Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 28, 1913, Page 20, Image 20

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    ii a a -
iloe-e-. Vehicle-. El. A-toinebt'e.
Second-hand vebiclaa bought and ola;
n. ncl auto bed made to order;
liwry furnished to buaineaa partle at
special ra t e.
4:o Hawtnorn Ave. Fast 7:. B MM-
U AHGAIN Rubber-tire-l furrty. ateel-tlred
surrey. y new ateel-urcd top buggy.
breaking cart, ruoter-llrtJ mloi
cart. 3 work team. 1 big team of cheap
brood marea. giovi rubber-tired dye or
l.undry i;-oii. 3 o:d farm wagon and
2 dimp wagona. 14 Union ave.
.Lo.-iiXG out new delivery a tiom at eec-nd-hand
prices: also second-hand le.lT
trv -.tons at real bargains, ca I and e
Ihrm. oi-a Molina p. oar Co.. IOj Lnloa
RANCH team wanted: mum b . oun,V
a-.und. gent'e. weight 26- to 200 and
mean. Write or phone at once. giving
full particular. Will trial be granted:
Lchowa Fruit Farm, M"eicr. Oregon.
ONE matehed pair of marea. weight 20iM
ib. eoun.I. 7 and I years old. gentle and
good workere. aiso 1 buggy cheap. Cor.
17th and K. Tine
ll.uos. Organ and Mualrml Instruments.
C'K'HEsrRAL grand piano, upright, walnut
ce cost n:Z: oner forced to leave city
irrount poor heaah. Wilt sell for a ong
fail at t Camar Apt, or phone Marshall
I'lANO I will eacrlfleo my -note
pMv.r piano. In perfect condition,
music r-viie. 331 Hall at.
1 ANO Elegant mahogany upright, almost
new- (realist barialn la city, leaa tuaa
titO. Call immediately. 701 Northrup a-
!)(, Hire", ll Stoca.
AlPEUALE terrlera for pa. a Ca. Red Revs,
a: atud. lldnJleKyiEvacada. or
LRINTL-; male bull pup. $ montba; used
to children. SS3S Fourth.
Put-ttare fur MM
H P.NTTl'RE fr residence, comprlatng
lea'iher sarlor furniture, library furniture,
beautiful dining iuX bedroom
Ir.t. ru. brui beds, etc.; great oppcr
tv.nlly tor IKou starting housekepm.
tall lmmdla:ly, l1Nortb.rup.W car.
l.V.-S lhaiiha;f coat: pract lc-.tT new fur
niture; owner leav'ng town. Tabor 3--.81.
I t UMTI 1;K rive-room u:-: will tell all or
j-art. T;'?ftiin M4tni.'i'
A nun. her of" j!. ej of household furniture
for sal-. Phone Tator 117.
COWS Tieah and to freshen In 10 to 4'1
dave. all high-grade Jeraeye; a-res 3 to a
vear." ritra Mgh teeiere. 5 lo W head,
also few Durham and Holatelca. Phone
t-ilwood 2"7I.
One T-pasaenxer 1'ierre-Arrow In A-1
condition for t'A-O. There Is no better
bur In the whole Northwest. Thle car ha
b-n thorouxMy overhauled and raa"l be
teat anywhere for leas than ll'ioo. 1'
you are looking for a serviceable car.
coi,-t fall to see this one ar.vl a dem
onstration before buying.
rvrie 4-passenger r.arford: c-?st r.ew
It has been run a little over a
ear; will demonstrate and a-unrantee
same to be In goo.1 running order, price
of this car this week only $ It l
nirk-l-trinimed : we can trtiihfuMy nvr
this car and price cannot be bvat on tne
One 1P11 Wlnton Six. 7-paserer
Itmoustne fully equipped wttn a eiectrn
lights Orleinal paint and ttrea on ttils
machine ar.d still lu best of condition,
coet new J.i.;0". will take ;;00 cash
Its equivalent. Could bo run for private
n -paenrer 1!ll 4-rtoor Premlr
In firt-cia sbape by private party for
sale this week only at JI-'ihi ca-'h This
car cost new last year TJ.o. t;et busy it
; nil wish a car of this kind.
Tao 1PI0 f'adillaea; one of thm Just
from paint ahop and a good looker. The
or her is In first-class running order and
-h priced at such- low fiKurea we are
ashamed to name same In tlua column.
One 112 E. M. F.. 4-door: Is a well
finlshed car. with orlalnal paint on same,
without scratch or mar on it: prest-o-lttr,
buffer, etc., and If tureaad over thle week
v. ill xive you a low price.
One fore.loor late IMS -Little Slx.
Tbl car Is a beauty and haa been used
by a priv ate family In thla city. I'rb e
at less than bait of its cost.
Two T-passanger Garfords. both In first
rlss running order; will make escellent
cars for staae route; price at a bargain
that will aurprlse you.
We have one B-Ps. Peerless that we
consider a very good barxaln and wl.l
quote a very low price for werk only.
fine Rules, runabout.
.tne Vlanders
me E. M. V., 5-passenger.
i ine T.ocomoMlo roadster, with or with
out .'-pass. body. If you are looking for
a c-ood ear for a Ions Journey and little
trouble on the wav, don't fail to ace thla
.-.21 Aider St.
second-hand cars Tor sale by
:sd and Washington Streeta
Tflntnn Sixes. 2, 4. 5. T, 12. 1, 20-paaa.
atevena liuryea. model l. T-paaa
Ta.kard 3o. 7-pass.
Loner Llltl- six. 3 or 4 pass.
R. C. K.. 20 H. P.
Peerless. T-passenger.
TVe have also listed for sal the follow
Ir.r cars: ulck. Cham-ra. Pei.uxe.
I tar.klln . Kissel Kir, alitrbell. 4 and o
cv.maer National, u.eriauj. Ford and
Llat changes dail'. Full deecnptlon,
prices ana pbotograpba furnlsbed on re
Twenty-Itve useu si.tomoblles.
Th. -n'.r.. .o.-l. of lis.-d are im'l trucks
of the o.-rl'iii:-r "Motor far Company lol
i-e s-.. J. without reserve. I n ti e lushest :
Tnis stock eornpr's seven-pars-nc-rs.
five-passerig rs. f our-passenger romisters.
rtinal.uts. electrics. ;,ijis, hinous.nea
and tru ks.
All are now on exhibition a: Ine garage
of the tie. linger Motor v'ar t'on pjt.y. at
Ad loth St.. where tl.ey can be Inspected
and ciemona. ration had. If desired.
" The cb.ipce of a lifetime.'
Lmis of !-!
Ss,TCRlA. .May 31. 1VIX 2 P. M. to
lo V. M-. at rt loth at.
Thla aala muat cieao up our stock, aa
tiottuug a til tee moved to our new flve
atory bullulng bow In course of construc-
Will buy your second banvl rare, any
else. Remember we niake quick: aaioa.
Prices must be rltfhL
l&lb at Alder.
l iln 1161 A
fan take your auto t rltiunli. i:s off. re.
pl.tle them and put ba. k in J ia:-s. Have
jwur auto plated .n time for I:.'1 Festival.
('OK il- V N L PITINvi . SIKH. CO..
7-.-1 and Thurman sts. A .-'il.'. Ma'n 4-l.
Fl V K-l'AS-rriNijtlt ear, recently
painted and overhauled; fully equipped,
including seal covrs; no reasonable caah
offer refused. Inquire iOV iturrtalde at.
fnore Vain 4'.'
sAIJ-1 'rocerj . I'Hiil business, mostiy
ea.n trade; goo.1 fixtures and e'.oek: No.
1 lo.atlun; horse and wagon, this Iswoeth
tv.oo. will take lUht I'lio roadsrrr up to
balance ca-h. I'l'.one 13 M""i.
Ul J h. p. blu.l-baker, rol e.inil.tlon
run .:" miles, fully e.iii'pred; gi'.GO cash
rrlclt sale. t-'none r e rite Conares Ho
tel, city. Phone la.n ;"li; A-ti2. G. C.
s,,.uo.-CVl.lN'tKI. II. P.. 7-passenger
peerless: Just ove.l auird and painted: fine
.end. Hon; cost lvJ; great bargain. l
1.Rl taauab. newly painted and over
hauled, rouil tires, also e ectrlc liehts; no
reasonable cash offer refused. Inquire Zw
li-iirside st Phone Main IHoO.
113 TWIN Indian motorcvcle. bo.icht first
f u4v, ran less than loo miles; a bar
gain. siTS Fremont. Pbone C 1411.
131.1 tr ln m.xle's. Harlev preferred. Call
evenlnis a'ter .:.l". l -Id st.
WIS.I. ri'-liange SO acres orchard land, value
gViewV fr- o' Incumbran- e. icr used seven-
passenger tnnnric car, r.
JIAXWKI.I. roadster, 4tl -0-h si-. N.
Iiulmage Amp e o
JU -TON "Motor truck f-r sale, only used atg
mor.tns: on inisnm...... ii -
Al TO waited: I have lot. a -so acreage to
trade. Phone liter s-is...
W ANTED -"econd-hait l cara; any make.
IN. well oarage. . r.
W-iNT .'.-pa-, airto for n.ct.; f-irnisned II
ro. ui housv. I bonc to-lay- Mam 2.'0.
UN E late 101O. 4'"-h- p. Knox machine. In
f iret--lae condition, equipped illi a JiH
fallon tank Jua: the thin to make
a Ions JoLirn.y arron rai:tr) ; with or
fclthout 7-pa body. U taken aa he
r'anJa, lo make a quick turnover, will
give oU very low figure tntweek
rn:-. otherwise we intend putting a 7-pas.
t.xiy .n It. It will then bold a consid
erably blgher figure.
... i I t,.,,--- I ..- I-' -) --ggj-g-
I WANT a O-paasencer auto, new or aecond
band, no Junk; will trade desirable lot;
Ford preferred. AL. 02, Oregonlan.
A 43-boraepower. iOO-rolt. Croeker
Theeler motor, complete with atandard
blade starter, no voliage release and 75
ampera overload. 1. T. K. cirvuit breaker.
In A-1 ronallloa. Addrea room 20a, Ore-
ger.ian bldg.
Ona lI5-olt direct current generator,
complete, with field rheostat, ammeter
and circuit breaker. Thle machine la In
good repair. Address room -US. Orago
r.lan bldg.
A 40-K. W . ftoO-volt Crwker-Wheeler
generator complete, with field rheostat
and circuit-breaker. In good condition.
Address room 203. Oregonian bldg!
DONKEY engine, sawmill, three-saw edger
and planer, now In oprrrtton for aala
cheap: write or can oh .uihuum vi,
Deer Island, ttr.
cTEAM boiler for sal" cheap. 54-lnch shell.
m, , im, lhe a vears
old. Western Trans. aV. Towing Co., Tll-1
Teon bldlt. Trlcphime Main iPJU.
.. ii. .rn i v.: 1 to It Weeks old
cheap; also h-na and ork. pair white
Cochin Bnntame. While Klondlkes
and Japaneae timers.
I'heaaania. Ureen'a Chicken Exchange, iK1
TOI:ljL.SB goslings and 2 doien whltt
Tekln ducklinss. lireen a Chicken i-X'
chMr.K. -07 Salmon st
FOR SALE White Leghorn rooster,
bred. 5ol5 C'Uh M. S. E
GAUt-l-INt; launvh. 3" ft. Ing. 7 fU beam,
. , ... .. v . ' i r 1 neonle. Smck-
Ine ro..m or, '.tern will scat Portal
Iturfalo 4-cvllnder engine. .10 H. I high
class boat in firai-claas condition. AV la.
I reconisn
l'l KNrVn opportunity to s.-cura two
nv.r't r. w ni.ihnitany office desks, flat top.
l-itutlfullT llcleited. drawers with "it"
br-a handles, plate glass topa oa both;
so to rlrujls rub's for iale cheap.
l-im.. .Mirrhall Sl'W.
t tKl
Manure ahlpp-a in car oad lota lo U
parts of O.tfcon. price so cenia a ton.
Wr'-.e voiir or-iera to S6j E. 14tn at.
fm-tljnd. Or. Mr. A. fc-hmer.
vi'KAI. serojid and mirror casea and
isre. stock of avcond-kand chalra. refin-1-hed
for sa'- c'lejj,. easy terms. Oregon sur:ir o . cth at.
IA.i.l.r. l.-v v.-v '- -P-.ockva.-ds
n.anure in car lota. 1 .per
ten. f. c. u cars. Nor-.n i-ortland. Book
f tv-I' eew and second -hand ; low prices;
av terms. afes opened, repaired and
airtod. I'l rvt l-.;.L, -.-vr r. v u., w"
,AN1 SAFfi LO. fj olti at. jlaln sV.0.
.seu- ai d second -hand, large assort.
m,nl low prices, sales opened, repalred.
, .... 1. . . ,. tea ,! t. Vuin Ttsirl.
MO lirv.-t tnotortoat In aD.etidld condition;
eosi Ai'o.i: boathouse Included.
Mo..- "s Motor i"!r to.. i:n ana Aioer.
llt'tl'IVO standard motorcycls. good fin-
t::tlon. v.ait o i. ei. iu o .
i;i nth s:
corner v amhlll.
AN addres,..:.,; ms.-liine and Dandy"
dupllcitlng ir.a--hiie for aale very cheap.
Inquire - : n i.ewis mus
VIOTORCYCI.E sale. 2d-hnd machines at
cost: a few ro-eiels at reduced prices.
West Coast Supply Co.. 31 No. Broadway.
LA KilK'aafe "for for storage chargea
w. stern Trans. A Towing Co., 11-16 Veon
bid;. T.-'ephone Mala tJO.
1 i lW 1: 11 Ki;s. ai makes, $10 to $33.
JA3 Stark at.
Uu"-T-i'l.Ai trap drummers air outfit
heap lor c.tsa; rood J"h. Main 8052.
U. --K. chairs and filing cablneis. Buahong
fo.. lark and Stark.
11,. ii Ladies' suit nnd coat: almost new.
Misses small Zl Marshall 51-
O .l-l il-lu'l' range for aale cheap. 332 East
..ulvJ.AI. rash registers; get my prices,
rovev. ;.. t, iVmn., basement. Main OOa.
-;.',lunlie Vacuum clcauer complete, for
s.'.il. Ati J04. oregonlan.
l3kftBV cl.-aks a.-.d office furniture. E. B.
Haley liesk Co., 210 Broadway. Main 5t7.
2ub 1st., betaeeti Taylor and Salmon,
will pay b-st price for your furniture,
citrpeia. stoves, etc., etc. New and aeo
oitu-hand furutture our specialty,
l llONtl MAHiriALL. oUSl.
LEVIN Harviaare Furniture eerv2l Front
st . bujs second-hand furniture, carpets,
stove, langes, hardware or tool ot any
kind. If you have anylhiue In Uila line
ell Main U.I7-:. . ,
WH buy for casn second-hand 'Natloiwl caen
r.g. slurs and sell them on ufisy terms. W.
J. ilacau:ey, 304 Burualde st.v.llljl. Main
1-1B. A It l. 4g
Highest prices paid for ladles' and men a
cast-off ciolhlrg and shoes. Call Maui
j.ii. 2S4 First, ine aioue.
WE want to buy 100U worth of aecond
hand furniture In the next 110 days and
pay all the cash It is worth. Wliliama
Ave. Furniture Exchange. East 6311.
WEpay the highest cush price for eecond
lia::d furniture. M. R. Seater. Pbunu East
WANTED To buv second-hand Underwood
lpewriter. No. 3. Call at 2S!s ortn Sec
ond, si., city.
WANTH1J A motorboat In exchange for eu
L.uri'an lot or lots. Geo. A. iiigga. bl
rjiniuuiH ooij..
KELlAbLK priming concern wants used
typewriter In gooil condition In exchange
tor priiiiii's ..
Uiilt.lAltLE p.-in.lng cone-rn wunls ueod
tvjieariter in good eouuitlon In eachange
lor priming. 1 I'd llrfgnnlall.
FA1K lir'Al. reopeiied again: we pay hlgn
et li ices for your second-hand clothing
and household goods. Phone Main
CX1I paid for hair combines. Sanitary
ieauty Parlfts, 4to Dekum Lidg.
WE want gtO.OOO worth of second-hand fur
l .tnre: highest prices paid. Sellwood lCel!.
Kviltl Aiotlon fo. pays nios. cash for any
kin-1 of furniture. Alain Nli.'.l, A :44.V
NATlnNML cah register; price must be
reasonable. I'lione Main nil. A. HM6.
WE 1'AV ingnest prb:es. for second-hand
lothin-. 2fl rid si. Phone Main K-b3
TRAN.-iTrf and levels i.utllu for caah. tfoo
foncorn Ultlg.. i-otusini. t
SECONL--I1AND goods bought for cash or
taken In exenange lor new. i..i
WILL kalsoinlne rooms for 2-&0; paint
house at your price, rename.
F1KN1TLRE wanted, good price paid, al
y. .
W A NT ED for U. S. ARM Y Able-bodied un-
.. . k.A,M,A e eee i . f I M and Sdh
marrieva iiieu. - .
rlliiena of L'nlted statea, of good char
ater and temperate habits, who can
speak, reaj and write the English lan
guage. For information apply to Recruit
It w Officer. Worcester building. 2d and
UJk SIS.. sorxiano. vr.
.V V VTKbMen for railroad work; location
. . .. vii.-e Venalem alley.
1 . Vlll - v-.'i.... - , , . ,
f-unps nrsi-cluss In every reapeot. Work
e II .ast for several months.
Clll.l-.VHIA A NtliALEM KIVKR R-.R--.
71.1 Spalding or at the work. W ocd e or Rosa Landing on the Columbia
. .. n m i ll IV
hi rv i . is ...
il of good addresa from 22 to bo yeara
of axe. on a hlgU-class specialty; one or
uiote years work tor right party. J 3,
ivitKIN'i man for aperlal work: also em
ployed mati for extra work evenluaa and
r-unoaya. in au st.
DAIIiitll wanted, steady Job. 206 Madi
son st. , ,
Bof wanted Apply Public Library. 7lh and
AN experienced solicitor for meat inarkeL
R :. oregonian.
A FIRST-CLASS auto painter and helper
wanted, el 4 .iuer n.
COVTMAKER waat-d. R. O. Klrthmayer.
lob west 5iri at.. Vancouver, Wash.
iVAMllb- experienced marker. Apply In
ternational Launilry.
WANTED P-.ata and vtsttnaker for country.
1. H. McHrnie at Co.. K4iS Morrison St.
WANTED Stave boit cutters, good Job. AP-
p'y m-j i roett ping., city.
KJv.Iv: UlENf El aollcltors- Call S21 Missis,
sippt sve.. Irom B lot A M., 6 to 7 1'. M,
WANTED t-ollcltnr for dye works wagon.
Apple la r.a-n -oi or ci' ceev v-o.
ot NH man wanted to do Janitor work.
Apply 414. r.. Aiqer.
WANTED Experienced cracker peeler. E.
6th and Pavla
IVANTrln at nnee. all "round country printer,
News-Tinies. Forest Grove.
PHOTO coupon, best offered, beauty coateat
startecl. vutoertn r-iuoio, L-eaum oiug.
Ic'LNO man wanted to learn trade. Port
land Trunk M I J. o . ao ann r"ine sis.
H.VHHER wanted gootl m:an. 165 X. 6th at.
w ANTED Boy over la. luqulro 29e let at.
Til 17
(One of Many.)
Office Secretary Employment Department.
T .M. C A.
Tonng man, stranger, seeking" employ
ment Hid his total cash asset) If I pay
ou ft fur employment memoershlp 1 will
have only Hi between me and atarva
tion. '
Secretary If you pay 13 for employ
ment memberehlp you will have the Y.
M. C. A. with all It resource between
you and atarvatlon.
Result loung man Joined association.
In leas than a week be had satisfactory
Record for year 112:
Calls for men from employers Z25
position filled !'
Our special employment membership
guarantee member will secure employ
ment or refund of membership fee; give'
two months' full and 10 months' social
Constant demand for CLERICAL, TECH
Ail young men seeking employment,
especially strangers, are cordially Invited
to consuit with the Secretary of the i-m-ployinei.1
V8a North Second Street.
Phones Main 7 27. A 2200.
Blacksmith and machinist (sawmill)
1110 month.
Trlmmcrman, $4 day. (fare allowed).
Flooring grader, 13 day, (faro allowed).
Edgerman, 43 day. (fare allowed).
i men to clear land, 175 month.
4 woodcutters, I'l. all cord.
Team, IA.&0 day.
To) laborers, Ji.'.O day.
Headquarters for
Porter Hros., Grant, Smith Co., Outhrle.
McDougall Co., Lortmir & Gallagher.
Twohey liros. Co.. Coos Bay Line. G. N.
at Wenalchee, N. P. double tracking. S.
P. and S. work. Kreo transportation.
All orders given prompt personal at
tention. ' ,
To work at steady work In small town,
60 mllee from Portland; $2.2ft per day.
plant has been running for several i"
and wanta more men who will tnaKe
themseivea permanent cltlaens. See Hart
Third Floor chamber cf Commerce.
BEFORE JULY 1 many men will become
niemoera or tuc u. -:- --
theao will have the chance to taate Big
Foreign cruise next winter. Investigate.
Call at Navv Recruiting Station. Railway
Exchange Bid., Portland. Oregon, and get
full details about pay. hours, promotion,
trades, training, etc Or write for Inter
eatlng booklet. Addreee: Bureau ot
Navigation. Box 826. Navy Department.
V.AN1ED Printer. Young man, clean cut.
. - . mi., t mm rn with '2 Or 4
years" composing experience. In a special
ty plant near Portland. Want a man who
will appreciate a position with a future,
and who can aee further ahead than his
baturdav night pay envelope. Wages l
pcr week to star.. Know-it-alls, has-beens,
cigarette tiends and booze fighters save
stamps. H bll. Oregonlan.
WANTED 1"0 men for box factory, planing
mills, shingle nuns, sasu inu , -
tortes and taw mills: out of city: good
wages: fare paid. Enquire Pacific Em
ployment Co.. 224 Couch St. between
1st and 2d.
"We want wlue-awske saieamen for both
In and out of the city to aell property In
the beat young port town on the Coast.
Our men are making good Income. At
tractive Induceanente and liberal commis
sion. Bay City Land Co.. 702 Spalding
lt:ng. vsa ...... " -
SALESMEN, are' you trying to sell pump
... i A hem VSCUUtn
guna ana iirmir.. ' ",
cleaners? Why not aell something you
can honestlv guarantee and that tne
users booat for you? Quality, prices, com
missions right. Afternoons, ill) Worces
ter bldg.
ANY younV man who Is persistent, ha a
. ...j . i. ambitious and not
pleasing s.iui. ; ,.
afraid of physical aa well as mental work,
can. by following our plan work, hlm
aelf Into a business In which others are
making good money. See Mr. McNalr any
. ..... a ... , , OCA rm j street
morning, v.ov to p"
WE have a few good flclda open for compe
. . . . . i.. the savin-
tent salesmen, -t -e , .
tange of selling for the largest and best
known nursery In the West at the best
terms offered, apply today. Give reference.
Oreaon Nursery Company, Orenco. or.
WANTED A young man who haa had about
. ... . n 4 n " In n ' S VMlH a
one or two years uir..c... - - -
and shore. Steady position and room for
advancement for the right Prty. Kefer
ence required. Apply to Brill s Store, The
Dalles, or.
WANTED Agents in every city and county
, xl.. !---., . I SI al IntlhA I IS fall
in Oregon. "sbih .. : v. d..
J.eger Vacuum Cleaners. W "".l":
land office. Jaeger Mig. Co.. 701 Rothchlld
PAINTER with tools to paint a 7-ro"
houses: materials lurmeiieu.
take 23 lot, Mt. Scott district for all or
pari labor. Geo. A. P.lggs. S13 Spalding
bldg. .
WANTED A thoroughly trained man, ac-
qualntea wun ecieutnie oe...v ----Ing
and dnlrylnK. to take charge of a high
grade diversified dairy farm: married man
Preferred: references. A 13. Oregonlan.
MUX wanted to sell and to enow Evlnrude
rou boat motors, in if"; "-"
town of the Northwest. "Write for cata
logue. Address F. U. Epton. agent Evln-
lUde aiotor I.O.. loo em pv-, "
MEN. with rig. Introduce, aell 85 extracta.
spices, medicines, etc.; ui
made 0 weekly. Wo mean business. Box
774, Dept. 33. Cedar Rapids. Iowa.
Wanted Six live wires lor Portland ml
Country. Apply S: !0 to lu A. M., 4.30 to
f,:"0 P. 31. Kl v-oicee.--.
EHI1AXU boy of neat appearance; prefer one
of mecnanicai i-'. '-',' i
optical business. B. E. Flake & Co.. Mac.
leay bldg.
W ANTED, at once, 2 men to learn to drive
and repair nutos and truck for Spring
work. Call Hawthorne Garage. 443 Haw
thorne ave
GKOCERYMAN Want rirat-claas. thorough-
- ..... ..... C .-..sea of Hire.
lv exporiencea man. i.-o. " . ' ; 7.V
for country, salary tti. call 103j Cham
ber or t-Ommerc- .-utt.
WANTED Solicitor or salesman; will pay
iiberal commission to high-class person
. who can close bupslnen on atrictly le-
gitltnate pasis. rt i-e. e--..s.-
GOOD aalesman to canvass elt- with sta
ple line or jeweiry on e.j i-.. ""
ary or commiaslon to right man. b Mr.
Thomas. 207 Corbctt bulldlnB.
PORTER, experienced, for night work;
steady posiLiort to nov -
Iteslaiirant. -i l ' ""'LL""
WANTED Brlglitif7lce boy for wholesale
grocery house. Apply wauuama m. jv. .t
DAY porter and bellboy wanted. Apply
Arlington Clnb. 0 Park t-. between and
10 A. SI.
. . . ,e-u m Tin I V in mesa Olllus emu-
couver Parracks Mesfc Flllnlno or Chine
boy preferred.
' Hit LP VTAS1E1) rIMaLK.
WANTED -Girl to do housework al once.
rhnne Woodlawn !.
GIRL for geueral housework; small family;
good wages, est tiiianiw et.
WOMAN for general nouaewora.
three. S6 i.ast A.uer. tv ......
WANTED An experienced nursemaid, ill
IjOV ejoysv.
WANTED blrst-class pastry cook, white.
remaie. .v,in,..." ---
WANTED Mangle girl. Tale Laundry. 600
K. Morrison.
wamteD Girl to wait table Irom to
I'. M. -ia otn.
WANTED Woman to cook In small board-
Ing bouse: wa-;es e-o. o. ......
WANTED An itrrand girl. Teesdai. 14S
13tll at
WANTED Woman for cooking and house-
wora. i." --' - -
. x.-i-c-ivMilllnerv salesladies at once.
" . .,"... IT" ,1.,,,! i -la at ti si
APPiy ""onisnus -"" "-
TWO salesladies, good address, permanent,
7" Chamber of Commerce. Ask for Baker.
WANTED A cook where second girl Is
kept. APP'y on t."""' .....-.
... . -I. -a MrTtnp Invalid kid
i 150 N. 22d" L
JVTED Girl for general housework. 111S
Denver ave. t-none .vi.ti... .....
GIRL for general housework, plain cooking.
KOOQ wagea. ri.v-
GIRL to assist in cooking and general house
work: wages t--.
WANTED Competent girl for general nouse-
work. 1K1 E. lotn. r-nones cm. ijo, -
WANTED Neat ijTrl for chMd'a nuree;
vrneea Main '-e. i--i.i.-.
COMPETFNT girl for general wprk. 7T
Marsnau at.
WANTED A cook where second girl Is
kept. Apply IK 2 Everett, mornlnga
GIRL for general housework and cooking.
il IluM st.
GIKL for general housework. 300 Tark st
Housekeeper, country, good wage.
Chambermaid. JS week.
Second girl, 25 month.
Cook, cljy, 40 month.
Cook, two men. 20 month. fc,,.-.
Several good place for general house
Ladles- Dert. 205 H Morrison.
EXPERIENCED waitresses wanted by the
Meier & Frank Store s Restaurant, bhort
hours. Apply at restaurant desk between
0 A. M. aud 10:30 A- !th floor.
WOMEN to handle the best money maker
on the market today; you can eas ly- make
from .- to $10 per day. - h gb class . In
dorsed by best business men mT-"v, P a
nor or Hughes. Palace HoteT, 12tti and
w asningion
HOTEL cook. 40: sanitorlum. 140; -Jr8
for sanitorlum, J10 (out of city ;j 2 hotel
waitresses. 25: chambermaid. J-.; house
keeper. 3 people. 2o; dish washer; J? w k.
Hansen's Employment Ofiice. 34aVa W asn.
st., room i.
WANTED Middle-aged woman: must be
good cook and do general housework; fam
ily of two; good homo lh Central Oregon
for right party and permanent position, li
"I". tllCR.'lll!!-
MANY of the beat famlllea of tho city are
registered with the Domestic Service bu
reau for cooks, general housework and
. -(-a jo.r-1 1 r-a 1 Kirfir. a M. TObi.
iccuna gii n. ovj swfs.-a -w- v - .
WANTED Experienced eeneral housework
K'.rl with references; email family, no
washing; wagea $35. Telephone Marshall
e..'.:itl before !: noon.
WANTED Two German or Scandinavian
giVls to do cooking, general housew-ork, in
Central Oregon; families of two and three.
II 91. Oregonlan
WANTED Neat, respectable woman unaer
30. housekeeper; w mowers xoiuuj.
try. St. Loui Agency. 208 5th st. Main
ATTICTlVEpropltlon for a few- ex-
A. .M. Aak for Mr. Cunningham. 723 Cham
ber Commerce.
GIRL for housework and plain cooking for
small family In I"lngton; convenient
place and good wages. Last 1343 or Main
WANTED By lone -widower good steady
worniTn housekeeper In country: prefer
one who is in ncru ui .
rale. Corvallts, Or.
10 .MOKE Udle. wanted for bI-c'a5SR"J:
liSVlvSl lorl OTerc' Tru.t bid,,..
bin anu
WANTED-Middle-.gedld- to care for
8 montna tw w" --" "
State age Oil" g-pAa-saav-w
WANTED Helpers land apprentice tor
rSmSklni Mine. Lambert. 2 Grand ave.
is on n. cot"er .
GIRL wanted for general "
prunder, ova .-nu l-. "
pnone a ..op-. . .
.Ct LOCis AGENCY Cooks, waitresses,
STcharnSermaldsUnurae.. ho u.fepera, house
maids. L'OS 5th st. Main; A-4i7.
STEXOGRAPHER with some knowledge of
S ,..iTi,.ee.1nP" state fully experience, age
and salary expected. V 96. Oregonian.
ana sainiy rfcLi - - -
cTT ANlTrEItll AID. rooming otslde ldV
...... .v.h m.rrls.1 nrolcrred : S est Side,
reteren' e?.. .tic... ......
EXFERIENCED cook for general house
vvork; no washing. Phone Main 93., 633
references. Main 1153.
W A Vf ED Competent girl for general
bo.iLwaTand cooking. Call 66 Lucretla
r,v.nnA Main 41X4.
WANTED Maid for Floral housework.
small family, gooa --. -"
Washington sr., o-w i" -v
SALESLADY for dry g ooda store. Apply at
Brumberg s, corner Deoi-vu
ov. Take Sellwood car.
RELIABLE young girl to help with care of
baby anu go iignv uuusa. . - - -
.partment lui.
GIRL writing rapid, legibile hand, to ad
dress enve opes iemi-t-tai j. c, r ,
day morning. S o'clock. 311 Spaldljigbldg.
FXPEKIENCED pressor on ladies work.
Best wages Call at the Wardrobe. Main
WANTED Girl for general housework;
must understand plain cooking. Apply
mornings, zoo x-in st.
WED-Experlenced girl for fl
Heights. Mrs. J. L. Hall. 1145 Thurman bu
hoiiRRWOrK. in.m-t.ji .
(OMPETEXT Rirl tor general houseworlc
Apply morning-1- iyKJl
ner Kearney.
" t i nirc a nV.T V
Washington bldg.. 270 Wash, room 85.
rear iin. t-nunw m....
WANTED Graduate nurse to take charge
of small nospnai uui --
Adarpss -a. ji a, y-" a
WANTED Refined, capable woman lor rt
ponalbie position. Viavl to.. b09 ROth
chlid bldg 4th and "Washington.
EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen
erate nousework. no washing, no children.
Apply Q4o t th N. Phone East 834.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework
fiTmlly of "!. ApL -107. llighland Court. 2Jd
and Gllsan.
WANTED Nurse maid for two young chil
dren; must be over years of -
Melinda ave.. neaq or iih" -
GIRLS to work on willow plumes, experi
ence necessary. Hartness Plume bhop.
3.-.0 Tamhlll st. Main --.'-p.
WANTED Waitress. New Western note",
:;:;j Gllsan et.
. -..r-.T-e.eis- nir-ircnB WANTED
Jj X llAnDtiltlll li.-'-.'
Fifteen pickers families ,w'h.,,ents'.ta
good Job at a good place. Call at 611 Swet
land bldg this lay between 6 and 7
o'clock P. M. or phone Marshall 2191 at
that hour.
MAN and wife for hotel, man must thor
oughly understand oil burners; Janitor
work and repairing. AK t5. Oregonian.
SOLICITORS for advertising. 312 Dekum
AGENTS, men and women; something new
small sample, vati ovq
FISK Teachers' Agency secures posltlona for
teachers. 310 Journal bldg. Main 4o35-
FREE Illustrated book tells of about 800.000
protected position In V. 3. service; thous
ands of vacaliclea every year; there la a
big chance here for you. sure and gen
erous pav. lifetime employment; Just ask
for booklet T-360: no obligations. Earl
Hopkins, w iaiiiBi-u. -
"uV. furnished roo at reasonable rate.
In the new fireproof association building,
cor. 6th and Taylor, st... and have privi
lege of consulting Advisory and Employ-
ment Department.
HIGH-CLASS business proposition for men
or women of ability; will stad closest ln
veatlgation. W ill pay 1SO0O to 50O0; muat
have soma money. Palace Hotel. Mr.
Bleckner or Mr. Hughe.
100 MEN and women to learn the barber
trade In 8 weeks In ail Its modern meth
ods; send for catalogue; tool free; learn that ,. .cauget In - buslne. for
yourseir. aioter uc. -
ntand. ThU coming vocation taught at
y M. C. A. All the Year Round Day and
Night School; complete equipment; best
on coast.
month: examinations coming Specimen
SueVtion. free. Franklin intitute. Dept.
HmBlJ, rtoctieste, .i-
GOVERNMENT position, parcel post ys
tem rVtTuTre additional,, clerks ; a alary up
; sisou: "free book." Pacific states
School. McKay bldg.. Portland, or.
PuLl instruction. GREGO SHORTHAND.
bookkeeping- 342 Hamilton blag. -Mar. 4-a.
MEN, women to learn barber trade, eight
HrXWt MadT.on. i6S Couch St.
289 14TH ST. Jt. jono. c-At - -" "- - J-
GET your S-i50 sample shoes upstairs. Le-
. w-vl . s-al j-4 es Ww tl TT ROOe .
lanu b, -
Keiater. Ladle." lor-f.u0o.I'-,5e.,
School of Dreasmakuig. 143i Ilth t.
3IAY S3, 1913.
up books, prepare balance and statements.
Install systems. Glllingham. auditor, ul.
Lewis bldg. Marshall 717.
TO DO GENERAL office work, 9 year ex
perience bookkeeping, shorthand and
typewriting: best of reference furnished.
K 91. Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER now employed; would like
small set of book to keep evening. H.
M. Hayles. 503 Montgomery.
BANK, credit man, collector, office man.
bookkeeper or other clerical position; mar
ried: references. AG 101. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wants work at
once. Phone Marshall 4577
EXP. aalesman wanta work In Oregon. J 82
Oregonian. "
AN ABLE mechanical draughtsman desires
position with Western firm on June 1.
Age 30. Experienced in sawmill and gen
eral machine work. Fifteen years of prac
etlcal and technical experience. Careful
and systematic worker. A low cost ma
chine producer. A thoroughly practical
and artistic designer of machinery. AC
bi. oregonian.
WINDOW dresser and card writer, famil
iar with latest drapes, quick artistic
card writer, equipped with air brush, etc.;
can paint billboard signa and do ad writ
ing if required; desires steady position
at once, anywhere; age 25; hustler. AV
EXPERIENCED gardener. Wanted, lawn to
cut by the hour or any other kind of
work around private residence: 2oo hour.
Permanent phone. Main 9207. Rober
MAN and wife want position on ranch;
man sober, practical farmer and stockman;
wife good cook, housekeeper and chicken
handier; references. M. II. Watts, 163 16th
st. N. Phone A 1451.
HONEST young man of 19 who la not afraid
to work desires employment; capable of
doing office, clerical or other Work. AN
94, Oregonlan. w
YOUNG man chauffeur-mechanic wishes po
sition with private family; both Eastern
and local references given. D 95, Ore
gonlan. WANTED Janitor or porter work in apart
ment or rooming-house, wnoie or part,
time, by middle-aged Englishman. G 94.
YOL'XG German, married, wants position as
gardener or any kind work mat win pay
expenses; also good salesman. Phone Ta
bor 4311 or Main 16fc4. Y 98. Oregonlan.
AN ABSTRACTER with 3 years experience.
Index system, wants work: can give best
references: speedy and accurate on ma
chine. K 91. oregonlan.
POSITION' wanted by first-class experi
enced packer, watchman elevator and of
fice Janitor; any kind of work. Address
F. M. Leaf, general delivery, city.
JAPANESE wishes situation dishwasher
and kitchen help Immediately. D 92, Ore
gonlan. JANITOR desires position: experienced in
steam and hot air heating; reference. G
9J, Oregonlan.
SWISS farmer wants farm to manage on
shares;- experienced. Address Theodore
G. Werder. 832 Glisan st.. Portland.
JAPANESE, flrst-ciass cook," wanta position
at family: wife can wait on table. E 99,
EXPERIENCED chauffeur wants work;
well educated and Industrious. B S4, Ore
gonian ' .
JAPANESE man and wife want position,
wife as cook and man any kind of work.
lidH Front Ht.
COMPETENT young man. of good habits,
wishes a position driving auto; can give
good relerences. J 04, Oregonlan.
FIRST-CLASS waiters furnished. Marshall
711. A 4910. Portland Walters" ciuo. n-s
6th. Portland, Or. G. C. Gerald, manager.
JAPANESE desires position general house
work small family- D 93. Oregonlan.
COLLECTOR or similar work, city or road.
best references. beuwooq rno.
EXPERIENCED chauffeur, best references,
wants steady position. Phone Main 8663.
SOBER, middle-aged man desires position
as meatcutter In small town. .'108 Salmon.
DISHWASHER: understand short orders.
112 X. 6th St. '
POSITION, engineer. Janitor or fireman;
references. AP 01. Oregonlan.
WANTED, by young man. work on farm or
truck garden. AM 91. Oregonlan.
WINDOW washing, house cleaning, floors
waxed and polished. Kenwood ii.n.
GOOD, honest young working man will take
any kind of work. E 90, Oregonlan.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
COMPETENT stenographer and bookkeeper,
reasonable aalary. Main 7S7S. Miss White
ley. YOUNG ladv, experienced office assistant,
typewriter, bookkeeper, desire position.
Main 4 210.
COMPETENT stenographer desires piece
work. Will call for dictation. Main 12.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker desires work
$2 50 per day and car fare. Call Miss
Hall, Main 2330 or A S653 after 6 P. M.
References lurnisneu.
GOOD seamstress desire engagement by
day, S2. Marshall 3Hi. Mrs. Smith.
NURSE 15 years experience; confinement
and care of invalids specialty. Mrs.
Hughes. Marshall 5252.
EXPERIENCED girl desires situation, gov
erness, nurse, sick. Invalid. Main 2U39;
A-4775. .
WANTED Position by reg. nurse. Institu
tional or In doctor's office. Apply Nurse,
.... e m. - I rt V. a 1 -
3S5 Yamhill St., rortiaiiu. i-noiio ooto.
TRAINED NURSE, 25 years' experience, has
private home for invalid; beat references.
Tabor --la.
LADY desires nursing invalid or confine
ment; reasonable. Phone B 2143.
REFINED widow of 20 years, with baby
girl 21 months, wishes position as house
keeper or housework; nice home more de
sired than wages, but must have wages.
rtoom Zdl t.irttoitt jmn:..
YOUNG LADY (C. S.) would like position
as housekeeper at Summer resort or coun
try during Summer months. AN 92, Ore
YOUNG woman with two children wishes
position aa housekeeper for refined gentle
man: small salary. Woodlawn 1406.
REFINED, middle-aged lady wishes nice
home to keep for gentleman or would
rent furnished home, phone Sellwood
WOM4.N ex-ierienced in rooming house would
like posit'ion as housekeeper; no objec
tion to leaving city. D 91. Oregonlan.
GERMAN woman, girl 0, desires situation
housekeeping. 2fs 5th. Main 2039.
YOUNG widow, teacher, stenographer, book
keeper desires position as governess,
housekeeper or secretary during Summer.
AN 93, Oregonian
LADY caterer will manage weddings, din
ners, luncheon and evening refreshments;
can furnish waitresses. Phone Marshall
RELIABLE young woman must have em
ployment afternoon and evening. AM
93, Oregonlan.
WOULD like io get om housework or day
work to the loth of June. Call Marshall
EXPERIENCED woman wants washing, iron
'lng; Wednesday vacant; only full day.
Main 4 id
WANTED Care of 2 or more children, un
der school age, good care, nice home,
rcttsuiiBiim ii" ,
WORK, bv the day. West Side. Phone Mar
shall 3U24.
reasonable price, rv. eo. vi
LACE curtains, draperies, linena. laundered
by expert. Tabor 317. ,
GERMAN lady want work by the hour.
in. ClInnAH .-.9.7
UP-TO-DATE dressmaking reasonable. Eaat
300. 82 Grand Ave- Apt. 25.
WOMAN wanta work by day or hour. Phone
East 1614.
L'AFABLE young woman desires situation
"as chambermaid. Main 2P39; A-477u.
EXPERIENCED woman, day work, wash
Ing. Ironing, cleaning. Main 20.19; A-4775.
BAV WORK done or dinners cooked by an
experienced woman. Marshall 5974.
CATERERS' place, beach for Summer to
cook. Mamie Crump Ferla. Sellwood 825.
WANTED Work by hour washing. Ironing,
cleaning; relerences. .nam -ooa.
NEAT, competent cook. In private family,
or general wora, to. v -.. vimiisii.
LADY wanta any kind of housework by
day. Call Jiarsnau pit-.
COMPETENT woman wants day work; ref
erences, phone Tabor 701.
DAI'S' work done or dinner cooked by an
ex perlenced woman. Phone Marshall 5974.
LACE CURTAINS, blankets, draperies laun
dered by experts, 25c and up. Tabor 8678.
4.GENTS wanted every town In Oregon to
handle life automobile necessity. No cash
needed to etart. Write W. Schwartzenberg,
407 Spalding bldg.. Portland. Or.
' Are selling the Jaeger vacuum cleaner.
Why not you? Call 701 Rothchlld bldg.
AGENTS S. and M. mop. pail and wringer
combined. SOS Pin street
We cannot fill our demand for first
class places at reasonable rents. We get
results where others falL
Main S69. 269 Washinstoti St. AC267.
If you want to rent your house, list
them with us. We have a number of
people waiting for houses.
2S6 Oak St. Main 7750.
YOUNG married couple without children
would like to take care of house for Sum
mer: References furnished. AL 91, Ore
gonlan WANTED to rent Modern furnished R-room
bungalow or house for summer months;
large yard preferred. F 93. Oregcnian.
BEST of 'care given iiome in exchange for
rent, or other arrangements considered."
references given. Marshall 2038.
WANTED i-room flat, modern conven
iences, quiet neighborhood, five minutes'
walk. Wash, and 23d. D OH. Oregonlan.
WANTED 3 or G-rootn house; give price,
street and number, full description, J 42.
GENTLEMAN who Is out of the city most
ot the lime, excepting eatuxuayo auu outt
davs. desires to rent, by the month, a
comfortable furnished room with modern
conveniences, in a refined private home.
Must be reasonable in price. Answer by
letter. E. M. E-. 344 Sherlock Bldg.
Rooma With Board.
WANTED A modern, well furnished, airy-
room with private lamliy; also ooaru
Piedmont preferred. H f2. Oregonian.
i-.exti.kmax wishes room and board with
private family. West Side; state terms. G
9d, uregonian.
Furnlsiied hooma.
,207 li 4TH.
209 4'1'H.
213 is 4TH.
Are you looking for nice, clean rooms
with hot and cold water, private baths,
homelike and respectable, at VERY MOD
ERATE PRICES .' It so you will be satis.
fied at any of tne n uotets auovw. u.v-
us a trial and you will be the winner, and
besides save money win gov mc
rOK Y. M. C. A. MEMBERS Furnished
room, reasonable In price; fireproof build
ing, vacuum cleaned; shower baths, awim
imiig pooL cluS facilities; -special rates at
cafeteria, and 100 other feature. Full
-.articular at business office, cor. Cth and
Taylor sts.
13i Eleventh Street.
New. modern brick building, steam
heated, private baths, hot aud cold water
In rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy, com
fortable, rent reasonable. call and aee
us; regular and transient trade solicited.
THl. nu i ivi. Atviiti'ii.
11th, between Morrison and Yamhill; re
cently opened, every modern convenience,
plenty of hot water and heat; beautiful
lobby; rates 4 week and up; with pri
vate bath $5.u0 week and up; transient
rates. 75c and up. Free phone. Main 42".d.
14th and Jefferson.
An established hotel. Room en suite or
Biggie, rates reasonable. A 0228, M. 9283.
HOTEL REN WICK Ideal home for busi
ness people; centrally located; elegant
rooms; modern conveniences. Broadway
and Taylor, block from Portland Hotel,
opposite Orpheum Theater. Main 916.
Elegantly located, all modern outside
rooms, with or without privato bath,
2 50 week up; quiet place for tourists
visiting city.
uTivniSH nnTKT.
18th andWashington Street.
All outside rooms, modern. 42.30 per
. Main rtiuia a T.',34.
FURNISHED room at 040 15. Main St., bet.
31st and 32d. Will rent with or without
breakfast and dinner. Business woman
preferred. i per monm. e an
u.-i-nrl -vTir-.TH !. LANDS.
126 13th St.. at Washington.
Rooms. S3.00 per week up; under per
sonal management owner. J. W. Bushong.
-rui.- i.,n-.h.. "27U Larraoee. Rooms
week up. Brick bldg., steam heat, hot,
cold water, bath, phone, electricity.
HOTEL CONGRESS Beautifully furnished
room with all modern convenience. Utli
and Main.
HOTEL Edwards, Grand ave.. E. Belmont;
room 12 mo. and up; .22.00 and up with
bath; absolutely respectable. East 323.
NEWLY furnished room, reasonable. The
Dezcndort Apts.. 208 16th St. M. 4793.
Furnished Rooms In Private anally.
BEAUTIFUL furnished room in strictly pri
vate residence. East Side, one block to
Broadway car; all family conveniences,
large vard. etc.; breakfast if desired;
nri... axil ner month, phone East oub.
NEWLY furnished room In private family.
East Side, with or without board ; 13 min
utes' walk from 3d and Washington sts.
by Steel or Broadway bridge. Call Home
jinone c i-if.
110 PER month for nicely furnished room,
all modern conveniences, close in, Nob
rtlll. gentlemen .-
591-4 Davis St., near 19th. Marshall ui)42.
NEWLY furnished rooms, single or double,
a modern home, ten minutca' walk from
business center, reasonable renu bJa
EAST room $3.50 per week: ea"t'frul
grounds, eight blocks from Olds VV ort
man & Kings. 414 Market, cor, lltu.
2 pleasant, cosy rooms, with closet, in new
clean, modem home, reasonable. 6112
Everett. ;
ONE single front sleeping room, 2.23 week,
front housekeeping room, .3. 00; close lu.
respectable. 188 west riirn.
FRONT room or double parlor, beautifully
furnished, first floor, suitable for two or
four centlcmen: modern. 476 Clay.
MODERN steam-heated room in private fam
ily, good home cooking, reasonable, bus
Flanders, apt. a. aarausu j.-.
LARGE well furnished parlor for one or
two. close In; beautiful yard; reasonable.
:31 Broadway, rouit nvo -v.
FURNISHED rooma. large sleeping porch.
, H. K. room in suite, lil Grand ave. N.
East 032. .
J2 WKEIC Airy little sleeping-room. 208
12th t.
5 PER month Sleeping porch, bath, phone.
o;ti ran t
NEWLY furnished front room. Plenty ot
sunshine. 745 Hoyt. Marshall 4763.
SINGLE tront room, 52; bath, phone, walk,
ing distance. 32., 12th at. ,
FURNISHED rooms, modern, walking dis
tance. 269 llth Jefferson. Main 3t.93.
VERY desirable rooms, walking distance.
Marshall 416 or B93-- Gllsan st.
DESIR ABLE, airy rooms, new and clean.
central, reasonable. 636 Everett Bt.
BEAUTDTUL large front room, also smaller
one. Marshall 3677. 509 Flanders st.
NICE outside room with bath for rent. Call
6: Market st. Phone A-2503. Rent .9.
LARGE light front room reasonable holme
privileges, rinme -"-i
NICE, clean front bedroom for rent; tvalk-
lnir'distance. East 2270.
UCELY furnished rooms, fine, S2 weekly,
walking distance. Phone USCi Washington.
SINGLE sleeping room. Phone and bath.
221 13th st,
I ADY mav have room for care of four
rooms. Mawre, Marshall 2432.
Kooflii With Board.
American and European plan; near City
Park; convenient to carllne.
Washington, at 23d St.
Residential and Tourist' Hotel.
Attractive rate to permanent and
. Main
r A IVIV I n. T .
3S6 Montgomery St., at West Park, mod
ern conveniences; rooms with or without
bath" excellent table service; reasonable
rates for regular and transient guest.
Select Family Hotel.
Modern rooms with excellent table
board, very reasonable ratea. llth and
lamniu bis
THb. VV Hll n-tiAlilj. -ao Bin - -
A residential hotel, large sun porch;
room with or without baths; home cook-
. karH a ane.-ialtV.
ing! lamP Wm..ym " V '
rooms with board, use of sewing roam, 11-
brary. S10 Flanders, Mrs. E. N. Wilson, sup.
THE HAZEL Large outside rooms, steam
heat, running water; with or without
meals; moderate price. 380 3d at.
THE LAMBERSON, 654 Couch, cor. 17th;
outside rooms; steam beat, running water;
it .mm fnr nnrt .flhle Konrd.
gflUlttl tetoo " - e
Intl. JXI AiUlUU, ill .out at.
Excellent table. large. airy room.
Summer rate. "J" car at Depot.
CHOICE lngle rooms, first-class table
board. 83 N. 17th; block from Washington.
EXCELLENT board, beautiful rooms lacug
the park. 374 Park SW
Room and Hoard.
llth. Just off Washington St.
American and European.
Beautiful dining-room, tearoom
and roof garden.
Very attractive rates to famlllea
and bachelors.
European and American. .2 per day with
meals. Rates by the month and week
with or without meals very reasonable.
New, modern and fireproof.
Rooma With Hoard lu frivate timllr.
FOR most desirable front room with h'fth
grade table board in Blrictly private fam
ily and at very low terms Inquire 389
Main 6t. ,
NEWLY cleaned and nicely furnished
rooms; walking distance; board If desired;
midway bet. Broadway and new Steel
bridges. 273 Williams ave. E. 34j0.
NICE comfortable rooms with breakfast
board, hot and cold water, bath, phone,
walking distance, reasonable. 120 N. 18th
corner Glisan. M. 3097.
TWO nice, largo front rooms. Hawthorne
district; 10 minutes' ride; rent very tea
unable; meals if desired. i'hone Tabor
31011. Monday.
KoUXDiNGS. MAI X 5'..i4.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished room, suitable for
2; excellent board uad hoiuo comforts. l'Jl
llth st. Phone M. 1)381.
HK-Si'-CLASS room and board. modem
h.iiiio near lrvington Park. Phono Eaat
MODERN, steam-heated room, In private
family, good home cooking, reasonable.
6T.8 Kla-aders, apt. 3. Marshall 1121
NEATLY fuinii-hed frcMit room. P'
month, with board. $23. 306 12th st.
ROOM and good board In a nice home. 635
Kearney si. Marshall Mti4.
ROOM and board. 2 in room each. Main
ssr.3. :i9.l Harrison
J2I1 FRONT ROOMS, for two i'J. Ne.
modern. ft- jiin, near r.w.-ien.
GOOD room and board, modern. close in.
4 i . "saunon hi. .vi -xi n -
ROOM and board for 2 gentlemen; iiep-
arate ceas, .i:'i t-ui t.
MODERN home, beautifully fnrnislifd room,
" ... ... . j ,.i I.-.... ::i'l.i
excellent i.umu. i nv...
241 NORTH 22d, two well-furnished connect
ing rooms. Excellent board. Main 2U71.
ROOM and I board. roastM-iable: 211 North
2uih st. Phone Marshall 1978.
One block non u of Wash
Ington, on ISth St., 4-roora
corner apartment, newly
ivainted and decorated
throughout. All outside
lartte rooms, free phone,
vacuum cleaner servic-,
electric elevator, etc. Ref
erences required. A cuol
place to live this Summer.
Inducements made to per
manent tenants. Apply on
premises or call
Main 6SC9. A 6267. 269 Wash. St.
PORTLAND Apajtinents. 4 rooma. sleeping
norch. bath. 2 closets, Pac. plione. hard
wood floors, walking distance. .2o mouth
unfurnished; also one 7-room apt.. l -month,
including light, pantry, furnished.
i!.. jam aim jcj.m.
HAKRI.MAN APTS (Annex), 783 living
One i-room apt., furnished with two real
bedrooms and two uisappearlng beds,
phone, etc. References. Main 3o6 or .Mai-
shall 38-iu. ,
KINGSBURY. Ford, near Washington st.
High-class apartments; one unfur
nished of S rooms, with private Lai
cony; reasonable rent.
840 Van Ness Ava.
First-class, modern 2, 5-lvmu, furnished:
linen, silver.
MEREDITH Modern, newly renovated 3
ro.mi aparlmems. 20; good service, walk
ing disiance, references. 712 Washington.
Mam 7134.
3 and 4-rooin, furnished or unfurnished,
modern. 21st and Flanders. Main 2782,
'vlarshall o-.o.
SIX large rooms, hardwood floors, water,
heat, private phones, large sleeping porch,
front veranda, new and every convenience.
Grace Apartments. 7n7 Northrup. ,
3-ROO.M furnished apartments .6.30 per
week" private bath and phone. Harrison
Court 3th and Harrison. Phono Main
I'arK ot. at Jisu".'
Modern 3 and 4 room furnished apart
ments l.y the week or month.
yj v liii u- ai . -j..
Cor 21st and uverlon; new and modern
ants . all outside rooms, private phone and
- . ' . -. i .... Mae ltS.ll.
oaiu; .l- mm f -
VERY litht two-room apartments, btith,
dressing-room with each suite; rent la
up unfurnished: 15 minutes' walk to Post-
office. 3.iO cnainimii. cm. ..I....
-JO-MljUilCUl -mm IV1I 1 J. I.-- .-J.
Third and Mouttom'ery ; new, modern, out.
ido furnished 2-room apartments; eleva
tor; close In; $20 to $30. Main 940u.
L , . n t ijtii L-VTa
Jflttvau.v a. j t.
Furnished aud untuinlshed apts., B min
utes' walk from city; Janitor service; -3
... ., - nv, .t
a muntu. -tut ..... -
3-room nicely furnished apartments: all
nice, outside rooms; S22.5U- bath, phone
and on carline. B 3"41. labor 2-ftu.
bUJiiaru.rv itati--,.
3-room nicely furnished apartments, all
nice large outside rooma, 122. aU ; bath.
Shone and on carline. B 3041, Tabor 2296.
2 and 3-room apis., modern, walking
distance. $18 to 3i. 383 Williams ave. E.
Union ave. and Couch sis., modern new
furnished 2-room apis., walking distance.
$22 down .
. . TTT.-.v-i i.-v iPlHTWFN'TS
1 XI t, : -ti.ii'i-i ... ........ .
East 7th and Morrison sis. Very central,
2 and 3-room apartments, furnished com
5 ; ctely: private baths; from .2u to .il.j'-.
... ....r-.--e- Dud 1ITU
l--ijtjrvr.t-.--"., ......
3 and 4 rut-mo, .. - - - .
,lp to date: roof garden; from .2i.&'J up.
tiif f-HETOPA, 18th and Flanders sta; 2.
3 and 4-room modern apartments, fur
nishetlndnfurnished; COMPLETELY "furnished 3-room apt. "Willi
2 wall bed at the Sheffield Apts. Phone
Main 2t.06.
12th and Harrison 2 and 3-room apart
ments: best service. Apply on premises.
rF-IRABLE 8-room apartments, modern
and well furnished, close in. U car; 20
nd up. Halsey v.uun. o.-t. .. i.. -.
411 WV --X I'A KIV "I" tlllllS". 1 a,Vm
ment; desirable; no children, inquire 38
1 aci .--A......"
New 2-room apis., light and gas In.
eluded; .15 to .23. 21.4 Porter st. M. T802.
MODERN 6-room unfurnished apartment
telephone, gas electric light, etc Main
43 1 6. A Aiaa.
THE Drlckston. 44S llth Nicely furnished
2 and 3-room modern outside apts.. near
Heights. Mrs. F. W. McCune. Marshall 6i.
Fourth and i-incoii
In All outside 2-room
.2"2..V to $30; wanting uistancq.
i. ,i.--r.-ltl i-;.D. S. W. cor. Broadway and
Jefferson Modern unfurnished apis.; first-
class service, .
THE DKZi.N DOlti-,
"US Sixteenth, near Taylor.
One "unfurnished -" apartment.
BRUCE-APTS-, 2oth and Northrup G-roora
aua'runent; largo, light rooms; excellent
Uication. Phono Marshall 142S. A 3179.
ALTONIA Marshall and luth sta Large,
airy " 3 and 4-room apartments; quiet
and exclusive neighborhood.
v-eentlonally large living-room (10x20);
every convenience. J2th and Harrison sts.
RANN'ER Apartments. 4Su Clay St. Modern
a roo
and S
rooms, completely turnisnca. ll, ale
12U. aiarsiiau .nn.
fAGfi, Arnr.ijit..ii).
Beautiful apartments, furnished and un
furnished, including fireplace, etc. E. 3360.
- THE LG1S7"704 HOYT ST.
3-room apt., large outside rooms, largfl
sleeping porch, modern, w-ell furnished.
BEAUTI FULLY furnished 3-room apart
in private home; rent ?30 per mo. 173
Ford St. A 33iil.
Newly furnished, single, suites; hot, cold
water. -3 Couch, cor. 16th.
12th and Harrison 2 and 3-room apart
ments; best servlce: Apply on premises.
37-39 Trinity Place, 2, S and 4-room
apts., nicely furnished, modern, low rata.
1L1.IHEE APTS., 4S7 Taylor 2-room apart
ments, well furnished. $17 and up. '
THE DAYTON 6 large rooms, apt., porches,
every convenience; low rent. 038 Flanders.
1-ROOM apts., furnished, modern; refer
ences. Cromwell Annex. 291 Columbia.
MAYO Arts., Union ave. and Sacramento
New, up-to-date, reasonable. Phone H. 92Q.
HF.RMF1N1 A. 4O0 Hall St.. new building,
furnished, modern, rates. Mala 6444.