodward Drua-Co.. Alder at W. Park B'umsusr-Frank Drug Co.. Park and Ev.ref INDIANS TO APPEAR HERE BLACRFOOT CHIEF TO TAKE IX ROSE FESTIVAL. Reds Secured Through Agency of Ixuiis W. Hill, Railroad Man and Adopted Tribesman. Through the agency of Louis W. Hill, head of the Hill railroad interests, the name delegation of Blackfoot In dians that created such . a stir in New York City two months ago will ' be brought to tha Portland Rose Festival and participate in the daily pro grammes. Manager George L. Hutchin yesterday closed arrangements with Jim ' Shoemaker, personal representa tlva of Mr. Hill, the man who piloted the red men througli. the mazes of Broadway and showed them the electric lights and the subway and gave them their first glimpse of the ocean. Heading the party will be Chief Three Bear, veteran of the tribe, who-is more than 80 years old. Then there will be Chief Two Guns White Calf, the orator or the tribe, who will deliver an ad dress on behalf of Miss Spokane in his native tongue. He is a son of Chief .White Calf, who turned Glacier Park over to the Government for a National playground. Others In the party will be Big Top, Lazy Boy, Medicine Owl and Long Time Sleep, all chiefs. Mr. Hill also expects to attend the festival. He has been adopted by the Blackfeet and has the Indian appella tion of "White Horse." The Indians will attend the show Monday ntght and Tuesday afternoon, will participate in the "Night in Ro saria" parade Wednesday night and will be in the carriage parade Thursday. The Indians are being taken over the country to exploit Glacier Park, which will open June 15. OREGON ATTRACTON FELT Mrs. Zella Vleholls Returns After 5 Vcars to Make Home In 'ealem. BALEM. Or.. Juna 1. (Special.) A visit to Oregon five years ago by Mrs. Zella Nlcholls. then of Knox, Ind., has resulted In her becoming a permanent resident of this city. Mrs. Nlcholls, who attended the dedication of the Masonic Temple last night, declared that after returning home from her first visit to Oregon she was no longer satisfied elsewhere and began making plans to move to Salem, but it took her longer to dispose of her property interests In Indiana than she had expected. Union Boosts Horse Show. LA GRANDE, June 1 (Special.)- BUSINESS DIRECTORY PBESSMAKDfG A'I TAILORING SCHOOL ACADEMY Parisian Soientino Oreaamaicins and Tailortnc; teach ere wanted. Mor. VALENTLNii'6 ayetem ladies' tatlortnS, orfumaklm taught. 153 Qrand are. LCCTK1C MOTOKS. MOTORS, generators, bought, sold, rented and repaired. We do all kinds of repair ing and rewinding; all work guaranteed. -H. M- K. Electric Co.. 31 First su .Ko.-tn Phone Main WE buy. sell, rent and exchans-e new and second-nana motors; repair work a spe cially, western Electric Wor-s, 213 to. EYE, EAR. NOSE ANI THROAT. Treatment by specialist. Glasses fitted. Dr. F. F. Caeseday, 4lS Dekura blag., sd-Wnsh. : FURNITURE HOSPITAL. BOWERS fc PARSON6. 100i Front, M. 7443 Furniture Hospital. Packing and shipping. HAT FACTORY. EASTERN HAT FACTORY, 64-66 od street. Men's sof. and Panama hats cleaned. Beat $3 Hat on earth for men INSURANCE. pacific states fire insurance co. Only Oregon fire insurant; company. LAN DSC APE GARDENING. BETTER landscape and general gardening. bWliS FLORAL C. East C 1514. PACIFIC Landscape Garden Company, 515 Roth child bidg. Phone Marshall 23U&. LEATHER AND FINDINGS. J. A. gTROWRIUDGK LEATHER CO. Es tablished 185S. isy Front st. LIP READING. KING SCHOOL for the deaf and ard-oit-hearing. 30h Central bldg. MESSENGER SERVICE. HASTY Mesuenger Co., day and night erv- ice. phone Main 58. A 2153. MUSICAL. PIANO STUDIO, modern methods. 269 14th. Main a3. Arrangements tor practice. EMIL THIELHORN, violin teacher, pupil Savoik. 325 FUedner bid. A 4lfl0, Mar. 169. NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Dr. G rover, specialist In paralysis, nervous, chronic diseases. 703 Oregonian bd. M. 814U. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Dr. R. H. Northrup, 415-16-17 Dekum bldg. Nervous and Chronic Diseases. Phone office. M. 349; res.. East or B 102&. PAINTING AND PAPERKANGING. W. M. SMITH A CO., 659 Williams, con? tract lns. wall paper, tinting, painting; prices low; work guaranteed. PAINTING AND PAPERING. TINTING. $2.50 and up; wall paper 5c and up. M. T. crane, the practical painter, 163 10th. near Morison at. M. 2326. PIPE. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York ots. Main 84a9. WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURERS . - DRY GOODS. FLE1SCHNER-MAYER & CO.. SOT Ash St. TTT,1. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. STTJBBS ELECTRICAL CO.. th and Ptn. itl . FIREPROOF WINDOWS AND DOORS. J. C. BAYER. Front and Market sta. FISH. OYSTERS at ICE. &A.1bA.Ktlt co" luc- 1 Front SC. PORTLA.ND FISH CO.. 34 Front St. FLOCB IUIX8. CROWN MILLS. Uoard of Trad, bldg. . FURNACE WARM AIR, J. u. BAYER, Front and Alark.t sta. GRAIN MERCHANTS. AIDers Bros., Milling Co., Front and Marshall EERK. OU'FOKIJ Sc CO., L.W1S bldg. BALFOUR-GUTHRIE A CO.. Board of Trad H. il. HOUSEH. Board of Trade. 2T.tliRJ GRAIN WH6E. CO.. Br. Tr. THE W. A. Gordon CO.. Board of Trada. GROCERIES. ALLEN ft LSWlB ixusu leolj. 40 N. Front. WADHAMS a CO.. 60-75 4th St. RATS AND CAPS. THANF.AUSER HAT CO.. 0a-o5 Front at. J H. Klosterman 6c Co.. lading hay d.al.ra uviis , , r . . ........ . . . . . . - . KAHN bltoe., 11 Front at. ..Hi"??' t"tBS' FELTS. WOOL. TALLOW. THE H. F. NORTON CO.. Oa-55 Front st. , HOP MERCHANTS. M'NEFP BROTHERa. 014 Worcester -bldg. IRON WORKS. PACIFIC IRON WORKS, East 3d and Burnsida rits. ALL ARCHITECTURAL IRON CASTINGS. Complete Stock of BEAAIS. ANGLES, CHANNELS, - PLATES. KODAKS AND PHOTO Krppt tv. PORTUM) PHOTO SUPPLY CO., HI) 3d. LEATHER AND SHOE STORE SUPPLIES. HEKTbCHE BROS., 304 Pine St. CRAS. L. MAST1CK & CO.. 74 Front. Leath er of every description, taps. mfr. flndlnga I I H1U1A nvr: jw a Halfour, Guthrie A Co., Hoard of Trade. LOGGING MACHINERY. F. B. MALLORH oc CO.. 261 Pine St. --QKger. Ac Contractors' Mach. Co.. 71 5th st. MAIL OBDEf ' FRANKLIN Ac CO.. 132 Front St. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR Columbia Neckwear Mfg. Co.. S3 Fifth st. Escorted by the Union Band,' 150 Union Horse Show boosters yesterday invaded La Grande with a special train. Thev passed the afternoon Informally meet ing tocai Dusiness men and distribut ing literature. Troops Return From Targets. VANCOUVER BARRACKS. Wash., June 1. (Special) The Third Battalion of the Twenty-first Infantry returned yesterday from the Clackamas National Guard target range. They were in com mand of Captain Ralph H. Van Deman. The First Battalion, in command of Major Wilson Chase, will leave tomor row morning for the same range, to be gone a month at target practice. The troops were mustered yesterday. Gntlirie Takes Ambassadorial Oath. PITTSBUP.G. Juno 1. Oeorga W. Guthrio, of this city, the newly ap pointed Ambassador to Japan, took the oath of tiffice before Judge Buffington in the United States Court here Satur day. Measles Appear at Carlton. CARLTON, Or., June 1. (Special.) Dr. Morrison reports that he has treated 76 cases of measles in the past three weeks and knows of several more cases that have been treated by CLASSIFIED AD. - RATES Daily or Sunday. Per Line. One time 12 8a roe ad two consecutive tiiuee ...2ta Same ad three consecutive times 80c &ame ad ix or seven conaec-utive times. .56c The above rates apply to advertisement nnaer ."n fw 1 oauy ana an otner ciasa&xica lion except the following. Mttuatioma Wanted, Mole. (Situation! anted. Female. For Rent. Itoorun. Private Fa mil tea. Rooms and Board, Trtvate Famtllea. Houttekeepins Rooms, Private Families. Rate on tbe above ciaeMiflcatiooa U ? cents a line each insextlon. YYhrn one advertisement Ss not ran In con secutive issuer the one-tune rate auDuea. Six average worth count as one Hue eo cash advertisement! and no ad counted for ies than two lines. On ""charged" advertisements charge will be baaed on the number ot linea appearing In the paper, regardless of the number of words in each line. Minimum cbarse, 2 lines. The Orearonlan will accent elaaslfied ad vertisement oer the telephone, providing- i(0 BUTDiuscr is m auusri iur IU Clincr I) II One. S'o nrlces will be Quoted over the nhonn. hnt bill will be rendered the follow Ins day. Whether subsequent advertisement will be accepted over the phone depends opoo the promptness ox tne payment oi leiennone ad vertiements. ttituationti Wanted and Pc. somtt advertisements will not be accepted ever . the telephone. Orders for one Inser tion only will he accepted for 4Fariiitnre for kalr " ''Rninc rtrrnrtiinltiM.n 'IfMnln.. ho a see" and "Wanted to Kent." Tha Oreeonlan will not ruarantee aecnravev or assume responsibility for errors oceorrtn in telephoned advertisement. The Oresauian wili not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement ordered for mors than one tune. in new iDoiT" ail larirnsfmMta nn char sod by measure only, 1 lines to the Remittances moat accompany out-of-town orders R. C. WRIGHT, 22 years' practice. U. 3. and foreign patents. BOO Dckum bldg. PATENT ATTOItNEYS. Patent procured by J. E. Mock, attorney-at-Uw. late of the T7. S. Patent Office. Booklet free. lOlo Board of Trade bldg. PLATING WORKS. Nickel plating, polishing, euamling. Ore m gon Piauur Works. lOLh-Alaer. M. 2575. KEFKiGERATORSAND ICE BOXES. " Built to order, any size. $7.uO up. P. C. Bed -o- o niuu ase. ooutn, rnone fc.ast z-lJ RI'BBEH ST AM IS. SEALS. BRASS SIGNS. lAi;ib-ic COAST STAMP WORKS. 21 Wash, ft. phone Main 710 and A 3T10. THE IitWIN-MODSOx ii 9-J 5th st. Phones Main oil. A 134. SEWING MACHINES. NEW. all utakvB. factory prices; second hand. $2 up; machines rented and re paired. Main 9431. ld. near Yamhill. SHOWCASES. BANK. A STORE FlXTtRES. WESTERN FIX. A SHOWCASECO.r30tn and Davis. Showcases to order and in stock. 7HE tUTKE MFG. CO., brancr Grand Rap. ids Showcase Co.. ttth and Hoyt. R. Lutke, manaser. MARSHALL MFG. CO.. 4th and Couch; new and old wli.dow display and cabinet work. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. POklLAND Vau & Storage Co.. cor. 15th and Kearney ils.. Just completed new fire proof w arenouse Tor household effects pianos and automobiles contains separate fire and vermin-proof rooms, steam-heated piano room, trunk and rug vaults, track age for carload shipments; vans for mov ing; reduced freight rates on household Roods to and from East In through car. Main 5040. AU departments. C O. PICK T raimer & Storage Co.. offices and commodious 4-story brick warehouse, separate iron rooms and fireproof vaults for valuables; N. W. cor. 2d and Pine ate.; pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment, special rates made on goods , In our through cars to all domestic and jrrij;n porta. main owe. a. xiw. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 74 Gliaau at.. cor. a. in. xeiepnone Main ew or A lltuj. General transfer and forwarding agents. We own and operate two larae claaa "A" warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest insurance rates in tne city. OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transferrin and sturaze. aafea pianos and t urn '.ture moved and packed for shipments. 87-Stf Front st. Telephone TYPEWRITERS. $15 TO $35 will buy a REBUILT TYPE . WRITER; rebuilt as good as new; all makes to choose from at GUI's, ad and Aiuer. terms to suit; every machine guar anteed. Call or phone for representative. msiu paw or A Wtttf. WE are the exchanare for the larsest toa . writer concern on tha Count: In vAtlrt; all makea, all prices. Tha Typewriter n,xcnange. ooi wasnington r.t. NEW rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rate., r. u. c t-o.. 231 titarlc Main 140T MILLINERY. v - . . u.u ana uul BRADSHAW BRQ3.. Morrison and 7th sta THOR Ac DE LUXE, APEX CO.. 12-. lith st MILLER blMlNGXON. Calhoun Co., 43 4th. ORNAMENTAL IRON AND WIRE. Portland W cr. ee Iron w ks., 2u A Columbia. PAINTS, OALS AND VAHNJSHVS. RASMLtotjEN Ac CO., Jobbers, paluta, oils, giaaa. land and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. W. P. FULLER at CO., 12th and Davis. PIANOS. KOHLER & CHA.-iei. 370 Washington au. manufacturers and wholesale dealers. PAINTS AND WALL PAPEjtt. PIONEER PAINT CO., lbtl First St. PAINTS. OILS. VARNISHES BASS-HUETTER PAINT CO., 1B4-1B6 Sec ond street. PAPER ROXES AND SHELF BOXES. Portiana Paper Box Co.. U2 Front. Caitona l'ACKLES AND VINEGAJL KNIGHT fAi.aJ.0 CO.. 474 Cast Alder. FIFE. PIPE F1111NG AND VALVES. M. L. JvLlNci., b4-btt Front su PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE, fc4-bti Front sc. M. BAt.mi Ai. SONS. 240 Front St. POULTRY, EGGS. CALVES. HOGS. nnjui jj.ij yj. ir runt st. 111,111 I K. 4 'I M 1 1 tlk'Wf'u.wi EVLKOING Ac FAiiRELL. 14U Front street. ROPE AND BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordnge Co.. 14lh and Northrup. POliT CARDS AND NOVELTIES Louis Schemer 80 N. 6th st. Portland Or. SAND AN'B GRAVEL. COLUMBIA DIGGER Co.. Foot Ankeny st. SASH, DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER Ac CO.. 12tn and Davia. SAWMILL MACHINERY. PORTLAND jron Works, 14th and Northrup. SECOND-HAND FURNITURE. 5(r cheuper than elsewhere. 24 Union ave, SODA FOUNTAIN SUPPLIES. COLUMBIA SUPPLY CO.. OS Front SL WALL PAPER. Ernest Miller Wall Paper Co.. 1T2 1st st. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 23U 2d SL WINES AND LIQUORS. JOHN ECK LUND. 123-120 First St. WIRE AND IRON WORKS. Portland Wire A Iron Wks.. 2d and Columbli other physicians. Bo far there have been no bad. results, although young and. old alike are attacked. The school has not been closed, as every one was xposed before It was known there was any measles In the country. ATJCTIOX 8AXS TODAY. At Wilson's Auction House, at XO A. at. Furniture. 1C6-8 First at. Ford Auction House, 211 1st. Furniture, carsets. etc Sale at 2 P. If. Barger residence auction 1 P. M. at 804 c. riKftny, corner j.Din. UEETtNQ NOTICES. OREGON COMMANDER T K- T. Special conclave Wed nesday. Juna 4. nt 1 -Rll n'.lnL P. M-, for the purpose of conducting the funeral serv- , ,co OI Knight George F. P.le'. . .Thl" notice should bring everv t-ir nnie-nt at that tim. x.- . . . - . - y i j - J , Recorder. WASHINGTON" LODGE No. 46, A F- AND A. M. Special communi cation this (Monday) evenlne il0- East 8th and Burnsldo, M M. degree. Visitors welcome. Or der W. M. J. H. RICHMOND. Secretary. 4 HARMONY Lodge No. 12, A. F. . " M' special communlca Jjr J:30, o'clock. Work in the M. u-rsiM. isiting brethren wel come. W. M. DEL1N. Secretary. m. WILLAMETTE Lodge No. 2. A. F. r v. - - i'i.iku communica- kP'a Wi. th!s (Monday) evening at erce. visiting l.reathren wel come, vt'. b. wista, Secretary. C AMELIA CHAPTER No. 27, O E. t--7 S. stated communication this (Moti--gig.-, day) evening at Masonic Temple, at j H o'clock. Degrees. By order of v V. Matron. MARIETTg ROBINSON. Secretary. DIED. LEWIS Junf 1. at the family residence. llT.- East 31t at. N.f Mrs. Mary C. E. Lewis, ttRca 6 years 10 months 14 days, wii.oa r the late Dr. Lewis, of Canyon "lty. beloved mother of Mrs. A. P. Smith, (i. A. Ieia, of Portland, and Charles 1. Iwis. of Jackson, Pa. Funeral announce ment later. WKRNKR In this city June 1, 1013. at ths r-sidence of Uis parents. Mr and irs Karl W Wernfir, 2-11 u, Market St.. Cody H. Werner, aged i year 8 months and 21 days. Remains are at the n-v parlors of the Sketves I'odertaklns Co. Kuueral notice will appear later. DKISCOLI- In this city. June 1, at the residence. 415 Sacramento st., John Dris coii. ased 75 years, beloved husband of Elizabeth Dr is cell. Funeral announctment later. HUNTER May 31. George W. Hunter, aped 82 yars. Remains at Lunnin & McEn tee n parlors, where they have been pre pared for shipment to .Vewberg, Or. ODOil June 1. at the residence. 21ft E TSth st. North, Martha Odorn, aed 17 years beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs B A Odom. Notice of funeral later. BOHRER June 1. J. C. Bobrer. Funeral announcement later. Remains at A, R Zeller Co. s parlors, 2-S94 Williams ave. RYAN In this city. May 31. Anthony George Ryan, aged 64 years. Remains at Hol- man's parlors. Funeral announcement later. ROBERTSON Tu this city. June 1, Ceore K. Rowrfeon. Remains at Holman's par lors, funeral announcement later. - FUNERAL NOTICES. O'BRIEN At the family residence. I7t jbsi tstn street North. Louise Mane O'Brien, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mr Thomas J. O'Brien and sister of Anita and Irene O'Brien. Funeral will leave the above residence today tMonday). June 2, at 8:43 A. M. Thence to the Holy Rosary Church, corner sd and Clackamas sts , where requiem mass will be sung at I o'clock. Friends respectfully Invited. Re mains will be placed in a vault at the Portland Crematorium. HFTCHINGS In this city. May SI. Frank uscp.i riuicnings, age &5 years 4 months -0 days, beloved husband of Bessie F.. father of Hartley F. HulchiuKS. Frienil! Invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at the Portland Crematorium at 11:30 A. M. today (Monday). June 2. Take Seltwood car for crematorium. Please omit flowers. San Francisco and Seattle papers please copy. SETTLEMIER In this city. May 31. Mel- vin H. settlemier. aged 27 vears, son ot Mrs. W. s. Kelly and brother of Fred Kelly, of Lents, and Claude Settlemier, of Salem. The rt-mains win be forwarded to Salem, Or., by tho llolman L'ndertaklns Co., on the 1:45 P. M. train todav t. Mon day!. Servic-e will be held In that ,-ity upon arrival of remains. GA.VDT At the residence. 454 "Belmont st.. May 31. James V . Gamly. aged 72 vears. Funeral services will be held at Dunning & MeEntoo's chapel today (Mondavi, at 1:30 A. M. Friends respectfully invited, interment Multnomah Cemetery. FISHER May 31. Neo Fisher, ased 23 years, beloved wife of Jess Fisher. Re mains at Dunning A McEntee'e parlors, where they have oeen prepared for ahi, niont to Cottape Grove. Or., for Interment, FUNERAL DIRECTORS. MR. EDWARD HOI. MAN, tbe leading fu neral director. 220 Third street, eorner Sal mon. Lady sutsUtant. A loll. Main 601. J. P. FIN LEY & SON, FUNKKAL SKKV1CE. Lady Attendant. Montgomery, at Fifth St. F. S. DINNING. INC. East Side Funeral Directors, 414 AJiier pc, cast os, i zoeo. DUNNING & M EM'EE, funeral directors, 7th and Pine. Phone Main 430. Lady at tendant. Otflce of County Coroner. LKKCH, undertaker, cor. East Alder and Sixth. East 7il, B 1KKX. Lady attendant. frKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY, 3d and Clay. Main 4152. A 2321. Lady attendant. A. R. ZELLEK CO., East 1088, O 1088. Lady Attendant. Night Service. MEMORIALS Portland Marble Works. 164 4th. opposite City Hall. Malm 85S4. PORTLAND CREMATORIUM. 6SO Glen wood ave.; take Sellwood car. Open te vis itor, dally from A. M. to 5 P. M. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE NO. 820 CNION AVKNTJK. COR NER MARKET STREET. Phone East 1428, B 2516. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled animals at a moment's notice. Prices reasonable. Report all cases of cruelty to this office. Open day and night. NEW TODAY. Edward E. Goudey Lewts isaiitunr. MORTGAGE LOANS 6 per cent on best business properties. par cent and 7 per cent on other close-in busi ness and residence securities. CITY & FARM LOANS Loans of $1000 and uo at lowest rar-,- on Good Improved City or Farm Prop erties. If you need money call today. Our installment payments are attractive. A. H. BIRRELL CO. 303 McKay BlUc. Third and Stark Sta. A SNAP LADD'S ADDITION Lot on Ladd avenue, near Hawthorns avenue, with easterly face. Terms to cult. Address or apply to OWXEH, 501 OREGOMAA 11LILD1VG. Mortgage Loans If you have A-l Keal Estate security wo can loan you any amount at lowest rates, CALLAN & KASER TB3-24 Yeos Bids. Mortgage Loans Improved Property Oniy. Commerce Safe Dep. & Mortgage Co. 91 Third St., Cham, of Com. Bide CITY & FARM LOANS 11000 end up at lowest rat. a C. M. ZADOW 414 Corbett Bldg. A 1410, Marshall 03. CITY AND FARM LOANS Any Amount at Current Bates. JOHN E. CRONAN BO 2 Spalding Bldic. Portland, o. MORTGAGE LOANS Our Own Money at'Cnrreat Rates. U'ESTERJT BOND MORTGAGE CO, Commercial CInb Blda; Portlaad. Or. PRIVATE MONEY To Loan on Portland Realty, torrent Rate. Quick; Action. oEELEV CO- UU1 Board of Trade CEMETERY BEAUTIFUL MOUNT SCOTT PAKE Portland's Perpetual - Care Cemetery. Large. Permanent. Modern, Both phones REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Beck. William G.. 315-318 Falling bids. BRUUAKEK, C. L. & CO., loans, 217 Rail way Exchange bMg. Main 649, Chapin Sc. Her law, sai Chamber of Commerce Junuings & Co., Main. lbS. UOQ Oregonian PALMER-JONES CO., H. P., 404-405-4O Wilcox bid. THE Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand ave. at Multnomah st. Ho! lad ay Addition.) REAL ESTATE LAURELHURST. Wo specialize on this beautiful prop erty, wti handle nu other, we handle the best that is for sale, we know Laurel hurst and can sav you money; Laurel hurst is Just what you want. You can always find us at the tract of fice, o'-'th ana Uast Gilsan sts. jUELAHUNTY & CLEMENTS. I'OKTLANIJ HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. IC you want to buy on Portland Heights, see me. I have about 80 per cent of thi property for sale tip hi?ro in my hands and have not one dissatisfied customer. BROOKE. E'm and 2-'d sts. Murshail 4827. A 283. $1SOO WOODSTOCK 11800. 100x100, finest view propeny on ridge. Woodstock, to tjuick taker 3100 cash, bulanco $10 pr month, e per cent. H. Garden. 02 Franklin Court. Vancouver. Wanli. jftiw 1AT lli, in block 2, Span ton Addition, I blocks from new 2?th-Ft. croFH-town car iinn; terms. Owner, Tabor 4i7. Address M12 V2d st. S. K. SPECIAL IRVINGTON BARGAIN. ' One of th: most valuable, and best lo , cated quarter blocks in ail Irvinirton for only 'i ' n ; easy terms. East 17y5. ALAMEDA PARK lots, 700, J750, J6uG, i0d, easy terms. H- P. PALMER-JONES CO 4Q4 Wilcox Bldg. 541x100. IRVINGTON, $1000. East facing, on E. 17th, two blocks to Irvington car; will furnish the money and build for you if desired. E. 5218. AL A M E DA PARK lots, 700" $750. i0u, H. P. PALMER-JONK8 CO., , 404 Wilcox Bldg . WOODI.AWN Lot 50x100; 5-room hOUAS; brries, fruit and roses; close to car. 1494 Winona, near Dekum. Soap. LAURELHURST equities In view lots at sarifii-e. Main 8914. R. T. STREET. IRVINGTON LOT&