. - I . , .1 REAL ESTATE. I " i - i I REAL ESTATE. I heal, r. 1 J. IXETtXO"OTICE. . '. " . - .AtittivnmT NO 1. H i1so;aal 10 1 J nainhn and all ns:t':1";'? Sir Knights end ' Are. mv on Thursday. May 2U. s - . . . i- M . at Masr.ic aen- pie. Th. fs-nlc. of all Sir Knlh !,;.) A-eh l .AH. au el-ClU. y. inviteo. and re.r.e.V, ..jrDKr". AMA1UTAN LOWS NCV t O. r.r. o:W joe Jk. ceatf. 1 81 Annua! election of Iiiskj h.M Urtey. 12 noon to T p .. In HaaU .mt-n? 0 Secretary. A F. AND B M--Stated "'.'- Vht' w el com. J. K. RICHMOND. R- THE OHIO SOCIETY will bY "1- WTShTs Ta.or. WET fCM.y Hfi. St !:' DIED. JFf-2 of funeral later. KPOWMM.T IT. In this 'I n. n ; d 84 Dawson City. Te Territory Funeral announcement uf. Tm-l". A. R- Co.. per- lors. 3-i Williams ave. nxritirK-iliT "rT. at St. Jos-ph's Home r Ased. Fred Coiprtck. r.gd 5 r'" Nollre of funeraj later. roiitAi. notices. CHrLZEln this eitr. M.y CroJJtm r fchulse. 'ICTtr J Ed TneodoreWV. and m"taer of lt.T ? '. a.-.-,., o Ruth ana Emma rpc.fuUy mvn-J to at'-nd. Interment In Lone Fir Cntry. OTTER runoral aorilct of th lte cK?i!T. lTV..r will b. h:d tttiiMiu. i..rrtM. a th. o In R'v'r.v,."rlc,rV trry urrtor tmplc of -"rt.ard 1 .vU ixo. t". w. rrienua rtfpwtfuHy In lil to attond. DEISTOX-Th funrml of Matilda I. In a:n. bloTd m.vlirr of 0. Dcniaton. who dJ Mar I wt.l o h-M frvrn htr la. r:l 31 i-'- lur-lo Jv.,:!;n 2PM Rv li. W. Mpiio o:r:clatnB Tho" rin will k ' on t!i- mtiio T.nlr on tho t J unln f jr intornient at Van Wart. Ohio. BWCK-r I". rhar E. Black. a.d S y.ara. ru"rl ' '!-r ". i un" 1 o-el-k. .-r-l. .t tL. . . -ary Kantirt church. .crnr l.t '.uhtli ard C.rvit .trt., II). J A. il. n-nJl r-.-ctfu:iy Jovnd lntrmnt iiu.momaii WT-t.FTNO Ma I! t W Wt Wt t . Clartnta i Wu.f:i I blord "n of Mr and Xrl rrod-ri.-H Wuilioc. Tho funrl aorrkoa wilt nld from th atoa roal dru tJ Wcund. lv J p. m. frimda rr::.'uily Invttod. inlor nr.r.t. Ro City lm'cry FlNlKAI. DIBFCTOH.' MK. r.DV.Utn HOI. MAN. the N-aillns fa arl dlrrrtoc. 1 hJrd tr:. corner Sai- , Lav,. aaaUtont. A 1111. Hl " J. I KIXI.I.V M)N. IIM.K.H. wMtVllfc. iMij Attendant. Monlsoi-M-ry. ut tilth M. K. S. IHNMMi. INC. Kant Mlf ranrral I'irrciwra. 41 Laat Akin . mi i. ii DrLMi iftMrK, funeral dlrrrtara, Tth and I'm. -honc Mini 4J. Lady M IMiUlit. Otticg of tonnt? oroiicr. I .K II. anorrlakn. cor. t.jt Aider and Mith. .at it lin. I 'ly tndDi. fKr.Vt t-4 (Mr:KIAKIM (OMIA.VV. id nd . Uy. Ml" l . A Mil. Ijdy nttcnlnt. K 7K.ll.tK (ft. t I'M. C 18. tjMty Attenaan. iic.ru rr . n.. IUMUKLiLh I'oalloiid Marble WorkJ, IM 4th. apooltCltylljU. Main 3M. rOHIUND Kf.M.VTKll M. MO irlen woad acu tnh Mllwood car. Open to ' U Haro dll from A. 31. to a P. OREGON HUMANE SOCIEH orrirc o. ! raos Amre, cor ner MARKET UTKKI.T. llunt r IU. U tilS. Hon srattulanca for sick or disabled animals at a moment's notice. Prices reasonable. Report all cases of cruelty to this office. Open eiy and night. NEW TOP AT. LAURELHURST SNAP C. M. ZADOW 414 Cwrtrett Bldic A 14I4, Mara hall 92. A SNAP DD'SADDITION lxt on LadJ aenae. near Hawthorns venue, w 1th easterly (ace. Terms to suit- Addreaa or apply l owKta, mi oiu:goma uuluiao. Mortgage Loans It yon baa A-l Keal Estate security w can loan you any amount at lowest rates. CALL AN & KASER T23 -34 Ims Bids. Mortgage Loan 3 Improved Property Only. Commerce Safe Dep. & Mortgage Co. t Thlxw St. C'hasK. mt Casa. Bide EXCHANGE J7S.0OO centrally locatr-rl business rror.crtv on on" ofthe throe principal retail streets. Will exchange eiulty of .;o.O)' for aood city or farm realty. Own-r Is advertiser. C 95. Oreronlan- ALBERTA ST. SNAP Nice hunkalow. rented (or $15. on a business lot. on Alherta. near 11th. V. ortn !:15t. Our price tor fiulck sale r.itt ksi nni.Di, Sit Hoard of Trade blda.. 4th and Oak. CITY & FARM LOANS WC0 and up at lowest ra'.ca, C. M. ZADOW 414 ( orbett Bids;. A UlrJ. Marshall 2. CITY AND FARM LOANS Any Amount at Current Rates. JOHN E. CEOXAX to: saaldlaa: llldar. fortlaod. Or. riehulse. or mis em. - , ,i he'd .rA.j. M.r r. r 3 p" - facUUiSe. Near six-room modern houae; attic three bedrooms and sleeping - porch; hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace: nothing- mtsslna-; lot 60x100. Owner la leaving- th city, hence the price. HuOO; Ii350 down anJ IZi per month or will take racant lot. See this. On East cversit. near iohj-iccviiq. L x. PRIVATE MONEY Ta Loaa oa Portland Realty. Cnrreat Rates Qui. it Action. ICCLEY 4 t U1 Hoard at Tradt MORTGAGE LOANS Oar Owl Hoars- at Cnrreat Rates. WESTER BOKID MORTCACC CO. Cans nan-Hal Cleh Uldff, Certlaad. Or. . M TODAY. a.ga.-a - ' 1 xr sli. are , hqmmk. . Can You Afford to Pay $15 Per Month? $15 per month, including interest, pays for a home in Gregory Heights. ion aou i neea to scrape up mb cash payment. TA'e don 't ask a profit a" . t on ioc no use ' $750 Buys a House and Lot TTatVrits. The lot is 50x100. in good locality, level, above grade and two blocks to carline. House is new; not large, but attractive and well built; painted, stained, papered, with Rnll Run water. Near Sandy road, now paved to 72d street. TaTM. interest navments and as sessments will not keep you poor if yon buy this place. A sman nome a ,r, n.;,l f7r Tf Ton are lookinir for small home, call at our office today1 418 C0RBETT BLD0. Marshall 557 A 2644 GREGORY INVESTMENT CO. HOLLADAY ADDITION Klne ls;ht-room modern house, flvs bedroom: corner lot. o')x6 : fine shrub bery: hardsurfareri street; only $.o00. 10ir down mill per month. on Kast Third and Hassalo. Will con aider lot or sniailer bouse In trade. C. M. ZADOW 414 Carbett HldaT. A 141. MarahaH 92. Edward E. Goudey lwls Boll dine. MORTGAGE LOANS t per rrm oa Best business proportlaa, pet cent and 7 per cent on other eiosa-ln bosi rets sod roai.lsnco eocnrttlea. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Nice five-room house, larks attlo and two bedroons; lot 6i'X6: fine view A hariraln at illilni): HftOO down and 2o per monin. On llarket street, near l ortUnti lieiglits -carline. C. ZADOW 414 Corbett Bldg. A 1410. Marshall 82. CITY & FARM LOANS JLoans of $1000 and np at lowest rates On Good Improved City or Farm Prop erties. If you need money call today, our Installment payments are attractive. A. H. BIERELL CO. 2fl3 BIcKay Bids;, Third and Stars; Sta. $550 30th and Knott Corner lot. Knott la hard-surfaced nearlv to this street, and values are advancing rapidly. Buy from owner and save commission. Terms. AS H4. OKEGOXIAV. ; CEMETERY BEAUTIFUL SIOI" NT SCOTT PARK Portland's I'erpetual - Care Cemetery. Large, Permanent. Modern. Both phones UAL ESTATE DEALERS. Beck. William O.. 815-S1S Falllnc bids. brtLBAKtit. C. U A CO., loans. 317 Ball- wy Exchange bid. Main !. Crispin a llerlow, Cttmlw o( Comraaraa Janninss a Co.. Mala 1ML 20 Omuoun. FAIA1ER-JONB3 CU, U. 404-404-4U l:cox bld. THE Oron Real Estate Co.. Grand are. at Multnomah at. (Halladsy Addition.) REAL ESTATE. l-ar bale Lota. CHOICB HULIDIXO LOTS O.N' WEST SIDE, ttlenslvn Addition, restricted district. Insldo S-srtlle circle, commands an unob- structed vlw of Tualatin valioy ana Alouut Hood; walks, stadod alreeta and - Hull Run water in and includod la the price; Fourth -street line runs In front nf nmn,rlv tlio electrtficstlon of which will be completed by August 1. This win be trie riresc curuno in me city, which will rroatly enhance the values, liny NOW before tne advance takes p.ace. fncea ranee from lllU up. Solect our lot and we will build to suit you for a small cash payment down. PROVIDENT TRUST COM PANT, 3d floor bellins blue l-A L Kt Ull u us r. , We apecu iie on tins beautiful prop, arty, we baitdie no otbsr. we handle the boot that la for aale. we know Laurel hurst and ran sate you money; Laurs. hursl la Just what you want. You can sjways find us at the tract of flee, SStU slid Y.M Cllsan litLAHl'MV A Ci.tMLNTS. HuMCSITt) BAP.tiAlNS. Quartsr t-.ock. lias; Irvlnaton district, this I believe la tbo best bargain In tnat legality. Toxion corner, Mt- Tabor; flne view of city; well worth the prK-e: assy terms. I. t;. DAVlleON. 51t Oua-.bflf of Commerce. bu CA.-H a 111 buy a line lot oa Parkway lr!v. vYssl tllU-;. at Bancroft and sixth atreet. trar factory district. $!o will buy a beautiful bulldlnr site er. West M4a in ls tMan one rr.i: of clly r.ton;:;. it.T-o carllnra. Slfe Luinber me,?s Hsrk b'dg. I'Oltll-A.NO 1IKIUHT6 EXC1A SIVEUT. If you want to buy on Portland lielcbta, see me. 1 have about HO par cent of the proparty for sale up here In my bands aad bare not wti disratistled customer. ItilOuK r K.lm and -IM i.a. alar.nall a SIT. A 3S.1. Xxl"". UKTW HEX He'.mont and Hawlho.-na, on fc. 47th; beautiful surroundlnca and Mi-al contWtkona lor your home, near xlc Tuor School: win soil lor 200 below surrounding values; easy terms. IT VS. Uresontan. 1HVINL1TON. Quarter block, close In on Knott street, on.-. $:.l0; all Imptovemerua paid; an op portunity to (tet a home site or Investment l'.k? this Is not ofli-l: preacnted. Kemera-r-r tie BmadwarlrMra. i-:fct 17vL 0oo LOT KoR tM. Atl cas.i. Fine corner near S. P. ear shois. Also hnve S.WU lot In Waverlelxh Heirflits f-r $A0, all cash. Fred W. Ger man t'o.. l5li C of c. Both phones. Wll HAVE two beautiful view lots on 1-nrliar.o Hetehta, nice for bungalowa. 'i;i build for you on easy terms- But-terworth-jitepheiiaon Co.. owner, T0i-i-7 Coucn bids. Mar. 1719. A 45SL WIDOW LAOVo SACRIFICE. Adjoinlug Mt. Tabor Fara. 164 feet on Esltaont. Worth llO.ono; will ssU much lav. fhor.e Marshall 1X PROVIDE FOR THE F LTV RE. Buy that choice acre at harden Home, near station, now. Main mso. UOOD clly lot. Wood me re Park; 5o fare, ore block cars. F. XicFarland. 308 Yeon bide louO IKVINGTuN. 3oxI0a E 17th st. - blks. to Irvington ear. f lfno los adjoining. E. 3'.'1S. LAUiii.LULKeT equities In view lots at a sacrifice, phone Main 314. 1KVINUTON LOTS Ot.R 8PECIALII. NEVhAVttEX A CO. MAIN BOTH. R. T. STKEcT. IRVINGTON LOTS. LOTS near cor. r.7.1; to monthly. Owner, 7-U Chxmber uf Commerce. Alain lltid. THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAN. WEDNESDAY. : For Sale Lots. l "r - ' -x; BEAUTTFTL view property on West Side, overlooking- the entire city and mountains. T rooms, all modern. Will sell for 5U0 cash and easy monthly payments. FROVTDEXT TRT'ST COMPANY, lid floor belling bldg. HOMtta. I have 13 borne sites In Piedmont dis trlot; mlnuios from center of city: all Improvements in; one block from park. blocks from high schooU 4 blocks from library, fine view. This Is a restricted dis trict. I wail build a. home for you hare on your own terms. Mr. Renter, don t miss this. Call Main 7750. ask for Mr. b-eeiey. For Sale House. BARGAIN IN A HOME HAWTHORNE DISTRICT - PRICE $2T60 If you are interested In a home in the Hawthorne district, by all means you should see this place before you buy. we are offerlrg it at a bargain this wsek. It Is a modern tf room house, Just X years old; has full basement, fsraace, gas, battv eleotrtc lights, etc: large lot, 1" splendid shape. ouxlOO. with Targe Royal Ann cherry trees; street improvements all in. located In Hawthorne district near 36th. Price this week $273); certainly a bargain at that price. HARGROVE A SONS. 123 N. 8th st., corner 6th and Ollsan. Main 4381; A-7230. $1300 $10 DOWN. MODERN' 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. Here's the beat buy yet. Less than a block from the ear. this model little home Is a B-room plastered bungalow with bath, toilet, lavatory, Dutch kltcUeu, built-in buffet, built in Ironing board and the late wrin kles, window shades. On the lot Is a good chicken-house and run, sev eral fruit tr era. Tiao lot Is fenced; $100 takes it- DuKK K. KEASEY A CO., 2d floor Chamber Commerce bldg. KKW HOloB. RESTRICTED DISTRICT. 7 rooms. lot H'xlOO. east front, nice lawn, two carllnes, li inlnnles to business renter, hardwood .floors, mahogany bor ders inlaid, 7-ft. buffet, 4 cut-glass doors, sleplug porch. d-n, ilrepiace, furnace, folding doora from dining-room, reception bail, coatroom. largo basement; term also will tnke lot. Main 4U4. forenoons. FOR PALE. Northern Hill Add., Portland; B-room bouse, psniry and basement, city water: lot 230x100; 2 chlf-keu houses and small barn; anplea. peaches, pears, plums, cher ries, strawbernos, currants, goi-seberrles and rhubarb, ail In hearing. lnuuire of J. H. MILLS, Monroe. Or. 2 BL'N'GALoW SXAI'S. One nice, brand new 4-room bungalow Willi sos. electric, bath. etc.. on ii. H-ath. near Holatate; price a snap. flSoC Lasy terms. Auolher on E. 'Jlith on paved street at t-luu. Kay terma Ol'.CSSI BOLD?. 31 Board of Tro'le Bldjt- 4th and Oak. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. 6 large rooms, storage In attic, large porch. 60x112. right ou carline, middle Heiajliis. walking dlstumre: every modern convenience, furnace, fireplace, and in fine condition: easy terms to responsible parties, Ownor, phone sisisnatt jthj PRtlTTIF.ST home In Irvington, T rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors. I large porches, white stone in front, white stone fireplace, living-room 16XKS t win dow boxes, lot HlxlsJ. beautiful shrub berv; cannot be duplicated for selling price. I:,00. Kast fell". NKW 4-room bungalow, hot and cold Bull " Run water, bath, toilet, etc.; sleeping porch, wltlt built-in bed: grand view; graded streets and sidewalks: 3c fare; West Side. -'0 minutes out; 11-100; smaU ctsh pavinent. balance easy. Phone own er. Main -l."..l. Jir.VfiALOW AND LOT ONLY $1300. $5 DOWN. One block to Rose City Park car; 8 room, new aird modern, latest style and finish: sightly lot, 6"xl20: nothing like It in Portland for the mon.-y; paym-'nta like rent. Mr. Logan, owner, eio apamins nnt,- SACRIFICE sale of new modern home. E. Stub, 2 blocks south Hawthorne, 7 large rooms and everything. Including all elegant furniture to go for UOl; 7o0 cash, bai. easy; has furnace, fireplace, elerrant fix tures, curtains, rugs, eta II P4, Orego nlsn. ' A GOOD STARTER v 2-rocm house (can be made larger), Dutch kltcl.en. sink anil toilet, built-in buftec 1-aat ftuxloo. close in and street Imps. paid. Price $1500; I30e down. OODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 !-tHrk rit. HAVE FUNDS TO FINANCE YOUR HOME. If you want to own your own home and have an Idea of the plana and location you wish, come and see me at 414 Railway Exchange Building, or phone Main -7s. All 1 want is a emeu iiaj unrni. ui. n. FOR SALE Very fine T-room residence, with conveniences: Rose City Park, one block carline. cement sidewalks, roads, ,te completed; beautiful locality; co?t $3V; sell $3300. ' Apply P. Slnfield, 833 uai street. PORTLAND HKICiHTS Beautiful home, 7 rooms, finely finished. 2 lots; unobstruct able views of city snd mountains; select locality PTlco $14,00O. easy terms. Owner, liioq bpaJdlng bldg. Main btitl. Marshall l i t fun evl-B, jn ' l . -. . - - - - New 9-room house, furnished; the best bargain in Portland: I will be glad to show you st my expt-nao and let you be the Judge. Owner. 1127 East Grant- PHONS TABOR 4 WO. . ... ,. r. t i t--.-t t' r-m-vr.-t Mt ATTRACTIVE ilullf-rlX BUNGALOW Moving Kast; will sacrifice for $1000 or more Hist pavmcnt: beautiful yard and roses; come and look this over and make an offrr. Owner, 1123 E. Harrison St. Tabor 2231. SACRIFICE SALE. T must raise soma cash and will sell my large -room house in Mount Tabor district, neart 6th street, for 11300 If taken at once. SmaU cash paymunL H (, Oreatonian. IF YOIT want a modern, new California bungalow, 15 minutes out. West Slue, and can make a good cash payment, we will give you the bargain of your life; simply phone Main 4-4. WE- BUILD ON KASY PAYMENTS. .. WE FURNISH PLANS AND MONEY AND BUILD YOUR HOME OR APART MENTS ETC TAILOR BUILDING CO., 50d M' KAY BLPO.. 3D AND STARK STS. COMIC AND SEE. rwtrn small house ajtd lot, bath, fire- lace, adjustable sleeping porch. $1473; on ,, iineai nronerty. B2-1 Kiillngswortb. ave.. bet. E. 13th and 16th. 313 down; 3 room new bungalow, built-in conveniences, sleeping porch, large attle. aeeera and sidewalks, all paid, .2.1i)0, good district; a fine buy; act quick. 312 Lewis bldg SACRIFICE BY OWNER. Fine 7 -room modern bungalow. Rose City Park district, small down payment. It will pay ou to look this up. Phone Wo,diawn Silo. n. , vi, w.ifit a hamal If ao. bring your rough plans and the location you desire to my otflce or pnone ior appointment, in Railway Exchange Building, Main 278. and I will finance same. - MAGNIFICENT HOME. 730 Hslsey St.: l rooms. 2 fully equipped bathrooms. toilets; finish oak and mahog any: garage. East 273. W. II. Herdmann. 1RVINOTON home must be sold. Owner gone Last, aaouern i-rvom aim atropine porch house on 32d between Lraxee and Knott, terms East e.'HS. Lr. IViMJ JUNE 1 MIST SACRIFICE. " "ay elegant 7-room $7t-V) Laurelhurst home will be sold below cost this week; urn nt; Investigate. Tabor 2SS3. IF you want a home at a bargain, call Main 27S. 414 Railway Exchange Building. I have a home In Council Crest, and in Laurelhurst that I will sell at a bargain. L-nti isit.i; Cosv 4-room house. 4 lots, all kinds small fruit trees and berries, close to car. -u minute un, a,.e fvu, J Hi, oregoniau. STRANGKRI 3-room. modern, completely furn'lshe-l. garage, fruit. garden, block car: 1400 cash. Tabor 1806. Iisiai W CASH, buys 6-roora house, 30x100 lot,' Bosslawa and 0th street, clear, btia .rtrfleid ave. N'FiV il-room house, nicely furnished; good " location, close car; snap. 13300, terms. 1 iune Malu 1T6". A T772. Owner. l ROOM new house, Dutch kitchen, plas tered tinted, hot and cold water, 3uxHXJ lot $'ll"3: eary terms. 312. lwis bldg. FOR SALE by owner, modern 4-room house; lot 30x100. at Myrtle Park, near carline. SQ.riQ. Terms. s TaVIS'OTON HOUSES OUR SPECIALTY. NEUHAUSKN A CO. Msln 8t78. A-l;OOM modern house. Alberta, casn. balance easy. 340 Rosel; 500; half awn ave. R. T. STREET. IRV1XQTON HOMES. PAinlrICED. make offer, r.ew ltossmere bungaloaa 321-544 East 43d. Tabor 2132. THE OREGON HOME BUILDERS Portland's Pioneer Home Builders' Company All houses offered by us for sale are guaranteed to be of the best double con struction throughout, designed with both utility and convenience In mind, but with out the ready-made look so common to most contractor-built homes. In the Alberta District near the Jeffer son High School we offer a new 6-room modern bungalow, hardwood floors, ce ment basement, fireplace, on full lot, a blocks from carline. paved street. A. Bargain at J300O. $150 down, balance $i3 a mont h. Also a pretty cottage Just completed near the above bungalow full basement, cement, exceptionally well built, 4 blocks from carline. Only $2860. - $130 cash, bal ance $115 a month. IN LAURELHURST ( Just off the Sandy Road, we have Just completed a dandy 6-room house, a model of convenience throughout. Glass en closed aleepiug porch, built in refrigerator. China closets, panfy. full basement, hard wood floors. Imported tile mantel, plate glass, concrete porch floor; really a gem of a home. You could not duplicate It under 15000. . , Let us -show this to you and sell It to you for $4330; $330 cash, balance $30 monthly. Adjoining the above house we have an other of six rooms with every possible convenience ana uiri r . . porch, glass enclosed, tiled fireplace, extra ouaiity. plumbing fixtures; $ large bed rooms upstairs, hardwood floors, Ivory , .1 i -i hnma In evefV cream ecamei nuwu, - sense of the word. . $4400 $550 down, balance $S0 monthrjr. Let us show you these homes. If they do not suit you. we will build tor you In any part of the city. Our architectural department is at your service. THE OREGON HOME BUILDERS 1403 Yeon Building Pltones Marshsll 3718, A 4464 i.iv-r t'AV HKT. 3 -room house, modern. West Slda 13 minutes to tne poaomce. ;" 4-room house, near good carline, ma tured fruit trees, excellent view, all mod ern, $240O. , 3-room house, new, every modern con venience, commanding view, all street as sessments paid, in Rose City Park; $300 to ?3u0 cash, balance monthly. W e also own 6. 7 and B-room houses in various residence sections of the city, which can be sold for a reasonable casn payment and balance In monthly pay- "''pRbviDENT TRUST COMPANY, Owners, Second Floor. Selling Bidg. FIVE ANDERSON BUNGALOWS Under c ustructlon on 55th near Lincoln st.. Halt block from car; tnkelIawihorne ave. car to Cith St.; one of the five is resdy fur sale at $3630 and easy terms; these bungalows axe artistic and strictly up to date; hardwood floors In all rooms, etc See them today. TON Y G. ANDERSON. 323 Chuniber of Commerce Bldg. Phone Marshall 8M3T. $100 OR $J'JU DOWN. , $3130 HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $3130 MUbf BE SOLD THIS WEEK. My 6-room buugalow, with all modern conveniences, equipped with electric flx tures. shades, gas stove, linoleum on kitchen and bathroom floors; the attic is finished off and could bo used for sieeplng porcb. This Is one block from school. Remember to be sold this week, not at mv price, but at a great sacrifice, come out and see It furnished. Built months ago. 119S East Harrison. Hawthorne car to 39th. S blocks south. Phone Tabor 864. B 3158. $1800 IN HAWTHORNE FULL LOT $100 DOWN. 4-room cottage on 60x100 lot. near 7th and Hawthorne. Only $1SI0: $100 down, balance $20 a month, in cluding ir'erest. Look into this early. It will not last, DORR E. KEASEY A CO.. 2d Floor Chamber ef Commerce. ACRE AND FURNISHED BUNGALOW $3750. WEST SIDE. Three blocks of Council Crest car Faces on macadamlxed road, city water, part chicken funced. pretty trees, land mostly level, good view, house built one vear. furniture new. An ideal place for a homo. Will sell without furniture If de sired. This Is some snap. X HOME FOR THE ASKING. Do you want a home? One all your own 7 A new home with Bull Run water, beautiful scenery and healthful surround ings? Do you want to commence to pay the rent moiey to yourseir? I will build for you a 3. 4 or 6-room house on Buck ingham Heights, near Multnomah on the Oregon Electric Go out today and look for yourself; then call at 730 Chamber of Commerce and talk It over. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME! WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY, BUILD APARTMENT. RESI DENCE OR ANYTHING. PLANS FREE. WE ARE RESPONSIBLE. WE KNOW HOW. TALK TO OU It CLIENTS) bEB OL'U WORK. WILL GIVE BONDS L R BAILEY or CO.. CONTRACTING ARCHITECTS. 321 AB1NGTON BLDG. WHO WANTS THIS DEALT lOOxloo on corner. 4-room house, all furnished, and fenced, pigeon house 14x ltm ft. and 12 feel high, with -'Ou pigeons, some costing $25 per pair, 25 pair costing JH pair, etc., 1 Jersey cow giving gallons milk dally. 5u thoroughbred hens, fine garden; 3-uoo, 33"0 down and rest .like rent. F 7, Oreyonian. FOR SALE Exclusive homo in Irvington, right rooms, modorn In every respect; ga rage aud only one block from car; bar galn for quick sale East 764. Pur Sale Acreage. WE own and offer for sale 8U50 acres of the best Irrigated alfalfa land in Kings County, Cel.. at $150 per aore. with good terms. It Is highly developed, with 1000 acres in growing alfalfa, 75U acres grain, 2' acres orchard and three sets of build ings. For further particulars address Charles A. Stanton A Co., Inc., First National Bank bldg.. San Francisco, CaL ELECTRIC LINE, eight blocks station; chicken and fruit ranohes near Portland; new subdivision near Gresham; 3 acrea. I4U0 $3'". $7ii0; b acres, -$500, $700; 10 acres, $730. IWOO, $10tK per tract: best soli, free wood, spring water: acreage at teappooaa. Or.. $23 to $100 per acre. PRANK M FARLAND- REALTY CO.. SOU Yeon Bldg.. Portland. 16 ACRES unimproved land, half mile east of Roetfie station. Oregon City carline; well located for subdividing: 40 minutes' ride from First and Alder ats. Price $500 per acre. Addres. W. L. Starkweather. owner. Route 1. MllwaUkle, Or. DO you want a small tract of acreage within ten mllea of the center of Portland, con venient to electrla line? Let ms tell you of a good buy daVideon. 8"19 Chamber of Commerce. HALF ACRES, $478. $10 down. $ monthly; extra fine soil, nreeon Cltv line. 25 minutes out. A. C. Msrsters. 202 VVUCOX bldg. Main 8B1T. FOR SALE or lease. 3 or 6 acres, by ML Tabor Park, on 72d St.: all fenced: fine view, and a great variety of fruit, Sheehy Bros., owners. 129 12th st, CALIFORNIA LAND- Send for catalog. Propertlsa in an w"mj liable inioriiiauwH. . . w , li Phelan bldg- fcan Francisco. TW EN l 1 acres oa with smaii nouse. front iUUSDoru, a """" 2637. SUMMER home site, one hour from Port- t nrlth KhMllA lr, .In. itt nome ana, , a full acre with shade trees, close iectric station and river; $3011; $ per and el month. M 103. Oregonlan. 2 ACRES, $S.".0; $12 per mouth: best soil, . , ; ,.,m ainna nn hai-il.aii.rnr.H good Inly road close to carline. J 100, Oie- go 11 lan. MUST sell 5 acres hoar ruuon rant, west i Fide near carline; big investment at $930 ... acre: single lota across the road sell r 1 . ' ui,n.. i.nr Kinn for yiuii per i-" CITY ACRES. Ilswtnorne-ava. canine ex tension. South Mount Tabor. Owner, East BiiaO. SN Ap 20 acres, 11 miles east of Court house; price v'L..?r.ixRr sou, no roca. i uu ,... 115 A MONTH will buy my 2 acres, all ' ...irit-Mtlnn frontlne electric line: I UllUcr i .... -. - - j Iine view. AG 103. Oregonlan. MAY 28, 1913. A TEN DAY OFFER AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY. For the next ten days we are author ised to sell five choice tracts in the prop erty described below from $160 to la an acre on your own terms. INiO trades will be considered. We want settlers, not speculators, and will co-operate in every way In starting you right. Read tne brief but unvarnished description below and then call on us fot information. Property Is 28 miles from Portland within the 21 mile circle 6 miles south of Forest Grove Ihi miles from Gaston mile from Laurel wood College. There Is sctioolhouse on property partly ma cadamised county road on two sides two springs on property. Highly Improved farms on all sides large walnut grove less than a mile away. The soil is very deep and loamy and all under cultivation. Land Is rolling and well drained. Property in this vicinity has been sold from $223 to s.tiio en acre. F.xc.nllent suburban elec tric serrioe on the Oregon Electric. After Aug. X the S. P. Electrlo extension will be In operation snd provide an Unproved and rapia service. SEE US SOW. AND ARRANGB TO SEE THIS PROPERTY. 0. H. KLEIN SORGE CO., 418 Board of Trade Building. Telephone Main 906. SCAPPOOSE ACRES. Is only 25 miles from Portland, no tract more than one mile from the railroad. Deep soli, no rock, no gravel, pure spring water. Land easily cleared. Station on laud, good schools. Sold on easy terms, in tracts of 7Mi to 23 acres at $23 to $05 per acre. In a beautiful valley where It is delightful to live aud where you get.anay from tho high cost of city living. Do any of the following interest you? If not we have many more tracts. One--tract of acres at $25 per acre, lays along good county road, H mile to station and school, has a nice trout stream across one corner and flue spring of pure cold water. Tract lays somewhat rolling hut Is admirably adapted to chicken or hog raising. One tract of 20 acres at $45 per sere, on easy terms. Over half of this tract nearly level bench land, balance sloping into draw with fine springs; hi mile to rnllroad and school. Would make a fine place far general farming. Houses all around this tract. We have many other tracts and can show them any day. Write for descriptive literature. LUEDDEMANN. RULEY A CO., 013 Chamber of Commerce. ACRES FOR $1250. 3 acrea 11 miles from Portland. 1 miles to carline. on good county road; close to store, school and .church. All in cultivation, fine soil. Creek crosses corner. Small cash payment,- your own terms on the balance. 8 acres. 12 miles from Portland, I it miles from carline. 6-room house, nice orchard of variety fruit, Alf In cultivation. Back end bor ders on the Tualatin Kiver and the front end on county road. Price $2500; good terms. 3 yr. at 6. 10 acres, mile to carline, on county road: atl in cultivation, good soil, lies fine, good neighborhood, close to school. $2230. Easy terms. ALVORD A CO.. 218 Board of Trade. 3 ACRE BARGAIN OUT GRESHAM WAY This is one of the best and cheapest '5 acre tracts near the city; located In the vicinity of Llnneman Btation, two miles this side of Gresham. It is all in a high state of cultivation, choice mellow soil, no gravel, s;iltnrild young bearing orchard of 200 trees. Will sell you this elegant traot for $1500. It is worth $1000 more than that price; located Just 4 miles east from the city limits. I HARGROVE A SONS. 122 N. 6th st., corner 6th and Ollsan. Main 1381; A-7259. AT OAK GROVE; four to nine acres, two blocks from car, 9c fare, SO-mlnute serv ice, rich soil, no rock or gravel, running water, partly cleared, natural shade trees; an Ideal country home site, on State highway. $1000 per aore, one-half cash. C. W. HAYHURBT. Owner, 340 Stark Street. 20 ACRES STUMP LAND. Perfectly level, fine soil, close to a good business town, with High schook bank, creamery, newspaper, etc. 1 mile to R. R.. store. P. O.. and 8 grade school; laxge sawmill with plenty work at good wages. Price $700; $70 cash your own terms on balance at 6 Interest. ALVORD & CO., 218 Board of Trade Bldg. A CHOICE SUBURBAN HOME. Containing 24 acres, on the Willamette, 18 mllea from Portland, on theJi P. R. R-. also on Pacific Highway; 4-room house, good barn, prune dryer, and 8 acres of bearing prune orchard, in fine shape. Some meadow land, balance in small timber; no waste land. An ideal home and an Income producer from the start. Price $5000, "4 cash. LUEDDEMANN. RULEY A CO., Exclusive Agents. 918 Chamber of Commerce 10 ACRES, $30U. $10 DOWN, $5 PER MONTH. Buys 10 acres of logged-off land, ene mile from the railroad station, town and the Columbia River. -The soil Is free from rock and gravel and none of this land overflows, some of these tracts have running streams on them, these tracts are Ideal lor chicken ranches or dairy pur soses, perfect title and warranty deed. BELL REAL ESTATE COMPANY, 212 Railway Exchange building. ' 104 ACRES of land with an electric line on one side and the Powell Valley road en the other, heavily wooded and ad Joining land that you couldn't buy for leas than $500 an acre. Is worth your time to Investigate before you buy that other piece. F 90, Oregonlan. 17 ACRES at Durham, 13 miles out on Ore gon Electric; half beaverdam land cleared, balance upland and wooded. Soil excel lent Quality throughout. Crossed by fine creekr You can't find another tract as close In and near station at our price, which is $4500. The Western Securities Co., 730 Chamber of Commerce bldg. "" -" lor Sale Business Property. US 000 Lot 50x106; stores and apartments; vell rented, prominent street, close in. West Side. Owner, 324 Worcester bldg. $12 500 Fine corner, close on 4th St.; no agents. T 71. Oregonlan. Irrigated I-antls. YUBA Valley, California, irrigated land, ready to plow; free water; ask for folder. A M. Hlghhouee, 441 Chamber Commerce. Homesteads. HOMESTEAD relinquishment, with house and furniture Sellwood 443 for informa . tio KOTIPB-. TO HOMESTEADERS. We are surveying some Government bomestead lands and are able to locate you on the best the state affords, with good roads, close to railroad, sehool, town good water; will grow any kind of fruit or grain. Call and see us at Room 5, Oak Hotel. Portland. J. H. Shively. WANTED Good homestead relinquishment; give price and all particulars in auai lat ter; cash doaL K. 71. Oregonlan. For SaU9 Parma. SPLENDID 10 ACRES 4 MILES CITY LIMITS This is a splendid buy. There are 10 acres, 5 acres in high state cultivation, balance nice timber with living trout stream. Good new 8 room plastered house, good barn and outbuildings, 2 acres of fine berries. Personal property : 1 horse, 1 cow, wagon, buggy, harness, 75 chickens, im plements and other personal property. Price $4000; half cash. Located Just 4 miles from the city limits of Portland, level auto road all the way. Wo have a number of small well improved farms near the city that we can show you on one trip from 2 to 20 acres. We are sure we have just the place you want. HARGROVE A SONS. 122 N. 6th, corner 6th and Ollsan sts. Main 4381; A-7209. FARM LANDS IN CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA, ALONG THE GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC HIGHWAY. The railroad will soon be completed, giv ing settlers main line transportation; an army of men are rushing the work that it may be completed in 1014. The land along this new railway is unsurpassed for fruit, mixed farming, gardeuing, dairy and stock farms; no Irrigation. Summer rains, pea vine ana Wliu greases IU nonea uae, nva soli; good climate, fine drinking water, beautiful rivers and lakos, wild f.uit, fish and game in abundance; thousands will go into tne couutl waiaaa uig iauy as mm Bleted. We sell the best valley land In all sixe tracts at a low price and on unusually easy terms; can give guarantees! title to every acre we sell: over loo stereopticon views of Central British Columbia free. Everybody welcome. Call week days; wll snow views evenings by appointment. For maps. Government reports, field z.otes -and lull information can or wuio rv. a. una ton. district salesman for the NORTH COAST LAND CO., LTD., Paid-up capital, $1,500,000. 824 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.. Portland. Or.' LAND-SKEKERS' EXCURSION. The Canadian Pacific Railway has per sonally conducted land-seekers' excursions oq the first and third Saturdays of every month, from Portland to Calgary and other points. To actual settlers who have resources of $lo00 or more in stock, equip ment or cash, they will sell the br-.st of grain and stock farms from $11 to $::o an acre on 20 years' time. No speculators or curiosity seekers wanted. We want farmers and young men who mean busi ness, ffhd to such will loan from $10O0 to $3000 on 20 years' time at 6 per cent to improve your land and buy stock.. Dursn't this prove our faith in tho land? Write me for free Illustrated literature tuny describing this most wonderful oppor tunity. Our - next excursion, Saturday, June i. W. G. IDE, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY LANDS, 218 LUMBERMEN'S BLDG. A MOMS'. WITHOUT CASH. Will sell 10 or 20-acre tracts of strictly first-class land 20 miles from center or Portland, l mues irom eieciiio hum, good water piped to each tract; you pay nothing now, one-fifth at end of 2 years. To see the property and to find out how those who have bougnt are getting aiuuts, , oka Knuthern Pacific to Snringbrook. Inquire for W. E. Burke, owner, or write Sherwood, Or., ltoute a. taniTlTTHV FRUIT AND GARDEN TRACT x:tito will arlve nossenslun of a select 10- acre tract, which with Intelligent effort will make you inaepenaeni. is in au exclusive poultry, berry and orchard dis trict. We are making: and have for years made enormous profits from our berries, grown in the young orchards. Should' be seen at once. H 88. Orego nlan. AN IDEAL dairy and poultry farm of 40 acres, or will divide; 30 acres in cultiva tion; on the Oregon Electric, at $13u per acre. To a purchaser who will improve this property we will sell with no down payment, and the first installment in four vears. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 82 Fourth St. FARsl FOR SALE. $4000. 31 acres in Willamette Valley. 46 miles from Portland, 7 miles from railroad; half under -plowi crops in, balance In pasture and Bltsncdi 10 acres in salable oak; housea barn outbuildings. In good shape. information phone owner, Tabor 3037, or write AL "PL Oregonian. "" S-Asl-K AND GRAIN RANCH containing ISO acres; 300 ucres in culti vation; good buildings,. complete equipment of stock and implements. The price Is right at $70 per acre. Will accept some trauo. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. . 82 Fourth St. - LOGANBERRY LAND. Yamhill County, 50 acres, 10 acre; cleared, $43 per acre; also 110 acres, 7u acres cultivated, $73 per" acre. C 04, Ore gonian. BEAUTIFUL farm, within. 10-inlle circle, 35 acres, near electric Btation, half mile river front. $15,000; consider part ex change. Address owner, F . Oregonlan. " GREATEST BARGAIN EVER KNOWN, see me and learn how $300 will give you possession of property that will pay $2500 net yearly. G 80, Oregonlan. CALL for list Benton tBLUE RIBBON) Co. lands and city property iu n ..yie town. MIDDLEKAUFF A YOUNG, BEN TON CO. BANK. CORVaLLIS. OUEOoN. WRITE today for price lists descriptive of farms in Eugene district. Great Western Land Company. Inc.. Eugene. Or. RANCH, 60 acres, with buildings; 18 miles from Portland, near electric line; bargain for all cash. By owner. 1S2 Morrlsonjit. WANTED REAL ESTATB. DAIRY FARM WANTED. We have client with good Kas'ern Ore gon unincumbered preperty worth 4000 lo give as llrst payment on good vrjckel and equipped dairy ranch; will assume or give mortgage up to $10,000. If on reasonable terms; might put in small Income property valued at $1600 as 3rst payment ou $io,ouo stocked and equipped dairy; likes Wash ington County and wants live proposition. LUEDDEMANN, RULEY A CO., ' VIA cnamoer oa con"tiv- WANTB1 To buy a ranch, from 5 to 10 acres, suitable for chicken raising; must be cheap aud on easy terms: would pre fer place near Portland, on Wlllamette or Clackamas River. Address, with full par- WANT modern 6-room bungalow In Rose City Park, Sunnyslde or Hawthorne dis trict not over $2300. Will give 100x100 In East Mount Tabor as first payment: val ued at $70. R. W. Wood. 101. 8th St. WANTED Lot In Rose city Park; must be cheap for all cash; give lot and block number or no attention paid. 8 be. Ore gonlan. ,. WANTED Apartment-house site. West Side or close In on East Side, what have you? F. E. TAYLOR CO.. 404-5 Lewis Building.' I HAVE, two clients wanting 8-room bunga lows between Hawthorne ave., Powell at. 40th to 65th Ets.; one for all cash. AP 2 Oregonlan. WANTED The best lot in the Hawthorne district that $1000 cash will buy. F. Fuchs, 420, Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Will pay cash for a bargain in a lot In Sunnyslde Addition. Call Main 278, 414 rtaiiway exenange jauiiuuig. WILL buy modern, close-in apt. bouse If priced right. Owners only. B 83, Oregon inn IF YOU want to buy, sell or exchange realty see Mr. G., 424 Hamilton bldg. FOB SALK TLMBEB LANDS. " ' TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRACKEN. 34 McKay Mdg. ' CHEAP STUMPAGE. Ideal location for tie mill, stream run ning to R. R. spur. No. 73 6th at. FARMS WANTED. yyANTED To lease or rent, place close In by October 1. 3 to 10 acres, with buildings and fruit, place for chickens and cows. - E. D. Sinclair, Hillsboro. Or. "Virginia Place. No. 2. FARMS WANTED We have actual buyers for farms in Eastern Oregon. Lands must be near railroad. Write full descriptions. Great Western Land Co., Eugene, Or. TO EXCHANGE 4500 80-60 h. p. 1!U0 Stearns 3-7 passenger newly painted and thoroughly overhauled, Al condition, $1300. Tabor 1700 or F Oregonlan. 80 sores, partly Improved, near Rogue River, K35 per acre; exchange for city property; small Incumbrance. Main 0,':23. 80 ACRES, S lots. Oklahoma City; value $6600. to traoa. 406 Vancouver ave. 19 TO- EKCIIAyog GOOD wheat farms are hard to trade tor; this you have pronaoiy lounu out; tne ui thing I have In this line is a farm of ov. 2O00 acres, 80u in wheat, price $43,000, the equity of $oo.0O0 can be traded for with any good property that Is unincumbered, remainder at 6 pur cent; the present crmi ought to net the owner $2300 as tiis share. , A beautiful farm, over 2i'0 acres. SSj per acre; closo to Lebanon; want some cas.i and geod property considered for re mainder. If you have $11,000 worth of unincum bered property and want an 800-acre farm. 200 In wheat, here is jour chance; Im proved or unimproved property consid ered. L. K. MOORE. 317 Board of Trade bldg. 144 ACRES ON ELECTRIC LINE. TRADE. 14 acres, facliig on Or. Electric line, all finest rich blaok loam gar den land; small grove for wood, close to station, store and school. Just the place for a paying chicken . ranch; fronts on two county roads; clear title; no mortgage. Price $2M30; -will trade for Portland prop- erty-DORR E. KEASEY A CO.. 2d Floor Chamber of Commerce. 137 ACRES. YAMHILL CO. 75 acres cleared. 40 ucres in crops. OO to 60 seres goud timber. Fair 5-room farmhouse, good barn and outbuildings. Spring water. Fine soil. Fenced and eross fenced. Seven miles from county seat. 2 work horses. 3 cows. TO sheep. :i hogs. 30 gouts, 20 chickens, and all farm implements. Price $30 per acre, unin cumbered. Will exchange for city Income property up to $10,000 oud assume Differ ence. "oritsry At BOLDS. 818 Board of Trade, 4th snd Oak. GOOD FARM AT CITY LIMITS. 75 acres. Best of soil. Fine resiiicnee. outbuildings, fruit, windmill ami tank. Stocked with good horses, cows, boss, chickens, etc., und equipped with vclllcus. implements, tools, etc. Crop ill. Locetsu tight at one of tho best towns, cose to Portland, with steam and electric roads. Cheap at $10,000. No debt against it. Will sell or exclmnsrt for Portlr.nd busi ness property. Thin is something choice. J. E. SMITH, 414 Chamber of. Commerce . -.mj t.-, . t, unrl,T 80 acres located al North plains Or., only short distance from 'ortlanil, t acres in crop, 25 pasture, balance tim ber, with place goes 3 cows, 2 lieifero. j hogs, about 1-40 chickens. 3 room coute. good barn. 30x10, and all farm imple ments; a map for someone. Price 1 -' Will exchange for good house to $3000 or $1000. - SMITH-WILLOUOHBY CO., yo 3th Strci.-t. 14i; ACRES FOR EXCHANGE 2 miles iroin Roseburij. Price "-.'H'. Owliii,- slOOn. Has 4 acres under cultiva tion. 13u gratia vines, 200 fruit treos. al kimls of bcrrlia, creek on placi. gn"l house, barn and on.er buildings, owner wants smull business In Portlumi, or will trade for equity in clieup una- house. Lin er can go riht on thin place anil make a living. See Cowie, 402 Wilcox l'ldg. A BEAUTIFUL HOME CHEAP. $,".00 ciish will buy strictly modern. 7 rooms and sleeping porch, two-story resi dence oil E. llstli near Broadway. lull basement, furnace, fine plumbing; price $4U00, if sold this week. Would consider cltiar lot in restricted district. GODDAllli .fe WIEDRICK, 12"o acres stump Liiid located on the Cn-1-jmlia River, railroad station at place, about 00 per cenl tillablo U111U. b'lluiice suitable fur pasture. Price $20 per acre Will take Portland up to $ 13.00O, balance long time. S.aiTH-WlLI.OUGHBY CO.. 110 5th Street. HAVE sightly l."0xl40 011 south side of Bel mont et. ut .Mt. Tabor Park A11 elcB:.nt location for flats; price $01100. Will con sider an exchange for good- income prop erty up to $0300. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 24:1 Sturk St. 5 ACRE'S TO TRADE. FOR GENERAL MERCHANDISE. 6-cent carfare to Portland; ull planted to berries; 4-ronm bungalow. Must be seen to be appreciated ; unincumbered price ISOno. Full particulars 018 Yeon liiriK. lA2.'in) MONEY-MAKER. Will exchange my 22-room apartment house for land or house und lot of equM value. This Is a good place for man und wife Or will consider rart trade and balance out of business monthly. F He. oregonian. - FINE HOM.K FOR VACANT LOIS. Equity of $3300 in splendid 7-room moo em house; full basement, bath, two toilets paved streets, good neighborhood; will trade for lots or acreage. Call U1S Yeon bldg. 1I6R) leO ACRES 111 Yamhill County; 100 lu cui tivati'.n. good buildings. orchard Sua splenald creek, at only $30 per acre; to txchanga lor Portland property. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, S2 Fourth St MERCHANDISE FOR ACREAGE. Wi'l sacrifice profitable business, in cluding store building, value $diiio. l..r dairy farm or acrease. Sales averaae siso'o per month, particulars ut 018 Venn bide. C22) FOR SALE or trade for an automobile. II 'i acres linelv improved land with house, fenced, ',r mile to electric car to Drusbaiu station. R- W. Apply to Descamp Marco, 55 N. Second a-t. WILL exchange best business lot In Bay ocean for St. Louis property or land in Mississippi or Ohio valleys. Give full par ticulars. Frunk liiabill, 1317 Marcus ave.. St. Louis, Mo. HAVE fine lot .VJxloO feet In St. Pau Park. St Paul. Minnesota. No Incumbrance, price $1800. to trade for good car or equity In house iu Portlaud. See owner, 3 u 1 Henry bldg. FURNITURE and lease of good aparUiicnl house in fine cloo-ln locality; will tuko real citato In part or all trade: three-year lease at right figure. Call 730 Chamber of Commerce for partlruiuis. U-ACRE ORCHARD TO TRADE FOR CITY PROPERTY. Price $4000 ; unincumbered; orchard 3 years old; on good county road. Full par ticulars 018 Yeon bldg. (A128) GROCERY STORK FOR LOTS. A very good business in a fine location to trade for $2000 in unincumbered Port land property. Improved or unimproved. Call 618 Yeon blilgj 40 AORES, necessary buildings, Portlaud 18 miles $3000; want Jllouo residence, con servative valuuliou; owners only. 1030 Grand, N. TO trad" two eighties under Twin Falil north side ditch, choice land; value $S8'.o. I4S0O against land In water payments. Ad dress Hot 112, Gooding, Idaho. W tN'illi) Apartment-house site. West Side or closo In on East Hide. Wltat have you? F. E. TAYLOR Co., 404-3 Lew-is Building. 40 ACRES unimproved land, H-iod River tor modern 6-room bungalow. Mt. Tabor or Hawthorne. F 1)1, Oregonlan. 30 ACRES good lund. 3 miles Oregon City, no mortgage: want B-room mod. bungalow. Hlgley & Bishop, 201 Hamilton blue,. FINE claim. Wheeler County, for vacant Tots North Aibma or St. Johns .preferred. Phone Columbia 3 mornings. TO trade for general mer. business, lou- acre farm; va:ue $05OO. Address R. V. Fuliertun. Gooding, Idaho. L 2 OR 3 lots in Salt Lake as first payment on good home, or exchange for year s rem on good place. Phone Tabor 4.VS5. WILL take farm to $3300 on fine Alameda house, bal. $1100 straight mtg. Height, iu. Railway fcxeuange. $4830 EQUITY In 0 acres, near Eagle Creek, to traue for good mortgage; will pay uil- ference. 220 Henry Dio. WILL trade fine Improved farm worth $12, 000 for about 15-ruom house and lot same value. C 91. Oregon inn. WISH to trade 6-room Ilossniers home for, 1 acreage, wwner. Tabor 3248. t'OR SALE. , Homes, Vehicles, Etc. THREE teams of nice mares and one team of geldings, 2900 lbs., in from my farm; will soli cneap; can be seen at 426 iu. Yam hill st. FOR SALE A stylish buy horse, 6 years old ride, drive tingle or double, good dis position, standard bred; good family horse. Phone Tabor lu'.'o. MUST sell at oh.ee, leaving city for CaL, good ranch team, nearly new 105 wagon and good harness, all for $223. Inquire tor Hosier's rig, lj Union ave. . 7OH SALE OR RENT 3000-pound team, pnone Matin 3603. Call 8 to l a. m., 6 to 7 pi m. MUST -sell; $1)IS takes one 22.00-lb, ranch ream and new double harness, uno L. Pine st.; trial allowed. A FEW more of Meier Frank wagons diean at company's barn. 2d and Jeiter- son. ONE rubber-tired buggy In firl" dltlon. Two covered delivery w class con- agons. 226 Russell s ONE team, and 6 years old, weighing 2900 pounds; one black m y00 pounds. 226 Russell st black mare weigning PASTURE for stock, close ta Portland, o. i. & S. CO. giani -a-... FOR SALE 2 horses, harness and wugoii, cheap. 61 Union ave. CLOSING OUT harness at wholesale prUa 200 2djftor.Tajrlei HORSES for sale at 8J East 7th st. North.