THE MORNING OREGONIAN. f ItTTRSDAY. MAY 29, 1913. BEAVERS VI AND JUMP 10 FOURTH McCredie's Men Make Matinee Well Worth While With 17 Big, Lusty Clouts. DERRICK LEADS AT BAT Cincinnati Importation Is Driven From Mound "Smiling Bill" J a mm is Credited With Best Came of It 13 Season. rrifle Caaat Lntn fttandlns. TV U PM.I W. I, Pet. I m Ansa.. SI S3 .574 Portland. . . S3 7 .41 fihlni.. 2 24 .547 Sacramento 51 2 .44i tentr.... 2 2 .M San Fran... M SI .444 Tsaterday's Heaalta, A Portland Portland 8. Saa Francisco O. At l.oa inln Vnlc . lxm Ansolea 1 At San Francisco Oakland a. Sacrajnn lo 7 BT ROSCOE FAWCETT. Frtland t. San Francisco 0. Perhaps there Is no cashier up In heaven. But hre on earth a plump - chance pocket extnacteth smiles from the diamond brokers. The excuse for ! mentioning- this in connection with yes- terday's San Francisco-Portland ball name I that W. W. McCredle missed a chance to pack Recreation Park to ca- pacltr. Had Monsieur McCredle tipped it off to the public that Portland was to whack out 17 lusty clouts off rack Hen- 'lejr and Hughes, and that Bill James was to twirl a beautiful four-hit Km for the locals, he could have displayed ;the "Standlna- room only" sign at Twenty-fourth and Vauarhn. More than a mere matter of too much James was doled out to the 1900 fans. As a sideshow there was a Cincinnati base-hit latest creation which ave Fred Derrick four hits and a walk in Ore trips to the plate. And there was some terrinc clouting; by McCortnlck and Walter Doane. each of whom cracked out three hits in the excite ment. Altogether It was a larg-e and healthy afternoon for the Beavers. The two wins over the Seals shoved Portland from the cellar to fourth place, all in a single day. -Smlllns; Bill" James pitched one of the most beautiful games of the 113 Coast League season. He opened It by fanning all three men In the first In ning. McArdle. playing first, chalked up the only single for the first five Innings. James, too. had wonderful control, walking only one Eeal. Sensational fielding and three bril liant double plays pulled James ffore the only tremulous periods of play. Henley. In direct contrast, appeared to have little on the ball except the seams. A triple by Chadbourne and the first of Derrick's four hits scored one run In the first Inning. Four hits by McCormlck. James. Chadbourne and Derrick eeMed another In the second when the inning closed with- Uie bases loaded. Then followed a stanxa of lurid fireworks, the third. Henley being driven to the cleaners In mid-inning in favor of Hughes. Four tallies were rushed across In the third Inning on four hits and two walks. Sound wallops by Korea. Doane, McCormlck and Fisher, and walk, filled the bases twice. McCormlck drove in two runs. Sepulveda overthrew second and a third trickled across, and Hnghes forced in the last. The Beavers were content from then to the eighth, when a terrific two-bagger by the speed merchant. Walt Doane, added two more. Derrick preceded with the latest contraption, "cinch base hit." which means an infield grounder on which the fielders failed to force a run ner at another base. lie scored one of the two runs. Horan played left in Johnston's place for the Seals. .' The score: Fan Franetare I Portland Catcher Pearce Gray. Score: Sacramento B H O Horan. m... 3 2 2 1 5 Halltnaa.3. S thlnn.r. . . K'wrtb.y.2. Touns.a. . . Tennancl. R'tmyer.c Munsell. p. K insella.p VBuren. tVolv'ton.c Stroud. p.. and Pitcher "Dolly" I atakland B a u a r. II o 0 o 1 0 0 1 1 0 A T. OOLeard.2... 0 0 "ook.i. . . . 1 0 tacher.m. 1 ONeas.l s :or.r 4 0 jardner.l.. 0 0- ;uct.3.. . 1 1 Kohrer.c. . o (i rhrlsnan.p o 0 0 1 M 0 0; 1 s O 1 3 S 0 10 3 3 f"ndorff.r rharleaj. MrArdla.1 7. - rm a n. m Hosan.t.. Corhan . -wriht.a 5ep'veda.c Henley. p.. Hjhi. Boaard. B H OAK SSI 0'Cboarna.l. 4 111 Derrick:. 1.. 4 1 t Rodsera.1. lit Kor... ... BOS SffDoane.r... 5 0 S t Kruea-ar.c. S 1 M Cmlck.J S 11 11 Ftaher.e... toe 1 ;Ja.nas.p.. 1 1 1 i !' BHOAE 4 2 J 40 4 11 1 S 4 0 1 t 1 Total.. It 4 14 10 1' Total.. St 17 27 14 1 Batted for Mundorff In ninth. flan Francisco 0 0 HII. H 1 I 1 I I I- 4 Portland 1 14 lit I '- Hlta 2 4 4 O 1 1 1 S 17 Rons Chadbourne 2. Derrick. Kores 1. TKan 1. Fisher 1. James 1. M.rCormlrs: 1. frtm--k out Br Jamea T. by Henley 1. by Hiinti 1. Bases on ball! Off Jamea 1. off Henley S. off Huirhea 2. Tro-bu bits M-tormlrk. Korea. Doane. Tnree-oaae nns r'hadboom. Doublo plays Horan to Hen lev to Corhan. Jamea to Derrick. Hogan to VcArdle. Korea to Rodsars to Derrick 1. Stolen baaee Doane. Inntnrs pitched Br Hnley 2. rune 4. hlta 14. taken out In third with baaea full and none out. charira defeat o Henley. Time of sAme 1:M. Umpires Notes ef the Game. Ctnterflelder Zimmerman had a llttla touch luck In the outfield with aly groun ders. He mtaaed a couple of them. Fred Derrick failed to retouch aecond after a lone fly to left on a hit-and-run play and was forced out by tbe foxy Cor han. Big Bill James bad bla swatting togs on yesterday, securing two hits. His first sin gle scored a run In the second frame. Hacerman and Fanning will likely be the battery choices today. Doane and Kruecer attempted a double ataal In the setrentn. but Walt was nipped at the homo plata. The Beavers he looked Ilka champions of the universe the past couple of dare. Tee bad they couldn't have started that war on their first trip north when the fana were ready to fill the stands every dsv. Shortstop Kores la playing aeneatlonal ball around the ehortpatcb, and bis hitting la fin to behold. fhabourn has been clouting the sphere very hard In the two ganaea. Ha la one player who la universally worshipped by the tans no matter how badly he slumps, because the fana know ha la always out thre digging bta hardest. Mike at'HTormlck's average Jumped to .:14 yesterday and Derrick's to Me t'ormlrk negotiated a brilliant putout on l arty In the third Inning. Jeasa Garrett waa out In uniform warm ing up. Oua Fisher was robbed of one bit by Hogan who pulled a shoestring; effect In left. PATCirKD-rP OAKLAND WINS 'With Good Start Earlj Commuters Defeat Wolves, 8 to 7. SAN FRANCISCO. May IS. With a patched-up team. Oakland opened the series with Sacramento today with an to 7 victory. Oakland got off to a pretty good start, and by bunching the runs in the fourth frame, acquired a handicap which the Wolves by great Industry were able to tie In the eighth. But it was for only a few minutes, as the Oaks, when they came to bat In that Inning, sent the necessary runner across the plate. The Wolves tried to tie the score again in the ninth and Lewis managed lo get as far as second, but was left there when Kenworthy popped out. Before the game It was given out that Manager Mltse. of Oakland, had asked waivers on two battery men. Totals.. SS 13 24 12 11 Totals. ..33 13 27 13 0 Batted for Keltmeyer In sixth. arramento 0 1 020203 0 7 Hita 0 2 1 2 0 3 1 3 1 IS Oakland 0 O 2 5 0 0 0 1 8 Hlta 0 2 3 o l l u i liuna Halllnan. Shlnn 2. Kenworthy 3. Toung. Leard 2. Coy 2. Gueat. Horher, Chrls- o vniir run n hlta off Munsell. taken out in lounn. pam iuii auu ui"j . 2 hlta off Klneella In innings. -" dereat to mroua. nomo run vu. ' " base hlta Shlnn, Oueet. Tenant. Sacrifice nne ftpnworiny, wwns. ' " - ran. Halllnan. Young. ;ueat. Baae on belli UIT 3iunei! oil wiguu i. uii X Struck out By Munsell 2, by Klneella 1 oy Mrouu or viinau.n - ' - - ' - to Votins- to Tennant. beard to Nese. a.arned rune Sacramento 2. Oakland 1 orr stroua. left on bases Sacramento 6, Oakland 2. Time 2:10. I'mplrea Phyle and Held. ANGELS, HELPLESS, LOSE, 5 TO 1 Venice Takes .Second of Scries as Koran "Jinx" Prerails. LOS ANGELES. May 28. The Angels . .-.t. hlnls ! the bands of the Venice Gondoliers today and lost the nr III. aeries. E to 1. Two errors In the ninth assisted the Angels in averting a snutoui. win. filling the bases in the seventh with one out and twice getting men on third earlier In the game, but the old Hogan Jinx aiaea oy nsieign a hhmi- -.tK.a . -. toe Ano-ela. , . - nee Prahha uniy one run iilutt - who succeeded Toiler .at the end of the sixth, a home run anve io rigin wni by Kane. Score: Los Angeles I Venice Page".... S 1 1 1 l!r-arllsle.l.. 3 1 1 0 1 Kllls.1 3 12 oniKsne.c R 3 4 1 0 Moore. I... 3 0 14 0 0 Bayleaa.r. . S 0 3 01 UCEjrl.m 4 2 O 0 tiHosp.a. ... 4 O 1 S 1 Howard r. 4 O 0 O n;rrHourke.2 4 2 1 SO lohnaon.s. 3 1 1 I'M lonell.3 4 1 3 00 Hlea.c... a v a j v t.i iwu.1 . . ' - - - Toier p... 2 o n s U'Kaieign.p. o v Brooks'.'.! 1 0 0 00 Wotell.. 1 o P Totals.. 31 6 24 IS 31 Totals. ..32 11 27 1 3 -Matiea lor i o.r in " ' " 1 Batted for Crabbe In ninth. IAW Angeiea ' ' . . ; Hits 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 O B Venire oooiaoiw - o Hits 1 o 1 1 Runs Johnson. Carlisle. Knne .1. Elliott. ElsM hlta and four runs off Toier in sis ... .1 ,A Tn,.r Ifoma inninas. i'r "'' . : " " run Kane. Three-ba.e hit Masgart. Two- bise hit Carlisle. Sacrifice hits Bayless Raleigh. Baee on balls Off Toier 1. off Kaleigh 4. off Crabbe 1. Struck out By Tiit 1. hv Raleigh 3. by Crabba 2. Time 1:27. Umplrea Finney and an Cleef. Ul GRANDE IS VICTOR BOI5B LOSES, 5 TO 1, WHEN BOWER WEAKENS IX EIGHTH- G0LT3 WIN THEIR NINTH STRAIGHT Callahan Pitches Masterful Ball and Has Tilikums Bound and Gagged. Wall Walla Defeat Pendleton, 9 to 4, Near End of Session and Yakima Overwhelms Baker. La Grande turned the tables on Boise In the Western Trl-State League Wednesday, winning; S to 1. The other teams played about the same gam as Tuesday Walla Walla beating Pendle ton to 4. while North Yakima beat Baker, 11 to 4. At Pendleton it was anybody'a fame till the ninth, when a series of errors, two hits, a few bunts and a pass gave Walla Walla four runs. Harmon, for the Bears, hit a three-baitKer In the first and a homer in the eighth. Kelly, for the Bears, pitched well except in the second. Three runs came in then. Berber waa touched up frequently. R. II. E.I K. H. E. Walla W...S 7 J.Pendelton.. 4 9 6 Batteries Kelly and Brown; Berber and Byrnes. At Boise the game with La Grande went 1 to 1 till the eighth, then the Spuds got to Bonner for live hits and scored four. The feature of the eighth Inning rally waa a triple by Fltchner, who went in as pinch hitter for Wal ters. Jamleson fanned 15 and Bonner 11. R. H. E.I R. H. E. La Grande 6 9 4, Boise 18 3 Batteries Jamleson and Peterson: Bonner and Gard. At North Yakima the Braves mas sacred the Miners by bunching hits for runs and doing brilliant fielding to cut off runs, as they did yesterday. Fre quent errors helped them score. R. H. E. R. H. E. N Yakima 12 13 liBaker 4 11 6 Batteries Gordon and Taylor; Krause and Cress. Date Set for RId&f field Meet. RIDGEFTELD. Wash., May 28. (Spe cial.) The track and field meet be tween the Rldgefleld High School and the Portland Academy, which was post poned last week on account of bad weather, will be held on Decoration : Hoppe Overwhelms Yama-da. NEW TORK. May 28. Willie Hoppe sucessfully defended bis world's bil liard championship title at 18-Inch balk line, two shots In. against the chal lenger, Kodjl Yamada. of Japan, here last night, the score being 600 to 13. Baseball Statistics STANSINQ OF TBE TEAMS. National Lewcue. W. L. Pct.l W. I Pet. Phlladelp'a M 7 .730 Rt. Louis. .. 13 IS .S04 Brooklyn.. 1 14 .474 Pittsburgh 16 20 .4: Chicago... It 17 .i! Boston It II .41 Sew Tork. 14 19 .tooictnclnnatl. 1114.114 American Lewawe, Phlladelp'a 14 IS ,704'Roston IS ! .42? t'leTeland. 14 II .4S4 St. Loula... IS 3. .1 Waehlng'n. It 1 .911 Detroit. .. . 14(4.404 Chicago... 11 It .Klsi.Vew York... 10 24 .: Aaaerlraa Aeooclatloa. outsvltle. IS 14 .StO'Mlnneapolla It 29 .417 Columbus. 20 14 .SIS Ht. Paul IS 2 .474 Milwaukee 24 17 .M5 Indlanap'lls 14 21 .432 Kan. City. 2 II .SIl.Tuledo 12 21 .114 Western Trl-State. Walla W'la 22 It .41' X. Yakima. 14 II .467 1 12 .013 I -a Grande. 12 18 .400 Pendleton. 14 IS Haker 11 21 .144 Yesterday's Keaolta. American Association Columbus s. To ledo 2; Milwaukee 1. Minneapolis 0; Louis ville t. Indianapolis 1; Kansas City t. eX Paul 4 (10 innings!. western League Omaha S. Topeka 1: tnver 7. Dea ilolncs 1; Sioux City 14. Wichita a. Vnion Association Missoula 10. Butte 1. Southern League XaehvllU I. Nashville 4; Atlanta 4. New Orleans 0; Mobile 7. Chat tanooga 4; Birmingham t. Montgomery 2. Port lead Paclflo Coaat At. H. Lindsay. .. Kores Dosne. ... . Il'glnb'am. Fisher K rmuee . . Derrick... Rodgers. Jamea il bourne Batting Averages. Northwestern 10 2 111 It lit 17 24 104 24 21 S 14 47 it: 41 2 3 114 S3 McCormlck 124 10 Krapp Krueger. .. Berry Fitzgerald, raraon. . . . West Hagerman. McCredle.. 14 1 114 II 43 11 l 17 7 I II 4 It 1 1 Av. .3 3 5 Eastiey.... Spess .243 Hellmann. .24TIFrles .240, Murray. . .. .253 Bancroft... .li Melchoir. .. .2.5'iiulgnl .2S0 Callahan. .. .241 Mays .214 Mahoney. .. .214 Mohlfr .204 Williams... .204 Coltrln .;0 4 Hynes .14:'Stanley .12". Martlnonl.. .10.1 A Knew .4 Ab. H. ie i 114 II SI 14 14 21 II 15 10S 27 143 34 2 23 41 10 21 I It 21 111 34 it 20 II II 15 2 17 3 IS 1 I 0 Av. .312 .111 .its .:s .253 .2S7 .2S1 .233 .241 .233 .236 .224 .224 .181 .154 .117 .1(5 .400 HEILMAN GETS HOME RUN Speas' Bat Continues to -Play Im portant Part in Portland's Came Seattle Gets but Four Scattered Hits. Northwestern League) Standings. W. L. Pct.l W. I Pet f nA IK t1!ti.-!Moria 21 20 .01. c ..i- A IT '.VT..-.,na 17 25 .405 Portland." 20 18 I&dttiSpokane. . . 15 28 .349 Yesterday'a Keeulta. At Seattle Portland 3. Seattle 0. At Spokane Vancouver 8. Bpokane 3. At Tacoma Victoria 7. Tacoma 0. SEATTLE. Wash May 28. (Special.) Nick Williams' Portland Colts won their ninth consecutive victory today and Incidentally scored their second consecutive shut-out over the Seattle Tllllkums. Three tallies were all that the Colts could shove over against Glpe today, but they were as good as a hundred, because Callahan had Raymond's men bound and gagged all the way through. The score shows four hits for the Tilikums. In reality they were en titled to only three. No two of them In the same Inning. The second cred ited to Killilay was a beat-out of a slow grounder. Gipe was out-pitched by Callahan, but stuck to his work and held the Colts scoreless for six innings. Seat tle's efforts at batting were so feeble that it made the team look cheap. Fries, first up for the opener, got the better of the calling, and walked. Mohler's grounder to Raymond bound ed badly and was muffed. Gipe got the next two but Speas hit to right, scor ing Fries. Hcilmann grounded to Jack son. . . In the third Melchoir led off with a hit and was sacrificed to second by speas. Heilmann hoisted a high one to right and It dropped outside the boards. These two runs were the last Portland grabbed In the game, al though they had Gipe In trouble almost everlng Inning to the end. Seattle had one man on in each of seven Innings, but the follow-up at tack on Callahan was -about as vicious as if our bold heroes were batting with those "straws" they use in ice cream sodas. Score: g tattle I Portland B HOAE BHOAE ck 9 a n 9 n 0 Fries r. .. . 3 0 2 01 jacke'nnil. 8 0 9 0 V; Mohlrr.2. . 3 1181 Wally.l.. 1 o 1 o v (iutgni.s. . a i " w NI112D.... 4 0 2 10Melch-lr,m 8 1 2 00 Strait. 1. .a 1 0 1 . 0 0 Speas. 1. . . 3 1 8 10 Brown.l.. 8 0 0 OOH-llmen.l. 4 110 0 Klllllay.m 4 4 0 0'Wllllams.o 4 2 10 0 0 Fuller'n.r. 8 0 0 0 0 Coltrln.s. .. 4 2 2 40 Wllson.r.. 10 1 0 0 Callahan. p 4 2 1 Ul Cadman.e. 4 3 6 20 Ravm'd.a. 8 0 12 1 Glpe. p.... 2 0 0 40 Totals. S3 4 27 l Totals. 38 11 27 10 t Seattle 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Portland 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 03 Runs Fries. Melchoir, Hellman. Two. base hit C'adman. Home run Hellman. Sacrifice hits Mohler. Speaa. Stolen bases Shaw, jut II. Struck out By Glpe 3. by Callahan H. Bases on balls Off Glpe 4. Wild pitches Olpe 2. Hit by pitched ball Olpe. by Callshan. Double playa Olpe to ("adman to Jackson; Raymond to Jackson. Time 1:48. Umpire Eddinger. VAXCOTJTETl DEFEATS INDIANS Spokane Is Vnable to Hit Pitcher Concannon in Pinches. SPOKANE. Wash.. May 28. Concan non pitched airtight ball against Spo kane today in the pinches, and Van couver won, 5 to 3. Melter did not get good support at the proper time. Mil lion made two sensational running catches. The score: Vancouver. I Spokane B H O A El BHOAE trail I 2 0 2 0 0 Million c. 8 13 0 1 Konnlck.2 4 11 ll'Yohe.3 4 1 1 20 Klppert.c. 3 1 3 0 0'Pappa.l . . . 4 0 2 00 Frlsk.r... 4 0 1 0 OWagner.2. 4 2 0 41 Walth.l.. 8 18 0 1'McCarl.l.. 8 0 14 0 0 Helster.8. 4 0 8 4 0 Crum.r 8 0 2 0 0 Sch-nw'r.s 4 2 2 2 OHarblson.s 4 0 0 80 T.-t.o 4 2 5 1 0'Ostdlek.e.. 3 0 8 2 0 Conc'n'n.p 8 0 0 1 0 Melter.p. .. 4 2 1 80 Aitman.s.. x u x uu Totals... 31 7 27 Totals... 88 6 27 14 2 Vancouver 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 5 Spokane o 2 o o i o o o o s Runs Hall, Konnick, Walsh. Scharn weber. Lewis. Tohe, Ostdlek. Melter. Two base hlta Wagner. Scharnweber 2. Three base hit Helster. Sacrifice hits Hall, Klp pert. Hit by pitched ball Walsh. Stolen baaea Wash, Tohe. Bases on bails Con cannon 2. Melter L Struck out Concan non 4, Melter 1. Left on bases Vancouver 3, Spokane 7. Time 1:45. Umpire Casey. TABLES TURNED ON TIGERS Victoria Shuts Out Tacoma, 1 to 0, Bengals Using Three Pitchers. TACOMA. May 28. Victoria turned the tables on the locals today and de feated Tacoma. 7 to 0, the same score by which they lost yesterday's contest. Score: Victoria I Tacoma BHOAEI BHOAE 4 I S 0 OiKurfuss.m 1 4 0 0 0 lOMcMullln.S 4 1X41 1 Kellers. . . 3 1 2 2 1: 0S"ghbors.r. 4 1 0 10 I 4 McMurdo.l 1 4 Ruell.s 1 0 Kennedy,!. I O H. Harris.1 1 IOW.Harria.c pirot.p. . Felts.l R'wllngas ? wain.2... Meek.c. .. Lynch. m .. Nordyka.1 Lamb. I.. . Alberts.r.. Smith. p. . McO'nlty.p ueuora.p. rQurrell. .. I t 1 0 12 2 1 10 0 110 0 10 10 00 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total.. 17 10 37 to! Total. 11 8 27 11 1 Batted for W. Harris in nlntb. Victoria 0 1 S 0 S 0 0 7 Tacoma 0 0 0 4 0 Runs Raw lings. Swain. Lamb !; Alberts 2. Smith. Stolen bases Rawilngs 2. Swain. Meek. Kennedy. Double plays Rawilngs to Swain to Nordyke. Three-base hit Alberts. Credit loss to Girot. Three runs & hits off Oirot In 1 2-3 Innings: 1 run no hits off Mc Ulnntty In 1 1-1 innings; 3 runs t hits off Belford In 4 Innings. Struck out By Smith 2. by Girot 3. by Belford 3. Baaes on balls off Smith 3. off Girot 3. off McOlnnlty 1. off Belford 1. Wild pitch Belford. Hit by pitched bull Keller oy bmitn. Time i:ou. Umpire Toman. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Cincinnati 3, Pittsburg 1. PITTSBURG May 28. Pittsburg could not hit Suggs and Cincinnati won its second straight game from Pitts burg. 2 to 1. The Reds played a bril liant fielding game, Devore made a sensational running catch of Booe's difficult long drive. Hans Wagner pro tested Umpire Byrne's decision on Groh at second base so violently in the ninth inning that he was put out of the game. Score: Cincinnati I Pittsburg BHOAE' rJ H O A E Pevore.m. 4 11 0 0Booe.m... . 3 12 10 Rates.r... 3 18 0 OTarey.l... . 3 1 1 00 Hu-her 1. 4 0 4 1 "IVIoi 2 4 2 4 1 0 Tinkers.. 4 0 2 O'Wagner.s.. 3 0 2 20 Marssns.t. S 2 8 0 0 Mrfartny.s 10 0 10 Almeida,!. 2 0 2 10 Hyatt. 1 4 2 8 1 2 Groh. 2... 4 2 2 8 0;Wllon.2. . . 4 0 2 00 Clarke.c. 4 2 4 0 0 Byrne. 3... 2 0 8 10 Suggs.p... 3 10 .. 8 1 8 20 , jHendrlx,p.S0 J4 0 Totals. M 9 26 9ol Totals. 29 7 27 14 2 Carey out. hit by batted ball. Cincinnati 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 03 Pittsburg 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 Runs Tinker. Marsans, Clarke, Hyatt. Two-base hits Clarke. Vlox, Hyatt. Three base hits Suggs, Groh. Sacrifice hits Ca rey, Bates. Almeida, Byrne. Stolen bases Tinker, Marsans. Groh. Baae on balls Off Suggs 1, off Hendrlx 2. Struck out By Suggs 3, by Hendrlx 4. Hit by pitcher Si mon, by Suggs. Passed ball Simon. Dou ble' plays bescher and Tinker; Groh and Marsans; Booe and Hyatt. Left on bases Pittsburg 8, Cincinnati 4. Time 1:66. Um pires Kigler and Byron. Chicago 8, St. Louis 7. CHICAGO, May 28. In the longest major league game of the season today( a base on balls in the seventeenth in-' nlng, with the bases full and two out, cost St. Louis the game, 8 to 7. The locals had the lead until the ninth. Pierce started for Chicago, but was hit hard, and gave way to Lavender. Lavender filled the bases in the sev enth and was relieved by Cheney. Score: 8t. Louis Chicago a H o A El Hugglns.2 7 2 9 6 0Mlller.l... v o u u&vers,a. . . 1 0 1 1 3 8 0 20 1 2 MaGee.l. . 8 Gathers.r 2 Sheckard.r 2 Mowrey.S. 7 K.onet'y.1 8 Oakes.m. Whltted.s Evans,. . O'Leary.s. Mcl.ean.o. Orlner.p. . Harmon.p 0 Ul Mitchell. r Oil Zi'm'm'n.S 8 UiSaier.l. .. 1 lfLeach.m. . 1 ujBrldwell.s 2 2 Aroher.s. . 0 u,Pierce.p. . 7 0Lavender,p 4 0 Gheney.p. Ill , SO HOAE 0 8 10 0 2 7 0 1 2 01 2 2 B 7 6 7 7 6 2 23 1 1 8 2 1 00 6 2 4 60 8 4 10 3 0 2 1 0 20 1 0 0 00 8 11 Totals. 62 16 50 32 31 Totals. 60 15 80 26 3 Murray out; hit by batted ball. ; 'Batted for Whltted in seventh. Two out when wlnnlnr run was scored. st t ool. 0 1 0 1 0 0 2 1 2 0 0 0 000007 Chicago 0 0210220000000001 8 Runs Hlgglns (2). McGee. Konetcby, Whltted. McLean. Harmon. Mitchell. Zlm merman. Sailer (21. Leach (2). Archer, La vender. Two-base hits Archer (2), Griner (2). Mowrey, Harmon. Three-base nil Mit chell. Hits Off Pierce 6 In five Innings. Lavender 2 In one inning and none out In seventh, Cheney 0 In 11 innings, Griener 11 in eight Innings, Harmon 4 In eight and two. tniras innings, cacrmce nua wiuiicu, o' er. Mowrey, Harmon. Sacrifice fly Evers, Htoin Mitchell t2i. Miller (21. Saler. Double play Miller to Evers to Saler. Left on bases St. Loula J. Chicago 13. Bases on balls Off Pierce 3, off Griner 2. off La vender 2. off Cheney 4. off Harmon 6. Hit by pitched ball Zimmerman, by Griner. Struck out By Griner 3. by Pierce 2. by Cheney 4. Wild pitches Pierce, Cheney. Time, 3:45. Umpires Kleta and Orth. BROOKLYN, May" 28. Brooklyn Philadelphia game postponed; wet grounds. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Cleveland 2-R, Chicago 1-3. CLEVELAND. May 28. Cleveland took both games of a double header here with Chicago today, the first 2 to 1 and the second 5 to 3. The first game was decided In the first two Innings, as neither side got a man past second after that. Chica go's run was scored by Rath, who walked, stole second and scored on Collins' single. Cleveland scored their first run on two singles and the sec ond run on a base on balls and Col lins' muff of ONeils long fly. Driv ing Walsh from the box in the second inning of the second game. Cleveland secured an early lead of three runs. Score: First game: Cleveland 1 Chicago BHOAEi BHOAE Johnston.l 4 1 8 1 ljSchaller.L. 4 1 1 00 Chipm'iij 8 1 10 10Rath.2.... 3 1 3 30 ri..,n I X 1 a 4 Oil-ord.3 4 0 0 20 Turner.2.. 4 O 3 3 0 Colllns.r.. . 4 2 10 1 .lackson.r. 3 11 0 tF-ournier.L g u la v Kyan.m... 3 0 2 OOBodle.m... S 0 0 00 Graney.l.. 2 0 1 0 o;weaver.s. . 3 s l O'Nell.c... 2 O 6 A OlSchalk.c... Z 4 ill Kahler.p.. 3 0 0 0 OlClcotte.p. . 3 0 0 80 l-Easterly. 1 1 0 00 "Zelder... 0 0 0 00 Totals. 27 8 27 12 1 Totals. 20 7 24 13 1 Batted for Rath In ninth. Kan for Easterly In ninth. Cleveland 1 1 0 0 0 n o o - J Chicago luuouuvv u i Runs Johnston, Ryan. Rath. Two-base hit Collins. Sacrifice hits Chapman, Olson, Schalk. Stolen baaea Ryan. Olson. Rath. Double plays Clcotte, Weaver and Four nler; Olson and Johnston: Chapman, Olson and Chapman. Base on balls Off Kahler 1. off Clcotte 3. Struck out By Kahler 4, by Clcotte 2. First base on errors Cleve land 1, Chicago 1. Ief t on bases Cleve'and 7. Chicago 3. Tlme 1:38. Umpires Fer guson and Chapman. Second game: Cleveland I Chicago BHOAE BHOAE Tohnaton 1 2 19 0 OiSchaller.I. . 4 0 2 00 0 z u tterger.z. . e a u 3 0 Lord. 3.... 4 1 3 uo the championship of the city schools by defeating w. tiocKeii. waiia vrana Hia-h School champion by S-6, 6-1, 8-6. M Wickersham beat Kroesch 6-2,- 6-2; Tyler beat Ivroescn o-x, o-v; wit;iei sham beat Gill 6-1, 6-2; Kroesch beat Gill 6-2, 6-4. College Baseball. At Cambridge Harvard-Dartmouth postponed. At West Point Army-Bucknell can celled; rain. At Providence Brown, . 6; Holy Cross, 2. At La Fayette, Ind. Indiana 2, Per due 3. Falrvlew to Open Ball Grounds. The baseball grounds at Falrvlew will be opened Sunday afternoon with a game between the Fairview Club and the.polumbla Park Club. J. B. jviorri ta mnnno-er nf the Falrvlew team. The grounds are near the station on the Portland Railway, L.lght At slower Company line. McMinnvUle Game Arranged. M'MINNVILLE, Or., May 28. (Spe- -1-1 T.1 C Xa,,1 rilanla onA tllA TO- II fX 1. ) J nn cifc. x ciu. v,.cii.0 - Minnville Tigers will meet in a baseball contest here Sunday. For the Tigers, rhapman.s 3 Olson.3... 3 Turner.2.. 4 .lackson.r. 3 Kyan.m... 4 Graney.l. Carlsch.c Gregg.p.. 2 2 OlColllns.r.. 0 O'Fournier.l Z 0 4 u o 1 0 OOlNelder.l. 4 12 0 OiBodle.m. . 4 z e a uiv eaver.s. 4 11 lOIKuhn.c... Schalk,c. . IWalsh.p.. IWhlte.p.. ILange . . . 6 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 8 2 3 0 1 4 2 8 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 10 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 Totals. .82 10 27 10 01 Totals.. .34 8 24 10 2 Batted tor White In nlntb. 2 1 (I 2 0 0 O 0 " 0 Chicago 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 03 Runs Johnston 2. Chapman, Garrlsh 2, Lord 2 Bodie. Two-base hits Farlsh, Gregg. i . sai-iric hit Johnston. Stolen hnara Carlach. Chapman. Lord 2. HUs Off Walsh 4 In 1 none out In second), White 6 In 7. Bases on balls Off Gregg 6. Walsh 2 White 1. Hit by pitcher Olson by White. Struck out Gregg 6. White 2. Wild pitch Walab 2. First baae on errors Cleveland L Left on baaea Cleveland 8. Chicago 9. Time Two hours. Umpires Dlneen and Fergu son. Detroit 6, St. Louis 8. ST. LOUIS. May 28. Detroit, by win ning today 6 to 3, took four of a six game series with the St. Louis Ameri cans. Two St, Louis pitchers were hit when hits meant runs. Baum gardner was wild. Hall was a puzzle. St, Louis' pinch hitters were power less. The score Detroit BHOAE 6 2 2 ZO Malsel.m.. Rnah Crawford.l 8 3 9 0 lJohnston.l. 4 2 3 00 "oth r . Veach.l... 4 Hlgh.m... 4 M nrliy.3. 8 McKee.c. 1 2 00 2 2 00 0 10 2 2 0 3 10 Stanag'e.c. 2 0 6 0 0 Hall. p.... a u u iv St. Louis B HOAE IWilllams.r. 3 Hyatt.2. . . Stovall.l. . Austin. 8. . . Waliace.a. . Agnew.c. . 0 10 1 0 0 0 0 2 3 00 I 1 1 0 0 113 0 2 8 0 0 0 4 10 0 2 10 ,16 10 0 0 2 0 0 10 1 0 0 00 7 2782 n.-.,, O .1 i 7 lO ' Batted lor Majsei in nun. Detroit 0 0 1 1 J J 1 o i ; St. Louis l u w i a o Runs Bush. Vitt, Crawford 2. Ml gh, at- itee. Hyatt, otova.ii, " John.ton. Stovall, Crawford Bush Three- base bits i-rn.ii. ",ur7T , i gardner, 8 In 6 innings; Hamilton, 3 In 4. Sacrifice hits Hall. Morlarlty. Sacrifice fly Cobb. Vltt- Stolen bases High, Veacn, Double plays Bush and Crawford: Agnew and Austin. Lett on bases St. Louis 6, De troit 7. Bases on bails Baumgardner 2, Hall 2. Hit by pitcher. Cobb, by Hamilton. u,r,w.k out Bv Hall 9. Hamilton 3. Baum gardner 2. Time 1:80. UmpiresConnolly and HMdebrand. otiit irivT.puTi Mov ee Washing ton-Philadelphia game postponed; rain. NEW YORK. May 28. New York Boston game postponed; rain. Double header Monday. Cleveland Releases Beall. pi fVPT AKD Mav 28. The release of Outfielder ' Jack Beall to the Mil waukee club of the American Associa- . I ,,-o - annnunOMi toniaht b V the ruxiaml American League club. The recent acquisition of Lelivelt, formerly of the New xoric Americana, gitve i"o Cleveland club eight outfielders, which Manager Birmingham considered too many. TYLER SHOW'S OLD-TIME FORM Spokane Tennis Crack Wallops Port land Men Hard. watt. a WAT.T.A Wanh.. Mav 28. (Special.) Portland tennis experts fell hard here today In an exhibition tourn- -.h.n To Tvlpr of Snokane. carried off all honors, showing he is still a big factor in Northwest tennis circles. Tyler defeated Wickersham 6-2. 8-6 and then took on Gill and allowed the latter only four games out of the 16 played. The score was 6-2, -2. Raymieid Orth, of Whitman, won On Over-Decoration Needs Today in . Open Tonight Till 10 P. M. uiosea Friday The Great Stock Reducing Sale It has been a phenomenal sale from the start the last two days, Thursday and Saturday (closed Friday) should bring larger crowds than ever Everything reduced exactly except contract goods and special $5 Panamas. Sale Prices apply only to Cash Purchases. Stein-Bloch Clothes $20 Stein-Bloch Suits at $15.00 $30 Stein-Bloch Suits at $22.50 $25 Stein-Bloch Suits at $18.75 $35 Stein-Bloch Suits at $26.25 Famous $17 Suits the world's greatest clothes value $12.75 SUMMER SHIRTS, V4 OFF UNDERWEAR, y4 OFF PAJAMAS, OFF STRAW HATS, OFF FELT HATS, OFF NECKWEAR, 4 OFF Yeort BIdg. Corner Fifth and Alder K Vir -JrQSM K. M' !RaV , An irJJ aV dTi t.V a Ja ' - - li Bob Foster will do the twirling and Courtney will do the receiving. BUSINESS ME TO PLAY BALIi Ijeague Organized by Clubs and Schedule Being Arranged. The organization of a Portland Busi ness Men's Baseball League, composed of the Realty Board, Ad Club, Progress, ive Business Men's Club, Rotary Club and Transportation Club teams, was effected yesterday at a meeting of the managers at the Archer & Wiggins store. H. K. Shellaby, president of the league, is now arranging for a schedule that will call for Saturday games to begin on May 31 and end on August 30. Mr. Bhellaby intends to have the fol lowing nines open the season: Trans portation Club vs. Ad Club, Realty Board vs. Progressive Business Men's Club. The Archer & Wiggins store has donated a silver loving cup to the win ner of the competition. Ed Rankin, official umpire of the Portland Interscholastio League, and S. M. Hummell have been selected to act as umpires. Cy Yonng Gets Ovation. CHICAGO. May 28. Cy Young, vet eran American League pitcher, came to Chicago today at the head of the Cleve land Federal League team. The biggest crowd of the season gathered at Fed eral l'ark to welcome the veteran, who was begged to step Into the pitcher's box and let his admirers see him work asain. Younu declined. FLY FISHING IS ON We have heavy flies for the rough, mountain streams, dainty dry flies for the smooth-running creeks, and the famous "Bucktail" flies, which will get 'em any where. Everything else in good tackle. 223 Morrison Street. Bet 1st &Znd St a, VlRlV . Join " ' mSrWK "Xhe Grand tJlR! mm'-hM .rt' rK1 Wear B.V. D.! "T? ecoration Day and every summer day, be a cool-aS'Can-t?e in ioose ruuiiy, .JL u r r. TTrrrarmenrs- No confining no chafingno fret no fag no temper ready to snap -no Confound the heat!" Wear B. V. D. and -. W 1"' "l-V T" T I a-P" Ilka. "feel fine." On every b. V. V. una is sewed garment B. V. D. Coat Cut Undershirts and Knee Length Drawers, retail at 50c, 75c, $1.00 and 51.50 the Garment. This Red Woven Label MADE FORTHt BECTRETAILTRAPe B. V. D. Union Siits (Pat. U.S. A., 4-30-07.) retail at $1.00, $1.50, f2.00, $3.00 and $5.00 the Suit (Trad, AMri Kr. U. & Pa Of. snd rirtit CmarUl.) Get a good look at this label and insist that your dealer sells you only underwear with the B. V. D. Label. The B. V. D. Company, NEW YORK. 2i- Am si SaSsaSSa'iSllsr ifiiaiai anaa''.