TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1913. 14 HEATH FRANCHISE IS GRANTED BY CITY Permit to Build Steam Plant Awarded Northwestern Electric Company. WORKS TO COST $300,000 Open 1 11? of Columbia Ionth Inlet, Appeal of Reservoir Case and Sale of Bonds Amonj De cleions of Council. COrXOI. PBOCKEDIXGS IX BRIEF. Northwestern Electric Com pany irranted franchise for cen tral heating plant In new Plttoclc block. Salarr revision committee abolished. .Appeal of Wakefield case au thorised. Election official removed on charges of Incompetence. Ordinance passed permitting; .Inside" rooms In office build ings. Appropriation made lo open Inlet to Columbia Slough. Proponed plumbing ordinance kflld. :.000 worth of Improvement bonds sold. Ordinance requlrlnr license of real estate brokers repealed. The Northwestern Electric Company was granted 15-year franchise by tne City Council yesterday, permitting; It to Install and operate a central steam heatlnic Plan to furnish heat at com mercial rates. Three per cent of the ross earnlnita of the company Is to be paid to the city annually a remunera tion for the privilege. The franchise includes the right to lay pipes and do nther thln; necessary to Install and operate the system. Twelve Councllmen Baker. Clyde, Paly. Dunning. Joy. Lang-ford. Mene fee. Monks, Montac. Pchmeer. Watklns and Wllhelm voted for the granting; of the franchise. "Maulre-a was the , only dissenting; vote. Jennings and Wal lace being; absent. According; to tne plans of the North western Electric Company, the plant will be located In the basement of the lit Ptttock block, and may be ready for operation oy next January. The estimated cost of the plant la 1100.000. Salary Petlttoa Ge Over. Following; a debate over the proposed ordinance to Increase tha salary or a member of the fire department, the pedal committee on revision of sal aries of eltr employes was Uissoivea, and all requests for Increases In pay will be a matter of business for the next Council meeting, two weeks hence. The salary revision committee had been In existence soma time, but had never bad a meeting. It was Councilman Menrfee'a motion that abolished the committee. The appeal of the verdict In the Wakefield eaae to the Supreme Court was formally authorised by resolution. Introduced by Councilman Daly. In lrcult Court the Jury recently award ed Robert Wakefield Company $148. ?.&, as e. balance due on the con struction of the Mount Tabor reser voirs. An ordinance was passed authorising the appropriation of l-"50 out of the general fund for the purchase of a pulmotor to be used by the harbor patrol In resuscitating persons taken from the river. Khretlea Officials Reaaoved. On petition of the citizens, H. O. Raker and U. Fowler were removed from the election board In Precinct fc.'S. and J. A. Caxr in Precinct 10S. 'hargej of Incompetence were made KKatnst them. An ordinance granting to the Board of Health authority to enter Into a contract for the disposal of dead ani mals was laid over for two weeks. At present the city removes such carcasses to the Incinerator, where they are con sumed, charging- the person from whose premises they are taken $3 a head for removal. A company has offered to take the carcasses, making the same charire. and converting them Into com mercial products. It wan argued that the step would be to the city's advan tage, with the vegetable and fruit sea son coming on, meaning more work for the already overtaxed Incinerator. Councilman Maguire objected to the pxsa.-ige of the ordinance, declaring that he believed a contract could be secured for the removal of the car casses without cost to the city or the person from whose premises they are taken. laalde Rmu Aathortaed. Over the objection of Building In-' spectur Plummer, and on recommenda tion of the health ana police commit tee, an ordinance was passed permit ting the construction of Inside rooms in office buildings without direct out-. , door ventilation connections. Two thousand dollars was appro priated for the purpose of opening up the inlet of Columbia Slough, so that 'olumbia River water will flow through It, and. It Is hoped, create a current sufficient to carry away sewage. The new plumbing ordinance, recom mended by the sanitary commission, was indefinitely postponed. A license was granted to A. Duchamp to conduct an amusement park of tbe sixth class at Council Crest, but his petition for a dance hall license w denied. Public Improvement bonds to the amount of IHS.000 were authorized sold at premiums of from J.46Vi to J. 78 An ordinance adopting Jhe report of the' City Engineer, that the Mayor be authorised to make an investment from tbe sinking fund of $:0.000 In Portland water bonds was passed. The ordinance requiring a license fee from real estate brokers waa repealed. Under tbe provisions of the repealing ordinance. $400 paid for licenses will Le refunded. Councilman Baker. In replying to Mrs. Clark, saiil that he hoped he was gentlemarfenough to not contradict her statements, but that In justice to htm self he wished to give his side of the story. He expressed regret that the incident had occurred, and cited the fact that at the time It had happened he had apologised to Mrs. Clark, and that she had accepted his apology in the presence, of SO women. The account of the affair printed in The Oregonlan had been written by the reporter, be said, with no suggestion from him. "I think In view of all the facts he said, "that Mrs. Clark has treated me unjustly. I never intentionally offended her, and yet she persists in hounding me. Turning to Mrs. Clark. Mr. Baker said that he would suggest that she begin the matter of reform by getting her own husband to give up smoKing, or by protesting against the practice In a grill which she patronised. "I thank you. Mrs. Clark, for giving me this opportunity of vindicating my self." he said. In closing. The vote of confidence followed, and the Council resumed Its regular busi ness. MAZAMASTOGOONTOUR GRANTS PASS CAVES WILL. BE VISITED Tins WEEK. Party of 105 Will Leave Tonight by Special Train and 17 Will Join Delegation at Eugene. The Mazamas will leave over the Southern Taclflo at 7:15 tonight for Grants Pass, for their long-planned trip to see the Oregon Mammoth Caves. The party wlll'have a special train, consist ing of four Pullmans and a. baggage car. At Eugene an- aaamonai sieeper will be taken on, containing tbe Eu gene detachment, which consists 01 11 Dersona. The train will arrive In Urania Paaa at 7 A- XL. Friday. After' the return from the caves Sun day the uarty will board Its special train for home, arriving in rortiana at S A. M. Monday. About 10o persons will make the trip. Following la tbe list, exclusive of the Eugene delega tion: iA,tt. ir Adams. Portland: Louisa Almy. HMUdale; flam M. Archer. Portland; Ida M. Arrnson. Portland: Charles E- Atlas. Port land; Ir. Frederick Anderson, Hublimttr; Alice Hufleld. Portland: J. x. itaimannu, p w H.nmfiffl Portland: O. B. Ballou. Portland: A. J. Dlnsham, Portland: Mvrile H nrhim. roruana: K. 1. .nernee. fcmlem; Kaiuh Ham eta, tiaiem; W. H. Hhar- rl Jr.. Milladale: J. r-- uroaauso. roniuvi George Bronaugh. Portland; Anna Bllllvant, Portland; J. auwn, roniana; r. cuv Portland; Mrs. Harriet . (.ainoun, rori- land: W. J. II Clark, Portland: A. M. (-Htirehlll Portland: Robert E. Dunlway. Portland: Anna C. Ullllnger, roriiana; uiivt Ixinnt-U Portland: Helen Dunham. Portland; Mrs. K. K, Dunlway. Portland: William H. fcrhman. Portland; Mrs. Harriet bnricae, Portland: Margaret A. Fleming, Portland; J. 8. Foaler. Portland: C K. Koraythe, Caatle Rock. Wean.; Kleanor h. Ulle, rortlana; Pauline Qeballe. Portland; Rodney L.. Ulisen, Portland; Xfartna U. Goldai'P. Portland; C E. Greene, Portland; Calla M. Hand. Port land W. P. Hardeaty. Portland; A. U. Heyer, Jr.. Portland: Dr. J. L. Hill. Albanvi Mary C. Henlhorne. Portland: Pearl Harnola, Pert- land: Charlotte M. Harris, Portland; is. Holer, fcalrm: Mrs. E Holer. Salem: Mary E. Hunt. Vancouver. Wash. ; J. I. Karnopp, Pnrtiandi Katelle KaTlor. Salem: Dr. Grace Keith. Portland: Katharine Knapp, Portland; l P. Lamb, I'ortiana; r reaa utioureue, Hillsdale: K. H. Loomls. Portland; Charles H. Marias, Portland; Lena -Nealand, Port land: H. V. Jiewlln, Portland: A. K. Parker. Portland: Laura Peterson, Portland: E. P. Peterson. Portland: H. M. .Fparks. CorvalNs; Philip Piper, Portland; Mrs. Philip Piper, Portland: Mary E. Powell. Portland; H. H. prouty. Portland; Catherine Pooler, Salem; frank B. Hlley. Portland: Rose Coursen Reed, Portland: George X. Klddell, Portland; F. A. Hoaenkrana. Portland; Oamon Koyal, Portland: Gladwin timlln. Portland: Rets 8ammons. Portland: Georso F. Scott, Port land; Marlon Schneider, Portland; Cora Sha ver. Hillsdale: Pansy Shaver, Hillsdale: J. C. Sharp; Portland; Mrs. S. A. bkelton, Portland: A. M. Swartley, Corvallla; A. P. Tlfft. Portland: W. M. rmbdenatock. Port land: Mrs W. M. Vmbdenatock. Portland: George M. Welater. Portland: T. Brook White. Portland: William W. Wldmer, Port land, and O. H. 'Wetchclt. Portland. LODGE WILL HONOR DEAD Knights of Columbus to Attend Me morial Mass. Knlirhts of Columbus of Portland Council. No. 878. will attend a requiem high mass at St. Patrick's Church, Nineteenth and Savier streets, at 9 o'clock tomorrow, the service being for the repose of the aouls of members ol the order In this city who have died GIRLS TRY METTLE Pupils of Washington High Hold Indoor Track Meet. 60 QUALIFY FOR FINALS No Record-s Made but Keen Compe tltion Develops and Names of Winners Will Go On Trophy Becoming; School Property. Six closely-contested athletic events marked the first Washington High girls' annual indoor- track meet, held yes terday in the school gymnasium. The entire seating capacity of the hall was taxed, there being more than 500 pres ent. More than 160 girla took part In the preliminaries, and when the finals were reached 60 qualified. Miss Jean Wold, girls' physical director of the Lincoln and Washington High Schools, was supervisor of the classes, and It Is through her good, work that the co eds of these two high schools have taken a great Interest in athletics. In the high jump competition, Edith Moyer crossed the bar at t feet 9 Inches, breaking the record made by Helen Qauld at the recent Jefferson High meet, her record being S feet 8 inches. Although the Portland lnterscholastlc co-ed high Jump waa broken. Miss Wold was disappointed, aa a number of her pupils have gone as high as 4 feet 3 inches in practice. Olga Klekar took second honors In the high jump with I feet 8 inches. Edith Morgan Take Honor. Edith Morgan proved the best all- around athlete In tbe school on her showing yesterday. In the running broad jump she took first place with a leap of 11 feet 8 Inches, as well as taking first In the rope-cllmblng event. Owing to the fact that the school's gymnasium would not permit any long dashes, an 80-foot sprint was arranged for, and Ruth Doty won after being given a hard run. Clarice Oaks took first in the basketball throw, when she sent the ball ti feet 11 Inches. Her showing in the high Jump was not up to the expectations of her physical di rector. She has cleared over four feet In recent workouts, but fell down mis erably yesterday. A beautiful loving cup was presented to the winners by the Honeyman Hardware Company. The girls winning will have , their names inscribed on the trophy, and It will be put In the Washington High trophy room. Summary la Given. More than 400 Washington High girls take various forms of athletics under the supervision of Miss Wold. Fol lowing Is a summary of the meet: Runnlnr broad jump Edith Morgan first. Anna Hetnse second. Hasel McCUntock third. Distance 11 feet 8 Inches. Runnlnr hlrh lump Edith Morsan first. Olca Klekar second. Height 3 feet 9 Inches. Hole-climbing Edith Morsan first, Isabel Gilbert second. Time, t:iu. F.lghty.foot dash Ruth Doty first. No time given. Basketball throw Clarice Oaks first. Margaret aaxton second. Distance 63 feet 11 Inches. 410-yard relay out doors, six runners each Edith Rheppard. Leah Wilson, Edith Mor. gan. Gertrude Kerr, fctnel Talt and Kuth Doty. M. C. A. OOXVEXTIOX IX 1913 TO BRIXG MANY HERE. Prosperity San Shining In East, Says Secretary Stone Just Returned From Ohio Conference. Nearly 2000 delegates, who will at tend the International convention of the Young Men's Christian Association In San Francisco In 1916, will visit Portland at that time, according to H. Bis Diamond Safety Squteget) -Triad for Automobiltt, Motor cycles, Bicjclti Perfect car control and freedom from skids You will enjoy driving your car, you will drive with safety, perfect control, and absolute free dom from skids, if you. equip your car this seasonjwithi it iafety Tread (Squeegee) Tires This is a real non-skid tire the original "Won't Slip.WWt Slide, Won't 'Skid it Grips and Holds.!' And without extra cost you get the More Mileage Vitalized Rubber, Perfect 3-Point Rim Contact, also No- Pinch Safety Flapjor inner tube protection. So this time buy Diamond Vitalized Rub ber Tires with the famous Safety Tread you can get them to fit your rims at any of the tMgmttmmmmlmmmBjiMtUH00&mmmmmiJl''Ut sil niflMSJaaaaaaaasS) Speajdng for Ourselves and Hundreds of Others: We, the undersigned supporters of G. Evert Baker for Commissioner of the City of Portland, hereby insist on the continuation of his candidaey to the arbitrament of the last ballot of the voter on June 2, 7 P. M., in the year of our Lord 1913, and for the following reasons: First, He is well qualified. He has both common school "and college education; he is a man of unimpeachable honesty; he has had nearly twelve years' experience largely in commercial law practice; he has been for years an active member of civic organizations of our city; he has had numerous law cases that have brought him repeatedly into close relation with the various departments of our city government; he is pains-taking with his work and a tireless worker; he is fair-minded, a man of good habits and good sense; and. above all. he is a man of unsullied integrity today as when Banker Gilbert, of Rhodes, Iowa, wrote: "I have known G. Evert Baker for fifteen years. I can cheer fully recommend him as an honest, upright young man of splendid good habits and principles"; and as worthy of confidence today as when his col lege president wrote of him among 3500 fellow-students: "There is no one of whom I can, with more confidence, reeommend to public favor, llis worU will more than verify every statement made." Men are daily elevated to position of honor, responsibility and trust with no better qualifications than those of E. Evert Baker, nor vouched for from higher sources, and do not disappoint their constituents. All v ho are intimately, acquainted with G. Evert Baker know he means what he said when he said: "I pledge you, if elected, 'whether friend or. foe, the very best service there is in me. I stand for a clean life, a clean city and n City Beautiful. My motto is: For the enormous annual expense of our city ner citizens ought, of right, receive a hundred cents 011 the dollar in service and civic betterment." .. . . ., It is, therefore, not too much to declare it our conviction that, ol tne 269 American cities now operating satisfactorily under the commission form of kovernment, few, if any, have commissioners who brought to their new and untried duties and responsibilties qualifications superior to those ol t. Evert Baker. , , . ,. . . , Secondly. Mr. G. Evert Baker was, after a careful examination into his qualifications and past record, reported back by the sub-committee of One Hundred as one of the 20 candidates favorably recommended by it as entitled to your support for the office of Commissioner of the City of Portland. And it was moved and seconded by two of Portland s very prominent men in the committee of the whole that the sub-committee's recommendation be adopted, the president himself adding, at the time the motion was made, that he considered any one of these candidates just as eligible as ano her 1 H. L. GANOE, Attorney, Selling Building. LEWIS MONTGOMERY, 223 East 20th St. C. R. MANN, 455 Going Street. TAMwa tt fiAWOE. 1121 Arnold Street. DR. P. L. M'KENSIE. Macleay Building. f. " " ' 1 W. Stone, general secretary of ths Portland Y. M. C A., who returned yes terday from the East. Most of Mr. Stone's time was passed In Cincinnati, where he attended the convention which has Just concluded. 'Although these gatherings are new only once in three years," said Mr. Stone, "an exception has been made this time to permit delegates to visit the Coast In 1915. I talked with a great many men who will come, and all of them promised to visit Portland. As they are leaders in affairs In their re spective cities and many of them hold positions of National prominence, their visit here will not be without benefit to this city." Mr. Stone reports that the Cincinnati convention was in many respects the most important Y. M. C. A. gathering ever held. The 1300 delegates in at tendance took up a great many ques tions of importance within the associa- EXCITING MOMENTS DURING YESTERDAY'S WASHINGTON HIGH GIRLS TRACK MEET. tlon, and while there were widely dif fering views on some of them, there was complete harmony In supporting the policies after a decision was once reached. Mr. Stone was a member of a committee on membership that sup ported a policy of allowing full privi leges to a member who transfers from one city to another. This policy was adopted despite the opposition of some of the Eastern associations. "I found business conditions good everywhere I went." said Mr. Stone. "This was particularly true in Minne apolis, where conditions- are the best they have been in recent years. There they are raising $500,000, with a sin gle subscription of $100,000 heading the list. In a Y. M. C. A. building cam paign." Mr. Stone A'isited several cities in the flood district and found normal condi tions rapidly being restored. In nearly all of them, he says, the Y. M. C A. was headquarters for the rescue work; ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY ARCADIAN GARDENS HOTEL MULTNOMAH The Great Favorite Miss Diana Bonnar And Her Company in Costume in CAVALLERIA RUSTICANA ' THE LOVERS' QUARREL ?antuzza- Miss Diana Bonnar Sfa Miss D. Verhagen Turiddu'.'.V.'..".'. Mr. Ansgar Stark Mr. Herbert Johnston, Accompanist. " This is the first time this opera has ever been performed in cabaret. Also Miss Marguerite Favor And Her 1913 Revue Girls On account of great demand for tables, reservations not held after 6:45 for dinner and 11:15 for supper. H. C. BOWERS, Manager. GAINER THIGPEN Assistant Manager. Wyatts Settle Out of Court, Property rights have been settled out of court in the divorce suit of Lydia Wyatt against John R. Wyatt. brother of Mrs. Jonathan Bourne, Jr., and ex- TTitrt states District Attorney. By a stipulation filed yesterday the defendant is to make no further ap pearance in the case and the decree is to be allowed by default. Both plain tiff and lefendan had . considerable real and personal property in their own names. The terms of the settle ment were not made public. Mrs. Wyatt accuses her husband of drunkenness, cruelty and Infidelity. Outside Judges Called In. To assist in clearing up the work of the Multnomah County Circuit Court Judge McGinn being the only one of the Ave judges who is up with his calendar, Circuit Judges Hamilton, of Roscburg, and Calkins, of Ashland, will sit at the Courthouse Monday. They will be here for a month or more. Circuit Judge Gatens will arrange calendars for them Saturday morning and also a calendar for County Judge Cleeton, who becomes a Circuit Judge next week. Judge Cleeton will not be loaded up with many Circuit Court cases as be still has probate work to handle. HIGH COST OF LIVING Has been solved by hundreds of fami lies living at Metzger, eight miles from Portland, on Oregon Electric. Large, fine lots, $200 and up. Excursion leaves Jefferson-st. station, 10 A. M-. next WOMAN ASSAILS BAKER Council Tender l"nanlnou.- Vote of Confidence. Having granted tbe privilege of the floor to Mrs. A. K. Clark, the mem bers of the City Council, at the regular session yesterday morning, listened to a bitter denunciation of Councilman Bakr. and then, having beard his reply to her remarks. Immediately tendered him a unanimous Tote of con fidence. Mrs. Clark's remarks concerned the controversy which started some two months ago between herself and Coun cilman Baker over the fact that mem bers of the Council were found smok ing In committee meeting. Mrs. Clark did not ask the Council to taka any action on the matter. Rev. Father Murphy, of Portland Coun cil, will be the celebrant. Relatives of the dead are Invited to attend the memorial mass. Special musio has been prepared and, as the hour Is early, many have arranged to defer visiting the cemeteries until af ter mass. Tbe last member of the or der to be named In the list of depart ed brothers waa Richard Wilson, who died yesterday. Ha had been elected a member of the board of directors of Portland Council Monday night and was one of those prominent in the or ganization. Members of this council who have died are as follows: B. S. Rielly, September 13, 1902: George C. Stour, June 1, Matthew Murphy. No vember 12. 190S; J. T. McDonnell, Octo ber 17. lo"; Bernard Albers, March 4, l0i; Jerry Collier, March 13. John Jes op. March 19. 1909; W. H. Carney, July 9. Matt K. Howard. September 28. 1910; Charles B. Deuber, March 8, ' 1911; Charles B. Merrick. August 21. John Conlln, November 9, Charles McGowan, November 25, 1912; Louis N. Dole. Jan uary 10. J- M. Smith, January 21, J. Hlngston Smith, January 22, John Cor dano March-30. Richard Wilson, May IS. 1918. A alight cold In a child or" grown person holds possibilities of the grav est nature. C roup may come on sud denly in the night, bronchitis or pneu monia may develop, and severe ca tarrl::il troubles and consumption are po.isille remilts. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound nips a cold at the out set cures croup quickly, checks a deep sea'ted racking cough, and heals in flamed -membranes. It does not con stipate and contains no opiates. Ha rm., substitutes. For sale by Huntley Bros- Fourth and Washington street. , 1 JVA. . - r.i- ii ABOVE RITH DOTY IX t'K.ITER, FIXISHIXCi FIRST 1ST 80-FOOT DASH. BELOW MISS MARGABET EXTO. CHOSSl.VG HIGH JIMP BAR AT S FEET 8 INCHES. ' . FAST CHEDUL TO ASTORIA AND Gearhart SEASHORE LIMITED Seaside WEEK-END SPECIAL Now in Service. SATURDAY. Leave Portland 2:00 P.M. Arrive at Astoria 5:00 P.M. Arrive at Gearhart. Arrive at Seaside. Beginning Sunday, June 1. DAILY. Leave Portland 9:00 A.M. Arrive at Astoria -.12 :10 P.M. Arrive at Gearhart 12:53P.M. Arrive at Seaside 1:00P.M. DAILY. RETURNING. MONDAY. Leave Seaside 6:30 P. M. Leave Seaside I Leave Gearhart 77 6:36 P.M. Leave Gearhart Leave Astoria 7:15 P.M. Leave Astoria Arrive at Portland. . j 10:25 P.M. Arrive at Portland June 1st Other Daily Trains Leave at 7:50 A. M. and 6:30 P. M. .5:47 P.M. ..5:55 P.M. . 8:30 A.M. . 8:36A.M. . 9:20A.M. .12:30 P.M. THE ONLY OCEAN RESORT With LIMITED TRAIN SERVICE Observation Parlor Cars, Large Coaches Columbia River Scenery Go to the Seashore Plan Vacations Now - ROUND I7ADI7Q TRIP 2. Jr.S..2-JlJ WFFK1 FNDS Saturday and Sunday, $3 W HE.rV-.r.ll LVO Return Limit Monday tl n A TI V Sold ThrouRhout Year, - $t Ue.lL.1 Return Limit Six Months $15 COMMUTATION SJfSSr Tr,p8' Limited train schedules permit business men to spend full week-ends at Clatsop Beach with out loss of office time. The Seashore Limited makes' a splendid one-day trip, with all after noon at the seashore. CHANGE IN LOCAL TRAIN SCHEDULES, SUNDAY, JUNE 1 The train now leaving Portland at 8 :10 A. M. will leave at 7 :50 A. M., for Astoria, Clatsop Beach an.d local. The train from these points now arriving Portland at 10:10 P. M. will arrive at 9:50 P. M. Rainier local train, now leaving Portland at. 1:00 P.M., will leave at 12:50 P.M., arrive at 5:00 P. M., instead of 5:15 P. M.; leave 5:35 P .M., instead of 5:45 P. M. TICKETS, PARLOR CAR SEATS AND DETAILS MAY BE OBTAINED AT OFFICES City Ticket Office, Fifth and Stark Streets. North Bank Station, Eleventh and Hoyt Sts.