2 THE MORNING OREGOXIAN, FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1913. . 13 r i TODftY'S CALENDAR OF SPORT FILLED Baseball. Tennis, Yachting, Polo, Cricket, Racing, Row ing and Cycling Feature. TEN EVENTS SCHEDULED Decoration Day Programme to Open With Morning Came at Ball Park and With Tennis at Irrlnirton. Amateur Out In Force. SPORT CALFOAR roR DECORATION DAT. 10:J0 A.M. Baseball. Coaat Lesfue. Portland Ban Fran cisco, at Recreation Park. 10:10 A. M. Tennis, atart of Pprlng handicap at Irving-ton Club. 1:10 P.M. lUniMi races. Riverside Driving Club, at For est Grove. 1:30 P. L Yacht races. Oregon Tacbt Club, 'Willamette River, near Oaks. 3 P. M. Cricket. Portland vs. "Port of Caledonia." at Cricket Park. East Slaty-seventh street. 2:10 P. it. Baseball. Coast Leaa-ua. Portland vs. Pan Fran cisco, at Recreation Park. S:3o P. St. Motorcycla racas at Country Club !:.0 P. It. Annual rowing; re ratta of Portland Rowing Club. Willamette River. 3 P. M. Baseball. Multnomah Club va. Oreron Agricultural Collece, at Multnomah field. t P. M. Polo playera from Waverly Club and Vancouver Barracks tn special Kama at Waverly- Country Club.. London: O. O'Brien, Leander Swimming Club. London; E. R. Sherwood. Otter Club; J. Fox, champion of Sheineia. The events will be 60-yard. 100-yard and 400-yard daabes and likely a half mile. "The meet will start at 8:S0 P. M. and should be a corker." said Instruc tor Arthur Cavlll last night. "I know of nearly all of these English cracks ana 111 e y are eiperu iu tuv Assies to Play Mere Today. Portland followers of holiday sport need make no complaints anent the ab sence of their partlcuiar brand of ath letic recreation today, for the calendar discloses ten events of eight varieties. Here they are: Baseball, tennis, horse racing, motorcycle racing, yacht rac ing, rowing racing, polo and cricket Of these baseball scores heavily with two games of the Pacific Coast League and a college Bet to Involving Oregon Ag ricultural College and Multnomah Ama teur Athletic Club. The athletic day will be opened at 10:30 o'clock at Vaughn-Street Park with San Francisco and Portland con tinuing their baseball struggle of the week, and on the Irvlngton Club ten nis courts, with the first matches of the annual Spring handicap tourna ment. Then eomea the afternoon, with its medley of attractions. ... The Irvlngton Club tennis courts will witness many of the Spring handicap matches during the day. the schedule commencing at 10:30 o'clock calling for play In every class. ... The baseball contests will be both amateur and professional. The ama teurs. Multnomah Club and Oregon Ag ricultural College, meet at 3 o'clock on j Multnomah Field in a return game. Hedrlck and Gleason will form the bat tery for the Winged "M" men. Tha morning game at Vaughn-Btreet Park, between Pan Francisco and Port land of the Pacific Coast League will be the first pre-luncheon affair of the 1013 season In this city. Following the 10:30 meeting the clubs will clash again at 3:30 o'clock. Vancouver Barracks -and Waverly Club playera will meet In the polo match scheduled for 3 o'clock on the Waverly Club field. Sides will be chosen, rather than tha game bringing the rival forcea together, for the first workout of the season on the Portland field. Sunday afternoon the soldiers and civilians will meet In the first real match of the Portland season. a Motor-bike enthusiasts are predict ing the ahatterlng of a world's dirt track record at the annual race meet of the Portland Motorcycle Club on the Country Club track commencing at 1:30 o clock this arternoon. me craca la In excellent condition for record per formances. and Brant and Maekell. two of the speed klnga of the Northwest, will be among those to send their racing machines around the course. Graves, a well-known professional, holds the record for the Portland track, a mile In 4J seconds, but Brant nego tiated a mile In 43 seconda last Sun day. The yachting season will open today, the Oregon Yacht Club celebrating the Inauguration with a aeries of aquatic competitions starting at 1:30 o'clock. The ceremonies start at 11 o'clock, when the houseboats of the club mem bers will be thrown open to visitors. The class B yacht races for the chal lenge cup. now held by the Sparrow, canoe, motor-boat and a number of freak events, will be ataged In the Willamette. The course for the class B yacht race, the feature of tha day. will be three miles long, starting from the foof ot Ross Island and ending at the Sellwood ferry. The prospective start ers: Virginia, Grayling. Sparrow. Spindrift. Kenosha. Spray. Swallow, Naughty Girl and Fore-an'-aft. . The annual Decoration day regatta of the Portland Rowing Club Is at tracting much attention and the shore line of the Willamette, near the Oaks, promises to be crowded with spectators to witness the series of races which commence at 3:30 P. M. The races start at the end of Uawk Island and finish at the beat club fleet. Tha Portland Cricket Club team and a team from the British ship. Port of Caledonia, will meet in a return cricket match at - Cricket Park. East Sixty seventh street, at 3 o'clock. Portland won the first match, but the sailors have a stronger team lined for the competition today. a The Riverside Driving Club's Initial matinee of the season will be staged on the Forest Grove track, but many Portland people are planning to take the trip to the scene of the meet. Three races will be presented, a free-for-all pace, a free-for-all trot and a 1:25 pace. BI(T Swimming- Brent Billed. Swimming competition of an Inter national flavor will be featured in the Multnomah Club tanks Saturday night. Frank E. Watkins. head of the aqua tic department of the Wlnged-M club, has arranged for a dual meet between the Portland cracks and a team ot English champs and near-champs here aboard the British naval training ship Port of Caledonia. Mankurtz, Lew Thomas. Klernanand Lindberg will likely represent the Multnomah Club. The English future Admirals are: S. B. Dodson. champion of the North of England: A. C. Week, rhamplon ef the English navy; R. C Brodle. Maidenhead Swimming Club. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE Corvallls. Slay zs. tsspeciai.j Air strenuous week's tussle with aulas and final examinations the O. A. k m v ii am will arrive In Portlai Friday noon for an afternoon session with the Multnomah Club nine, oen nie" Culver and Weller will open the game as the Aggie" battery. The other positions will be Iilieo oy ine regulars .ki. - 4,.t lyinf r - Hiitt at second, Smith, short; Fryer, third; Shaw, left field; Robins, center, and Glalsyer, right field. McMillan and aioreiana win k the trip as substitute pitchers, and Groce and Tammeriano as uumy suu BUD JILL FIGHT GROSS M 'CAREY MAKES GUARANTEE AGREEBLE TO FIGHTER. Donald Says Between $5000 and $6500- and Percentage of Gato Receipts Is Not So Bad. Order has emerged from chaos In the lightweight boxing mixKiie on tn Xi,,A A u mrmnn h VanCOUVSr title ...fH.t fcaa flnallv rlAaM with Leach - T..iv a m t v.rnnn Promoter McCarey. of Loe Angeiee. aiarmea .k . n. Tlmn... .PATfmtn fix r II iiiq ruvu, va m"; .... Francisco, to pit Bud against Tommy Murphy, raised 2n hla guarantee yes terday ana ine ai i i' ki"'j closed. Manager Donald did not give out the terma of the guarantee but It Is . j . i . t - n no nA Iftfino. with perhaps a privilege of. a 30 per cent craca at m iwuac That leaves the road clear for . the championship matcn Deiwern mio Ritchie and Joe Rivers at San Fran cisco July 4. - . "We shall demand that Cross weigh In at 133 pounds at noon." said Manager- Donald, who Is a sharper and . i i .nAW . n piv,l fi.tlf. anion urc.urr iuiivw t.m. ...... - are -willing to Imagine. "Cross -Is. a v. i v -.1 n f .nln. tn talCfl LMMS UVJ MIU " n. uv. - chances on him coming heavy. T kl . 1. o.iaranta la I.rirer than any rising lightweight hae received In several years.- aooeu .Manaaer uniu. Ritchie was the guest of Gay Lom bard and Dave Honeyman at dinner at the Commercial Club. As an appetiser the latter boxed four fast rounds with the champion at the Multnomah Club. Billy Nolan, Ritchie's manager, re ceived a telegram from Promoter Eddie r .. c C-a n.lB. nntlfl-lno- him that he will not come north to 1 Orlianu, DUt will remain in oau Cisco. "Articles will be signed Tuesday for the Ritchie-Rivers fight at San Fran cisco," said Nolan. BEARS PLAY 16 INNINGS BrCKS LOSE 1TARD - FOXTGIIT GAME AT WALLA WALLA. Fitcliner, for L Grande, Sets New Trl-Stale Record by Fanning J 7 Boise Men. League records were broken In West ern Tri-State Thursday when Walla Walla and Pendleton played 1C Innings to a Walla Walla victory, to 3. The tam went two to two until the 16th, Baker beat North Yakima 3 to 2 and La Grande beat Boise 7 to 1. At Boise the. Irrigators got one In the first and quit. La Grande added two In he second, two In the fifth, one tn the eighth and two In the ninth. Fltchner- for La Grande broke league records by fanning 17, he walked Ave, R. H. E. R. H. E. Boise . .:..l 3 liLa Grande. .7 11 0 Batteries FInley. Johnston and Card; Fltchner and King. It was a pitchers battle at Pendle ton. Walla Walla made one In the third and Pendleton tied It tn the fourth. It went one to one until the tenth when each made one. In Walla Walla's part of the Kth Johnston hit. Lundstrom sacrificed him to second, Davis walked and Brown beat out an InneVd hit. tilling the bases. Harmon hit a high fly over second and Augustus, shortstop, and Daugherty, left fielder, did the Alfonso and Gaston act until the ball was lost and the two winning scores came In. The score: R. H. E l R- H. E. Walla Wa..4 IS 2Pendleton. .3 10 0 Batteries Welsh and Brown; Feet and Byrnes. At North Yakima Baker bunched hits getting two singles two doubles and a a.crince In the fourth, scoring three. North Yakima got but two hits, but with errors and live walks got two runs. Jensen, for Yakima, allowed but one walk, that being after he wis hit hard In the fourth. Good fielding stopped the score. The score: R. H. E.I R. H. E. Baker. . .3 Taklma..3 J 1 Batteries Woods and Cress; Jensen and Taylor. Answer to Query. G. L. Hoffman. 20 Grand" avenue North No. Jamea Britt has never held the lightweight boxing championship. OREGON SENDS 8 Hayward Puzzled in Choice of Team for Conference Meet. FOUR DISTANCE-MEN TAKEN SIcClure, Hoggins, McConnell, Kay, AVlndnagle, Fee, Parsons and Cook Go to WalU Walla, bnt Only 7 Will Be Entered. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene, May 29. (Special.) Trainer "Bill Hayward and eight followers left today for Walla Walla to attempt to bring home another Northwest conference championship at the six-cornered con ference meet Saturday. The eight athletes who were picked as likely to collect the greatest. possible number of points for Oregon were: Captain McCIure. mile and two miles; Hugglns. mile and two miles: McCon nell. half, quarter and relay; Wlnd nagle, half, quarter and relay: Kay. 100. 220 and relay; Parsons, broad Jump and relay; Cook. Javelin, discus, shot and relay; Fee. high hurdles. hlsrh lumn. nole vault and Javelin. The limit for any team In the con ference meet Is seven men. This will mean that one of the octette which makes the Journey to Walla Walla will hot enter. However, Hayward was so mystified concerning the disposal of his various stars that he decided to take. this, number and pick his team after he arrives on the scene. Same Rule Holds for All. The other colleges will be subject to Ihe same regulation,, and it Is after slxtng up the opposing tesms and figuring Just how his men will place In competition wltn the as represent tives of the other colleges that Hay ward will make his elimination. Who will be dealt Into the discard is therefore an open question, but In all probability It will be .either Kay. Par sons or McConnell. Kay Is fast, es pecially In the furlong dash, but in competition with Sprinters like Cooke. Kinder. Bloomaulst. Turenne, Baker and Crltes, he cannot be counted on for many points. McConnell nas a gooa chance to run second to Wlndnagle In the half and both ho and Kay are vaiu o Kia r.t,v men. Parsons Is - handi capped by lack of versatility, but if Hayward can see nim ior a win in w broad Jump he will not draw a release. More than one good man has been left behind on account of the necessity of using the pruning knife, Netll, who lut aeaann had no master on the Coast in h inveiin throw, has been forced out by the remarkable performances of rhtlllps. or Idaho, tnis season, x no best Nelll oould do would be to pull a second In his specialty, unless runups suffers a reversal of form. Heldenrich, Oregon's best discus thrower; Boylen, a fast sprinter and hurdler; Stuller, with a good high Jumping record, nd numerous other likely point winners must stay behind. Hayward la Confident. Regarding Oregon's chances, Hay ward said today: "Oregon has the strongest team In the conference. We have easily defeated o. A. u. ana wasn lngton. and. Washington has shown herself to be the superior or wnn man. Washington State and Idaho. However; It Is impossible to predict the result when so many teams are concerned. Luck will play a big part In the meet. A comparatively weak team with a few stars may make the best showing. "Oregon will either win hands down or lose by a narrow margin. Washing ton and Whitman seem to be our strongest opponents. Our chances de pend on the showing of our distance men. I have heard that there are darn horses expected to beat McCIure In the mile and two miles, but If they do they will have to break records, that's all. ATHLETIC RECORDS REVISED Hayward Has Plan to Hare Official List Kept by Conference. Present slipshod methods of filing Northwestern College track and field records will be dealt a body blow at the next meeting of the conference heads. William Hayward. coach at Oregon. was a Portland visitor last night en route to the conference clash at Walla Willa Saturday, and while here An nounced that he would move for the appointment of an official record com mittee. "Those now published as official rec ords are not at all complete," said Coach Hayward. who came supplied with data covertng many Irregularities. Nearly half of the records, In fact. are" faulty." i Hayward says that five sprinters have tied at 9 4-5 seconds In conference meets Kelly. Nelson. Huston, Martin and Baker. McCIure should be credited with the 880 run in 1:59 1-5, instead of 2 seconds flat. "In the 440-yard dash Nelson, of Washington State, did 49 3-6 three years ago," added Hayward. "Moores. too, should be credited with a tie for the 220 hurdle title, for he soared over the sticks in 25 1-6 back in 190. Gil bert, of 'Pacific, is credited with the pole, but Williams, of Oregon, did 12.2 in 1910, and that Is a record." Hayward's revised list of ' records, which will likely be adopted should the conference name a record commit tee, follows: 100-yard dash Kelly, Oregon, 1906: Nelson. W. S. C. 1910: Huston, Oregon, v G3RTERS ) No mefal J There is a big difference in men's garters. They may look, alike, but they don't feel and wear alike. Paris Garters have in troduced all the best things in men's garters. Wear RflRIS GARTERS 25c - 50c A. Stein & Company, Makers Chica(.o and New York 1910; Martin. Whitman. 1908; Baker, O. A. C, 1913. 4-5. 220-yard dash Kelly, Oregon, 1907, 21 8-5. 440-yard dash Nelson, W. S. C. 1910, 49 3-6. 880-yard run McCIure, Oregon, 1912, 1:59 1-5. One-mile run McCIure, Oregon, 1913, 428. " Two-mile run McClelland, Washing ton. 1913, 9:50 1-5. 120 hurdles Hawkins. Oregon, 1812, 15 2-5. 220 hurdles Hawkins, Oregon, 1913; Moores, Oregon, 1906, 25 1-5. High Jump Grant, Washington. 1904; Bowman, Washington, 1912. 6 feet inch. Broad Jump Kelly, Oregon, 1906, 24 feet 21A inches. - Pole vault Williams, Oregon, 1910, 12 feet 2 inches. Shotput McKinney, Oregon, 1907, feet. Hammer -throw Zaclxarlas, Oregon 1907, 155 feet 7-10 Inch. Discus Phllbrook, Whitman, 1908, 1S1 feet S Inches. . Javelin Phillips, Idaho, 1913, 186 feet. Relay Oregon. Johns, McConnell, El liott and Kay. 1910. Both the Oregon and the Oregon Ag ricultural College track squads stopped over In Portland yesterday on the way to Walla Walla, and. to show that the rival Institutions are on friendly terms, the athletes occupied the same sleeping car. Coach Hayward expects to win the meet by a wide margin. "We will either lose by a few points or win by a big score," said he. COXFERE'CE ENTRIES GIVEN Track at Walla Walla for Big Meet Is in Fine Condition. WALLA WALLA, Wash., May 29. Entries for the Pacific Northwest Col lege conference track and field meet, which will be held here Saturday, were announced today. They include teams of seven men each from the six con ference schools as follows: Idaho Phillips. Morrison, Whltten, Dingle, Ankhorn, Downln. Scott. W. S. C. Love, fchultz. Diets, Coke, Mc Croskey, Powell. Wll!tam. U. of O. McCIure, Cook, Wlndnagle, Fee, Kay. Parsons, Husgins. Alternate, McCon nell. rt a r .William, XTeiranal A. Walter. MiMelins, Baker, Reynolds, Woodworth. Al ternates, LAIKy. uoyis. - U. of W. Turrane, Clyde, McClelland, Williams, Edmond, Bowman, Harrison. Al- -.,,., Vfnli'.a nil frlta. Bowers, H. Bowers, Fistes, Dreer. fair weatner seems ass urea. a ne track is in the best of condition." George M. Varnell, of Spokane, will be referee. GRAMMAR. SCHOOL CHAMPIOXS HAVE CLEAX SLATE. Montavilla Team Loses First Game but Leads for Five Innings. 4 City Title Is Captured. Final Standings Grammar League. W. L. P.C. Chapman 3 0 1.000 Montavilla 1 -6"7 Lents 0 2 .000 Peninsula 0 2 .000 The Chapman School baseball team won the 1913 grammar school cham pionship of the city yesterday when It defeated the Montavilla balltossers 12 to 6 In the deciding game of a three game series played by the winners of the four league sections. This contest was to have been played Monday, but the managers of the teams decided to play It at an earlier date. . The Montavilla team appeared dan gerous for the first five innings, lead ing 5 to 4, but the heavy Chapman batters. Parks, Noonan and Fisher, got In their deadly work and hit the of ferings of Morrison and Montavilla to all points of the lot. Harper, the speedy catcher for Chapman, who In jured his finger in a recent game, played, despite bitter protest by his teammates and played superb ball. Noonan occupied the mound for the vic torious nine. The Chapman batters collected a total of 18 safe swats. The Chapman nine will receive a sil ver trophy donated by the Honeyman Hardware Company. De Oro Defeats Horgan. ! SAN FRANCISCO. May 29. Alfred n.flrn won the three-cushion billiard championship of the world from John Olds, Wortman & King Entire Block Morrison, Tenth, West Park, Alder 5N Decoration Day In Keeping With Our Usual Custom This Store Will Remain Closed All Day Today See Evening Papers for Saturday's Special Offerings in All Departments of the Store Horgan In the concluding game of a series here tonight for the Lambert diamond trophy. The final score was 150 to 120. The Cuban challenger won each of the three games. Tonight's score was BO to 49. MR. HEUSNER, if you don't intend to sell the railway franchise you want, for personal gain, why didn't you incorporate the city's provision against Sale, Transfer, Lease or Merger, without the city's consent, which was in the franchise offered you by the city? Remember the Mt. Hood franchise fiasco. VOTE 103 X NO against the Heusner Franchise, written by himself. PEOPLE'S RIGHTS LEAGUE, By T. A. Linthicum, Secretary. (Paid Advertisement.) FOR T HE SUMME R DAYS when the palate is tired of heavy meats and soggy pastries, try Shredded Wheat: with Berries or other Fruit a dainty, delicious delight, wholesome and nourishing and easily prepared. All the body-building elements in the whole wheat grain made digestible by steam cooking, shredding and baking. Ri'nrf a natural, elemental food" Shredded Wheat combines deliciously with berries or other acid fruits, forming a meal that J i a.i r i supplies uie iiuuiiamug miu laxative Qualities so essential rxTS.iXr -jry . . i: ClmmmC to health m Summer. Heat one or more Biscuits in the oven to restore crispness; then cover with berries or other fresh fruit; serve with milk or cream and sweeten to' suit the taste. Requires no baking or cooking. Nourishing, healthful, appetizing. Make Your Meat Shredded Wheat Made only by The Shredded Wheat Company, Niagara Falls, N.Y.