Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 27, 1913, Page 20, Image 20

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I he Women of
Credit Purchas esToday
Go on June Accounts,
Made Payable July 1st
At The Meier & Frank Store-The Timely Event of th
Season !
This Sale Brings to Portland Vast Stocks of Fresh, Crisp Merchandise Prices Low Beyond Comparison
Comfortable Dressing Sacques Reduced
For "June White Days" we have included a beautiful lot of Dressing Sacques at
reductions that make worth-while choosing now. They're of cotton batiste, lawn,
dotted Swiss and marouisettes. New style and semi-fitted at the waist. Or of pep-
lum. trimmed in fine or heavy lace embroidery, or ebmroidered ribbon rosettes
$1.75 Dressing sacques, special g i .43
$2.00 Dressing Sacques, gpecial SI. 65
$2.60 Dressing Sacques, special --S2.05
$3.50 Dressing Sacqnes, special S2.90
$4.00 Dressing Sacqnea, special S3.37
$5.50 Dressing Sacqnes, special S4.58
T:- C,, Every woman should have several of
onlv 59c.
these white lawn Dressing Sacques we
nffpr dnrinfr the "June "White Da vs" for
They're made with square neci, trimmed with pin tucks and are belted at
Secaad Floor, Mala Balldla-. Mali Orders Filled.
Summer-Weight Underwear for Men
Reduced for "June White Days"
Men's $1.00 Egyptian Union
Suits of cotton, in -white;
with short sleeves and qq
ankle length. The Suit OZJC
Men's 50c Conde Mesh Un
derwear Shirts and Drawers,
Rummer wear; priced QQ
st only, the parmentOiC
Men's $1 Conde Mesh Union
Suits made -with short sleeves
and either knee orWQ
ankle length; the suit 5C
50c Gotham Athletic Suits
two-pvce. -with knee -length
drawers, of -white cross-yf
bar nainsook; garment xOC
$1.00 Gotham Athletic Union
Suits in knee-length 6tyle and
sleeveless, of white QQ
nainsook; the suit for OtC
Men's 75c Gauze Lisle Un-.
derwear Shirts and Drawers,
white; in June White HA
Daj-s, the garment at 0vC
Just Iaslde Alder -St. (Jntraace.
$ 1 .50 Princess Slips Reduced 98c
It's an exceptional sale, indeed, that brings to you these beautiful
Princess Slips for only 98c. They're of good quality nainsook;
corset cover trimmed with lace insertion and embroidery bead
ing; skirt has neat flounce of lawn, finished with tucks, lace
insertion and edges. All sizes in the lot.
$1.35 Combinations Only 98c
Combination Corset Cover and Drawers of excellent quality nain
sook, daintily trimmed with lace and embroidery. All sizes to
choose from.
35c Cambric Corset Covers 27c
There 's a distinct style to these Corset Covers all made of good
quality soft-finish cambric; neatly trimmed with two rows of
lace insertion and edges to match. All sizes, and only 27c.
$1.75 White Petticoats at $1.39
Even at the regular price, these white, crisp and new Petticoats
are of unusual quality. Of fine nainsook, with deep flounce, fin
ished with tucks and 7 rows of dainty lace insertion and edges to
match. Even the under-flounce is finished with lace edge. All
-Second Floor, New Bnlldlnc.
Mall Orders Filled.
Infants' $2.50 Pillow Slips hand-embroidered
in three beautiful designs and
edged with dainty ruffle of tf O E
embroidery. Size 14x18. Spl D
' Infants' $1.25 Dresses of good quality
lawn or nainsook, and made with dainty
yokes. The skirts have plain hems r q
or lace-edged ruffle. Special, ea. 70C
Infants' $1.25 Skirts of lawu or nain
sook, on waists finished with dainty ruf
fles of lace or embroidery. Spe- QQ
cially priced for this sale at, each jOC
Entire Stock of Women's Knit Under
wear Reduced for White Days
Think what it means to choose the needed Summer-weight Knit
Underwear from the most complete stock in the city, and with
notable reduction on every garment. It's the opportunity that hun
dreds of Portland women have awaited. Avail yourself of these
savings today.
Women's 20c Vests of fine-ribbed
cotton. Plain and fancy yokes;
regular sizes. 6 for 75c; each
Women's 25c Vests of fine-ribbed
cotton. Plain and fancy yokes; regu
lar and out sizes. Specially
priced at 6 for 95c; each only JL' C
Women's 25c and 35c Vests of fine-
ribbed cotton; low neck and no sleeves;
plain and fancy. Regular sizes.
Priced 6 for $1.10; the garment
Women's 35c Vesta of fine-ribbed
cotton ; plain and hand-crocheted yokes ;
Reeular and extra sizes. We're
selling them, 6 for $1.40; each aOC
Women's 50c Umbrella Pants lace-
trimmed; full sizes. Priced
for this sale, 3 for 8oc; pair
Women's 65c and 75c Vests fine-?
... . . . .. a . i a A
ribbed lisle: with nand-crocnetea yokes-,
regular and extra sizes. "We A 7
price them at, 3 for $1.40; each C
; Women's Union Suits with low neck
and no sleeves; lace-trimmed,
and tight knee; the suit only amOC
Women's 65c and 75c Union Suits
low neck ; no sleeves ; lace trimmed and
titrht knee. Repnlar and ex- A Q
tra sizes. 3 for $1.40; the suit avC
Women's $1.00 Union Suits of fine
spring-needle weaves; low neck and
no sleeves; tight knee. Priced JQ
for this sale, 3 for $1.80; suit OuC
Women's $1.50 Union Suits of extra
fine lisle and mercerized; plain QQ
or fancy yokes ; 3 for $2.85 ; ea, 70C
First Floor. Mala Bids. Mall
i Yr
Orders Filled.
Sale Irish Table Linens
A handsome line of Table Linens enters this sale, and at
unusual reductions. Fine Irish Linen Table Cloths and Nap
kins of famous Jno. S. Brown make, for; which we are sole
agents in Portland.
35c Turkish Bath Towels at 25c
Turkish Bath Towels, of large size, made of two-ply eottonOC
and full-bleached. Very absorbent. Sell regularly at 35c, each -iJl
$4.50 Lunch Sets Reduced to $3.38
One Cloth and Six Napkins make up the set; they are scalloped, of
pleasing design, and very dainty; of fine quality linen, soft finish and
laundered ready for use. Cloths are 36x36 inches, and or- tO OO
dinarily the sets are $4.50. For "June White Days," set PJ.OO
$7.50 Sets, 45x45-inch Cloths, for "June White Days," each, $5.85
$1.25 Table Damasks of extra heavy all-linen ; full bleached, 70
inches wide, in a varietv of beautiful patterns. Fine qual- " ff
ity at regular price of $1.25; for "June White Days,' yd. P VlLF
First Floor, Sew Building Mall Orders Filled.
To 35c Initial Kerchiefs 21c
Broken lines of women's Initial Handkerchiefs, of fine sheer quali
ties of pure linen; have daintily worked initials and hemstitched bor
ders. Also Handkerchiefs with beautiful embroidered corners, of pure
linen and hand-embroidered. A few colored novelties are also in
cluded; all regular 25c and 35c grades; for the June White Days,
6 for $1.20; each, 21.
All fine Handkerchiefs worth from $5.00 to $40.00, reduced for
June White Days, OFF.
lale of Embroidery
Exceptional is the Embroidery Sale for June "White Days, aud
every woman should avail herself of this opportunity. For dainty
graduation gowns and -elaborate Summer dresses, this is most
suitable. Sample pieces from one of the foremost Embroidery
manufacturers of St. Gall are shown and divided into three great
lots, at prices that positively cannot be equaled elsewhere.
F x f Embroidery Flounces, worth from $3 to $6,
L.OI 1 the yard, $1.98.
1 -.4. r Flounces and Bands, worth $2.25 to $3, the
JLOV 4 yard, $1.69.
f x Q Flounces and Bands, worth $1.75 to $2.25,
JUOL flip vard. $1.39.
White Shadow Lace Edges and
Bands 3 to 9 inches and 18-inch
allovers, worth regularly tb
$1. Special, the yard, only JC
Flounces 27 and 45 inches wide,
in eyelet and Baby Irish work; ex
cellent for combinations, waists
and dresses. Ordinarily they A Q
are to 85c, the yard, at only "
Embroideries, Edges and Inser
tion, of Swiss, nainsook and cam
bric, in beautiful designs, suitable
for infants' and children's wear
and undermuslins. Worth 1
to 25c the yard, for only -i-VC
Baby Flounces, 18 and 27-inch
widths, in charming eyelet and flo
ral designs. Dainty dresses for chil
dren may be made from these. Reg
ularly 85c to $1.25, forCQ.
"June White Days," a yd.-'C
Elyria Laces Edges and Inser
tions, in dainty designs:
Ya to l-inch widths, a yard, 4
1 to li-inch widths, a yard, 8
Batiste and Voile Flounces 27
and 45-inch widths; worked solid
in baby Irish effects. 2'2 to 3
yards for a dainty gown. QO.
$1.25 to $1.75 grades, yard 70C
First Floor, New Bnlldlnir. Mall Orders Filled.
$45 " Acorn" Cabinet Range--F
Count the "Acorns" in Our Window
The handsome hiprh-grade Acorn Cabinet Gas Range, as illustrated,
will be given absolutely free to the man, -woman or child guessing the
correct number of acorns in our Alder-street -window display; or the
nearest to the exact number, provided correct guess is not made. This'
is our method of introducing to the housewives of Portland the most
economical and satisfactory Gas Range that is made the Acorn I
T Register Your Guess at the
SAVE WORK 4th-FIoor Stove Dept.
Everyone Is Entitled
to One Guess FREE!
Demonstration of Bread
Bahing This WeeR
This week a bread-baking demonstration
of unusual interest will be given in the Stove
Department, 1 to 5 P. M., daily, showing
the possibilities of the famous Acorn Gas
Range. Visit this demonstration today.
Acorn Gas
Water Heaters
Regularly $16 Special
for Three Days Only at
There's a world of comfort in the pos
session of one of these Acorn Gas Water
Heaters, that heat -water so quickly and at
-a minimum cost. We are making a special
reduction on these Acorn Gas Water
Heaters for Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday only. Visit our Stove Depart
ment on the Fourth Floor and see them
demonstrated. Regularly $16, for this
3-day sale, installed i $1 Q 1Q
your home for only P X OaT-
$3.50 to $5 Parasols $2.39
The delight of every woman and miss are these beautiful new Para
sols. In plain taffeta, pongee and linen. Also stripe silks in blak and
white; pongee, beautifully striking Dresden borders and many pleasing
novelty shapes. Made on 10-ribbed frames and Tokio frames). In wonder
ful variety of colors. This season's $3.50, $4.50 and $5.00 Parasols, to
day, each, $3.39. First Floor, Slain- Bids; Mall Orders Filled.
Our Special Luncheon
50 Cents
11 A. M. to 2:30 P. M.
Unequaled Anywhere
Direct Elevator
Eyeglasses pr Spectacles, with
gold-filled frames, fitted with best
Tone Lenses. .Regularly $8.00.
Special $5.00.
'fj Lenses f i 1 1 ed t
your frames. Spe
cial, the pair,
4th Floor
Main Building
Fearta Flaar, Mala Ralldlaa.
continues until
June 7th, 6 P. M.
"Acorn" Stoves
and Ranges Are
Sold Here
Exclusively in
May Be Obtained at
Accommodation DesK
First Floor, Mala Dluic.
They're guaranteed for five
years against theft, fire, damage
and destruction. The Trunks that
make the baggage man respect
luggage are "Indestmcto." 4th
Floor, Main Building.
1SS7 s. 1913
The- Quality Store- of Portland
ITftK, .SIxtNMorrlsoiv After 9ta.
Grocery Specials nSSty Housewives
Royal Banquet Flour, sack.. '. . . . . .$1.15 Rice Hearts, excellent quality, dozen pack
Apples, Oregon pack, dozen gallon cans, at ages, $1.65; package 15
82.75; can ....25 Kingsford's Gloss Starch, 6-pound -wooden
String Beans, Baltimore pack, dozen, 95 : boxes, each 49
can 8 1-3 Sail Soap, for laundry use, 10 bars for 2Sd
Tomatoes, standard quality, dozen, 95; California Dried Pears, good grade, lb., 5
can 8 1-3 Dried Apples, good quality, pound, 8 l-3
Pare Food Grocery, Basetneat Store. Head Rice, Japan Style, 4 pounds for 25