Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 28, 1913, Page 11, Image 11

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m U Mil II L IUUU t vl m. '..v If i
(Q) ffe
City Supplies Bought at Retail
and Not Advertised for
Are you Saving Hamilton Coupons or ZfM" Trading Stamps?
Here's a wav to sret a lot of them FREk! 1
if' r;"J :
At End or 19IC Balance In Treas
ury Totals $443,111 At End of
It IS There Will Be Nothing-.
In All Probability.
ISTRATIONS, fftmon Arlm!nltra:loa
Tr Levy. Ant. Riliol.
. m!IU '
111. nlih l.4.J41.13
Ruihllsht AdmlnUtratlon
11J. 10 mill s.14.ISl.T7
J13. .7i mil'. S.1T.1 :o
rt of opersitnc the principal de
-1 ;
F'r. Si-pt. . .
police dept..
Ktrt repair
Park dpt...
. 6i 1
. sr.j;f.4
fl.144.44 J 41
Vnder the Rushlight administration
of the last two years taxes In Portland
bava Increased approximately 33 X-3
per cent orer those of the administra
tion of Joseph Simon, the Immediate
predecessor of Mayor Rushlight.
This Increase Is shown In the reports
at the City Hall covering; the years of
the two administrations for which the
respective Mayors were responsible
directly or Indirectly.
Ttoe rerage tax levy during- the Si
mon administration was S.4 mill
while under the Rushlight regime It
has been 7.23 mills, an increase of I.I
mills. The average annual amount
raised by taxation during the Mmon
administration was $1. 389.530.0?. while
the average for the Rushlight admlnls.
tration has been $2. 196.631. 98H. an in
crease of IS07.101.SO a year. These are
the figures for 1910 and 1911 for the
Simon administration and 191J and I13
for the Rushlight regime. These are
the two years for which the respective
administrations fixed the city a tax
Taxes Wanld Have Bees Higher.
If the tax rate of the Rushlight ad
ministration had been In force In 1910
the taxes would have aggregated
J1.779.S44. 32 Instead of
which was the actual amount raised in
110 under the Simon tax levy. The
Rushlight system would have cost the
taxpayers l7.252.4S more than did
the Simon system. These figures are
secured by applying the Rushlight tax
Jfevy of the present year to the as
sessed valuation of 1910. A correspond
ing Increase would be shown In a com
parison of other years of the two ad
ministrations. Hul the assessed valuation remained
the same under the Rushlight regime
as it was under the administration of
Mayor Simon there would have been an
excuse for an Increase In the tax levy
because of the fact that the city depart
I ments are growing and it costs more to
1 operate them year by year. But the
' assessed valuation has been going up
ward rapidly.
Assessed Valnatloaa Jams.
In 1910 the assessed valuation of
property in Portland was S231.lfil.S00.
In 1911 It Jumped to S274. 394.720, an in
crease of 443.233.120. In 1912 the valua
tion was $:?. 199. 230 and In 1913 It Is
430$.S6.220. This shows an Increase In
valuation all out of proportion to the
Increase In the tax levy. It is clear
that despite the fact that the assessed
valuation has gone upward rapidly
enough to meet the increased cost of
operating the city government with a
tax levy of between 5 and H mills, the
Rushlight administration has boosted
the levy up to within three-tenths of a
' mill or about 175.000 of the limit of
taxation allowed under the charter.
The expenses of the various depart
ments have gone up by leups and
bounds under the present extravagant
system. The city's general fund,
which receives all the city's revenue
outside of taxes, has hen strained to
the limit to keep up the expenses.
As a rule the general fund comes out
at the end of the year with a surplus
to hold over. This year there will be
little or no balance. There is nothing
In the fund so far that has not either
been spent or contracted fur. This sit
uation can be realized when the books
in the office of the City Auditor and
the City Treasurer are s aimed.
ieoeral Kaod Belug Depleted.
Itecemher 21. f'S. ftie balance In the
general fund was 420S.k5s.00. which
amount went into the fund of the fol-
. i . 1 uAt. . . V. . . . . .1 . . I UA4
the balance for the following year was i
:74 0S3.50. At the end of 1S10 the,
balance was SIS1.58.V71. At the end of
IS I there was 4 4s.LSa5.5S balance.
Then came the Rushlight adminlstra-1
lion. At the end of 1912 there was
S449.111.7S. At the end of 1913 there j
will be nothing In all probability.
The following tables will show how
the cost of maintaining the principal
departments of the city during the last
two administrations has summed up:
Every caller
today Red
Letter Day, at
Broadway at Alder
Hamilton Coupons
25 Regular Hamilton Coupons
(Exchangeable at once for 25 "S. & II."
Trading Stamps at the "S. & II."
Stamp Parlor.)
And 25 Complimentary Coupons
iatnilfon Qtoupcns
Ynn will also receive a certificate calling for 1 125 Free 1
which is given to every caller at Eilers Music House on Ked Letter Day UiNLY and is excnangeaoie ror i io ex
tra Green Trading Stamps, in addition to the regular number which you can secure providing that you will
see to it that any one of your relatives, neighbors or friends become interested in the purchase of a piano, player
piano. Baby Grand or Grand Piano at any one of the 40 Eilers stores along the Pacific Coast
Ask about this and learn how to get the regular
amounts, varying from
6600 to 1 5,000 FREE
Hamilton Coupons
or 44 S. & II." Trading Stamps, with little effort on
your part at
Room 309
111 3amiItOTonil If
m$ XCTWPwM!'-t ill
l&rW 2-4-0 WEST 45k STREET. ' NEW YORK CITY ygaj
If you are an owner of a piano purchased at any
of the forty stores of
along the Pacific Coast, you are entitled to a cer
tificate calling for 2375 HAMILTON COUPONS
which is exchangeable under the conditions above
stated for the same number of ' 4 S. & 11. ' ' Green Trad
ing Stamps.
Hamilton Coupons are of equal value to "S. & H. Green Trading Stamps and by special arrangement with the Sperry & Hutchmson Co are redeemable at the "S.
& H. PTaTpI h Eloor, Olds, Wortman & King's or the Piano xAIanufacturers' Trade Extension Bureau, Suite 309, Eilers Bldg.
, . , vmi fail to secure the certificate for your 1125 Coupons on this Red Letter Day, cut this adv. out and write or
1C or xrl.rl fA9Cr.n "t0J Both Phones, Main
6655, A 2350.
tall In amounts under 2o0 and without
The requisitions for the purchases
are sent to the office of Mayor Rush
light, whose private secretary slKni
them. Until .recently the Mayor has
not even taken sufficient Interest to
look the requisitions over. Since the
experts pointed out the system it Is
said he has been looking- over the requi
sitions himself, but the system of pur
chasing in small amounts has not been
chansed. although the Mayor has the
power to make tne cnange.
Mr. U Moyne Urfngsrtone Explain
Metliods of Reaching Masses.
... t.iat like a flash one
mi came v "- - - -morning
to tell the people by lantern
slides what dire need there is of 1m.
oroving: the human race."
Tnd from that morning Mrs. LaMoyn.
IJvingstone. of Portland, a cousin of
I.avld Livingstone, the African ex
plorer, began p,annlnS . -tnpaign of
with lantern sime. i ... - -
she moat want- to reach
arlcre-tor' voTng purposes-t Port
aeuce .raveling up and
land. ner lectures.
She talks about' housing crime . pre-
natl intiiienre. sr j ---------
hite slavery, and aims to include ref-
h"'h has a bearing on race betterment
and eugenic .vblVs
-I'm not , - .
auspices or instructions she sa d at
the Portland Hotel Ust night after a
ecture at a picture theater, ""n.
I say l my own blatement. I have
done much research of my own in so
ciological circles and know what I am
t&lking about."
Mrs. Livingstone U her own manager
and makes engagements with theater
people on her own account.
-You would be surprised to see the
Interest with which the people hear
my lectures." she said. "Managers are
Tire department .
Police dpartrtint
r'tre-l dirtmnt
Park department
.. :it.:t
.. l4..-.i.41
1 7.7. 3S
Methaxia Are Lax.
I .ax business methods In th admin
istration of the city's affairs has cost
the city at least $200,000 In the last
two years, according to experts who
recently made a survey of the city's
methods of doing business. In reports
which the experts put out It was shown
that If supplies it city departments
and for the general city government
were purchased properly the saving
would be no less than lloO.OOO a year.
The same facts were brought out re
cently by c V. llodson. a member of
Mayor Kushilght's Kxecutive Board. He
made a short investigation and showed
where the city pays varying prices for
the same commodity at practically the
tame time. It wa shon that at the
Linntnn Jail all kinds of prices are paid
for the same class of goods. This lax
ity applies to practically every other
department of the city government, ac.
cording to the experts who went into
the question thoroughly.
iappMea Braskl at Retail.
The majority of supplies are pur
chased at retail and In small quantities,
ao that the city loses the advantage ol
wholesale prices. In many cafes the
;lty pays a great deal too much for
articles merely because It Is not desired
:o permit competition. The charter pro
vides that supplies or articles costing
less than l-SO may be purchased with
out advertising for bids. To eliminate
competition by advertising the supplies
are purchased In amounts under $250.
Where departments could work to
gether and buy supplies at wholesale
and get competitive prices, they work
tJ7.6..t.I $1.10S.7?o: tl.M4.4l5.Ijl.?H.4.0
hard to convince of this, but they are
always satisfied after hearing It."
lree Tels to Bp Made by Local
IMijslclans Today.
Fond parents may take their babies
to the Parents' Educational Bureau,
room 651. Courthouse, this afternoon,
where little tots under four years of
age will be weighed and examined free
of charge: The affair was arranged
by Mrs. Robert H. Tate and the mem
bers of the Congress of Mothers and
the Parent-Teachers" Association. Dr.
Mae 11. Card well and a staff of lead
ing physicians will conduct the tests:
Both physical and psychological ex
aminations will be made. The babies
will be measured ami weighed and free
advice as to their care will be given
to the mothers.
Bar Delegates Sought.
Members of the Oregon Bar Associa
tion who will attend the meeting of
the Oregon Bar Association at Montreal.
September 1. 2 and 3, can be appointed
as official delegates from this state by
applying to Charles H. Carey, president
of the Oregon association. Mr. Carey
has been authorized to name delegates
from Oregon and desires to appoint
onlv persons who are willing to at-
Miss Irene Flynn Popular
Mrs. J. P. O'Brien Will Bo Hostess
and Will Be Assisted by Mrs. Coo
McKenna, Her Daughter Mrs.
Daly S'est to Entertain.
Smart events follow each other In
rapid succession honoring Miss Irene
Flynn. bride-to-be.
Today Mrs. J. P. O'Brien will preside
at an elaborate tea and will be assisted
by Mrs. Coe McKenna. Tomorrow Mrs.
John Francis Daly will be hostess at a
bridge tea. Yesterday Miss Flynn was
feted at a theater party given by Mrs.
Merman Branberger.
Monday's festivity took the form of
a luncheon, followed by bridge, with
Mrs. P. A. Devers as hostess. Scotch
broom banked the dining-room and the
table was centered with a bowl of yel
low tea roses. Card honors fell to Mrs.
7 -.
ft .
: mA . - .tki?
' Mlaa Lonlae tvil llama.
An engagement announcement
of Interest Is that of Miss Louise
Williams, daughter of Mrs. Em
ma Williams, and Harold A. Ray
ner, a young business man who
recently came from San Jose, Cal..
to make bis home In Portland.
The news of the betrothal was
made known .at a luncheon given
by Miss Katherine Sealy. The
bride-elect Is popular In the
younger set and no doubt will be
extensively feted during her en
gagement days. Those who shared
the pleasure of Miss Sealy's hos
pitality were: Misses Maurene
Campbell. Shirley Flske, Grace
Bingham, Marcia Parker. Lillian
Kennedy, Dorothy Sanford. Haz
el Russell. Doris Byford and Miss
J. P. Cook and Miss Elizabeth McCar
thy. The guest list Included:
Mrs. Robert Noonan, Mrs. J. P. Cook,
Mrs. Roland Chapman, Mrs. Irving
Stearns. Miss Mamie Helen Flynn. Miss
Ruby Crelghton, Miss Josephine Cronin,
Miss Katherine Hunt, Miss Dorothy
Moulton. Miss Mildred Moulton. Miss
McCarthy, Miss Lucille Dunn and Miss
Irene Flynn.
Miss Viola Barenstecher was hostess
yesterday at a prettily appointed bridge
party at which Miss Alma Laurltzen,
fiancee of Stanley Clemence. was the
honored guest. The artistic home was
attractive with a decoration of Spring
blossoms. Seven tables were arranged
for devotees of cards. On June S Miss
Laurltzen will be complimented at an
auction bridge with Miss Laura Korell
as hostess. Miss Henrietta Rothschild,
another engaged girl, will share hon
ors at this function. Miss Madeline
Stone will contribute to the gayety of
the early part of June by giving a
large theater party at the Orpheum,
with tea at one of the grills conclud
ing the entertainment. Miss Rothschild
will be the inspiration for this gather
ing. An event of next week anticipated
Is the tea to be given on Wednesday
at the home of Mrs. Herbert Holman.
The affair Is planned for the benefit
of the Guild of St. Stephens Pro-Cathedral,
and the funds derived will be
used for some of the charitable work
In which the guild members are Inter
ested. The tea Is an annual event
Mrs. E. T. C. Stevens, president, and
several matrons will assist in receiv
ing and a bevy of girls will serve In
the dining room.
The Richmond Self-Advancement
Club met at the home of Mrs. F. O.
Mitchell. 486 East Thirty-fifth street,
on Monday afternoon. M. C. Reed was
the speaker of the afternoon. At the
close of the meeting, dainty refresh
ments were served by the hostess.
Mrs. Richard Elliott King entertained
the Ladies Auxiliary of the Portland
Motorboat Club last week at 617 Sal
mon street. The game of 600 was
played. Mrs. A. E. King won first prize,
Mrs. George W. Kendall second. A
dainty luncheon was served. Miss Win
nie Kendall rendered several pretty se
lections on the piano, and Miss Grace
Vogler sang. Those present were: Mrs.
A. G. Rlddell, Mrs. Charles Hill, Mrs.
C W. Boost, Mrs. A. E. King, Mrs.
George Kelly, Mrs. Richard R. Elliott
King. Mrs. A.- L. Berger. Mrs. F. D.
Vogler, Mrs. George W. Kendall. Mrs.
J. L. Scarth, Miss Grace Vogler, Miss
Winnie Kendall, Mrs. Gerald E. Riggs.
a a
Mrs. A. H. Brown entertained at
luncheon In the Arcadia grill of the
Multnomah Hotel recently, in honor of
Mrs. Robert R, Ketcham. Mrs. Brown's
additional guests were: Mrs. W. F.
Wiggins, Mrs. Walter H. Evans, Mrs.
Paul Kuhne, Mrs. G. T. Jamison, Mrs.
David McDaniel, Mrs. F. Gardner Smith,
Miss Viene Cecil, Miss Louise Cecil, Miss
Bertha Masters and Mrs. E. R. Benson,
of Detroit, Mich.
a a a
The members of Chapter A. P. E. O.
were entertained Monday at the home
of Mrs. J. C. Grady in Irvlngton. In
addition to the members there were
three guests of honor, Mrs. Edmundson,
of Prosser, Wash., Mrs. C. B. Hunt
and Mrs. A. M. O'Dell, of Iowa The
hostess was assisted by Mrs. C. Pape
and Mrs. Haines. Attractive decora
tions of yellow and white were used
about the rooms. A delightful feature
of the day was the Interesting talk
given by Mrs. F. Hamilton Weir, on
Honolulu and surrounding country, il
lustrated by views brought back by Mrs.
lone Townsend Wells, who has been
passing- three months on the island,
Congratulations are being showered
upon Mr. and Mrs-. Frederick Anthony
Martin (Miss Wllma Fiske) on the
birth of a baby daughter, born Friday.
May 23. The baby has been named
Virginia May Margin.
. a a
Mrs. H. E. Ray has been at Hotel
Vendome. San Jose.
Finest Pianos, Player Pianos and
Baby Grands in Great Closing Out
Sale of Eilers Wholesale Stock
at Lowest Prices Ever Quoted
THE BEST WAY is to look
everywhere for the best new
piano or player piano to be had
at a certain price, then come
to the big piano house where
the exact same grade and qual
ity will be found during this
sale for just about 50 per cent
or less. It's almost too good
to be true, but it's true that's
why so many people are buying
here each day.
If you or any member of
your family ever had the slight
est love for music or ever in
tend to buy a piano or a player
piano, remember now is THE
You Are Making Daily Payments on a Player Piano Whether You Have
One or Not.
You pay by the loss of pleasure and musical education if you haven't
a player piano.
You gain many times more than the actual money cost in pleasure
and education if you have one. Which do you prefer doing?
We have told the story of this sale several times. We
are not going to take up time to again state why we are
selling this large wholesale stock of pianos and player
pianos and baby grands at such great reductions in
price. Come and see the instruments, try them, test
them, compare them.
There is no reason why every Western home should
not now have a good piano. It need not be the costliest
baby grand of Chickering or Kimball or Sohmer make,
which are also included in this sale at great reduced
prices, but
surely every home is in a position to invest
$1 a week until $168 or $185 has been paid.
For this low price you can get high-grade
regular $325 and $375 pianos.
Highest grade new, warranted, beauti
fully finished, mottled walnut or fancy
figured oak, largest-size instruments which
generally cost $475 and $500, are now only
Make a first payment to show good
faith, and we will sell even these fine and
costly pianos on payments of $1.25 a week.
Let ns say to you in all earnestness that never was
there such a fine chance for buying the very best of now
AUT0PIAK0S, DECKERS and many others included.
Best decide right away, for if you delay you may find
that the particular piano gone that you might
have wanted for this sale.
The hundreds of pianos and player pianos in this sale
are rapidly thinning out, and just the instrument you
would like to have, and which is here today, may be gone
tomorrow. COME, TELEPHONE (we refund long-dis-:ance
telephone bills), or WRITE AT ONCE FOR DE
Every instrument in the sale is definitely guaranteed.
No buyer runs even the slightest risk. A child buys here
as satisfactorily as does the most experienced shopper,
for this is the only house in the piano trade which sells
the highest-class instruments for less than obtainable
elsewhere and agrees also to cheerfully refund all money
paid if purchase, after delivery, proves iu any way un
satisfactory or not as represented.
The Nation's Largest,
Alder Street at Broadway (Seventh), Portland.