TIIE MORNING OREGOXIAN. THURSDAY, MAT 29, 1913. $45 Acorn Gas Range to Be Given Away Free-Count Acorns In Alder-Street Window-Register Your Guess Today, in Stove Dept. Credit Purchases Today and Balance of Month Are Payable July Ist-Enjoy Our Special Luncheon Today, 50c--Music, Direct Elevator 7 th Friday mw Store Closed Friday All Day DECORATION DAY Store Closed Friday All Day DECORATION DAY Throngs of Brisk Shoppers Will Be Early in Attendance at This Sale! Sal Talay m 1ZITTH FRIDT SrBPRISB BALE White Crepe Night Robes LOT 1-Regularly $2 a $2.50 Thursday at $1.67 Iligh and low round neck styles, daintily trimmed in cluny and filet tare ed:;es, medallions, insertions and ribbon. I1217TH FlUI-Ar House Dresses at $2.28 mfo Klosfit There 11 ticoats at X Jersey top. I flounces of or pleating and misses. Copenhagen 42 inches. each. 89. c ' 1 Surprise Sale lingerie Waists t $1. 11TTII IHIOtl' SURPRISE SAI.K" Candy Specials 60c Milk Chocolates, whipped cream style, box, S8. 40c Butter Cups, special, the pound, 25c1. 40c French Nougat, lb. 25d 40c After-Dinner Mints, the pound. 24 40c Ml. Hood Nougat, special the pound, 25. Baseaaeat Star inmi FRintr sirprue sale' $1.50 Pillows 98c Fine Feather Bed Pillow, filled with dnstless and odor less soft feathers. Ideal for camping or seaside use. Regu larly $1.50 each. Thursday only, each. 9S. Third Flam-. wala BalMlaar. ' Mall Orders Filled. 13I7TH FRIDAT : i fl. WWW i "i i i i i m DKJf Wi,- n:LLMM Surprising JJiaistt. V CIVCt dWlaJdVUl Id ""-Reductions 50c grades, 234-inch, yard, 37c I 75c grades, 4-inch, yard, 53 65c grades, 3Y4-inch, yard, 43 $1 grades, 414-inch, yard, 63d 35c Hair Bow Ribbons 5! '2 and 6V2 inches wide. Ileavy all-silk Taffeta Ribbons, with lo-ineh satin-stripe borders; plain -j --j or moire; all colors. We price them Thursday only, yard X C flSITTH FRIDAT fffl Fourth U Floor ( i Our. June White Days Continue to Give Savings to Our Patrons on Crisp, New Merchandise S5c Silk Mulls, 19c Choose Silk Mulls today, either plain or fancy patterns that are regularly 25c and 35c a yard. Thursday only, the yard, 19t First Floor. New BalldlaK. l'RPRl.E 8ALC No Telephone Orders There's an unusual neatness to every one of these 250 Street and House Dresses. They're of striped percales, white with navy or Copenhagen ; trimmed with plain mate rial to match stripe, or with contrasting col or. Sizes 34 to 46 bust measure. "While any remain, your choice of these Dresses, Thurs-ri.-iv onlv. at Petticoats at 89c be an early demand for these Pet 89c. Cotton messahne, sateen or Klosfit or string style. Have fine pleatings; rows of pin tucks with ruffle, btyles for women In black, brown, green, navy, and Nellrose. Lengths 30 to Thursday only, these Petticoats, -JeeoaI Floor. Mala Bnlldlaa; Mall Ordera Filiea. I21TTII FRIDAT SURPRISE SALE" 50c Scarfs at 25c Hemstitched Scarfs, scal loped and embroidered, size 18x 52 inches : ordinarily they are 50c. for Thursday only, select them at only. each. 25. Third) Floor, Mala Mulldlaa;. I : ITT If FRIDAT SURPRISE I.E" $1.25 to $2 Battenberg Scarfs at 69c We've a large assortment of these beautiful Battenberg Scarfs, with plain and drawnwork centers of linen, in medallion effects. We tell these regularly at $1.25 CQ to 2. Thursday only, each U7C Third Flam, Mala Rnlldlajr. 1217TH FRIDAT SURPRISE SAI.E" Battenberg Centers Regularly $2.50 to $4 A large assortment of very pretty Battenberg Centens, in round and square styles, in sizes 45 and 54 inches. Some have plain and others drawnwork centers; all of attractive patterns. They are ordinarily $2.50 to $4. Q"7 Thursday only at, each P 1 .0 Third Flaar, Mala Bulldta. SURPRISE SALE The modish in Slimmer millinery requires Black Velvet Ribbon in abundance. And while most stores report a shortage, we had early planned for this heavy demand, and, as usual, have a large, comprehensive stock of these Ribbons. For sashes, Black Velvet Ribbons are much in evidence this season. And you're as sured of all wanted widths. Choose Thursday only, at these extreme reductions: SURPRISE SALE" $3.50 Folding Card Tables at Only $1.79 Light and durable, these Card Tables, as illustrated, are most convenient; have imitation leather lop; sell rejrularly for $3.50; 'for Thursday only 1.70 INTERESTING EXHIBI nON of Photographs show ing recreation and play grounds, accomplishments of Pacific Coast cities. 7th Floor Tea Room Lobby. IT217TH FRIDAT SURPRISE SALE 20c Knit Vests at 12c ' For Summer wear these Knit Vests are most suitable, and are excellent quality for the regular price of 17c and 20c each. They have plain or fancy yokes, low neck and no sleeves in regular sizes. For Thursday only, they are, each, 125. First Floor, Mala Bide. K17TH FRIDAT SURPRISE SALE Women's 50c Hose, 35c Women 's Silk Boot Hose -with lisle top and split soles, in black, white and tan; regular 50c; for Thursday only, 3 pairs for $1.00, the pair 3o First Floor, Main Bids. Men's $2 Soisette Shirts 'SHShEST $ 1 -29 An immense special purchase of high-grade, soft-style Golf Shirts makes possible this great Surprise offering. They're of fine quality silk mercerized soisettes. In plain gray, blue, cream, white and tan, cream and buff and self -stripes ; all have soft double 'French cuffs. All sizes and all sleeve lengths. In addition to separate, soft military collar and four-in-hand tie of same material. Thursday only, your choice of these $2 Shirts for only $1.29. 1217TU FRIDAT SURPRISE SALE 35c Huch Towels 21c For embroidering these Huck Towels are very desirable. They are striped and the grade that sell ordinarily at 35c; shown in a number of pretty desismR; sale Thursday only, each, 21 I217TK FRIDAT SURPRISE Oxfords & Pumps, Oxfords and Pumps, worth to $4 the pair, are included for today only at $L89! 800 pairs, in sizes for women. Of patent colt, tan Russia or gunmetal calf, in two-hole ties; J. and T. Cousins make. Also black buckskin button Oxfords, patent or velour calf blucher lace oxfords, patent and gnnmetal Pumps, with one strap. Choice of Goodyear welt or light extension soles. Cuban and medinm heels. Plain or tipped toes. Thursday Stationery Surprises for J2I7TH FRIDAT SURPRISE SALE Suitcases Only $1.55 Here are Hofi Fiber Suit Cases, 24.13 inches and 61 in. deep. There are 2 leather straps around, locks and bols and leather corners; convenient for Summer trips, durable. Regular ly they're $2; Thursday only, each, $1.55 Fourth Floor, Mala Bulldlnc Austrian SlaS Pair 11 c Thin, dainty Austrian Chinaf" Cups and Saucers in plain white ; the popular bowl cup in teacup size. Just as illustrated. For, Thursday only, pair, H. First Floor, Main Building. Telephones Marshall 4600, A 6101 1A37 .saaaaBaaBaaaSfJaasaaBmsaa. Mail Orders Filled The- ROSE FESTIVAL June 9 to 14 Official Souvenir Postals given free at accom modation desk. Mail them to your friends. 11217TH 1217TH FRIDAT SURPRISE SALE Women's 25c Hose, 19c Women's seamless cotton lisle Hose, with double tops and soles, in colors black, white and tan; Thursday only, 3 pairs for 50c; the pair 19. First Floor, Main Bids. "12I7TH FRIDAT SURPRISE SALE" 1217TII FRIDAT SURPRISE SALE 25c Guimpes for 19c VThite and ecrn Guimpes with deep yoke of shadow lace in a large assortment of beautiful patterns; the body is of lawn with draw strings at bottom, Thursday only, each, 10 SALE. $ 1 .89 1217TH FRIDAT SURPRISE SALE Silver Fern Dishes, $1,19 Regularly $2.00 Just 50 of these silver plated Fern Dishes, 60 an early choice will be neces sary. They've pierced border design, with pottery lining. Very ornamental. Regularly $2. Thursday only, $1.19 "121TTII FRIDAT SURPRISE SALE" 15c Dennison's White Paper Napkins, 100 for 10 5c rolls Wax Paper, 3 for 10 15c crepe paper Table Cloths, in plain white, each, 10 15c packages Paper Plates, 25 in a package, 10 5c dozen fancy paper Napkins, 3 doz. 100 First Floor, New Building-. 1217TH FRID4T SURPRISE SALE Semi -Made Robes Semi-made Robes, on white batiste, embroidered in eyelet design. Also of white and ecru voiles, embroidered in Bulgarian colors. Robes consist of 42 inch f Iouncings for skirts, with bands to match, and plain material for waists. $5 to $10 Robes only 3.98 $4 to $8 Robes, only $3.98 ' 1313 QjualftV Store- of- Portland FVUv. SboU,"Morrison Aider Sta. . DEMON STRATTON of Wear-Ever Aluminum Ware, now being held in The Big Basement Store, of deep in terest to every housewife. Come and "see. FRIDAT SURPRISE SALE" $ 1 Silk Mesh Veiling 39c Of Shetland finish, pretty Silk Mesh Veil ings, very serviceable and appropriate for this season of the year; in shadow, magpie and other sheer Summer meshes. They're Bhown in all colors; $1.00 grades QQ on sale Thursday only, the yard, at 3&C First Floor, Mala Bids. 121TTH FRIDAT SURPRISE SALE Infants' 25c Socks, 15c Imported lisle Socks for infants, plain and fancy; broken lines of colors and sizes, 6ell regularly at 25c; for Thursday only, two pair for 25c; the pair, 15 First Floor, Mala Bids. 1217TH FRIDAT SURPRISE SALE Lace Nechwear, 98c New Plauen Lace Coat Sets, Waist Sets and Coat Revers in white; all in pleasing patterns and designs, in many styles and sizes. They sell for $1.25 and $1.50; Thursday only, each 98 First Floor, Mala Bulldtns. 15c crepe paper American Flags at only, each, 10 5c paper Drinking Cups, 3 for 10 15c linen Writing Tablets, each at only 10 15c lily plain bridge and 500 Score Pads, each, 100 15c Linen Stationery, 1-quire box for only 10 1217TH FRIDAT SURPRISE SALE KammocKs Only 98c These Hammocks are the most serviceable for use on outings or at the beach. They're of firm, hard canvas weave they have spreader, pillow and valance; regularly $1.50, $1.75, $1.90, $2 and $2.50. Your choice of these Hammocks, Thursday 98 Fifth, Floor, Main Building. 1217TH FRIDAT SURPRISE SALE 1000 Cemetery Vases For Decoration Day These Vases are constructed to place on graves. They are made of tin, painted green. Are made to hold water, thus keep ing flowers fresh for a great length of time. Special today at only, each, 12 Telephones Marshall ' 4600, A 6101 Mail Orders Filled HAVE YOUR FURS STORED IN OUR COLD STORAGE They'll be guaranteed against fire, theft and moth. We have the only refrigerating cold stor age for Furs in the City of Portland. I1217TH FRIDAT To $18 Coats at $7.85 100 in the Group Owing to the limited number Coats, this is an astounding make on them for Thursdav will be sent C. 0. D. or on approval. "We V. predict early disposal of every Coat in this group. They're of serges, tweeds, coverts and cheviots. In navy, tan, black and white checks and plaids. One just as illustrated. All lengths. In semi or loose style, have straight or cutaway fronts. 'Twill be necessary to come early today to enjoy selection from this wonderful lot of Coats. While any remain, your choice, only $7.S5. Second Floor, Main .nail 1217TH FRIDAT SURPRISE SAX 15 Croquet Sets at $1.49 8 hardwood mallets and balls, with striped wickets make up these croquet sets, and all are enclosed in a good, strong box. .Regularly they are $2.00. Thursday only the set, $1.49 Fifth Floor, Xetr BalldlnK. Mall Orders Filled. I217TH FRIDAT SURPRISE SALE'N Hand Embroidered Jabots 13 Off Our entire stock of fine hand-embroidered Jabots, some trimmed with real Irish crochet or cluny lace; worth from $1.00 to $15. Thursday only, 1-3 OFF First Floor, Main Bids;. Mall Orders Filled. 1217TH FRIDAT SURPRISE SALE $1.50 Perries Kid Gloves 98c 2000 pairs women's real kid Gloves of Perrin make, 2-cIasp style; also heavy pique sewn glace Gloves with stitched backs; 2 large pearl clasps; white, black, tan and mode; regular $1.50; Thursday, pair, 98 First Floor. Main Bids. Mall Orders Filled. -1217TH FRIDAT Toilet Goods. lfic Mrnnrn's Talcum Powder. .. ,10V S5c Red C'roM Talcum Powder... lOc 1 rc Samurai Talrum Powder lOc 2.c Swansiiown Face Fonder. ... 10 25c Viola Face Soap lQc 2."e Graves' Tooth Powder IOC 15c "4711" White Rose Glycerine Soap lO 1!tc Kolynos Skin Soap IOC 15c Boarjols French Almond Soap 10f 25c Odorsbum Deodorant IOC 15c Fare CbamolM lOl 15c Wool Powder Pads. . . IOC 1217T1T FRIDAT To $6.50 Trimmed Hats $1 Our tailored and semi-dress Hats, a sorting-up sale, and while any remain your choice today only SI i $20 to $60 Pattern Hats beautifully trimmed in ostrich plumes, and fancy Hats with fetching trimming of flowers A D5r and lace. Thursday only, your choice at exactly laCC Sailor Hats a new shipment just received! ideal for outings. Choice of black, white and burnt. One lot specially priced J f Thursday only take advantage of the opportunity each OUC $1 to $1.50 Sailor Hats, 95 12I7TH FRIDAT Two Grocery Surprises No Telephone Orders Taken for These Grocery Specials Bine Ribbon Butter in two pound rolls; frpsh from the churn of one of the best Oregon CI creameries. Thursday onlyOC Pure Food Grocery, 1317TH FRIDAT SURPRISE SALE White Crepe Night Robes LOT 2 Regularly $1.75, Thursday at $1.3? These robes are high and low neck 6tyles, and neatly trimmed in linen lace edgings, embroidery, hemstitching and ribbon. SURPRISE SALE: of these offer we onlv. None.v Building;! orders Filled. flSllTlt FRIDAT SURPRISE SALE Bungalow Net Curtains $2 Quality Pair $1.29 See these beautiful Bungalow Net Curtains, in. Alder-street window. They were made to order for 1 this Surprise Sale, and only 500 pairs were includ ed. They win instant admira tion; and they're ideal for at tractive furnishings of the home. Worth .$2 the pair, to day only, your choice of these Bungalow Net Curtains, pair, only S1.29. Third Floor, Mala Bnlldlns:. Mall Orders Filled. SURPRISE SALE lOc Surprises 2Sc Parker Br ay's Emery Boards, 1Q 25c Kail Butters 1M 25c Pocket Climbs lOd J 5c Jertri'a Bensoin and Almond Lotion . .1 10) 15e ParlKlan Ivory 'apkln nips, Bold inltlnlt very special. . . . 10 25c Ntep-K.ONr (Tokalont C 15c rompouni Licorice Powder. . lOO 15c Orris Rod (powdered) lO 15c Ammonia Water IOC 15c Boric j'ld powder! IOC 15c SsltM of l.emon ....lOc 15c Salts of Tartar IOC SURPRISE SALE" selling regularly to $6.50. It's SURPRISE SALE" Canned Corn fine dry Minne sota pack of Maine style. For Thursday only one dozen limit to each customer 4 Cans for 25c Basement Store. Mail Orders Filled. M