Mini' Vrv-rvnr-rrr nprr.nvTAV MnvnAT. MAT 26. 191-- 8 X i 1 lj illUltm.ltx vr.-e - 1 BEAVERS WIN AND LOSE IN VENICE Drueke Lets Portland Down With Four Scattered Hits in Morning Game. HAGERMAN MATINEE HERO Runm TTa Hard Time Airalnst McCredle Men In After noon B Hit Send Him From Mound Timers Take Series. Ix Ant's 8121.599n ". I???'!?? Oakland. .. 2 24 W Sacramento 21 2J .48. V".?r " SOU! Portland... 21 37 .4SS Traterday's Results. . . - At Fan Francisco Los Angeles l UAt ViramentoSacrament , Ssa Tnn. Cisco 4. LOS ANGELES. CaU May J S. (Spe cial.) Possibly yon haven't heard what took place at Washington Park. and also at Venlc In the before-lunca en tertainment today. Here 'tis: Venice 3. Portland 2; afternoon. Port land . Venice 1. Down Venice way It was all Drueke. The lateet acquisition to Hap's staff of heavers let the wavering Beavers down with tour tit, while Eire Hlrgin botham was slapped for seven. In the afternoon one "Spider" Baum was tratted ont by Happy, and It was to his everlasting sorrow that he did select -Spider." Before the entangle ment had font a full nine Innings Mr. Baum had been hounded out of the box with the sound of nine safe swats tingling In bis ears. Roy Hitt came to his rescue In the sixth. Stingy Is hardly a wprd to he ap plied appropriately to "Ktp Zip Hag erman. the elongated heaver whomMc Credle secured from Lincoln In the Western League, but It will at least give a fair opinion of his actions to ward the Tigers during the afternoon's slaughter. Bocaa'e Mem Get For Hits. Just exactly four times did Hogan's henchman find the sphere for safeties, not that they didn't clout It oftener. but somehow or other It couldn't be landed where someone wasn't. After Meloan was inserted Into the line-up for Baum In the fifth Inning. Hitt of fered himself up as another sacrifice. He started out like a sure winner. Fisher going out on a measley blngle to Roy. He forced Hagerman to whiff and further rubbed It In on the Beav ers by whiffing Chadbourne. But he got bis In the next session. Rodgers reached first on an Infield blow. Kores slipped one down to Hosp on short, who threw to ORourke to head off Rodger. But Patsy oblig ingly muffed the throw and both run ners lived. Hitt helped dig his own grave by walking Doane. filling all stations. Krueger came through with a neat blngle o center, putting Doane on second and Kores on third. At this Juncture Hosp butted into the fray and caused Hap a few mo menta of frensy. MeConnlck spilled on a straight one and Hosp made a noble effort and stabbed it. The stop was great, but he couldn't stand the ap plause and proceeded to throw the sphere about fuur feet over Patter son's head Into the stand behind. Korea and Doane dented the rubber. But back to Baum. We haven't re lated the ascension of the Spider In bis entirety. Ckadbonrae Likes Offering. He got into an awful fix with the first ball be threw. Chadbourne took a decided liking to the Initial offering, and by the time the ball was returned to the infield he mi peacefully rest ing on third base. Derrick scored his teammate with a blngle to center field. Rodgers sacri ficed him to second. Kores got away with an Infield swat which Derrick took advantage of, and crossed the platter. In the third Inning the Tigers gave the Beavers a big scare, but that was all they could do. Two singles in suc cession and a walk, filled the bags, but snappy playing 0n the part of the Roarers and, Kane's fanning settled things. The Tigers' one win gave them the series, four out of seven. Scores: Portland I Venice BHOAE BROAE rnadbo'e.t 1 o o rr!ui..l. o 2 0 0 Ierrlck.l 4 0 U O V Kane.m. .. 0 O OO Rorfsers.2 2 0 1 1 1 Ilaylas,r. . 4 1 1 Keres.a... 2 0 2 ll.lioip.i 4 12 3b IMui,r.. 2 1 0 0;(-Hourke.2 4 2 4 40 Kruil4r.m g S 0 (;Tonnem'n.l 3 18 10 M l or k. J O 1 lOM Doan UJ 4 1 2 9 .Parry.c t 0 IHrilltt.. I 1 7.0 0 Xidl m p 4 2 0 1 o Druike.R.. 3 0 0 3 FUss'ld. 1 1 Viaaer.e.. 6 00 Totals 2S.4 24 12 2' Totals. 3 T 2T 11 0 Two oat when winning run scored. Fatted (or Berry In ninth. Portland .-4 0 O O O 0 2 3 Hlta O 0 1 0 0.0 0 1 24 Ventre O 00 1 0O0 21 Hlta 1 1 Q 1 1 1 I Bona Doane. Fltssersld, Bayless. Hoap. O-Reurlce. stolen bases ChadbouShe, Korea. Two-baa hlta Hlsslnbotnain. Hoap, O Rourk Sacrifice hlta Drurke, Krueser, Tonnenian Vam on balls Off Prueke 8. truck out By Drocke . Hlcainbotham t. Ivouble plays Hoap to O'Rourke to Tonna. man; Drurke to McDonnell to Tonnemaa. Time 1:4s. I'mplraa Vaa Cleat and Fin ney. Afternoon same: Portland I Venice B.H.O.A.E.! B. H.O.A.E. chad ne.l a 2 e o Carllsle.L 2 000 Derrick,! 3 - lo 0 OiKane.ra.. 1 0 0 Rodiers.3 4 2 S- OIBaylees.r. 4 0 2 0 0 Korea... S1S OHoep.e.... 4 1 2 4 Doane. r. 2 0 10 O.O'K rke.2 4 111 Kr eer.m S 2 0 0 O pattern. 1 4 0 IS 0 0 yrtVk.1 1 4 2 OMcDon'1.1 2 110 0 Funer.c 4 1 0 Eillott.m. 2 14 2 0 llazer'B.v 4 1 0 t OBsum.p.. 10 0 10 Bieioen.v. o 0 0 0 e Hltt.p... 1 0 0 0 0 (Tonne n,m 0 0 1 0 0 Totals 12 27 IS 0, Totals T 4 27 18 4 Hatted for Baum la flftb. Portland Hlta 20001080 0 4 Hits 101 JfUl 012 Venice Runs 0000 10 000 1 Hits 00200100 1 4 Runs Chedbnnrne. Derrick, Rodaers 2. Korea Doane. Elliott. Etcht hits and three rune off Baum la five Inning's. Charge de feat to Baum. Three-base hlta Chad bourne 3. Two-baae hit Derrick. Sacri fice hit Doane. Sacrifice fly Kane. Bases on balls Off Baum Z. Haserman 4. Hut 2. struck out Haserman 8, Hitt 8. Double p.ays Korea to Rodgers to Derrick. Balk baum. Tims 1:44. Lmftlrea Finney and Van Cleef. WOLVES TOTALLY HUT SERIES Srals Lose at Sacramento in Game Too Hot for Pitchers. SACRAMENTO. May 25. By taking advantage of McCorry's liberality In the first frame and by timely hitting In the pinches, the Sacramento Wolves defeated San Francisco today, 6 to 4. winning their first series of the sea . son. four games to two Two walks, two bits, a sacrifice fly and Hogan's error gave the locals a lead of three runs In the opening frame. Halllnan's single. Shlnn's triple and another sac rifice fly added two more In the fifth. Hughes relieved McCorry after the f'.ftU. and Halllnan's triple and Shlnn's single scored the sixth local run. The Wolves used two pitchers before they found one who "could stand the heat. Williams retired In the third Inning, after two hits and, an error had let In the first Seal run. Munsell a-ave In to the weather man in the fourth, with the bases filled and one out. Stroud relieved him and Halll nan'a error and a sacrifice fly let In two runs. In the. eighth. Johnston forced McArdle at second, stole second and scored on Hogan's single. Score: e-.. ' I Cnramant o B H OAK JB H O II UundoT.r 8 12 0 OlMoran.ra.. 8 1 0 0 Charles.r. O 0 0 0 0Lewla.l. .. 4 2 2 00 McArdle.2 4 12 1 0lHalllnan.8 8 2 0 2-1 Johnslon.l 4 0 2 1 liihlnn.r. .. 8 2 2 10 Hoi.n.1. 4 2 T 0 1 Kmwor-J.J 1 1 1 2 0 r n . .11 All Tuudij... 4 -1 1 O 1 Corhan.a. 3 0 0 SOTennant,!. 8 2 JO CartWht.3 SOX o UiKeltme r.c a " Schmidt, c 2 0 8 8 O.SVWIama.p 1 0 0 JO McCorry.p 2 1 0 6 O MunaelLp. 0 0 0 10 HuKhea.p. 1 0 0 2 0 Stround.p. 8 0 0 00 Howard. 1 Q o ooj Totals 81 .4 24 13 1, Totala. 28 11 2T 12 2 Howard battea zor ncnmiui in ninm. o AA120001 0 4 in.. 0 0220002 0 Sicramento S 0 0 O 2 0 1 0 Hlta 2 0 1 1 2 0 8 2 14 Runs Johnston. Hogan. Zimmerman. Mc Corry, Moran. l.ewle. Halllnaa 2. Shlnn 2. Stolen bases Johnaton, Moran, Shlnn, Ten on. run. 2 hlta off Williams In 2 2-1 lnnlnga, taken out In third with man on third and two out; two i u n. - uil. vh 1 1 i. n i innln. lakMi out In fourth with bases full and ona out: fl runs. 0 hlta off McCorry In 5 lnnlnga Credit victory to atroud. cnarse ueirai to jm-vi 1 1 . ban hlta Shlnn, Halllnan. Two-baa hlta Mundorff, lewls- tiaerlflos fllee Kenwortny 2. Schmidt. Sacrifice hlta Halllnan. Relt meyer Ptruck out By McCorry 8, Hughes 8 Williams 1. Munaeli 1, Stroud S. Baa on belle off McCorry 6, Williams L Munaeli 1, Stroud 1. Double play Kenworthy to Young to Tennant. Earned rune Off McCorry it. Hughes 1, Btroud 1. Left on baaea Ban Fran claco 4. Fecramnto 1. Tima 2:00. Umpires Bush and McCarthy. AXGELS PILE UP 2S SXRES' Oaks Lose Two Games, Afternoon Contest Being Slaughter. SAN FRANCISCO, May JS. The Los Angeles team hung up a new record for the season against the Oakland team this afternoon, when they put 12 of their runners across home plate. It was a champion slaughter, but an uninteresting game. Thousands of fans left the park before the game was half over. The Oaks' total was seven. This decisive defeat came on the heels of a nose-and-nose finish In the morning . game between the two teams In Oakland, when the men from the Orange belt won In a 12-lnnlng game by a score of 2 to 1. The most spectacular Inning of the afternoon game was the third, when the Angela scored nine runs. Manager Mitse, of the Oaks, used three pitchers during the afternoon session, in his endeavor to stay the fierceness of the Angels batters, but without avail. Parkin, Gregory and Gray were the twlrlers used, and Gray Is charged with the defeat After making nine in the third, the Angels added four In the fourth, four more in the fifth and three In the sixth, one In the ninth, and, with their lead run in the first inning, loiajeu 23 runs. Scores: Morning game: Los Angeles Oakland B. H. O A E. B. rt. u.a.13.; Page.2. .. 6 1 4 8 0 Leard.2.. 8 0 4 2 0 EUia.1... 4 Xiv u;look,i... 4 0 1 1 7 211 0 8 0 8 1 4 1 2 0 1 0 1 Moore.l. 4 013 1 4 2 2 OlZacher.m 1 Nesa.l... 4 S 6 0 o 4 Howard. r 8 Metager.l 4 0 Coy.r. . 0 2 0 OGueet.3.. 3 118 O ardner.l. 4 Jobnaon,s 5 Boles.c. . 3 0 S 8 llRohrer.o. 8 Perrltt.p 4 11 0 jKUUlay.p 8 Totals 38 T3S16 31 Totals 28 6 8611 2 Los A. Runs 0 0010000000 1 2 Hite o 1 lioooioui a I Oakland Runs ..0 0001000O00 01 Hlta loioowilivu v a Runs Ellis. Howard. Guest, etolen bases Maggart. Howard, Johnson. Two-base hits Magirart. Page. Sacrifice hits Moore, Per- rltt Kil Hay. Metsger. First esse on oauea bells Off Perrltt 3. Klllllay 4. Struck out By Klllllay 1. by Perrltt 8. Hit by pitcher Zacher. Double plays Elite to Page to Mets- ger. keener unaesiatea. a.aruea rune irm Angelea y. Ln on Deans lob Angeiea i. Oakland 3. Time 2:10. Vmplres Phyls and Held. Afternoon game Los Angeles I Oakland BHOAE BROAE Page,2.... 4 8 1 2 WLeard.8. . . 8 0 141 Ellla.l.... 5 1 1 oucook.e.... 5 8 12 0 1 Zacher.m. B 8 1 0 0iNess.l.... S 1 1 0 0'Goy.r 4 2 4 4 liauest.S... 8 8 4 8 lGardner.l. 5 1 3 Ol Rohrer.e.. 3 4 0 1 o parkin. d.. 1 1 S 1 1 Moore.l.. 8 S 8 00 3 8 2 0 1110 1 1 41 13 0 0 0 4 8 1 O 0 00 0 0 01 2 8 10 Mamrt.m 8 Howard, r. 5 Metzger,8 6 Johnson, s 6 Brooke. c. 3 81agla.p. Oodwin.21 0 0 0 2 0Gregory.p. 0 luray.p.... 4 Totals 46 23 27 121 Totals. 40 12 27 16 S Los Angeles 10044300 1 Tl Hits a 1 o o 4 v l u-o Oaklsnd 1 2 0 0 1 0 2 0 1 T Hits a v u i i a i a it Runs Page 2. Ellis 8. Moore, Magrart 2. Howard 3. Metrger, Johnson 3, Brooks . 8. Flagle 4. Leard 2, Zacher, Neas 2, Coy, Rohrer. One run. hits off Parkin, taken out in third, three on and no outa; 6 runs. 3 hlta off Gregory, taken out In third, two on and two outa Home, run Nesa. Charga defeat to Gregory, stolen, baeea Moore. Maggart. Howard. Johnson. Brooks. two- base hits Howard. Johnson 2, Slagle 2. Brooke. (Sacrifice hits Metrger. Sacrifice fly Page. First bass on called balls Slagle 6. Gray 4, Parkin 2, firegory L Struck out Slagle 8. Gray 1. Hit by pitcher Page, Maggart. hy Gray. Earned runs Los Ange les 4 off Gray: Oakland 1. Double plays- Pare to Johnson to Moore, Metxger to Moore. Wild pitches Gray 2. Left on baaea Loe Angeles 12. Oakland 12. Time 2:15. Umplree Held and Phyle. SIIILLALAIIS ARE VlCTORIOCJ Bear Cats Whitewash Opponents and Top Club League. In the Multnomah Club Sunday Base ball League O'Hanlon's ShlllaJahs de feated Fisher's Roqueforts 1 to 0, while Allen's Bear Cats whitewashed Btott's rihamrocka, 8 to 0, In one of the best games of the season. Horn and Qlesan were the batteries for O'Hanlon's team and Brown and Anderson were In the points for the Roqueforts. The following Is the standing of the tea me to date: Team W. L, PC. Allen'a Bear Tata 5 0 l.Cnt O'Hanlon's Rhlllelahs 4 1 .800 Fisher's Roqueforts 4 .009 Stiffs Shamrocks 4 .000 Baseball Statistics BTANDtXQ OF TRE TEAMS. Nation at Lea4rse. W. 1. PC. I W. L. PC. Phlla II T ,750'Chlcago. . . . IS 17.614 Brooklyn.. It II .14 Pittsburg. .. 15 11.441 St. Louis... II 14. B: Boston 11 17 .993 New York.. 15 14 .617,Clnclnnatl. . 14.K .: Amrrlrsm League. Phlla 21 4. 7oe st. Louie... 1 24 .400 ?lereland.. It II .Hl Boslon 14 20.412 Washington 1 II .681 Detroit 1( It .403 Chicago.... 21 It .iNer Tork. . 10 11 .Jul Ameriraa k asoHatlom, Columbus.. IS 14 .t7('MUineapolla. 1 17.5ft Uulellle.. :UI.6II8L Paul.... 17 IS .472 Kan. Cltr.. 11 17 .4(4 Indianapolis IS 18 .441 Milwaukee.. 21 IT .641. Toledo 12 26.114 Western Tri-State. Walla We. i 18 .67'.V. Yakima.. 12 14.421 Bole. IS 11.4:1 I.a Oranda. Pendleton.. 1 It Ml. Baker 14 20 .III Ycetorday'a Results. American Aaaociatlon St. Paul 1. Toledo 0; Kansas City 10. LoulsTtUa Columbus 2. Milwaukee 1; Minneapolis I, Indianapo lis . Southern Lague Memphis 4, Montgom ery 2: Nashville 4, Chattanooga 0; Mobile 4, w urieana i. Union Association Great Falls 10. Butts 4; Ogden I. Missoula 7 (12 Innings). Western League Des Moines L W cnlta l: Omaha 8, Denver T: St. Joseph 4. Topeka 6; Sioux City 1, Lincoln 6. Portland Betting Averages. Padflo Coaat I Northwestern Ab. H. Av. AS. H. AT. Lindsay.. 120 t .32.1Eastley. ... 1 6. Ill Koree 125 17 .2P4 Speaa 110 81.300 Hlgglnb'm 10 .27 Mohler 103 18 .271 Fisher.... V4 2D .wneumina.. t u ,zi Rodgers.. 11 W .262, Fries 86 2 J .26: Krauee. ... II 1 .258 Bancroft.. 105 27 .257 Doane.... 131 as .zta Murray. ... . 55 is .268 rwrrtck.. 17 1 43 .24 1 ! Gulgnl S2 21 .254 Chadb'ne. 20 00 :nu Melcholr. . 13(14.250 James.... It (.214 Maya 21 6 .I3S Krapp.... 14 s .znmanoney. . Dll.lll Berry.... (1 It .20(i:allahan. . 17 t .IK Fltsgerald 8 J 17 .2u4; Wllllanss.. IIH.lll Vn.n.r.. ITS It .204'Coltrln 3114.172 McCormlck 12(15 IDS Hynea 13 2.154 Carson.... 7 1 .142stanley. . . . II 1 .077" Hagerman is 1 nirunom., n 1 .oas Wejt...... I !.: Agnsw. ... 4 4.000 McCredle. A e.wuj M'GINNITY- SEES SEVENTH GAME GO Tigers Forced to Beat In glorious Retreat From Portland Park. COLTS TAKE LAST 2 TO 1 Ow ner-Manaser-Captaln-Pltcher Joe McGlnnlty Jlaintaliis His Rec ord as "Iron 3ran," but Is Xot inTnlnerable. Kortbweat lvalue Standings. . 1 TV I. PC, Seattle.... 241 J .618 Victoria. .. . 2 19 .618 Vancouver. . 22 14 .eU Tacoma. ... ltj 4 .4 1R lft . B2U Spokane... 14 26.350 Testerday's Beaults. At Portland Portland 2. Tscoma 1. At Seattle Vancouver 11. Seattle 1. At Tacoma Spokane 8. Victoria 0. joe McGlnnlty and his Invading dla mond cohorts beat a hasty and Inglori ous retreat from Portland last night, after losing sen straight games In the most disastrous baseball series of the 1613 season In the West. Repulse followed repulse with never-varying mrniMnnr and vesterdav. when General Williams sent Gunnefilarttnont to the breastworks, the complete rout of the Tacomans was encompassed. Revert ing to the uncompromising terms or baseball, Portland won, "u also Jumped into third place In the pen nant race, supplanting Victoria. The bedraggled Tigers quit the Colt camp with only one boast intact. They assuredly have the "Iron Man" of base ball in Owner-Manager-Captain-Pitcher Joe McQlnnity. Not only that, but they possess in this same McQlnnity the master of all marksmen in Northwest ern League history; also a friend of the dinner hour. Joe is not invulner able, but he Is untiring, as witness his participation in four games last week. Little he cares for the call of two or three balls on a batsman, for his con trol is perfect. He adds to this con trol a disdain, of dilatory wlndup ma neuvers which force fandom to linger at the park for two hours or more. McGlnnlty allowed nine nits auring the engagement, but the lone legiti mate Colt score resulted from Bobby Coltrln's double In the fifth inning. After Coltrln had poled the ball to right field fence for two sacks Mar tlnonl sacrificed him to third. The in field was drawn In for a bunt, but Bancroft drove the ball through short for a single, sending in the first run. In the eighth Bancroft singled, was sacrificed to second by Mohler, took third on Fries' dinky Infield hit, and scored, when Keller tossed ten feet over the plate following Melchlor's grounder. In the ninth, wltn the count omy one hit off Martlnoni, Kurfuss emulated Coltrin with a drive to right field fence. McMullen's out sent him to third, from where he scored on Bur- rell's Infield out. Mohler booted Kel ler's grounder, but two were gone and Neighbors failed to connect. As usual, the contest reverberated with spectacular plays of the Colt In field. Bancroft scintillating with Dhe- nomenal stope, tosses and dashes into left field for files. The work of the in field last week far surpassed anything seen this season in Portland, while it Is questionable If it has been equalled in years. ' The score: Tacoma I Portland BHOAE BROAE Kurfuss.m 8 10 0 O Bancroft.s 4 2 3 S 0 M'Mull'n.s 4 0 1 2 O'Mohler.2. . 8 1 O SI Burrell,3. 4 0 2 2 OiFrles.r 4 2 2 0 0 Kellar.2.. 4 0 8 2 l'Melchior.m 4 1 0 OO Nelghb's.r 4 13 0 O Speas.l. . . 8 016 0 0 M Murdo.l 4 0 4 2 0 Heilma'n.l 8 2 3 00 Kennedy.l 2 0 1 OOMurray.e.. 2 0 8 20 Orlndle.e. 8 0 3 1 0 Coltrln,s. . 8 1 0 41 M'Oln'ty.p 3 0 1 2 0 Martionl.p. 2 0 0 2 0 ftueiM ,1... 1 0 0 001 ala 81 2 24 12 l Tot Totals. 28 8 27 16 2 Tscoma .0 0000000 1 1 Hits . Portland Hlta . ...O 000 1 000 12 ...0 0001001 a .2 1012012 9 Runs Kurfuss. Bancroft. Coltrln. struck out By Martlnoni 4, McGlnnlty 1. Two-base nits coitnn, Kunuss. sacrince hits Heii mann, . Martlnoni, Murray. Mohler. Btolen base 6peas. Hit by pitched ball Kurfuss, Speaa. Passed ball Murray. Tlme 1:15. Umpire Casey. VAXCOUVER TAKES EASY GAME Seattle Pitchers Are Victims in Big Batting rest. SEATTLE, May 25, Vancouver bat ted Seattle's pitchers all over the lot today and won an easy victory by a score of 11 to 1. The visitors obtained a lead of five runs in the first Inning and. were never threatened by the lo cals, pecanniere held Seattle to four hits. Score: Seattle I Vancouver BHOAE: BHOAE Shaw.S... 4 11 0Hall,! 5 3 0 00 M1I.2.... 4 1 a Bl;Konnlck,2 4 O 1 60 Wilson, r. 3 0 0 lOKIppcrt.m 4 2 4 00 Cadman.c SIB 1 "iFrlsk.r . . . . 4 8 2 Oo jackson.l s l ie i u-v alsn.l. . . o 2 V 10 Strall.1.. 2 0 1 0 0 Helster,3. . S 8 0 01 Brown.1.. 2 0 0 0 0;Srharn'r,a. 4 2 3 41 Klllllav.m 4 0 2 lOLewls.e... 8 1 T 00 Kaymo'tLs 3 0 2 5 0Decannl'e,p 4 0 110 vvauy-... u v v v f Puller'n.n O O 0 00 Schnel'r.p 1 0 0 0O Vl-lvor.p. 1 O 0 00 Glpe"... 1 0 0 00 Totals 81 4 27 17 1 Totals. 38 16 2T 12 2 Batted for Raymond In ninth. Batted for Mclvor In ninth. Seattle 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Vancouver 5003 1O20 0 11 Runs Nlll. Hall 2. Klppert 2. Frisk 3. Walsh. Helster 2, Scharnweber. Two-base hits Cadman. Nlll, Hall 2. Klppert, Frisk 2. Helster 2, Scharnweber. Home run Hall. Sacrifice hit Lewie, stolen base Klppert. Struck out Schneider 2, Mclvor 1, Decan nlere 5. Basra on balls Schneider 2, De canrUera 4. Hit by pitched ball Friak. Mc lvor" Pitchers' summary Four hUs and 8 runs off Fullerton In 1-3 Inning; 11 hits, 8 runs off Schneider In 6 1-3 Innings: 1 hit, no runs off Mclvor In 2 1-3 Innings. Double plays Nlll to Jackson, Raymond to Jack son, Shaw to Jackson to Cadman. Charge de feat to Fullerton. Time 1:50. Umpire Toman. IXI)IA"S STOP LOSING STREAK Spokane AVins Uphill Game From Bees by Rally in Ninth. TACOMA, May 25. Spokane won an uphill game from Victoria, falling on Wilson In the ninth Inning for three runs and three hits. Lynch's error ma terially affected the score at this Juncture. Score: Spokane I Victoria BHOAE BHOAE Mlllion.m 4 0 8 0 OlFelts.l. ... 8 0 5 00 YoheS... 4 2 2 2 0Rawllngs,s 6 0 2 50 Pappe.l. .. 4 11 0qswaln,2.... 4 1 1 21 Wagner, 2 5 1 1 2 0 Meek. 1... 2 113 .10 MoCarl.l. 5 8 10 1 0, Lynch. m. . 4 2 4 01 Crum.r... 3 3 0 O O.Lamb. 3... 4 0 2 80 Altman.s. 4 3 4 1 0l Alberts,r. . 8 2 0 00 Oatdlek,0. 4 16 0 JShea,o. . . . 4 2 0 00 Kraft. p.. 2 0 0 4 0,Wllson.p. . 3 0 0 81 Cadreau.p 0 0 0 1 OiDelman. 1 0 0 Ot Covale'l.p O o u Morse... 1 0 0 0 0 Totals 87 13 27 1101 Totals. 33 8 27 16 t Batted for Kraft In seventh. Batted for Wilson In ninth. Spokane 0 1020002 s-- Victoria T. 10010800 05 Runs Million. Yohe 2, Pappe 2, McCarl 2, Ostdelk, Rawllngs. Swain, Meek, Lynch, Al berta Stolen bases Kawllngs. Double plays Swain to Meek, Rawllngs to Meek. Two-baae hits Meek. Lynch, Alberts, Cram. Three-base hits Shea, Wagner. Sacrifice hit Meek. Pitchers' record Five runs, 6 hits off Kraft in 6 Innings; no runs, no hits off Cadreau to 1 Inning; so runfi two bit, off Covaleskl In 2 innings. Give loss to Wilson. . " 1 1.1 ,.(, ttr r. f t I victory to ovii. ouu-.v - -- 4. Covaleskl 2. Bases on balls Kraft 4. Covaleskl 1. Wilson 2. Passed ball Shea. Wild pitch Wilson. Time 1:46. Umpire Eddlnger. NATIONAL- LEAGITE. . Chicago 0, St, Louis 2. rarPARO Mav 25. Chicago batted Steele hard today and won - the first game of the series with St. Louis neru, o in s Rurlc relieved Steel, but he, too, was hit opportunely, Saler's home run in the first Inning cleaning me Daaeo. The batting and fielding of Zimmerman featured. Score: Bt. Louis I Chicago U IT A 1 IT B H O A Huggtn.2 4 1 0 4 0 Miller.!. 2 0 2 1 5 4 1! 5 12 1 3 2 14 5 214 1 2 12 4 1 1 S lair.e.l 0 0Ever,2... 0l:fitrhell.r. Cathers,r. Mowrey,3. Konet'y.l Oakes.m. Whltted.s Mclan.c 1 1 Z 1 1 u iram n,o. 110 1 OjSaler.l. .. 0 1 0 2 u u Leacn.m. . 1 0 Brldwell.s 2 6 1 o Archer.c 1 4 AiMl.n.. 4) O O 4 0 0 2 Burk.n... 2 0 0 jra,p... vvvi r..i. o 7 24 loot Totals. 34 12 27 13 St Louis 10000001 02 Chicago 8 00 0O0 1" - .I.. -ill o uni.. Cor. Mitchell nuns nuisim . ,,- Zimmerman 2. Saicr. Leach, Br Id we 11. Archer. Two-base hit Hugglns. Three base hits Archer, Konetchy, Cathers. Home run Baler. Hits off Steel, 4 In 1-3 Inning, Burk. 8 in 7 2-3. Sacrifice hit Leach. Stolen hAs Miller. Evers. Zimmerman. Double plays Huggina to Konetchy to McLean; Evers to Saler to Brldwell. Left on bases St. Louis 6, Chicago 8. Bases on ram Off Steel 2, Burns 8, Pierce 8. Struck out JtillrK O. jr ie va s. h r , (Zimmerman). Wild pitch Pierce. Time .rn T- i-m XTIssm Iflll Orth. e.UV. y. lllil -ar " Clncinanti 1,'Pittsbnrg 0. crNCINNATI. May 25. Cincinnati defeated Pittsburg here, today, 1 to 0, In a tlsrht Ditchers' battle between Benton and Adams. The lone run of the game came in the fourth inning Bates, first man up for Cincinnati tripled to deep left and scored on Bee Cher's iong sacrilce fly to Hofman Reckpr's treat running catch of Mil ler's long drive in the ninth, after tVagner had singled, was the feature of the game, tic ore: r'","",T . . i, xr n a K JB Carey.l.. 4 Hofman.m 4 1 3 0 OjBates.r. . . 0 4 10 Bescherd.l 0 1 lOWarsans, 1. 2 3 2 0 Almeida.3 10-0 OIBecker.m. 0 1 OOBerg'm'r.s 1 0 1 OITInker.s.. n a l n'aron.2 1 1 00 1 1 00 1 11 00 i i so Vlox.2 Wagnsr.s Mlller.l.. Wilson.r. Byrne, 8. . Blmon.e. . Adams.p. t,'llv . 2 1 1 u u curK,c. . 1 0 0 0 0Benton,p 1 1 0 0;ciark,c. Hendrix,p 1 0 0 1 01 Totals 2 6 24 7 0 Totals. 26 8 26 10 0 Vlox out, hit by batted ball. Pittsburg 00S?S2S Sz!? Cincinnati 0 001000 0 01 Run Bates. Two-baae bit Carey. Three base hit Bate. HiU off Adams. 5 in 7 Innings; off Hendrlx, none in 1 Inning. Sac rifice hit Bescher. Double play Hofman to Miller. Left on bases Pittsburg 6, Cin cinnati 2. Bases on balls Benton 1. Struck out Adams 4, Benton 5. Tims 1:30. Um pires Hlngler and Byron. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Cleveland 8, Chicago 1. cmnn -Uov 5 it a rd hittlnc by Cleveland, combined with poor fielding, gave the visitors a lopsided game to day, 8 to 1. Mitchell was shaky once or twice, and was effective, but none of the local pitchers could prevent ri.,,.i0 hiii wh.ii thev meant runs. Russell, who began the game for Chi cago, was knocKea senseless d pitched ball in the sixth inning. A v. i ..t..r hV T,nrd land Rus- iuiuuicu ei . sell's muff of a pop fly in the fourth inning put Olson In a position to score on Ryan's single. Chapman's double followed by a sacrifice and Turner's hit gave the visitors one run in the sixth. Score: Cleveland . I Chicago Trthni'n 1 K 3 7 2 U MSttlCK.l 4 O 0 ChaD'n.s 4 2 8 3 0; VRere-er.a. . 4 2 'i 0 Olson.3.. 4 Turner,2. 4 Jackson.r 5 Ryan.m..' 6 Graney.l. 6 n'Keill.e- B o Lord.n. . . OlColllns.r.. 3 O.Fournler.l 1 OIZelder.1.. 1 0 1 0 Bodle.m. . 0 Rath, 2. .. OjSchalk.o. Russell,p. Benz.p. . Lange. . Smlth,p.. Mitchell, p 8 Totsls 40 15 27 12 0 Totals 26 6 27 12 3 U t e a4 4n t saner In Mventll. Cleveland 0 0 0 1 0 1 4 0 28 Chicago 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 O-l Runs Johnston, Chapman z. oison a ir ner. Jackson 2, Colllna Two-base hits Chapman, Jackson, Collins. Hits Oft Rus- . . , ' . .... i -. ii,n( a in one: sen, i in a' iiimiie-, ' ' , ,,, Smith, 4 in two. Sacrifice hits -Zeider, Ol son. Bacnrice iiy uoaie. L"'" Rath, Jackson. Double play Turner to Chapman to Johnston. Bases on baUs . . . . x . i n . i . v. ft n i , Kv nlti-ner Mltch- ell (Kuasell). Struck out Mitchell 3, Rus sell a. I usseu oau o;"..- U mplree umeen ana teisuiwu. Detroit 7-8, St. Loais 4-6. ST. LOUIS. May 25. Detroit won both games of the double-header from St. Louis here this, afternoon, taking the first contest by a score or t to 4 and the second by to 6. In -the first game the visitors hit bt. Louis' pitchers hard in the sixth and eighth innings and took advantage of the local twiners' willingness ana tneir teammates errors. .In the second con test the visitors bunched hits in the earlier Innings and scored almost enough runs to win. The winning run came in the eighth inning on uodds triple and Veach's single. Manager Stovall played his first full gome since he was suspended by President Johnson, of the American League, three weeks ago, for his argu ment with Umpire Ferguson.' Score: First game Detroit I St. Louis BHOAE B H O A B Bull,!... 6 3 1 1 2,Shotton.m 3 0 5 0 0 Vltt.2.... 3 1 3 20johnston.l 6 O 8 0 Crawford.r 4 0 1 Wllllams,r 5 2 1 00 4 12 0uPrBtt,2... s o X II Veach.l.. 5 1 0 0 0 Brief. 1... 8 110 0 0 Galner.l. 2 1 5 0 0 Austin. 3. . 4 2 2 10 Rondeau. 1 1 0 7 2 0 Wallace.s. 4 1 1 80 Morlar'y.3 5 10 O'ASnew.c. . 2 0 4 0 0 Btanage.o 2 0 5 0 0M'Alllster,o 1 0 0 2 U'lUMLn. 4 s a lUjLvrenz.n 1 X v Ul lAUIson.p.. 0 0 0 10 Totals 86 1127 12 2StovaIl-.. 1 0 0 O 0 Compton" 1 0 0 00 Maisell'" 1 0 0 00 Totals. 34 7 27 8 8 Batted for Agnew In sixth. Batted for Leverens In sixth. Batted for Austin In ninth. Pt. Louis 00 0 1 0 2 0 0 1 4 Detroit 0 0100808 07 Runs Bush. Crawford, Rondeau, Moriar- lty, Stanage. Wlllett. ghotten, Williams, Brief. Austin. Two-bsae hlta Wllliama, Wlllett. Hits Off Leverens 7 In 6 In nings; Allison, 4 In 8. Sacrifice hit Lev erens. Sacrifice Fly Vltt. Btolen bases Vltt, Austin, Bush, Cobb. Shotton. Left on hasea St. Louia 8. Detroit 9.. Bases on balls Wlllett 8, Leverens 5, Allison 2. Struck out Wlllett B. Laverens z. iim-i:itf. um pires Hlldebrand and Connolly. oecona game s Detroit 1 Bt. Louts BROAE BHOAE Bush.s... 4 0 2 0 0'Shotton.m 0 8 2 0 0 Vltt,2.... 4 0 0 4 o johnston.i. Crawford.r 6 2 8 0 o Williams,r 4 2 1 OOPratt.2... 2 110 0 1 Z 00 4 2 4 10 3 9 8 u u btovau.i..' 8 1 0 0 2 Austin. 8.. 211 21 a 0 111 Morlar'y.3 4 2 1 8 0iaraff,3 1 o 0 00 Btanage.o 4 0 0 O CM Wallace... 5 2 0 40 Lake.p... 8 1 0 t OlM'AlllsT.e O 0 0 02 Zamloch.p 1 0 0 0 0Alexan'r,a S 1 S 2 0 lAKnew.c. v i v .'Hamilton.? 2 0 1 SO JStone.p... 0 0 0 10 ICompton. 1 0 0 00 (Brief"... 0 0 0 O0 Malsel". 1 0 0 00 Balentl" 1 1 0 O 0 Totals 85 11 27 8 2 Totals. 40 14 27 10 4 Patted tor Austin In seventh. Batted tor Alexander In seventh. Batted for Hamilton In seventh. Batted for Stone In ninth. Detroit 0 8 8 0 0 0 0 1 1 8 St. Louis 10f0081 0 o Runs Vltt, crawiora, uodd i, veacn z, Moriarity, Zamloch, Johnston, Shotton 3, RtovalL Two-base hit Craw ford. Three-base hlts Veach, Cobb, Pratt. Home runs Johnston. Hits Off Lake, 10 In 6 2-8 innings; Zamloch, 4 In 2 1-3 In nings; Hamilton, T In T: Stone, 4 In 2. Sac rifice hits Johnston, Hondeau, Cobb, bush, Stovall. Stolen bases Moriarity. Left on h...t Louis 18. Detroit 6. Bases on balls Lake 8. Zamloch 1, Hamilton 1. Hit by pitcher Br tiammon, eacn. ctruca out Lake 4, Stone 2, Hamilton 3, Zamloch 8. Tlme 2:33. Umpires Connolly and Hil debrand. nhnrie.ta. la dlstilllnr alcohol from corn stalks and using H for fuel In automobiles sad other Internal combustion motors. Jumping Jupiter can you beat that all smiles I went down to J. R. Smith Cigar Co. sure I would sell them this space they said to me think of it to me! " Young man why are you so interested in our business? Everybody knows Tom Keene cigars we sell lots of them.' Now I know thousands of men who have never tried Tom Keenes if they would only let me I could tell everybody in this space where the fine long filler comes from and what a delightfully mild, sweet smoke Tom Keene really is Well I'll make one more try then if they won't listen to common sense I'll be forced to sell it to someone else for I have got to sell it but I would rather talk about Tom Keene We'll see. Adv. Mgr. Oregonian P. S. Look up this same space Wednesday winds, ftoods or fire can't stop me going back. II TEA M S GREAT Philadelphia Occupies Envi able Position. COBB IS CARRYING TIGERS Cleveland's Rush Forward With Two .300 Hitters Out of Game Is Sen sation of Week Tinker Gets Little Josh Devore. mtttc vnn k" Mav 25. Quakertown fans have a right to be proud of the EX-BEAVER SHORTSTOP IS TRADED BY NAPS TO NEW YORK AMERICANS. NT Roger Pecklnpanarh. CHICAGO, May 25. A trade by which the Cleveland Americans get J. Lelivelt, outfielder, and Stump, shortstop, from the New Tork Americans in exchange for Inflelder Roger Peckinpaugh, was agreed upon by telegraph before the Cleveland club left tonight. Lellvelt was wanted principal ly as a pinch hitter by Cleveland, while Manager Chance hopes to strengthen his Infield through the acquisition of Peckinpaugh. "W-J JSC, r . ... . ... ,r 1. l&lY ; I - 1 , - v :5tSw J ILSSOSiaj UJULLflgjsTHPCCICT II i 1ABLI Jsseajsv! class of baseball being played by the Philadelphia teams in the two major league aggregations. The Philadelphia teams maintained the top of the per centage column last week without dif ficulty. In the National League Charlie Dooin's men are hitting well and mak ing the hits count. They made more runs, fewer errors and had fewer men left on bases than any of their rivals. Dooin is a master of inside ball and has Imbued his men with some of the sptrit that has made him a pest to opposing clubs and umpires. Phllaxlfilnhla has "thrown a scare into National League circles in other years, but Dooin s team this year nas riven no evidence of the "brittleness" which presaged a well-greased slide in the percentage toDoggan in omer seasons. Brooklyn Takes Slump. Many fans believe that last weeks' games inaugurated the break in the Brooklyn machine for whloh managers, players and patrons have been wait ing. Bill Dahlen's men managed to retain second place, but more through early lead than by reason of this week's play. The reason for the Brooklyn slump Is not bard to find. They made but five runs from a total of 33 hits last week. St. Louis ia in third place. The rea nn i evident from a glance at the batting averages, which show Miller Hugglns hitting at a terrific pace. Kon etchy is having a great year ana m two have made the St. Louis infield a. stone wall. Chicago's disastrous Eastern trip has ended and the club fans hope to see Evers put the Chicago machine In running order on the home grounds. The Cub pitchers have made a most disappointing showing and internal dissensions in the team are keeping Evers awake nights. There has been evident friction between Evers and Heine Zimmerman, the Chicago bats man. Zimmerman kicked himself out of a game last week from which Evers had refused to release him and angry words passed so openly that none could fail to notice. President Murphy In sured wide publicity to the dissension by ordering his players to avoid com munication with newspapermen. Pittsburg Prospects Improve. Pittsburg's' showing last week was most encouraging to Manager Clark and there is a feeling that Honus Wag ner and his teammates yet may make a bid for the pennant. The New York team made no im provement last week. While Mathew son apparently Is due for a splendid season, the other pitchers are doing most unsatisfactory work. Marquard plainly is out of form and Tesreau has not struck his last season's pace. Mc Graw secured Fromnje from Cincin nati to bolster his pitching staff. This trade undoubtedly will be of immense benefit to Tinker. For v-.mmM he secured Josh Devore. a 'splendid outfielder and weak at the bat only against leu nanueu iiusvoibi Groh, an inflelder sorely needed to take Dick Egan's place, and "Red" Ames, a seasoned pitcher whose only fault is inability to work oftener than once a week. Tinker is a manager who has not suffered through, managerial cares. His hitting is well above .225 and he is fielding like wildfire. While he has found it hard work to Jolt the Reds from the rut in which they have fallen his efforts are noticeable. Rain caused a short playing week In Boston. In the three games played Stalling's braves slowed up to a marked degree. Connie Mack's Athletics clung to th top of the American League column but did. not keep up the early season pace. Cleveland's Showing Impressive. Undoubtedly the most impressive showing of the week was made by Cleveland. In spite of Injuries which kept Birmingham and Jajoie out of the lineup, the Naps administered a thorough drubbing to Washington, their nearest rivals, breaking Walter Johnson's winning streak. The failure of accidents to' stop the Naps speaks wonders for what Birmingham has , done for that team. Few clubs could lose two .300 hitters without a notice able" slump, but the entire Cleveland aggregation as a whole is hitting bet ter than .275 and leads the league with the stick. Chicago had a fair week, the switches in the lineup apparently being most effective. Ping Bodle, who haf warmed the bench for weeks, wat placed in center field and apparentlj has recovered his batting eye. Boston which broke even on thi week, is missing Jake Stahl sorely ano the boxmen of the world's champtone have not responded with the spurl which the team needs. The wonderful Georgian, Cobb, is carrying the entire Detroit team. Cobb l hitting at a .500 clip and his base running hat made the American League catchers look like amateurs. The lifting of George Stovall's suspension and his re turn to active direction of the SU Louis team was hailed with pleasure by most of the fans. lyr - You'u Enjoy pC Serving In o Y ill I To your friends, be cause you know that its captivating smoothness and ap petizing flavor will meet with their in stant approval. Keep Olympia in your cellar use it in moderation daily. Phone Main 671 or A 2467. OLYMPIA BREWING COMPANY Yes! "It's the Water."