(5 TOWX TALK TODAY. T-TPir Ifl TIIMTTR XniCJ..LI- ltth and KnrrfxM TONIGHT XrrRROW .pf.cil i-rick matin ke 'tomorrow Wfcrr Luaschsr Present EDDIE FOY In th Smuhlni Musirs.1 Bit. -OVER THE Rn tR." V Company and T Llttl. Keys. Cramers: $2 no. 11 so. 1 oo. 7so, 50c Tomorrow Hatlim: $1.50. 1.00. 75o. 60C box omrs opens todat. 4 Next Sunday Special Prle. Matlne. Wednesday. H. H. FRAZSE Presents All Star production FINE FEATHERS nonF.RT rntw- .- WILTON IACKAYK MAX FIG.MAJf BO.E COT. If TA X UlUrA ROBFRTSON AMUIA SntIM Evenlnge Low.r floor. 14 rows S3. 8 rows $l.J0. Haieony. $ rows $L50. 6 rows $L rws 73c 4 rows 5vc. Spe e'ai w.dnesdav matinee Lowr fioor IISI, (1. Balcony $L :. sOa. BAKER 53 I FATFR In A SIM Tha popular Baker rlJ era. Tonight.' All was. - greatest of all modern P-es. r, inn vtsrv" Trarr.atlsd rrflm tr.e famous novel. As BLayed by Wiiliam U. Crane. An Immense fiit alwajs. Read th. booic. th. P By; rnuin treat. Ev.nlng prlcea. .5. Ja, All Billw 3-h-. Nest "- Tl" eH. LATIN LX II AIL I. Mala s. A IMA. ihtsh crrriJA lorrrs Jlllllinri sad Miaya. Harry IeCoe Irea IVn-irry Millard and tain Girl From ibrrmao aod sir Harslry F.rl"OX TALKIXO FWTTHM. WILLIF RITCiUB Hal Stephens Vinrert at Lorn. NATnAL TRIO 'Is It man or ap.? 4 Velody Mouareas "Broomatlrlt' Elliott Van Cl.. Dnton aad Mule. Vet. A XT MATINEE bKAT lie. Nlabta. Itte. Me. WET K M T t Bad Asdrnos In eerlee af refined athletic xerei-s. M-rhr UIII. Frtila Alra. Brmin At Lwia. Martial A Trwiar. tlmll Hnrh A Cs Fan taaap. ortal Atlrartlno. Tha Moth Ihm l.lrla. ponular actors, mailar o". rinrra aad flrM row balrooj rrf. liom alfW aso-a from ! A. M. la 10 il. M. I'b""" A Main 4;.1t unaln ; 3 . 7.1. LYRIC VTEEK M.IT S The- Tr Camlc Orra I Mi pan j wlU praseat -TIIK LOVE CTKf A not af fna. A maairai bit. Tvraday nUht. atbJrtle rwntrat, t rlday atlht. chorus cirls caalsat. Frlraa. aicbta. 13c. :3c Matinees, any scat. 13c The Oaks Portland's r,rat Amusement Park. FRF.Fi ETITRTAIMET Thl Afternoon and Tonlfht t I 3J and S. . Oaks Hawatt.-ina. Inra S L'asililo. Prln; Ponna. f't-.elrra Urvtr.ii in S otrli Sons Owrna and Itr.r. Sourett. vir". and Omrnw. l'meUlana. Vil'. Kire .NuirrltV. TOXiOHT and Saturfiay and Sun day Afternoons ROTAI. ITALIAN HAD Cars at Irat and Aldrr. Launches Morrison bridge. BASEBALL BFCHKATIOX PARK. Or. Yamaha aad Treaty-fonrtb St a. SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND mat rr. ss is, so, si a.d jvms i. Caasea Besla ekdaya at 3:15 -P. M. J a a da 7 a. 3i3a 1". tl. LADIES' I AT FRID.lt. 1'ors l"nder II Free to ITleaeherJ Wednesday. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dally ar Sunday. Fee Llna. On tlass 15 rSBw ad twa eaaaeeallr time tie tana ad tbxe csa.rrntlto tlatea SOr rsm ad' six ar aetea laiiiiailrs times. Tba abas rates apply ta adeartlsemeat aader "Near Today- aad all atber claaairica tl.a. SJr.pt tba foUewtaat Kltaatlaaa Wanted. Male. Plraatfcaae Waated. Fecaale. Far Beat. Boasaa, FriTmla FaaBlllra. Bssajs and Board. Frirate t aaniUsa. lloBMAeeplnar Beams. Frltale Faailllea. Rat aa tb absit claaalflcatloas la 1 rata a Una eara laaerUoa. Whea ece adTerttseatent Is aat raa la roa saeaU baaea tba ane-tlaae rata appUea. Hi aere moras roast aa ana llna aa rasa advrrtlaeaieate aad aa ad roantad fo In. tbaa two Uaca. Oa "rbarced" adrertlarmrnts charge will aa bafil aa tba a umber af lines anpeartaa la tba paper, reaarcueae af thm umber af wards la eacb Use. ' Minimum cbarc. lines. Tba Oresaalaa will aerent rlaaained ad- II Iimii.iii aver tba tetephect. prarldlns: trio advertiser la a eubarrlbcr ta either pbone. a prtrea will be quoted erer the pnooa, but aiU srlU be rendered tba foUowlna day. A Hethrr sobaeqaent advertiaeaaeata wtU be aceepted aver lb phone depende apoa th preenplaeaa af lb paasaat af telrpben ad srrtisraieats. Bliaatiaaa At anted aad Fer aaaai adTertlsemeata wUI not be aceepted aver tba telephone Orders far aa Inaar tUs aaly will be aerepted for "Farnltar for Hale." "Buslae Opportanltlr,' "Boamlac baases" nad -Wanted ta Kent." Tba Orrxoalaa will not (narante aecarary ar a as tiros respaaalbillty for errsra eccuxrlos la taphaaed ad rertia meats. Tb Orrsoaiaa will aat be respaasthla for more tbaa one bacarrect lose n ton f any adTertlarmeat erderrd for more :haa en la "X Today" rbarsed by measar sll adrertlaeaaeata are Jt. 14 lines ta tb Ucb. Remlttasrea aitist arrompany owC-ef-towa arrfrrm. AUCTION SALXS TODAT. At Wilson's Anrtloa House, at 10 A. at. Forsltur. l- First St. Ford Auction House. 211 1st. Furniture, rarpeta. eta. sale at J P 51. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY ernes xo. tsws AvrxtE. cob- .R XAKklT stui:lt. Fbaae East 1431, B 2313. Horse araoulanc for sick or disabled animal st a moment's notice. Prices reasonable. Keport all rases of cruelty to th!a office. Open day and clsht- ns".-"' ,"'.'l v ' T'.,1 1 Kill .sss, i i i r or mi iab. i i . i Fine Ranch Close In TRADE FOR PORTLAND PROPERTY Stop and think what $125 an acre means for a fine, well-improved ranch 26 miles from Portland, connected by steam line; will be electrified noon as labor can complete. 55 acres, over half in culti vation, balance in fine "wood timber. Three acres of frnit, dif ferent varieties; some fine walnut trees," strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries and currants. The orchard is young and just commencing to bear nicely; crops and garden all in. The land is all tillable; no rock or pravel, just a deep, rich, mellow soil which never bakes or clods. Place is well fenced and eross-fenced; plenty good water, fair five room house, barn and several other outbuildings. A fine cow, 4 years old, 50 chickens, wagon, plow, har row, cultivator, disc, spring tooth harrow, buggy. Owner is in Portland now under physician's care. Come and meet him and verify the above facts. Only $125 an acre in a dis trict where land ia selling at $300 to $400 an acre. Only last week we closed a deal for 60 acres of land in the same 1 o e a 1 i t y f or $15,000 cash. We are offering this 55 acres for $C875 and will take $2500 Portland proper ty; $1500 cash, balance long time, 5 per cent, or will sell for $1500 cash. This is sure a good farm bargain. DORR E. KEASEY & CO. 2d Floor Chamber of Commerce BIdg. TEN ACRES TO TRADE IMPROVED RANCH ON R. R. STOCKED SoOOO Clear of incum brance. Trade for home in Portland. All in cultivation; six - room . house, with city water, small family orchard, creek and well, barn and out building's, all in good condi tion. Kight in a town of 1200 and within l1 miles of an other of 5000; stores, a plan ing mill, etc., within a few rods of farm. Owned by a couple of elderly people who wish to come to Portland with their children. If traded this week they will include their horse, cow, wagons, harness, chickens and all farm implements. DORR E. KEASEY & CO. 2d Floor Chamber of Commerce BIdg. Come Out Today if you want a home. See our bunga lows and eottages at Jiuitnoman Rnll Rnn water: beautiful view hoslrhfnl Kurroundinrs. We will build to suit your taste and means. You can buy a beautifully located quarter acre for the pnee or a lot ana ai easy terms T)nn hle-trark service soon to be inaugurated will make this the most popular of West Mue suouroan sec .ions fk-ent fnre hr the hook. Take Oreeon Electric ears, leaving Tenth and Hoyt streets at 8:30 and 10:25 A. M. and 1, 2:05, 3.2o and 3:40 P. M. today. You can take them also on Tenth st., or Salmon st., or Jef ferson station. Agent at Multuomah to show you around. The Western Securities Co. 730 Chamber of Commerce. REAL IRVIXGTON BARGAIN HOMES R. T. STREET 1IBXRT BlILDIXO. Edward E Goudey Iarerls Bel I dins. MORTGAGE LOANS per coat en "sat business properties. par reat and t per cent oa other cioee-ln bast, pees end residence eocurlUea, A SNAP ladd's"addition Lot on Ladd avenue, near Hawthorn avenue, with easterly face. Terms to suit. Address or apply t OUAER, 6U1 UHEIiOMO MtlLDIXG. Mortgage Loans If you have A-l Keal Estate security we can loan you any amount at lowest rates. C ALLAN & KASER 723-34 Yeaa Bids. Mortgage Loans Improved Property Only. Commerce Safe Dep. & Mortgage Co. SI Third St, Cham, of Com. Bld CITY & FARM LOANS $1000 and up at lowest rates, C. M. ZADOW 414 Carhetf Bid. A 1414, Marshall 3. CITY AND FARM LOANS Any Amount at Current Rates. JOHN E. C RON AN OS Spnldlns: Bids;. F-srtlaad. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS Oar Owa Maaew at Correal Kates. AVKSTER.X BOND dt MORTGAGE CO, Commercial Club Bids, Pert la ad. Or. TltK aiOKMXU OlCEGOMAy. rKlUAY, MAY SO, 1913. K B W TODAY. -,.,. RESTATE F" , HEAL ESTATE. j JL " " I ' tP ' 5c AND A CAR RIDE will take you to Gregory Heights Five cents is a small investment, the car ride is short and pleasant along Sandy road, now paved to Seventy-second street, our Greg ory Heights office. We will put our time against yours. For the money, we think we have the best buy in Portland today. It's what we want to show you. Come out today and see the House and Lot for $750 $15 Tier month ("including interest) buys it. House is new, not large but a very neat and attractive home. Well painted, papered, stained and piped with Bull Run water. Gas in street, ready for con nection. Lot is 50x100. Two blocks to cood carline. In good neigh borhood. We will show this today. Take a Rose City Park car to our office at Seventy-second street. Gregory Investment Co. NOB HILL Fine Residence Best Home in the District Modern 11-room home on a ' corner, conveniently located for a physician desiring to be close to the hospitals. It is only 2 blocks from the car in the heart of Portland's ex clusive residence district. Lot 50x100 feet, with hard surfaced streets. , The arrangement of the house is ideal. It has recep tion hall and four large rooms on first floor ; hardwood floors, four fireplaces, dining-room with built-in buffet finished in cherry; four light, bright rooms on second floor finished in white enamel ; two baths, 3 rooms on third floor; full cement basement, with furnace, fruitroom and serv ants' quarters; garage, with cement floor. One who knows a comfort able house must see this. Terms to suit. DORR E. KEASEY & CO. 2d Floor Chamber of Commerce BIdg. ALBERTA ST. SNAP Nice bungalow, rented for .15. on a business lot on Alberta, near 11th. Worth $2500. Our price for quick sale (2000. H cash. GRl'SSI et HOLDS, SIS Board of Trade bids;., 4th aad Oak. CITY & FARM LOANS Loans of $1000 and up at lowest rates on Good Improved City or Farm Prop erties. If you need money call today. Our installment payments ar attractive, A. H. BIRRELL CO. 03 McKay BIdg, Third aad Stark Sts. $550 30th and Knott Corner lot. Knott la hard-surfaced nearly to this street, and values are advanclna rapidly. Buy from owner and save commission. Terms. AS 84. OREGON I AN. $65,000 at G Tor On or Two Loans. SEELEV CO, Mala add. 301 Board of Trade PRIVATE MONEY To Less oa Portland Realty. Current Rates Quirk Action. IEELLV A CO, 301 Board of Trad CEMETERY BEAUTIFUL MOUNT SCOTT FARK Portland's Perpetual - Care Cemetery. Large. Permanent. Modern. Both phones alX-ROOM cottsge, lu minutes irom heart of the city: plenty shade and flowers: very reasonable rental. Call at 71$ E. 11th St., or phone Sellwood 757. REAL ESTATE DEALFRS. Beck. William O.. 11S-1 Falling bldg. BRURAKER. C. L. at CO.. loans. S17 Rail way Exchange bl.'.g. Main 5. Cbapln at Herlow. 3:t2 Chamber "f Commerce Jennings A Co., M:iln !. -Ott Oregonlan. PAI.Mh.R- JONES CO.. H. P.. 404-4o3-o Wilcox bldg. THE Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand ave, at Multnomah St. (Holladay Addition.) KKAL ESTATL. For Sale Lota. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. If you want to buy on Portland Heights, see me. I have about SO per cent of the property for sale up here In my hands and have not one dissatisfied customer. BROOK E Elm end 22d sts. Marshall 4827. A 2S30. 60x100, BETWEEN Belmont and Hawthorne, en K. 47tn: Deautliui surrounaings arm Ideal conditions for your home, near Mt. Tabor School: will sell for $200 below surrounding values; essy terms. F ts. uregonian. . Law ' JJ lo V XV 1 .J -J V . 140x100, finest view property on ridge, Woodstock, to quick taker $1200 cash, balance $10 per month per cent. H. Garden, 203 Franklin Court. Vancouver, Wash. . WE HAVE two beautiful view lots on Portisna Heights, nice for bungalows. Will build for you on easy terms. But-terworth-Stephenson Co.. owner, 705-4-7 Couch bldg. Mar. 179. A 4851. LOT I In block IS Westmoreland, on East lath St.. near By be. 6u0; biggest snap Id Portland: owner out of city, needs money at once. Call $7$ Pins st. Phone Main 1711. , $5UO LOT FOR HM. All cash. Fine corner near 8. P. car shops. Also hsve $SO0 lot In Waverleigh Heights for $580. sll cash. Fred W. Ger man Co.. t"S2 C. of C. Both phones. WIDOW LADY'S SACRIFICE. Adjoining Mt. Tabor Park, las feet on Belmont. Worth $10,000; will sell much 1-ss. Phone Marshall 821st WOODLAWN Lot SOsloO; .'.-room house; berries, fruit snd roses; close to csr. 144 Winona, near Dekum. Snsp. $850 GOOD city lot. Woodmere Park; 5e fare, one oi oca can. r. acitri.uu, aw Teon bldg. LAL'RE-LHUr.ST equltlea In view lots st sscrlflre. Main Kilt. WEST SIDE) LOTS. $500 EAST TERMS. GREEN HILLS. Nn lnt smaller than R0xl2O In size and as large as halt an acre at corresponding prices, very . easy terms and Inducements to home builders. PORTLAND HEIGHTS has yielded larger profits for the amount Invested than sny property in Portland. GREEN HILLS is the last large subdivision on the upper Heights and presents an un usual opportunity to the home builder and InvAMfnr By reason of the natural lay of the land and contoured streets making large building sites, heavy grades are enminaiea and make or ureen mus uie most oeuu tlful nronertv on the Heights. There are both city and vnlley views and any buyer can be suited; look it over before selecting your homeslte. GO I'P TODAY. Take Council Crest car, get off at Hewett station, waia wesi to office. J. ' G. RATNEY". " 600 Teon BIdg- ' Marshall 31T7, A 8466 CHOICE BUL1DINO LOTS ON WEST SIDE. Olenelyn Addition, restricted district, fnslda a-mlle circle, commands an unob structed vievr of Tualatin Valley and Mount Hood; walks, graded streets and Hull Run water in and Included In the tirlce: Fourth-street line runs In front of nronertv. the electrification Of. Which will be completed by August 1. This will be the finest carline In the city, which will greatly enhance the values. Euv NOW before the advance takes place. Prices range from $360 up. Select your lot and wa will build to suit you for a small cash payment down. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANT, Sd floor Selling bids. BEAtTTFTTL view property on West Side, overlooking the entire city and mountains. T rooms, all modern. Will sell 'Jr $500 cash and easy munthly paymenta. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANT. 2d floor Selling bldg. HOMES. I Kara 15 home sites In Piedmont dis trict; 20 minutes from center of city: all improvements In; one block from park. II blocks from high school. 4 blocks from llbrarr: fins view. This la a restricted dis trlcu I will build a home for you here on your own terras. Mr. Renter, don t miss tms. can aiain nw, ass. tor jui. Keeley. IRVTKOTnV T.rTfl No liens to assume: 50x100. 21st and Klickitat, $1523; KOxlOO, corner 17th and Stanton, $5000; 75x100, corner Braree. saTOft: TOO-i 100. corner Thompson. S520O luuxlOO. east facing, 16th, $-4500: 50x100. Kt faclnir. ltllh. 11550. R. T. Street, 220 Henry bldg. The Irvlngton real estate man. LAURELHURiST. We anecializa on this beautiful prop erty, we handie no other, we handle the best that is for sale, we know laurel hurst and can save you money; Laurel hunt is Just what you want. You can always find us at the tract of fice, 38th and Kant Cillsan sts. $o0 CASH will buy a fine lot on Parkway streets, near lactory nisiricu It '00 will buy s beautiful building alts or. We S!de In Uss than one rr.);e of city postoffice: tbre canines. zjd xumner mens Bark bldg. R. T. STREET. IRVINOTON LOTS. Lots near car, $S76; $5 monthly. Owner, 720 Chamber of Commerce. Mam lioo. 1KVINGTON LOTS OUR SPECIALTY. NBUHAUSEN A CO. MAIN S07S. For Sale Beach Property. TILLAMOOK BEACH. 'Mnke the trln Saturday, fare $3. Grand surf and lake bathing, boating. fishing. I will sell to enterprising roan or woman the prettiest modern bungalow at Ocean Lake Park, 4 cash and on terms. Also appoint the right person agent for loo cnoice lots ao you can jjy m c-vm-mlsalon on sales. ACT AT ONCE. Dr. Swain. 516 Dekum bldg. $75 CASH takes a 113x100 lot, worth $150: 2 blocks from Ocesn Side station. 214 miles north of Long Beach. W ash. Ah llll. Oregonlnn. For ball -H oases. ,ni itH stin nov. $3100 HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $3150 MUST BE sSOLD THIS WEEK. My tf-rooin bungalow, with all modern conveniences, equipped with electric fix tures, shades, gas stove, linoleum on kitchen and bathroom floors; the attic is anlohed oft and could be used lor sleeping porch. This Is one block from school. Remember to be sold this week, not at m v nrii-. hut a, a rreat sacrifice. Come - out and see it furnished. Built 8 months a to. 11 OS East Harrison. Hawthorne car to 3Rth. 3 blocks south. Phone Tabor btH B HIBD. THIS IS SOMETHING FINE. 5 rooms and den, with Inlaid hardwood floors, veneered paneling, beamed celling. oeauuzul mantel, artistic iirepiace, piai.t cluss windows, elesant buffet, and l dream of a kitchen. It Is the very best of material and workmanship, in line dis trict and convenient to car. Mr. Slvwrlght. Tabor. 4469. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME? WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY. BUILD APARTMENTS,. Rrl DENCE OR ANYTHING. PLANS FREE. WE APE RESPONSIBLE. WE KNOW HOW. TALK TO OUR CLIENTS. SEE OUR WORK. WILL GIVE BONDS. L. R. BAILEY A CO., CONTRACTING ARCHITECTS, ABiatiTUA BUJH, AUTO WANTED AH PART PAYMENT ON MODERN 6- ROOM HOUSE ON CLACKAMAS FT. : HARDWOOD FLOORS. FIREPLACE. FURNACE, FULL CEMENT BASEMENT. ALL Bl ILT-1 t.U.Vt.ML.l.S, . 1 , TRICE $4500. CALLAN A- KASER. 722-24 TEON BLDO. NEW e-room bungalow, hot and cold Bull Kun water. Datn, toilet, etc.: sleeping porch, with built-in bed; grand view rrsded streets and sidewalks: So fare West Side. 'JO minutes out; $1400: small ruh payment, balance easy. Phone own- er. Main 449. tlftoO ALBERTA SNAP $19.'0. $2500 modern 5-rm. bungalow for $1950 near '2 cars; east front, full basement. cement door, electric fixtures, rooms tint ed; must sell, home broken; terms. Owner, H61 East -JSth N. (Alberta car). MY ATTRACTIVE MODERN BUNGALOW Moving East; will sacrifice for $1000 or more itrst payment; oeauiuui yara and roses; come and look this over and make an offer. Owner. 1123 E. Harrison st. Tabor 2251. WE B'IlDnItTaSY PAYMENTS. WE FURNISH PLANS AND MONEY AND BUILD YOUR HOME OR APART MENTS. ETC. TAYLOR BUILDING CO.. SOS M'KAY BI.DC... 3D AND STARK STS. $2250 FOR SALE. 5-room modtrn bungalow; lawn, flow er. 15 minutes" rloe; a biff sacrifice. Phone mornings. Main 512; afternoon. Wood lawn -057. MOiJHN bungalow, A moms and attic room, in Hawthorne district; paneled dining-room, beamed celling, btmt-tn buffet, etc.; will sacrifice. Phone Tabor 1474. MAGNIFICENT HOME. 739 Halsey St.; 0 rooms.' 2 fully equipped bathrooms. 8 toilets: finish oak snd mahog any: garage. East 273. W. H. Herdmunn. IRVINOTON home must be sold. Owner gone East. Modern 7-room and sleeping porch house on 23d between Brazee and Knott, terms Eait 8208. BARGAIN In a stx-room modern house with garage; near business center and conven ient to high school and grade school snd two carllnes. AO 122. Oregonlan. LEAVING JUNE 1 MUST SACRIFICE. My elegant 7-room $7000 Laurelhurst home will be sold below cost this weak; FOR SALE Cosy 4-room house, 4 lots, sll kinds smsll fruit trees and berries, close to car, 20 minutes out; price $1300, terms. J bl, Oregonlan. FOR SALE Exclusive home in Irvington, eight rooms, modern In every respect; ga rage and only one block from car; bar saln for quick sale. -East 764. I AM going to sell my new Mt. Tabor home for $12ix less than you could buy the 2 lots and build the house. My price Is $4iho. pnone raoor z.Mi. st once. LARGE home, with nearly acre of Im proved grounds, at a very cheap prtca, on Mount Tabor. Marshall 700. G-ROOM bungalow, built In conveniences! shades, screens, rangs. sll connected, $1W)0 and terms. Woodlswn 703. FOR BALE by owner, modem 4-room house; lot 50x100. st Myrtle Park, nesr carline. $9.60. Terms. A 4153. MOVING to Canada. Will sacrifice home, modern 7-room bungalow. Rose City Park. Phone owner. Tabor 233S. WILL sacrifice my $1600 equity In a mod ern 7-room home In Rossmere for $500; must sell. Columbia 411. . 'tRVINGTON HOUSES OUR SPECIALTY. N EU HAL'EEN A CO. Main 8078. R. T. STREET. IRVINOTON HOMES. BUNGALOW IN HAWTHORNE FOR $1900. 4-room modern bungalow in a fine residence district, has all the mod em conveniences, electric fixtures, shades, full cement basement with cement floor, Dutch kitchen; all rooms are large, bright and airy. It's a fine home and $100 will han dle it- Balance $20 a month, which includes interest. DORR E. KEASEY CO.. 2d Floor, Chamber of Commerce Building. PTVH ANDERSON BUNGALOWS Under construction on 85th near Lincoln St.. half block from car; take Hawthorne ave. car to 55th St.; one of the Ave la ready for sale at $3650 and easy terms; these bungalows are artistlo and strlotly up to date; hardwood iioors m an iuwui etc See them today. TONY G. ANDERSON, 32S Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Phone Marshall 337. $1500 $100 DOWN. MODERN 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. Here's the beat buy yet. Less than a block from the car. this model little home is a 5-room plastered bungalow with bath, toilet, lavatory, Dutch kitchen, bullt-ln buffet, built in ironing board and the late wrin kles; window shades. On the lot is a good chicken house and run, several fruit trees. The lot Is fenced; $100 takes it. DORR E. KEASEY & CO., 2d Floor. Chamber of Commeroe. 1 RITXOAI.OW SNAPS. One nice, brand new 4-room bungalow with gas. electric, bath. etc. on E. 24th. near Hoigate; price a snap, $1850. Easy terms. Another on zotn on po at $2100. Easy terms. GRUSSI A BOLDS. 81S Board of Tcade Bldg.. 4th snd Oak. v . . . . . . . , ,.nom i r n . r l." tvecepuou nan, ii,iue-iuviii, - Ing-room, buffet, sun room, Dutch kitchen. place, fixtures, shades, lawn shrubbery; easy terms, owner, pnone g uio. For Sale Acreage IMPORTANT POINTS TO CONSIDER WHEN BUYING LAND. 1st SOIL; 2d TRANSPORTATION ; 3d PRICE AND TERMS; 4th CONVENIENCES. This combination of features we offer TAti nn tha Mount Mood Electric Line from Portland to the Sandy River, aend for our book, "Little Farms" ana -wording Acres." UMBDENSTOCK & LARSON CO., 288 Oak st. Main 7750. 10,000 SQUARE FEET OF LAND, INCLUD ING IMPROVEMENTS, AT GRESHAM. $225. Reduced cost of living with a positive future in the Investment, $5 monthly. Two carllnes from 1st ana Aider. UMBDEN STOCK & LARSON CO., 286 Oak. Main 7760. REBUILT AUD REFINISHED Second-hand cars for sale by THE WINTON MOTOR-CAR CO.'S PORTLAND FACTORY BRANCH, at 23d and Washington Streets. Wlnton Sixes. 2. 4, 5, 7. 12, 16, 20-pass, Stevens Duryea, model Y, 7-pass. Packard S. 7-pass. Losler Little Six, 2 or 4-pass. It. C. H., 20 H. P. Peerless. 7-passenger. We have also listed for sale the follow, lng cars. Buick. Chalmers, DeLuxe, rni,iin A vtRsel TTsr. Mitchell. 4 and 6- cylmder National, Overland, Ford and Locomobile. T.ut ehanres daily. Full description. prices and photographs furnished on re- quest. DLJUJllrt norae. n . ;,iiftr-.ii. . ' ' Mount Hoou ijino at sanoy ttier, wmim easy rencn ui x-un.tuw. - -- Oregon can be found within so limited an area, ma iiiwimc. " - ... . - to offer and a location close enough to fered with and city pleasures enjoyed. me cut luni n t." -uwi " " xnere are omy . . from one to seven acres each, at $150 to $250 Compare the location with land near the ocean and you will select "Edgewater." The difference In carfare will pay for the land. UMBDENSTOCK A LARSON CO., 286 Oak St. 10 ACRES, $300. $10 DOWN. $5 PER MONTH. Buys 10 seres of logged-off land, one mile from the rellroad station, town and the Columbia River. The soli Is free from rock and gravel and none of this land overflows, some of these -tracts have running streams on them, these tracts are Ideal for cnicicen runcnea or amr? iu poses, perfect title and warranty deed. BELL REAL ESTATE COMPANY, 212 Railway Exchange Building. t irnc FOR $550. mcDuc fin nmvsi AND $5 PER MONTH Buys 1 acre or level, irriuo cleared and free from rocks, and gravel, three blocks from the M--. Hood electric elation at Gresham. Oresham Is 12 miles from Portland, has three main county r.ri. ninnlnir Into Portland and a popula tlon of 1000 people. You will have to see this land to appreciate it. BELL REAL ESTATE COMPANY. 212 Railway Exchange Building. iiiM-su NKSTRICTED DISTRICT. rooms, lot ouxivu, uvui, two carllnes. 15 minutes to business cen ter, hardwood floors, mahogany borders Inlaid. 7-ft. Durrei, cui-iuo uwu. sleeping porch, don. fireplace, furnace, folding doors from dining-room, reception hall coatroom, large basement: terms; also' will take lot. Main 4144. forenoons. WE own and offer for sale 30.10 acres of the oest imiiBwi ... - County. Cel., at $150 per acre, with good terms. It. is highly developed, with 1000 acres In growing alfalfa. 750 acres grain. acres orchard and three sets of build inss. For further particulars sddress 7-h.rles A. Stanton A Co.. Inc.. First National Bank bldg.. Pan Francisco. Cal. ELECTRIC LINE, eight blocks station; chicken ana imu . ...v...- ...... , new subdivision near Gresham; a seres. ,400 $500. $700: 8 acres. $500. $700; 10 acres $750. $000. $1000 per tract; best soil, free wood, spring water: acreage at Scappoo-e, Or.. $25 to $100 per acre. FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY, CO., 309 Yeon Bldg., Portland. 16 ACRES, unimproved land, half mile east or Koetne axanou. fc"" ".f well located for subdividing; 40 minutes' ride from First and Alder sts. Price $500 ner acre. Address W. L. Starkweather, owner. Route 1, Mllwatikle. Or. HALF ACRE. $475. $10 down. $5 monthly: extra fin soil. Oregon City line. 25 minutes out. A. C. iL..;-r. 202 Wilcox bldg. Main 3517. a ACRES near Courtney, Oregon City car, .11 i.a,. amsll house and barn: beauti ful view,' good water, within S miles of h..iness center of Portland. S0!9. Owner. room 11. Mulkey Mdg.. 2d and Morrison. SUMMER home site, one hour from Port- . . . . . 1 , . a viih ihuda tea.. i.1ma to electric station and river; $300; $5 per montn. at wieaoumii. FOR Quick sale. 1 acres m c.t , ., m its. near car, -uu --, v. Oregonlan. nv nwNER. S acrB, new fl-roojn houe. 5? '- .tT-c.-.-.a TTi At-f rlr near hr n . Tints w re. i , j - .--'. -' - -- Orenco: price $2750. P 81, Oregonlsn. HERE'S A TEN-DAY OFFER OF UNUSUAL MERIT. A SACRIFICE GOOD FOR TEN DAYS ONLY. Ws are authorised to sell five tracts only near the town of Gaston on your own terms for ten days only. Prices range from $160 to $185 per acre and tracts range In sise from five to twenty acres each. This property is located In the MOST FAVORED SECTION of the famous Tualatin Valley and is all under cultivation. The soil Is practically Inexhaustible, very rich and loamy, and Is peculiarly adapted to garden truck, fruits of all kinds, potatoes, etc Part of the land is level, part rolling, with a good county road on two sides. Property 1s surrounded by highly improved farms, some of which have recently been sold for $225 to $300 an acre and cash at that. THINK OF THE CHANCE, MAN! And know that this Is one In a thousand to acquire an ideal little farm on your own terms at an absolute bargain price. THE FOURTH -ST. S. P. LINE, now being electrified, passes within a mile and a quarter of the prop erty, while the Oregon Electrlo la only a short distance away. On the property Is a school and a quarter mile away Is the Laurelwood College, so the question of your chil dren's education la solved. No trades can be considered at the re markable prices quoted. We want a few good, intelligent men to take up this proposition, and we'll guarantee to do all in our power to malto .them prosperous and satisfied. Come and see us and If you are from Missouri we can prove every thing we say. G. H. KLEINSORGE CO.. 418 Board of Trade Bldg. SUMMER homes at "Edgewater" on the Mount Hood Line at Sandy Kiver. wunin easv reach of Portland. Nowhere else in ilr,Vnn fjn fee found within so limited an area the pleasures this beautiful spot has ' to offer and a location close enough to the city that business will not oe inter fared with and oitv nleaaures enjoyed. There are only ten tracts at Edgewater, from one to seven acres each, at $150 to 250. Compare the location with land near the ocean and you will select Edgewater." The difference in carfare will pay for the land. UMBDENSTOCK A LARSON CO., 286 Oak St. IMPORTANT POINTS TO CONSIDER , WHEN BUYING LAND. 1st SOIL; 2d TRANSPORTATION: Sd PRICE AND TERMS; 4th CONVENIENCES., This combination of features we offer you on the Mount Hood Electric line from Portland to the Sandy River. Send for our book, "Little Farms" ana "work ing Acres." UMBDENSTOCK ft LARSON CO. 286 Oak SL Main 7760. 10.000 SQUARE FEET OF LAND, INCLUD ING IJIPKUViSillilNXS, Al brxsnAii. $225. Reduced cost of living with a positive future In the Investment, $5 monthly. Two carllnes from 1st and Alder. UMBDENSTOCK ft IARSON CO., 283 Oak. Main 7750. AT OAK GROVE; four to nine acres, two blocks from car, 9o fare, 30-mlnut. serv ice, rich soil, no rock or gravel, running water, tartly cleared, natural shade trees; an Ideal country home site, on State highway. $1000 per acre, one-half cash. C. W. HAYHURST. Owner, 240 Stark Street. 20 ACRES STUMP LAND. ' Perfectly level, fine soil, close to a good business town, with High school, bank, creamery, newspaper, etc. 1 milo to R. R.. store. P. O. and 8 prpdc school; large sawmill with plenty work at good wages. Price $700; $70 cash, your own terms on balance at lift Interest. ALVORD A- CO., 218 Board of Trade Bldg. SCAPPOOSE ACRES. Just 25 miles from Portland, along the railroad: deep, rich soil, no rock or gravel; fine water. Sold In tracts of 7H to 25 acres from $25 to $05 per acre, on 10 per cont cash payments and easy monthly installments. Being so near to Portland means a rapid advance In value for those lucky enough to buy at our present prices. Homes be ing built and land rapidly being cleared for crops. We show this land every day. Litera ture on request. Photos in office. LUEDDEMANN. RULE Y A CO., 918 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE. Twenty acres of land, rich soil, 17 acres cultivated, small house, water, nice oak grove, one and one-half miles from Hills boro, on carline; $250 per acre, terms. Main 2657. , WHOLE acre of ground and cosy 4-room plastered nouse ana outouiiuings, oniy half mile from Evergreen Station, Oregon City car, $1500. Terms. Owner, room 11 Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison. CALIFORNIA LAND Send for. catalog Properties in an counties. aiuaoie. re liable information. C M. Wooster Co., Phelan bldg., fan r'rancisco. (16 o a oiuin will uuy uijr - QbiH, at, under cultivation, fronting electrlo line; Mt An 111 4-lMvnnlan fi Irrigated Lands. YUBA Valley. California, irrigated land. ready to- plow; free water: as:t tor toiaer. A. M. Hlghhouse, 441 Chamber Commerce. Homesteads. FARMERS and land owners, if you wish to sub-divide and sen in smau tracts to those who will Improve; I can sell your land for you. Experienced, reliable and in touch with good class of buyers. Write AG 124, Oregonian. m WANTED Good homestead relinquishment; give price ana ail particulars in ursi let ter; cash deal. K 71. Oregonlan. RELINQUISHMENT. IflO acres, Tillamook County. - SO acres tiiiaoie, improvement, $100 cash; no trlflers. AD 189. Oregonlan. NOTICE TO HOMESTEADERS. We are surveying some Government homestead lands and are able to local, you on the best the slate affords, wait good roads, close to railroad, school, ton it good water: wlil grow any klud of fruit or grain. Call and see us at Room 4, Oak Hotel. Portland. J. II. Shlveiy. J-'or Sale Ferma. FARM LANDS , IN CENTRAL BP.1T1CH COLUMBIA. ALONG THE GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC HIGHWAY. -The railroad will soon be completed, giv ing settlers main line transportation; au army of men are rushing the work that 1( may be completed In lnu. The laud along this new railway is unsurpassed for fruli. mixed farminK. gardenmu. dairy and slock farms; no irrigation. Summer rains, pea vine and wild grasses to horse's back, ri !l soil; good climau'. tine drinking water, beautilul rivers and lakes, wild frull. lisu and game in abundance; thousands will a into the country when the railway Is com pleted. We sell the best valley land in al! slie tracls at a low price and on unusually easy terms; can give guaranteed title to every acre we sell; over 100 utereoptlcou views of Central British Oolumhla free. Everybody welcome. Call week das; will show views evenings by appointment. For maps. Government reports, field notes and full information call or write W '. A Stock ton, district salesman for the NORTH COAST LAND COO.. LTD., Paid-up capital, tl. 500,000. 824 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Portland, Or. FINE STOCK RANCH. 1000 acres in one of the beat stock sec tions of Eastern Oregon; about 50 acres of line alfalfa land, with abundance of free water for Irrigation and stock pur poses: all plow land neceJuary :o raise required feed; all fenced and subdivided Into tour pastures; large double barn, house, etc 100 HEAD OF HORSES. All tools on the place; 8 miles from town: price $10 per acre; very favorable terms will be made ut 6 per cent, 'nils property is being sold to close an estute and is a bargain that i ftl utand strictest Investigation. ALVORD fc CO.. 21S Board ot Trade. A GOING POULTRY FARM. This splendidly equipped and modern poultry farm, located but 25 miles from Portland, on good transportation, may be had at a low price and on easy terms, be cause owner is ready to install larger plant on adjoining land; Includes 5 acres richest kind of soil, all under cultivation, one acre In bearing orchard, all fenced; good now 5-room house, brooder-bouse, 2000 capacity, hot water heat: laylnp house, looo capacity, and incubator-house with equipment to 800 capacity; every thing new and in good condition. Located in live community, with school, church, store and postoffice within 2i'0 vards of plant; .J2500 is the price and ue will include stiff licent stock to start; $710 will handle and the balance you may have long time to pay. Come In and arrange to rse this Sunday. C. W. Davis A Co., fio Commercial block. HERE'S A GOOD BUY. 05 acres 23 miles from Portland, near R. R. station; has all rural conveniences. 70 Acres Bottom Land, nearly all tillable, 30 acres in cultivation and crop; house, barn, etc; orchurd; river crosses one corner; Fine Trout Fishing. Price $7500; will take some unincum bered property aa part payment. ALVOKD & CO.. 218-219 Board of Trade Mdg. ALFALFA AND HOGS. You can't beat the combination I have a remarkable selling proposition with alfalfa and hogs as the foundation; as a money-getter you can't beat it; I will sell half Interest for money enoucli to stsrt It; I know the business. AG 124, Oregonian. OREGON CITY SNAP. 20 acres S. E. of Oregon City, all in cultivation and crop, good 5-room house and other buildings. 7 acres fine bottom land. $1500; terms to suit. PROVIDENT TRUST CO., 2d floor Selling bldg. 100-ACRE stock farm near Molalla; 20 acres In cultivation; orchard, poor buildings; all good land, running water; team and some personal property Included, $30 per acre. Wlil take city property or smaller place as part payment. AP 121. Oregonian. MUST sell 30-acre farm, 3 miles from Port land; 4 acres In bearing fruit trees and berries; 9-room house, large bsrn, team, cow. 14 hops. chickens, Implements; widow with failing health. Call Marshall 1939 or 739 Chamber of Commerce. . 622 ACRES, WILLAMETTE VALLEY. 40 miles of Portland and lhi miles to R. R. station; 125 acres in crop; one of the best, at $115 per acre. See me about it. Jesso Hou.on Co., 219 Lumbermens Bank bltlg. FINE CHEAP LANDS IN WASHINGTON. ALONG THE "NEW LINE." For particulars, write Immluratlon Bu. reau, C, M- 4i St. P. Ry., 537 Henry bldg.. Seattle, wasn. BEAUTIFUL farm, within 10-mlle circle. u- . sm..Ia ,l,tinn V..tf mil. oo iin.1 - - - - river front, $15,000; consider part ex change. Address owner, r vv, oregonian. FOR HALE 2 acres of laud on Oregon Electric, all In cultivation and level, for $225 full acre, from owner. Main 22t. 3S7 1st. WRITE today for price lists descriptive of farms in Eugene district. Great Wesieia Land Company, inc., rjugene. or. RANCH, fio acres, with buildings; 18 miles irom foruauu, m,i weni m ., . i- i. . - ........ - -i en Uni-plinn .1 lor an cau. xj ifwhi, i-j.. SO-ACRKS improved: fruit, alfalfa, grain; ....... .am,, a fn ilh.p ,nnn Itli-Ain. ,tHJV, t J . . u. w. " property. Guyer Bros.. Dufur. Or. BY owner, 160-acre farm In Saskatchewan. W. Curran, 209 10th st. WANTED KEAL ESTATC WANTED 6 or 6-room house on Rose City i?.-,,,mAn, ,.1-lln. for rash: miut be way uiiuwi 1 1 -" 1 1 ...... . - - '- lars. AL 123. Oregonlan. WANTED Lot In Rose City Park; must no number or no attention paid. S 86, Ora- goman. WANTED Small bungalow, near car, on easy terms; responsible party. AL 121, Oresonlun. t WANTED Lots at 6and Lak. by the Sea; give best price for cash. AP 122, Ore gonlan. I AM looking for a 53000 bungalow In the Rose city Park district. t-.n pay ouu cash. S 73. Oregonian. 6-ROOM modern house, the best that $3JO0 cash will buy. near jencrsen itiga ocuooi. Alt 122. Oregonlan HAVE client for bargain In 5-room modern house. AM 124, uregoniaiu IF YOU want to buy. sell or exchange realty see Mr. t,., 4-4 namuion oiuk. FOR SALE TlrlBF.lt LANDS. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRACKEN,- 31 McKay bldg. AM tired of paying taxes ou my liio scr-. timber. Jackson county; who waiuo i leal snap? AN 59. Oregonian. ilLETZ timber for sale. A J 123, Oregon Mil. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. WANTED To rent small farm, close in. where lew cows can oe Kepi, u o wr- FAK.MS WANTED. I HAVE $2000 cash to pay down on a farm from 20 to o" acres. in ii w.a. gage for balance. Just arrived and have come to stay. Must get settled within the next two weeks in time to plant late potatoes. Send full particulars and di rections how to get to your farm. S 74. Oregonlan. CASH BUYER; 40 acres. or more in cultivation, buildings, cows, team, tools and other stock, cream route, within 75 miles of Portland. Easly, Chapln-Herlow M. A T. Co. . FARMS WANTED We have actual buyers lor farms in e..i.hi vieaw.i. - be near railroad. Write full descriptions. Great Western Land Co.. Eugene, Or. FOR RENT FARMS IMPROVED 10 acres, 2 acres berries, ready to pick. $20 Henry bldg. Near car. TO EXCHANGE ABOUT $125 equity In lot worth $S00. with some monev to exchange for motorcyclo In good condition. AN 122. Oregonlan. WILL exchange Irvlngton Income f'.st prop erty, always rented, for clear- city lota F. E. Bowman & Co. TWO lots and house, on paved St.. for sale or trade for acreage. not over $lu00. Address155Fliiko sUPortland. V ILL take good 1912 or 191R auto In ex change for real estate. State price In fl st letter. R 91. Oregonian. j CRES, all under cultivation, to trade tot city property. AK 122. Oregonlsn. .VHAT have you to trade for 16 lots In Coltiendale. Wash.? AT 123, Oregonian. SO ACRES, 8 lota, Oklahoma City: value $6800 to trade. 406 Vancouver ave.