Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 27, 1913, Page 11, Image 11

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"Matter Ream......
City Ori:t :on. . .
Maoa1af fcdltor....
tantfty Editor.
lompoiln f Room.
....Mala TOTO. A eW
....Mam TTO. A "3
Uau, 7070. A tV'i
'.I.iXain TOTO. A
.Mala TOIO. A
Bupariataadaat Bulldlag. -Mala Tu.. A euvi
ORPHEIT TH EATER Broadiray And Tay
lor) Vaudeville. This afternoen at
and toniaht at s:14.
BAKER THEATER (Broadway and J?'? A
Harum." Toalcht at a. 14.
CUPRK.-g THEATER (Broadway and Tam-
bii! Vaudeville. Thia aftarsooB at I
and toaiht al I SO and a
ANTAGE-S THEATER (Broadway aad Ai
der) Vaudeville, Tbla afternoon at
aad tonlsht at T SO and a.
7.YRIC THEATER (Fourth and ear'
Musical comedy. -Tha Lova Cora. ' Tnw
afternoon at i:l and tonight at
to 1:4 'clock.
T1VOLI AND CRTsTXU Flrat-roa P'-
tvraa. II A M. U 11 F. X.
liLOBE THEATER tE'eventa and wan-
Incton) Contlnuooa anrt-run motloa plo-
ir. and Aider) Royal Italian a 4 4
vaadevilla. Afternoons at avama
RKCREATIO PARK (-Twenty-fourth and
Vauhn Baabail. Portland va, baa
Fraaclaeo. Tnia afternoon at 1:1a.
Tbaixino School. Mtrrp Rcxrv Box.
Juvenile Juda-e Galena baa written a
letter to W. S. Hale, superintendent
of the State Training- School at Balem,
telling him that he haa no right to re
fuse to receive Earl Riley, a particular,
ly obstreperous Portland youth, and
that the boy will be aent to him. Riley,
who haa been In the reform achool sev
eral tlmea. waa arrested attain yester
day on a charge of stealing $20 from a
house In which bl father waa working
aa b paperhanger. He haa been ao bad
at Salem that Mr. Hale aald he would
never take him again. Judge Gatena
point out that the boy Is too young
to be aent to the rockplle and that
there Is no Other place than the reform
achool to which be can be committed
Captai- CBEsawKli. ARRIVES- Cap
tain Milton Creaawell arrived Satur
day from fan Diego with his wife In
an automobile to remain until after the
Hose Festival. Captain Cresswell makes
the same trip every year to Portland to
be present at the Festival. Accom
panying Captain Cresswell la his dog
Booster" who bas a place fixed for
Mm on Ve side of the automobile.
While the dog Is on the machine a horn
Is not necessary. The roads are reported
to be ia good condition except for a
few miles near Drain. Captain Cress
well waa a resident of Portland J5
year ago and waa then captain on
the Willamette River. He has been
living at San Diego for a number of
Ckildbex to Bb Scored. The
weekly demonstration at the Parents'
Kducatlonal Bureau tomorrow after
noon will Include the weighing and
measuring of children under 4 years,
and acore earda will be filled out and
given to mothers. These will serve as
guides for the care and development of
. 1 1 i An .mi Dnabls them to
compete more successfully for the spe
cial prises at the local and state ralrs.
The demonstration will begin at I P. L,
til Courthouse, with Dr. Mae H. Card
well. Dr. Mary V. Uadlgan and other
children's specialists In charge.
Bar Associattoic to JIict. The
regular monthly meeting of the Mult
nomah Bar Association will be held al
S o'clock tonight In Judge McOlnn's
courtroom, on the fifth floor of the
Courthouse. A report will be made by
B committee, consisting of M. L P'Pes.
John B. Cleland and John H. Hall.
.Appointed to determine what action
houW be taken by the- association In
the controversy over the tiling fees
deposited with Frank S. Fields, former
County Clerk, which County Clerk Cof
fey now refuses to recognise because of
tha Fields' shortage.
Chcrch Raisi.ho Oboam Fcnd. The
First Universalis! Cnurch. East Twenty-fourth
street and Broadway, is en
deavoring to raise K00O for a pipe
organ. Of this sum 11437 has been se
cured, "Last week 1200 waa given to
the organ fund, and It Is hoped that
this week the balance may be made up.
Tonight at the Baker Theater, through
the offer of George U Baker, all the
tickets the members can sell will help
swell the fund for the organ. The play
la entitled "The Wolf."
Essay Couth.' announced. The
Mount Scott Women's Christian Tem
perance Union will holt a silver essay
contest today at 2 P. M. In the Friends
Church at Lents, on the topic of -Industrialism
vs. Purity." A brief busi
ness meeting will precede the contest
programme. The contest will be held
under the labor department of the
union, and ts the third held by this
branch. The meeting will be public
Forme Iujni to Meet. All former
llllnolsana residing In Portland are in
vited to meet with the Illinois Society
tomorrow evening at their regular
monthly meeting, tn Manchester Hall,
861, Fifth street, between Stark and
Oak streets. The committee on ar
rangements have provided special en
tertainment for thia meeting and all
former residents of the "Prairie State"
will receive a cordial welcome.
Improvement Bonds Bring Prxmium.
Portland Improvement bonds to the
amount of J4.8.1 will be sold by the
Council tomorrow at premiums ranging
from S.4 to 37s per cent. Bids were
opened yesterday, and there waa a
greater demand for the bonds than the
amount . advertised .for sale, a dosen
bidders competing.
Persons Interested tn and the or
anisations composing the Publlo Wel
fare Federation are notified that they
can secure cards announcing the can
dtdatea recommended by the federa
tion at the office of Charles E. Len
non. rooms 34-Sa Lafayette bids, th
and Washington. (Paid Advt)
Mr. Weatherred to Speak. Mrs.
Kdith Tosier Weatherred will address
b company of women at the home of
Mrs. C C Wander, near Peninsula.
Friday. It will be a demonstration of
Oregon-made goods. Invitations have
been Issued to 60 women to attend this
blna Women's Christian Temperance
Union will hold a silver medal contest
at the home of Mrs. Harlow. 193 Simp
son street (West Piedmont), at J:30
For Sale. A 45-h.orsepower. 550-volt.
Crocker-Wheeler motor, complete with
standard blade starter, no voltage re
lease and 75-ampere over-load I-T-E
circuit break. In A-l condition. Ad
dress room JOJ Oregonlan bldg.
Bootuccoer Is Sentenced. Frank
Cordlnua was sentenced by Judge Bean
In Federal Court yesterday to 60 days
In Jail and fine of $100 on a charge of
-bootlegging" In the Klamath reserva
tion. FOR Sale. A 40-K. W 00-volt.
Crocker-Wheeler generator, complete
with field rheostat and circuit breaker.
In good condition. Address room S01
Oregonlan bldg. d
Fom Sale. One 125-volt. direct
current generator, complete with field
rheostat, ammeter and circuit breaker.
Thia machine Is In good repair. Ad
cress room SOI Oregonlan bldg..
CoTTJtam at Seaside. Eight rooms,
electric lights, large rooms, on board
walk: modern and complete: for rent
till Sept. 1. Telephone Main 6:6.
ALL. of the many acquaintances of E.
Versteeg will vouch for his reliability
and that be will make a safe and
judicious Commissioner. (Paid adv.)
For Sals. Physician and surgeon's
practice: best opportunity In Oregon;
equipment complete: location Southern
Oregon. AL. 0, Oregonlan.
Tub O.-K. Barbershop, Wilcox bldg..
will bo open Friday. Decoration day.
from 7:30 to 13 o'clock noon.
Dr. Walter F. Lewis, recovered from
accident. 309 Oregonlan bldg.
Sheebt Bros., painting, papering,
tinting. 129 13th. Main 3073. A 2410.
Dr. E. A. Sommer has returned.
LrxxTON Ma Arrbstbd. William
Jett. living In the hills back of .the
Linn ton Quarry Jail, was arrested Sat
nrdav nlrht bv Marshal A. L. Treber. of
Linnton, and Is being held In the Coun
ty Jail- A criminal charge of assault
a!.lnne rieiirriif-tlon of DfODrrty o
resisting an officer Is to be placed
against him. Deputy District Attorney
Dempsey. who has the case In charge,
. i i ki.k
naa not ret ncurminoa wim-n.
Mr. Dempsey say, drew a revolver
render Saturday night. It I charged.
. - . , . i . i - kt.
jett oroKe up ail vue luiuum .
home, amasbed all the windows an
drove his wife from the bouse. Mi
Dempsey asserts that Jett was 1:
similar trouble In Seattle and that hi
has been before Municipal Judge Tax
.11 i im fn, Wianrderlv eon
duct and other offenses growing out of
the use of Intoxicants.
Is There a Jcdas amujg" the Twelve
a .1 .. 1. 1 nt.T The rom-
Apuouri lil wu. ---
mission form of government give the
- J a, .MAaa A sTfUWl AP
men eiecie gren --
evil. Eight nurxartMi mi iod
dollar are paid out annually aa In
terest on the $1.000.000 of Improvement
j - .t,ink nn httrvit-n the nroDerty
owners of Portland. Cast your vote
for men actuated by honesty of purpose.
Do not handicap a good man by electing
a lot of puppets who act when the
interests pull the strings. Dr. W. L
Cottel. one of the leading candidate
. i i thai he was
I or vuiHiniBaiuiicii " y
hampered In his action In the Council
and In the Legislature oy tne iuwin.
-ki.i. k. nnni it thnsa bodies. Do
you want to continue the strangle hold
of uch combination! ii you j
vote for a man of known honesty.
(Paid adv.)
Dr. McGaw Back From Seattle. a National field sec
retary of the World s Christian Citixen
shlp Conference, to be held In this city
June 29-July 6, returned yesterday
. l- . i -v. . h, .AHrMiMl four
livin ocaiiic. " -
congregations Sunday In the Interest
of the conference, in tne momiu
k. n..h nf tha Vlrst Pres
byterian Church, of which Dr. Mark A.
Matthews Is pastor, ano preceding m
evening service spoke at a young peo
ple's meeting. In the afternon he ad
dressed a mass meeting of all Scandi
navian cnurcnes oi dui. .
niana n' . r mnda for a meet
ing la the near future of all Scandi
navian churchea in tnat section ui mo
tat. looklnar to a Scandinavian day at
the conference.
To plan for united effort of the young
people or mo city aim "
Interest of the World's Christian Cltl-
v. ..'. to ha held tn this
city Juno 29-Jily 6, a meeting of rep
resentatives Ol ine v,lirianu
Society, the Epworth League and
n . 1 . -T Il.nnl.'a T'nlrtH Wll 1 be
DUpilSI i vh. " ... - -
held Wednesday evening at the T. W.
a. ur. james b. w:uw,
1 j . n V. . , will
neia set. ri.i j v n.w ww.. - --
address the meeting and assist in the
organisation or tne young poup.o.
v.. a T'uBi MimniiN Car.
The Wolverines are to ride In Michigan
cars in tha automoone paraae i
Rose Festival. The committee In charge
will meet In room 1014 Spalding
building at I o'clock Tuesday evening
it. niani All members of
the club are requested to be present.
Decoration day they' will meet at Sec
ond and Morrison streets at 2:30 and
go to the Rlverview Cemetery to deco
rate grave of friends and veterans.
CtTT Haij. to Stat Open. Although
Monday, being an election day. Is nomi
nally a holiday for city employes, it has
been decided to keep the City Hall open
throughout the forenooa for the con
venience of those who may wish to
call the Auditor'a office for Information,
and so that city employes may receive
their pay. For Monday happen to be
pay-day for city employes, a well a
election day.
Concert Given at Lent. A concert
waa given In Grange hall at Lends Bun
day evening by members of St. Peter'
Catholio Church at Lenta. The vocal
ists were: Misses Rose Frledel,
Mstschlner and Barnlkel, and Messrs.
McCarty. Glanelli and Goodrich. Miss
Marie Chapman gave a recital on the
violin and Mis Josephine Wagner one
on the 'cello.
Rotary Club Ha Ladies Day.
Ladies' day Is the feature of the
Rotary Club luncheon at the Commer
cial Club today, special Invitation
having been issued to the wives of
all of the members. J. H. Dundore
will preside over a special musical
programme, and Father E. V. O'Hara
has been secured a speaker of the day.
Clerks op District Court Chosen.
At a meeting of the Judges of the new
District Court, which succeeds the
, . f.,tm rZnrcrm T . Wlllev WSS
chosen yesterday aa clerk of the court.
HI deputle Will DO .MISS AlltO xiusam,
Leo F. Jones, Charles Nonnell and Mrs.
Mlna Poole. The last named la the
only new member of the staff.
Portland Officer Return. Deputy
United States Marshal Fuller returned
from McNeil's Island yesterday after
safely placing five Government prison
er behind the bars. He was accom
panied by Bertillon Chief Hunter and
Detective Thoma Ewennis. of tha Port,
land police.
Worth Giti Commission. E. G.
Worth yesterday received his commis
sion a surveyor-general of Oregon, In
accordance with his recent oppointment
by President Wilson. Mr. Worth will
assume the duties of his office today.
Father O'Hara to Lecture. Father
O'Hara will lecture on the tenement
house problem In Portland In the East
Portland branch library, East Eleventh
and East Alder treets. tonight at 8
$100 Diamond Rinos por $76, at Aron
son's removal sale. 294 Wash, st.
Washington Dairy Supply Is
Declared Insanitary.
Her. E. Nelson Allen Pays Tribute
to Iate Minister.
"Be of Good Cheer" ' was the text
used by Rev. E. Nelson Allen In his
sermon yesterday at the funeral of
Rev. W. R. Bishop, the pioneer who
died Sunday morning. In the Hawthorne
Park Presbyterian Church. East
Twelfth and East Taylor streets. There
was large attendance of pioneers and
old residents, who had known Mr.
Bishop for many years. The audience
wa like a gathering of aged pioneers.
Six grandsons of Mr. Bishop were the
pallbearers who carried the casket Into
the church. A great profusion of floral
pieces were received.
Rev. Mr. Allen told of the close rela
tionship that existed between him
self and the dead pioneer and tha never
ending sunshine of the latter. "Be of
good cheer" always had been the
motto of Rev. Mr. Bishop. Mr. Allen
also spoke of Mr. Bishop as a man
of high literary attainments, and
stated that after he was 80 years of
age Mr. Bishop acquired a knowledge
of Greek o that he could read and
translate the Bible Into English from
that language. The Interment was
made In Lone Fir Cemetery by the side
of hi wife who died several month
Served at the Holts Store.
Dally from 11 A. M. to P. M. Best
foods, quick service, low prices. Try
It today. -Holta' Corner.'- fllTh and
Washington. 6th-treet entrance, direct
to restaurant.
At Gearheart "By-the-Sea." Thurs
day night train leaving at 6:30 goes
through. Good opportunity to spend
holiday and week-end at the beach.
Information 100H Fourth Btreet.
The National Aaaemtily of Panama ra-
eantlv. enacted a law to encourage cotton
manufacturing In the Republic of Panama.
Inspector Finds That, With Scarcely
Exception, Dairymen Fall to
Live XTp to Terms of
Milk Ordinance.
That Washington dairymen who are
shipping milk and cream to the Port
land market are not running their
dairies in a sanitary manner and tnat
the average quality of milk, considered
aa to Its possible result on the health
of the user. Is very poor, will be shown
In a report which will be made to tha
Portland Board of Health at its meet
Ina- Saturday by Dr. Herbert Sliver
wood, city dairy Inspector, who during
the month of May ha Inspected 102
dairies in Southwestern Washington,
and four in Oregon, and has found tnat.
with acarcely an exception, they fall to
comply with the requirements of the
pure milk ordinance.
"A a rule we found very lax methods
In practice about these dairies." says
Dr. Sllverwood In his report, "result
Inr In a low average core- The chief
causes for oomplaint wefe that the dairy
house were connected with the barns
and the absence of coolers. About two-
thirds of them were cooling with iud
of water.
"Several were condemned." continues
the report, "and others given from 10
to 30 days to place their dairies In
satisfactory condition. All were pro
vided with agreement for tuberculin
tBTts and with copies of the Portland
milk ordinance.
Dr. Sllverwood ha no power, as an
nfrirer of the Cltv of Portland, to In
spect Washington dairies, or enforce
the provisions or tne i-uruaiiu mi.a.
ordinance. But by a co-operative ar
rangement, agreed to at a conference
of State Dairy and Food Commissioner
Mickle, of Oregon; State Dairy ano
irnnd Commissioner Davles. of Washing
ton, and City Chemist E. Calloway, of
Portland. Dr. Sllverwooa was accom
panied on his Inspection of Washing
ton dairies by Deputy Dairy and
Food Commissioner Henderson, of
Washington, who worked with him and
who Issued the orders which will either
result In the shipping of pure milk to
the Portland market or the exclusion of
the kind that Is now being snipped.
The aa-reement between the dairy and
food departments of the two states Is
mutual, so that wasnington inspectors
may work In Oregon In co-operation
with Oregon Inspectors, ano vice versa.
As an example of how this arrange
ments works, the Washington dairy
men were given the option of having
either the State or wasningion or me
City of Portland apply the tuberculin
test to their herds.
Tha hlarhest score found In the 106
dairies Inspected In the two states, four
of them being In Oregon, was a purity
percentage of only 61.6, The average
percentage wa 4B.s.
New Bills Open at the
Vaudeville Houses
OF course it was Bud. "our Bua, at
Pantages thia week. Bud first, last
and all time, despite the quality of the
other attractions. And In a way, Bud's
nervousness, hi evident anxiety to get
off the stage JusC as quickly aa they
would let him. appealed to every mem
ber of the audience. They seemed to
sense that, for this boxer at least, the
white llsrhts and the red lights had
no call. He was out to gain the cham
pionship by a combination or skiu in
the ring and levelheadedness outside
of it. Truth to tell he looked as If he
would rather fight 20 rounds of his
Ufa every day of the week than ap
pear once on the stage.
Dick Donald, somewhat nervous also.
Introduced Anderson In remarkably
few words, asserting not boastfully but
with quiet confidence, that in a short
time they would De naiung nim as
champion. Then Bud came on. His
bow hardly would have done credit to
a six-year-old girl making her first ap
pearance at a Sunday school recita
tion. He seized onto the skipping rope
with all the glee In the world and was
perfectly happy until Manager Dick
told him to sit down.
Then brother Freddie came along
and the two went at it, with Freddie
very anxtous to show all there was In
him. Bud, handicapped by a bad left
hand, practically sparred single handed
and showed himself remarkably fast on
his feet and In the best of trim. At
the end of the last round Bud positive
ly sprinted for the wings, and In re
sponse to a tumultuous ancore timidly
armeared for Just half a second.
Menlo Moore's Mother Goose girls
provide an artistic act. with a pic
turesque setting. Pretty girls, taking
the parts of well-known characters in
fairy land, sing and dance their way
Into the hearts of the audience, while
Robert Rice 1 equally effective a a
grotesque queen of the fairies.
"Love" Toung Dream," the only play
let on the bill provides unusual situa
tion for comedy. Papa, portrayed ef
fectively by Emll Hoch, Is mistaken
for the butler by a young blood who
claims his daughter. In consequence
be haa to listen to all sorts of dis
paraging talk about himself, but bide
bis time, which never oomes, for the
youth with great sang fro id turns the
tables on him and gives him no chance
to retaliate.
In "The New Recruit" Browning and
Lewis make a great hit with' the audi
ence. The one Is a sergeant, 'tother.
one of those simpletons who always
manages to say clever things with an
air of Idiocy about them. A really
rood. act. Then there la some clever
aerial work combined with humor by
McPhee and Hill that I not too far
fetched, with an Italian street scene
to complete the bill.
l T last Portland 1 visited by Cecilia
c ("Clssle") Loftus, she of the fa
mous wink. Last season she came to
the Pacific Coast on a special engage
ment over the Orpheum circuit, but
visited only San -Francisco and Loa
Angeles. We haven't seen any of
Cissy's famed imitations, because the
last time she came to Portland she waa
playing on the legitimate atage with
none other than Sothern. Now she
come in her capacity as a mimic and
takea all hearts by storm. She changes
from Carrie De Mar in a refined Jag
ditty to the wonder actress Madame
Sarah Bernhardt In one of her greatest
and most dramatic scenes. She 1 the
best imitator Rose Stahl could ever
have, and bar bit, in costume, from
the "choru lady" i a character gem
and absolutely faithful In tone copy.
Her beat liked impression, however.
Is that of an English mother going for
a ride with her wee son Reggie. So
excellent 1 the monologue that one
almost bears the child' piping and
insistent queries and the voices of the
other passengers in the car. Then, to
make the measure full and running
A Fraudulent
May harass but
one person m a
thonsand, but that
one person has a
mighty unpleasant
and expensive
experience. You
will do well to
protect yourself
with a Guaranteed
Certificate of Title.
It tells you where
you stand. Investi
gate. Call for book
let. Title & Trust '
Co., 4th and Oak sts:
over. Miss Loftus presents her im
pression of Maud Allen in a Spring song
dance -with Interpretative music.
Miss Loftus' act is of the highest ar
tistic vrorth and is a delightful study.
She has a deep, throaty voice with
delicious thrills in it, and her personal
charm Is evident.
Second place 1 filled by two singing
comedians. Bob Matthews and Al
Shayne. They have a tabloid fantasy
n.j m.a VIvht ai tha RnwdrV." A
street scene is depicted, with lights
agleam, and one of the chaps saunter
out of a Chinese lodging-house to sing.
in a nne Daritone, a tuneiui meiuuj,
"In Dreamy Chinatown." Then the
other rhan in ton hat and dress clothes.
comes along. He is a Hebrew dialec
tician, and has one song, -xoi-ae nui-
J 1 " ,V.o n-rm a irmut TtlA t WO hftVA
uc-1 ui, vv D -
a l.i.nh nutta. In thA SM11rA Of & Chat
about Dreamland, the land of the poppy.
Then they do a Dit or opera ounmiiuo
and some real singing. Their act Is a
big hit.
Harry De Coe, the man with the
tables and chairs, is also a man who
ni .i. nn ninimltpo Hflrlnriv with the
grim reaper. To the Imminent risk of
his own neck, not to mention tne or
chestra, De Coe balances chair legs on
Hk.l 1 . . ml tm a tnn thATTI And fell thlS
at three tables hi ph. His apparent
fearlessness, coupiea who me ru
novelty of the act, gets a windfall of
After Irene Bercseny plays rag time
the audience applauds its head off. . on hsr nlnvlno nn tha CVmbal
a cross between a spinnet and a
xylophone Is connnea soieiy to xiuu-
garlan melodies. She is assisted oy
violin soloist, Yeska. The act Is high
class. n.iniKinr anlAlv In the title The
Girl from Chicago," a great big, beau
tiful doll type of girl sings well-selected
airs In a vole also great, big
and beautiful. . .
The live Hursleys are speed boys and in an .-rltlntr act of acrobatic
high somersaulting. Wlllard and Cain,
black face comedians, "politely proffer"
a sketch called "Detectlvelsm," with
trniord aa n modern detective and Cain
wanting to learn the business. The
denouement is clever, u ne r-aisoa
ing pictures complete the bill.
CPIASHED all through with tuneful
, i melodies sung ny ioit wim e"
inrinr voices is the operetta comlque
at the Lyric this week. It Is entitled
"The Love Cure," which suggests, dui
does not completely convey, an Idea of
the Ingredients that go into its com
position. Whether the lines and comedy
situations are worked out and the songs
int.pnni'it.!! nr the sone: revue made
out and the dialogue made to fit It to
gether is not discernlBie irom tne com
posite showing.
TtfVithAVAi- wav thev constructed it
the effect is telling. It makes for com
edy that is eaten up by tne wnc pat
rons, and It's all highly diverting. The
story told briefly is rearrangement of
tha dilemma of the bachelor who has
told his wealthy father of his wife and
baby in order to secure more allowance
th. aI man when father decides
to visit the Bon a wife and baby must
be borrowed hurriedly, to compucaio
matters a bit a mother-in-law also must
k. ,aii nn from somewhere since her
existence has been mentioned often in
son's letters. Given these complications
the comedy Is assured.
Tn nAnt pAmnnnv at the LVTlC
abounds in 'good voices and every musi
cal number was appiauu. inc h'b
twins, as alike as tne proverui. iwv
in a rtnA w.rA recalled a half
dozen times with their singing and
dancing specialty, a '
voices was heard in delightful "close
harmony" minus orchestra accompani
Acting honors apportion evenly, raui
Stanhope "comede's" about merrily with
t.t .-tummv" anil a rolllnf sfutteral
In his voice. Tiny Snyder and H. Guy
Woodward get away- in eiteueui
style respectively witn urii.o..i5j
Vie. t i r t n I ! on A a. warble of a
dandy parody on "Insanity" with local
politic for Its uojeci raaiicr.
Alwyn, whose soprana is melodious
r .-- ,1th crpat A&.RA And DUrity
of tone, has the role of Jack's wife.
Ilene Edwards, about as big as a good
sired minute. Is the "Impromptu" wife,
ow. .i a ,7 1 1 1 tnn with tha chorus
3UO BlIiBB uinji " ' "
aa a animated background. Speaking
or tne cnorus, it in mi "
plentiful supply of new steps, wnen
enm.thiwr aiaa tflTi't doine there's al
ways the chorus of "rosebuds" to come
on and surprise in soroetning new.
"The Love Cure" will continue all
t$18.25 PtYr
(At the Age of Twenty-nine)
Older ages are only a trifle higher
New Low Rate Contract
Best for Oregoniaiis
Corbett Building, Cor. Fifth and Morrison, Portland
Pmidral Cacrl Miaater AistJliol Minatn
A Becoming Norfolk Is
the Proper Suit for This
Time 01 the Year
At twenty-five dollars, the Kuppenheimer Norfolks,
found in our stock, are up-to-the-minute. They em
body the very latest midsea'son developments in this
popular model. , There are others at fifteen to forty
Later, as these "new today" models become common
place and usual,.they automatically reduce themselves
in price. This is. a feature at the Lion, which gives you
always full value for your money.
A-NEW THOUGHT BY EXPRESS Pure silk hose for men blue with white
dots and ties to match. Exclusively here. Conservatively different, but harmoniz
ing with the things of individuality displayed by us.
S. & H. Stamps given upon request..
We want the day off, so please
get your "fixin's" early. We'll
keep open Thursday night un
til 7.
"The Steinbach Store'
Morrison at Fourth
week, with matinees dally and perform
ances every night.
WILLIE RITCHIE, champion llgnt
weleht of the world, is the most
Important of the many excellent attrac
tion's offered In this week's bill at the
Empress. In "Fun in a Gymnasium.
Ritrhlo does some clever stunts, put
ting up a good, clean and entertaining
show. At yesterday afternoon's per
formance, ne ciosea nis numnor mui
a two-round boxing bout with "Spike"
nnni, thA vaaW other lo-
IlCUIlCOOJi UllUb v..w ..
1 .Duh.itia. win KnT with the vouna
champlon. He is supported by his man
ager, Billy Nolan.
Hal Stephens, a character actor, was
seen in selections from several well-
i. n1aa TTla IntArnretAtiOn Of
I 1 J . ' " ... .-
Shylock's speech tn Act III. scene 1, of
"The Merchant or Venice, cans iurm
appreciative applause. As Rip Van
11TI.1.1A aa Ttlriaa TflPJirlot he &1SO
Is well received. Appropriate scenery
aaas to tne auracuun.
The Nathal Trio makes things lively
. minnt.a Tha fun centers
around one of the party, who Is billed
as "Is it a man or monKeyr- ne is
a whirlwind as a gymnast, climbing
up ropes' and around the railings of
the boxes and balcony and startling the
occupants of the front seats, causing
them to gasp at his daring. He is sup
ported by an agile acrobat and a worn-
n In a mucniy-spangiea gown.
rT V. -Cm,. talnnv Intlfl rrh frP flTCR
A 11 a j; vu .......... .1 ... . -'
t- 1 T" rrtrtlMo-A farlc TT. Ham.
i V7 C H, 111 -. . ' "
mel and Al Hockey, sing and play the
piano in a care-iree, Dreezy way. xuou
songs are original ana toeir mnra
Sid Vincent ana Irene wmo imh
a hit in duets ana soio wors. no, a.a
a London chappie and afterward as a
coster boy, sings well, his accent being
just right. The girl is witty and
ui .(..!," TCiiintt la an anerflretic
dancer, an entertaining singer and a
musician of a unique variety, piaying
number or tunes on wnai apirean
be a broomstick with one string
itretched itB length.
tt. .v. thA nlmufl and ev
eryone will like the Van Cleve-Denton
and "Pete" act. for It presents a .real
circus mule with all its funny tricks
and kicks. He makes things lively
with the assistance of a burnt cork
darkey rider and a woman who does
her share In the amusing scene.
The orchestra's part is to furnish
some first-class music and the moving
pictures are up to 'the high standard
of excellence of the Empress bills.
Beg to announce
that they will in
clude in their 25
Per Cent Induc
tion Sale a ship
ment of the latest
, up-to-date ster
ling silver novel
ties for wedding
Before investing
compare our
prices. We can
save you money.
Cut Glass, Art
and Le a t h e r
Goods at actual
310 Washington Street
We Will Deliver
for You
Here's the schedule:
Call up Main 6499 or A 4499,
and your orders will receive
prompt attention.
West Side
Two deliveries daily. Auto
leaves store at 10 A. M. and
4:30 P.M.
SeUwood, Woodstock and Mt.
Auto leaves store at 1 :30 P.
M. on Mondays and Thurs
days. Piedmont, University Park,
Woodlawn and Alberta,
Auto leaves store at 1:30 P.
M. on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Rose City Park, Montavilla, Mt.
Tabor and Lanrelhurst
Auto leaves store at 1:30 P.
M. on Wednesdays and Satur
days. Irvington and Holladay
Every afternoon.
See Thursday and Friday Pa
pers for Specials.
Phone: Main 6499, A 4499.
is not complete until the print are in
your album. Bring u your films and
our finishing department will make
pictures you will be proud to show.
Should you care to do the work your
self, will explain how easy it is to
develop In the Kodak Film Tank and
print by gas light on Velox Paper.
Just drop in and have a Kodak visit
with us for ' your interest and our
Bet. Morrison and
Register Now in
Y. M. C A.
Business and Professional Term
Schools I Fee
Accounting J150.00
Bookkeeping .... . .......... . 6.00
Carpentry - ---I l-"u
Pharmacy ................ .-I 30.00
Plumbing ..... io.uu
Reinforced Concrete 16.00
Sbowcard Writing . . 1 if.uu
Shorthand .....-! e.uu
Wireless Telegraphy , I ou.uu
Assaying .... 15.00
Automobile Course I ( 60.00
Electricity School ' 16.00
Some of 50 Other Courses
Mechanical Drawing II 7.50
Architectural Drawing I 7.50
Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry B.OO
German. French or Spanish . .. 6.00
Penmanship or Englisn a.uu
Boys' School (day) ..... 13.00
Boys' School (night) I 4-00
j rVK v"" , ?v
Frank LWatkins
(Of Parrlsh, Watklna & Co.)
For Commissioner
When you think "Commission
er." think "Watklns." When you
vote for "Commissioner," vote
for "Watkins."
Qualified to serve you capably
by 20 years' successful business
experience and four years' ex
perience In Portland's municipal
affairs as Councilman.
Ballot No. 63
(Paid Advertisement.)
i - ;
i J- v.
Present City Engineer
(Paid Advertisement)
"When your work
speeds up and you
need increased effi
ciency to Mt the line
hard, a good lunch
eon, like that served
by Phil Metschan at
the Imperial, will go
a "long way to get
you into shape for
an 'afternoon's better
Luncheon fifty cents
Sol Due Hot
Springs Hotel
In the Heart of the Olympics.
For descriptive literature, address
the Manager, Sol Cue, Clallam County,