r X or met: automobile AT TM R SERVICE W1IK.1 HUNTING AP ARTME-N TS. rwmishe-d and unfurnished apartments from IKS room, from $15 to Pr month. If you "ant one. telephone Mala JOIl Sunda or A 301 Evenings call Mr. Balden, Marshall 2-VO. Our automo&i.e wi.l c.l at rir address wttn our tirai. who will bo glad o tBfwo apartments. References required. Wo oo or cnnlr. mo following: Cecilia. 23d oral Oils a sis. riarpooL li od ciay Korrtbom. 17 Ford t. nantborn. 251 12th su. "rr M!rL Jlsnover. King St.. ner Wssainltoo. KMrkerfiocker. 410 HimMO, Orderlelitb. si Grand ave. .,. H. Croix. 170 St. C.alr st.. near " ft. Francis, 21-t nd Koyt sta. Welllnsioii. lata and Everett sta. AlOKGAN. ri-EIUNEK BOYv-H. ft-l.1-50 Abington B.d. HIGHLAND COURT APARTME5T3. 22 t and g:im Sta, Walking Distance. room artninl. all large, bright ouuido room. Referencea Required. Marshall lo2. WEI.LEsr.ET COURT. Est IVh mn.l Belmont. block efMor r .oa- BiJtxeal and besi on East Side; ton. moaern. l-oxl'; furnished and furnished: walking distance. A.S.tLL AI'AllTMbNT-, 555 EAST YAMHILL. AND 13TII STS. 2 rooms unfurnished, all ounIJi rooms, newlr llntM, lar light kitchen, phone, private bath, hot water and steam heat, bri-rk bu..dlns: fine location: walktns dis tant: reasonable, prune bail 32A2. rORT.VOMAH Apartment. 4 rooms, sbwiplnf porch, bath. 1 closets, pacific phone hardwood floors, walkme dlstanca. t2i month unfurnished: ijj ono .-room apt.. HI month. Inciuainn Hunt. paau;. r.uhd. E. 13-.h and Taylor. MAKR1MAN Arid (Annex.. 7.SJ lrln St. Ono S-room apt.. furnlfil with two roal Mtoomi and two dis.ippearln beda. Phooa. e-c. J'.efersncea Mam 3o or ilit- unall a-. X1.NG;I1LKY. Ford, near Waahlnftoa at. Hllth.clas apartments; oua unfur nL.itl of 1 rooms, with vruate bai cir.jr; rftfonajl rent. Ot.NEVA AI-TS-. .-AN FKAXCISCO. Mil Via Naaa Are. rirst-cla. modern 2. 3-rootn. furnished; .trrn. SMer. MKKLDITll Molern. newly renovate.! 3 room apartmente. oo.l servlca, walk- In: o!tAnce. relorauces. 71- W ashlclon. Ma.n 71J. BIVK AFAHTME.NTS. 3 and 4--oom. furn:hed or unfurnished, motarn. JJat and Flanders. Main 27i fjlX larao rooms, hardwood floors, water, beat, private phones, larite sieeplne: porch, front eranda. nrw and eiery convenience. ,race Aprtmenia 7 Northrup. MAUU--N PAi.K AI'AKTiLENTS. J'ark St. at MaUu-on. Modern 3 and .4 room furnished apart neure hy the week or montU. OVERTON APTS.. Cor. 21st and overton; new and modern apts.. all outside rooms, private phone and bath; !." and up. Mar. aS'i. MONTGOMERY APAKTMtNTS. Third and Montgomery; new, modern, out side furna.ied -room apartraeats; eleva tor; c!o in; 10 to tC.-K Main 1MH. JACkJUX ULNiALOU. rumuhd ana unfurnlsned apta. 5 min utes" w.-itk from city; Janitor service; 4-o a month. 11th st i'KCIAL I1ATKS. II -room nicely furnished apartments: all rice, outs.de rooms; t--.i": bath. (bon rd on ca--;ine. B S'-H. Tabor 22ro. ALL.EX1AKLK 3 and S-room apta.. modern, walking distance. Sis to fii. 53 Wllilama ave. J- vj3. : THE BJtLLAXD, loTU AND LOVEJOY. 4-room uufurnlshed apaxtmrnls, atrlct ly modem; tiummer rates, owner. Mala 1W; and A lf17. Janitor. A !:'. ' ALCO APAK rilENTS. Vnion ave. and Couch sis., modern new furnished 2-roum apis.. wailn Uiatance. down. " ALCO APAHTJ1EM4 Union ave. and Couch at-, modem new furnished S-room. apts- wa.klu dlatance, y gown. THE MKINLET APARTMENTS. East 7th and Morrison sis. Very central; 2 and S-room apartments, furnished com plete, y: private oatha; from V20 to til.o. 3 and rooms, completely fumlahed, m date: roof sardeu: from ;7.i up. LutlANT pna:e;y furnished ft-room apartment, s.eeping r0,"n. NiK Hill Uls- tri.-t; n.iutia. . IHE CUETOPA. lMh and Flanders sis. 2. S and s-room molero apartments, fur nls.ied and unfurnished. CoMfLfcTTtLY furnlalied J-room apt. with j wail beds at the fchef field Apia. Phone Main 3jv. h and Harrison 3 ar.d J-room apart- rti; rest ae rvi. AJ'P.T p it . 11 : JiiRMlLE S-room apartments, modern and weii furnished, cose in. I car; l-U and up Halsey Court. ivO Williams ave. YL T IWIKIJIl Nw 2 -room apts.. liffhl and gas In. elu-led; 111 ti 2 I'orter at. M. 73'.'2- MoOclltN i-room unfurnished apartment, te.epaone. fas electric ligat, etc. Mala 4JT. A Ha.!. ; iHii Urivastou. 444 tlln Nicely furnished 2 and S-room n.edern outside apis., near H-tsrit. Mrs. K. W. McCune. M-rshall o7. LINCOLN APARTMENTS. Fourth and Lincoln Ai: oulsMe S-room apts.. t.-oo to 1W: walking distance. EFP1E.NI. S. W. cor. llroadway and Jcfferaon Modern uufurntshed apta.. flrat t.ass servtie; private phone. " Til 3 D:Z2UI1F. One irfurr:ti-d &-riHm apartment. feftlCa; APTd, 20th aud Northrup -a-room apartment, large. light roomi, excellent I. w VI ... - . I 1 iv. X tltu I .i'lin. .m . ' -- . .. ' -- ALTON 1 A. Marshall and Lib sta Large. a:ry 2. 3 and 4-room apartmauls; quiet and tic:uli neighborhood. THE PATTOX large rooms, apt., porches, eve-y convenience, low rnt. ft. Flankers. IfjtYJ Apis.. i:mon ave. and Sacramento New, up-to-date, reasonable, phone E. . THE CAM AK. 7U4 Lovejoy; 1-room furnish ed basement apt.. - Marshall ;ta. j WANT to sui-rent m furnished apart ment Call Ma.rshalt 374'L 1-KOoM apta furnished. modern; refer enres. Cromwell Annex. 2V1 Co.umbla. SS EAST 2'.'TH la not far out; a eery de e:ra&(e 3-room apartment vacant. YOL.Vii lady to share firat-clais apartment, J blocks fr"m P. O. Marshall ;wi. rials. UEIRABIJ-1 a rooms, furnished and unfur nished. ,s Ollsan; key in fiat B. Evenings ea:: Mam 73s:; references HTST ttrFl. near bill. S and 4-room flats, modern,. 10 and 12 i including waier. Inquire at Morris. VI d:h, near utark. LNFI RNitsilEO 4-rooui modem flat. cllc9 location. West ri'.de. Inquire H Everett career ltu J, . K. nxHt.rn flats, furnished or unf ur nisoed. choice location. oiu Ciackamaa ; i'i ;eM-rw light. 4-room apartment; modern, reasonable; oppoalte Mullaoinaa Cluh. ol2 Mi'l'EttN fr-roe.D fiat. 7M liluMin st, large porrh. firepiare. furnace. Main 8441. K. N. Tutford: 4"4 Pp.r.n Bldg. e-RO M lower f'al, bath, fireplace, base ment, vard. Noh Hill; rent reasonable. all 124 North 18th at. 4-ROOM flat, ftreplace. wood hoist. Dutctn kitchen, double ceilings, tubs, walking dla-taa-e. Sl 3d St-, cor. Uianl -ROOM modern flat, choicest location West Pico. Inquire 17 loth, corner Yarr.hllL Ij. ilcLEH.N" J-room up;r flat. Sunnv sltie. firepiare. fumare. f no neighborhood, plio'ne Tibor ?1 or H 1131. t-RouM flat, cloa In; aeve car fare: nice and cle.in; newly tinted: rent o2.3u. Phene Marshall 8W. S KiH'a flat; a eeping porch, gaa range, linoleum, furnace. ftrep.e-e. 1, E. 21st. Hiwthorne "r. Tabor U'.iT. LLK'iANT 6-P.OoM FLAT. KA-T SIDE. UiV). MARSHALL A-71.14. f. LOWER and upper -room flats, in good condition, 15th and Uavts eta., dose in. West Side. Phone East ST3 ftrvtjM1. mortem, close In. walking dis tance. At l-. 17:h at.. N FLAT of (S rooms and bath: 7SI Htyt afu Inquire ISO 'h at. Phone Main t'i. FINE mo-Wm. el-room uppr fist. .t-v llith. Call 11th. 3-nooM f'st. nice yard, close In; no chi: dren. 13 N.- 19th St. TUE MQKA1XG OKEGU.MAN. tKlDAY, MAY 30, 1913. ' 1 " " " " " """ "" i tirr-iT iinTirf-S. I FINANCIAL. 1 I K S B W k W I aw .---- " I - j-room upper. In fine residence location; fireplace, sleeping porch, gaa range and water heater. Hutch kitchen and real roomy rooms. This Is one of the Malm sis you have heard so much about, -it Hst 2.th. near Hawthorne MODrlRN. up-to-date, 5-room, upper flat, wlth Dutch kitchen and attic. 10 tnln ' w -: w . ivHtnrriM s r.rt AddIv ("lemensnn Drug Co.. corner Front and Morrison sts, or see .flat. No. 628 m Lol umbia at. f22.oO 6 rooms. 7S4 Gllsan St. 5 6 rooms, E. 1st at., near Broadway. rooms, loth St.. near Morrison. H T PALMER-JONES CO.. 4"4 Wilcox bltig. Phones M. fW9. A 2 AVI. S-ROOM flat. 7t GOsan sl. near lid st. car; new. modern, convenient, hardwood floors, fireplace and furnace, select neigh borhood. Morgan, Flledner A Boyce, ! Abington bldg. , tie MODERN! 5-room, nice residence lo cation. West fide, front and back yard and porches, gas and electricity, gas range and water heater and linoleum. Marshall Sll'T tcriu T) i" M r Ui.j.rn 4-room flats with bath. S blocks from east end of Broadway I DIOCaS 1 1 U 111 IUI coo v, srklge; rent SI and :. Including water. 7ail 310 Ross. Phone M. !1H. Esst 20.4. brkl FXAT of four rooms, furnished, wlto. heat. water, phone, grate. laundry tub. yard. refrigerator, linoleum, range. OS Luoretia plnce. Phone Marshall polo. H-OLI.ADAY Add., new, modern 6 and - room f.ais; furnace, gaa range, heater, iin. ileum: walking distance, corner 2d and S-l:iiM modern upper large screened porch, furnace and fireplace, rooms all newly tinted, high and sightly. 77 E. Salmon. Phoie List 244f or Sellwood 4.13. 6-KOOM f!L 2-i East bib. sl. near Bum aide: walking distance. Key at Wood ward's, lo4 2-1 st. MODERN 4-room lower flat, Sl; linoleum, range, gas plate, basement, jard: adults. 7ii Williams ave. Woodlawn 42G. IIOLLAUAY ADD., walking distance, near 1 'arMnes. 41m Wasco L East HQs. Furnished Flats. EXTRA nicely furnished 5-rocen flat, S.12; and 2-room apt., lid. Including phones and water, beautiful grounds, walking distance, corner Union ave. and Multno mah. 2 blocks N. Holladay. ft blocks S. Kroadway. Phone East 360. 5-KOOM furnished flat, hardwood floors, tile bath, fireplace, sleeping; porch, Dutch kitchen, yard, adults. Call from 1 to 6. 3.1H olenn ave. Hawthorne-ave. car. 4-ROOM corner lower, completely furnished, light and clean, no other tenants; adults only; SJ2 Including hot and cold water, light and phone. Tabor 1 H -3 FL l-N'irllEI) upper flat. InrKe porch, beau, tlful location for the summer, rent JHu. Call Main 344L R. N. Tufford, 4US tfpald Ing bldg. S-j VERY desirable 4-room furnished flat with n.cej.lne porch: choice location; walking distance; adults. East So-Ill. TVVu attractive furnished flats; free pnoiie; walkinir dlifance. 31aln 7lo7; East 2173. Housekeeping- Rooms. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts. F'urnisiied for housekeeping: gaa range, electric lights, hot water, bath, laundry free; $12 per month up; a clean place; bast In the city for the money; short distance from Union Depot. Take 6 or 16th-st. cars north, get off at Marshall. No dogs. f 1 .V) TO 12.73 week; clean, furnished house keeping rooms, suitable for 2 or 4: free hest, laundry, bath. yard. gas. Phone fc BuCK. 40 Vancouver, 2u3 Stanton. "U" car. NICE housekeeping rooms. comfortable housekeeping room In basement: also Bleeping room in bssement. or layior. THE UPrlHUK. 406'4. 2Jth St.. furnished 2 room apts., steam heat, llghi; 115 up. Main .1t. Take "a," 23d or "W" car north. 441 EAST MORRISON, cor. East 8th. nicely furnished 2-room housekeeping suites, also single housekeeping rooms. TWO housekeeping rooms $3.26 a week. 312 14 Hawthorne ave.. corner Union. H. K. ROOMS SL2i to 1.75 week; 2 room $2 -'Y De rioto House. 2.1 2d. THE OILMAN. 1st st., cor. Alder Furnished housekeeping rooms, ti.au wee up. NEW furnished housekeeping rooms, heat, light, baths, 13. 1144 1 Union. Furnished b. k. rooms, cheap. Cambrldge bldg.. lid cor. Morrison, phone Matn P4j. Housekevptng-Booms In Private Family. 1WO largo front ground floor rooms, newly papered and cleaned: private bath and entrance, fireplace, furnished complete; electric light, walking distance, midway between Steel and Broadway bridge. J75 Williams ave.. 1U0. E. 3j0. , TWO-ROOM suites and single housekeeping rooms, newly furnished, modern dwelling, beet West Side apartment district; clean, liicht rooms: everything Included, walking distance: prices reasonable, sii Flaudera, near 20th. CvXl I'l.KT t;L Y furnished 3-room flat, close In. West Side; rooms laxje and airy: fire place. k range, sink, Dutch kitchen; 2 largo closets: neat aa wax. Phone Main 2752. 614 4lh St. 3S7"- MILL Large front room, private porch, kitchenette; modern, walking dis tance: also other rooms, $S per month and up. Inquire 351 nth. near Mill, before noon. Afternoons above address. LARUE, light H. K. room, newly furnished. In family of two young folks, everything free, SH month; Just the thing for work ing people. 470 K. Washington. TWO very deslrai'le, clean, large rooms and kitchenette: gas, bath, phone, balcony: l;ood neighborhood: walking distance or car. 772 E. Taylor. Hast a2'. llol "fEKEEPINO rooms; also sleeping porch, modern conveniences; reasonable to right party; nice neighborhood; near An keny car bam a. Sri East 22d st. TVAo l:tht, modern housekeeping rooms, very reasonable: large front room with kitchenette, 14 week; free cooking gaa. 4U2 park. THREE housekeeping rooms, rent cheap, cose to liroadway bridge. 3b2 E. 1st N. Phone Em 2 OK 3 clean, convenient rooms, gas range, bath, phone, yard. walking distance; adults only. 4113 Broadway tTth). KENT reasonable, two large H. K. rooms, lower floor, ail conveniences. 310 2d and Market. LAKilK, clean, well-f urnlshed suite; gas ranrfe, bath, phone, etc; $13 pe month. S12 Columbia St.. near Cth. NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms, bath, gas and wood stoves, S10 and 112 per month. 19 17th St., near Morrison, DESIRAHI.E suite, two rooms, large, well furnished- vacation rates, via irnuu. t 105 loTH. comer Flanders Furnished housekeeping rooms large, light and clean. . TWO furnished 11. K. rooms, wa-cr, sink, gas range, walking distance. 41 Mont gomery. CLEAN, well furnished housekeeping-rooms: fr-e phone, bath, lights, laundry: close in; low prices. 2ix 12th. near Jefferson. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, cen tral. 7 N. 14th su. bet. Uavla and llNerett. THKEhl newly furnished housekeeping rooms. 112. 3i Alblna iv, corner lll-indena. L. car. TWO front, furnished housekeeping rooms, light and clean, gaa, eiectrio lights. iM 6th. Marshall 675S. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, lower floor; modern convenleocee. KMI a xfurn slde. FCl'K housekeep'ng rooms, private resi dence; completely furnished; modern con venience u-19 Osntenbetn ave. NICK furnished h. k. rooms, eleclrlo lights, bath, close In. 227 Cherry St. East 801". I FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, hot water heat. 71 Kearney. Marshall 4317. Sill T A Y I .OR, cor. Park, comfortable rooms, complete for housekeeping. 1 I'leaa furnished housekeeping rooms for one la.ly. .41 t-al Mirk. cor. .10. S4 SALMON 2 desirable rooms; ground fioor: fumlahed h. k. ; other rooms. -K.M1M suite of housekeeping rooms. $10 wr month. SSS Pettygrove. Main 3423. NEWLY furnlsned housekeejilng rooms. Mill Apta.. r.rtl S Tnlrd street, corner MUL (11 FOLR furnished H. K- rooms, gas plate, range. 414 7lh. Main 4at. HOl SEKEEPIS'l roi'tni. so per week up. Phone and bath. 22V 13tb st. T A o furnished housekeeping rooms on ground floor In private res. 127 22d N. SUITE of furnished housekeeping rooms, cloae In. East u-.'. 311 Cherry St. Fiil'H nice rooms. Lath, carpets, stoves. e-c. : yardi fine location: cheap. East 2042. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping-rooms, 215 loth, comer Salmon- 0-R0OM modern house. 418 Saa Rafael; Sis. ' Phor.e C 231. S:s MONTHLY rent will buy modem five room home. Owner. Tabor :. HOUSES. East 273. W. II. Herdman. S ROOMS, fireplace, good condition. 6U& E. Washington, cor. 2"h. Mam 3228. d-roorn cottag-. ."-Jft Taylor t., near lUfh. West Side. Phone X!m 1240. HOUSE of 5 rooms and batV 9 E. ISth N. Inquire 130 St. Main 27g. Tr. home. lawn. rM. Fat 24tn. near '.'iri. $o Phone Fast :7i. modern plumbing, furnace, fine view. 4S2 HALL. ST.. cor. 14th 9 room bouse: TUE 3IOKMSG Aftoui FOR RENT. Houses, fiata and Summer homes, fur nished and unfurnished; come In and look over our list. UMDDENSTOCK J. ARSON CO.. 23 Oak SL S12.50 4-room cottage on Woodstock car. $12.60 B room cottage 011 St. Johns car. SIS rooms, modern, near Jefferson . High School. S20 & rooms, oM Overton it., near lTtn, $2." rooms. Front and Meade $40 0 rooms, modern, garage; Wil lamette Heights. A it t PAi.WKR-JOXES CO.. 404 Wilcox bldg. Phones M. StUMl. A 2fyi3. LOW rent for good tenant; splendid neigh borhood; one block from Chapman School, near onvler-strect car barns; will redeco rate and put In first-ciass condition; rent free to June 15th. Oo out today and get first choice. 432 N. 2th and S70 W ilson. li. M. Lombard, Sd and Madison. Main Mlli A l'2. . CALL AT THE. OFFICE for one of our PRINTED RENT AI LISTS. That's the Eest Way to FIND A LOCATION. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. Main t. 26 Washington 8L A S27. 181 YORK ST. Modern house of 7 rooms and revptlon hall, balb, toilet- fireplace, furnace, electric llKht, etc.; balf blook to 23d at. car; will lease at attractive figure. The Western Securities Co., Su Chamber of Commerce. HOUSE FOR RENT. 451 E. 24th st. N.. U-room house, all modern Improvements, vacant June 15. W. B. Foshay, 4"3 Journal bldg. Marshall 61J0. MODERN 7-room house at 783 York at., bath, furnace, fireplace, electric lights, half block to 23d-st. car; phone The West ern Securities Co. or call at 730 Cnam- ber of Commerce. FOR RENT Modern 9-room house, bath and pantry, large, airy lot. E. lfith and k.. Taylor ate. Inquire ouO E. Taylor at. Phone East 2W3. HOUSES AND FLATS FOR RENT. HACKER THERKELSEN CO.. 30S Spalding bldg. Mam liVi. FoR RENT 6-room house on Beacon at., near Brooklyn school; price 11 ntmT,..i carlines. Apply to E. Willis, 663 East th st. Phone Sellwood 678. MODERN 7-room houae. West Side, walking distance; nice yard, cement basement, porcelain plumbing. 510 Market St., near 14th. Phone Main 213 or A 4S32. 15 FOR RENT, modern 6-room house, kitchen and few other pieces of furniture for sale; growing garden. Take St. Johns ar. get off at l anon ave. jio .irm. - MODERN 6-room houae. 801 Cleveland ave.. I1I0CK irom car; nice fa ' ' . ' 2--'.i: no children or dogs. I'hor.e Wood luwn l.i ill. MODERN" l-room, good locality. East 28th near Hawthorne: rent S40; will lease. In quire l Hawthorn ave. Phone B 1184; Main pM ATTRACTIVE, thoroughly modern s-room bungalow, conservatory, large porches, cor ner lot. East Side, lease to responsible party. jaain o--w. 7-ROOM modern house, sleeping porch, two lots, corner E. 8th st. N., fine lawn, flow- era. etc.; only 2S; good tenant. M. 1H53 or -i.no. FOR RENT Fine 7-room house with con veniences. Rose City Park, one block car line; rent $23 per month. Apply 243 Oak street- BEAUTIFUL. 8-ROO.MS AND SLEErMN., PORCH. SjM-tv. 1 1'it; 1 inv . 5o; WILL RENT FOR 40. MARSHALL 420it. A-7138. COTTAGE. 01 N. 15th. $25 (repair). Key oil. Drake, 412 Vancouver. Main B217 noons. LKV1NUTON, elegant new, 8-room house, near Tennis Club, $50 per month. Phone Marshall -iuo. FOR RENT 8-roora house. In good con dition. 208 VVuliaker L Key at S21 Front St. SM1TH-W1LLOUGHBY-. No. 90 Fifth, best rental list, new bungalows, $25; will build homes. 115 month. Ask Hoover. MT TABOR home; your chance to rent a $35 house for $2& per month; new and at tractive; cloae to car. Phone Tabor 280 5-ROOM house, with bath. 488 Market, near 14th: walking distance: also conven ient to 3 carlines. Main 243 or A 4S32. FOR KENT Two good house. For par tlculars Inquire room 30). The Dstum bids. 6-KOOM bouse, newly tinted and papered. 226 14th near Salmon, West bide. (25 per MODERN 7-room house. West Side; full basement, furnace with water coll. Phone .... . X.. . 1184 aiain eooi. NEW i-room bungalow, all up-to-date con veniences., cor, aptn anu vuuioo. GOOD 7-room house, also 6-room flat; duced rent. Phone Marshall 8118. 704 AND 706 Gliaan, 8 rooms each; yard, basement. $20. Telephone East 2245. ijo 5-ROOM cottage, modern and clean; walking distance. S Marshall st. IRVIXGTON house for rent. $25 per month. Phone Woodlawn 2516 $16 5 room cottage, good condition. Inquire V-'." E. Stark st. NEW and modern 6 and 7-room houses, $20 and S25. Call Tabor 44'1H. DE. -ill; ABLE 6-room house, S26, modern. T14 E. Davis. Phone B 2001. MODERN 8-room house, larg yard and at tic 4H7 E. Ankeny St., $3 rurotened Houp 1KVINGTON HOME From June 1 to Oc tober 1 Nicely furnished, modem six room house, with sleeping porch, garage, nice yard, roses, shrubbery and trses. In best part of Irvingion; adults only. Phone Main 2657. COMPLETELY furnished 8-room house In Irvlngton. on carllne; large yard, roses. pLauo. etc.: can be leased permanently to responsible parties. Phone East 4384. NEW. modem, 8-room home, Mt. Tabor Heights, large grounds, garage, furnished or unfurnished, to reliable party furnish ing gooa reiercucea. riiu . - 6-ROOM elegantly furnished bungalow, also 6-room flat, modern and complete; fine location. E. 11S7. 7-HOOM furniahed house, piano, fine gar den, to responsible people. 1)58 Gllsan st. Phone Black 674. b-KooM furnished house, very modem, beautiful location. Willamette Height. Phone Marshall 260. WELL-f urnlshed 4-room Irvingion home, large attractive grounds: win lease Jor . of. more. E 63. Oregonlan. FURNISHED liouse, on Portland Heights, . .- .in. v u r 1 1 and view. one oiw.i. iivi" - i . j . I T- 1. 1 lluilv l.um FIVE ROOM furnished cottage 841 Sher man st; easy walking distance, $2b. Furni ture for sale. Taggart, Main e.6. FIVE rooms and bath, well furnished, sleep ing tent, large y,o. eo "-- NEAT 6-room furnished bungalow; no chil dren, phone Woodlawn 27l-. MODERN S-room coUage. J20. Sunnyside. Tabor 813. 4-ROOM bungalow for Summer, S25 month. k.l Tlbbetts st. W-W oar. MODERN bungalow, well furniahed. on car line. Tabor 17M4. S-J.io Furnished Roso City bungalow; 8 ro.ms; 1-year lease. Owner, Tabor 339- MODERN 1-liMm furnished house. 744 Ore gon at. Bummer Besorts. BEA J 11 RESORTS. We have some choice cottages for rent at Oearhart. the ewellesl beach, on the Pacific Coast; transportation facilities un- "o-room cotuge. furnished. $100 for the season. & rooms, furnished. 175 for the season. 4 rooms, furnished. 1100 for the season. 3-room cottage, furniahed, 164 lor the wesson. They all are nice and clean. We have also a nice 5 -room cottage for sale, fairly well furnished, for 60. And we have several choice lota from 1300 up. on very easy payments. OTTO & HARKSON REALTY CO.. 133 ! First Street. OCEAN front cottage at Oearheart, 4 bed rooms, large sitting room, with Ureplaoe; glassed-ln porch, fully furnished, modem plumbing, electric lights; rent S75 for June. Main 174D. BEACH-FRONT cottage at Neab.-Kab.-Me Mountain, 7 rooms, bath and 8 porches, for June or September: finest beach view In Oregon; furnished. Phone office, Mar shall 4541 FOR RENT, for season. Seaside The Knoll, pretly cottage on River Way. near river, ocean and town; open Saturday and Sun day, phone Marshall 576. SEASIDE For rent, fine home, 7 rooms, t-ath etc.: ocean front; furnlsned com plete: sanitary plumbing, ahowera for bathers: ysrd. flowers. Morgan. East 610J. SEASIDE. 4-room cottage, completely furnished. water and electricity, pnone aim i THE PERGOLA, on River Wsy. at Seaside; can be aeen this week end; very pretty. Main si ia FOR. RENT July and August, modern 0 room cottars on boardwalk. Seaside, Or. Telephone Mrs. Lancing Stout. Main 826S. SEASIDE Well furnished 4-room cottage for season, close to boardwalk. A 1204. OKEUOJilAN. Hummer Resorts. DESIRABLE cottage. Broadway, near Main, l.ocksley ave.. Seaside. Can be aeen tills week-end. Main 2160. Storea. WAIHIXTON-ST. store near 19th, splen didly "fitted for delicatessen, fancy gro ceries and liquors. Has tile floor and mahogany woodwork. la surrounded by hotels and apartments: very reasonable rent. Morgan. Fliedner A Boyce, uo3 Ab- ir.s.on pios PLUMBERS, tinners, roofers, etc., atten tion: Shop. cor. 16th and Alder sts., oc cupied by tinners, roofers and plumbers for years, will be for rent June 1; very choice location; rent reasonable. E. J. ...... .11. Uftl.v. rn""s ONE-STOUY brick building, 100x100, cement floor, no posts, formerly used as garage, 20th st , 100 feet from Washington st.; will make good stores; long leaae. Apply manager Baggage Company. Park A Davis 16x60 and basement. 233 Main; HO. 15x40 and basement, 232 Second; $45. "5x80 and basement, 2118 Second; $70. 25x1)5 and basement, 36 Front, $40. Inquire of W. J. Hawkins, owner. 448 Sherlock. SPACE in modern basement, ventilated and well lighted. N. W comer 4th and Alder sts.. luitable for cafeteria, printing shop, etc Morgan. Flledner A Boyce, uOS Ab ington bldg. STORE, brick building, Belmont, near Grand llAniAA.i , Chamber of Commerce Bldg. STORE and four rooms above at 101 First st this is a good location, between Alder and Morrison sts.; will give lease. G. L. Parker. 14'J r li st si. THREE-STORY brick building 25x200 ft.. between Yamhill and Morrison, facing on r irst ana r rout no- FOR RENT Stores, Nos. 248 and 250 Haw thorne ave., east end of bridge. Apply Hawthorne Dock Co. Phone East 2063. W. H. frBBB, 401 Yeoli bldg. Main 4913. Offices. FOR RENT. Rooms. Sterns bldg.. comer 6th and Morrison sts.. suitable for musical or art studios offices or sample salesrooms. In- quire otllce anenuan. ..n-j v-q. CONNECTING offices, overlooking Morrison st lor rent In Tllford bldg.. reasonable terms; ask at elevator any hour. Phons Marshall 618 between 5 and 6. MOST centrally located office; very reason able; all-n!(fht elevator service. 303 Swel- land bldg. rirtn anu vnmsio" ROOMS in Abington bldg., arranged for photo gallery. Inquire IL'.i Abington bldg. SMALL, light desk space wameu, o. phOne, tor mam pony. DESK ROOM Heat, light, both Phones, $10 per month. 215 Oregonlan bldg. FINE location for light manufacturing, tail or or offices. AS M45. Oregonlan. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. ONE-STORY brick building. 100x100, ce ment floor, no posts, formerly used as garage. 20th St., 150 feet from Washington St.; will make good stores; long loase. Apply manager Baggage Company. Park finu uavis a lb. Before closing deal for so-called inter ests In established real estate business. g.l advice of Portland Really Board. - i uiTUil- U..rl ii rv. 818 Chamber of Commerce. YOUNG lady, running a fine restaurant, wants gentleman with some means to buy a half interest and take active part In management: for full particulars, ad dress P. O. box 035. Please give phoue number or street auuioaa. FOR SALE or trade for Portland residence property, 6HJ0 stock general merchan dise; no groceries; splendid fixtures, best location 14 big payroll town of 2000. Box o44, camas. v " HOSPITAL for aale or rent, furniture and fixtures; on aocount of Ill-health. If taken at once, a bargain: reference if re quired. Mrs. J. E. Cheshire, Grants Pass, Ul ., '.) .1 -1 . . i AL'TOMOBILB business; have opening for a steady, sober man: experience Is not nec essary and very little money la required; profits are large. 31U Lumber Exchange, U U.IIU r.ii A PARTNERSHIP Interest secured for $12. 5V0 that will make $50,000, In Irrigated alfalfa land subdivision. Information A. M Hlghhouse, 441 Chamber of Commerce building FOR SALE 3 pool tables, 3 showcases . 1 wail case, gasoline lighting outfit, other fixtures; all or part; no reasonable offer refused. M. E. Dunn, 617 Main, Oregon city. WANTED Connection with a reputable realty firm In the capacity of listing and selling business chances. Can give voucher as to character and ability. AG 122, Ore- gonlan. DELICATESSEN and restaurant, very at tractive and cosy, good trade, excellent location; investigation solicited; poor health reason. AD lbs, oregonlan. FOR SALE1 One-half or whole Interest in a small brick and tile factory near Portland; good clay and good market; good reason for selling. AV 37, Oregonlan. WANTED Woman of ability with $1000 enrh to help buy furniture of paying 82 apartments and help manage same. 219 l.unibermens Bank bldg. BUSINESS opening for doctor, paying trans a mi .inraiia business, manufacturing plant. Kinney & Stampher, 631 Lumber .XCn. DIUB. GROCERY store, suburban carllne, 5 living rooms, bath, rent $20; good location; trade i cash; terms or lot. Owner, w ooaiawn 2&wi WORKMEN'S Hotel. SO beds: splendid chance for someone: cheap rent; long lease; cheap for cash, or will trade. YetL Phone Marshall 42oO. PARTNER wanted for a solid employment office; duties easily learned and very little money Is required; pays largo profits. 319 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. FOR SALE Well established tailoring, cleaning and pressing business. Inquire jas. Setchfleld, 241 Monroe at.. Corvallls, Or. OFFICE business partner wanted, references given and required. This is a good busi ness: only $250 required. Particulars. 246V dtark St. . PARTNER wanted in safe business; owner tired of hired help: pay IS per day; small Investment required. Particulars, 248 ! Staik st. RESTAURANT for sale, seats 64, two dining-rooms, good location, 3 years" lease. 213 4 th St. SACRIFICE established business on account of sickness; can clear $300 per month, ii Union ave. FOR SALE Established restaurant; good lease; HI21K); will exchange for clear lots or acreage. AK 03. oregonlan. I WANT a good man to take half Interest In dye works; I have the business that will pay you. 352 Sd at. HAVE sou $150 to Invest and are you will ing to work 8 hours a day for $125 month? Then call at 80S Lumber Kxehange. A SNAP Barber shop for sale; good reason for selling; have other business. Tabor 3690. 215 8th ave. IF YOU want a good legitimate grocery In a fine location tor caan, about $1500; es tablished trade. Phone Tabor 8017. LOOK Cigars, tobacco, candy, soft drinks, at Invoice; rent $9; average $15; transfer point. Investigate this. 75 Alblna ave. $125 BUYS restaurant, completely furnished, all ready to open, at 244 Vi YamhllL See owner, 101 otn, cor. 01 pim a. GROCERY store with postofflce: cheap rent; will Invoice $1800; 15 miles out. AV 16. Oregonlan. PARTNER wanted in flrat-claas manufac turer's agency. Well established. 301 Henry bldg. $225 Cottage restaurant, Lents: $6 to $12 a day. Come and see it. Age Is reason for selling. WISH 10 meet party with $1000 or $2000 to Invest In furniture business: prefer party Who will go OUt OI town. A va, urcijuiiiiui, CONFECTIONERY, cigars, light groceries; make reasonable offer; must selL 648 Washington su POOL HALL, confectionery, lunch coun ter IOr BBie or ,.uv o ' . . - , - lng rood business. Owner. 1311 Belmont st. AUTOMOBILE business, garage and repair shop, centrally located. West Side. AE Jo. Oregonlan. I HAVE a market to sell; good location; Lour own price at your own terms. Frank Smith. 228 Alder. SHOE repair shop for sale. Phone Wood lHwn 3VH5. CIOA.K, candy store, with soda fountain, cheap: unable to attend It. lo4 6th st. N. POOL hall, confectionery, for sale or trade for real estate. R 105. Oregonlan. FOR SALE A good hand laundry with a steam dryer, inquiip 101 o.'mi WANT to rent Furnished Hotel, 20 to 40 Rooms. An. e-. knap Restaurant; young lady wants part- per, e. -' - ' FOR SALE 210 shares of Peerless Air Mo- tor CO. An ! mi"iii- FOR SALE Bakery and confectionery. n.KANIXO and pressing shop; established. mha. .nan. Unvln. olTv. 1ft 12th $1,1110 STOCK of ladiee' furnishings; cash or Traar. iwiii iv. $2. BUYS good-paying restaurant, cheap TOCNO MAN Consult Advisory and Em ployment Department of the Y. M. C. A. before Investing. We never tell WHE Ha, but frequently are able to advise where NOT to invest so aa to save money. Y. M. C. A. member! also have the privilege of securing rooms at reasonable rates In the fireproof association oullding; use of gymnasium, swimming pool, shower baths and 100 other features AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL with high-grade expert teachers. Complete $10,000 equip ment to train, for this coming vocation. Not run to make money, but for the good of men. Scor write Supt. of the All the Year Round Y. M. C. A. Day and Night Schools, corner 6th and 'layior ate. FURNITURE store for sale, complete stock . of furniture and has grocery department; good established trade in both lines: sit uated In good town on R. R-. no opposi tion in furniture; rent reasonable, long lease; will sell for cash at Invoice, which IS abOUt D4UU. AV XI, oiCBUinnui FOR SALE Confectionery, ice cream, cigars and groceries; this is a new store and llvlng-rooms. and rent $20; just the place for a man and wife. 1 you are looking for something good, call and see me cor ner East 64th and Lincoln sir; take Haw- . . .-...-I I , .at, n ,v.ia weelc. inoruo car. .jiri ... " BARBER shop for sale; long lease, cheap rent: 7 chairs; old established place; gooo steady trade. 285 Morrison, bet. Sd and 4th: owner leaves for South. FOR SALE Confectionery and restaurant at Halsey. Or., worth $1600; will take $1000 In cash; a bargain. See owner at Halsey, or. RESTAURANT In one of the best locations in the city will sell V, or whole. Good rea sons for selling. 609 N. W. bldg. 6th and Wash, st, FOR SALE Restaurant. 765 Thurman, good place for man and wife. Owner. POOLROOM, 6 tables, good fixtures; from owner; easy terms, phone Tabor 312a BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES V ANTED. HAVE cash buyer for a first-class store in Portland, about $3000. Will consider part- ueiBiuy. a j -. m cavil.-". STOCKS AND BONTK3. INDUSTRIAL stock, now paying 8 per cent S. a. Will give small common stock bonus now gelling at par. 01a anu wen .M.i.K.iiaH mmnMnv. making large profits. Onen for careful investigation. Address AT 123, Oregonian. ROOMIN'G-HOtJSSS. WASHINGTON ST.. $000. 12 rooms, very good furniture, an extra good one. Fred W. German Co., S)32 Chamber or commerce. oin puouca. MUST sell or trade a 47-room rooming house; this Is a good place; come and see for yourself; I have other business. 37m E. Burnside st. By owner. ROOMING-HOUSE, low rent; Union ave. and Belmor.t st. HARTMAN Sc THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 44-ROOM apartment house; rent $4 per room; for sale or trade at 14 price; will assume no mortgage nor pay commission. See owner. 933 E. Ankeny st. FURNITURE for sale or rent, 9-room rooming-house. See owner, 395 E. DaviB, who will accept part down and balance in room rent; a paying propoamoo. WANTED To buy for cash, one rooming house, 15 to 26 rooms. Give full descrip tion, location and price. Box 236, Eugene, Or. 11 NICELY furnished roms, Montgomery st., near 14th; must sell; will accept $300. Call Main 2820. 434 BURNSIDE 17 rooms, fine for a board ing house; sell at a sacrifice. BFECIAI, NOTICES. prupuaais Invited. TRUSTEESS NOTICE OF SALE. In the matter of H. J. Martin, doing business aa Portland Post Card Co.: Sealed bids for the stock of merchandise and fixtures in the store room in Lumber men building. Fifth and Stark streets, Portland, Oregon, will be received by the undersigned up to la o'clock noon on June 6 1913, at the office o Woodard, Clark & Co.. Went Park and Aider streets, Port land, Oregon. Inspection of the stock may be made between the hours of 9 A. M. and 4 P. M. of each day in said Lumbermen building, where Inventory may be seen. Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of the bid must accompany said bid, to be forfeited as liquidated damages In the event of acceptance of bid and failure of bidder to pay the balance ot purchase price, immediately after appro val of the court. Sale subject to the approval of the Bankruptcy Court. Terms of sale cash. GEO M. HEALY, Trustee. BEACH. SIMON & NELSON, Attorneys for Trustee. NOTICE OF BANKRUPT SALE in the United States District Court for the Dis trict of Oregon In the matter of R. P.ogowav, Marc Rogoway and William Ro goway, partners, doing business - as R. Rogoway & Sons, bankrupts. I will re ceive sealed bids for a stock of goods, wares and merchandise, consisting of fur niture, crockery, stoves and ranges, sit uated in the storeroom formerly occupied by R. Rogoway & Sons, on Second and Broadalbin streets, Albany,-Or., up to 12 o'clock noon on Saturday, May 31, 1913, the Inventoried value of said stock being $3526.96. Certified check for 10 per cent of amount of bid must accompany the bid. Sale will be subject to the approval of the court. Inventory of the property may be seen at my office and the property may be Inspected at the storeroom above named. Dated at Albany. Or., May 20, 1913. L. U. Lewelllng, trustee, Albany, Oregon. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the clerk. School District No. 58. Camaa, Clark County, Wash., until la o'clock noon, June 9. lwu, ana men opened, for the construction of a brick school huildlng. in accordance with nlans L and specifications prepared by F. A. Legg ana OWIIgB Ulllhouuij " ,uviait chitects, 25 Ainsworth building. Portland, Oregon, copies of which may be had at the office of the School clerk, Camas, Wash., or of the architects. Estimated cost of building, $29,000. School Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Bids must be accom panied by certified check of 5 per cent of amount of bid. By order of the School Board. FRED B. BARNES, Clerk. IN the matter of A. M. Lara & Co., of Bend. Oregon, sealed bids will be received by me up to 12 o'clock noon of Tuesday. June 3, 1913, for a stock of merchandise and fixtures located at Bend, Oregon, of an Inventory valuation as follows: Shoes, $5089.70; men's wear, $5036.21; dry goods, e3317.26; toys, $158.14; hardware, $578.01; groceries, $b45.26, making total merchan dise $15,024.58. together with dry goods, shoe and grocery fixtures amounting u $2345.59. Terms cash and a deposit of 10 per cent of amount offered must accom pany each bid and the right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. Inventory may be seen at my office and property may be in spected at Bend. R. L. SAB IN, 7. First street Dated at Portland. Oregon. May 17. 1013. THE undersigned will receive sealed bids for a stock of merchandise, consisting principally of groceries, crockery, shoes, furnishing goods and dry goods of the inventory valuation of $131112.74, together with fixtures of $884.16 and two horses, one set of double harness and a delivery wagon of the invoice value of $360, located at Lincoln, Marlon county, Oregon, up to 12 o'clock noon of Saturday, June 7, 1913. Terms cash and certified check for 10 per cent must accompany each offer. Klsht Is reserved to reject any and all bids. Inventory may be seen at my office on application and property may be Inspect ed on the premises. R. L. SABIN, 7 First street. Doted at Portland, Oregon. May 29. 1913. I W'ILL receive sealed bids tor a stock of merchandise located at White Salmon. VVashingtun, consisting of dry goods and furnishings, $1844.71; clothing, $464.U3: hats and caps, $137.95; shoes and rubbers, $492.53; crockery, hardware and paints, $78 35: groceries, $389.88; making total In ventory valuation $3407.49, together with fixtures of inventory valuation $142, up to 3 2 o'clock noon of Saturday, May 31. 1913. Terms cash and a depoalt of 10 per cent of amount offered must accompany each bid and the right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. Inventory may be seen at my office and stock inspected at White Salmon, Wash. Dated, Portland, Oregon, May 22. 3 913. R. 1-. SABIN. 7 1st st- SEALED bids will be received at the office of the undersigned, 402 Tllford bldg.. Port land, Oregon, until 6 P. M. Wednesday. June 4, 1913, for tbe hauling of garbage for School District No. 1 for a period of one year; ending July 1, 1914. Certified check of $25, payable to the undersigned, will accompany each proposal. Copy of specifications can be obtained at the of fice of the School Clerk. Board of Di rectors reserves the right to reject any and all bids. rated Portland, Oregon, May 26, 1913. R. H. TROMAS, School Clerk. SEALED bids will be received at tie of fice of the undersigned, 402 Tllford bids., Portland, Oregon, until 6 P. M. Wednes day. June 4. 1913, for school desks and chairs, teacher's aesk and chairs for the school year ending July 1, 1814. Certified check for $500 must accompany each pro posal. Copy of specifications can be ob tained at the office of the School Clerk. Board of Directors reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated Portland, Oregon, May 28. 191S. R. H. THOMAS, School Clerk. OFFICE Dept. Q. M., Chronicle Bldg., San Francisco, Cal., May 29. 1313. Sealed proposals will be received here until 11 A. M. June 18. 1913, for furnishing coal required at posts In Western Department during fiscal year commencing July 1, 1913 Information furnVihed on applica tion. H. a. WsvUaus fiefena1, Q. U. Coxes. proposals Invited. SALE OF CITY BONDS. Dalles City, Oregon, hereby calls for bias for the bonds of the city In the sum of $12,000, consisting of 12 bonds of one Thousand Dollar $100o.00 each. These bonds bear date of July 1, 19io. and will bear interest at the rate of o per cent per' annum, payable seml-annuau, principal and interest payable In Unltea States gold coin at the fiscal agency ot tne state of Oregon in the city and slate of New York, and will mature on the 1st day of July. 1933. . A complete certified transcript of all pro ceedings on the part of the Council of Dalles City In reference to the Issuance and sale of said bonds may be seen upon application to the Recorder of Dalles City. A copy of said transcript has been for warded to Story. Thorudike, Palmer & Dodge, 733 Exchange building, Boston, Mass., v,-ho have been employed by Dalles City to render their opinion as to the reg ularity of all proceedings on the part of the city in the issuance of. these bonds, and as to the validity and legality ot the bonds, and the city's power 10 levy and collect sufficient taxes to pay the princi pal and Interest thereof at maturity, and as to whether there is any local law 01 regulation of taxation and exemption with in Dalles Ciiy or the county in which said city is situated which affects or Impairs the city's right to levy a sufficient tax for the payment of tho principal and Interest of said bonds at maturity. All bids may be subject to the uncon ditional and unqualified opinion of said attorneys upon all matters submitted to them, and no bidder will be held bound by his bid 1 unless and until said attorneys have rendered their unqualified and un conditional opinion in favor of the regu larity, validity and legality of said bonds, and as to all other matters submitted to them as above mentioned, lu all other respects the bids must be unconditional. The bonds will be furnished by Dalies City and will be prepared under the an Tiervlsion and direction of the said at torneys and approved by them as to their lurm, regularity ana vatiaiiy. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for not less than 5 per cent of the amount of the bid. to be for feited to Dalles City in the event that said bid Is accepted and the bidder shall refuse to complete the purchase of the bomis. All bids must be sealed and filed with the Recorder of Dalles City on or before 12 o'clock noon the 10th day of June, 1913. The city reserves the right to reject any . and ail bids. Further particulars will be furnished upon request. Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, this 2d day of May, 1914. GEORGE k ROSS, Recorder of Dalles City. IN the District Court of tho United States for the District of Oregon. In the matter of the Peters Manufacturing Co.. bunk rupt, Scaled bids will be received by the undersigned for machinery and tools of Invoice value of $2341.60 and fixtures and office furniture of invoice value of $140.35, all of said property belonging - to the Peters ilti;. Co. In bankruptcy, ana io cated at 643 East 14th St., in the Cily of Portland. Said bids to be received up to 12 o'clock noon Friday, June 6, 1913. by the uudersigrued at tne onice or the car man Mfg. Co., 18th and Upshiir sts., Port land, Or. The Inventory may be exam inea and property Inspected upon inuuiry of tho trustee. Terms cash and a cash deposit of 10 per cent or a certilled check for 10 Per cent or bid must accompany each bid and the right to reject any and all bids is hereby reserved. R. W. BLAKE LY", Trustee. Dated at Portland. Or., May 28. 1913. SEALED bids will be received at the office of the undersigned, 402 Tllford building. Portland. oreKon, until b d. hi.. June 4, 1913. for hauling of school supplies, re pair material, etc., for the year ending June 30, 1914. Certified check for $30u, payable to the undersigned, must accom pany each proposal. Copy of specifica tions may be had at the office of the School Clerk. Board of Directors reserve the right to reject any aud all bids. Dated: Portland. Oregon, May 27, 1913. R, II. THOMAS, School Clerk. PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLYING THE STATE INSTITUTIONS. Sealed bids are Invited by the State Purchasing Board for supplies and stores for the Oregon state institutions for the 0 months enulng December 81, 1913. Bids will be opened at 2 P. M. June 10. Lists, with instructions to bidders, may be had by calling on or addressing c. D. rrazer, Secretary State Purchasing Board, Salem, Oregon. Mlscellsuieoaa, STEADFAST MILXS, 300 Grand ave, will not oe responsible lor any ueuts or oraers made by Guido Consign. Signed, G. J. Kammerer. X WILL pay no bills contracted by Louise Plum. W. W. PLUM. IA1ST AND FOUND. THE following is a list of artices found on the cars ot tbe Portland Railway, Light & Power Company and turned in at tliu different division points Owners may se cure auine by applying at burns as Indi cated: Ankeny bam, May 28, 1913: 1 purse, 1 pin. Sellwood bam. obone A 6131: 1 valise. 1 ax, 1 dish, 1 stool, 1 hand grjp, 1 package of collars, 1 lunch box, 1 bundle or tools, 1 culf button. Piedmont barn, phone A 6131 2 umbrel las, 2 suitcases, 1 grip, 2 lunch boxes, 1 Din. 3 misc. packages. Savier-street carhouse, phone A 6131: 1 umbrella. 1 purse, 1 lunch basket. LOST About May 12, between Peninsula Apts. and Jackson Apts., pennants una other remembrances. Any ir.f ormution will be very thankfully received at East 8156. WILL parties who bought trunk at auction about April 24, with pictures, books, cush ions, tops, music, etc, pleace call up C 1U5V. iltierai rewaru. IjOST A raincoat, either on Lovejoy or 2ild-st. car, about Park and Washington sts., Wednesday. Return to Dr. Sargen- tlch, Columbia bldg. THE following -was found and turned In at the Union Depot on s. P. train No. A4, May 2o. one suitcase. LOST One black Cocker spaniel; license No. 4143. Mar. 4056. ivewara. LOST Small diamond stud; return to 260 Russell st. Reward. FOUND A brlndle bulldog; owner communi cate AF 123, Oregonian. LOST 1 Hoistein cow, brand H. P. Wood lawn 2200. TIN AN CI AI- WE will furniah the money at a low rate of interest and save you more than the brok erage of 2 per cent if we do the planning and building for you. It will pay you to see us. L. K, Bailey Co., Inc. 324 Abing ton. WE BUILD ON EASY PAYMENTS. WE FURNISH PLANS AND MONEY AND BUILD YOUR HOME OR APART MENTS, ETC. TAYLOR BUILDING CO., 606 M'KAY BLDG.. 3D AND STARK STS. BOND issues, $100,000 upwards negotiated. Railway, Gas, Timber, Water, Mining. Manufacturing Corporations Organized. L. N. Rosenbauin sc Co.. 281-283 Haight bldg., Seattle. CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Or sellers' equity in contracts of sale on real estate In Washington or Oregon. H. K. Noble, Lumbermena bldg. Loans. CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES, Western Bond St Mortgage Co., 416 Commercial Club Bldg. $2500 OR less to loan at 7 per cent on close in farm and city property; give full par ticulars. C ?3. Oregomam FIRST and second mortgages and building contracts bought. E. B. Miller, 410 Ao lngton bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, notes, contracts, mort gages (1st and 2d), equities purchased. F. H. LEWIS & CO.. 3 Lewis bldg. MONEY to loan on farm and city property, no delay. Nelson Bios.. Sb4 Lewis bldg. Money to Loan Keal Estate. BEE US TODAY for loans on Improved city property. 6 to 8 pr cent. $300 and up. CELLARS-MURTON CO.. 825 Yeon bldg $5uu. $1000 AND upwards on improveo real estate. Favorable terms; no delays; no brokerage. John Bain, 214 Spalding b dg. LOANS on improvea and unimproved city and suburban real estate, mortgages bought. W. H. Nunn. 448 Sherlock bldg. TO LOAN $30,000 OK LESS. FARR1NGTON. COMME RC1AL CLUB BLDG. MONEY to loan en Improved city property at current rates. Lawyer's Abstract & Trust Co.. room G. Board of Trade bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A. H. HARDING, 813 Ch. of Com. MORTGAGE LOANS at current rates. L. H. MAXWELL, 316 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE loans on real estate security. JVt . milinsa. ovg MONEY to loan on resiuence or Dusinesa orouerty. Phones Wood. 1561. C 2457. SHORT-TERM loans on real or collateral security. 207 Oregonlan bldg. jrtivc on real estate, diamonds and Jew elry. Win. Holl, room 9 Washington bldg. $65 000 OR part to loan on downtown In come iiii - i-2000 TO LOAN, will divide, property 111- TT-.iJr .mntlv. no brokers. Main K.141 " l-- ' - ohtvaTE money loaned on real estate mort- vrilov. room 204 Gerlineer hlrie SPecieo ym.... gage. rtaTE FUNDS, 6 per cent- W. E. Thomas Yent Multnomah County. 400 Ch. of Com. money any amount, 8 to 8 per cent, W. H Seltx ft Co.. 310 Spalding bldg. MONEY to loan on good security. 1.- W. TORGLER, 106 Sherlock ock bldg. .Tn-v mr,A warm loans, any amount. Henry C. Prudhomme. 809 Wilcox bldg. S4000 OR two $2000 loans on Improved real estate. Main 8429. Money to Loan Real Estate. ON KEAL ESTATE SECURITY wa LOAN $30.00 OR LESS. HART MAN-THOMPSON BANK. MONEY TO LOAN ONIMPROVED REAL KSTATE OR FOR BUILDING PURPOSES. VERY FLEX IBLE CONTRACTS. Ni COMMISSIONS. COLUMBIA LIFE As 'iKUST CO.. 916 SPALDING BLDG. TO LOAN. I HAVE PLENTY OF MONEY TO IX) AN ON REAL ESTATE SECURITIES AT S TO 8 PER CENT. EDWARD P. MALL. 300 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. LOANS from $1500 to $10,000 on good Port land security. HACKER THERKELSEN. 5U6 SpaldibK Bldg. Main 7M'. $1000 TO $100,000 TO LOAN. Portland City and Farm Property. Current Rates. MALL & VON BORSTEL, 104 Second St., near Stark. ON improved city properly or for building purposes, 3 to 8 years' time; liberal pay ment privileges; money advanced aa building progresses. The Equitable Sav ings ot Loan Association, 240 Stark st. MONEY to loan, sums of $2000. $2500, $3500 and $50u0; 7 per cent and 8 per cent; on Inside Improved property. M. G. Monlrozza, 228 Henry bldg. MONEY to loan, any amount, farm or city property. DRYER & DRYER, 204 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 82G4. WE have money to loan on your real es tate; first mortgages only. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. 423 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE loans on city properly; lowest rates. A. H. Birrell Co., 202 McKay bids.. Third and Stark sts. $2UO.0OO TO loan la sums to Bult; building loans; lowest rales. W. G. Beck, 315-310 Failing bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON. 229 STARK ST. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. " WE WILL LOAN YOU $io to 2oo today. On Your SALAKI, PIANO, AUTOS. STORAGE RECEIPTS, FURNITURE OH LIVESTOCK. NEW RATES. $ .30 Weekly Pays a $10 Loan. $ .70 Weekly Pays a -o Loan. $1.10 Weekly Pays a 5v Loan. Other sums in proportion. Full Rebate Allowed. RECEIPT IN FULL GIVEN In cast ot Death or Total Disability. PORTLAND LOAN CO., 413 Macleay Bidg. . Bet. 4ih and 5ui. on Wasb MONEY MONEY MONEY. We have plenty of money on hand which we are authorized to loan to sal aried people in amounta of $10 to loo. Loans may be paid in Installments as best -luits your convenience. We solicit a call and invite you lo investigate our confidential methods. We absurd you of courteous treatment and quick service. All we ask Is a fair return for our services. Call, telephone or write STATE SECURITY CO., 3os Failing Bldg. PRIVATE PARTY LOANS. On furniture, pianos, storage receipts, watches diamonds, jewelry, kodaks. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. 320 Lumber Exchange. . ELBI COMPANY. SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS. You cau get $5 to $loo today at cheap est rates, bent and most private terms la Oregon. D. D. Drake. 828 Henry bldg. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE, and others, upon their own names; cheap rates; easy payments; confidential. D. It. Tolmall, room oil A.umuer jiAcnanfep. A DESIRABLE place for ladies aud gentle men to borrow money ou diamonds and Jewelry at Kastern rates. Diamond Pal- ace, 334 wasniliKion, opf. " i - -p- . WE LOAN money ou uiamonaa anu jii at half the rates charged by brokers. Marx A Bloch. 74 3d st. IMMEDIATE and confidential loans on chattels mortgages bought. Bauer, 206 Alder st. MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewelry; trictly confidential. oo. . . MONEY sold on Installments; confidential; salaried people. F. A. Newton. Henry bldg. " Loans Wanted. ' WANTED 15.000. Wanted. $15,000 on good Went Side real estate security lor 6 jears. Tho security is ample. R. F. BRYAN. 508 and 509 Chamber of Commerce. ' LOANS WANTED! $14,000 wanted for 3 years at 7 per cent on highly cultivated dairy taim of ;I211 acres, worth $15.0011. It. H. Blossom. 316 Chamber Commerce. 1 WANT Jiltioo. 3 years, 7 per cent, ou my residence, value 411S00, no commlssiou. Owner, Ai' i--. vi aon"i. WANTED $24O0, on home worth $5500. 8 per cent interest. Call today. U.. 4.4 Hamilton bldg. - SOOOO at 8 per cent: $18,000 -valuation or can divide In amounts to $2500 or $2000 to suit; no brokers. M 3441. WANTED $1000, 6 months, 10 per cent In terest, realty security. U., 424 Humlltou building. , . WANTED $10,000 or $10,000 improved city property. jimu a.uu. IF YOU have money to loan or want to borrow see Mr, G., 424 Hamilton bldg. PERSONAL. HAIR HAIR HAIR HAIR. $12 34-lnch swllches $4.43 iii 0-incli switches 1.9o Halrdiessing --i Face lmissage , -o Shampoo Manicure. 25c. 5 for 1.00 12 scalp treatments 6.00 Superfluous hair removed by electrlo needle; guaranteed not to return. Cut hair in any shade; switches any length Prices half. Sanitary Parlors. 400-412 Dekum bldg.. 3d and Washington. ' GERMAN TRAINED NURSE AND MASSEUSE. Long experience, best references, treat ments for rheumatism and lumbago, etc.. massage und baths, 220 loth St.. between Main aud Salmon. Marshall 3033. Open Sundays. - SCIENTIFIC electro-magnetic treatments for' all nervous diseases, paralysis, lung and Btomacii troubles, rheumatism, fistula; nervous headache cured In a low mlnuies. oue lree treatment; consultation free. 602 Buchanan bldg.. 280liWaslimK ton St. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Heislngf oi s graduate rheumatism, nervous and stom ach aliments under physician's dlrec- ' tlons; baths, massage. No. 7 East 11th St.. second uoor south licru East Ankeny car- r n, - I.-..,, vim r ims iiue. ruuiic --. - . ibilVtil as uaiiuui, leading wis and toupe-inakers: finest stock of human hair goods; switches from 95o up; halrdressing, inauicunng, face and scalp treatments; combings made up lo order 147 7tb, near Morrison. Main 540. EIGHT years of unsurpassed success in treating sick men and women of Portland. 1 use radium, light, heat, every known electrical treatment. baths, massage, manipulations and adjustments. Dr. W. E. 2,1 a 1 1 o t y. naturu path, 312 Rulncllild bldg. Mrs. Stevens, 18 yrs. Portland's leading palm ist, has her late book, "Palmistry Maae Easy." on sale, 557 H Williams ave., cor. Knott. Olfice hours, 10 A. M. to 9 P. M. DRESS SUITS for lent Keep your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on, rips repaireu: $1.5o month; prompt cails and Oeliveriea. cuiu" .mm... a R.EV MRS. COON, spilliuai jncuium un healer; circles Tuesaay and Friday. 106 West Park. bet. Washington and Stark. LoRENZ Nerve Tablets restore lost vitality. 25c per box, B boxes $1.25. Stipe-Taylor Drug Co.. 2S9 Morrison st DIVORCES. S50 $1 down, $1 week. F'ree advice. Wood, 439 Chamber of Commerce. BEA.UTY culture taught by an expert; pri--vato instructions evenings. 601 Swetland bldg. MANICURING, facial and scalp treatments for ladies and gentlemen; open eveniuss and Sunday. 504 Swetland bldg. SPIRITUAL medium, Rev. May Price. Read ings, healings dally, circles Tues. 2, Wed. and Sun. 8;a04A Montgomery. Main 22i. rjfTs S C. MORRISON Steam baths and massage for rheumatism, lumbago, etc. 333 Madison. A 447Q, Marshall 3968. BOSTON graduate nurse, sanitarium treat ments, medical gymnastics. 387 Yamhill su, up one inguv, .qqo. .. vine OP YOUR COMBINGS. Switches, 95c; curls and puffs, 75c; San itary Beauty rariors, ueium omg. EASTERN trained operator gives massage. Ota bv., looiii - MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Sirs. M. D. Hill. - V 1 "cu"" QI--1B. lio. 324 GOODNOUGH BLDG., opp. P. O., 5th Bt. ; IirSt-l-haaa iianiunu, o , . .ngp .in.-n. MRS DR. WRENN, spiritual adviser; read- O . kT 1,1.1, X.-- -l-lll 114 lngs qaiiy. o . jom. ...i... , USE Basset's Native Herbs for constlpa- .i . ,-. ..ki.i. en -l1-.- li i i--1 1- irl t nop; line .poi.- -i-. .... - -1. BALM OF FIGS. Compound Royal Tonla Tablets, 006 xia.is sv. ruuun wu