roit REX. om rr.EK at-tomomt.e AT OLR SERVICE WHEN HUNTING APABMESTi Furnished ar. d unfurnished ipirtnunU from 2 to 4 rooms, from $15 t 857.S0 per month. If you want on. telephone Mala 2015 Sunday or AIOU Evening caii Mr. Balden. Vlrahall li:.'!i. rtar e.utnmoi.11 will call at nr Badr with nr a-nt. who will be gla-l to ihow these, tsanmtntl. HMnrfUCPl rrmru. We own or control the following: Vellia. 1M asd Gttaan ats Claypool. i'.th and Clay at. Ford bam. J7' Ford t. ...m m i il. near Main. Henov.r. 'l." King t.. ner Waeblngton. Knickerbocker, aio Itarriaon. p' Orde.-lesh. 2 Grand ave. ft. Croix. 1T0 ft. Clair t.. ner Wain, it. Franrt. Cist and Iloet t. Wellington. Uth and Everett ate. MORGAN. F1.E1DNEK BOltB. 5.YI-508 AMnetnn Bid. HTGHLAN'T rniKT ArARTMENTS. and Gllaan St. Walking Diatance. . i . - n. vlaRtiT fum-labe! 4 r" m ef rtnin-.'. all large, blight outside rooms. R. ferenres Required. MaK.lail 31d2. THE WHFTKMX fcm Park and Taylor Sts. THE WlKfLDON AVNKX. Ccrner Tenth and Salmon Slreeti Walklns Instance. Furnished comt 2. 3 and 4 mora apartment, bulging new aud tirtetly modern; aerrtca Ural clae. rARVEUTA. Jerreraoa and I t h St. 4 an. A room unfurnished apartment; exceptionally well arranged; walking- di La oca. Rate Reasonable, Vodera. Reference. New. TillMTT nA 'E Al'Ai: TMENTS The Hoiua of Tone. large! a id finest apart ment on (ha Pacific Coast. In heart of eoartment-hou rtiatrict. .New and mod ern tn every particular. Apartment fur nished and unfurnished; ex. luaive bachelor quarter with club-room In outh wmt; aieeplng-porche in every apartment; high r'as aervlre; refined clientele; no dieap parln furniture; terme reaaonable: In ape-tlon muted: reference requires Phone Marehatl lll. THE BARaKH. cor. Slet and Irving t. Tht new four-etory brick row open; firr nthed and unfurnished In 2. 3 and 4-room suite: reception hall; electric automatic :evator. Holm disappearing bevla, built in buffet and writing deek. ga range, tee boa p.entv of cioeet rooma; cotb. pnone. vacuum cleaner free to patrona. If yott want something- r. come to tha Barker. Phono A IT44. Mahall -. I. STTT.WTV APTS. fomer St. flair and Washlnclon. Faaiutlfnllr furnished. high-clao P-- leeping norchee end roof gardeu, lilal location for Pummer. reaaonah'e rates: refwrancaa required. Phone Mar. 8469. WELXEFT.ET COITRT. Eot 15th and Helmont. W block f Mor eieon. BilKMt and beat on Kat Side. 4 atory. niouern. lK<u: furnuued aad tin furnlahed; walklns uuitiace. VIT.I.A FT. CT.ARA. 13th and Taylor. Moat modern apartment on tbo Pacific Coaat. Furnlahed Coroplet. Roof garden In connection. Walking DUtancev Keferencea. THE IIIVINO. IHVIXU 6T. Four and fle-room unfurnlehed apart ment, large, well ventilated room, ve randa to each apartment; prtrate phonea. ample cioeet room, beet value In city: handy to atreotcar. low mtea to perma nent tenant; reference required. Main ::! THH Ml'HDAl NT. Furn1ahd or unfuml-hrd four room and reception hall; all laro outalde and aunny: eaay walking illlar.ce; reanonahle lnf look at thene befvro .railug. lrttn and ' Kverctt. ippoall CUrUtiaa Science t norch. ' litliKTU lOLRT. I ncretia St.. near VVaahington and .3d. Moat modern unf urnishe.i apartment tiouaa in the city; 2 to S-room apartment Inveattcate before deciding elw here. Kef. erencea Manager. Maraiia.l .Oli; Janitor. Merahall 1-X. m jlll: AVAI.ON The nearest to Vnlon Depot f all Eaat Md apts.. 3 block of Broad. a. lieatitiful furnljihed, 3 and 4-room apts. All linen, eilv rr are. private pbone. battt and electing porches, summer ratea. I'none r.aat iwn- . Vvi.srFAL ill) 0th. s--tn minutes to P. O. and stores: fireproof bldg.. automatio ele vator, modern, elegantly furnlehed. S and 4 room apts.. wltn private baths. I:'5 to s.o montniy; best apartments In town for pric. Mam Home 2Qto. THE EMERSON New modern brick. 2. 3 and 4 rooms: furnished and unf urnishsd. hat. hot water and Janitor service. Price i'.i to -'. located on William ave. and Kmeraon. reatricted district. Phons Woodiawn alio or 6-Vt. hoSUXKKI.n APTS.. East 14th and Stark, opp-vsltc Washington High School Four room apartments, furnlsned and unfur nished, modern In every way. all large outside room, very reason able. Phone F.ast S73. SUMMER rate: best value In Portland; close In; strictly modern 1 8, 4-room furnished apartment, . 8lT up; private phonea. bat.., elevator. Janitor; every .-Bventem-e: fireproof. Leeds aVpart-n-ents. 310 Market. THB CROMWELL, Plf'.a and Columbia, 2 and 3-room apartments, furnlahed: strictly modern and new; references; close aa.klnf g.: P' service tlrst-claaa. aJESIRARLr 4-room apartment, furnished or unf urnishd ; arranged for 2 bedrooms, beat la city, considering Vent, location, servloa, etc.; onttlde rooma. private bath, erect phona. SHEFFIELD Apartments, 273 Broadway, cor. Jefferson. B! KCH APT A Beautifully furntahed two-room apts.. bata, dreaaing room. new. clean, fine Sura nwr location. 11' N. 2at st. Marshall CRDERLEIijli eJ tirand Are. 3-room apartments, completely furnlahed, private baths, new management: modern and con venient, walking distance, beat of scrrwe, rates !5 to 3 THB PARaHl'RST, Koerh 2uth and Northrup Sta. Homelike furnished 3 and 4-room apart, men ts. outside rooms; balcony to ovary ao te: all conveniences: ref. Phons M. 117a. V EI.LI.NliTON APARTMENTS, lith and Everett 2. 8 and 4 rooms, unfurnished: private hatha: 9J and up; comp.etely ren ovated: under new management; walking e. :etance. convenient and bvat service. OH ANDESTA. Eaat Stark and Orand ave. New building: nice. j furnlsned S-room aoartmcnra: private bam and private lhoue; I. j to 1.17.O0: walking distance. P'aone Eaat 2-A. CI MBERLAND. W. l ark and Columbia ata; 1 choice 3-room apt.. Just furntahed. everything new. all modern conveniences, rlioice location, facing the park. 5 minutes' wsik from business center; references. KCtLtll APARTMENTS. 14TH AND t'LAV frilEETS. Fi.-st-elss 3-mom apartments. Qttfur n.shd. private vrettbule. bathroomsi and phon-s: reference required. THB WI.NdTuX. 341 14th St.. at Market. New two and three-room apartment, completely furuhed; wslkmg distance; prices re.isonao.e. .Ma'n 173V. HAUUuN HALL. One unfurnisned corner apartment with a.-rvened-in t-alcony. also on furnished apartment with balcoa. 414 11th St. Marshall 1171.. Flats. 3o LOWER and upper 6-roora flats. In good condition, 15th and Davis st.. close Two new modern four-TvTn and bath flats, near Walnut Park, SIS month. Phone Woo.Hawn 11. ', E. Hnh. tes.&O: also 3 !ara 72' Belmont. f-0. oK REST cheap, modern 4-room upper flat, phonl K o. P H'H. 1t ikVin-;. near H.Ui fi-room modern ft. Key at corner grocery. - FLAT of ) rooms and bath: 731 Hnyt st. Inquire 130 oth st. Phone Main 627a. JiOLl.ADAV ADtJ.. walking distance, aeaf 1 carline. 412 a Waaco st. East lio. FOR KENT. 1- lata. MOntiRN. up-to-date. S-room. upper flat, with Dutch kitchen and attic. 10 min utes' walk from foatofflce. -i.R0. Apply t'lemenaon Drug Co., corner Front and Morrlaon ata. or ace flat. o. Col umbta at. ' TWO nea. modern o-room flat; furnace, coila. nreplaoe. Dutch kitchen, ga atov and heater; block to car. 14 't Eaat 2Mb. near Burnaide. Kaat U.'O; reaidenco, tut 1T7. l-KOOll flat. 710 G lean at-, near :td at. car: new. modern, convenient, hardwood floor, fireplace and furnace, eel act neigh borhood. Morgan. Filedner A JJoyca, evl Ablr.gton bldg. $IS MODERN nice resldenca lo cation. Weat bide, front and baok yard and porches, ga and electricity, ga range and water beater ana nnoitsuni. sua FOK RENT Modern 4-room flala with bath. 1 blocks from east end of Broadway brklge: rent 1 and Including water. Call S30 Koea. Ph'.lie M. ;ll I. Eaat 8074. Vl . f . fnmls'ied. With ht, Water, phene. grate. laundry tub. yard, refrigerator, linoleum. rang. i Lucretla pise. Phone Marehatl 3ol rir.-nnm : & mnmv. furnished and unfur nished, -n r;;lan: key In flat B. Evening call Main MZ: references. MODERN fi-room flat. 7M Gllaan t.. l', por'h. fireplace. turnece. imn 11. N. TRfford. 44 Spalding Bldg. 4-RfMiM lower flHt, bath, fireplace, base ment, yard, .NOD uli; rent n:m""' a'l t-'i North 19th at. 4-RO ,M flat, fireplace, wood hoist. Dutch kitchen, double xelllnrs. tubs, walking dis tance. f. BO sr., cor. itrmi. a-ncw-ivf modern flat. choicest location. w. tsido. Inaulre ITS loth, corner Yamhlil. Ft'K RKXT $3?..-0. 6-room niodern upper fat; furnace, flreplacf. ahad'S. awnings. N. HHh. Phone Versh. 1'JIB. j;pjfH iKKN 3- room upper flat. Sunny side, fireplace, furnace, fine neighborhood. l"ion Tabor :i or uji. B-KOoM flat, close In: save car fare: rice and clean: newly tinted: rent faZ-iU. phone Marshall 3040 3-ROOM flat; sleeping porch, gaa range, llnoieum. furnace, fireplace. 2963 E. 21au Hawthorne car. Talor l.Wi EUICilANT 8-I.OOM FLAT. EAST SIDE. IC.OO. MARSHALL 4ino. A-TITl. WEST bilE Modern &-room lower Qat, corner 2d and Urant; r,-nt 22.SO. rarnihel lata. KXritA nlreiy furnished 6-rooni flat, el-: and S-roora apt., II. Including phones and water, beautiful grounds, walking distance, corner Union eve. and Multno mah. 2 blocks N. Koltaday. 5 blocks S. Jlroadnay. Plione Enst ort0. 4-ROOM corner lower, completely furnished, light and clean, no other tenants; adults finly; :2 Including hot and cold water. I:irnt and phone. Tabor 15J. f'l'HMSHKU upper flat, large porch, benu- tiflil locution for the summer, leiu fall Miiln i441. R. N. Tufford. 4VH Spald ing bldg. $ji VEKV" delrable 4-room furnished f!nt with sleeping porch: choica Im-atlon; walk ing distance: adult I'utst &t43. Nl'"EL.V furalKhed o-room flat for rout, 7"1H Hoyt St. ;Uu attractive furnished flats: free phone; walking distance. Main ;ir.7: East 217X lloneekeeplng Room. THB REAVER. 12th and Marshall. sta Furnished for housekeeping: gas range, electric lights, hot water, bath, laundry . .... i.n.l)i ti . . nUan T' K I-1 ' beSt In the cltv for the money; short distance from Cmon Depot. Take 3 or lttb.-at. car north, get oft at Marshall. No dog. TWO fcwaekeep!ng rooma tl IS a week. 3v23 Hawthorne ave.. corner L-nioii. I1.&0 TO 2 75 week: clean, furnished houeo keeping rooma, aullahle for 2 or 4; free h-at. laundry, bath. yard. gaa. Fhon b. ek3j. 4"o Vancouver, 204 Stanton. "TT" car. THE I i'jllll'.. 40S 2tU St.. furnished 2- room apis., sicam oca,, iiaov. .M. Take "S." 23d or "W" car north. NEATLY furnished sleeping and housekeep ing-rooms reasonable, g..ou ana up. FHllnon st. N1U housekeeping room. comfortable housekeeping room in oaarmeni. sleeping room In basement. :;H7 Taylor. I housekeeping room, sink, large closet, gas range. IJ ja wceK. -x nauiuiuc, Iter I'ni'tn. 1-ltOOM suite, clean and rosy, with 4ieat. Ilcht. phono and oatn. n montn. a.s Hth st. H. K. ROOMS L2.'. to 1.7S week; 3 room f2.SH. De ISoto House. -T)l -u. . THB OILMAN. 1st St., cor. Alder Furnished housekeeping rooms, gl.oo weea up. JEW furnished housekeeping rooms, heat. .11... am.iB. Furnished h. k. room, cheap. Cambridge bldg.. 3d cor. Morrison, l'none main u-to. Honsekceplng-Boorps la Private Family. TWO-ROOM suites and single housekeeping rooms, newly furnished, moaern dwelling, l.est West Side apartment district ; clean. '.cht rooma: everything Included; walking instance- prices reasonable, ooo Flanders, near 2th. TWO large front ground floor rooms, newly papered and cleaned: private oatn ana entrance, fireplace, furnished complete; electric llchls. walk!ng distance, mluway between steel and Broadway bridges. 275 Wlllliims ave.. 2. r 4t". TWO large nicely furnished 1L K. rooms, oa ground floor, private entrance, tn pri vate modern home: very nlc neighbor hood: 315 per month; 3 rooms tip stairs, with all modern conveniences. $12. liitf E. HJth st. South: RENT reasonable, two large H. K. rooms, lower floor, ail conveniences. One H. K. room sultocl for two. 340 2d and Mar ket. THREE housekeeping rooms, rent cheap, cloe to Kroadway bridge. SI: H. 1st -N. phone East 249. LARtlE clean rooms for light housekeeping, free phone, tlo and lis per month. 46 N. 21st. TWO lower front room suite, also extra sleeping room if desired. phonei bath; very reasonrtote. o.,. . TWO connecting housekeeping rooms; neatfy furnished. liath, phone; close In. 1ST Chapman. ltfo 20TH. corner Flanders Furnished housekeeping rooma. large, light and clean CLEAN, well furnished housekeeping-rooms; free phone, bath. lights, laundry: class In; low prices, 2iH 12lb. near Jefferson. DESIKAHLE suite, two rooms, large, sa-ell f 111 nlehed. vacation rate, both phones. oa4 Morrison. THREE furnished hous-krepmg room. lower floor, modern convenience. 6V0 E. Burn, aide. 3 FURNISHED housekeeping room, hot wter heat. 711 Kearney. Marshall 4S7. $S Ciean furnlshevl housekeeping rooms for one lady. 743 Eaat Stark, cor. 22d- THREE strirtly modem outside rooms, $3 per mo. .".J0 Becond st MHVLI furnished houaekeoplng rooma Mill Aptj . al', Third street, corner Mill. THREE clean, modern furnlahed room. 314. including light and water. C 1347. TWO nicely furnished housekeeplng-rooma, 213 loth, cor, salmon. ill FOCR furnished H. K. rooma. gas plate, range. 414 7th. Main 4u:s. Ni 'ELY furnlahed housekeeping room. 67 N. 14th St.. bet. Kavl and Everetu 4 ElltNISHED front housekeeping-rooms. 22t 6'h st. TWO fumishetl housekeeping rooms on ground floor in private res. 127 2-d V. week; two-room suite; walking dis- tnnce. 4' Coluntnla st., near loth. NICE quiet home; close In; rooms with or without board. 3. Salmon st. Kl'RNlSHED housekeeping room. 115 11th. II OUSl IRVINiiToN. elegant new, 8-room house, near Tennis Club, 850 per month. Phons Marshall 210.'. 7-ROOM modem house, sleeping porch, two lots, corner, nice lawn, flowers, garden, near Union ave. N. Only lis. M. 41H BEAl'TIFt'L 8-room modern house. Laurel hurst. 3J. monthly. Main lu6K j;l MONTHLT rent will buy modern Xlvs roorn home. Owner. Tabor 1348. DESIRABLE houses and flats to rent- Na tional Realty Investment Co.. Main 512H. THE CAMAK. 7ii4 Lovejoy. 3-room fur- nlshed basement apt.. 320. Marshall 211. ' H b L" S ES. East 273 W. H. Herdman. 8 ROOMS, fireplace, good condition. 643 K. Waehlngton. cor. 2Qth. Main 3225. lu Modern &-room cottage. Juat cleaned, walking distance. fc.3 .Marshall st. J-l.ouM modern house 41s bau Rafael; $20. Piior.e C 2e1S. NEW 6-room bungalow, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, buffet, etc. 3oth and Clinton. HOl'SE of and bath. G9 E. Inquire ISO 6th St. Main 8278. 4S2 HALL ST.. cor. 14th 8-room house; modern plumbing, fuma'-r. fine view. is g-r-om house. In good condition. In quire lio East stark st. COTTA'.E. walking distance, rent reason able, il'fl Hood su Phone Marshall 1J4'J. FOB KENT. Jieua FOB RENT. Houses, flat and Fummer home, fur nished and unfurnished; com In and look over our net. L'MULiEN STOCK A LARSON CO.. 2ki Oak St. CAI-L AT THE 1FK1CB for one of our PRINTED KENTAL LISTS.' That' the Best Way to KIND .V LOCATION'. THR S-kKTl A JACOUiJ CO- Main S69. Washington St. A 26". u , w -r u . l.. v l.. ivwr f.. r tmnealow. now lv tlnt.H fii r,nlitce. cabinet kitchen: will mo. fn, eic if taken for vear. ti-room new modern house, 1 blk. from Rose fity car, 25. Henkle Harrison, bll ueriingor giag. "81 YORK ST. Modern house of T room and reaction hall, batn, toilet, nrepiece, e,,m.A i-tci., livrht. etc.: naif blook to 2:;d" at. car; will lease at attractive figure. The Western Segurltle Co., 73 Chsmber of Commerce. 1RV1NQTON HOME. From Juno 1 to October 1 modern o room house, sleeping porch, garage, rose trees, nicely furnished. Player piano. Or car line In best part of Irvlngton. Phont Main 2C.C7. NEW. modern 8-room home, Mt. Tabor Heights, large ground, garac. furnished or unfurnished, for Summer, to reliable party furnishing good reference. Phona Tenor lli9. NEWLV finished 8-room home In Laurel hurst: hardwood rloors. everything first' claae; desirable tenant only: S.'5 per month. so trustee. TllU Chamber of Com merce blag MODERN 7-room house at 785 Tork t., bath, furnace, fireplace, electric lights, half block to 23d-t- car; phone Tha West ern Pecuritie Co. or call at 730 Cham ber of Commerce. 4-ROOM bungalow on 2U acre of cleared land for rent. 6-eent car fare, ha chicken-house, aud yard; small barn; attractive plncc. See agent at Multnomah or call 7:iu Chamber of t:ommerce. s-rH RENT Modern S-room house, bath and pantry, large, airy lot, E. ISth and 14 Taylor st. Inquire Sou E. Taylor t Phono East 200. HOFSES AND FLATS FOR RENT. UACKHlt Jt THF.KKELSEN CO 300 Spnlding bldg. Main 70U2. FOR RENT 6-roora houe on Beacon at., near Brooklyn school; price $18: near 2 carllnes. Apply to E. Willi, 863 Et th st. phone Sellwood 878. MODERN 7-room house. West Side, walking Lilian,,- nice vard. cement basement. porcelain plumbing. 510 Market at., near 14th. Phono Main 243 or A 4H32. ATTRACTIVE, thoroughly modern 8-room bungalow, conservatory, large porches, cor ner lot. East Side, lease to responsible party. Main gz.a. FOR RENT Fine 7-room house with con veniences, Koae Vliy rara, one line: rent $23 per month. Apply 333 Oak street. . BEAITIKUL S-RKOMt. AND SLEEPlNtr J.-.d. WILL RENT FOR $40. MARSHALL IllltJl'II SKI r--l I Mval. II KIVlll 4-'UU. A-.loe. A "-ROOM house for rent, funiltur for sale; suitable for roomers. 183 N. 17th at. Mam o74. Foil RENT 8-room bouse. In good con tlitlnn. 208 Wbitaker st- Key at b21 Front St. FOR RENT 6-room house with gas and bath, nica yard. 710 Front st. Call 714 vy aicr st. 6-ROOM house, with bath. 4S8 Market. lent to 8 carllnes. Main 243 or A 48o2. FOR RENT Two good houaoe. For par ticulars Inquire room 301. Ths Dekum bl-lg. . 8-ROOM house, newly tinted and papered. .... . . L...1 n 11'.., , . . , n. , ISITI near i?niiuwu. . Tnuiith. Al l 1 1 1: H .V 7-room house. West Sldo; full basement, furnace with water colL Phons Vialn 4irl7. A 4SS: f itt j room cottage, good condition. Inquire) U25 E. Stark st. 887 E. ALDER, 6-room modern house, good neighborhood; wulklng distance. l-uruisbeci Houses. LADD'.-i ADDITION Swell S-room modern house, completely furnished, from Juno to September, to aduita only; reference re quired; rent $!:, including- water and Phone rent. Call today. 409 Larch St.. ' ... c w.., i.irt a 1J1A Merhall 92 or VIV .Oioe.y ..... t-KOOM well furnished cottaaie bungalow in Irvlngton 1 iirn, ior ouauiiw ,..vw to carline: all modem conveniences; ex- . I . Wr..V.r.n ha ft ,1 . I f I I ,11 r fllll (!' ceiicnv iwiauuuiuuw Ings roses and small fruits; aduita only; . .1 1 ' V. r. n. 4 1 U h 4 CI.IMPLETELY furnished e-room house In i ..... j . . .. ,.uriine. In re vard. roses. piano, etc.; can be 'leased permanently to responsible parties. Phono East 4HS4. AN 8-room private residence, completely fur nished, ground HiSxluO feet, all kind of fruit, garden all In; on Richmond carline; reasonable vo iini MODERN furnished cottage, 8 rooms, also 3-1 oom apattment, private bath, telephone convenient to S. P. shop. 814 East 21t t. WR car. 6-ROO.H elegantly furnished bungalow, also 6-room flat, modern and complete; lina .location. E. 1137. fc-ROOM furnished bungalow on Willamette Height; fine view; no children. Tele phone Main 8994. . FURNISHED house on Portland Heights, one block from car, fine yard and view. Phone Tabor IM . MODERN 8-room house. Nob Hill. Turkish rugs, mahogany furniture, grand piano, reasonable. 760 Ollsan. Main 7620. FIVE ROOM furnished cottage 341 Sher man st; easy walking distance, $23. Furni ture Tor sale. laggarv, aia.n ovo lKVINilTON New nicely furnished 7-room house. C-32SU. FURNISHED fie-room bungalow, one year, $25. Tabor mi- bummer Reports. OCEAN front cottage at tieorheart, 4 bed rooms, large sitting room, with tlroplaco; glasscd-ln porch, fully furnished, modern plumbing, electric lights; rent $73 for June. Main 1749. BE 4.CH-FRONT cottage at Neah-Kah-Nie Mountain, 7 rooms, bath and 8 porches, for Juno or September: finest beach view In Oregon; furnished. Phona office. Mar shall 4J41. SEASIDE snap; the Stelnleln cottage, com pletely furnished, lot OoxlOO. lit choice part of Hemioa Pork, 1 block from ocoan, for ale, price' $1100. phone it 2.M4. FOR RENT, for eason. Seaside The Knoll, pretty cottage on River Way, near river, o can and town; open Saturday and Sun day. Phone Marshall 87'S. SEASIDE. 4-room cottage, completely furnished, water and electricity. Phons Main 4014. WASHINGTON-ST. store near 19th, splen didly fitted for delicatessen, fancy gro cerlea and liquors. Has tile floor and mahogany woodwork. Is surrounded by hotels and apartments; very reasonable rent. Morgan, Filedner Boyce, 6v8 As- Ington bldg. ONE-STORY brick bulkUng, 100x100, cement floor, no posts, formerly used as garage, 2oth St., l&O feet from Washington st.; will maka good stores; long lease. Apply manager Baggage Company. Park A Davis ats. bPACE In modern basement, ventilated and well lighted. N. W. corner 4th and Alder sts. suitable for cafeteria, printing shop, etc. Morgan, Filedner at Boyce. 008 Ab lr.gton blt-i THREK-STORV brick building 25x200 ft., between Yamhill and Morrison, facing on First and Front sts. 13 Madison St. FOR RENT Stores, Nos. 248 and 230 Haw thorne ave.. eaat end of bridge. Apply Hawthorne Dock Co. Phono East 2Uo3. bionr.3, ciwivE., .- i w i. i . . i. W. H. WEBB, 401 Yeon bldg. Main 4818. . . . . . -T ' f . T IT- t- 11 I " Office. FOR RENT r have suite of three outside r-ioms in centrally located office building. Will sublet entire suite or wilt sublet one and snare reception room and salary of stenographer with right party, pbone Main 75".!. FOR RENT. Rooms, Sterns bldg., corner 6th and Morrison sta. suitable for musical or art studios, office or ampla salesrooms. In quire Ollice pneroiet.. v-w. CONNECTING offices, overlooking Morrison st for rent In Tllford bldg., reasonable terms; ask at elevator any hour. Phone Marshall 51S between 5 and 6. MOST centrally located office: very reasonable- all-night elevator service. 303 Swet land bldg. Fifth and Washington sts. DESlv ROOM Heat, light, both phone. glO Per montn. aiO vreaomao "ma. ATTORNEY wanta desk room In office. L 01. orerfOiilan. DrK room wanted; hava my own desk. li Hl. Qregonlan. FINE location for light manufacturing, tail or or office. A3 045. Qregonlan. DESK room, use phone, stenographer. Wil cox bldg. Maiu 14'0 Warehouses. STORAGE, largo or small quantities; 60.000 ft. floor space: on 8. P. R. R., E. Morri son and East 1st sts. E 3227. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. GENERAL MDSE. STORE at RIO DISCOUNT. I must sell my general mdse. stors at once, and will offer the following Induce ments: My storeroom and warehouse stand on 4 full lots, located In a good country town. The price Is $5000. My vv-tr anl flvtifres tcIII Invoice 15000. mak ing full price $10,000. r will discount SO per cent, leaving the net price only $7000. My sales average from $lxiO to $2000 per month and they are all cash, no credits to anvone. This is a good, clean, up to date stock and buildings. Have private reasons for selling. Have only one other small store for competition. This must ho a cash rleaL Will be in city until Thursday, the 29th. If Interested call at 402 Wilcox bldg. SALOON AT A BARGAIN oom paying eiooo. on govu - . - 6th st.: Independent license; owners have on established a goou traae, nave ruu place successfully a number of years. the but the now wisn to retire ana are oiiamig flare at a bargain: might take some well located lots or acreage in exenanso. n interested call Main 411S1. A-7209. or call at 122 N. 61 h SU vnnvn Mi'nniuit Advisor? and Era ployment Department of ths T. M. C. A. before Investing. We never tell WHERE but frequently are able to advise where Ti." n T t .i inv,it eo as to save money. 1. M. C. A. members slso have the privilege of securing rooms at reasonaoie rates iu v.. rin,.i,f Basnets, ton building: use of gymnasium, swimming pool, shower baths and 100 other feature. HALF Interest In poolhall. centrally located one of the best Tn city, cost $85K to fur nish, all the same as new. will consldoi good partner at a greab sacrifice, as ownei has other business. Tniru lutereav in, turot's agency, established 15 years; don t hoainess: Dries ainawcir uikcdo BiOUO. out rienrj wios. SAWMILL complete with planes and 2,000. 000 ft- of timber for sale; capacity 20 A .. .... , . . . .1 a II.. Crnm 1 1 i! Al It, aaiiy. a,ovavt:vi " . -' . - . level wagon road. Mill now In active operation. Price $8000; must nave cash. Will consider trade for balance or give liberal discount for all cash. Full particulars on application. Address Lock Box 31.7, Philomath. Or. This Is one of the beat small places in fortiana, aoing jiom. " - - business. Rent $o0, including 4 living rooms: $H0o cash and acreage or city firoperty buys this. Call 61S Toon, bldg. 277 I AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL With htgh-grado expert teachers. Complete $IOJ00 equip ment to train for this coming vocation. Mot ruu to make money, but for the good t men. See or write Supt. of the All the Tear Round Y. M. C. A. Day and -Night bclioois. corner otn auo , J""i ONE-STORY brick building.- 100x100 ce ment floor, no posia, n.i.. - -garage. 20tii St.. 150 feet from Washlrion u: will mane goou -t: Apply matiaser Baggage Company. Park anu ijaviB bls. Before closing deal for so-called Inter ests in established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board. F. L. PURJSE. Secretary. 818 Chamber of Commerce. FIRST-CLASS cleaning and pressing busi- a..einnl sin Hf f1 fl ft I O. zifss; owner - cr"-"- -- want Interested partner: he wlU guaran tee to teach you the business; also you mtiy draw $20 week while learning. Room 823 Lumber Exchange. a COAL and general transfer Business; v horses. 3 sets aouoio n v - " -piano? truck and all things needed, to run the business; all horses young and SJnd. 11 Burnsld St. CaU and buy of owner BAliUUil .11 ll.i , i . in. ...... We nave a saloon with Independent li cense, clearing- never less than $J0O a month, which will bd proven to you; also good rea-son why it is for sale. Inquire . - . 1 TM V . T AA1 Hi." 1.' IT 4JO Clialiioer oi i.uuimwi.1. - . . . . . 7.-11 1 LiCH "!Al-fl I need a partner in my U-tab e billiard and pool room. My business will "; Srtodd. Good cigar stand in connection. Central location. Receipts $2o to $40 per day See Thompson, 4u2 Wilcox bldg. J. G. RA1NEY, 600 Yeon bldg., Marsholl 8177. A 8466, or take Council Crest car. get off at Ilewett Station, walk 8 clocks west to GREEN HILLS office In afternoons. PICTURE SHOW. Peats aoo; Edison machine; new piano, rent S.i0- 2 vears' lease; no competition. 4"0 cash and city property or acreage tor ..incc Cull SIS Yeon bldg. (C2..) PARTNER wanted In real estate of reterences gi,o. - . established eight years; small money required. Particulars 248 stark hospital for sale or rent, furniture and fixtufesr on account of Ill-health. . If taken at once, a bargain: reference If re quired Mrs. J. E. Cheshire. Grants Pass. Or., 5-A0 i. nccvLitj ct- REST AURANTS Some of the best i ma reetaurants in the city. ITlces $150 unit up Worthen & Angell. Bll Chamber of I'ornTnercwS. WANTED Woman of ability with $1000 cash to neip uuy "I oio apartments and help manage same. Lumbermens riatia oius, CASH business opening for steady, sober essaVy and very little "ney ' lu'red- Biy Lumber MKnt"i AUTOMOBILE garage, good tvi-lne" ce"" tra y located, mmb' ""'; , pays expenses: wife sick; will sell at dis count, oil Jriemj oma- OFFICE business: will sell or take part ner; fins luting; new ..uw.. and easy terms; desk room can bo made to pay expenses. o "' - . COLLECTING agency wants interested part ner as you win ii aiin.v. . money; pay good salary, also profits. 3-3 Lumber KxenanKe, ao ..e..- t"00 for half interest tn business paying $40 week; man must bo willing to do some out of doors work. Particulara 284 '.s Stark st. . SALOON Located on waslilngton St.; independent license; low rent and lease; will sell interest. Call G13 Yeon bids. (C2.0) RESTAURANT; owner is cook. He vvant Sc" good w-ges, 'bo'ard and ha,f of profits. grtoO only. ou -.a...-..o- BILLIARD and pool hall, everything up to ?rawill inolpart "cash: S. H. Henderson. Elma, wasn. FOR SALE Well estaDUsnea tailoring. cleaning ana preis uunin... Ja" feVotchfleld, 261 Monroo St.. Corvallls. Or. "OCERY ."ore. price ?00 in N Pori. Chamber of Commerce. IKSTCLASS confectionery and light gro-c- cVean and new Present business enn he doubled. 517 Henry hldg wavt a rood, sober, reliable man to take haTf interest In dye works, doing a good business. JCiJoaev. WISH to meet party with $1000 or $2000 to Invest In furniture i,,. who will go out oi vow... i-i g-. . CONFECTIONERY-, cigars, light grocoeies: make reasonaoie vnoi . n"-- ---- Washington st SOLID business; mostly outdoor work sick noss cause of sale Pay JSK) month; only $b.-0 Particulars 24Rii Stark St. RESTAURANT and lunch counter that Is paying $U dally aoov, ... Lumber Excnange. .o llvt .-i . - e.. r iondrv- they do the business; this 'a snap: $2300 TVorthen & Angell. 911 e. . .. r fnm m TCft. ha: Chumber of Commerce. is a siiuo. i"j. - kohti'XITY for energetic man used to roKii.i month. 819 Lum- OP fa i in in in i. i- ' , .e 2d and Slark. b 9-ROOM house, lease, terms, close in; must lea vo town; Clears fo, i.i.u, r . . . , jKiia rl Igh l ouyer. a,- " - ALT OMOBILE business, garage and repair .11 V ii . , 11 H . a XT. rtt sh ip, centrally w-Li ,, ... O reg rTTvi-rcTinN-ERT. Ice cream parlor ana RY, lee cream parlor ana ust Side transfer point; good ndymaker. 22 Grand ave. N. cigar store, e-a chance ior can 1 HAVE a market to sou; goou location; Lour own price v we- .... - -. Smith, 128 Aider. . CIGAR, cslndy store, with soda fountain. cheap: unapia to anenu i, on, -.. BARBER shop, 8 chairs, inquire) Oregon Barber Huppiy v-Q-. '- - $250 BUYS good-paying restaurant, cheap . tii ... Tohnr 2. renv. riiv-, BAKERY for sale, good paying business; gOOd reaSOn IOr senilis. mm.- ..oom. m POOL hall, confectionery, for sale or trad for real estate. R 105. Qregonlan. FOR SALE! A good hand laundry with a steam dryer. Inquire 737 Savler st. RESTAURANT for sale to good persons, on end Montavllla carline. 75 E. Both st. CHEMICAL laboratory and absay office. AK 94. Orcgoman WANT to rent Furnished Hotel, 20 to 40 Rooms. Atv. w ikpoi--.. . SNAP Restaurant: young lady wants part ner: will trade equuy. r v-rct-ouitm. CLEANING and pressing shop; established. price g.-ou; ana-,. i-r- -m -, i .u ,...i. PCHILROOM. 6 tables, good fixtures from aaaiur: aaaw terms. l-nuue muvr e.' -m. BUSINESS OPPOKTCNITIE3. J HAVE two propositions, one of wmca must be sold and at least $2500 cash re ceived. The balance may run for a long time on per cent interest. One of these propositions Is a 20-room hotel, nicely furnished, doing good business. The other Is a 61-acre farm n bank of Willamette River, well improved, and best of soil ' Call before Thursday at room 105 bt. Charles Hotel for further particulars. PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN AS FOLLOWb $ 350 $ 500 $ 800 JOOO 13"0 17(ip 2000 2.100 8000 6000 7500 U00 $10,000 $12,000 Mckenzie. S15 Gerlinger bldg. a RESTAURANT SNAP. I have- a restaurant near Washing-ton St.. central location; receipts averaga $60 per day; nets $7 to 8 per day; clean, up to date place. See Thompson, 402 Wilcox mag. WILLOW RIVER British Columbia s new town of Importance on Grand Trunk Pa cific. For free Information write today. Pacific Land & Townsites Co.. 3: Rich ards St., Vancouver, a. .. Ageing aiin.u PARTNER wanted In the automobile business- duties easily learned and sma.l Investment required: profits are very large. Call 31 Lumber Exchange, -a and Stark. , CONFECTIONERY. This Is the "Class A" placo of the East Side; $40 a day business; low rent; small amount of cash and real eataie will handle It. Call 618 Yeon bldg. (ClOOi THOSE Interested in establishing woolen mill, shoe factory or tannery In the North west will find It to their Interest to call at room 265. The Oregon, between 9 A. M. and 12 M on Wednesday, May 2S. ML i. n el ... ii i......- Doing from $260 to 530O a week business- good lease; Al fixtures; $350 cash will handle this. Call 618 Yeon bldg. . ........ , . i . ... i-1-1-1- cTnplr it -it TAILORS, ATTENTION Quitting business June 1; fine cases, triple mirror, tools, goodsh. trimmings, very cheap; leaving city; all or part. 472 Washington st. k Trtr.Tt v Well equipped; fine location; good wholesale trade. Call 618 Yeon bldg. C266) BARBER shop for sale: long lease, cheap rent: 7 chairs; old established place; good, steady trade. 205 Morrison, bet. 3d and 4tn; owner leaves ior oouiu. FOR SALE Confectionery and restaurant at Halsey, Or., worth $1500; will take $1000 In cash; a bargain. Sea owner at raaisey, l ' i . nUCTlTlDlVT TeiiT? RAT.E. Best location in St. Johns, lease, rent $12.60 living-rooms. Price $300. By own er, 122 Philadelphia St. GROUND floor real estate office wants partner: will clear buyer $:'.0 week; $150 required. ouo iiumoer riiuuoiifiD. PORTABLE rolling skating rink with every thing necessary to operate. For informa tion, R. McLeod. Sheridan, Or. CIGAR stores for sale. Prices $150 and up. Worthen & Angell. 911 Chamber of Cora-nierce- SALOON in good location, out of high-rent district, for sale cheap it taken at once. jrnone .viani .u..i-. DAIRY lunch; owner will show where he clcara $150 month over all expenses. Price $550. 303 Lumber Exchange. Phone Main 20ltu. A b;ii. PARTNER wanted for a solid employment office; profits are very large. 310 Lum ber Exchange, 2d and Stark. LADY would like to sell grocery and coa fectionory this week; real liargain. 773 Mllwaukie st. CLEANING and pressing shops, best in the city. Prices right. UU Chamber of Com merce. CANDY stand and Ice cream parlor, best in the city. Worthen & Angell, 911 Chamber of Commerce GROCERY store; price $S0O; a snap; sold once for $1200. Worthen & Angell, 1111 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Restaurant. 765 Thurman. good place for man and wife. Owner. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES VAN TED. WANTED To buy a grocery or delicatessen business that Is paying or would buy half Interest In either if suited; have experi ence. Answer and communicate direct with me ana i win coai. a v, mc(.u"i. r . HTfrtr rv . . .nivh.M m O vln e-ntcture the VO Jl ... 1. , r- - ater in Oregon, Idaho or Washington or find a good location. Address Box 372, D.I.. T.T.lin WANTED Grocery or variety store, lodg ing or apartment-house, or some good business for cash; no brokers. AD 90, Ore-gonian. RooMrN'G-Housaa. 44-ROOM apartment house; rent $4 per room; for sale or trade at price; will Bsiumii no mortsMge nor pay commission. See owner, DW K. Ankeny st. . WASHINGTON ST. $000. 12 rooms, very good furniture, an extra good one. Fred W. German Co.. 9otf Chamber of Commerce. Both phones. WANTED To huy for cash, one rooming house, 3 5 to 25 rooms. Give full descrip tion, location and price. Box 236, Eugene, Or. - 9-KOOM rooming house, 3SO Oth St., bet. Market and Clay, $195 ; reason for selling, no one to attend to It; clears $40 a month. APT. house, rent $0, lonjr lease, all full, take trade. Worthen & Angell, 011 Cham ber of Commerce. vjl- a vrwii Roomlne-house. 12 to 15 rooms, at best cash price. Call 418 Lumber Ex change bldg 16-ROOM roominghouse on Broadway; will consider part trade. Alain uoin 434 BURN SIDE 17 rooms, fine for a board, ing house; sell at a sacrlUce. SPECIAL NOTICES. Froposale Invited. NOTICE OF BANKRUPT SALE In the United States District Court for the- Dis trict of Oregon In the matter of lw Rogoway, Marc Rogoway and Wiiliam Ro goway. partners, doing business as R. Kogoway & Sons, bankrupts. 1 will re ceive scaled bids for a stock of goods, wares and merchandise, consisting of fur niture, crockery, stoves and ranges, sit uated in the storeroom formerly occupied by R. Rogoway & Sons, on Second and Broadalbin streets, Albany. Or., up to 12 o'clock noon on Saturday, May 31, 1813, the inventoried value of said stock being $352d.0ti. Certified check for 10 per cent of amount of bid must accompany ths bid. Sale will be subjeot to the approval of the court. Inventory of the property may be seen at my office and the prupertg may be inspected at the storeroom above named. Dated at Albany. Or.. May 20, 1913. L. i. Lewelllng, trustee, Albany, Oregon. IN the matter of A. M. Lara & Co., of Bend, Oregon, sealed bids will be received by me up to 12 o'clock noon, of Tuesday, June 3, 1813, for a stock of merchandise and fixtures located at Bend, Oregon, of an Inventory valuation as follows: Shoes, $5089.70; men's wear. $5036.21; dry goods. $3317.20; toys, $158.14: hardware, $078.01; groceries, $t45.2, making total merchan dise $15,024.58. together with dry goods, shoe and grocery fixtures amounting to $2343.69. Terms cash and a deposit of 1(1 -per cent of amount offered must accom pany each bid and the right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. Inventory may be seen at my office and property may be In spected' at Bend. R. L. SABIK. 7. First street. Dated at Portland. Oregon. May 17. 1913. I WILL receive, sealed bids tor a stock of merchandise locateu at 1 1 mm mimm, Washington, consisting of dry goods and furnishings, $1844.75; clothing, $464.03; hats and caps. $137.95; shoes .and rubbers, $492 53; crockery, hardware and paints, $78.35; groceries, $3S9.88; making total In ventory valuation 3407.4!V together with fixtures of Inventory valuation $142, up to 12 o'clock noon of Saturday. May 81, 1913. Terms cash aud a deposit of 10 per cent of amount offered must accompany each bid and the right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Inventory may be seen at my office and stock Inspected at White Salmon. Wash. Dated. Portland. Oregon, May 32. 1913. B. 1 SABIN. 7 1st St. 6EALED bids will bo received at tha office of the undersigned, eoa xinoru diuk., m land. Oregon, until 0 P. M. Wednesday, Juno 4,' 1913, for the hauling of garbage for School District No. 1 for a period of one year, ending July 1, 1914. Certified check of $25, payable to the undersigned, will accompany each proposal. Copy of specifications can be obtained at tha of fice of the School Clerk. Board of Di rectors reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated Portland, Oregon, May 28, 1813. r h. TROMAS. School Clerk. SEALED bids will be received at the of fice Of tn unueraigneu, o- auioro oms-r Portland, Oregon, until S P. M. Wednes dav June 4, 1013, for school desks and chairs teacher's desk and chairs' for the school year ending July 1, 1014. Certified check for $500 must accompany each pro posal Copy of specifications can be ob tained at the office of the School Clerk. Board of Directors reserves the right to ' reject any and all bids. Dated Portland, Oregon. May 26. 1913. R. TL THOMAS. School Clerk. SEALED bids will be received at the office Of the unaersiglieu, eo. imm iiiuiuiubi Portland. Oregon, until 5 p. m., Juno 4, 1013. for hauling of school supplies, re pair material, etc., for the year ending June 30. 1911. Certified check for 1300. payable to the undersigned, must accom pany each proposal. Copy of specifica tions may be had at the office of the School Clerk. Board of Directors reserve the right to reject any and all bids. Dated: Portland, Oregon. May 27, 1913. B. K- TJUIV-AA School Clerk. IToposals Invited. SALE OF CITY BONDS. Dalles City. Oregon, hereby calls for bias for the bonds of the city in the sum or $12,000. consisting of 12 bonds of One Thousand Dollars ($1000.00) each. These bonds bear date of July 1. 1913. and will bear Interest at the rate of 5 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, principal and Interest payable In United States gold coin at tha fiscal agency of the state of Oregon In the city and state of New Tork, and will mature on the 1st day of July, 11133. A complete certified transcript of all pro ceedings on the part of tho Council of Dalles City in rcterence to the issuance and Bale of said bonds may be seen upon application to the Recorder of Dalle City. A copy of said transcript has been for warded to Story, Thorndike, Palmer & Dod;re, 735 Exchange building, Boston, Mass., who have ben employed by Dalles City to render their opinion as to the reg ularity of :ali proceedings on tho part of the city In the issuance of these bonds, and as to tho validity and legality of the bonds, anil the city's power to levy and collect sufficient taxes to pay the princi pal and interest thereof at maturity, and as to whether there is any local law or regulation of taxation and exemption with in Dalles City or the county in which said city Is situated which affects or Impairs the city's right to levy a sufficient tax for the payment of tho principal and interest of raid bonds at maturity. All bids may be subject to the uncon ditional and unqualified opinion of said attorneys upon all matters submitted to them, and no bidder will be held bound by his bid unless and until said attorneys have rendered their unqualified and un conditional opinion In favor of the regu larity, validity and legality of said bonds, and as to all other matters submitted to them as above mentioned. In all other respects the bids muse be unconditional. The bonds will be furnished by Dalles City and will be prepared under the su pervision and direction of the said at torneys and approved by them as to their form, regularity aud validity. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for not less than 6 per cent of the amouut of the bid, to be for feited to Dailes City in the event that said bid is accepted and the bidder shall refuse to cotnxlole the purchase of the bonds. All bids must be sealed and filed with the Recorder of Dalles City on or before 12 o'clock noon the loth day of June, 1913. 'Ihe city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Further particulars will be furnished upon request. Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, this 2d day of May, 1913. GEORGE F. ROSS, Recorder of Dalles City. BIDS for hauling 20,000 or more ties, 7 miles by auto truck. Phone 8. Vancouver, Wash. ' LOST AND FOUND. THE following Is u list of articles found on tho cars of the Railway, Light & Power Company and turned In at the different division points. Owners may se cure same by applying at barns as indi cated: Aukony barn. May 26 1 piece of tin. 1 grip, 1 lunchbox, 1 hack saw, 1 pair ladies' black gloves, 1 lodge pin, 1 hamlbug, 1 ring of keys, 1 suitcase, 1 pkg. shirt and collar. lledmont barn Phone A 61.11 1 scraper, -J milk cans, 4 umbrellas, 1 music roll, 1 book, 7 misc. articles. sellwood barn Phono A 01 SI 1 milk can, 2 lunchboxes, 1 umbrella, 1 shovel, 1 coat. 1 suit of clothes. 1 bundle of cloth. Savier-Bt. carhuuse Phone A 6131 1 umbrella, 3 pairs gloves, 1 electric vibra tor, 1 pkg. muse., 1 box screws, 1 pipe. LIBERAL reward for the return of my silver-mounted walking stick, picked up at corner of 17th and Tillamook Satur day evening. F. E. Bowman. 409 E, 16th IS. O 1U34. FOUND Lady's watch in the Haaelwood cream store. Owner .can have same by calling at that office, identifying and paying for aud. CANARY" bird escaped from cage 409 Yam hill. If found phono Main 1470; Reward LOST Monogram watch fob; finder please return to 29i Crosby St.: reward. LOST 1 Holsteln cow, brand II. P. Wood- lawn 2200. FINANCIAL. WE will furnlRh the money at a low rate of interest and save you more than the brok erage of 2 per cent if we do the planning and building for you. It will pay you to see us. L. K. Bailey Co., Inc., 324 Ailing ton. WE BUILD ON EASY' PAYMENTS. WE FURNISH PLANS AND MONEY AND BUILD YOUR HOME OR APART MENTS, ETC. TAYLOR BUILDING CO., 606 M'KAY BLDG.. 3D AND STARK STS. BOND issues. $100,000 upwards negotiated. Railway, Gaa, Timber, Water, Mining, Manufacturing Corporations Organized. L. N. Rosetibauui & Co., 281-283 Huight bldg.. Seattle. CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Or sellers' equity In contracts of sale on real estate in Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble. Lumbermens bldg. Loons. CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Western Bond Ac Mortgage Co., 410 Commercial Club Bldg. $250O or less to loan at 7 per cent on close in farm prope-ty. Give full particulars. C 08. Oresonlan. FOR SALE at a discount, $2100 and 7 per cent bonds of the .Provident Trust Co. A I, 76, Oregonian. FIRST aud second mortgages and building contracts bought. E. B. Miller, 410 Ab lnglon bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, notes, contracts, mort gages (1st and 2d), equities purchased. F. H. LEWIS & CO.. 3 latwls bldg. MONEY" to loan on farm and city property, no delay. Nelson Bios.. bt4 Lewis bldg. Money to Loan Real Kstate. WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. HARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. MONET TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE OR FOR BUILDING PURPOSES. VERY FLEX IBLE CONTRACTS. NC COMMISSIONS. COLUMBIA: LIFE & 1 RUST CO.. 916 SPALDING BLDG. HAVE Immediate funds for an apartment house or store building. win finance small apartment or store building, etc., and will build it for you for a small pay ment down. Call 414 Railway Exchange Building. Phone Main 278. MORTGAGE LOANS. On real estate security at reasonable rates in sums from $500 and up.i THE LAWRENCE COMPANY. 171 Fourth St. Between Morrison and Yamhill. TO LOAN. ' I HAVE PLENTY OF MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATK SECURITIES AT 6 TO 8 PER CENT. EDWARD P. MALL. 800 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. HAVE Immediate funds for building propo sition from $20,000 to $25,000. Will make loan and construct building for a small payment down. Call Main 278. 414 Rail way Exchange Building. WANTED $8000 on improved farm, for 4 or S years, at low interest. AN 81, Ore gonlan. PLENTY OF MONEY" TO LOAN From $aUO up. HENKLE & HARRISON, oil Gerlinger. LOANS on improved and unimproved city and suburban real estate, mortgages bought. W. H. Nunn. 448 Sherlock bldg. TO LOAN $30,000 OR LESS. , Hl.l.l.lM 1 VI... COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG. $5u0, $1000 AND upwards on improved real estate Favorable terms; no delays; no brokerage. John Bain. 214 Spalding b dg. MONEY to loan on improved city property ..i...n, rdtm lifiWVer'a Ahstrart & Trust Co.. room 0, Board of Trade bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE, jivi.. i . . . 1 1 1 1 1 1 c 1 1 i i. , r A. rl. ii-i imiii i, hi j 1.. in .n.ii MORTGAGE LOANS at current rates. L. H. MAXWELL, 316 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE loans on real estate security. " M. Billings, 5O0 McKay bldg. MONEY to loan, small amounts, good se curity. 163s 4th st.. room 39. iij-jx-pv to loan on residence or business nronerty. Phones Wood. 1561. C 2457. SHORT-TERM loans on real or collateral security. 207 Oregonian bldg. $10,000 TO loan at 6 per cent on good se curity, v. . v.-e, LOANS on real estate, diamonds and Jew elry. Wm. Holl, room 9 Washington bldg. tii'. 000 OR part to loan on downtown In come real Estate. Main 1166. inno TO LOAN, will divide, property In- 'UW...J mnrlv no hrokora. Iliiln aai iPeClW ym...!...., ...... nniviTK money loaned on real estate mort r ,,11.,, ,nnin iia r?erlinirer Klit? gages, jv. " ctaTE FUNDS, 6 per cent. W. E. Thomas B ,nt Multnomah County. 400 Ch, ot Com. imvEY any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. VV. M Belt & Co.. 310 Spalding bldg. MONl io 'oa.. v... p V, loriuunii. -mi ..... . om... fiT, BUU r i i. m iv...., .... .. jjnry c. Prodhomme, 806 Wilcox bldg. . .a , T VT Inani nnv amount 14000 OR two $2000 loans on improved real estate. Main 8429. Money to Loan Real Kstate. LOANS from $1500 to $10,000 on good Port land security. HACK KIR Ai THERKELSEN. J (J 6 Spalding bldg. Main 75H2. $1000 TO $100,000 TO LOAN. Portland City and Farm Property. Current Rates. MALL & VON BORSTEL. 104 Second St.. mar Stark. ON Improved city property or for building purposes, 3 to 8 years' time; liberal pay ment privileges; money advanced as miliums fi oa iuw i.4,ii,ui. . ings ei Loan Association. 24Q Stark st. WE have money to loan on your real es tate; first mortgages only. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COM PANT, 423 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates. A. H. Birrell Co., 202 Alclxay bldg.. Third and Stark sts. $2to,00O TO loan in sums to suit; building ioans; lowest rates. W. G. Beck, 315-ol'i Falling bldg. $1000 TO $5000 to loan, farm or city secur ity in sums to suit. Vanduyn at TS alton, 515 Chamber of Commerce. bEE US TODAY for loans on Improved city property. 6 to 8 per cent, $300 and up. CELLARS-MURTON CO., S25 Yeon bldg MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER CENt. LOUIS SALOMON. 22'J STARK ST. Money to Loan C'hultels and Salaries. WE WILL LOAN YOU $10 to $200 TODAY. On Tour SALARY, PIANO. AITTOM. STORAGE RECEIPTS, FURNITURE OR LIVESTOCK. NEW RATES. $ .30 Weekly Pays a $10 Loan. $ .70 Weekly Pays a $2u Loan. SI. 10 Weekly Pays a $50 Loan. Other sums in proportion. Full Rebato Allowed. RECEIPT IN FULL GIVEN In cas ot Death or Total Disability. PORTLAND LOAN CO.. 413 Macleay Bldg. Bet. 4th and 6tn, on Wasb MONEY MONEY MONEY. We have plenty of money on hand which we are authorized to loan to sal aried people lu amounts of $10 to $100. Loans may bo paid In installment aa best suits your convenience. We solicit a call and invite you to investigate our confidential methods. We assure you of courteous treatment and quick service. All ws ask is a fair return for our services. Call, telephone or write STATE SECURITY CO., 308 Failing Bldg. PRIVATE PARTY LOANS. On furniture, pianos, storage receipts, watches diamonds, Jewelry, kodaks. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. 320 Lumber Exchange. ELB X COMPANY. SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL LOAN. You can get $5 to $lou today at cheap est rates, be:;t and most privato terms In Oregon. D. D. Drake, 328 Henry bldg MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE, and others, upon their own names; cheap rates; eaiiy payments; confidential. D. II. Toltnan, room an i.uinper r.xcnaiii;o. A DESIRABLE place for ladies and gentle men lo burrow money on diainomls ami Jeweiry at Eastern rates. Diamond Pal ace, 334 Washington. PP. Owl Drugstore. WE LOAN money on diamonds and Jewelry at halt the rates charged by broken. Marx Ac Blocl.. 74 3d lit. IMMEDIATE and confidential loans on chattels montages bought. Bauer, 20H Alder st. MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewelry; strictly confidential. 141 i- 3d. near Alder. MONEY sold on Installments; confidential; salaried people. F. A. Newton, Henry bldg. Loans Wanted. MONEY WANTED. $2000 on $uuo property, will pay 7 per cent seml-unnually, close In. $1500 on $nt)00 property, will pay 8 per cent semi-annually. These aro good properties and arc worth the money. We have many more calls for money on properties thnt are good. Let us handle jour MONEY. RAlIll'.l. TLACE IT. ' G. S. SMITH & CO., 4112- Cham, of cm. WANTED From private party, loan of $2o00 for term of jears on highly Im proved country property. House insured, for $2500 ; 8 per cent interest and all ex penses. J mi. Oregonian. WANTED $2000 at 7 per cent on lot 50x100. 10-room house and garago: value of prop erty $0300; insurance 4rto0; only private purti'S. B 81, Oregonian. IVA.ST $400 two years at 8 per cent on strictly first-clas property; HlOxloO ft., two full lots oil cornel- worth $1800. Call at 207 Oregoniun bldg. WANTED Party wltii $14oO; 7 per cent for 7 months; good real ewtutc security plus good salary and opportunity for perma nent Investment. E 91. Oregonlun. WANTED $2-400 from private pal ly ul 8 per cent on gilt-edge security. A 94, Orcgo n Ian. $0000 at 8 per cent; $18,000 valuation or can divide in amounts lo $2500 or ?20o0 to suit; no brokers. M 3111. WANTED, from private party, $10O0 on $2200 EaHt Side property. Richmond dis trict. K 91, Oregonian WANTED- $10,010 at 7 per cent on Improved Portland property; value ot property $!", 000. H c2, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced marker. Apply lll ternatlonai Laundry. WANTED 45000 1st mortgage fine resi dence. Chas. Riliglcr. 211 Lewis bldg. A FEW hundred dollnrs fur 2 years at S per cent; good security. E l'2, Oregonian. IF YOU have money to loan or want to borrow soe Mr. G., 424 Hamilton bldg. PERSONAL. HAIR HAIR HAIR HAiR. $12 34-inch switches $4.43 $6 zo-inch switches . Hairdressing -o Face massage .2a Shampoo -2J Manicure, 25c, 5 for 1.00 12 scalp treatments o.OO Superfluous hair removed by electrlo needle; guaranteed not to return. Cut hair In any shade; switches any length Prices half. Sanitary Parlors. 400-412 Dekum bldg., 3d and Washington. GERMAN TRAINED NURSE AND MASSEUSE. Long experience, best references, treat ments for rheumatism and lumbago, etc.. massage and baths. 220 13th St.. between Mam and Salmon. Marshall 5U33. Open Sundays. SCIENTIFIC electro-magnetic treatments for all nervous diseases, paralysis, lung and stomach troubles, rheumatism, fistula, nervous headache cured in a few minutes, one tree treatment ; consultation free. 6U2 Buchanan mag., -so m aauuigvon SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Heisinalo.s graduate, rheumatism, nervous and atoni aeh ailments under physician's direc tions; baths, massage. No. 7 East 11th st.. second door south from East Ankeny cai- llue. rnuna r.uai .op, xj iovii, i.-r.-i,vr.'T jkv H 1 KltllT. leading wig and toupe-inakers: finest stock of human hair goods; switches from 95c up; hairdressing, manicuring, face and scalp treatments; combings madu up to order. 147 7th. near Morrison. Main 540. EIGHT years of unsurpassed success in treating sick men and women of Portland. I use radium, lisht, heat, every known electrical treatment. buths, massage, manipulations and adjustments. Dr. W. S. Mallory, naturopath, 312 Kothclriid bldg. REV. EUGENE HELLMAR, spiritual me dium and healer, reaulngs and healings dally, circles Monday, Wednesday. Friday ut 8 P. M. Consuiiation free, hours 9 .to 8. 4-6 Alder et.. near 11th. Main 1M. Mrs. Stevens.1 lb yis. Portland's leading palrn i .t has her late book. "Palmistry Made Easy." on sale, 557 Vj William ave., cur. Knott. Office hours. 10 A. Al. to 9 P. M. WILL Joseph B. Jordan or anyone know ing of his whereabouts kindly communi cate with his mother? Mrs. H. E. Gordon. S45 Acoma St.. Denver, Col. DRESS SUITS for rent Keep your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on, rips repaired; $1.50 month; prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 3Q9 Stark. REV. ' MRS. COON, spiritual medium and healer; circles Tuesday and Friday. loti West ParK, net. vvasniUBioii ana SLam. LORENZ Nerve Tablets restore lost vitality. 25c per box. 0 boxes $1.25. Stipe-Taylor lirug Co.. 2S0 Morrison st. SPIRITUAL medium. Rev. May Price. Read ings, healings daily, circles Tues. 2, Wed. and Sun. 8. 3U4A Montgomery. Main 7227. DIVORCES. 150 ;i DOWN, $1 week. Free advlc. Wood, 439 Chamber of Commerce. mrs! S. C. MORRISON Steam baths and massage for rheumatism, lumbago, etc, 333 Madison. A 4470, Marshall 3Ub. BOSTON graduate nurse, sanitarium treat ments, medical gymnastics. 387 Yamhill t.. up one flight, room 7. MADE OF YOUR COMBINGS. Switches, 9oc; cutis and puffs, 75c; San itary Beauty Parlors, 400 Dekum bldg. EASTERN trained operator gives massage. 125 6th St., room 2. MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D, Hill, 421) Filedner bids. Main 3473. 824 GOODNOL'GH BLDG., opp. P. O.. 5th st.; flrst-claBS treatments by trained nurse. MRS DR. WKENN. spiritual udvitier; read ings daily. 34 N. 16th. Mar. 4231'. A 7614. jfjis Basset's Native Herbs for constlpB tion: 60c tablets ior 25c: all drugglata. BALM OF FIGS. Compound Roval Tonio Tablets, 506 Davis at. Phone Main 8-15.