I6 the aioKXixa okkuoaiax, Tuesday, may 27, mis. i j j iTI TinS WANTED MAIA I WANTED TO F.EXT. FOB KENT. . To FrHiNGK I FOR til-E. WAfED MISCFIANEOF. HELP WA-STEP-MALE. " .,, ,,. - Room. Witn Board. Rooms With Board in Private Family. FINE RANCH NEAR NEWBEKG. trade fok roRTLAXD property". Stnp and thick what $125 an acre rnear.a for a r In. well-Improved iiiko right pear tna town of New berg. ml!- from Portland, con nected by steam liar, electric How. 53 acres, over SO acres In cultiva tion, balance) la fine wood timber worth $J 50 a coid at ma K. K. a rrrt of fruit, different varie ties: some fine walnut trees. straw berries, raspberrtrs. gooseberries end currants. The orchard la young and Juat commencing to bear nicely. Tna land la all tillable except 1 ara, no rock or gravel. Just a rich llees mellow aoll which never take or clods. Place la well f-nced and cross-fenced; plenty of good) water: fair 5-room house, barn, 24x24 and another good horstarn; shed for e rows several other outbuilding. A fine cow 4 years old. 30 chl. k ene. vtxoo, plow, hrr, cultiva tor, disc, spring tooth harrow, bag sr. Owner la tn Portland now under physician's cars, Come and nie-t luna and verify tha above farts. Only $111 an acra In a district where land la selling at from $3ou to $400 ma acre. Price $7S: will take $?MK In rltv property and $15o cash, bel anca bi tima at 6 per cent or alii sell for llivo cash. DORR F KF.ASET CO., M Floor Chamber Commerce Blag. TRAPE TOTTR HOME FOR THESE. go acres: SO mil's from Portland a arret beaverdam lard, cleared. Tannin water; .. SO0f) nitse.. icntnn acuity for residence in r"U"oRR E- KEASET CO. -tj fvor Chamber of Commerce. WANTS Siut-R rAlv.M. We have 43 acrea within 12 mnr. J sftts of cultivation, new and up-lo-nat buildings. 2 miica irora eivciric u". will trade for a stock farm In Western . i 114 llilil- want nnfthlDf vrresjun. H"' ' near eiual value. LUEKDEUANN. RtT-FT CO.. a-.a i'himhr rjf Commerce. INCOME PROPEBIT TO TRADE. Fine bl building on beat corner In Ilv town; rente now paying " moniuix. with proepecta of Increase; will trade for IWI irnmw u"' ' - - - or for rortland property up to Its value, 4( uu This te low rash valuation. LIEDDEMANN. RI LET CO. 1S Chamber of Commerce. LUIS - ACRSAGt run .W - ' , , We, have aoins good otv lota In nod additions, alto close-In acreage, to trade for equities In rlose-'n homes or buott- . . . i"'.ful t, fowls. 4o2 Pvt. price v, - - w Wilcox bida. 1 - - . . . . ifta In eu! lee Ainca " i . - - -- -- tlvatlcn. ood build inaa. orchard and rr.k at on'.r i&0 per acre; to eachar.ae for Portland ,ro?f.rt.ri ,-COI-l."Mr!IA TRI ST l OMHA-NT. Mi t ourin fi- TRAPS FOR GOOD FQL1TT 110 a. re. OlUlara t o.. Eastern Ore.. J mile from station; all cleared, good room house ana nam, iraoe ior a""- at maxkot value: will assume some. Sea COWle, S'.' 1 IV linn wmw. FoR FALE or trade for an automobile. acre finely Improved land with house. fen.-ed i ml to electric car to Praaham .v-stloa. ' R. W. AoplT to Leacamp eV Marco. 65 N. Second st. Neat 4-room house. S rood lots. !sre workshlp. splendid garden, will trade for rur-a'out. piano, launch, a little cash balanca to be arranged, it SC. Orego nian. WILJ. trade close-in property near east end of ra.roJd bridge: buildings bringing fair income, for residence. Answer, giv ing full description, price, ale A-D . Oregonlan. TAfiKNiiER touring car. will trad for unincumbered real eatata or will take good runabout In trade: It will pay you to look It up. lill E. Etark. Phone Tabor 100-1. WILL, aarhanga best businesa lot In Hay oceaa for St. Loula property or laod In Mississippi or Ohio valleys, utva fuU par ticulars. Frank KrnbOj. 11T Marcus ava, H. Louis. Mo. HAVE fine lot IWxloO feat In at. Paul Park. : PauL Mlnneaota. No incumbrance. Price f 1 .. to -trade for good cur or ei'ilty tn honee In Portland, baa owner. 3-l Henry bid. ed AJKS, neceaaary buildlnga, Portland 14 milea. IJOw: want reautenca, con aervatlve valuauon; owners only. loan Orand. N. PAC1F." STATES FIKB INS. CO. s:ock wa'.f 'n exchange for 7Sxl00 In Soutn St. Johte at 11). W bar have youf Ad dress lio ''and ava. W'ANT Portland residence, or vacant lots, exchange for ten acrea commercial apple orchard. In bearing 1U. requiring no work on your part. AV 83. Oregonlan. T equity In I -room cottage; full base ment, lot 0il2i. close In; will sell or trade. What have youT 4U Hawthorne. East 332 IO trade, two elghtlea under Twin Fella north aide ditch, choice land: value Sw; f4suO analcst land In water paymanta. Ad d reea Boa 83. Good Ing. Idaho. W-VNTED Apartmeot-houae site. Weat Side or close tn on East Side. What have JOUT F. E. TAILOR CO, 404-9 Lewis Xuildintr. ILK KOBNS for anything I can use. Pwank. 817 Hamilton bide. WISH to trade 6-room Roasmera home lor acreage. Owner. Tabor 8248. GOOD real estate contract for roadster. 509 Northwest bldg-. th and Washington rOB BAXJC. H or ere, Vehlrlee. Etc. HORiEi jLNO WAGONS FOR HAI.B OR RENT. fteeocd-hand Tehlciea bought and Bold; view wagon and auto rede made to order: livery furnished to bualneaa parties at special rate. , HAWTHORNE STABLES, 420 Hawthorne Ave. Phone East 72; B lit. BARGAIN Rubber-tired surrey, steei-tlred surrey, nearly new aieel-tlred top buggy, new breaking cart, rubber-tired racing cart, 9 work teams, 1 big team of cheap brood marcs, good ruboer-tired dye or laundry wagon. old farm wagons and 3 dump wagons. 14 Union ave. CLOSING out new delivery wagons at second-hand prloes; also second-band deliv ery wagons at real bargains. Call and see them, uregon Molina plow Co 105 Union ave. N. liAXCH team wanted: must be young, sound, gentle, weight 2000 to 2S00 and cheap. Wrlta or phone at once, giving full particulars. WlU trial be granted? Lehowa Fruit Farm. Mosler. ore g on. GOOD family or ranch horse, aelghs ll."0 pouni.a, good worker and rentle, with har ness and buggy, all for 0a. Take Sellwood car to lnsley svs, walk blocks eaat to 71 FOR SALE A atylieh bay horse. rars aid ride, drlvs single or double, good dis position, standard bred; good family horse. I hone Taoor ivp.i MUST sell at once, leaving city for Cel., good ranch team, nearly new $103 wagon and good harness, ail for $2ai Inquire for Boeiefs rig. 14 Union ava. Uuub gray team, wwlght 2. harness, wagr.n. plow: bargain at 4J0O. Call at Ali E. Sfrlh It. W.-W. car. ONE rubber-tired buggy In flrat-clasa con dition. Two covered delivery wagons. 2ii6 Kupeetl St. ONE team. 3 and a yeara old. weighing oo pounds; one black mare weighing lHO pounds. 22 Russell St. $13 TAKES farm team, mare and horse. 2200 I da. with new double harness. 4VJi Pine et. Trial allowed. PasTUKB for stock, close) to Portland. O. L A S. Co. Mala 1410. CLOSING OUT harness at wholesale price 2vt 2d St.. cor. TafUw. 1 RUBBER-TIRED and 1 steel-tired buggy at a bargain. E. 17th at- cor. E. Pine. HORSES for sale 11 H East Tth at North. Ilmaoa, Organ Bad Musical Instrument. NEED money badly and wtU sell highest grade, nmrl; new. h player piano for ac tually less than half; lota of music goes with It: eom terms. T 100. Oregonlan. I'iA.So 1 wnl sacrifice my SVoote auto player piano, la perfect condition, with mini a Tola 351 Hall at. TO EXCHANGE A good piano for safe. Phono Tabor 3211 or address 3-7 5Uih sc. B. E. . F1ANO Elegant mahogany npright, almost Bew greatest barrain in city, less tba.1 btso. Call immediately. 701 Northrup st. TO CXCil A NG E A good plana for aafe. Phon TaUor $311 er address $u2T 50th St. S- EL I Pnf, Birds. It Stork. FOH r'AUl Thoroughbred French poodlea; a fine breeding male and two females: also four puppies 5 weeks old; these are Una floes; money-makers; small in aire and healthy. Call any (lay this week. H. Mis. 1vnm E Taylor St., Sunnysldo car. A1HLUALE terriers for pala. Co. Red Kavea at atud. Laddix Keont-ls. Estacada, Or. surnlture for Sale. Fl RNITI RE for residence, comprising leather oarlor fumltura. library furniture, beautiful dining rult. bedroom furnisn Intfs, rurs, brans beds, etc.; great oppor tLultv for those starting housekeeping. Call Immediate.). Tul Northnip.W car. MIST be Bold today, furniture and ruga. Including, new piano, ail for $-.5. Cal Main (nK'7. .VT- Montgomery st. SOU r-ALt: at great bargain, furniture -of B-room f.ut. almost new.' 30 N. JtUo, near Waaiilngton. WILTON rug. Ptl2. oak chiffonier. Apt. 8L Kt. Frsn. le. 21st and Hoyt. Li-.-.a than hxlf ccst: practically new fur niture; owner leaving town. Tabor 8ML Fl itMTl UK flte-rooni suite; will sell all or pert. Tc'hone Main h-.'.tf. Poultry. Oil t: AT ,VO Wblte LeKhorn chirks. 4 to V works old; ege ami orecaina eioca. tlreen'B 'hlcken Kxchange. 2l7 riaimon St. jus. 1 '. w . Leghorn fmaae. SI each; V. ycoff lrMln. A B. i'altereon. 470-1 oOth et.. 8. E. Livestock. COWS Fresh and to freshen In lO to 40 dvs: all hlgn-graua jerwji; ages n years: extra high testers; ft to 80 head; also few purhams and Holstelns. Phone eeitwood 2M71. VI I.OO brood sos with their litters, and some in farrow, Una stock, ior sale, an 74. OrKoulan. Oil r .;ker. t'ALK Fresh Holstein good an w. preacott at. Aotomoblle FEFMT.T AND REFINISHED Second-hand cars for sale by TUB WINTON MOTOR-CAR CO.'S PORTLAND FACTOR T BRANCH. AT 23d and Washington Streets. Wlnton Sixes. 2. 4. 5. T. 12. !. 2(1-pass. Stevens Duryee, moael l. i-paea. Packard 3'J. 7-pass. Ix)jir Little Six. 2 or 4-paas. K. C. H.. 20 H. P. reerieaa, T-pasaenger. tea have also listed for sale the follow' Irg cars: Bulck, Chalmera. DeLuxe, r.b:u a Wiael TCar. Mitchell. 4 and 0 cvlm.it-r NatiocaL overland. Ford and Locomobile. Lis. changes dally. Full description. prices and photographs furnished on i quest. AT AUCTION. T.nlv.flr. liael automobiles. The enlire stock of used cars and tracks of the Gerllnger Motor Car Company to he sold, without reserve, to tha high' bid tier. Tlile stock comprises seven-passengers. flve-Dsasenaers. f our-paasenger roadsters. runabouts, electrics, coupes, llinouslnea ant frtirka All are now on exhibition at the garage of the Gei linger Motor Car Company, at loth st.. where they can be inspected and demonstration had. If desired. "The chance of a lifetime." 1 mm of ale SATVP.DAY. May 31. 11)13. 2 P. M. to in t u . ai fra luth at. Tina sale muet clean up our stock, a nothing will be moved to our new nvo-att-ry building now In course of construc tion. ALTO OWNE.RS ATTENTION. Can fake vour auto trimmings off. re plate them and put back In 2 days. Have your auto plated In time for Roee Festival. PORTLAND PLATING A MFG. CO.. 2l'd and Tnurman sta A ."l"i2. Main 4:l. Fl E-PASSEXOER toua-.srg car, recently ia nt..i ana overnau.eu: xunv eguivu. fnrludlng seat covers: no reasonable iash offer retuseu. inquire ovv xtumsiua eu phone Main Mt tVK SALii Grocery: good business, mostly cash trade; gooa nxtures ana siocb; .-.o. I location; horse and wagon; this Is worth ll. '.'X; will take Hunt aulo roadster up to l-'nw. balance can. Phone B :il.".. FOKD laxlcab, newly painted and over hauled: good tires, also eectrto iignis; no reasonatjle cash offer refused. Inquire 500 BurnsMe st- Phone Main l4t0: ltf.3 TWIN Indian motorcycle, bought first of Mav, run less men lou mus; a oar raln. t7S Fremont. Phone C 1411. I W ANT a 6-passenger auto, new or second nana, no Juna; III traue aesiraoie ioi; Ford preferred. Al. P2. Oregonlan. MAXWELL roadster, 1-23. 4(1 20th St.. N. Dulmage Auto t o. FOR SALE cheap. Cameron "." Inquire Iowe;i oarage, c.. J.tn. FoR Sai.o -1U11 Flanders 20. 1276. Call Maln f7o. WILL, par cash f-r late model auto; must te burgaitu Oliver. 11 Aiuer. .viarhinery. FOR SALE. A 45-horsepower. of0-volt, Crocker Wheeler motor, completo with standard blade stsrter. no voltage release and 75 ampera overload. I. T. E. circuit breaker. In A-l conultlon, Addreaa room 203, Ore gonlan bldg. FOR SALE. One 125-volt direct current generator, complete, with field rheostat, ammeter and circuit breaker. This machine la In good repair. Address room Xu3. Oraco man bldg. FOR SALE. A 40-K. W . 500-volt Crocker-Wheeler generator complete, with field rheostat and circuit-breaker. in good condition. Address room 203. Oregonlan bldg. 6TEAM boiler for sale cheap, 4-tnch shell. sing. a firebox, ai.oweu io .ue.. o years od. Western Trans. 4t Towing Co 711-ld Yeon bldg. Telephone Main 7S30. Mlecellaneoue. FERTILIZER. Manure) shipped In carload lots to all parta of Oregon; price 30 cents a ton write your orders to fit!". E. 14th aL N., Portland. Or. Mr. A. W-hmer. bclVl:AI. second-hand mirror cases ana large stock or eecona-r.ana crairs, reun iKhed for sale cheap; easy terms. Oregon Bart-er Supply Co.. 72 Qth st. MANURE IN CAR LOTS. Stock ards manure In car lots, $1 per ton. f . o. h. cars. North Portland. Book your orders enrly. PORTLAND UNION STOCKYARDS CO, North Portland. Oregon. SAFEti, new and second-hand; low prices; easy terms; saics oper.vu. rvpairea ntu tainted. Pl'RCELL SAFE CO.. and PORT AND SAFE CO. KS Bth st- Main 6J09. AtES New and second-hand, large assort, ment. low prices; safes opened, repaired. Mosler Safe Co.. 108 2d St. Main 7076. $soo BUYS motorboat In splendid condition; original coet $l'tK: beathouse Included. Moore's Motor Car Co.. loth and Alder. AN Klllott addressing machine and "Dandy; duplicating machine for sale very cheap. Inquire 218 1ewla bldg. MOTORCYCLE sale. Id-hand machines at cost; a few 1912 models at reduced prices. West Coast Supply Co.. 31 No. Broadway. LARGE safe for sa'e for storage chargea. W. stern Trans, ec Towing Co, 711.16 loon biog. Telephone Main 730 TYPtWRITErtS. sil manes. $10 to NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO, 2I3 Stark st. $63. 15-i'oCND braes yacht anchor for Bale. V. G. H'nry, SO 17tn St. bAKE. medium slxe. excellent condition. 44. Oreonian. DKSK. chairs and filing cabinets. Busnong Co., 1-ark and Stark. NATIONAL cash registers: get my prlcea. Povey. 351 vs Waan.. basement. Main 6U6. DKKBV desks and office furniture. E. B. Haley Desk Co., 210 Broadway. Main S87. WTtTF.t MIK :i.FEAKOC!. WE buy for cash second-hand National cash registers and sell tbem on easy terms. 'W. J. Macauley, 854 Burnsldo su Phone Main lel. A ibltf. WE BUY CLOTHING AND FURNITURE. Highest prices paid for ladlea' and men's cast-off clothing and shoes. Call Main WO. 131 First, The Globe. WE want to buy $10oo worth of second hand fumltura In the next 30 days and pay all the cash It Is worth. Williams- Ave. Furniture Exchange. East 636. WE pay the hlghent cash orlca for second hand furniture. M. K. Seater. Phone East S144. S4e Hawthorne ave. FAIR DEAL reopened again: we Dav high est prices for your second-hand clothing and nouscnoia foods. Phone Main 9272 WILL pay cash for good visible typewriter must be bargain. Main S2'.3. CASH paid . for hair combings. Sanitary Beauty Parlors, 4M) Dekum bldg. FORD Auction Co. psys most cash for any kind of furniture. Main eD;2. A 2445. WE want $10,000 worth of second-hand fur nltute; highest prices paid. Seilwood 1682. WE PAY highest prices for-second-hand clothing. 2!4 8d St. Phone Main 9:163. SECOND-HAND goods bought for cash or taken In eichanxa for r.ew. Tabor 4346. WILL kalsoinlne rooms for S2.50; paint house at your price: reliable. East 81:8. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE, 203 1st., between Taylor and Salmon. will pay beat plica fur your furniture, carpets, stoves, etc. etc. New and seo- ond-hand furniture our specialty. PHONE MARSHALL StfbL WANTED 20-team wheel scraper outfits for railroad work on the Nehalem Itlver: work will last from 2 to o months; will pay transportation. COLUMBIA & NEHALEM RIVER R. R. 71ti Spalding bldg. LEVIN Hardware 4t Furniture Co.. 221. Front St., buys second-band furniture, carpets, stovea. rancet. hardware or tools of any kind. If you have anything In this Una can Mem voi.. KKLIABLE printing concern wants used typewriter In good condition In exchange for printing. 1 Ho, Oregonlan. HELP WANTED MALE. INCIDENT. One of Many.) Offlca Secretary Employment Department. T -M. C A. Teung man, atranger. seeking employ ment t:0 his total cash asset) It I pay you 35 for employment membership I will have only $le between ma and starva tion. Secretary If you pay (5 for employ ment membership you will have the T. M. C. A. with all Us resources between you and starvation. Result Young man Joined association. In leas than a week ha had. satisfactory employment. Record for year 1912: Calls for men from employers. .... .2:65 Positions filled 167 Our special employment membership guarantees member will secure employ ment or refund of membership fee; gives two months' full and in months' social privileges. Constant demand for CLERICAL TECH NICAL and COMMERCIAL Ut.v. All young men seeking employment, especially si rangers, are cordially Invited to consult with the Secretary of tha Em ployment Department. MEN WANTED. To work at steady work In small town, SO miles from Portland; $2.25 per day; plant has been running for several years and wants more men who will make tuemsclvea permanent cltlxena. See Hart or Lasley. C'HAPl.N-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST CO.. Third Floor Chamber of Commerce. LARGE wholesale firm desires bright, ac tive young man about 21 years of age; must be physically sound and capable of handling stockroom work; exceptional op portunity for a career; J30 per month to start: write, stating age. etc.. Box D BJ. Oiegonlan SALESMEN, are you trying to sell pump guns and syringes, calling them vacuum cieanera 7 Why not sell something you can honestly guarantee and that the users boost for youT Quality, prices, com- i i ., l rtarniMnl " 1 l U'nrCDf. ter bldg. ANY young man who Is persistent, has a pleasing address, Is ambitious, and not afraid of physical as well as mental work, can. by following our plan, work him self Into a business In which others are making good money. See Mr. Mc.N'alr any momlnK. 8:80 to 12. 2S0 Oak street. WE have a few good fields open for compe tent salesmen. If you appreciate the ad van .n, nf aeillna- for the largest and best known nursery In the West at the best terms offered, apply toaay. ui reitreut. Oregon Nursery Company. Orenco. Or. WANTED Agenta -In every city and county In Oregon. Washington and Idaho to sell jaeger vacuum i.ieauni ...... - . . land office, Jaeger Mig. Co.. 701 Rothchlld bldg. MEN wanted to sell and to show Evlnrude rowboat motors, in operation In various towns of the jvonnwesi. vvrne ior loguc. Address F. G. Epton. agent, Evln rude Motor Co., 108 4th St.. Portland. Or. WANTED Good live boy to carry Orego nlan route In Waverly district. This is a fine little route and a money-maker. Call today If you want It. Room 202 Orego nlan bldg. City circulator. WANTED A young man. 19 or 20 yeara. with knowledge or DooKKeeping, u a sistant In office. Small aaiary to start, but good opportunity for advancement. T 99. Oregonlan. MAN and wife for Janitors in small apart ment; good willing woraers miner maw experience desired; no children; S-roora apartment and small salary. Apply Apt. 2. 20'! North 2."th St. ERRAND boy of neat appearance; prefer one of mechanical turn, to grow up in .no optical business. B. E. Flske & Co., Mac. lny bide. WANTED Bovs 16 to 18 yeara of age to learn the hardware business, splendid op- Eortunltv for advancement. .ek for Mr. mat. paclflo Hardware at Steel Co. WANTED, at once, 2 men to learn to drive and repair autos ana trucKs ior oprini work. Call Hawthorne Garage, 445 Haw tborne eve. BOTS to learn the hardware business, high school pupils preierrea. oeiveen ao uu 18 years of age. Apply at once. Honey man Hardware Co.. 4th and Alder streets. WANTED Man and wife to work on sub urban rancn; man to iook aner saruo. wife to do housework; family of two. 310 Falling bldg. WANTED Experienced salesman to sell hardware aa side line in oregon ana Washington; commission. M 75, Ore gonlan. WANTKD Young man familiar with moulding; a good opening tor rigm man. Apply at Newberg Iron Works, New berg. Oregon. WANTED Solicitor or salesman; will pay liberal commission to nign-ciass persou who can close bupslness on strictly le gltlmate basis. R 1)1', Oregonlan. GOOD salesman to canvass city with sta ple line ot jeweiry on easy paymcuia, e.. ary or commission to right man. bee Mr. Thomas, 2i7 Corbctt buhdlng ST. LOUIS AGENCY Cooks, waitresses. chambermaids, nurses. nouseKcepers. nuuse maids. 20S 6th St. Main 2031', A 4775. YOUNG man wants some one to teach him in Engusn irom o m . Avtrij i.iu . 6th West. WANTED Man and wife with flrst-closs references to take charge of a hotel. City Free Employment Office. TWO neat-appearing men wanted to hustle business for new concern; must be good talkers. Call Seilwood 205. HOTEL CLERK City references and expe rience required; salary $50 and room. An. swer F 96, Oregonlan. WORKING man for special work; also em ployed man for extra work evenings and Sundays. Ill 3d SC MATTRESS-MAKE K wanted. Portland Fur niture Mfg. Co., 1249 Macadam at., Fulton car. I-WANT n good, sober, reliable man to take half Interest In dye works, doing a good business. 352 8d st. FOREMAN Employed, for extra work even ings and Sunday. Ill 3d st. Open until 7 P. M. WANTED Machinist who can do black smith work. Apply at Newberg Iron Works, Newburg. Oregon. UPHOLSTERERS; wanted. Washington Mat tress Company. Western and Pike sts., S attle. Wash. A MAN who Is handy with carpenter tools and knows something; about painting. C2U E. Ash. PAINTERS wanted. East 48th and Harri son sts. Geo. A- Ross. WANTED Experienced marker. Apply in ternational Laundry. BRIGHT delivery boy wanted. Remington Typewriter Company, 86 Broadway. BOY to distribute circulars, $6 week. 537 Williams. WANTED A good coatmaker, steady work. C. ts. Lane, 6th and Stark. BARBER wanted, steady Job. 206 Madi son PC BOY to take care of sample rooms. Carman Mann facturlng Co.. 13th and Upshur. WANTED An experienced awning man. lUrsch-Wele Mfg. Co.. 205 Bue-nslda. COATMAKER wanted. R. G. Klrthmayer, li'S Weat 5th St.. Vancouver, Wash. DAYS' work done or dinners cooked by sn experienced woman. Phone Marshall 5074. VuL'NG man wants a teacher to teach him the English language. V 99, Oregonlan. WAITRESS wanted v.lth good wages. to serve soft drinks. 34 4th St. North. WANTED Experienced gardener. Main 2644. Phone WANTED Stave bolt cutters, good Job. Ap ply 622 Corbctt bldg.. city. WANTED Organisers; big money. Northwest bldg.. 8 to 10 A. M. 609 BLSHEI.MAN wanted. AppJr Robinson A Co., 5th and Alder sts. EXPERIENCED solicitors. Call S21 Missis sippi ave.. from 8 to 9 A. M, 8 to 7 P. M. WANTED Solicitors for dye works wagon. Apply IB Eaat 28th su or call Esst 203. BUSH ELM AN wanted. Barette. the Tailor. 26S Alur St. WANTED Experienced cracker peeler. 6th and Davis. PHOTO coupon, best offered, beauty contest started. Cutberth Stndlo, Dekum told. . . . . r -1 . . it a a a v Ahle-bodlea uo- roarrled men. "between ages of 18 and, 8 cltlxena of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits who can speak, read and wrlta the English lan guage. For Information apply to r rsrAr Worcester building. 2d and Oak sts., Portiana, or. WANTED Men for railroad work : location rrom coiumoia mm io rllu...... Camps first-class In every respect. Work will last tor several "" t - ii i) t i . -cu ir.pu WIVFRK. R-. 710 Spalding- bldg., or at the work. Landing or Ross Landing on the Columbia and s. P. ac o. rt. rt- HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED TODAY. 2 cooks. $40 month and $10 week. 2 mangle girls, 410 week. Housekeeper (city) $30 month. 2 waitresses. -5, room and boaro. Second girl. $25 month. Chambermaid (country). $25 monin. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Ladles' Dept. 205 Morrison. WANTED Experienced woman. Protestant, for cook and general housework In J"Z ot two. In small cottage with all mode'" conveniences, at Seaside Oregon: good wages paid. Apply room 810 Mollory Ho tel, between 9 and 12 Tuesday morning. MANY of the best families of the city are registered with the Domestic Service Bu reau for cooks, general housework and .n.-onrt elrls. S08 Central bldg. M. 76b?. GIRL for housework and plain cook,n,;1fT small family m irvingwii; . place and good wages. East 1843 or Main 8440. 10 MORE ladles wanted for Wh-clBs o-iiitin0- WArl( In connection with rtpse Festival work. 207 Merchants' Trust bldg.. 6th and Washington ate. t GIRL to assist with nousewora -music lessons In part payment- Teleph ne Monday or Tuesday, Main 867. or address A B W). oregonlan. WA.VT-ED Middle-aged woman to ao gen eral housework: four In family, two are children. Mllwaukie, mile from station on Foster road. W. H. Goold. COMPETENT saleswomen, thoroughly ex C perTenced in knit and muslin underwear coreeta and gloves. Roberts Bros., 3d and Morrison. TWO good lady canvassers; salary guaran tee: easy work; no delivery: new plan, give qualifications and time to devote. AO Po. oregonlan. ONE or two young ladles for kodak tlnlsh lng; experienced printers preferred. Apply before it Tuesday morning. Mac Nab. Ma loctlc Theater bldg.. 3.11 Washington St. WANTED Nursemaid for two young chil dren; must bo over 25 years of age Call mornings. 854 Mellhda Ave., head of John son st. WANTED Middle-aged lady t for 8 months twin babies on farm, $20 month. state age and reference. GRL wanted for generaj housework, L G. I'funder. 60S 20th St.. Portland Heights. Phono A 5062. WALST finishers and seamstress, experi enced only wanted. Come prepared. 44 Morrison. . WANTED Graduate nurse to take charge of small hospital out of city; state salary. Address AM l4, Oregonlan. WAITRESS wanted for Cheballs hotel; good wages. Apply Martin Mark Coffee Co.. 22 3d St. STENOGRAPHER with some knowledge oi bookkeeping; state fullyexperlence, age and salary expected, v vo. oregoi.iau. WANTED Competent girl tor general housework and cooking. Call 66 Lucxetla ht. Phone Main 4lo4. SALESLADY for dry goods toe-A1pP'y,la'; Brurrrberg's. corner Beacon and Mllwaukie ave. Take Seilwood car. GIRL for ccneral" housework; no cooking: .,!i -,.hin. 3 In family; wages $.10. nntl wajthlns. References. Apply f' noyv EXPERIENCED presser on led'es' work. Best wages. Call at the Wardrobe. Main B553 RELIABLE young girl to help with care of babv ana ao ugni mornings. 414 11th st. Apartment ov.. . . .--. . - . ......I hoiiseworK: and plain cooking. Apply mornings. 258 l-'tn su CONGENIAL middle-aged pr elderly lady may have good home during Summer for ver llRht services. AO e. Q'cfi" WANTED Experienced waitresses for short hours. Apply lea ivooni, . Wortman At King. WAVTFD To buy second-band Underwood eVrir7 No 5. Call at 28 North Sec- ond st. city. WANTED Experienced girl tor general housework, family of two; Willamette Heights. Mrs. J. L. Hall. 1145 Thurman st. WANTED Girl for oince to "i from 12 to 5; state wages required. R 87. Oregonlan. COMPETENT girl for general houeeworK. Apply mornings. 105 North 20th St.. cor- ner Kearney. Wafhlngton bldg.. 270 H Wash., room 8S. hear 4th. Phone Main 8S.".o or Ao2o9. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavl Co.. 009 Roth chlld bldg 4th and Washington. , EXPERIENCED girl for cooking nd -en-eral housework, no washing, no children. Apply 645 East 9th N. Phone Eaat 934. GRADUATE nurse for night duty. Nesblth Sanltorlum. 010 Lovejoys", WANTED Waitress. Apply Creamerie Res taurant. 10S 4tn. WOMAN for goneral housework, family of three. 6S5 East Alder, corner 19th. WANTED An experienced nursemaid. S12 Lovejoyst. WOMAN to assist and care for Invalid gen . i m . - mml.rat) wases. 150 N. a2d at. GIRLS to sew knit goods; don't appiy uu- less you need worK. utti nrai, voy . YOUNG girl for general housework. 816 Johnson. . T,rt COMPETENT girl for general wore, Mars nail at. EXPERIENCED and apprentices for dress making. Room P. aavti aiornao-. WANTED Experienced, mamer. Appiy ternatlonnl Launary. WANTED A cook whore second girl Is kept. Apply 6SJ t-veren. mormue... GIRL for general nousewora. u 761 Hoyt at- YOUNG girl to work In private boarding- house, guoa noma. aa ahu. ALTERATioN hands wanted. 329 Flledner bldg. GIRL for general housework, good plain cook; small lamiiy, aquna. ""-'"" EXPERIENCED girl for general housework. small family. 414 riawtnome. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. EXPERIENCED. dependable Janitor and wife for apartmenL-nouso, e - - - - lars: phone, addresa. A do. ummnta. MAN and wife for hotel, man must thor oughly understand oil duiiw". j""' work and repairing. AF 95. Oregonlan. FRATERNAL organizers wanted. ine proposition tor experienceu wu.o.a. bo, oregomau. SOLICITORS for advertising. 312 Dekum bldg. AGENTS, men and women; something new; small sample, call pub rmo i- FiSK Teachers' Agency secures positions for teachers. 816 Journal oiug. aim vqoq. . HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. TRANSIENT Y. M. C. A. MEMBERS can se cure furnisnea rooms si AT In the new fireproof association building, cor. 6th and Taylor sts., and have privi lege of consulting Advisory and Employ ment Department HIGH-CLASS business proposition for men rcnman OT til ItVt Will Lll.il U ClWWl l"' vestlgatlon. Will pay $8000 to $5000; must rtov-a iij-iin monev. raaw - Bleckner or Mr. Hughes. 100 MEN and women to learn the barber trade In 8 weeks In all Its modern meth ods; send for catalogue; tools free; learn a trade that you can get In business for yourself. MQler carper conese. w -i.. WIRELESS OPERATORS In constant de mand. This coming vocation taught at Y M. C A. All the Tear Round Day and Night Schools; complete equipment; best on coasu MAIL CARRIERS WANTED Average $90 month; examinations coming. Specimen questions free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 32SD, Rochester. N. Y. GOVERNMENT positions, parcel post sys tem requires additional clerks: salary up to $18oo: "free book." Pacific States School. McKay bldg., Portland. Or. LOCOMOTIVE firemen, brakemen; wages about $100; experience unnecessary; send age, stamp. Railway, Oregonlan. MEN. women to learn baroer iraue, eigni weeks; position guaranteed. Oregon Bar ber College. 233 Madison. 268 Couch St. GREGG SHORTHAND. Elite Private Business College, 643 Ham ilton bldg. Marshall 4258. GIRLS Learn beauty pallor work. Earn money while learning. 618 Rothchlld bldg. SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING SCHOOL. 269 14TH ST. M. 8893. EXP. INSTRUCT-N. GET your $2.50 sample shoes upstairs. Le land's. Dekum bldg.. room 300-4. Holster's Ladles' Tailoring Collace and School of Dressmaking. 143 11 A St. WILL AUDIT. OPBN. CLOSE OR WRITE up books, prepare balance and statements. Install systems. GUlingham. auditor, 61 Lewls bldg. Marahall 717. B1XK, credit man, collector, office man, bookkeeper or other clerical position; mar ried; excellent references. AG 101. Ore gonlan. - BOOKKEEPER now employed; would like small set of books to keep evenings, a. M. Hayles, 605 Montgomery EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wants work at once. Phone Marshall 4377 M Iscei laneoua. AJT ABLE mechanical draughtsman desires position with Western arm on June 1. Age 30. Experienced in sawmill and gen eral machine work. Fifteen years of prac tical and technical experience. Careful and systematic worker, jl low coat ma chine producer. A thoroughly practical and artistic designer of machinery. 87, Oregonlan. AC WINDOW dresser and card writer, famil iar with latest drapes, quick artistic card writer, equippea witn air oruisu, i.. can paint billboard signs and do ad wrlt- l -.. i v ..n-ilr.H - riAslrea ateadv position at onee. anvwhere: age 25; hustler. AV 25, OreBonian. TWO Germans, brother and slater, want po sitions, girl IB. strong, can ao geueiai housework and to a good cook, but only 6 weeka here from Germany; man 28, can do any kind or worK. vv r, oresouiau. u ivti had IX vfftrm' hiialnesa and sales ex perlence; leaving this week for month In rnn. Rmr r.ountrvt If von have any busi ness to transact, collections or sales, write me. AO 93, oregonlan YOUNG German, married, wants position am a-anrtenAr or R tlV kind WOrk that Will pay expenses; also good salesman. Phone IBDOr 4311 OC -'I 1 xoo-s. t v vnrrvn man nt ?n woulri like to Bret work in city; do any kind of work; have good references, sober and honest. AT 96, Ore gonlan. JAPANESE, first-class cook, wants position . - - ,, n.nt rahl. lit U!l. SI IBlILliy. WU. i n-'t -- Oregonlan. . POSITION wanted by experienced dairyman and milker and aurter as cook or nouso- keeper. Germajts. w oregonian. i - a uui vti i! unrL new or repair work nromntlv atlenddd to. Otis ca-vou. vj. E. 80th et.. N. Phone Tabor 3363. wivrrn pi.f, collActlnir and ajustlng experienced and have good reference. AE 91, uregonian. JAPANESE man and wife want position, wife as cook and man any Kino, on worn, 14Bte Front st. m ki HKT.cl.ASS waiters furnished. Marshal 7nt. A aulo. Portland waiters' uiun, on 6th. Portland. Or. G. C. Gerald, manager. EXPERIENCED Japanese chauffeur wants position, private tamiiy car; ao own re pairing; references. B 76, Oregonlan. COLLECTOR or similar work, city or road. best references. toenwooa iwo. SOUEK, miudle-aged man desires position as meatcutter in small town, doa mni A GOOD young Japanese wants a position. as kind of a porter, umisi'i"""- POSITION. engineer, Janitor or fireman; references. Ar ui, oregoniaiu WANTED, by young man, work on farm or truck garden. AM 91. uregonian. JAPANESE, first-class cook, wants position tn private family. A laoa, Main uoui. WINDOW washing, house cleaning, floors waxed and polished, seilwood li.o. GOOD, honest young working man will take any kind of work, hi 90. oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMAJ.E. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and typewriter operator with a knowledge ot snortnanu who has had entire charge of an office, desires position; references. 1224 Denver ave. woodlawn Jioz. PRIVATE secretary or stenographer; New Yorker: six years' experience: excellent references; reasonable salary. AO 103, Oregonlan. BOOKKEEPER, competent and experienced desires position, permanent or temporary l references. Marshall 4753. KXPQIIB.V'CED stenoxrauher wants perma nent position; 5 years" experience, includ ing 3 in law. r'noue a aiu. COMPETENT stenographer desires piece work. Will call for dictation. Main 12. OreMtmakers. NEW In Portland, perfect German dress maker and talioress wants work at home or by the day. 2.60. Fit and work guaran teed.' Alterations properly uune. ana. Teademan. 394 Jefferson st. A 4392. DRESSMAKER, experienced, wants few more day engagements; $2. Marshall liHo ALL kinds of sewing done. Phone A 1 7H9. Nurses. NURSE 15 years experience; confinement and care of invalids specialty. Mrs. Hughes, Marshall 52-72. TRAINED NURSE, 25 years' experience, has private home for Invalid; best references. Tabor 2213. TRAINED nurse wishes cases maternity or generaL Marshall 1470. room 221). Housekeepers. WANTED By reliable woman, a place In bachelor's, widower's or apartment-house. In answering state your offer. V 90, Ore gonlan. CAPABLE woman desires housekeeping, widower, cook crew. $25 up. St. Louis Agency. 208 Sth Main 2039 Monday. lOLUHED woman wants position as house keeper; good cook. Call or address Mrs. Dibble, 61 9th st. North. Main &5U9. YOUNG woman with two children wishes position as housekeeper for refined 'gentle man; small salary, woodlawn 1400. YOUNG widow woman with boy 6 would like place as housekeeper: country pre ferred. Mrs. Boutcher, 207 hi 4th SU REFINED, middle-aged lady wishes nice home to keep for gentleman or wouiu rent furnished home, phone Seilwood 859. Miscellaneous. BT young lady, night position, cashier In restaurant or win mne any kihu lugm office work, thoroughly experienced In both; can give reference. JS 97, Oregon lan. GERMAN practical nurse, care ot Invalids and SICK ennuren or io neio eiueny ouupia with housework, city or country. Mrs. Shor. Park Hotel, 8th and Glisan atreets. Phone A 4402. RELIABLE young woman must have em ployment afternoons ana evenings. ajo 93, Oregonlan REFINED woman would like care of chil dren afternoons and evenings. Phone A 179. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work. washing ana ironing, sweeping auu wui lng. A 154a COMPETENT laundress wants day work to day. Wednesday and xnursaay. Main room 8. A GIRL wants general housework. Phone Woodland 2fc2u. EXPERIENCED girl wishes to wait on table 6 P. M.. for Doara. 1 wb. oregonlan. CAPABLE young woman desires situation as chambermaid. Mam 2U39. A 4io. EXPERIENCED woman, day work, wash ing. Ironing, cleaning. Main zwg, a ira. WORK by" the day, Weat Side. Phone Mar shall 3024. LADY wishes small child to care for. Phone Er-.st 34i;2. Ask for Elizabeth. EXPERIENCED laundress and house cleaner wishes work by aay. wooaiawn laoo. AMERICAN woman wants lace curtains to wash. Phone Woodlawn 1572. LACE curtains, draperies, linens, laundered by expert. Tabor 317. GERMAN lady wants work by the hour. Phono Seilwood 527. A LADY" wants day work In city; hour. Phone Woodlawn 2820. YOUNG girl learning cooking would like to do nouseworK. c. ouui. LACE CURTAINS, blankets, draperies laun. dered by experts, 25c and up. Tabor 3678. WOMAN wants day work. Phone East 1228. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS wanted every town In Oregon to handle life automobile necessity. No cash needed to start. Write W. Schwartzenberg, 407 Spalding bldg., Portland. Or. LIVE AGENTS Are selling the Jaeger vacuum cleaner. Why not you? Call 701 Rothchlld bldg. AGENTS S. and M. mop, pall and wringer combined. 308 Pine street. WANTKD TO KENT. 'Honsee. WANTED HOUSES TO RENT. If you want to rent your house, list them with us. We have a number of people waiting for houses. UMBDENSTOCK A LARSON CO., 2S6 Oak St. Main 7750. WANT TO RENT Furnished house, 4 or 5 rooms; must be neat, clean and rent rea sonable; give details. D 99. Oregonlan. WANTED 5 or 6-room house; give price, street and number, full description. J 42. Oregonlan. Apart inenta. WANTED Furnished room, light housekeep ing, exchange for painting and tinting. D lOd, Oregonlan. BOARD and room, first-class accommoda tions In private family wanted by man and wife; no children. Address room 4o3, Multnomah Hotel, city. FOB B.KNT. FurnlaheU kooma ROWLAND HOTEL 207 ft 4TH. PARSONS HUTBL 20!) 4Tii. MINOOK HOTEL 213 4XH. Are you looking for nice, clean rooms with hot and cold water, private baths, homelike and respectable, at VERY MOU EKATE PKiCES'.' If so you will be satis, fled at any of the 8 hotels above. Give us a trial and you will be the winner, and besides save money and get the best. S-OR Y- M. C. A. MEMBERS Furnished rooms, reasonable In price; fireproof build ing vacuum cleaned; shower baths, swim ming pool, club faculties; special rates at cafeteria, and 100 other features. i uil particulars at business office, cor. 6th ana i ayior sta. unTP.T. R AVON. 131 Eleventh Street. New. modern brick building, steam heated, private baths, hot and cold water In rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy, com fortable, rent reasonable. Call and see us; regular and transient trade solicited. 11th, between Morrison and Yamhill: re cently opened, every modern convenience. inn iiu i u ji- i . - --, .ft plenty or hot water ana aeai; ucau...-. lODoy; raves e wwwa nuu " f , - - . vato bath $5.00 week and up; transient rates. 75c and up. Free phone. Main 4326. THE VIRGINIA HILL HOTEL, 14th and Jefferson. An established hotel. Rooms en suite or -i ... K t a rtv -VI M'K.H. HOTEL REN WICK Ideal home for busi ness people; centrally located; elegant rooms; modern conveniences. Broadway and Taylor, block from Portland Hotel, opposite Orpheum Theater. Main 916. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, 652 to Wash st. Elegantly located, all modern outside rooms, with or without private bath, $2.50 week up; quiet placo for tourists visiting city. STANDISH HOTEL. 18th and Washington Streets. All outside rooms, modern, $2.50 per week up. Main 3003. A 7534. FURNISHED room at 940 E. Main St.. bet. 81st and 82d- Will rent with or without breakfast and dinner. Business woman preferred. $7 per month. Call. HOTEL JOYCE, 270 FOURTH Nicely furnished rooms. reasonable rates, hot and cold water, free bath. Both phones. Mrs. M. Joyce, prop. HOTEL NETHERLANDS. 126 13th St.. at Washington. Rooms, S3.50 per week up; under per sonal management owner. J. W. Buehong. THE Larrabee. 227 to Larraoee. Rooms $2 week up. Brick bldg, steam heat, hot, cold water, bath, phone, electricity. HOTEL CONGRESS Beautifully furnished rooms with all modern conveniences, 6lh and Main. HOTEL Edwards, Grand ave., E. Belmont; rooms $12 mo. and up; $22.50 and up with bath; absolutely respectable. East 33. NEWLY furnished room, reasonable. The Dezendorf Apts., 208 10th Bt M. 4795. Furnished Bourns in Private Family. IF YOU want a good room, walk over to 24 East Slh st. 1 will show you a dandy for $3 per week. A well furnished room In a modern house, located betwen Mor rison and Burnside bridges, 3 blocks from Grand ave. and 1 from Ankeny car. B 1 JUL NEWLY furnished room in private family. East Side, with or without board; 13 min utes' walk from 3d and Washington sis. by Steel or Broadway bridge. Call Home phone C 1270. u i.-a i ;TI VIII. furnished room in strictly nrl vate residence, East Side, one block to Broadway car; all lainuy conveuieucco, large yard, etc.; breakiast if desired; price $3U per month. Phone East ooo- VK.Iil-'.RV cnnvpnlpnirei. shower bath, heat. electric lights, gas, 10 minutes' walk to Washington st. 4o4 AiarKci si, cor. Main 4ys3. LIKE to rent out one room In private home to a man or way, minutes uum -. exclusive neighborhood. 3U3 College. Mar. 2703. , VERY reasonable; a large front bedroom, with two clothes closets, suitable lor two gentlemen; all home coiniorts; on ouuire, Laurelhurst. Pnone Tabor 4StS. TVNO very desirable, clean, large rooms and kitchenette; gas, Datn. pnoiiu, . good neighborhood; walking distance or car. 7i fc.. ia.vior. r.a-1 ii,uq. NEWLY furnished rooms, single or double, a ),nme. ten minutes' walk from business center, reasonable rent. 635 Everett. , LARGE room with running water; also large room with alcove anil - sniau rooma wilii or uiinuui u. ...... ........ 515 Morrison st. NICELY furnished rooms, single or double. attractive home, very easy wanting ui tance; 6 mln. from business center. Mod ern, reasonable rent. 309 11th sL LARGE well furnished parlor for one or two, close In; beautitui yara; reaaouauic. 251 Broadway. You'll like It. t a pp.r front room with alcove and pri vate veranda; also otner room, uica. lf desired. Modern. 214 lltn at. EAST room $3.50 per week; beautiful grounds, eigne diocks iroiu omo, man & Kings. 414 Market, cor, lltli. ONE single front sleeping room, $2.25 week, front nouseaeepms loom, .j.tu, - respectable. 1 West park. MOUilKN steam-heated room In private fam ily, good nome cuoning, iuu. w,a Flanders, apt. 3. Marsnall lliL (2 WEEK Airy little sleeping-room. l'.-tii st. NEWLY furnished front room, plenty of sunshine. l-o iioyu jiaisuan ilNGLE front room, 2; bath, phone, walk ing distance. 325 12th st. $12 Furnished room with private family, in steam-neateu apaimim- jmm 549 YAMHILL Beautiful newly furnisned parlors, studio or Bleeping; single room ?o. FURNISHED rooms, modern, walking dis tance. 2 b 14tn, jetierson. aiaiu VERY desirable rooms, walking distance. Marshall 4lo or ouan uiibobi. DESIRABLE, airy rooms, new and clean. - central, reasonable, oao n.vereii st. LARGE front room, every convenience. 870 13th St., corner aioingomeiy. BEAUTIFUL large front room, also smaller one. Marshall aoo. odd r laooeia pu NICELY furnished room, from J2 weekly; waiaing distance, piioiif. w ..aaHiusiviv Kooms and Board. NORTON1A HOT-I 11th, Just off Washington St. ' American and European. Beautiful dining-room, tearoom and roof garden. Very attractive rates to families and bachelors. MODERN ELEGANT EXCLUSIVE. American and European plan; near City Park; convenient to carllne, THE HILL. Washington, at 23d St. Residential and Tourists' HoteL Attractive rates to . permanonts and transients. Main 7584. : THE WILLARD HOTEL, MORRISON AND PARK STS. European and American, $2 per day with meals. Rates by the month and week with or without meals very reasonable. New. modern ana iireprooi. DiRk'VIRlV HflTKI. 886 Montgomery st., at West Park, mod ern conveniences; rooms with or without bath; excellent table service; reasonable rates for regular and transient guests. " ELTON COURT. Select Family HoteL Modern rooms with excellent table board, very reasonable rates. 11th and Yamhill sts X Jrl . .ii ii-ii i-uu, fcnu v,au A. residential hotel, large sun porch; rooms with or without baths; home cook ing: table Doara a specialty. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION, 24th year; rooms with board, use of sewing room, li brary. 510 Flanders, Mrs. E. N. Wilson, sup. THE HAZEL Large outside rooms, steam heat, running water; with or without meais; moderate price. 385 3d Bt. THE LAMB ERSON, 654 Couch, cor. 17th; outside rooms; steam heat, running water; special rates tor goon table poaru. . THE MANITOU. 261 13th at. F.xcellent table. large, airy rooms. Summer rates. "J" car at Depot. CHOICE single rooms, first-class table board. 6 Xt. umi umvA num iituii aw- EXCELLENT board, beautiful rooms facing the park. 874 Park su Rooms With Boarc' In Ppvatr lynilir ROOM and good board In a nice home. 655 Kearney St. Marshall 54C1. GOOD room and board, modern, close In. 472 Salmon st. Marshall 4273. NICE clean furnished rooms, with or with out board, on carllne. 1026 Belmont st. ROOMand board, reasonable; 211 North 20th St. Phone Marshall 1978. NICE comfortable rooms with breakfast board, hot and cold water, bath, phone, walking distance, reasonable. 120 N. ISth comer Glisan. M. 3097. TWO nice, large front rooms, Hawthorne district; 10 minutes' ride; rent very rea sonable; meals If desired. Phone Tabor 3101). Monday. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS HES1UENCE OFFERS ROOM AND BOARD TO PEO PLE D ICS I R ABLE OF EXCLUSIVE SUR ROUNDINGS. MAIN 5034. BROWN LODGE. Room and board for 2 gt-ntlemen; sep arate beds. 394 l-'th st. Marshall 5347. COSY room, aultablo one or two, with board; modern home, walking distance. Phone E. 6.52. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room, suitable for 2 excellent board and home comforts. 191 lith st. Phone M. 6SS1. ROOM and board for 2 gentlemen; sep arate beds, 3U4 12th St. Marshall 5347. 42-tto JEFFERSON Room und board, priv ate family, reasonable rates. Call and see. MODERN home, beautifully furnished room, excellent board. phone East llil'.i". ROOM with bath and board, elegant re fined home for gentieman. 4'19 Clay. 241 NORTH 1 lng rooms. 2d two well-f umlshed connect Excellent board. Main 207L Apartments. OUR FFER7 ACTOMOliILB AT YOUR SERVICE WHEN . HUNTING APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished apartments from 2 to 5 rooms, from $15 to $57.50 per month. If you want one, telephone Main 2015 Sundays or A 2013 Evenings call Mr. Balden. Marshall 2-1)0. Our automobile will call at any address with our agent, who will be glad to show these apartments. References required. We own or control the following: Cecilia. 22d and Glisan sts. Claypool. 11th and Clay sts. Ford ham. 170 Ford st. Hanthorn. 251 12th st., near Main. Hanover. 1H5 King St., near Washlngton. Knlckorbocker. 410 Harrison, near lltn. Orderleigh. 82 Grand ave. St. Croix. 170 St. Clair St., near Wash. St. Francis. 21st and Hoyt sts. Wellincton. lf.th and Everett sts. MORGAN. KLE1DNER & BOYCE. 5U3-500 Ablngton Bldg. HIGHLAND COURT APARTMENTS, 22d ond Glisan Sts. Walking Distance. Very exclusive, elegantly furnished 4 room apartments; all large, bright outside rooms. References Required. Marshall 3162. THE WHEELDON, Corner Park and Taylor Sts. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. Corner Tenth and Salmon Streets. Walking Distance. Furnished complete, '2, 3 and 4-room apartments; bull. ling new and strict; modern; service llrst class. CARMELITA. Jefferson and 13th Sts. 4 and 5-room unfurnished apartments; exceptionally well arranged; walking dis tance. Rates Reasonable, Modern. References. New. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS The House of Tone. Largest and finest apart ments on the Pacific Coast. In heart of apartment-houso district. New and mod ern In every particular. Apartments fur nished and unfurnished; exclusive bachelor quarters with club-room In south wing; sleeping-porches in every apartment; high, class service: refined clientele; no disap pearing furniture: terms reasonable; In spection Invited; references required phone Marshall 1101. THE 'BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving sts. This new four-story brick now open; rur nlshed and unfurnished in 2, 3 and 4-room suites: reception hall; electric automatics elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built in buffet and writing desk, gas range, tee box. plenty of closet rooms: both phones, vacuum cieaner free to patrons. If you want something nice, come to the Barker. Phono A 1744. Marshall 206U WELLESLEY COURT, East 15th auii Belmont, to block of Mor rison. Biggest and beat on East Side; 4 story. modern, luoxloo; furnished and un furnished; walking distance. VILLA ST. CLARA, 12th and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Pacific Coast. Furnished Complete. Root garden In connection. Walking Distance. References. THE MORDAUNT. Furnished or unfurnished four rooms and reception hall; all large, outside and sunny; easy walking distance; reasonable rent: look at these before locating. 18th and Everett, oppuslto Christian Science Church. LUCl'.ETIA COURT, Lucretla Si., near Washington and 23d. Most modern unfurnished apartment house In the city; 2 to 5-room apartments. Investigate before deciding elsewhere. Ref erences. Manager, Marshall 513; Janitor. Marshall 1500. THE EMERSON New modern brick. 2, 3 and 4 rooms; furnished and unfurnished, heat, hot water and Janitor services. Price $15 to $30. located on Williams ave. and Kmerson. restricted district. Phone Woodlawn 3173 or 653. ROSENFELI) APTS., East 14th and Stark, opposite .Washington High School Four room apartments, furnished and unfur nished, modern In every way. all large outside rooms, very reasonable. Phone East 3703. SUMMER rates; best value In Portland; close in; strictly modern 2, 8. 4-room furnished apartments, $17 up; private phones, baths, elevator. Janitor; every convenience; fireproof. , Leeds Apart ments, 210 Market. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia, 2 and R-room apartments, furnished ; strictly modern and new; references; close walking distance; service i,iai-ui. DESIRABLE 4-room apartment, furnished or unfurnished; arranged for 2 bedrooms: best In city, considering rent, location, service, etc; out.shle rooms, private bath, direct phone. SHEFFIELD Apartments, 272 Broadway, cor. Jefferson. ORDERLEIGH 82 Grand Ave.. 3-room apartments, completely furnished, private baths; now management; modern and con venient, walking distance, best of service, rates $15 to $30. THE PARK HURST. North I'Uth and Northrup Sts. Homelike furnished 3 and 4-room apart ments, outside rooms; balcony to every suite; ail conveniences; ref. Phone M. 117a. WELLINGTON APARTMEN is. lotn and Everett 2. 8 ana loon.o. u..iu. u..utu, private baths; $-0 and up; completely ren ovated; under new management; walking distance; convenient and best service. GRANDEST A, East Stark and Grand ave. Ivew buiiuins. u.o..i apartments; prlvato bath and private phone; $25 to $27.50; walking distance. Phone East 20S. KEELEK APARTMENTS. 14TH AND CLAY STREETS. First-class 3-room apartments, unfur nished, private vestibules, bathrooms and phones: references required. THE WINSTON. 341 lllii St., at Market. New two and three-room apartments, completely furnished; walking distance; prices reasonable. Main 1739. H ADDON HALL. Ono unfurnished corner apartment with screened-in balcony, also one furnished apartment with balcony. 414 11th st. Marshall 3171. SUMMER RATES. 3-room nicely furnished apartments, all nice large outside rooms, $22.10; bath, phone and on carllne. B 3041. Tabor 2i. ALCO APARTMENTS. Union ave. and Couch sts., modern new furnished 2-room apts., walking distance, $-2 down. MADISON PARK APARTMENTS. Park and Madison Sts. For rent, 3 and 4-room furnished and unfurnished apartments; strictly modern. THE M' KIN LEY" APARTMENTS. East 7th and Morrison sts. Very central; ' 2 and 3-room apartments, furnished eoni pletely: private baths; from $20 to $2X50. THE EVERETT. 644 Everett, between 20th and Ella sis. Furnished 3-room apartments, with all modern conveniences; walking distance. THE CHETOPA, 18th and Flanders sts; 2, 3 and 4-room modem apartments, fur nished and unfurnished. a 7 1 v