Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 31, 1913, Page 14, Image 14

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Earl Armstrong Takes Speed
Honors at Portland Club
Meet on Excelsior.
C. A. II out Take Thre-Mlle and
fTre-Mfto Professional Bam.
Warren Capture Two Erfnw.
Brown "Wins Jaeger Prlie.
siOTOKCrcus trrxo ssxivr wnt
xut. nn-mll no vie. 4 h. , atrippad
rtork F. Smaltlng. em Thor. Time.
2 1-a.
ThrM-mUt profaaaloneL
noriad C. A. Hunt, oa
a. p..
Time. 1:11 t-S.
Eicht-mlle profaaelenal. h. P
a.rtppad atock W. P. Brn.h. on Ex
lor. Tint. HU-I.
-r..nll. iokIiL T b. D.. atock
na. :. 1
lock I
rrk Warm, on Indian. Tim'
rive-mlla. T h- p stripped
Frank Warrao, on Ind-aa. Tlma.
i t; i-s.
Flv-ml!o profaaalonal. 4 b. P-.
porlrd C. A. Hunt. on Escalator.
Tine. 11IIJ.
Fnar-mtle opan. T h. p.. ported
Earl Annatrona, on Escalator. Tlma.
Ta-mtle special for Jaeaar trophy,
opan to tbraa faateat 4 b. p. ported
machlnee of day Roy Brown, on Mar
ket. Tlma. !:!.
Harry Brandt, Northwest motorbike
ar-l kin, waa uncrowned yesterday
afternoon on the Country Cub track.
Karl Armstrong, of Denver. Colo., long
distance champion of the Middle We!t.
took his measure In the feature race of
the Portland Motorcycle Club's eight
number programme.
Rrandt was not only defeated by
Armtrona In the big machine race
but Oyde Simmons, a teammate of
Armstrong's, from Oakland. Cal.. fin
ished ahead of the Portland boy In the
same four-mile event. The champion
hart a disastrous day. for the best he
eould finish In three races was second,
and then because Simmons was thrown
from his machine In the only serious
accident of the day.
Armstrong made an effort to lower
the track record of 48 seconds, held
by Graves, but $1 1-5 seconds for the
mile course waa the best he couM do In
two trials, despite the encouraging
plaudits of J0tH spectator.
Accident a Are Sllatr.
The race programme was preceded
by two minor accldenta and followed
or a more serious one. but the only
rr.Mhap of the three hours of speeding
frl' to the lot of Clyde Simmons, of
Ilia daring on the turns, nerre-rack-!nir
to spectators and senaatlonal In
the extreme, gave him a lead of one
rtehth mtle In the ten-mile contest for
sen-horsepower stock machines, but
led to his downfall.
On the sixth lap. when rounding- the
turn to the east, at the exact snot where
Chris Dundee and his Whistling Billy
left the track at the auto races last
year, the front wheel of the Excelsior
buckled. The machine went hurtling
through the air for 3 yards while the
Tlder. quick to slip from the bike, suf
fered nothing but a bad shaking when
he lumped from his seat and landed
sprawling on the hard roadbed.
The seven-horsepower Merkle. which
Graves rode on his record-breaking
rule in 110. was smashed up In a morn
ing workout, the cylinders exploding
while Kid Zob was speeding around
the track. Luckily none of the flying
bits struck the rider.
A aaa tear la Injured.
Fairish, a Seattle amateur, had a bad
si-til before the races, scraping his
head bald In a slide following the turn,
ble. The Thor and Excelsior collided
at the start of the first race but a few
broken spokes was the only mark of
the mlxup.
C. A. Hunt, of Portland, was the sur
prise or the meet, taking two races
with his Kxcelstor the three-mile pro
fessional for 4-horsepower ported and
the five-mile professional for the same
..-t nf inaehlne Frank Warren, of
Portland, won two races on an IndiarCl
but the ten-mile victory was the result
ef Simmons' mishap. He took the fjve
mi'e race for seven-horsepower ma
chines In a spirited duel with Simmons.
For four miles the ten-mile sprint
for the Jaeger trophy was the moat ex
citing of the day. with Brown on a
Merkle and Hunt on an Excelsior pass
im: and repassing each other. War
ren's Indian went wrong and he was
forced out and Hunt's Excelsior de
veloped oil trouble and Brown opened
a wide gap during the last five miles.
The eight-mile professional race for
four-horsepower stripped stock ma
chines was the runaway affair of the
afternoon. W. P. Brush, on an Excelsior,
lipped Brown and Beletskl in the sev
enth mile and finished one and one
eighth miles ahead of Brown, who
beat Beletskl after a struggle which
caused the crowd to overlook the win.
Track Nart at Beat.
The track was not at Its fastest, be
ing dusty and the surface inclined to
yield to terrific speed, particularly at
the turns, Armstrong and Simmons will
practice on the track during next week
and will make an effort to lower the
record at the big two-day meet of
June 9 and 19 of Rose Festival week. .
The results:
Ktre ml la. nortee. 4 h. jw. alrlpped t -
Brnaiicc. i nor, iir, n. "" ----- . ,
.-. .nrt. Tlma l 1-S. . 7
Tr.rae-miie. profwlonal. 4 h. p.. rvortrl i a
, ui r,r:!or flrat: Fran warren, a
Indian, aeeontl; Karl Armacrons.
I a
Ten ml la. apcll. T h. P.. aioeK rran
Warren. Indian. firt; Harry Brandt. Trior,
aernns. Tlma .
fclcMt mile, profeaatonal. 4 h, p.. etriprea
cock W p. iirueri. Exealalor. firat; Roy
Uroma. afarkal. aerond; Ed Btlatakl. Thor.
tnlre. Tlma S 51 1-5,
Flra mlla. T h. r-. tripped atoek TrMll
tlirrw. Indian, flrat; Cljrda Slmmona. Ea
rr:lor, wronA. Harry Brandt. Thor. third.
Tlma :T -ft.
Flva mile. profeaalonaU 4 h. p.. ported
- A Hunt. EzorUlor. flrat: Hoy Brown,
yarkal. aacond: Frank Warren, Indian,
tnlrj. Tlma JUI-. . k
Ten mil, apaelal for -Jaaaar trophy oy
? 1 h. n. ported machlnaa of dar
Roy Brown. Merkl. flrat: .'. A. Hunt. k,x
cainlor. aecond. Tlma 10:18.
Four mlla. open to all. t h. p. Earl
armatrona. Eaeoi.lor, flrat; nd Slmmona.
K-celator. eacorid: Harry Brandt. Indian,
third. Tlma 1:34.
The effloiaJa A. L. 'Walall. A- Flamlnc.
K Howard, Judaea: Frank Oambllra:. Vern
yUkaL Si Lucas, tlmekeepara: ii. C. Marka.
rerrraa: Pace Wllllama. clerk of courae:
Larry aTana. starter.
CwMfornia Motorcyclist Wins.
SEATTLE. Wash, May S3. Out-of-town
riders carried off the honors In
the motorcycle races at the Meadows
today, winning three of the five events.
Including the JJ-mite head In the
Portua Baxter trophy. Harry Cogburg.
or California, won this heat and must
win two more to get the trophy. The
SS-mlle beat will be run Sunday.
.-V. ' -"" - -. "
- ; : . , - i i - 1 3
r , . Vi-aaV4' t 1
I 3) I
1. Frank Warren. Who Rode an Indian
aa Excelalor, la the Lead la the Bis; Kour-Mile feature. 3 C. A. Hunt,
Winner of Two Profeaatoaal Kacea With an Bxeelalor. 4. Slmmona and
AVarrea Koandlng the Flrat Tnra la the Ten-Mile Race Which Brought
Disaster to Mmmona. B Left to Right. Armstrong, Who Defeated Brandt
la the Bls-Maehlae Race, and Slmmona, Whose Machine Broke While
Hounding a Tnra.
Patriotic Anthem . Stirs
mense Audience.
Visitors See Vaudeville Bill and Alro
Witness Yacht Club Programme.
Commissioners!) I p ' Candi
dates Make Capital.
Holldaymakers at the Oaks Amuse
ment Park declare that a scene un
precedented at the fun resort occurred
4 . J I- 1.-'-
l-:-'JTZ V i r "Vt .
k, eH
r.-r -r .i. f7"W - " J I
fo Two Vlctorlea. if. Armatrona-, on
yesterday when a great throng sur
rounding the bandstand, of its own vo
lition, stood to sins or hum the air of
the National anthem.
A tremendous Memorial Day audience
had gathered and Director Tigano had
prepared a programme consisting
largely of patriotic airs. It could eas
ily be seen that the effect was thrilling
on the audience as Southern or North
ern favorites were played by Ruzzl's
Koyal Italian band.
War hymns and hyms of peace joined
and then as a grand finale the whole
band swung- In "The Star-Spangled
For a moment there was a pause then
row by row the vast crowd arose and
finally the thrilling-air sounded over
all, as first one then another joined in
the tune. Men swept off their hats
and the hymn ended in what become
almost an emotional scene.
Just as Interesting was the scene at
night when again the band played this
tune and at that time the crowd was
even larger.
The Decoration Day crowd at the
Oaks could not have been less than
20.000, while Manager Cordray was in
clined to place his estimate even higher.
There was a complete amusement and
vaudeville programme both afternoon
' 1 1 u ritn IP"" " 1 i-A tli . ..
II ' - ' sV J-VWA
t a ' lai! f. wi.- :;
Scene na Sar-Sp.nBled Ban-er" Sound-,
f s
-v, at .rff gjj
and evening, the latter of which" will be
changed on Sunday, although the full
programme of yesterday will be re
peated today.
Novel features of the entertainment
programme were the yacht and canoe
races at the Yacht Club, visible from
the Oaks boardwalk.
As a result of the high water the
Rodeo at the Oaks has been put out of
commission temporarily but all other
fun features are working. Candidates
for commlssionershlps and their friends
with thousands of cards helped to en
tertaln. annoy, worry and otherwise
divert the crowds.
Fonr Portland Boys Represent Var
sity at Big- Hudson Meet.
SEATTLE. Wash.. May 30. (Special.)
The University of Washington boat
crew, four substitutes, trainer and
business manager, 15 men in all, left
tonight for Poughkeepsie, where the
oarsmen will compete In the great In
tercollegiate race on the Hudson River
June 21. During the afternoon, a great
public demonstration In honor of the
crew took place on a downtown cornet,
where speeches were made, a band
played and many people cheered the
young men who are about to cross the
The Washington crew is notable for
its hiz men, several being six footers.
The crew is unusually heavy. The sub
stitutes will row in the Varsity four-
oared race If not needed In the big
At the report of the starter's pistol
In the big regatta four Portland col
legians will dip their oars In the Hud
eon on the varsity eight. Three men
will pull two in the American cham
Dionship. These men are George Hut
ton, Elmer and Edward leader. rne
rise of the Leaders Is remarkable. They
have been rowing every day since the
season opened in January in spite, of
heavy college work in the torests.
George Hutton came back last week
and won his place on the crew after
nearly a month's absence.-. In the four
oared shell William Hutton also of
Portland will stroke. Hutton although
he has not - participated in a college
regatta, has been a close competitor
In his class.
Spokane to Get Xew Catcher".
SPOKANE. Wash.. May 30. (Special.)
According to an announcement from
Chattanooga today Catcher Hannis of
the Southern League club will leave lor
Spokane shortly to join the faponane
team. . 1
Jack Dillon Defeats Klaus.
lon, of Indianapolis, outDoxea irranx
Klaus of Pittsburg in a 10-round bout
here last night. Klaus did not land a
dozen blows that counted. -
Two Drivers in Auto Contest
Seriously Injured When
Car Is Upset.
Mer Goes Last Tjap With Racer
Spouting: Flames Burman, Fa
vorite, Has Hard Lnck and
Is Forced to Stop.
a Frenchman, driving a French car, the
Peugeot, won the third annual 500-mile
automobile race today at the speedway
in 6:31:33.45, an average speed of 76.69
miles an hour.
No fatal accidents marred the run
ning of the race, although two men
were seriously hurt when a tire blew
out, upsetting the Mason, driven by
Jack Tower, on the back turn. Tower's
right leg was broken ana lee uunmns,
his mechanician, received three broken
rlba and Internal Injuries. Physicians
were not sure as to the extent oi uun
nlng's Injuries tonight.
Men Driven Biasing Car.
Charles Merx, who finished third In a
Stuts, brought the biggest thrill to the
crowd .estimated at 100,000, when he
"rove the last lap of the race with his
car on lire. The flames broke out in
the upper stretch turn and Men re
fused to stop at the pits until he had
circled the track another time and fin
ished the race. Coming down the
home stretch in the finish, Harry Mar
tin, Merz' mechanician, climbed out on
the hood of the car and unbuckled the
straps so the pitmen could extinguish
the flames.
Four of the eight cars entered fin
ished in the prizes, the other four be
ing forced out by broken parts.
An American car, a Mercer, driven by
Spencer Wlshart, finished second, seven
laps behind the winner. The Sun
beam, an English car, driven by a
Frenchman, Albert Guyot, came In
fourth. The other foreign cars In the
money were:
Pilette's Mercedes-Knight (German),
which was fifth, and Mulford's Merce
des (German), seventh. The three
Italian cars were forced out of the
Race Slower Than In 1012.
The race was a little more than ten
minutes slower than last year's con
test, which was run In 6:21:06. This was
due, it was said, in a large measure to
the intense heat, which necessitated
many changes of tires. Another thing
which caused a slower time was the
fact that this year the piston displace
ment was limited to 450 cubic Inches,
while last year the race was a "free for
All the speedway records for the
class of cars were broken up to 250
miles, when the many stops at the pit
began to cut down the average.
Goux, the winner, complained at
every stop at the pits because his man.
ager refused to let him put his car to
its highest speed. He said that he
could have made much better time, but
his manager contended that as he was
in the lead from the 140th mile, there
was no use to let the Peugeot out,
Goux, after getting the leafl when Bur-
man stopped for oil and gasoline, was
never headed, and finished far in the
lead of his nearest competitor. Ander
son's Stutz pushed the leader hard un
til the 187th lap, when his car was
forced out by a broken magneto shaft.
Goux Holder of Many Records.
Goux first won fame as a race driver
In France. Before coming- here he ;
went to the Brooklands track, in Eng
land, where he made 106 miles 37 yards
in 60 minutes in the same car in which
he raced today. His record in the
402-milo race broke all European rec
ords for the distance, while his per
formance at Brooklands tracK Drone an
world records.
Burman, who was the favorite In the
betting ran a hard luck race. In the
55th lap his car caught fire in the back
stretch. He put out the flames and
ran to the pits, where ne naa to cnange
carbureters. He had to mane several
other stops at the pits and was re
lieved at the wheel by Hughie' Hughes,
when the tenth car finished.
Early- in the race Evans Mason
turned completely around on the lower
turn hut the car stayed on its wheels
and Evans continued until the end of
the contest.
Winner Gets 20,000,
Resides the prizes and trophies of-
e,oi hv the accessory concerns, the
following prizes were given "by the
speedway management to the winners,
which, with their times, follow In or
der: Peugeot, Goux, 6:31:33.40, szu.uuu.
Mercer. Wishart, 6:45:06. $10,000.
Stuts Merz. 6:60:35.75, 3500th
June 2, 3 and 4
- T9v V
Tents at 25th and Raleigh
2 AND 8 P. M.
Sunbeam. Giot, 7:05:08.10, J3500.
Gray Fox, Wilcox, 7:23:39.90, S2200.
Mercedes, Mulford, 7:27:17.85, 11800.
Case, Disbrow, 7:30:50, $1500.
Tulsa, Clark, 7:49:21, $1500.
Mason, Haupt. 7:53:31, $1400.
Corsair Defeats Honey Boy In Race
of 44 Miles on Puget Bound.
TACOMA, Wash., May 30. The pow
er cruiser Corsair of Tacoma, owned by
B. F. Jacobs, won the Doman cup race
between Tacoma and Seattle this after
noon. The Corsair held the Doman cup
year before last. She was defeated by
the Honey Boy of Seattle last year.
The winner's time was four hours and
39 minutes for a distance of approxi
mately 44 miles. The Honey Boy of
Seattle was second and The Sandy of
Seattle, third.
The power boat race for Nickerson
McFarland cup over a six-mile course
was won by the Pirate in 24 V4 min
utes with the Eagle second.
The Bat won the Erland and Sunde
annual challenge cup race, seven min
utes ahead of the Petrel, with the
Genelda third, the yachts racing from
Seattle to Tacoma.
Spring Regatta ot Oregon Yacht
Club on Willamette River -Is
Well Patronized.
Over a strange three-mile course, the
Virginia, T. J. Mendenhall's racing
yacht, sprang a surprise at the Spring
regatta of the Oregon Tacht Club by
defeating Captain Todd's Sparrow, hol
der of the challenge cup.
Six speedy yachts were entered for
the race on the Willamette River, and
when the Virginia sailed by its own
er and Max Meyer, crossed the finish
ing, line after the second lap, complet
ing a six-mile run, the craft was at
least one-half mile ahead of the Gray
ling, Its nearest competitor.
The Virginia's time was 77 minutes
25 seconds', while the Grayling finished
in 82 minutes 53 1-5 seconds. The Spar
row, which was expected to win, closed
third, in 86 minutes 7 seconds.
The weather conditions were Ideal,
and hundreds turned out to take part
In the day's aquatic entertainment. In
addition to the class B yacht races sev
eral canoe and swimming races fur
nished exciting finishes.
The 65-yard men's swimming race
was won by Ramsdell in 39 seconds,
but he had to exert himself, for Dent
and Creassy were on his heels, tied for
second place. In the ladies' double ca
noe race 65 yards Mrs. Henry Hart
man and Mrs. Mason were the win
ners. Mrs. Chauncey Hastorf and Mrs.
A. T. Brown were second. There were
only two entires in the sailing canoe
race; Coonradt was first, with his
rival. Brown, far in the rear, owing to
a break down of his boat Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Hartman won the 75-yard mixed
canoe race, with Mr. Duncan Irvine and
Mrs. Frank Creassy second. An in
formal dance held at the clubhouse
wound up the day's entertainment.
The following- officers helped carry
out the programme: Dr. Jack Yates,
commodore: Frank Creassy, rear com
modore; Art Sholin, fleet captain;
Chauncey Hastorf, port captain; A. W.
Stanchfield, chairman race committee.
C. W. Boost, commodore of the Port
land Motorboat Club, acted as & judge.
McCredle to Get Coulson, Gardener
of Kansas- City Club Krueger to
Go to Los Angeles Team.
Two deals of some Import to the
Portland Coast League ball club were
put through yesterday by Manager
McCredie officially announced the
trading of Outfielder Art Krueger to
Los Angeles for Outfielder Lober, and
later gave out that his deal for a
major league gardener had fallen
through and that he would complete
negotiations with Kansas City for
Outfielder Coulson.
Krueger leaves Sunday night and
Lober will como at once.
So far as the Krueger deal is con
cerned an outright release or a trade
has been inevitable. The once proud
slugger has played indifferent ball all
season and has been booed and hissed
repeatedly by the crowd. Less than a
week ago Krueger publicly declared
that he was through here and that
the sooner McCredie disposed of him
the better it would suit.
With an athlete in that frame of
mind McCredie had no alternative.
He had to let him go. The trade
should prove of benefit both to the
Portland club and to Krueger. If Mc-
a- .;'--fWa
o Sells
y TfM 1 ph
iff l?A v v a
turn .VW-Ji m. ''
dft ..IliaaiHiiTT-llii'l ml iinBui nimaai
of Our State Circuit Court, Has to
Say of WM. A- MUNLY. Candidate
for Commissioner.
PORTLAND, Or., May 11, 1913.
To Whom It May Concern :
I have known William A. Munly
ever since he came to Oregon, now
g:oing on thirty years. I do not know
of a more competent, efficient and
honorable man.
Mr. Munly is to be a candidate at
the coming city election for Commis
sioner under the new city charter. No
man can make a better official than
Mr. Munly. Anyone who supports
him will never have occasion to regret
it. His election would be a source of
pride to our city and would go far to
vindicate the judgment of those who
advocated the adoption of the city
charter. Though Mr. Munly is a
friend of mine, I do not give this let
ter on that account, but simply be
cause I believe his election would be
for the public good.
Ever faithfully.
(Pid Advt.)
Credle had given him In exchange for a
bat bag he couldn't have lost, because
Krueger has been a load on the club
ever since he began "dogging" It.
Krueger's batting average is
T.rthfli. 4a a Vrtll n c-st er. a EOUthPSW
thrower and southpaw batsman. He
batted .214 In 154 games last year, and
is clouting at a .294 clip now. Dillon
can spare him, because he needs a
right-handed batter to alternate with
Howard, Maggart and Ellis. He Is
nrrtnnimr ert one of the most promis
ing athletes in the league. He has a
good arm and is last.
rMii.nn nlavod in the Southern
League with Bill Lindsay three years
ago and Lindsay says he will make
good here. In lSll ne Datieo. in
ije ....... RrAnlrlvn in tha Na-
- " f. ' " " - - - -
tional League and stole 32 bases. Last
year at Kansas City in the American
Association he batted .242. He Is a
ti. v.nHa thmw.r and hatter. Mc
Credie will alternate Lober and Coul-
Coulson will leave the East lmme
liately for Portland.
McCarty's Body Leaves Chicago.
CHICAGO, May 30. The body of
Luther McCarty, who met his death last
Saturday durinpf his fight with Arthur
Pelkey, arrived here today en route to
Piqua. O. In the funeral party were
Mrs. Rhoda McCarty, widow of the
fighter: Billv McCarty, McCarty's man
ager and Fred Zars. The coffin was
quickly transferred to another train
and the party continued eastward.
Yale Crew Ready for Race.
GALES FERRY, Conn., May 30. The
Yale varsity crew arrived from New
Haven today on board Head Coach Har
riman's steam yacht Sultana, The
varsity eight went out with Captain
Snowden. Announcement was made of
the election of Robert C. Gilflllian as
captain of the freshman eight.
Amateur Athletics.
The Portland Independents defeated
the Woodstock Grays, 14 to 3, yester
day on the Woodstock grounds. Camp
bell, who occupied the mound for the
Portland Independents, pitched superb
ball, striking out 14 batters and allow
ing only three scattered hits.
a a
The Commercial Club White Sox
baseball team, of Oregon City, defeated
the Blue Bells yesterday on the Cane
mah grounds. Batteries for the Com
mercial Club were Long and Smith.
Thirteen runs were made off Wicks, of
the Blue Bell tossers.
m a
The United States National Bank
baseball team humbled the Northwest
ern National Bank, 5 to 1. yesterday on
the Multnomah Field. The game was
called at the end of the eighth Inning
by agreement. Barnes and Word were
the batteries for the United States Na
,i i Tiir toam while Stansberry and
Sommers were in the points for the de
feated nine.
!.- "tr'VioM -mm
25 Cents