IILE MOKAlJSCi Oi-1-ixO-.iA-s, ii.j.alA-. tiAi ilio. EXPORT FLOUR LOW Prices Are Below Parity With Wheat Market. ADVANCE EXPECTED SOON t'niitiiinnl Mronsr California De nmnd Tor Wlieat 1 KPiorted. fw Crop Bu-lns With Ori ent Said to llarc Been Done. Th California demand 1 nly a ..... .- f n, n-heit market. Th Sonth rrn liler em -IIHnr to pay to high prrrf rtmandl by holder at thL end. and are taktss; th ratn not only for pot but 4 -erf shipment. Ther ar tlll Inquiries from Iho Orient tor wheat for prompt hipmu. But tn Buyer on ms ether i!1 are complaining of th tilch prires. There h alao been considerable Oriental Irfqulry for new crop wheat, and It la said enme. business of thl character has i, -.1 v ih rfpi.'ii irt lveJttnr. In the Oriental flotir trade operation are limited. The Japanese nave laxeir --r- everal additional parcel, but It la bard to Interest them at current quotation. If they are In need of flour they cannot expect to bur at cheaper price during th present ason. On the other band, thero 1 rood reason to believe that export floor quota win h nlud befnrs lone. With 84- rent wheat there t nothlnie In J4-B5 Tour for the miller. Some of ths mill are working on. flour mad from cheaper wheat and they are willinc to sell this to the Jasanosa at th current rale, but when the limited supply is exhausted tha Orientals will probr!y .find It neceary to come up in thetr Ideas, The umft conditions would pre villi in the patent floor trad If the Fillers wer not liberally stocked with pat ents. Lorst receipt In cars wer reported by th Merchants' Exchanr a follow: Wheat. Berley Flour Oats. Hsr. Monday . . 2 It IS ear are... S 1 2" : " F rna tedte..l-.4 I.?'T 2.HPT 1.490 S.11 Tear ao.-.14.1- 77 5.354 l.JM -SBO The weekly wheat statistic of th Mer chants' Exchanso follow: American Viatel Supply Bushels, peereas. V -It I1S Wl 2.7U2.000 'May -7. im: r.ll.m 2.342.000 )H Jl'll -.Vtv.)0 1.014.00J II l'''-0-.- -ift. ;-p,'" l.!.0l0 j.ine l'l'iB..... 1.T7J.ikm .t;s4." June i. 1S .M .. 1.3.-.4.-0 Jime llfiT 9.T-S.W 1.0B3.0O0 Jur.o 5. '.! W,MI."I I.IM.OOO ,,, ; SO.I.S.hvo l."i::.tn0 H.r 51, 14 -l.-Ii.OOO 8.54.0U0 W-aotltles on Kasaae Wik Week eek erdmc ending ending Vjv May 17 Miv -.". '1- jr-r Pushes Bu-hris Bueheli .f K K W.iWl I3.4".iW'l 81.290.000 Continent ..Sl.;.Uii.u,X Sl.4le.000 S.74.O00 Tola! .. .J7.BU0.W") M.04.uv 0.0.t00 tvor.9 anipmenin ' nuur nnuiitu Week Week Week enl,nr. ending ending Vuv - MavlJ Mar .". '1 From B ;ptt Bushel Bushel t" M Can.. .71 T.oii.oik floo,Goo A:seti:lna .. ' 1 j ' -. J--M.ipi.rt .7!-. AutrailMk ... '-e 1, co.-ei (l.e.fMio t'n-ib. pta. iu.i .-.fn.iM l-jO.lKm Hu-L ..... 1ri..te 2. ISft.". 72.000 India....... I.iOS.U" l.'iOti.OUO l.:t4.UKJ TotaU li.0.11. eoo 14.7ST.O00 11.944.000 W orld' shipment, season to date rom Total sinre. Fame period July 1. 1912. last aeason. V f an.l Canada.... nx-WLOoo lM.69l.noo Arr.ntino 1 1 .. TH.103.000 Aul-vi'. 4;.77.ftOrt 6O.7R.-..00.1 lanubta-o port M.4a3.0iM 72.4S2.000 H n7.274.noo 71.704.0H ,i, 52.3Ul.4iai 4l.Mo.UU0 Tetal A7."a.OO0 4.4&l.OO0 HOKK SPKINOBBOOK BKKRIES ARE IN All Hinds la (issd Dejasad aad lUm Vr- taJble SHspply Lairs. Iteceipts ttf all kinds of strawberries were llht yesterday and the market ruled firm. About 20 crate of Sprinxbrooa arrleed snd old at J3.SO to $4. Homheru Orexon were anchanced. Florin Doilara wers In moderate supply and sold at 1 1.7.1. A few crates ol Jn.es wers recerred. mostly la bad order, and brouxat only 00 cents. Receipts of California apricot wer Urxer. eedllnf sold at 12 and fancy r.oyT at I2.JO. Cherries wer anchsnsed. Gooe-me wers lower at A cent. A car of Garnet Chills cam to and sold loaer. st j:1- cent. A car of mixed California eaetable a!o aj-rtved. Apara- cus y.a in better aupply. with receipt from Clackamas. Hoo-1 River and California. Lo cal erase rai.xed In pries from 7A cents to 91. 2i a dozen. Boulder Island sold st 91.0 a box. Jl.t. Qr.tl.ITT I KOT H4 O001 Bayer Will Xot Fay More for Case t oust. bat Candled Mark Flmer. Country pro-luce sold Kenornlly St Isst week prlres. Receplts wer moderate. The supply of exes was eo.ua! to th demand and the zereral quotation oa case count was 1$', cents. Quality is not a food a It baa been, which mean a firmer market for se lected stock. Cord bens wers quoted at 13 cents and broiler at 21 cents, with a food demand. Pprtnc ducks and .-Sprlnc e ara also w anted. There was a fair demand for seal and perk at prtces that ru.ed at th do of lutt week. Bank Clearings. nark clearlnxs of the Northwestern cities festsrday wers as follows: Clearfnr Balanoes Fert'snd ....1 I'-M.oW $24.r.:4 Seattle , 2.11S. lSK.Pfll Ter.m 3"MVt 47.224 Sik.nw 747.427 t3.7 FOBTLA'D MAKKtTi. Grain. Iloar. Feed. Eta. WH'KAT Track price: Clue.. Wc; biue. stem. lf$102; 40-fold, W338C: red Ru lan. Pic; Valley. Wc. . nXirR patents, 4.70 per barral; xraicht. $4.10: sxports. 13.Me3.B3; Taller. f4.7: xraham. S4-: whole wheat. 4t0- OATS Xo. 1 white. 33 pr ton: stained and off crade. less. CORN Whols. 42S.S0: cracked. ?2 50 par tea MIL1-STVFFS Bran. 24.IOi5 par ton: ai.nrta. t2a.3vti27 per ton; mlddUni. (31 ptr ton. RAKI.EV Feed $2.W) per ton; brewtne. Cotrunni. rolie-l. IS VI ff -. per ton. UAV lUstern Orexon timothy, cholcs. Ilvaia per ton: nlfalra. 1 13 0 14. I Fralta aad Tesetabl. !-al Jobblns quotation: Tr.OPlCAI. FR'CITS Oranxes. Narela li.Xui.iO. Flonua grapefruit. !3.&0OK; lemons. California.' 180 7.73 per box: Sicily. 7 per box. pineapples. g7c per pound. OX ION Oregon. 31.33 per sack; Bar ttiuda 13U03 per crat. VEOETTABLEd Artlchokas, 75o par doxca; asparagus. Oregon. 73 if 11.23 per dosen; beans. 10 12c per pound: cabbage, 2Hf 3e per pound: cauliflower. 12 per crate: xrp.ar.t. 2.1c pound; had lettuce, 32. so per crate: peas. 7c per pound: peppers. aluWOc Per pound: radishes. 10I12e par fi.cen: rbubaro. 12 per pound; spinach. Tic per box: tomatoes. 2.Msift par baa; gsrlic. 7r?c per pound. POT A TOE. Hurbank. 40Q3OO per bun dred : new, 21 ttl'ic per pound. GREEN FUl IT Apples, nominal: straw-bsn-tes. Orexon. l3 3oti4: Florin. 41.73 per crate: cherries. Sl-30 per box: bulk. UlsC per pcucd: gooseberries. Ac par pound; sprtcors, liJiS1) per box. SACK VKJFTABLKSf Tarnlp. 1 PT ak: parsnips, $1 per sack; carrots, tl par sack. Dairy aad rsaatry Fred oca. -1 oral jobbing quo tat lens: T'OL LTRI Hens. ISc: broiler. "So; rurKeys, Ires, B920c: dressed, choir. 33c; Cj.xs. old. Ullllc. joucg. 24923-e; S'e. jotnf. 14Slc. HCK! Oregon ranch. c count. 11HO 150 per d"zen; candled, 2V" J 21c per dozen. CHEESK Oregon triplet. 16e; Daltles. 16"-tc: Young Americas. JTHc BUTTER City creamery butter cubes, 23 per pound: prints, 2&t?2vo per povad. PORK Fancy, lmtluc per pound. YEAL Fancy. 13 14c per pound. rjtaple Oroccrtes. I.Oeal JinDini quuwuuui; SALMON Columbia Rlyer. on-pound iai,s. e-e i uocu, 31.40; one-pound flats. 32.43: Alaaka pink. . t . M . K'.r allveeaMea one-OOUOd Ull . ' . wvwa ' .-it. el unv l' v pt.j.1,. : 4? X Tt nee rltt. NUTS Walnuts.' lc per pound: Braxll nuts. l2W.(ai5c: filberts. 14013c: almonds. ;'c: peanuts. 3itc: cocoanuts, 90c 1 Ick orynuta, S91uo; pecans. 17c; pine. 17 BEANS Small whits. 6"-c; large w c: Lima. a.30c; pink, 41c; Mexican. bits, 6c: " 7 1 1-a.c ..... 1 tlUUAR Fruit and berry, fo.15; Honoi . . ... . . . . . . a. -. t ... c r.A u!u .65: Dianiation. o.iv. o. m-i w-.. - - -. . , - .n. ....... isaer powaereo, oaurreia. e.vw. . , . lo.Cr. COFFEE Roasted. !a drums, 11 HO 40o per pound. . . SALT Crapulated. 1 per ton: half ground 100. 10 per ton: 30. 110.73 pai ion: aairy. t per ,uu. RICH No. 1 Japan. 5eVic: ehapr . ... . . v til graoee, tc; MBinrni nc, vy.. DRIED FRUITS Apple. lOo per pound: apricots. 12ei4c: peachaa. Sialic; prune. . , . . 1 ih.. eiPa while snd Italian. b in, en.c. black. 8e7c: ciirranta. Mc: raisins, loose Muscatel. Hic;- oioaciio. a " "TT U 4 r , unDleacnen. ui.an, on., 7WWc: date. Pesslan. 7VaeSo per pound; fard. I1.8S pr box. FIGS Twelve 10-ounea, 88c: 30 -oune. II. so; t " -vuiicr, e o-- .. . . . loose. 50-pound boxes, n81c: Smyrna. noxes, i.iuai..i: canoieu. v ProsislosMk f .1 i.k.i auotatlons: HAMS 10 to 12 pound. 19HC20V4C-. 13 to 14 pounds. Iirtt0.uo: picnics. wa . 11 tae BACON-Fancy. 2930e: standard, J40 S5c: English. 220Z3C LARD In tierces, cholcs, 14V4c: ei 1HT SALT MEATS Regular short clear, 13H01oc; short clear backs, 12 to 18 Ib 14vlowo: snort Clear Dscwa, as iw - niRuRT rn tl P TT F Extra me beer. $1: mess beef, 1; plats baef. 21; rolid boneless beef. J30. BARRELED PORK Best pig pork. 337; Ickled pork. $25 Ifopa, Wool aad Illde. lrtc iai9 eMn 19UA14A IMf DOUhd 1813 contract. 12ftl3c per pound. 1 Lliia iry. ,nm w wool. Eastern Oregon. luMc; Valley, 14 tp Iso per pouno. aiUb9M'iej mucw, jew . . " . . . 1. 1 1.1 - . . I Irln mm 1 inu v 1,, a" i ' . . . , - ... .... . j meaOn or green nines, lie; u 1 7 muw, . . , o r . ... 1 Ol u. . . 1 1 .r. hulls. IC Call . o. s, eOi. n -'.- - MOHAIR 1913 clip. SOS 33c par pound. MC Unseed Oil aad Turpentine. w Tvcrrn nrr Tw rinerels. fc: boiled baerel. tWc; raw. cases, 63c; boiled, cases. . . . . t- . t w - t, Tnrtt.n wnrltst Car lot. i; 3 and' 10-ton lot. 934: ton lots. eo- .. TURPEXTIVE Brrel. B4e; cases, oie. SAX FRACXCO FROOlt'E MAKKJET Frtras Quoted at the Bay City for V carta btes, Frnlts, Etc RAK rRASCISCO. May 2. The follow- Inr produce prices were current here today: Wuit . Annies. 7.1ciiSI.: Mexican limes. S4..V(ro; California lemons, choice, 93.30; common. 1464.0O: plneappiea, s-ir.i Potatoes Oregon Burbanas, wtw; reiser white. !0c: new, ltiWlc. swoete, x..'o.i . Cheese New. liaise; loung iuntntu, 17c. Kess Store, lpic; fancy ranch, 2..c Hit Wheat. 9232.1: wheat and oats. 921 .' 22: alfalfa. 12o14; barley, 9lS2L Butter Fancy creamerr. -sc; serouua. !MUc- Vegetables Cucumtisr. gl.2dtte.Zo; green pea. 31 fT 173: string beans, 8 true: egg plant. 2RfJ 30c. Cn!ons New. red, Slffeoo per sack: Ber muda seed, yellow. 75C4S 91-50; Australian, 93. Ml 4 per cental. Kecemta Hour. 17H quarxera: oariey. Ab.vl centals: potatoes. 62O0 sacks: hay. l'WO tons. Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK. May 26. Colfe futures opened steady at an advaac of point on July, but generally four to six points lower In response to disappointing cables, and sold off to a net decline of about 10 to 14 nolnt under liquidation or onerlngs irom Importers. - Covering and a little support from bullish sources steadied the market at the decline and last Prices were A shade up from the lowest on some positions, with the close steady, falea. 14.7oO bags. May. 10.80c: July. lO.sso: September and October. 11.03r; December. 11.07c; January, 11.10c; ilarcn. 11.14c. Spot, quiet. Rio 7s. 11 c: Santos 4s, use. MlM quiet. Cordova, 14 17c, nominal. Raw sugar arm. Muscovado, 2..Tt z.3c: centrlfuxal. 3.273.o0i;; molasses, 2.32V 2.39c. Kedned quiet. Cut loaf, S.0oc: crushed. 4-fc.V-; mouid A. 4.a0c; cubes. 4.00c: XXXX powdered. 4.40c; powdered, 4.33c; line granu lated. 4 3V-; diamond A. 4.2oc; confection ers' A. 4.10c; No. 1. 4c Metal Markets. NEW TORJC. Msy 2. Copper steady. Spot to July. 13.37 ofiered: electrolytic, 15.87 ( Id no; iske. Id. 00: castings, 10. 2. Tin quiet. Spot and May. 4 2019 49.30: June, 47.k7o4li.37: July. 47.2oW47.73. Lead steady. 4.30ei4.40. Spelter qvlet. 3.303.40. Antlmonv dull. Cooksons. 8.7ot7 9.00. Iron quirt. No. 1 Northern, 1B.304J 17.33; No. 2 Northern. 16-00olrt73: No. 1 South ern. lB.u0i ltt.75; No. 1 Southern soft, 16.0V tt In 73. Copper arrivals. B03 tons. Exports this month. Si. 017 ton. London maxketa closed as follows: Copper steady. Spot 103 12 fid ; futures, fit 7s od. Tin firm: spot. I22U Ifta; futures. 21S B. Lead. 110 ISs. ."pelter, 23, Iron. Cleveland warranta, 70s 6d. New York Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Ms; 2d Cotton future closed steady. 7 Q 14 points lower. May, II. M; June. 11.61: July. Il 2: August, 11.41: Sep tember. 11.13: October, 11.09; November. 11. Ci: December, 11.09; January, 1L04; March. 11.14. tipot closed quiet. Middling upland. 12.00; do. gulf, 12-23. Sales. 400 bale. NEW ORLEANS. May 2rt. Spot cotton quiet, unchanged. Middling. 12 7-ldc Sales, lvs bales. llops. J2tc at New Vork. NEW YORK, May 2. Hops, quiet. State common tocholce 1912, 1.1 22c; 1911, 3 14c: Faclflc Coast 1912, 13j20c; lOlL 11 t 14c. Hldes Stssdy. Bogota. 281i 02914c: Cen tral America. 2(ic- I'etroleum steady. Beflned, New Tork, bulk. 3; barrels, 99.70: cases. J1L ' Wool Steady. Domestic fleece, XX Ohio, 27tr2c Naval Stores. SAVANNAH. Ga., May 28. Turpentine Firm, SIos.'c Sale. WJ barrels, receipt. 01: laias, 210; stock. 23.199. Rosin Firm. Sale, none; receipt. 2272; shipments, 1110; stock, 7772. Quota. A, B, 34.3.1; C D. 14.": E. 94.H3: Y. 94.70; G. 94.73: H. 94.0: I, 34.90; K. 9.20; M. 93.80; N, 16.36; AV C. .3S; WW. 9 C5. Dried FnrH at No York. NEW TORK, May 26. Evaporated apples quiet. Fan. y. 7Hb'c; choice, la Coke; prime. 3Hi3c Prunes Firm. Callfornlaa. BH 12c; Ore gon a 8HrS1-c. Feaches Quiet. Choice, H6c; extra choice, tj7c; fancy. 7'ittc 11 ool at St. Oral. ST. LOiriS. My 2A Wool, steady. North ern snd Western mediums, lflolflo; slight burry, lBWloc; fine burry. 14jl6c Dulutb. Ll lulled Markei. DtTLCTH, May 26. Llnaeed. l.tH; May. 1.2i. nominal; July, $1.30, bid; Sep-t tember. fl.oJix; October, Hop at Loudon. LIVERPOOL. May 26. Hop at London Pacific Coast. 4 losil3 10. SPECIAL WILL CARRY ELKS Seattle to Bid at Rochester for Grand Lodge Meet in 191S. "A Northwest Special" will operate from Seattle to Rochester. N. Y- next month to carry Elks from thlg territory to the annual convention of their order. Thomas J. Iverx. past exalted ruler of Seattle lodge, passed through Port land yesterday on hta way back from Rochester, where he made arranRe menta for the Invasion of the North western Elks. Seattle is making; an ef fort to have the grand lodge meeting: held in that city in 1915 the year of t!u world's fair in San franclsco.- and Portland Elks are supporting the Sound Cltg in its campaign. - HOG MARKET GAINS Top Grade-Again Selling at $8.50 at Yards. PACKERS' DEMAND STRONG Cattle and Sheer. Are Moved Within Ijist Week's Price Kang Day' Receipts Are Over 3000 Head. Local hog buyers reversed their recent tactic of bearing th market and bid prices up sharply yesterday, with the not result that the market at th wind P 20 cents higher than last week' close. Th cattl market held fairly steady, but the top pries of last week was not repeated In the steer division. Sheep sales were also within th former rang. About 18 loads of steers wers disposed of, prices running from 97.80 to 9S.es. Th bulk of the sales were from 97.75 to is. The best heifers again sold at S and cows and bulls went at former prices. The strenrth of th hog market was shown early In th Bar. when buyers offered 3S.3S and 98.40 for choice light offerings. Later 9S.4S was bid, and before tho close sales were made at 9S.50. Heavy hog showed a similar gain. Trading in the sheep market was not heavy. Wethers were disposed" of at 93 snd 93.75 and awe at 38. 55. Receipts were 1010 cattle. 12 calves, M0 hogs, 1038 sheep and 28 horses. Shippers were J. B. Saylor. fcTcho, 2 cars of cattle; W. D. Hamilton, Echo, 2 cars of cattle; J. Ramos, lie ho, cars of cattle; J. H. Phlrman, Cottonwood, Cal., 2 cars ot cattle; C S. Cassldy, Williams and Willows, Csl., 16 car or cattle; Ulie & na ...,H v, ... o fATm at cattle: F. L. Giles. Armstead. Mont., S car of cattle; Portland Feeder Co., Lewiston, Utah, a car ot catiie; u.ean t iMiiiwir Co . ruisf Factory. Utah. 3 cars ot cattle: B. Stewart. Payette, 1 car of cattle: R. Erlckson. Welser, 1 car ot cattle; Haines Wedel, Aberdeen, Idaho, I csr of hogs; ti. T. Bennett. Buhl. 1 car of hogs; Schooler Co., Buhl. 1 car 01 nog. C. E. Ward, Buhl. 1 car of hogs: M. J. Devers, Parma, 1 car of hogs: C. J. btan ford. Peekaboo, 1 car of hogs; C. MoCaw, w,ir 1 1- of hoes: S. Jackson. Welser, 1 car of hog; W. A. Gover, Kobinette. 1 car of hog; B. B. renningion. rnutmou. Wash.. 2 car of sheep; B. S. Doherty, Echo, 1 car of aheep; J. A. Jail Co.. Saginaw. 1 eer of eheeft: J. H. Rowan. Santa Rosa, Cal., 1 car of horses; Tom Watson. North Powder. 1 car or horse; c a. ocuiiy. ow vllle. CaL. 1 car of cattle and calves;. J. J. Stack. Millersburg. 1 car of cattle and aheep; r a Minor HeDDner. 1 car ot cattle and hogs: Bowker Albert, Payette. 1 car of cattle and nogs, ana namngioo as Payette. 1 car of cattle and hogs. The day sales were as follows: Weight. Price. 12 heifers 1041 9S.0O in heifers UK'S P.00 114 steers H- " XT. steer 12.11 .00 21 steers 111 8-00 J7 steer 10S7 7.S0 T .,..r. liott 7.X0 2 steers ,.1131 7.S0 7 slHcr .................... -lotiX 1. 1 env !70 6. lcow 73 B.7.1 1 bull 73 0. iJ i' hog 710 7.00 1 cow 1140 7.25 .1.'. steers 1014 7.30 Jl steers 1":! 7.3 30 steers .v. lOiia 7.7 47 steers ......... ....... ..lOyO 7.7 111 steers f4 S.3 18 steers 1021 8.00 lit wethers S2 5.7 140 wethers 7 5. 00 4 hogs 1-13 -3 JJ hoas 210 . M.4: 1J0 ewes &4 J.H.t 70 hOKS H ...1 L'.1 hogs 14 8.35 2 hogs 440 7.35 1 hn 211 7.33 1 hog :t0 7.K5 1 hog Io 7.40 5 hoxs 11 8-10 103 hot! 162 8.40 H hngs .'" " 411 74 hoes 2o7 8.40 .".7 hogs 170 8.30 2 hoxs 202 8.S0 23 steers 1212 8.7; 11 steers U40 S.1S lsteer 1430 8.00 IK steers .1205 8.6: 17 steer 13 8.4 1 cow ....10"0 75 3 cows 1170 7.50 4 cow 1137 6.7? 1 cow 1100 o.r.o 3 heifer 70 7.30 3 heifer 1020 7.75 2fc. wether .V) 1175 1. nog ji.i e.ii MS hog 12S 8.10 2 hogs 310 7.40 12 hugs 2"3 8 40 7S hot-s ISO S (0 1 hog 200 7.40 (-! hoxs ITS J. 40 n hogs .102 7.20 1H hogs 140 8.-J0 IIS hogs '. 104 . 8.40 1 hog 170 7.00 8! hogs 16 8.35 Th rang of price at th yards was as follows: Choice steers .98.504? 99.00 Good steers 7.7&3y S.Z5 Medium steers 7. Kid 7.76 Choice cows 7.00 3 7.73 Good cows .i0a 7.04 Medium cow .00i C.tO Choice calves 9.0KJ 9.01) Good heavy calves. ....... ....... . 3017 7.6f liulis o.;:af aao Hoxs Light ..23 5y 8.50 Heavy -40 eep Wethers ... .. 5.009 6.00 Ewes Ill 3.80U) 6.00 Omaha Uveatock Market. form OMAHA. May 26. Cattle Re ceipt. 2000; market, slow and steady. Na tive steer. 97tt&3; cows and heifers, 90'! 7.tlO: Western steers, td.50coi7.75: Texas steers. i7.30: range cows and heifers. 93 .M7.2.i: calves, njiu. Hors KeceiDts. 5000: market, stesdy to strong. Heavy. 9S.35 J 8 45; light. 9S.4Sij; i.SO; pigs, Ittfs; DU1K ox sales, )&(iQa.DUL Sheep Receipts. 5700; market, steady. Tearllngs. 30 7547.25; wethers, f6.23tt.70; lambs, 97.90188.40 Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO, May 28. Cattl Receipts. 24.. 000: market, steady. Beeves. 97.10a8.8o; Texas steers, 9.757.70; Western steer. 97 S.05; stockers and feeder. 3.804f 7-20: cows and heifers, 93.603 7.80; calves, 97.250 NX. Hogs Receipts, 87,000: market, glow to 63 to 10c higher. Light. IS 50 8.75; mixed. 3S 45W8.75; heavy. $3.10 W8.67 ; rough, 9a.15fr8.30; pigs, 9d.6Oi08.4O; bulk of sales, 9s eoo S.7i. bneep rtecsipts, i;j.vw; maract. iuc low Native. 93.230II: Western. $5.30 n : yearlings, 964 6.00: lambs, native, 95.754 7.65; Western. 937507.75. STOCKS ARE IRREGULAR LOXO &ESSIOX OF SUPREME CO CUT DETERRENT FACTOR. Increase In Brooklyn Rapid Transit IHvidcnd Tone at' Close of Market Is Heavy. NEW YORK. May C6 Disappointment was the portion today of that element on th Stock Exchange which bad looked tor resumption of last Saturday's strong and acxlva market. Opening prices reflected a degree ot irregularity which soon turned to heaviness. A deterrent factor was found In the pro tracted open session of tho Lnlted States Supreme Court, who ueuoeration con tinued long after the market's close. As a partial offset to these adverse fea tures, ths conservative element found coma comfort in an Increase of the Brooklyn iUipld Transit dividend from a S to 6 per cent annual basis. Trading - relapsed to minor proportions in th afternoon with re current heaviness in the leader ana an abrupt T-polnt. advance in Virginia-Carolina preferred. Feature or tn oona maxsei inciuucu an UCU 4K-U- 1 a Fran- lob con- I other low record for St. Louis san r ran Cisco 5s and heavy asaunga in Aicmao: vertiblc. United States 2 advanced Panama 3s coupon declined on call. Total sules. par value, 92.S00.Ou0. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Reported by J. C. Wilson si. Co., Lewis building. Portland. Closing Sales. 12.0W High. 75-j 'siii U4U 4oW Low, iiu. Amal Copper . Am Beet Sugar 74?i 2D Am Can Co ... 7.500 do preferred.. 100 Am Car as Ydy. 6U0 Am Cotton Oil V3 4.7 "68H 102 !;;! 48 40 68 lol 'A lll' 112 120 !4 227 08 f!S " lH UlTs 234 hi Am 6mel A Ret 2,000 60 do preferred. . Am Sugar do preferred.. Am Tel Tel. . Am Touacco ... Auuconda - -- -.. A T & oanta Fs do preferred.. 100 102 800 120 lOO 22Vk SOU 1.200 100 100 tUt 12H 220 . 3St, Bait & Ohio Brook R Tran.. IS. 000 92 Canadian Pac .. l.s.SOO 2:17 0 & O 1,000 65 01 Ti 2;;3 01 T 130 " 107 Ti "46 64 T C G W C a ,v W C, M St Paul.. Central Leather Chlno Col Fuel a Iron Col Southern . .. Consul Gas .... l L & W D & R G Distilling Secur. Rrla General Elec . . Gl 'orth Ore . . fU North pf Illinois Central. Interboro Mot .. do preferred.. K C Southern .? Lehlzb Valley.. 13Vj 200 130 2,400 108'i sicoci 'ii ' ' '"SOO 183 "300 l',:":o6 'is" 300 189T j:iu 108 23 4 31 28 133 132 595 M 13 2 130S 28 U 1H9 33 1.700 iai'i 127 127 1 ll-i 500 .".00 200 14 51 ' 2ST 14 51 23 '.4 157 is 15 10 '23 14 23 6,000 fiOO 158 ' 157' 1H4V, Louis & N'aBli . . fiOO l:;5' (Mexican Central 1.000 "lOO 1,100 20 '.1 -o 1X2 1 . a r n n ,11 Mo. Kan & Tex. Mo Pacific National I.ead .. Nat Biscuit . . .. do preferred.. N Y Central . . . V V rint A We 2;:i . .. 48 114 200 115 114',, 117 Si lOOi i'.ioo iwM iooii 28 Norfolk & West 300 lOflVi Northern Pac .. 1.000 115 Ti Pacific Mall : Pacific T te T 106 115i 10.-Mi 11 is si 89 do prererred. Pennsylvanla -People's Gas . . Reading ...... T.100 110S 110 130M IOU S7.0OO 163 161 S 23 17 -4 97 a 24 107 15ST4 11 Reoubllc S & 1. 200 23 WIS, 2IHi 23 Rock Island Co. 1.100 Southern Pao .. 0.100 . 1714 97 Southern Ky ... 0O 24 ii Texas Oil Union Pacific .. do preferred. . United Has S F U S Steel do preferred.. Utah Copper ... 300 10s 38,700' 153H 153 ii 84 23 85,200 61 1, 400 loei 1.600 M'ii 60 106U 61 6-V4 6254 C0?i 11 SO is 2A waoasn Western Union .. 300 66 Westing Eleo .. 200 02V4 65 's 2ii Wisconsin cent. 01 Total sale for the day. 253,700 shares. BONDS. Reported by Overbeck & Cooke Co.. Board ot Trade buildlns. Portland: Bd. Asked! A tch. Gen 4s 94 91. S w. ...bibarn Bid. Asked. ... 94 94Ti Atchison seneral 4s Atlsntlc Const Ltne 1st 4s.. B. pi Gold 4s B. R. T. 4s Ches. Ohio 4i4s C. M. &. St. P. geu. 4ii C. It. I. Col. Is ("aL Gas Cs C. B. Q. joint 4. Erie general 4s Int. Met. 4Hs Louisville A Nash. Un. 4s.. Missouri Psclflc 4S N. Y. C general ihi X. A W. 1st Con. 4s Northern Pacific 4s Orei-mi Short Line Ref. 4S. . 91 . 92V1 . 90 . 86 . 99 . B.sfi . 93 ii . 94H . 72 'i . 75 . 93ii . 6S . 84 . 92 . 93 92H 91 87 99 68 93 Ti 94 73 ii . 76 94 09 . S3 93 94 84 ii Oregon Ry. Nav. 4s 91 V4 Pacific Tel. is 9i Ti Penna. Con. 4s 99 2i 98 94 TO 89 92 104 60 91 100 94 57 91 89 tt 100 ii Reading Gen. 4s 4.. 94 St. L. & San Fran. Ref. 4s.. So. P. Ref. 4s S. P. Col. 4s So. Ry. 6s t'n. Ry. Inc. 4s Un. Pac. 1st and Ref. 4s... U. S. Steel r.s West Shore 4s Wabash in Westlnghouse Elec. cv. 6s. . Wisconsin Central , 49 Cnlted States 2s registered.. do coupon United Slates S registered. . do counon United States 4s registered.. do, coupon 9 . 8i4 . 91 103 . (IS . 90 . 99 Ti . 93 . 50 . . 100 .. .100 4 . ..102", ...102T ..113 . .111 103 103 114Vi Mining Storks. BOSTON, May 26. Closing quotations: Allouex S2Mohawk 4 Amal. Copper... 74!Nevada Con 16 Am. Z. L. M.. 23 INIpissIng Mines. 8 29 B C C & S M. SO North Uike Calu. A Arizona f.5Vlolil Dominion.. Calu. A Hecla..48S Osceola Centennial 2,Qulncy 1 It) is 8- 62 Cop. R. Con. Co. 4; Miannon E. Butte Cop. M. 11 Superior 8Ti 28 Kranklln 3ISup. Bos. Mln I'.iroux Con 1 iTamarack Granby Con 6" ;U s Sm R A M 4 Greene Cananea 0 do pfd 4ti Isle Royalle (C) 23i:rtah Con 7 Kerr Lake 3 3-lti Utah Copper Co. 50 Lake Copper.... 12 Winona 1 ii La Salle Copper 4 iwolverlno 01 Miami Copper. . 23 I Money, Exchange, Etc. NEW YORK. May 26. Money on call steady. 2i1 per cent; ruling rata, closing bid. 2; orrereo at Zi. Time loans steady: 60 and 90 days. 3 4 per cent; six months, 4ii4 per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 5ii per cent. Sterling exchange steady, with actual buainess in bankers' bills at 94.S310 for 60 dav bills and r.t 94.8040 for demand. Commercial hills. 94.82 Vs. Bar silver. 6'ic Mexican dollars. 4Sc. Government bonds Irregular; railroad bonds Irregular. LONDON. May 2d. Bar sliver steady. 27 13-ltld per ounce. Money, 2 fc3 per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills Is 3 9-1083 per cent; (or three months' bills, 3 v-iua-j per cent. SAN FRANCISCO, May 26. Silver bars. 6c. . . Mexican dollars, nominal. Drafts Sight. 2c: telegraph. 4c. Sterling in Vondon, 60 days, 94.83; do. sight, 94.86. Condition of the Treasury. WASHINGTON. May 26. The condition of the United States Treasury at the beginning of business today was: Working balance, S50.081.671. In banks and Philippine Treasury, $17.- 015.159. Total of general fund, $131.585, 454. Receipts Saturday, 92,672.688. Disbursements. 3.418.S50. The surplus this Usual year Is J4.101.73S, as against a deficit ot 911.873.106 lust year. The figures lor receipts. alsDursements, surplus and deficit exclude Panama Canal and public debt transactions. Chicago Dairy Produce. CHICAGO, May 26. Butter unchanged. Eggs unchanged. Receipts, 23.323 cases. Elgin Butter Market. ELGIN. '111.. May 26. Butter, steady. 26 27c per pound. SWEDES PLAN IMMIGRATION Publicity Campaign AViJl Be Started to Attract Agriculturists. Members of the various religious. fraternal and social organizations of Swedish citizens of Oregon will send delegates to a meeting at the Commer cial Club this morning, which has beet called for 10 o'clock by State Immigra tion Commissioner C. C. Chapman, t discuss plans for immigration work among their fellow countrymen in Eu rope. This is the third of a series or hear ings which Mr. Chapman has held as a preliminary to launching a campaign of publicity in European countries which is designed to attract to this state immigrants of the desirable class of agricultural workers who will settle on the soli. The Commercial Club and the Ore gon Development League are working closely in harmony with the State Im migration Bureau in this matter. A similar hearing for representatives of the Norwegian-Danish settlers will he held on May SO. Bandon Gets School Funds. County School Superintendent Baker k. n n. A VI. annrnnrifttlon of fundi! for the schools of the county and Bandon District comes in ror xne lion o snare. Bandon has more' children attending school than any other district in the county. The last census enrollment showed a total of 90i children of school age In the district. Bandon will re ceive 9609S, Marshfleld $5736, Coquille 93110 and atyrtle x'oint izot.u. mesa are the four largof t districts in the county. I RAINS -TOO-LIGHT Moisture Net Sufficient for Eastern Crop. CHICAGO MARKET-RALLIES Close Is Xervous at Prices Un changed to Quarter Up Increase in Amount on" Passage. Indian Crop Good. CHICAGO. Msy 26.-r-Wha,t rallied today, when it was shown that rains In the dry district were toe light. The market closed nerrous ateUliceo ranglnff from unchansed to He up. Corn made a net (tain of S4c to lc, oats finished unchanged to c higher and provisions dearer by 697MC to 35c. General rain had a bearlah effect on wheat ait the opening-. Besides there was a good increase in the amount on ocean pas sage ana crop repon iium twa-b ciddly favorable. Trading was active. Th fact that mucn or j.nnsm ncnivwi omy tered showers and that North Llakota sent dry weather complaints led to a rally. Export clearances of wheat and flour were large, being equal to 1.044.000 bushels. Pri mary receipts of wheat amounted to 627,000 bushels; a year ago, 5S8.O0O bushels. Wet weather delay, to planting induced lively purchasing of corn and tightened the screw on May shorts. . . ... e MOnn imencmicu win, uu . . ........ - oats more than offset crop benefit by th rain. Provisions went higher all around, chlef- , 1 . 1 u.nnll.. luiln. ll.hlMF t h BT1 1 y owing .11 hub iuyfi"" " n . n expected. Packers assisted the upturn. The leaning futures rangea as wiiuwi. WHEAT. Onen. High. " Low. Close May 1 .2 .01 Vi .JV4 July ...... .vu .pvh . 1 Sept ...... .0 .ftoS .8 .Hill Del 61 .82 . Jl?i CORN. . May 8SH .59 .R8 .Bj July ....j. .07 .68 .87 Sent .. .58 .59 - .68 VI .' tree B8?s .57 .86Vi .00 OATS. May : 40H jSv ...H. - 87- .S8 .S7's .8SH 5.tt ...r.. .87ii .88 .37 .?7T, Dec '.. .88 .38 .SS .ss MES3 PORK. Mi, M.05 20.18 20.08 20.15 July- 18.0S 20.15 19.02H 20.10 Sept ..... .19.90 19.80 18.60 18.70 LAKD. Mav 11.17H 11.20 11.1TV4 1117 July ......11.07V, 11-10 11.07H 1I.07 Sept 11.15 11.20 11.15 11-17 SHORT RIBS. May 12.12 12.25 12.12 12-'-5 bept ...... ix.v ii-1 u Cash prices were: Corn No. 1. 60ic; No. 2. white, 6181c: No. 2 yellow. 589, S 60c; No. 8. 558c; t No. 8 wj't6 BOHaeOliio; No. 8 yellow, 6S 60c:-vo. 4, 68 B9c: No. 4 white, 59 fiflOc; No. ,4 yellow. SS&&90. Rve, NO. 2. 6363c. Barlev, 009 68c Timothy. f2.8308.6S. Clover, nominal. Visible Supply of Grain. NEW TORK, May 26. The -risible supply . . . . T I . Co. mm H.Ml'HjlT or grain in mw . . .... . May 24, compared by the New Torn Produce lixcnange, -wo m whwo. H....V. .1. rioi-rense. .40.063,000 2,793.000 Wheat wheat In bona. 6.44 6. 0OO 178.000 1,688.000 703.000 194.000 Corn .......... 2.643.000 6.."i42,000 1,276.000 n72,00O 1,627.000 2U3.000 Oats Oats in bond.. 18.000 Rye Barley Barley in nond. 143.000 172,000 Koropean Grain Markets. LONDON, May 2o. Cargoes on passage steady and quiet. English country markets, quiet; French country markets, quiet. LIVERPOOL.. May 26. Wheat-Spot steady. Jrutures sieauy. mny, is unu, 1 7s o9sd; October. 7s 3d. Minneapolis rain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, May 26. Close: Wheat- May. 80Hc; July. llIc; BsptemDor. r-ush No. 1 hard. 93ic: No. 1 North. ern. 9293c: No. 2 Northern, OOU 91 Uc; No. 2 hard Montana, 93!4c: No. 3 whi-at, 88 8c. Flax 1.20. Barley itSSfflOc Paget Sound Wheat Markets. SEATTLE. Wash., May 26. Wheat Blue stem. 99c: fortyfuld, 00c; club, 88c; fife, 8c; red Russian, SSc. TACOMA. Wash., May ro. v neat diih stem. 09c; fortyfold. 94o; club, B3c; red nfo, 2c. Yesterday's car receipt Wheat, nvei oats, one. Grains In Saa Francisco. ri v irn a snsrai. May 26. Soot auota tlons Walla Walls, 81.6501.67; red Rus sian $1.62 1. 05; Turkey red, $1.7501.77 V : bltistem, $1.7361.80; feed barley. $1.45 1 jrii- Ki-enlni, harlev S1.52&1.55: white oats, $1.05 l.o7V4 : bran. $2727.50; mid dlings. .".! 32; shorts. $29y29.50; July bar ley. $1.40 bid, $l.4a asueo. Cull board: Wheat firm; no trading. Bar ley, firm. December, $1.464 per cental: May, $1.4 per cental asked; July, $L40 per ecn- talk bid, $1.4j asKea. BOOKS FDR YOUNG READY ITBK-VRIAN'S SEEK TO STI5IU IATE INTEREST. Portland Association to Compete for Prlssea Offered by National Or ganization at Salt Lake. Plans are now under way in the schools department of the Public Li brary, for the pupils reading; during; the months of vacation. There is al ways a falling off among readers of this class at this time or tne year. and those In charge of the library are making earnest efforts to bring; the pupil into closer touch with the li brarians, to the end tnat tne reaains of children will not diminish as in past years. There will be distriDutea to eacn pupil an invitation card of bright, at tractive colors, on wnicn win De notea the various books that are deemed in- teres tins to the young. To get the hooks each DUDll will come to tne li brary, where personal interviews will be given by those in charge, the vari ous books discussed, and everything done that will encourage the young to read. The library also has a prepared list of books that are considered detrimen tal for the child to read. These are kept in readiness now and will be glad ly shown to parents upon request. The Portland Library Association also intends competing for some of the nrizes that are to be offered by the National Educative Association when it convenes in Salt Lake City, during July.. Pictures that are typical of the schoolroom, snowing classes in stuay, and which are Instructive in literary uses, will be sent, as will also the pic tures of Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln High Schools. The list or un desirable books for children will bo eriven this conference at Salt Lake, as a letter has Just been received at the library from the secretary of that as sociation, requesting that the use of It allowed. Albany Plans to Beautify. ALBANY. Or.. May 26. (Special.) To make Fifth street, the thoroughfare on which the Oregon Electric line passes through this city, a street of beauty is the purpose of a club which will be organized at a heeting to be LADD&TILTON BANK Established 1859. Capital Stock 6urplus and Undivided Profits. Commercial and Savings Accounts Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issued, available in all parts of ths world. W. M. Liadd, President. Edward Cooking-ham. Vloe-Fra w. . H. CancJCley. Cashier, First National Bank Capital $1.500,0t)0 Surplus 900,000 Oldest National Bank West of tho Rocky Mountains eosiniB nssT axd Washington sm Leare Seattle, Wask, Midnight, Wednesday, for Victoria, Vinconrrr, Prince Rnprrt, Granby, Bay and Queen Charlotte Islands. ALiTERJTATE. "PRINCE JOHN" AND "PRINCE ALBERT Iave Victoria everv THURSDAY at 10:00 P. M., anrl Vancouver every rRT DAY at 13 o'clock: mldhlKht for QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS and local points, alter connecting with "I. S. PRINCE RUPERT," from Seattle, on Wednesday. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY Passenger trains leave Princo Rupert Wednesday and Saturday at 10 A. M. for New Tlazelton. B. C. (181 miles). Returning, leave New Hazelton Sunday and Thursday at 9:45 A. M-, arriving Prince Rupert at 5:00 P. M. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM DOUBLE - TUAC K ROUTE. Chicago to New York and other Atlantlo seaports. Through PULLMAN STANDARD and TOURIST sleeping-cars. DORSEY B. SMITH, C. P. A J. H. BrRGIS, General Aarent. Phone Marshall 197. Pasaenner Department. City Office 69 Fifth Street. Portland, Or. AGENTS FOR ALL, TRANS-ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP LINKS. 4i E.iii.,, from ZFSlvcm f LA PROVE! CB Jane l.A I.OKltAINB Jnne 1 M.A rmiimr. u j S FRANCE Cnew).... ...... June 2o 'LA MIKKAIXE July 17 " .1, la -screw steamer. tWuadruple-sorow steamer. SPF.C1AL SATURDAY 8AJLINC.S FROM NEW YORK, 8 P. M. ONE CLASS CABIN (II) and THIRD-CLASS PassenKer. Only ROCHAMBKAU May Sl'MAdAltA . . . June -l O W Sttacer SO 6th St.: A. D. Charlton, SS5 Morrison St.: J. O. Thomas. (1. M St r. Kj.i "tMnly B. Smith, 6 6th St.; A. C. Sheldon, 100 3d .1.: H. lMckMnT lis Si St.: North Bank Road. 6th and Stark sis., agents. Portland. held in the basement of the United Presbyterian Church next Tuesday eve ning. The club will be composed of people residing on this street. The purpose of the club is to develop plans for improving the street parkings along the thoroughfare by the plant In? nf flower trardens. rose bushes, etc., and the development of well-kept lawns. There are many beautiful homes along Fifth street with splendid lawns and pretty parkings aireaay, unu mo ninh hones to make the street a beau tiful one its entire length, so that vis itors passing through the city on tne Oregon Electric may enjoy lis appear ance. NEW PRINCIPAL CHOSEN Karl Onthank to Have Charge of Frankton School. nnnn T? fir Mav 2fi. (SDe cial.) Karl Onthank. son of Mr. and A TTT Anth.nlf nf th1a itV. and S graduate "of the Hood River High School, Who nas taaen jiih uaueiui o degree at the University of Oregon and .. v. ,. .aan thur. tha rt st vea.r work ing toward a master's degree, has been appointed principal or tne j-ranaiun schools to succeed J. E. Stubbs, who 4-Ua r.Bham TTlH Snhool Mr. Onthank win spena tne auramor at Eujrene, taklncr special wor in The special value of Bitulithic as a paving material is only apparent after years of service with little or no repair bills. ESTABLISHED 1894 govt), Sacott it Stevis jnginecrs ACT AS CONSULTINQ ENGINEERS CONSTRUCTING ENGINEERS OPERATING MANAGERS APPRAISERS PROPERTIES FINANCED 85 SECOND ST.. SAN FRANCISCO NEW YORK ' NEW ORLEANS J. C WILSON& CO, STOCKS. BONDS. GRAIN AND COTTON MEilBEKe JTEW YORK STOCK EXCHAXOE, KEW YORK COTTON KXC1IANUJC, CHICAGO BOARD OP TBAltS. ritK STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE, BM 1TRANC1SCO. P0ETLAWD OmCE: Xjvwis Building, 269 Oak Street. ....$1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 OFFICEHS. Robert R. Howard. Asst. Cashlaa J. W. Ladd. Asst. Cashier. Waiter M. Cook. Asst. Cashier. EFFECTIVE HAJICH 26th, 1913. 'S.S.PrinceRupert' .S-FrinceGeorge' Leave Seattle. Waan., Midnight, Snnday, for Prince Rupert, Stewart and BTassett, B. G. flrSmraac)nie Generale transatl&rrtique IHrm-t l ine to Havre-Paris (France) New yorlt every Thursday at lo A. AL France (New)," Thursday, June 5 12 LA SAVOIE.. July 3 pedagogy at the University of Oregon Summer scliooi. TRATKLERS' GUinE. AUSTRALIA TAHITI AST) KEW ZEALAND. Bound Trip Rates! 1st clan to Tahiti 1KV to Welllnrton (267.SO, to Sydney (300. special radftc fircmn Tour (lncludlns South Sea Isles) to Sydney Tla Tahiti, Karotonsa and Mw Zealand and return Lnc to San Franolsco ( or VatMiouver) via Auckland. FIJI or Samoa aad Honolulu, $35. 1st olass. Stoo-over any point, rood on year. Sail ins from Ban Franolsoo April 3. Aprs -BO, slay 13. to. Itnioa BtMunship Cv of Ks Zeatasd. Ltd. Ottlc: 879 Markt BlnH, Baa Franolsoo. XFUKS STAiOXBS FOB Ssa Francisco and Lo Ancel MITIIOCT CHANGE S. S. ROSE CITY, sail 9 A. L, May It. S. B. BEAVER, 9 A. 3L, June 1. IBB BAN FRANCISCO POBTXA2CD & SL CO. Ticket Offlc Sd and WaahinctoB rlta O.-W. R. a) X. CO Fhoaa VBr-h-" 4S00. A. S131. San Frajidscc.-Lc-ATiffeIol and San Diego Direct n 1 J" a a VTAmm, X. JMUuaS U1U o o.' riiim J fell Bssry Wedneay Altmaly, -s j N0ETH PA01FI0 B. B. CKX COOS BAY and EUREKA Steamer Alliance Sol la Wednesday May 2S at P. M. NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO, 123-A Third StM Near 'Washington. STEAMSHIP Sails Todav for San Francisco, Lo Angeles and San Diego. SAN FRANCISCO, PORTLAND A LOS AM.Kl.US S. S. CO., Main 26 1-4 Third St. A 4S96. (With Denver & Rio Grande R. R.) COOS BAY LINE STEAMSHIP "BKEAKWATEB" sails from Alnsworth Dock. Portland, st S a nr.. Mav 10. 15. 2u. i5. 30. thereafter every tlve days, 8 A. M. Freight received dally until 5 P. M. except day previous to sailing, previous day 4 P. M. Passenger fares: First-class. $10; second-class. 7. In cluding berth and meals. Ticket oftic at Alnsworth Dock. PORTLAND J COOS BAY S. S. LINE, U H. KEATING. Agent l"hon Main 36US, A LOS ANGELES AND SAN DIEGO STEAMSHIPS YALE AND HARVARD Railroad or any steamer to San Francisco, th Kipo City. Largest. fatst and th ONLY trlctly tlrst-class passenger ships oa th Coast. Average speed a muos p hour; cost f2.000.000 each. SAM FRANCISCO, rOKTLAND L. A. si. S. CO., llaln as. Frank Rollam, A rent. A 45D. 124 Third McMk And All Arceoitno lrnr( Lnre, New mnd Ft tasenfter Me. inert From Sew York every mUeriiate SaturdftT 1T DAYS TO iliO JA NT tltO, -- 3& 1A i S TO BTTEN0S ATRE5. Forratt,et., apply local ticket Agents, or BUSK 6 IA NIELS, (rcttcra! Aeents, ' 801 ProtlTice Kxii.ria;!JSevr York.