VOL. LII1 NO. 1C335. PORTLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1913. PRICE FIVE CENTS. RUSHLIGHT TALKS ALONG NEW TACK Billboard Advertising Boomerang. CITY TAXES ADMITTED HIGHER Mayor Concedes Inability While "on the Job." NICARAGUAN CANAL FOR AMERICA ONLY PERPETCAL FRANCHISE IN SURED BY WILSON" DECISION. COLONEL'S FOE TO APPEAL IF BEATEN INDEX OF TOD AFS NEWS NO HOPE FOR FUTURE GIVEN In Contrast to Incumbent Attitude ! That of Mr. Alt) re. Who Pledge Reduced Cost by Eliminating- Extra vagances. JOL ALBF.E WILL CXOttK CAM rAMi TO MIGHT. H. n. Ale, candidal for Mayor. pss4 yaeterday tn quletoda. larlns aalda all political activity. H enjoyed much of tba tlma at horn. Ha participated la tba exar claM of rxcorailon day and la tba afimoofl placed bla automoblla At tha dlapoaaJ of the Grand Array Ka will make tha laat epaach ef tha campaign tonight In Graana'a Hall. Weodlawn. at t o'clock. 11a will digress for tho last tlma In pab Me tha mm of tha day that have caused ao modi comntnt throughout tha city. Treaty Negotiated by Taft Admlnhv tratlon to Be Ratified, Thereby Forever Shutting Out Europe. WASHINGTON". May JO. (Special.) The United States will secure per petual and exclusive franchise for th bulldlnsr of an Interoceanlc canal throuih Nicaragua and also a naval station., together with several small islands, on the Pacific Coast of that country. This Is Insured tnrougn decision Just reached by the Wilson Administration to support a treaty ne gotlated in the closing days of the Taft Administration between this country and Nicaragua. It was learned today that Secretary Bryan has asked the Senate committee on foreign re Iatlons to ratify the treaty now pend ing before It. with only one or two minor changes. Through the ratification of thl treaty, the Nlcaraguan route will be forever closed to every nation except the United States. Now that Secretary Bryan, with the weight of the Wilson Administration has decided to stand behind the treaty, there la no doubt that it will be rat ified by the Senate. It will have the support of most of the Republicans, and Bryan's request will undoubtedly swing the Democrats Into line. "Your taxes were lower this yea than last: they will be lower next year. If Rushlight Is on the Job." Rushlight campaign billboard. 1912. "It Is a fact that the taxes of th city are higher than last year and tha they were higher last year than they were the year previous. This Is no any fault of mine. I have done my best to hold down the cost of conducting tha city." Mayor Rushlight In palgn speech last Thursday night. As with the case of the Light Bri gad, it would appear that some one blundered in handling the Rushllgh campaign. There must have been I misunderstanding somewhere along the line, for tha Mayor himself comes out In a public speech and admits th, taxes are higher this year than they were last and that they were higher laat year than they were the year be fore. That covers the two years of his Incumbency of the office. Dedartloa Ditaatd Justifiable. It would therefore appear that. In some manner, the Rushlight campaign boosters missed fire on this tax state ment situation, for. while the Mayor Is going about the town every night now, admitting that never were taxes so high, tha Rushlight billboards are glar ing forth the statement quoted abov that taxea are lower this year than last arid promising that they will be lower next year, "if Rushlight Is on the Job." To date, the Mayor himself, has not promised that the taxes will be lower next year If ha Is "on the Job." In lew of the misunderstanding between Ills Honor and his billboards on the tax question, and the Mayor's flat con tradiction of his billboards declara tlon. It would seem that the public would be Justified In drawing the con clusion that, notwithstanding the bill boards promise, taxes will not be lower next year, even "If Rushlight Is on the Job." BfllWara Mar Be Cballeaged, Mayor Rushlight has another speech to make before the close of the cam palgn and It may develop that he will go still farther and challenge the state ment of his billboards that taxes will be lower next year. Th present campaign started with Rushlight standing on hla record, and with himself and hla lteutenanta pro claiming tha present administration as about th most economical that ever happened la Portland. The Mayor was balled as having been the savior of the people when It came to saving their hard-earned dollars: ha had overlooked nothing In that line, his backers said. The "little home owner" and the "poor laborer" had been befriended at every turn of the road, the paving trusts had been chased Into hiding and 'the time .had at last come when Portland people were relieved of the burdens of tax ation and things looked fine. Deeeatloa fa Heea. However, since the day when things looked so propitious for th downtrod den of the city, there has developed this misunderstanding between Mayor Rush light and his billboards. At first. It was taken for granted by th cltlxenry that th billboards were undeniably right when they said that taxes were lower this year than last. Then It was discovered and made public that this was true, with th single exception of th city. And th city was Just what th Rushlight billboards were "talking" about, for that was all Rushlight bad to do with In the tax-levying line. It was found that state. Port of rortland and other taxes were lower this year, but that rlty taxea were much higher. Right ther was where the row be tween Mayor Rushlight and hla bill boards started, ending in an open ruptur Thursday night, when the Mayor publicly challenged the state ment of the billboards In his speech at 1'nlverslty Park. While the Mayor did not explain how the misunderstanding ram about, he did confess that the billboards were misleading th public; (Concluded aa Page 12.) AVIATOR MOCKS GUNNERS Mexican Vessel's Shells Fall to Reach Masson as lie Flies. NOG ALES, Aria.. May 0. Aviator Dldler Masson yesterday sailed his big biplane over the gunboat Guerrero in Guaymas Bay. The ship's gunners at tempted to shell the aeroplane, which remained at a height of SuOO feet. None of the shells took effect, nor did Mas- son attempt to drop any bombs. To show his defiance of the federal gun ners, he made five flights over th bay. In the meantime the state troops were driving the federals back toward Guaymas. The fighting occurred at Batametal, several stations south of Santa Rosa, where a fight took place on the day before. It la declared by state officials that all la ready for a concentrated attack on Ouaymas with Masson assisting from overhead, while the insurgents attack from three sides. Editor to Fight Even Small Verdict. LONG RESISTANCE PLANNED Judge's Ruling May Play Im portant Part. BAD FAITH TO BE GAUGED QueMlon Is Whether, in Absence of Demand for Retraction, Damages Shall Be Mitigated Even If - Malice Is Proved. POLICE INSPECTED TODAY Nearly 300 of Force to Be Reviewed on Multnomah Field. In their best Summer equipment spick and span to the last speck of dust, nearly 300 member of tha Port land police department, organised as a battalion, will go through the forms of military review and inspection this morning at Multnomah Field. An Invi tation Is extended to the public, to whom the grandstand will be open without charge. Captain Moore will command the battalion. Captains Riley, Keller and Baty. Sergeants Wanless. Harms and Overn the companies and Sergeant Ru pert will act aa adjutant. The crack police band will furnish the music. After the Inspection there will be a street parade through the business district. OAKS VOTERS FAVOR ALBEE MARQUETTE, Mich.. May 30. (Spe cial.) Attorneys for Editor Nawett, In conference with their client today, reached a final conclusion that, no matter how small the damages in the libel suit might be. in case of a ver dict for the plaintiff, they would take appeal to the Supreme Court of Michigan. Nominal damages in this state are often fixed by Juries at 6 cents, and friends of the defendant editor have believed that If be could emerge from the difficulty out of purse merely to that extent be would be fortunate. Not so Mr. Newett. He is a quiet. stolid, determined man who, believing he has not injured the distinguished plaintiff by the editorial attack In bis paper, will fight tha issue through every court In th land if necessary. Though seriously afflicted physically. Editor Newett will stick by his guns. He will go on the stand, defend him self, and then, if his witnesses and depositions fall to bring a disagree ment or a verdict for the defense, he will go to other courts. Colonel Dig tn Lawn. This was a day of comparative quiet. there being no court session. The urors were entertained by Sheriff Moloney's deputies with a ride about the town and a long constitutional. There was also a call for barbers by the 12 men who are hearing the case, and beards were trimmed and faces smoothed. Lawyers for the de fense worked all day in Ishpemlng per-, fectlng their plans and straightening out their case. Meanwhile Colonel Roosevelt was leading what he termed the quiet life at George Shlraa' residence. Mr. Shlras is an eminent naturalist, and this fact helps to explain the warm friendship between Mr. Roosevelt and himself. Colonel Roosevelt, after a walk, was observed out in the Shtras lawn digging about in the grass in a little scientific Investigation of his own. He was accused of looking for The Weather. rESTKRDATG Maximum temperature, T8.3 degrees; minimum, 62 degrees. TODAY'S Fair; slightly warmer; northerly winds. Foreign. King Alfonso leaps from moving train in vain effort to aave child's Ufa. Page 1. "Peace of London" ends war in Balkans. Page 1. Scotch home rule bill read in Commons. Pago 8. Professor Macpherson writes of Intensive farming seen in Madeira. Page 3. Militant suffragettes attempt to burn Royal Academy In London. Page 4. Ambassador Page received at Court of St. James. Page 3. National. United 8tates to secure perpetual franchise n bulimnr canal at Nicaragua, rage i. Diamond importers win tariff revision in oenate. fage z. Peace plea and prediction that wars win not soon cease mingled In Decoration Day ad aressea. rage 3. Domestic. Monument to Mafne heroes dedicated. Psge 3. Roosevelt's foe will appeal, even If small verdict against him la given, page i. Mrs. John Vlercke not to be returned to Portland for trial. Page 4. Pacific Northwest. Florence folk mako merry at Rhododendron carnival. Page 7. Vancouver pays tribute to tveteran of many oaities, aged tut. page 8. State Board of Control may depose two heads of state Institutions soon. Page 6. Hill and party visit Albany -and Inquire Into Investments. Page 7. Portland and Astoria delegations to favor work on main Columbia channel. Page 18. Bugene has open-air theater. Page 0. Sport. Pacific Coast League results: Portland 1-4. fcan Francisco 2-0 ( First same 11 in ntnrs), Oakland 5-7, Sacramento fi-1 (First game 11 Innings), Los Angeles 4-4, Venice 0-1. Page 8. Northwestern League results: Portland 5-3, feeattie 8-1 ; Vancouver b, gpoaane o-a. Victoria 7-4, Tacoma 2-7. Page 8. Sensational performances seen In Rowing Club events. Page 9. Irvtngton's handicap tennis tournament play opens. rRKt e. Whlsjcbroom II wins Metropolitan handicap. age v. Eighty athletes qualify for Eastern inter coiiegiate tracK games toaay. rage 8. Earl Armstrong crowned motorbike apeed King at Portland Club s meet, page 14. Goux wins . oOu-mllo auto race at Indian apolis speedway, page 14. Portland and Vicinity. Norwegian and Danish residents to co-oper ate with State immigration Commission Page 19. San Francisco Portola extolled by visitor to Rose Festival. Page 11. Rushlight finds billboard advertising boomerang. Page L Analysis of paving situation In city shows Mayor can claim no credit lor reduction in cost. Page 12. Oaks attendance estimated at 20,000. Page 14. Second Royal Mall line steamer reaches Portland. Pass 15. Throngs yield to patiiotto Impulse snd pay lavisn tnoute on Memorial day. rage l. Aim of bond lssnes is to guard relics of historic value. Page 12. Weather report, data and forecast. Page 4, W. G. MacLaren praises Rushlight. Page 18. "PEACE OF LONDON" FORMALLY SIGNED Bitterness Is Shown by Montenegro. COUNTRY FEELS DESPOILED ConaIu34 on Page 3- TACOMA PLANTS DAMAGED City Officials Secretive Regarding Three Accidents. TACOMA, Wash., May 30. Three ser ious accidents that will necessitate an expenditure of $15,000 to remedy have occurred on Tacoma's two big light and water projects within the past few days. City officials kept the facts se cret until today. Either dynamite or lightning destroyed the lower half of a 45-inch wooden waste water pipe, splintering it to silvers, and a half doz en plates on the floor of the reservoir at La Grange were cracked. Prac tically the same thing happened at the big reservoir at McMillan on the Green River gravity system. City authorities are non-committal other than to say that an investigation is in progress. , Temper of Contentious Allies Shows Improvement. KING LEAPS FROM TRAIN TO AID CHILD ALFOXSO TRIES IX VAIN TO SAVE GIKL'S LIFE. CONFERENCE IN HARMONY Jfew Treaty Between Bulgaria and Serria Suggested, With Provis ion for Joint Administra tion of Macedonia. LONDON, May 30. The eight months' war between Turkey and the allied Balkan States is ended. The "peace of London" was signed today in the pic ture gallery of St. James palace. Sir Edward Grey, the British For eign Secretary, presided over the' for malities. The following peace dele gates signed the preliminary treaty: Osman Nizami Pasha, for Turkey; Dr. Daneff, for Bulgaria; Stefan Novako vltch, for Servia; Stephanos Skoloudis, for Greece, and M. Popovttch, for Mon tenegro. Montenegrin Is Bitter. The only dramatic feature of the his toric occasion was M. Popovitch's ex presslon of keen disappointment that Montenegro had "been despoiled of her Just share of the spoils of a triumphant war," and of the hope that "England which took the lead in the spoliation,' would take every step to compensate Montenegro for her sacrifice. The actual ceremony was brief. The delegates signed the treaty without reading It, evidently in full confidence that all the seven articles were in such wording as the Powers chose to have them. ' Immediate Peace Rejected. The Bulgarian delegate proposed that peace become . immediately enective without ratification of the treaty. This proposal was rejected, and the dele gates then left after, having agreed to meet June 2 to consider the advisabil ity of an eventual annexed protocol. After Informing the Ambassadorial conference of the signing of the peace draft. Sir Edward Grey suggested that the conference limit its discussions to three questions a constitution for Al bania, the delimitation of the southern frontier of Albania and the status of the Aegean Islands. Conference Works In Harmony. The Ambassadors now are awaiting further Instructions from their Gov ernments regarding a constitution for Albania, but the conference Is working (Concluded on Page 8.) raw Test Gives Leader 6 6 Votes' to 4 9 for Rushlight. H. Ft Albee was the leader for the Mayoralty In a straw vote taken at the Oakes Wednesday night, receiving ti first-choice votes to Rushlight's 49. Barbur was high man for Auditor, re ceiving 53 first-choice votes to 10 fori Richardson. his nearest opponent. George L. Baker, for Commissioner, received 49 first-choice votes to 13 for McAllister, th next highest. Dleck re ceived 17 first-choice votes. Brewster! IS. Ambrose 10, Stoppenbach elghl. Cel lars eight. Watklna six and Hurlburt five, with the balance scattering. The vote was conducted by the Ore gon Multlgraph Company. CENTURY EDITOR RETIRES Robert Underwood Johnson Noted I for Activity In Many Fields. NEW TORE, May 30. Robert Under wood Johnson announced today his re tirement from the editorship of the I Century Magazine. Mr. Johnson, who Is widely known for his poetical writ ings, as well as for his other literary labors, his activities In th campaign against literary piracy and hla ad-1 vocacy of International arbitration, has been on th staff of the Century. since I 1ST3. For many years he was associate editor of the magazine under Richard Watson Gilder, and since Mr. Glider's I death haa been the active and re sponsible d!tor-ln-chlef. MUD SAVES FALLING MAN Parachote Falls to Work and Aero naut Drops 4 00 Feet Into Mod. NEW YORK. May 30. Falling 400 feet from an aeroplane today, Arthur I Lampham, a youthful parachute Jump er, landed feet first In a Staten Island I marsh and was burled to his neck In the mud. With ropes and boards he was I extricated. At a hospital he was found I to be suffering from shock. Lampham was taken up by Harry B Brown, an aviator, and was to have I mad a 500-foot drop. Ills parachute! failed to work when he mad hla lean. I t DOES HE BELIEVE IN SIGNS? IWWWWXWWWi: - . XXNX.NSSNCSS- I . I t i ir;ti'-'" u.sssjs. ,w wtKt i :i IvWNNi l- . ., WWX1 w r i 'ACT vt A U " W t&g&mmml THEY Wtnu LttJi LWf i ' I J 'riV t- l'tv 7S'S-JS buW '.--v.--- If'l' I' ''Aj'I Mill 4' f i VI lilV fldJ W i V F S I 1 'r sT X i-r S ' BB jSaswasa as m, hW mWlW '-aTL-T W1T V . I 1 1 ' .t 1 j - f r A. I I aa.r.rVlwir-WV,M,Tt-T(T Flrrr-TMi KtrTr-T'-r.-. is.: ' -. J-sl V-V-l-iA TjlTur' 'M, ft - -7air l ' I fyf . I a I ?zfZriJ Vs Z,. 'IT ii - - . . . . a L Daughter of Grade-Crossing Keeper Sleeps on Track and Is Killed. Knler Holds Child In Arms. MADRID. May 30. (Special.) Gen eral Asenar, chief of King Alfonso's military household, tells a story of a child being killed at Utrera by the royal train on which the King was traveling today. Three little girls were playing on the track at a grade cross ing. One of them was lying along side the line apparently asleep when the train passed. The engine driver did not see the children until he was unable to stop the train in time. King Alfonso looked from the win dow of his car to ascertain why the train was slowing down and, on see ing that one of the children had been struck, he Jumped from the window of the still moving train, ran back and took the child in his arms. He was trying to staunch the wounds In the child's head caused by the impact when his suite arrived on the scene. The King's attendant gave first aid to the child, but she died in a few minutes. . The King was much upset by the accident. He learned that the children were the daughters of the woman in charge of the grade crossing, who had forgotten that the royal train was due and had not warned them. King Al fonso offered her his condolences and gave her a sum of money. THRONGS YIELD 10 PATRIOTIC IMPULSE Lavish Memorial Trib utes Are Paid. YOUNG AND OLD TAKE PART Surviving War Veterans See . Offspring Honor Dead. PARADE BIG DAY FEATURE STUDENTS ADMIT KISSING 20 6 Princeton Seniors Tell of Cor responding With 5 79 Girls. PRINCETON, N. J May 30. Two hundred and six Princeton students correspond with a total of 579 girls; 203 of these same students admit hav ing kissed young women, and one is proud of the fact that he Is corre sponding with 18 pretty misses, ac cording to statistics of a class of 305 seniors which will be graduated next month. These same statistics say that the average cost of the college course is a little more than 34000. It cost one student 310,000 to matriculate, while another managed to squeeze through four years on J800. Only 19 members of the graduating class consider dancing to fie morally wrong. Sixteen entertain the same opinion with regard to card playing. Fewer than half of the class admit SPOILSMANIS IMPATIENT Democrats Complain W ilson Is Xot "Up to Snuff Politically. WASHINGTON. May SO. (Special.) Democratic members of Congress are becoming annoyed with President Wil son because he is not dishing out polit ical spoils fast enough to suit them. Some of them do not now hesitate to criticise the President openly for what they term his "dilatory methods." Representative L'Engle, of Florida, visited the White House recently and today declared himself displeased with President Wilson's attitude toward pat ronage. "I found the White House thoroughly permeated with the atmosphere of the schoolroom,' said L'Engle. "President Wilson does not seem to want to play politics the way we play 'em In Florida. He might be right up to snuff on arith metic and algebra, but when it comes to politics he is not there." Graves Are Decorated and Flowers Strewn on Water Ceremonies at Armory Are Impressive, Aud ience Joining In "America." Four generations Joined yesterday to revere the memory of the heroes liv ing and dead whose sacrifices during the great war 50 years ago brought Memorial Day into being. In the crowds that went to the cem eteries yesterday morning to decorate the graves of the dead; in the multi tudes, that lined the curbs along the line of march yesterday afternoon and at the Armory, where the Memorial Day exercises were held, old and young alike yielded to the patriotic impulse of paying humble tribute to the chiv alrous deeds of those "young old men" whose ranks are thinning so rapidly. OZ-Year-Old "Woman Takes Fnrt. Those surviving veterans who have families long since have attained the happy stage of grandfatherhood, and many were present yesterday with representatives of their succeeding generations. Their grandchildren played joyously in the aisles of the Armory blissful ignorance of the solemnity of their surroundings. One old woman there was whose son had been a soldier in the war. He has been dead for many years, yet she makes an effort annually to attend the services in honor of his memory and the memory of his comrades. She Is 92 years old now and measures the span of the passing years by the an- smoking. while 15 reluctantly acknowl edged that they "chewed tobacco." fjfijia occurrence of Memorial Day WEIGHTS SENT FOR TESTS Measures Given Oregon In Early '60s Go to Washington. SALEM, Or., May 30. (Special.) Weights and measures given to this state in the early '60s have been shipped by Treasurer Kay to Wash ington, D. C, to be tested. Mr. Kay also is State Sealer of Weights and Measures, and the law providing for an assistant, in order to have a more vigorous inspection of weights and measures will become operative next Tuesday. F. C. Buchtel, who has been ap pointed assistant, will begin work Tuesday. The law provides that an assistant may be appointed In each county for a short period yearly. The testing law virtually has been lnoper ative for years, owing to a lack of money to carry on the work. POSTOFFICE JOB REFUSED Wilson Appointee to $1400 Place Would Rather Run Bakeshop. GALESBTJRG, I1L, May 30. Political precedent got a jolt In Vermont, 111., when George Klrkbride, recently ap pointed-postmaster by President Wil son, declined. The postmaster's salary at Vermont is 31400. Klrkbride says he prefers to run his bakery shop. ' OCEAN QUAKE PROBABLE Santa Clara Seismograph Records Tremor 500 0 Miles West. SANTA CLARA, Cal., May 30. Evi dence of an earthquake disturbance was shown on the seismograph rec ord at the Santa Clara University ob servatory between 4:29 and 5:17 this morning. Rev. J. S. Rlckard, of the university faculty, discussing the rec ord on the horizontal seismograph, said: "In all probability the seat of the disturbance was between 4000 and 5000 miles west of Santa Clara," rather than by the recurring anniver saries of her birth. Her name Is Mrs. Romoser and she has been In Portland less than a year, coming here from Chicago. Each Event of Interest, Each of yesterday's events was full of tradition for the veterans and of peculiar dramatic interest. At day break they started their visits to the cemeteries where their fallen comrades lie burled. By noon the task of dec orating the graves had been finished. At noon the organizations of women affiliated with the Grand Army posts served lunch, one detachment at the Courthouse and another at the Wood men hall on the East Side. Soon after the lunch hour the eager veterans began gathering at the court house ready for the parade the one feature of the annual event that offers spectacular relief to the more somber ceremonies of the occasion. Instead of requiring the veterans to walk in line as in former years patriotic citizens this year carried them in their automobiles. Some of the "boys" are growing feeble and the ride in the cars provided them with welcome relief. The route of the parade was a long one and it would have wrought a hardship on many among them had they been re quired to walk. Parade Has Big; Audience. A squad of police under command of Captain Riley led the procession, which formed at Fourth and Salmon streets and moved over the following streets: Fourth, Morrison, East Morri son, Grand avenue. East Burnsldc, Burnslde, Fourth, Washington and Tenth to the Armory. Every block of the two-mile route was lined with people. The streets were nicely decorated. The people ap plauded the various sections heartily, but reserved their most vigorous out bursts for the aging heroes themselves who brought up the final division. Each veteran carried a small Hag which he waved proudly in response to the almost continuous succession of salutations that greeted them. Following the police, rode tho mar shal of the day, W. G. Copley, and aides. Then came the Oregon National Guard, headed by the staff officers and their band, the. Coast Artillery band, the Oregon Naval Militia and their band from the United States cruiser Boston, the Portland Letter Carriers and Clerks with their band, members of the Scout Young Camp, Spanish War Veterans, 387 in number; the Woodmen of the World, city and county officials, old soldiers and citizens. Veterans Quartet Slnga, T. B. McDevitt, department com mander of the Grand Army, had charge of the ceremonies at the Armory. Chaplain M. J. Morse opened with prayer. The Coast Artillery Band played In Memoriam," following which Ad jutant Henderson read the Memorial Day orders. The veteran quartet sung "The Boys in Blue Are Growing Gray" and were nearuiy appiauaea. ine an dress on the Woman's Relief Corps, prepared by Mrs. Jennie C. Pritchard, department president, was read by a substitute, as Mrs. Pitchard was 111. Elmer R. Lundberg, a Spanish War veteran, with much elocutionary em- Uonluiued on Page IV.)