f VOL. 1,111-XO. 1G.334. PORTLAND. OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY' 30, 1913. PRICE FIVE CEXTS ALBEE REITERATES ATTITUDE ON LABOR To Heal Breach With Capital His Hope. RECORD OF FAIRNESS CITED Stand in Legislature Pointed To as Policy if Elected. WOMEN FIGURE IN MEETING Mr. J. D. Spencer, ma Chairman. In troduce Dr. C. II. Chapman, Who Urges Defeat or Rushlight, Call In Him 'Crafty Politician.' ALBEE WILL OBSERVE HOLI DAY. H. R. Albee. candidate for Mar or. will cease all political ac tlTlty today. Much of the time will be passed with hla own fam ily. His father, who waa a cap tain in the Twenty-third Michi gan Volunteers in the Civil War, la at the beach, it being hla cus tom to paaa several months each year there with hla wife. Mr. Albee, will participate In the services of the day In the decoration of grave and this afternoon will take some veteiv ana out for an automobile ride. Tomorrow night Mr. Albee will close his speech-making cam paign in Greene's Hall, Wood la wn. "How do you stand on organised la bor and free epech 7" was asked of H. R. Albee. candidate for Mayor, by a woman at the close of a mass meeting In the auditorium of the Lincoln High School last night, at which Mrs. J. IX Spencer acted aa chairman and Mrs. Frederick Eggert, president of the Portland Woman's Club, and Dr. Esther C PohL occupied seats on the plat form. 1 am glad that question waa asked.' replied Mr. Albee. amid deep alienee. "I shall take it for granted that K la asked in all sincerity and I shall answer it In the same manner, served two .terms In the State Lesrlsla tore. Both onsen there waa a com mittee from organised labor present both times they reported me to their federation aa being fair. "Now, this is a big question and I want to go Into It a little bit in de tail. The demagogue Is abroad In the city and Is making a very loud nolaa just at this time. There are radicals la the ranka of all classes. Aa David Ha rum said: tinman narnre la about the same wherever you find it. but some seem to have more of it than "there. Some. I it. jr. are more radical than others In all licas of business. Between the extremes In capital and labor Is the great middle class , to which you and I belong. I want to see the breach between capital and labor sealed. C1o a Sh9 ary Irt. "If I become an official of the ctty I shall work very hard and earnestly to bring this about. I believe In fair nrss. and If we apply that to this, as to every other question, we shall en counter no trouble." Tt has been said that you favor the Vloeed shop," suggested another wo man. "Well, some man said that. but. as my office Is upstairs In a building. I think he had some one else In mind, replied Mr. Albee. I have gone into that question, but. I think, it Is cov ered by my general proposition of fair ness my hobby. If you apply fair ness to this question. It will meet the test and work wonders. I shall en deavor to do that in this, aa in all other things. If elected. I have always tried to treat every one and every propost tion on just that basis. A large number were present at the meeting. Mr. Albee was in excellent humor and several times had hla au dtence laughing. He received a big reception when he appeared on the platform, waa loudly cheered when he was Introduced and at the close of his speech, which waa punctuated with witticisms, be was again applauded. After that he met personally hundreds rf fice present and shook hands with th'm. Rlahta Wonsew Deelared. George W. Caldwell opened the meet ing by saying that, inasmuch aa there are 3. 000 registered women voters, it Is right that they should have a prom inent part not only in the election, but In the campaign, aa well. He Introduced Mrs. Spencer, who waa cheered when ahe came forward. With but little par ley and with every confidence, ahe In troduced Dr. C H. Chapman, who laud ed the new charter and declared that It ran only be successful to the best extent by the complete cleaning of the slate, carrying with It the elimina tion of all those who now hold office in the City Hall. He declared that Mayor Rushlight Is a crafty politician of the old school, who represents all that is bad; that the vile elements of the city are solid for htm and that the enly war to put Mr. Albee in and Rush, light out is for the voters to glvs Mr. Albea their first choice, but. If not all of them will do that, to east their sec end or third choices for Mr. Albee. After Dr. Chapman, and. la fact. Mr. Albee. too. had finished speaking, and Ceaciodd ea Jrage a.) . i i i WIFE UNDERGOES ORDEAL OF FIRE GAIAICIAN" CUSTOM INVOKED BY srsnciors spouse. Death Follows Effort to Prove In nocenco fcy Torture Borne for Time With Fortitude. WINNIPEG. Man, May 2. Annie Zahrtuk. aged 10 years, died today Trom burns sustained after kerosene had been poured over her body and set on fire. Her husband Is accused of the crime and has been arrested. It i. ht the burning of the young woman is in accordance with a Ga ll clan custom. The police say Zahrtuk. accused bis wife of unfaithfulness and to prove her Innocence she consented to the ordeal Tf aha screamed It would be an admit tance of her guilt. She Is said to have borne the agony In silence ior somo time and then rushed out of her home and called for assistance. She died a short time later after telling- her story to the neighbors. FIRE FOUGHT ALL NIGHT Copperfleld Loses Six Buildings Valued at $80,000. BAKER. Or, May ' 29, (Special.) vmr-w available man. woman and child . r-nnnerfleld worked nearly all of last night to save the town from destruc tion and to coed the fire after iso.uuv TnaA been dona Six buildings were destroyed. Including the Allstead Hotel, Samuel Aklln's general store, m. K Vesevlch'a saloon. M. Stewart's res idence and two smaller buildings that were not occupied. The furniture of M. Denham, on the second floor of the Aklln store, waa burned. The fire waa raging In the Nezevich saloon when seen by Mrs. Denham shortly before midnight. The cause of the blaze is unknown. Only part of the losers carried Insur ance and none of the losers could tell today whether or not they would re build. The heaviest loser Is O. J. All stead, whose hotel Is comparatively new. Ills loss 1 estimated at $15,000. STATE JOB GIVEN TACOMAN Frank C. Morse Appointed Member of Board of Control. OLYMPIA. Wash, May 29. (Special) Frank C. Morse, ex-asslJtant post master of T acorn a and Assistant State Land Commissioner during the Ross administration, has been appointed by Governor Lister as the Republican members of the Board of Control to succeed A. E. Cagwln. of Kelso, who will be relieved from duty June 1. Morse and. 8. A. Madge, assistant to J. H. Schlvley, ex-State Insurance Com missioner, were rivals for the post. There are now two Democratic and one Republican members cm the board but as yet no secretary has been named. L. H. Darwin. State Fish Commis sioner, today announced that J. P. Bur chara. of Kelso. Immediately Would suc ceed Clarence White, of Cethlamet. as Deputy State Fish Commissioner for the Columbia Ttlver district. Ralph Watklns. of Cathmet. now is servlnx as engineer on the state fishboat in the Columbia River. INDIAN MAIDENS ARE FREE After Chiding Court Sends Trio Back to Chemawa School. Bark at their booka In the Chemawa School, three young debutantea of Indian society will ponder the sound ness of Judge Bean's warning against tampea,4v with United States money orders. The Federal Court yesterday heard their plea of guilty and decided to show mercy. Ida Kennedy did the talking for the trio. She and Lucy Quelette and Christina Pablo admitted altering money orders which their parents In Montana had sent them. 'We needed the extra money." Ida told the Judge. "We knew It wasn't exactly right, but didn't think It was so very wrong." After telling them what a aerlous offense it was. the Judge gave them a fatherly chiding and let them go for the time being, bidding Superintendent H. E- Wadsworth. of the Indian School. to see that they offended no more. Otherwise the trio will be punished. SCHOONER HIGH ON BEACH Randolph Drifts Ashore on Failure of Engine at Gold Beach. GOLD BEACH. Or.. Msy 29. (Spe- elaL) The schooner Randolph Is high and dry on the south beach, near here, the result of the failure of her en gine aa the vessel was entering Rogue River. The cargo Is being taken off and it is expected she will be floated Ith the next high tide. The cargo, consisting of cannery sup plies for the Wedderburn Trading Com pany, has not been damaged and is fully covered by insurance. HIGH LIVING COST HITS ZOO Price of Meat for Animals Rises Al most Two Cents a. Pound. The high cost of living scored an other victory yesterday when the Park Board awarded a contract at 6i cents a pound for meat to be furnished for the animals at the Washington Park xoo." The firm that had been furnishing the meat at 44 cents a pound for 10 years recently served notice that it must have the Increased figure or dis continue the contract. The price of fish remains the same, I cents a pound. F L Senate Orders Inquiry Into Charges. MEMBERS TO BE EXAMINED Character of Representations Made to Be Sought. PRESIDENT IS WILLING Committee; Directed to Make Report Within Ten Days Xo Opposition Shown but There Is 'Sharp Debate) Oxer Terms. ' WASHINGTON. May 19. After a sharp debate over terms, the Senate adopted a resolution tonight Instruct ing the Judiciary committee to invest! gate the charge that a lobby Is being maintained in Washington or elsewhere to Influence pending legislation, with particular emphasis on its efforts for or against the Underwood tariff bill now before the finance committee. The resolution was in direct t-tsponse to the statement made by President Wilson that an -jsldlous lobby with plenty of money was operating against the tariff bill. President Wilson in his talk with newspaper correspondents today de clared he was in sympathy with the proposed Investigation and would be glad to furnish the names of the lobby ists to whom he referred, if "public necessity required." , Report la Tea Days Ordered. I'ni'jr the resolution, the Judiciary committee is directed to report its find ings within 10 days and bearings prob ably will begin at once. The resolution directs the committee to report the names and methods of lobbyists and the bills or Items If In the tariff bill they are "seeking to change. The names of Senators to whom rep resentations by ' "such person or any persons," were made and under what circumstances, all persons to testify under oath, are demanded. Whether any Senator la financially or professionally Interested in the pro duction or manufacture of any article mentioned In the tariff bill will be In quired into. President Aaked to Help. The President Is respectfully invited to "aid the committee in Its Investiga tion by giving to it any Information in his possession." relating to the lnvestl- t Concluded on Pas 2.) WILSON TO URNISH 0BY5TS NAMES i i i i (sr. ;i i n. v-: v i i i .rii i tui i lv in a 1 tsi a, -t g i i --t- jrww m m v j hit it INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. TESTER HAT'S Maximum temperature. 71.8 decrees: minimum, 48.2 degrees. TODAY'S Pair and warmer; northwesterly winds. Foreign. Wife undergoes ordeal of fire to prove in nocence. Face 1. National. Judge Gary extols business methods of Steel Corporation, page a Postofflce committee attacks ex-Postmas- ter-Oeneral Hitchcock's administration a one of "false economy. Page 2. Senate orders Inquiry Into Wilson's tariff . lobby charges. Page 1. House puEzled by problem of equalising duty on cattle, wheat and oats . and their products. Page 2. Domestic Rains around Superior and Duluth cause heavy damage. Paf 5. Man arrested In Montana for killing General Thomas Francis Meagher In 1S67. also confesses he killed three men la Oregon. Page 1. Many witnesses testify as to Roosevelt's so orlety on trips. Page i. Union paclflo board offers two unmerglng plans. Page 6. High living cost Invades Bohemian and other clubs. Page 1. Von Klein tiavellng westward "on honor." Page 2. Sport. Pacific Coast League results: fan Francis co 5, Portland 2; Oakland 1, Sacramento 0: Lo. Angeles a, Venice 0. Page 12. Northwestern League results: Seattle 4, Portland 3 (13 innings); Spokane 8. Van couver 3; Victoria 1, Tacoma 0. Page 12. Iecoratlon day sport calendar la well filled. f'age 14. Hayward puzzled In choice of team for Conference meet. Page 13. Pacific Northwest. Flood waters receding In some - parts of Northwest. Page 3. McMlnnville street paving fight Interrupted by continuance of Mayor's trial. Pago 7. Stato and Federal dairy experts give advice to Tillamook farmers. Page 6. Parklson files petitions asalng referendum on university building appropriations. Page 6. Ten men bound over to grand Jury for riot ing at Oswego. Page 4. . Commercial and Marine. Royal Mail Line agent says Portland Is ter minal. Page 18. Government to return big dredge Chinook to Columbia Kiver bar. page is. Oregon hop crop Is making good progress. j'age iv. Hot wave sends up wheat prices at Chicago. Page 19. Stock traders at sea as to new Harriman plana Page 19. Whotnsale houses report broader demand. Page 19. Portland and Vicinity. Club women Inspect plant of Union Meat Company. Page 20. Albee again defines attitude on organised labor. Page 1. Memorial da; programme arranged. Page 20. Rushlight Is msde absurd in Oregon Pally Journal. Pa e 8. Proposed fund for firemen's benefit ex plained. Page 14. Sleeta found not guilty in libel case. Page 14. Eddie Foy's show "grer.t" is popular verdict. page 4. Mayor Rush"-,'.!, explains increase ef taxes. Page a. Oregon and Washington students to compete In debate. Page 11. Weather report, data and forecast. Page 14. RECTOR'S GjOES BANKRUPT Noted New York "Hotel and Restau rant Fails for Half Million. NEW YORK.- May 29. Rector's has failed. The corporation operating a hotel and restaurant of that name. one of the most pretentious In the theater district, owes nearly half a million dollars and has assets of not more than $50,000, according to an in voluntary petition In bankruptcy filed by creditors today. Judge Holt, in the Federal District Court, appointed Edwin C Ward re ceiver. UNCLE SAM NEVER FOJ.GETS. COLONEL SOBER ON TRIPS IS EVIDENCE Court Follows Trail to Wilds of Africa. DEFENSE HUNTS FOR FLAWS Attorneys Alert to Show Wit nesses Not Always With T. R. WINE CELLAR DESCRIBED Phlllp Roosevelt Pays Uncle Rarely Used Contents Plnchot Is Heard. Trial Not Expected to End Before Another Week. MARwurJTTE, Mich., May 29. After four days' proceedings In the suit of Theodore Roosevelt against George A. Newett, an . IshDemlng editor, who chai -ed the plaintiff with drunkenness. chai -ed It vl s weekV' indicated tonight that another ould be consumed in complet ing the case. Tomorrow being Memorial day, court adjourned until 9 o'clock Saturday. Colonel Roosevelt said that he had no plans for tomorrow except that he would not participate In public func tions. ' Re expressed regret that he could not address the veterans, but took the position that as a party to a suit pending, he ought not to take any action which might be construed as unethical. Colonel's Path Trailed. Attorneys Pound and Van Benschoten for the plaintiff, and Belden and An drews for the defendant, followed to day the Colonel's trail through nearly every state In the Union, across the Atlantic, through the Mediterranean Sea, the Suez Canal to Africa; through the wilds of that continent back to K oum, through some of the capi tals of Europe, and back to Oyster Bay. figuratively smelling his breath for traces of liquor. Substantially, the testimony' was a repetition of that recorded at previous sessions: that the "Colonel floes touch liquor, but so rarely and so lightly that he is, in the eyes of witnesses. virtually a teetotaler. Those who testified today were An drew W. Abele, ex-railroad fireman of Ohio; ex-Judge A. Z. Blair, who dls- franchised hundreds of Ohio voters for selling votes when he was on the bench; Charles Willis Thompson, a New York newspaperman; James H. Garfield, Glfford Plnchot. Lawrence Abbott, owner of the magazine of which the plaintiff is one of the editors; Edward Heller, naturalist of the African hunt- concluded on Page 3.) HIGH LIVING COST KEEPS ON SOARING BOHEMIAN" AD OTHER CLUBS RAISE IXITIATIOX FEES. In Face of Increases Ranging From 50 to 400 Per Cent There Are Long AYaiting JLlsts. . SAN FRANCISCO, May 29 (SpeciaL) The high cost of living and the cost of high living have reached the popular men's clubs In San Francisco and Oak land, according to members. Although the initiation fees of such clubs as the Bohemian, the Claremont, the Pacific Union, the Athenian, the University and the Union League have been raised from 50 to 400 per cent, there are long waiting lists. This is particularly true of the Bo hemian Club. According to a charter member of the organization, the Initia tion fee has been advanced from $100 to $500, and within the last year the dues have been increased from $5 to $10 a month. . The initiation fee of the Claremont Club has been increased from $90 to $300 and the dues have been raised from $2.50 to $10 a month. The Pacific Union Club formerly charged $100 as initiation. Now it is $500. The Atheni an Club has increased its dues from $20 to $60 a month. !AGGIES' GET HANLEY BEEF Gift Used in Demonstrating Cutting and Selection. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, Corvallfs, Or, May 29. (Special.) Th practical novelty, of college students ordering meat for the dormitories at a demonstration class and receiving the specified cuts free of charge was feature of yesterday's class work 1 domestic science and animal husbandry at Oregon Agricultural College. This method of gaining practical ex perlence in the selection of meat cuts by the frequent demonstrations held at the college pavilion Is due to the gen eroslty of William Hanley, of Burns, Mr. Hanley twice during this semester sent the Agricultural College a prime dressed beef to be used for class dera onstrations and then to be distributed among the students and faculty. In addition to the cutting demonetra tlons afforded by Mr. Hanley's gifts, the animal husbandry students have made a study of the relative quality of the two carcasses as developed by different feeding processes In vogue on the Hanley ranches. MRS. COBURNJS AT RES Many Pioneer Oregon Families Rep, resented at Funeral. The funeral of the late Mrs. Cath erlne A. Coburn was held yesterday afternoon at the First Unitarian Church, the Rev. W. G. Eliot, Jr., con ducting the services, which were at tended by many prominent people, rep resenting some of the best-known pi oneer families of the state. There were numerous floral tributes. 'Crossing the Bar" was sung by John Claire Monteith, and a quartet sang several selections. Rev. Mr. Eliot Drlei.:' reviewed the life and work of Mrs. Coburn, paying a tribute to her worth as a woman and a citizen. This, with a prayer and the benediction. made up the services at the church Brief services were held at the grave In Rlvervlew Cemetery. MARITAL BLISS IS SHORT Arthur II. Harraman Married May 23, Applies for Divorce May 27, Arthur H. Harraman, address Black stone Hotel, on May 22 secured a li cense to wed Beaudoln Gray, aged 19 same address. The ceremony was per formed the following day. Tuesday, May 27. Just four days after nuptial knot was tied, Harraman filed suit for divorce In Circuit Court, alleging infidelity as a ground. Mrs. Harra- man's offense Is declared to have oc curred May 25. He asserts that he lived with her only three days. This Is believed to constitute a record for quick shattering of domestic bliss. X-RAY INQUIRY NOT UPHELD Verdict at Roseburg Favors Defend' ant Physician. ' ROSEBl-RG. Or., May 29. (Special.) After deliberating less than five min utes a Jury in the Circuit Court late to day returned a verdict In favor of the defendant in the damage case of Delos Livingston vs. Dr. George E. Houck, Livingston brought suit to collect $25,- 000 from Dr. Houck on the grounds that he sustained permanent Injuries as the result of treatments with an X- ray machine. Dr. Luther Hamilton and X-ray Ex pert Walker, of Portland, were among the witnesses for the defense. Dr. Hac vln, of Portland, qualified as an X-ray expert for the plaintiff. GIRLS START LONG HIKE Detroit td San Francisco Trudge Un dertaken for "Fun of It.. CHICAGO, May 29. Walking from Detroit to San Francisco "for the fun of it," two pretty girls, Margaret Righter juid Marion Smith, arrived in Chicago today. . "There are about $2000 In bets on our trip." said Miss Righter. "One man bet $500 that we would be married be fore we reached San Francisco, but his money is as good as gone already. We are going back to Detroit and get a real man." Miss Righter is li and Miss Smith SO. SAYS HE SLEW ERAL MEAGHER Mystery Half Century Old Clears. OREGON MURDERS CONFESSED Two Mentioned at The Dalles, One on Willamette River. VIGILANTES ARE ACCUSED Montana Sheriff Acts on Story of Self-Accusing Assassin, "Who De clares He Got $8000 for Killing Governor. MISSOULA. Mont., May 30. (Tridsy.) Frank Diamond, arrested yesterday at Plains, Mont., as the result of bis alleged confession of the murder of ex Governor Meas;her of Montana and oth ers, repudiated his confession early this morning. In his repudiation, which he made In Jail here. Diamond says all be knew of Governor Measrher wan what he had read. He never had killed a man In bis life, be said. "I swear before God I am an Innocent man Innocent of nil those charges they have tried to make me accuse myself of," was Diamond's closing statement. MISSOULA, Mont., May 29. That he assassinated General Thomas Francis Meagher, once Governor of Montana Territory, eminent soldier, author and statesman of international fame, whose death In 1867 has always remained one of the mysteries of Montana's early his tory, was the confession of Fat Miller, alias Frank Diamond, made on what he believed was his dying bed at Plains Tuesday. Diamond was arrested this afternoon by Sheriff W. L. Kelley of Missoula County on Information furnished him by the Sentinel, which has in its pos session Diamond's confession. YlKlIantea Are Accused. Diamond also confesses to two other murders near The Dalles, Or., In about 1874. and George Mitchell, whom he killed In 1883 and threw into the Will amette River In Oregon. The self-confessed assassin declares that' he got $8000 for the murder ot General Meagher and that the vigil antes, Montana's famous volunteer law enforcing organization, had to get rid of Meagher. For nearly 50 years the body of Gen eral Meagher has laid in the Missouri River undiscovered. Despite the gen eral belief that he stepped off a river boat near Fort Benton in the darkness of an October night, ever since his death there have been frequent rumors of foul play. Prisoner Wants to Forget. "What a thing to come up after all these years! There are a lot of things that happened in the old days I want to forget." These were the words of Diamond when he was arrested by Sheriff Kel ley. He was brought to Missoula to night and lodged in the county Jail. Diamond, at the time of his arrest, dm not deny his confession. ie merely said he would explain when he had a hearing in court. He refused to dis cuss the confession In any way. Of the murder of General Meagher. the confession said: I killed him on a steamboat at Cow Island In the Missouri and threw him In the river. I swam ashore." Of the killing of Clark and Mitchell in Oregon, Diamond's confession says that "Big Nose" George was hanged for the earlier crime, which should iave been charged against him, adding that "Big Nose" George was a mur derer and deserved to be hanged." Man Inoffensive "When Sober. Residents of Plains who have known the man for 20 years declare lie has always been inoffensive when not un der the Influence of liquor. He has only one eye, and his dark visage con tracted Into a black frown when lie was confronted with his confession and taken in chargo by the officers. De spite his 67 years, the man Is still active and erect. His confession wan made In the presence of Frank Thomp son. Dr. I'olts ana r rana mmmun, an bf Plains. Diamond had promlFod Thompson that he would give up drink, ami, nding in a saloon last Tuesday, in complete possession of Ills senses, ac cording to witnesses, was attacked wlthheart failure. Believing that he was dying, bystanders took him to a room and placed him in bed. Dr. Colts was (failed, and. while physicians and patient were both under the belief that Diamond faced death, Diamond called for pen-and ink. He was too weak to .write" and asked his friend. Thompson, to take down his statement. Diamond's complete confession was heard by all three men who attended htm. Mengher's Life nistlntrulnhed. Thomas Francis Meagher was one of the heroic figures of Montana's early history. He served with distinction in the Union Army in the Civil War. Ho organised a brigade of Irishmen in New York and led them through two years f service. In 1865 he was ordered by General Grant on a mission to Mon tana arriving in Helena by river from St. Louis in the same year. Later liu became acting Governor of the terri- (Coneluded on Page 4.) IN GEN A 5