ROYAL STEAMSHIP REACHES PORTLAND Flintshire Arrives From London via the Orient and Puget Sound. FLAGS ARE AT HALF-MAST Second VmkI of British Line Thai Will Make Columbia Harbor Re nlarlr for Paaener and Freight to Sil Juno 7. The Royal Mail teanshlr Flintshire. Captain O. C. CtJTrdrr. master, arrived at the North Bank flock Thursday night from London Tla the Orient ana Fu-et Found. The Flintshire will clear for Japan June 1 en route to London la 6ues CanaL The Flintshire 1 the eco&d steamer of a regular Portland-European line Tia the Orient and the first line to carry passengers direct to London. Hoirncr, the Fllntahlre will carry no passengers for the reason that she la hallt for carrytngr freight with a license for a few passengers. The . Flintshire will not return to Portland, aa larger steamers are needed for the long run and these will be fitted with fine passenger accommodations. Flags at Half Mas. The Flintshire displayed four flags at half mast yesterday in observance of the holiday, o'ne of these being an American flag of generous propor tions. All the ships in Portland harbor had their flags at half mast, but the RotsI Mail boat displayed more colors. The direct connection with Europe is of marked significance especially through the Royal Mail Company, the largest In the world, operating many ships, owning ships totaling l.iOO.000 gross tons register, and charting about Ti other Teasels. Some of the Royal Mail liners running to South America are more than 20.000 tons and make a speed of more than JO knots. Their passenger accommodations are equal to the best to be found. These boats carry guns for self defense and their officers belong to the Royal Naval Reserves. A number of shlpa are being built fer the Royal Mall Una for the Pacific Coast via the Panama CanaL They are of the latest and largest pattern. Possibly they will run through to Japan and connect with tha same line steamers from London. Officer Are Jfaval Reaerveaw Tha Flintshire carries acrew of M eoollea and 11 white men and, a stew ardess. The last mentioned has had nothing to do but care for a large Angora cat since leaving Japan for the reason that no passengers, except ing one man. were carried beyond that point. . The officers are Englishmen who have traveled much on many vessels. Captain Cundry carries photographs of his wife and three One fully-grown younc women who are his daughter He says that ha is a "home man" with an occupation which compels him to travel. He is an officer in the Royal Naval Reserves, an honor shared also by O. H. Oa-nshaw. second officer, and J C. Vernon-Morgan, third officer. A. Williams, first officer, being the only exception. Mr. Openshaw Inquired all about Portland. He said that he and the other officers liked to sea the cities which they visit. Marine Notes. Owing to Memorial day tha Ameri can ships did not work yesterday, and all flags were displayed at half mast. Tha Navajo was at Crown Mill yes terday. The Norwegian steamer Bangor. UNCALLED - FOR ANSWERS ANSWERS ATIK HELD AT THIS OF-Fl-'E FOR THE FOLLOWING A.NBWLR CHECKS AND MAY BE HAD BY PRE SITING TODKCHSCK. AT THE OHJi GuMAN office. A 79. 82, L 8 . b it. ii. si, si. sa M. C 7S. 1, J. D 11 t 74. 97. 99. 10S. 10 .. S3, 7L TA S. '. M4 IK. M. r 63. 73. ti. t7. "O. 7. . 104. 74 87, 8. Si. 12. 101. H 0, at. lU. 113. j i Ti. & i, :, ioi. 102. 105. ;fl. tVtY. S3. . W J 108 108 11. 73. 73. SI. . 01. 4. ;, IH. S 72. Trt. fJ. HI. 87. M. , . 3, a. 0 73. 7S. 7. S. PC, SO, 100 10L PTJ 8S, M. lei R 27, 7B. 94. 101. 104. 103. M 71 Ti 73. fcs T-17. 31. 7i, U. 74. M. 4. as, 101. 100. 8. SO. J. . . 1 vV7S 85. 8. ". 2. 94. 9 lot 's. 7S. 71. M. . 94. 93. 104. 10S. ISA 1 75. 84. S7. fcA 101. 12a, HA A B U. 61. as. M. 0. L . IM 105. AC 70. 71 74. 1. 104. Al 7 J, 74. ICS. ISO. AC 7L IM. Al M. , S3. S. 100. 10T. AG ii, 74, 71. 7. lo'i 124. AH 17. . 59. 71. 103. 10. Ai-7. 77, SA 7. t. S 101. 103. 10. A a. TO. d. H7. S3. &. lot. A I as. 74. 75. f". I'M. 10. 131 1S.V BJL AM i3. 73. . 8 I. 102, 106. lii. AS sa 73. BO, 1'8. 104. AO 85. BS. 4, BSk 10 103. AP 1"L AH f. T5, . SO. L 104. 13L AH7. 97. e.1. lr". AT 74. 8. 82. . S. 100. ICS. If lb above answer are not ealUd for wtthla ls daya m will be destroyed. MEZTTNO NtrMCKa. ATTENTION Members of Phalass Lode. No. 14. K. ef r. r fMnMttd tm attend tha f u- -j serai ai xijary mwywr - ' - w aMnrfv 1 ii r l t loa Cast 13l'a at. By or-ler U M. ro.NPREr. C. C Atl-e: E. M. MtH-ER. K. R. 8. OK BOON LODOE. NO. ll. A T. AND A. M. epeelal communi cation this (da:urdar eveninc at 7 SO o'clock. Maeonte Temp:. Work la T. C. desree. Vlalllns bratarea cordially Invited. Br or A J. HANDL4.U. aeo. m,. e-r W. it. WILLAMETTE LODOB. NO. . A. P. AND A. H. Bpoclal lorn munlcation this (Saturday) even Ins at 7:30 o'clock. Work la T. C. decree. Vlsitine brethren wel entnet W. rV WEEKS. e. DIED. JOHNKOV tn this elty. Hit 0. at the fain He reeidenr. 4t East Seventeenth street. Ida J. J'.hneon. aired 44 years. ( month and 31 da?, beloved wife of C. H. Jobn aon and mother of H. Juliet Jobaaon. Fred erick S.. of Medford. Or.: Carl Stuart and Curtla Henry Johnson. The remains are at the chapel of P. . Dunnins. inc. Eaat Hide fnneral director. 414 Eaat Alder treeL Kanerml notice la a later Issue. gfLXJVAV May 80. at the family resi dence. 17 Alberta (treat. Mr. Catherine Sullivan, seed 73 years.1 two month and t day, beloved mother ef Mr. C M. Wolf and Mies Asnea Sullivan. Remain at A. M. 7-eller Ox' a parlor. il-4 Wil liam avenue. ArTBOTT In thl city May . at her late reelder.c. 310 Main et.. Roth Ann Abbott, af-d 6 year, mother of Her. Alfred M. Abeott. KemaJaa are at the new parlors of J. P. rtniey A Son. Montgomery and Jlh eta HARRISON Mar it. Emma Harrison. aed year, beloved wife of J. W. Hariieon. Reenain at Ionning A McEntee'a parlors, where they have oeea prepared for ehlp ment to Condon. Or. LrSTER In this elty. May J. Daniel M. Lueter. ased, 71 years. Remains at Lerch'e Undertaking- I'arlora Eaet 8lsth snd Aider streets, Juneral anAuuncemant later. which loaded lumber for Shanghai at Portland Lumber Company's dock, left down last night. Tha steam schooner Northland moved to Rainier last night. The Royal Mall Line teamer Falla of Orohy la due In Portland. June 14. - Tha British tramp ateamer Eccleala moved from 'Weetport to Eastern and Western Lumber Company'! dock laat night. Tha steam schooner Norwood Is due from Pan Franoiaoo this morning laden with lime and cement for Henry Cowell Lima k Cement Company. Barge No. I In tow of the El 80- i.mImI Aatorla Yester day and will be towed to Portland by the Cascade. The Bessie Dollar arrived yesterday ' A ' e-c t Captain G. C. Caadry, Master ef Fllatshlre. 9 c. n franriioe arwl the Orient. The Bessie Dollar loaded lumber at Hoqulam. She will dlscnarge su.uuu feet of hardwood at Portland and will finish loading lumber at .aiama ior Hankow. rr. - vwiih tjkemer TvorV 1 n arrived yesterday from Honolulu after a quick passage or nine aaya ana wTO w Llnnton under charter to Balfour Guthrie Company to load lumber for China. rolambia River Bar Report. Condition at the mouth of the river at 6 P. M., moderate; wind, northwest, 24 miles; weather, cloudy. Tide at Aatorla Saturday. H'.sh. Law. 1:S A. M 0 fet'4:18 A. M 1.7 feet a-VT p M....H8 r-te r. -vi - v PORTLAND ACrOKDIOM PLRATTNO. H. fctephan. acoordlon, aide pleating, button covered, food eponged. 3VI Aider. M. T3. AAsAllUd AU ANALYSIS, MONTANA A&nAI j'lCi Laooratorv and ore-leatloa work, lse lornoa at. Vi tOJ a CO.. eaearer. minina; enslneera. coamisu aulnston at. allUH-Nal. GEO. M. -ARKlM. "70S belUas bids. Prao tie all courta, aiauracta examlued. con veyaiacUiff. aiorcea, wLecuou; Ira art vlce: releraacea. (AHiikN r a ovs ul't. 1 Cham, of Com. Kef.: Itercoaats' Nat X liarunan A Thomp aoa. Baakera. aad Dorr JS. Keaaey 4t Co. AfCTIOtKRa. We bur furniture for caeh. tieo. Baaar Co.. 1 Park. Main ol.a. A i7. UOAT BLU.ULNG. O. P. CiltAHAJ4 lioatbulwlins aod repe-lr-Marine ae. foot Abernetuy at. CAKPLr VlkALNi. NOKTMWoT kill CO. hu from carpet, rag rua 134 Union ava. old C F.LI.l LOIl BtTTO8. BAIHiKH TKal lUAlN-UuDbUN COMPA-NV. 97 Mn u. pboaea slain 312 and A lio. t KLKOI'ODloTS. WILLIAM. KeteU and Leaan Deveny. tbe only acientillc cblropodtits in tn city. Varlor ox oerlinger bidg.. S. W. corner ?d and Aluer. fnone Main 101. CHlKufuUV and pedlcurlns. ilra M. IJ. UlII. Office i9 flleoner bldf. Main OUHUfltACTlC lHVtlCIAJia. PR. M. H, M kAUON, 121 4th. deltvera th soda at W a month. 10.ouU equipment, oaxd, room and treatment, $10 a week. Pr. Lehman. 17 Ablngtoa Lid,., .la no 1D. 000 equipment: tit, a week, exyert work. COAX. AU VvOOO. EDLFbN rX'KL, CO, Eaat SOU, C 1U0. foe ilaowood not wateraoakeo. Ai-B.NA KL'EL. CO. green elabwood. for summer ordara t'OlXKCTION AGECY. NETH A CO.. W'orceeter bids. No collertlon. no charge. Mala 1181. CO.MBACTOH8 AND BLH.PKR8. K.LLLBEKO A BKCKMAN, repairing of all kind neatly don at moderate prices; set our eatlmatee. lil loin at evouth. A 4leA Main S401. DAXClJiG. HEATH 8 lanclns' 6choola, 108 9d at,, bet. Waah. and Stark eta., and Aliaky bldg.. Sd and Mornaon ata Leeaon daily, waits and two-atep guaranteed In 4 leaaona Claa Krtdar eve.. to 1M. at I0 Id t. Kl.NOLEK'8 ACAbEMY. beat lnatruction: octal dance Monday, YL. bat. eve. Morrison. DR!MAKIU AND TAILORIXi HCHUOL ACADEal aclentific Dreaamaklng and Tailoring; toechoro wanted, a S Mor. VALKNTI.SE A rtm ladles' tailoring. dreaamaklng taught. 133 orana ave. ADVERTI.HNO AGENCY. BOTSTORu AUl. ilu. Board, of Trad bldg. KAVR Adv. Co., Inc., commouwealth bids. AGRICULTURAL LMPLLMKN S. Mitchell, Lewi a olaver Co., Jlrfrjou A 3d. JUH.N DEE KE PLOW CO- Morrison a 2d. R. M- HAUB a CO.. aj-e luwinwBi -' tsUHIUIlKAl HIKK AND IKON WKS. Portland V ire a Iron V as.. 2a ana Columbia. AUTO AND MUGGY TOPS. LU BOUKl lur CO.. iOvMlt DCBRU AUTOMOBILES. Mitchell. Lewis A Slaver Co.. E. Mor. A -A HOWARD Automobile Co.. 14 and DavlA N. W. AUTO CO.. H Wash. Heo. Hudson. AUTO LAMPS AND KADLAIOIi REPAIRING. PORTLAND Aliiu LAMP CO. 610 Alder St. AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES. BALLOU A WiliUHI. 7th and oak. BAGGAGE IHCl kaU AT MOasv Baggage et oninioue lranier. Park at Davla IOMU1IONLK.V SUPPLIED toKA. M LEAN A PEKCl. 4th anU Giieea. BARBER bt'I'PLIEs. Lewta-Stesger lieroer Bvvtt.y Co.. 10th at Mor. OP.KGON iJAKUEH SUPPLY CO. Bin t- Co.. 441 Tlfth C BlCxtLES. MOlOUCsCLES A bUPl'LlaA. bALLoU A s RIGHT. 7th and Oak. rulb r. I fveenan co.. lev em at. Bit l CLES AND SLPPL1ES. DAITON CH'l.e CO.. 247 Ash SL BILLIARD AND PO aLtT TABLES. Branswick-ba.ko-voUender Co.. 4S Fifth St. BOOTS AND SHOES. GOODMAN niton, s HuE Co.. S0-81 Front. HKF.A1) IIAkLKV. P.ovsl Bakery a ConX.. inc. 11th and Everett. BREWERS AND BOTTLERS. HENRY v ai.NHARD. 13ltt ana Bumslde. CANDY JLUMr.KTlkt.lU. J. X. VATSCHER CANDY CO.. I'io First . COFFMAN'S CANDY CO.. 4S Front tret. CLOIUING AND GENTS' FURNISHING. N. A b. v Kl.a i r-t.-v. o-i n. jisu CEMENT. LIME AND PLASTER. F. T. CROWE A CO.. 43 Fourth et. COFFEES. TEAS AND SPICES. CLOSSET DEVEKS. 1-11 N. A-root I BOYD TEA CO.. 200 Salmon St. DAIRY AND CREAMERY RITPLIES. Monroe A Crlssel. H Front. M. S40, A 642 i.i i. ivll hlll.l.r METAL STAMPING. WESTERN Tool A Die Works, sua Pin at. the morivig oregoxian, Saturday, k?:Ej ?t r- , I I J I SI J !' HOTEL CORNELIUS SPECIAL, ANNOUNCEMENT We wish to Announce to the publle that DR. C. W. ' CORNETJTT3 is again operating the Hotel Cornelius with H. E. Fletcher as manager. We wish to assure our old patrons that the same hlgh-ciass service will prevail aa under our previous management. CORNELIUS HOTEL COMPANY. C. W. Cornelius, Proprietor. H. E. Fletcher, Manager. HOTEL OREGON psPl ' ABSOLTJTELT FIREPROOaT. i"iYti!2S Jlfifif Portland'a Newest and Most Magnificent Hostelry. J ! i, 3 Jljl'3 Opened March 4th. 1911. 'ill'! 5S 3 jS'liS Five hundred elegantly furnished rooms, nearly all !ilt!S II!1' with private baths; 100 specially equipped sample-rooms JfUjXliiHHf for the commercial trade. Located on Broadway right in the heart of the city. ''"SB'flX' ' WRIGHT -DICKINSON HOTEL CO. IcVl JOtJ Te 1 Seattle Stop at the Motel Seattle. THE MULTNOMAH SSSm. BUSINESS DIRECTORY ELECThlC MOTORS. WE buy. eel I. tent, and exchange new and eoond-band motore; repair work a ape ciaJty. Weetero Eieetrlc Wor-a H ata. EUitTKIC MOTORS. MOTORS, generator, bought, aold, rented and repaired. We do all kind of repair ing and rewinding; all work guaranteed. H. M. ii. Eleoirlo Co.. 31 'lrt at. North. fbone Main H210. EVE, UK, iiOHK An THROAT. treatment by apeclaluc Ola ted. Dr. K. F. Caeaedaj-. 4 IS Oekum bldg.. Sd-Waih. riBMll'KE 1IOSHTAU BOWERd A PARSONS. lOOtt Front, M. 7443 Furniture HoapitaL Packing and aalpplng. HAT a'ACTOBY. EASTERN HAT FACTORY, S4-6S 3d etreeC Men a oft and Panama hat cleaned. Beat 12 Hat on earth for men. LSSlKAJit'E. PACIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE CO. Only Oregon Clr Ineurance company. LANDSC.-U'K OARBE.MSO. BKTTaUl landacap and general gardenias. SWISS FLORAL CO. East o3. C 1014 PACIFIC Landecapa Garden Company, 615 Roth cnl.d bldr. Phon Marahall JOa. LF.A7HLK AMI FINDINGS. J. A. STKOWriKiDOE LEATHER CO. Es tabllahed ISiS. lb" Front it. Lip RfcAlilNU. KIN. SCHOOL, for the deaf and aard-of-heaiing. 10 Central bldg. MESSKMiEK fEKVlCB. HASTY Meaaenger Co.. day and night aerv tce. Phone Main B3. A 2153. MUSICAL, PIANO STUDIO, modern method. 26S 14th. Main SS.93. Arrangement for practice. EMIL TH1ELHORN. vlollo teacher, pupil Sovelk. 3iS Fliedner bid. A 410. Mar. liiHS. HATCROPATH1C PHTS1C1AN8. Dr. Orover. pecialit In paralyala, nervous, chronic dlaeaee. 703 Oregonlan bd. M. S14A OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Dr. H. B. Northrup. 415-ld-l" Dekum bldg. Nervoua and Chronic Diseases. Phone office, M. S49; re.. Eaat or B 102A PAIVTiyO AN'P PAPERHAXGIXO. W M SMITH A CO., 859 Williams, con tracting, wall paper, tinting, painting; price Tow; work guaranteed. , PAI"n'Q AND rAPKRIXO. TINTING. 2 i and up; wall paper So and up. js. t. Crane, th practical painter. IDS 10th. near Morlaon t- M. 2i'2i. PAINTS. OILS AP GLASS. COAST-MAUE paint and ysrnlaa adapted tn the Coast climate. HtUTSR PAINT CO.. 191 lt t- la beat BASS- PIPE. POBTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 2th and York at. Main S4. WHOLlALE AND MANUFACTURERS DRUGGISTS. Clark-Woodward Drusj-Co., Alder at w. rara Blumauer-Frank Drug Co.. Park and Everett DUE I'VUun. KLBISCHNER-MAVER A CO.. S07 Ash St. ELECTRICAL eirrur. gTrrgBS BUC7HICAL CO.. Sth and Pine ts .. .. ...... Avn nooks. lUU-rilUVt niiiuuna J. C. BA1EK. trout and Market sis. t I3ii. uisiuu 'y-. MALARKEY A. CO., inc. 14 r ront St. PORTLAND FISH CO.. 34 Front SU ... . a...., ," 1LOIK MILLS. CROWN MILl.o. tioara of Trad Mag. J. C. BAYER. Front and Market sts. Albers Broa. AUUlus Co.. Front and Marshall KERK. UlrfOKD CO.v Lewi bldg. BALFOUR-GUTHRIE A CO., Board of Trade H. M. HOU'SER. Board of lTad. NORTHERN GRAIN A WHSb. CO.. Br. Tr. THE W. A. GORDON CO.. Board of Trade. GROCERIES. ALLEN A LEWIS lz.ll. loil). 4S Is. Front. WADHAMd a CO., tto-7ft4taL HATS AND CAPS. HAT CO.. &3-a Front HAY. 1. H. Klosterman A Co.. leading hay dealers HIDES, ILLIS, WOOL AND t'UliS. KAH.N bKue., lll rront u .. ...... - ., . l- u xi d VII Iflll' THE H. F. NORTON CO, 63-66 t ront St. tr N EFFBROTH E KS. S14 Worcester bldg. PACIFIC Iron Works. E. 8d snd Burnsld. Complete stock of structural tL Architectural Iron. Castinga PORTLAND PHOTO SUPPLY CO.. 19 A LEATHKH AND SUOK KTOKB SUPPLIES. HElHISCHifi BKUn-, owe nam ei. CHAA L. MASTICK A CO., 74 Front Leath er of every decriptlon. tape, infr. findings LUBRICATINO OILS. Balfour. Gutnr.e et Co.. Bord of Trad. LOGGING MACHINERY. T. B. MALLORY A CO.. 231 Pin St. Loggers 4. Contractors' Mach. Co.. 71 5th St. MAIL ORDER. FRANKLIN 4V CO.. 13-' Front t. MEN S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR. Columbia Neckwear AUc. Co.. b3 FUta St. mm'f famous Hotel I NifcH for the. Excellence; .1 . t V 1 aof its Oimme. curopean piuri PARK AND ALDER STREETS, PORTLAND. 0BJX3ON. HOTEL CARLTON Fourteenth and Washington Streets. Booms, with lath, $1.50 day. Booms without bath, $1.00 day. All outside rooms, fireproof construction. Special rates for permanent guests. Ross Finnegan, Mgr. Victor Brandt, Propr. ' Absolutely Fireproof 100 rooms SLS per day 0o rooms (with bath)$t.0 per day let rooms (with bath.a par day Add IL00 per day . to above prices when two occupy one room. VEST ATTRACTIVE PB1CE3 FOB PEBMAUINT QUESTS H. C nOWKRS, Maaager. GAINER THIOPEX, Aast Mr PATENT ATTORNEYS. Patent procured by J. K- Mock, attorney-st-law. late of the U. 8. Patent Office. Booklet free. 1010 Board of Trad bldg. PATENTS. R. C WRIGHT, 22 years' practice. U. S. and foreign patent. ttuO Dekum bldg. PLATING MORtiS. Nickel nlating. polishing. enameling. Ore 297S. gon Platlnc Works. lttth-Alder. M. REFRIGERATORS AND ICE BOXES. Built to order, any aia. $7.60 up. P. C Bed Co.. 4 union ave. South. Phone East 243 Rl BBbK 0T.4-MPS. SEALS. BRASS SIGNS. PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORKS. 231 Wash. t. Phone Main 710 and A 2710. THE 1RW1N-UODSON COMPANY, 92 6th L Phone Main 812. A 1254. SEWING MACHINES. NEW. ail make, factory prices; second hand. 2 up; machine rented and re paired. Main 9431. WW near Yamhill. SHOWCASES. BASK e STORK FlXTCRtS. WESTERN FIX. A SHOWCASE CO.. 10th and Davis. Showcases to order and In stock. THE LL'TKE MFG. 3. CO., branch Grand Kap Sxh and Hoyu R. L,utka ids Showcase co. manager. MARSHALL MFO. CO.. 4th and Couch; new and oid window display and cabinet work. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. PORTLAND Van A Storage Co.. cor. 16th and Kearney eta.. Just completed new fire proof warehouse for household effecta pianos and automobile contain eparat fire and vermin-proof room, steam-heated piano room, trunk and rug vaults, track age for carload shipments; vana for mov ing; reduced freight rate on household goods to and from East in through oar. Main BO40. All departments C O. PICK Tramier A Storage Co.. offices and commodloua 4-story brick warehouse separate iron room and fireproof vault for valuablea; N. W. cor. 2d and Pine ata; piano al furniture moved and packed for shipment, special rates made on goods In our through cara to all domeatlo and foreign ports. Main 896. A 296. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 74 GUsan St.. cor. 13th. Telephone Main OS or A Uo. General transier and forwarding agents We own and operate two largo class A warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowet Insurance rates in th city. OLSON-HOE TRANSFER CO. General transferring and storage, safes, piano and furniture moved azid packed for ahlpmenta. 87-b Front t- Telephone Main &47 or 2247. TYPEWRITERS. i 135 will buy a KKUUiL.1 iiffi' WP.ITEIi; rebuilt a good a new; an make to choose from at OUl'a 3d and Alder: terms to suit; every machine guar anteed. Call or phon for representative. Main 8500 or A 6008. WE are th exchange for the largest type writer concern on the Coast; Investigate: all makes, all prices.. Th Typewriter Exchange. 351 Vt Washington st. NEW rebuilt second-hand rentala at cut rate. P. D. C. Co.. 281 Stark. Main 1407 MILLINERY. B. O. CASE A Co., mil and Oak. 13 RAD S H A W I3!;uS.. .Morrison and 7th sta MOTORCYCLE DISTRIBUTORS. THOU A DE LUXE. APEX CO.. 12 12th St, NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS. MILLER sxMlNGTO.V, Calhoun Co.. 43 4th. OKMAMtM.U. IRON AND WIRE. Portland wire et Iron w xa, 2a A Columbia. PAINTS. OILS AND VAKNISUES. RASMUWAA At CO., joboera, palms, oils, giaas, seen and duora. Cor. 2d ana 'Aayior. W. P. j'liAXK a CO.. 12th and Davla PIANOS. KOULER A CHADtl. 3.6 Washington sc. roinuliclurtn ana holeale Uealera PAINTS AND WALL PAPEAt. . PIONEalii paant CO., led Flrt u PAPEH BOXES AND Ml EL BOXES. Portianu I'aper jjox Co 2 s'ront. cartons PAClvLAS AND VINEGAR. KNIGHT fACalftQ CO.. 4?4 a,aat Alder. PAPE, PIPE A1T11NG AND VALVES. M. L. ALliNA, b4-fto iTOIlt SL- PLUMBING AND S1EAM SUPPLIES. u. i - ki,iAjh. B4be Frout St. Si. BAtOJoi at bO.NS. 240 Front su i-uv ft- i.i. rll.VKS. HOflM. HENK1 EtEttUiNG. 45-47 Front mu PHUDUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT A KV ErtDl.NG A r'AKmii.1. 14U Front treet. ' ROPE AND BINDfcH TWINE. Portland cordage Co.. 14th and Nortnrap. POST CARDS AND NOVELTIES. Louis Scbelner 86 N. nth t- Portland Or. Banu a.v v, .... COLUMBIA DIGGER CO, Foot Ankony SU " SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER A CO.. 12th and Davla ...... a:,. , a u A t.' ft.' I SAW MILL MACHINERY. PORTLAND iron Work, 14th and Northrus. " (SECOND-HAND FURNITURE. 60 cheaper than elsewhere. 24 Union ava ' SODA FOUNTAIN SUPPLIES. COLUMBIA SUPPLY CO.. i Front su ' " i WALL PAPER. ' Ernest Miller Wail Paper Co., 172 1st sC MORGAN WALL PAPER c6.. 230 2d St. WINES AND LIQUORS. JOHN ECKLUND, 123-126 First St. " WIRE AND WIRE HOPE. John A. Roebllng s Sons Co., Btf uth St. " WIRE AND IRON WORKS. Portland Wire A Iron Wks, 2d and Columbia, 1913. i : 1 nt Aceicirn Jn RATFS ; new today. : IIP T T THKATER AA 1 - llth and Morrison Phones: Mala 1. A 1122, SPECIAL PRICE MAT. TODAT. TONIGHT 8:15. EDDIE FOY In the Smashing Musical Hit "OVER THE RIVF.K." 70 Company and 7 Little Foy. This Afternoon, 81.50, 81.00, 73c 50c. Tonight, 82.00, 81-50. 81.00. 75c. 50c. SEATS NOW SELLING 4 Tomorrow Special Price Matinee Wednesday. H. H. FRAZEE Presents All Star Production FINE FEATHERS ROBERT FDEJSON WILTON LACKAYE MAX FIGMAS ROSE COGRXAS . LOL1TA ROItFUTSlN AM EI A A SOrERS Evenings Lower floor.- 14 rows J2, 8 rows 81.60. Balcony. 3 row 8150. 6 row 81. row 76c. 4 rows 60c Spe cial Wednesday matinee Lower floor 11.50, 81. Balcony (1, 76c, 60c, BAKER THEATER Main 5. A 53C0 The popular Baker Players. Mat, today last time tonleht. One of the greatest or all modern play. "DAVID HAKIM." Dramatised from the famous noveL As played by William . H. Crane. An Immense hit always. Read the book, see the Pier: genuine treaL Evening prices, 25. S5, 5CV All matinees 25c. Next week. Starting to morrow matinee "Tbe Wolf. ' MATINEE DAILY. Uala 6. A 1112ft. (SaMPSAA-i MISS Cr.CIUA LOFTTJS Matthew and Shayne Harry DeCoe Irene Bercseny WUlard and Cala Girl Prom Chicago and live Htirsleys EDISON' TALKING PICTURES. . Uiaij. -l.'l WHERE rMTiaTi' rf EVERY . a waj BODY GOES nifim nrrrmR Hal Stephens Vincent A Lorn .1A1I1AJJ A IV. V, (Is it man or ape?) 4 Melody Monarch "Broomstick Elliott Van Clere. Denton and Mule, Pete ANY MATINEE SEAT loo. Nights. 16c, SBe. WEEK MAY S Bod Anderson in a series of refined athletic exercise. MoPhee Hill, La Petite Airs. Browning A Lewi. Martini A Troise, Emil Hoch & Co.. Pan tageecope. Special Attraction, The Mother Goose Girls. Popular price, matinee daily. Boxes and first row balcony reserved. Box office open from 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. Phones A 2236, Main 4638. Curtain 2:30, 7:15. 0:10. LYRIC WEEK MAY te The New Comic Opera Company will present "THE TLOVE CURE." . . en a m,,sinal hit. Tneadav- .nizht. athletic contest. PYiday night, chorus girls contest, prices, nignt. aoo, ioo. --"-, sny seat, lfte. The Oaks Portland's Oreat Amusement Park. FREE ENTERTAINMENT This Afternoon and Tonight at . 2:30 and 8. Oaks Hawaii an s. Ines de Castillo, Prima Donna. Phelena Gevano in Scotch Song's. Owens and Pine, tjoubrettes. Owens and Owens, Comedians. LavaLls, Kins; Novelty. and ROTAL ITALIA!? BAND Cars at First and Alder. Launches Morrison Bridge. BASEBALL RECREATION PARK. Cor. Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Sta. SAN FRANCISCO VSe PORTLAND MAT 27. 88, 29. 30. 31 AND JUNE 1. Games Begin Weekdays at 3tl5 P. M. Sundays, 2t80 P. M. LADIES' DAV FRIDAY. Boys Under 12 Free to Bleachers ' Wednesday. FUNERAL NOTICES. NISSEN In this city. May 80, Arthur Nis en. aeed -a years. 10 months and 11 days beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. John Nlssen and brother of Mrs. Idah Burchell, Thomas, John and Miss Clara Nlssen. The funeral service will be held at the chape! of F. S. Dunning, Inc., East Side funeral directors. 414 East Alder street, at 2:30 P. M. Sunday, June 1. Friends invited. Interment Lone Fir cemtery. BtTROER May 29, at the residence of his sister, Mr, u. xl - amiin, osu r-nsi duth .m. afreet. Frank K. Burger. SKed 57 years. Funeral services will be held at Dunning ae iiccniee s cnapei wugy ioai urday) at 2 o'clock. Friend respectfully Invited. Interment Q. A. R. plot of. the Greenwood cemetery. CLARK The funeral services of the late Dr. Henry R. Clark will be held at Hol man's funeral parlors at P. M. today (Saturday), May 31. After the conclusion of services the remains will be takm to Jacksonville, rionaa, oy mm nwiuw anu Mrs. S. I. Clark. ROPE In this city. May 29, Mrs. Louisa J. Rose, aged 69 year. Remains at Hoi man's parlors. Funeral services private, Holman's funeral parlors at 10:30 A M. today (Saturday, May 31). Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. METER In this elty. May 80. at his late residence, lOtf East 12th St., Henry Meyer, aged 50 years.. Funeral service will be held from above address under auspices of Knight or fymias, ounuay, June a, 2:30 P. M. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. K-EI.RER The funeral services of the in fant son of Mr. and Mrs. Christ Kelber will be held at Lerch' Undertaking Par lors, East Sixth, ana Aiaer streets, Dun day. June 1, at 10 A. M. WILSON The funeral of Richard Wilson will take place at tbe Cathedral Church, 18th and Davis, at 8 o'clock tomorrow (Saturday) morning, thence to Calvary Cemetery. DRAIS The funeral services of the late Thomas . i-rais wlli oe neiu at mo laxunj residence, 7116 Ivon street, at 2:30 P. M, today (Saturday). Friends .Invited. In terment dates. Or. , FUNERAL DIRECTORS. u-n vniriun UA1V1V l, iMdln. fn. nn, r. tt " . . r .uv m - . l . . --!. I 1.1 p.l .tpa.t ri Sol. nera uiirciur, " .- .. . . . ., moo. Lady assistant. A 1511. Mala 607. J. P. FIX LEX A SO", FUNERAL SERVICE, j Lady Attendant. Montgomery, at 1-lfth St. F. S. DCSSKG, INC. East Side Fnneral Directors. 414 East Alder St, East 53. B So2J. iu:vIMl A: M'ENTEE. funersl directors. 7th and Pine. Phone Main 480. Lady at teiidant. Oflrce of County Coroner. i kkth. undertaker, cor. East Alder and Sixth. East 781, B 18113. Lady attendant. 1.1. I. U KS UNDERTAKING COMPANY. Sd and Clay. Main 4133, A 321. Lady attendant. A. R.. ZELLEK CO.. Eaat 1088, C 108S. Lady Attendant. Night Service. mi (.-.MfiRlALS Portland Marble Works. 64 41b., opposite City Hall. Main 3564. WiRTI.AVD CREMATORIUM. 680 Glen- w..,i v . take Sell wood car. Onen ta vis itors dally from 9 A. JL to & P. M. W Dally or Sunday. Fer Una One time - Same ad two consecutive times... ..c Same ad three consecutive times... 80c Same ad six or seven tonsecutlve time.. see The above rate apply to advertisement nnder "New Today" and all other classifica tions except the following: Situation Wanted, Male. Situations Wanted, Female. For Rent, Rooms Private Families. Rooms snd Board. Private Families. Housekeeping Rooms, Private Families. Bate en tbe above classifications is 7 cents a line each Insertion. When one advertisement is not ran In con secutive issues the one-time rate applies. Six average words count aa on line on esHfth advertisement and no ad counted for less than two lines. On "charged" advertisements charge will be based on the number of lines appearing In the paper, regardless of the number of words in each line. - Minimum-' charge, 2 lines. The Oregonlan will accent classified ad vertisement over the telephone, providing the advertiser is a eubwriber to either phone. No price will be quoted over the phone, but bill will be rendered the following day. Whether subsequent advertisement will be accepted over the phoue depends upon the promptness of the payment of telephone ad vertisements. Situations Wanted and Per sonal advertisement will not be accepted over the telephone. Order for one inser tion only will be accepted for "Furniture for Sale," ''Businef. Opportunities." "Rooming houses" and "Wanted to Rent." The Oregonlan will not guarantee accuracy er aseiime responsibility for errors occurring In telephoned advertisements. The Ore.gonlau will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement ordered for more than one "fn" "Vm Todav ail advertisement are charged by measure only, 14 lines to the inch. Remittance most accompany oui-ef-tewn orders. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE NO. 820 UNION AVEN'CE, COR NER MARKET STREET. Phone Eaet 1423, B 261S. Horse ambulance for sick or dlRabled animals at a moment's notice. Prices reasonable. Keport all cases of cruelty to this office. Open day and night. NEW TODAT. Sc AND A CAR RIDE will take you to Gregory Heights. Five cents is a small investment, the car ride is short and pleasant along Sandy road, now paved to Seventy-second street, our Greg ory Heights office. We will put our time aerainst yours. For the money, we think we have the best buy in Portland today. It's what we want to show you. Come out today and see the House and Lot $15 per month (including interest) buys it. House is new, not large but a very neat and attractive home. "Well painted, papered, stained and piped with Bull Run water. Gas in street, ready for con nection. Lot is 50x100. Two blocks to good carline. In good neigh borhood. We will show this today. Take a Rose City Park car to our office at Seventy-second street. Gregory Investment Co. Holladay's Addition The Very Best in the City For Sale A fine residence: nine rooms, fur nace, fireplace, bath and aU conven iences; close in; location choice and certain to increase in value; terms if desired. Residence, apartment, business, warehouse and manufacturing; sites. THE OREGOIv" REAL ESTATE CO. Grand Are. and Multnomah St. Phones E. 07, C 1708 $65,000 at 6 For One or Two Loans. SEELEY A CO, 301 Board of Trade. Main 668. Edward E. Goudey Lewis Building. , MORTGAGE LOANS ft per cent on best business properties, a pr cent and 7 per cent on other close-la busi ness snd residence securities. A SNAP LADD'S ADDITION Lot on Ladd avenue, near Hawthorne avenue, with easterly face. Terms to suit. Address or apply to OWN Kit. 801 OREGON I AX BCILMING. Mortgage Loans If you have A-l Heal Estate security we can loan you any amount at lowest rates. C ALLAN & KASER' 722 - 24 Teas Bide. CITY & FARM LOANS $1006 and up at lowest ralea C. M. ZAD0W 414 Corbett Bldfr. A 1416, Marshall 92. CITY AlW FARM LOANS Any Amount at Current Kate. JOHN E. . C RON AN 002 Spalding Bldg. I'artlnnd. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS Our Own Homes- at Current Rates. WESTERS BO.ID MORTGAGE CO Commercial Club Bids;., Portland, or. PRIVATE MONEY To Loan on Portland Realty. Current Rates Quick Action. SEELElf COi 301 Hoard of Trade. CEMETERY BEAUTIFUL MOUNT SCOTT PARK Portland's Perpetual - Care Cemetery. Large. Permanent. Modern. Both phones SIX-KOOM cottage. 15 minutes from heart of the city; plenty snae ana i.owers. very reasonable rental. Call at 715 . llth St., or phone Seilwood 757. for $750 i. mmmmat. , Mortgage Loans t Improved Property . Only. Commerce Safe Dep. & Mortgage Co. 91 Third St., Cham, of Com. Bldg. REAL ESTATE HEALERS. Beck, William C. Sli-31li Faillns; bldg. BRUBAKER, C. L. A CO., loans. 317 Hall way Exchange bids;. Main ol. Chapin A Heriow, S32 Chamber of Common s Jennlnss Co.. Main 1SS. t'06 Orefonian. PALMER-JONES CO., H. P.. 401-4.'5-40s Wilcox hldg. THE Oregon Heal Estate Co.. Grand ave. at Multnomah st. (Holladay Addition.) REAL ESTATE For bale Lota. CHOICE BULIDINQ LOTS ON WEST SIDE. Glenelyn Addition, restricted district. Inside 3-mlle circle, commands bii unob structed view of Tualatin Valley and Mount Hood; walks, graded streets and Bull Run water In and Included In the price; Fourth-street line runs In front of property, the electrification of which will be completed by August 1. This will be the finest carline In the city, which will greatly enhance the values. Buy NOW before the advance takes place. Prices range from $350 up. Select your lot and we will build to suit you for a small cash payment down. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY, 2d floor Selling bldg. BEACTIFTJL view property on West Side, overlooking the entire city and mountains. 7 rooms, all modern. Wlli sell for SotiO cash and easy monthly payments. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY, 2d floor Selling bldg. HOMES. I have IS home sites In Piedmont dis trict: 20 minutes from center of city; all improvements In; one block from park, rt blocks from high school, 4 blocks from library; fine view. This Is a restricted dis trict. I will build a home for you here on your own terms. Mr. Renter, don't miss this. Call Main 7750, ask for Mr. Keeley. LAURELHCKST. We specialize on this beautiful prop erty, we handle no other, we handle the best that Is for sale, we know Laurel hurst and can save you money; Laurei hurst Is Just what you want. You can always find us at the tract of fice, 3lth and East Gllsan sts. DELAHUNTV & CLEMENTS. " PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. If you want to buy on Portland Heights, see me. I have about 80 per cent of the property for sale up here In my hands and have not one dissatisfied customer. BROOKE. Elm and 22d sts. Marshall 4827. A 2S3n. J1800 WOODSTOCK J1SO0. 100x100, finest view property on ridge. Woodstock, to quick taker J1200 cash, balance J10 per month. II per cent. II. Garden. 203 Franklin Court, Vancouver. Wash. . WE HAVE two beautiful view lots oa Portland Heights, nice for bungalows. Will build for you on easy terms. But-terworth-Stephenson Co., owner, 705-O-7 Couch bldg. Mar. 1789. A 4951. LOT 9 In block 15 Westmoreland, on East 13th St., near Bybe. U00; biggest nuip In Portland; owner out of city, needs money at once. Call 275 Pins su Phone Main 1721. . $500 LOT FOR IJ50. All cash. Fine corner near R. P. car shops. Also have $800 lot In Waverleigb. Heights for $."S0, all cash. Fred W. Ger man Co., 32 C. of C. Both phones. WIDOW LADY'S SACRIFICE. Adjoining Mt. Tabor Park. IBS feet on Belmont. Worth elO.OCMt; will sell mujlt leFS. Phone Marshall WOODLAWN Lot SOxlOO; 5-room house; berries, fruit and roses; close to car. lisl Winona, near Dekum. Snap. $300 GOOD city lot, Woodmere Park; 5o fare, one block cara F. McFarland. 3UJ Yeon bldg. LAURELHURST equities In view lots at sacrifice. Main 3914. ' R. T. STREET. IRVINGTON LOTS. IRVINGTON LOTS OUR SPECIALTY. NEUH AUSEN & CO. MAIN 8U7S. For Hale Beach Property. $75 CASH takes a 33x100 lot, worth $l."rt; '1 blocks from Ocean Side station, 2H mtls north of Long Beach. Wash. AE 111). Oregonlan. For 8s THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME? WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY. BUILD APARTMENTS, RESI DENCE OR ANYTHING. PLANS FREK. WE ARE RESPONSIBLE. WE KNOW HOW. TALK TO OUR CLIENTS. Sj;E OUR WORK. WILL GIVE BONDS. L. R. BAILEY A CO.. CONTRACTING ARCHITECTS. 324 ABINGTON HLIKt NEW HOUSE. RESTRICTED DISTRICT. 1 rooms, lot 50x100, east front, nice lawn, two carllnes, 15 minutes to business cen ter, hardwood floors, mahogany borders inlaid, 7-ft. buffet, 4 cut-glass doors, sleeping porch, den, fireplace, furnace, folding doors from dining-room, receptlun hall, coatroom, large basement; terms; (ii ...i. In Main A 1 AA fnretiuons. A MODERN RESIDENCE OF tl ROOMS ON EAST '1A1LUU. -ii I n. WILL SELL AT A SACRIFICE. Will Make Terms to Suit Purchaser. NO AGENTS. SEE OWNER. TERRY & HORR. 311-12-1S Yeon Bldg. ,1950 ALBERTA SNAP 19.0. $2500 modern 5-rm. bungalow for $W50; near 2 cars; east front, full basement, cement floor, electric fixtures, rooms tint ed; must sell, home broken; terms. Owner, 801 East 28th N. (Alberta car). MY ATTRACTIVE MODERN BUNGALOV Moving East; will sacrifice for $1000 or more first payment; beautiful yard and roses; come and look this over and make an offer. Owner, 1123 E. Harrison st. Tabor 2201. LAURELHURST HOMeT " Reception hull, living-room, paneled dining-room, buffet, sun room, Dutch kitchen, 8 bedrooms, sleeping-porch, furnace. Arc. place, fixtures, shades, lawn shrubbery; Dinr nhnnn 2071,. cney t,i w - , , -- WE FURNISH PLANS AND MONEY AND BUILD YOUR HOME OR APART MENTS, ETC. TAYLOR BUILDING CO.. 506 M KAY BLDG., 8D AND STARK STS. .ii -1. T?-1 GAT IT 5-room modern bungalow; lawn, flowers- 15 minutes' ride; a big sacrifice Phone mornings. Main 512; afternoon. Wood lawn zvot. Beautiful 10-room house; Dutch bunga low style, in the choicest part of Irving ton: thoroughly modern. Phono Eaut-Hl'i. No agents. " MAGNIFICENT HOME. 739 Halsey St.; rooms, 2 fully equlpprd bathrooms, 3 toilets; finish oak and mulius any. garage. East 273. W. H. Herdnianu. IRVINGTON home must be sold. Owner rone East. Modern 7-room and sleciuii Eorch bouse on 23d between Br Site and . . . . TTnt AK iVHOll, icm, t k WING JUNE 1-MUST SACRIFICE. My elegant 7-room $70O0 Laurelhurst home will be sold below cust this week; urgent; Inventlgu'e. Tabor 2!)8. jJg SALE Exclusive home In Irvington, eight rooms, modern In every respect; ga rage and only one block from car; bar gain for quick sale. East 7rV4. . I AM going to sell my new ML Tabor home for $1200 less than you could buy the 2 lots and build the house. My price Is $4000. Phone Tabor ae. at once. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. Cosy, modern, fireplace ; tlso llavensviesr Drive" $4250. terms; lot worth $o000. Marshall 427. BROOKE. A :.:!. MODERN 5-room bungalow, lot 50x100. and garage, for $1600; $300 down and $15 a month. Tnbor 4974. 5-ROOM bungalow, built In conveniences; shades, screens, range. all connected, jiauu .and terms. Woodlawn 705. MOVINil to Canada. Will sacrifice home, modern 7-room bungalow. Rose City Park. Phone owner. lanot- WILL sacrifice my $1000 equity In a mod. err, 7-rOOIU house in rveaiiiere ior towi USt sell. L.viunima trc'iR SALE 1-room house, lot 50x100, la t.t. JOHNS- J . ...mum.,. IRVINGTON HOUSES OUR SPECIALTY. 1 NECHACS EN & CO. Main 8l78. R. T. STREET. IRVINGTON HOMES. For rattle Acreage SUMMER home site, one hour from Port land, a lull :ie oiiauo iic,, ciua to electric station and river; $300; $G per month. M 103. Oregonlan. FOR quick sale. 1 Vj acres in city limits. near car. Tuvvv. i- Oregontan. $15 A MONTH will buy my S acres, all under cultivation, fronting electric line: fine view. AG 103. Oregonlan. BV OWNER, 3 acres, new 6-room house. barn, nne waim. .iq.w.., ..t.. Orenco; price $2750. P 81, Oregonlan.