PORTLAND ACCORDION PLEATING. K. Stephen, accwdiuu, s.ue pieallng, bultous covro. goous sprsd. ;,a Aider. M. Ji3. A.wAum Al ANALVsTS. MONTANA AoiAI offlCi Laborator and ore-ttli, work. 189 Morruon St. VLUa A Co.. mining engineers, chemists and aseayers. u Wainnloa B- ATlUKMilN tAKiit.NT SHORE. "1S Cham. ' c Kef.: il.rcnams Mi l Hartruan A TlmP K.n, Hankers, and Dorr E. Keaatr A AUITIONLEH. We bur furniture for Geo. Baker Co.. ! park. Main BJ A 2567. BOAT Bl 11-DI.Xi, O. F. GKAHAM Boatbuilding and repair ing. Manns oivi. Coot Acernetny at. rARPLT 1VEAVLNO. KOKTaWtST HUti CO. "" from ola carpets, res ruga 1.1 Union ave. CELLILOID BtTTON. BADGES. THS IRWIN-HuDSON IOMPA-N Y 82 &m at., phones Main M2 and A 1254. t HaUOPODISTS. WILLIAM. Este.le and D.M DJ. the only scie-ulflc chiropodists In the city. Parlors 802 Gerllnger bldg, 8. V. oorner 7i and Alder. Phono Main 1301. IHIHOTOUV and ped.curing. Mrs. M- B. Hill. Offices 429 Fllfdner bldg. Main 47a. CHIKOPRAtTIC PHYSICIANS. I,. Ji. il M'MAHON. 121 4th. delivers the foods at $10 a month. lo.ooo equipment, loard. room and treatment. $10 a wwn. Dr. Lehman. 317 AblngtorTbldg, haa no $10. 000 equipment; 1 a week, exyert wors- COAL AND ttQOI). EUELKFEN KIEL, CO.. East 303, C 2303. for slabwood not watersoaaeu- ALB1NA FUEL CO. lor Summer orders treen slabwood. COLLECTION AGEX Y. NF.TIl A CO.. Worcester bids- Main 1796. No cottert'on. no charge. DANCING. lltOT. WAL, WILSON'S Dancing School Ui:n. io-tip. three-step. Acholllscho lessons. &c; avary morning, afternoon and evening; all dances furnti-fJ Ural Ins son Do yoa know thai anyone who walks cm learn to danceT Stage and fancy dances taught dally. i 5th St.. Del. Mark and Oak sts. Phong Main 787. HEATHS Da-iclni Schools. 10t 2d St.. bet. Wash, and Stark sts.. and Alisky bldg.. 3d and Morrison sts. Lesions dally, waits and two-step guaranteed In 4 leaaona. Class Krlday ere., a to 10. at 109 2d St. RINGLEK'S ACADEMY, best Instruction; social danca Monday. Wed.. Sat. eve. 1H 3d orrlson. DRESSMAKING 8CHOOU VALENTINE'S system ladles tailoring, dressmaking taught. 152 Grand eve. El.tCTKIC MOTORS. WE bu. sell, rent and exchange new and second-hand motors: repair work a spe clalty. Western Eiectrlc Wotas. 213 6ta. E U:CTKK,MOTOK. MOTORS, generators, bought, sold, rented and repaired. We do all kinds of repair ing and rewinding; all work guaranteed. H. M. H. Electric Co.. 31 First sU North. I'houe Main Vi0. ADVERTIMXG AGENCY. EOTSPORD ADV. CO- Bord of Trade old. y A YE Adv. Co.. Inc.. Commonwealth bldg. AUHHILIIKAL uirm.n.'J-. Mitchell, Lewta A staver Co., Morriaoa A 3a. JOHN DEE KE PLOW CO. Morrison A -to. XV. V AUE. m -o.. " -" - AKCHITH TIKAL WIRE AND IKON WKS. roniana y ire eK imu ,-, ma v AITO AND BIGGY TOPS. IUBRUiLLE BLGGY TOf CO.. -0O 2d at. ACTO.HtBILfcS. Jiltchell. Lewis c Staver Co.. E. Mor. A -d, Howard Automooiie Co.. 14 and Davia. N. W. AUTO CO.. 1T Wash. Reo. .Hudson. ALTO LAMPS AND RADIATOR REPAIRING. PORTLAND Al'lu LAMP CO.. 810 Alder St. AITOMOBILE rilPPUES. PALLOU vi itiUH 1, 7tn and oak. uAf..-A- nivrkKII AT HOME. Baggiie a i 'milium franster. Park A Davla ; HAavEK CONFECTION EIW bCPrLIES 1 l.rtA. M'LEAX A PERCY. 4th end GUsan. BAKBER OCI'PLJES. Lewls-Ptenger tiriwr Supply Co.. 10th A Mor. OREGON BARBER SUPPLY CO.. 72 6lh St, UAH HXTIRES. . . Brnnswtck-Baike-Collender Co.. 9 Fifth L MICXtLES, MOTORCYCLES A 8CPPLXES. BALIAJU A WRIGHT. 7th and Oak. POPE F. P. Keenan Co.. lw) 4th st, BICYCLKS AND SI PPLIES. HATTON CYCLE Co., -47 Ash St. BILLIARD AND POCKET TABLES. Brunswick-Baike-Collender Co.. 4d Fifth St. BOOTS AND SHOES. GOODMAN BROS. SHOE CO.. 30-82 Front. BREAD BAKERY. Boysl Bakery A Conf.. Inc.. 11th and Everett. BREWERS AND BOTTLERS. H FNR Vv IN HARD. 13th and Burnslde. CANDY MANlFACll'KERS. J. N. MATCHEK CANDY CO.. 1:70 First St. COFFM AN'S CANDY CO.. 43 Front street. ILOTHING AND GENTS EIRNISHING. N. A S. W EINSTEI N. S-7 N. 1st, Mar. 1838. CEMENT, LIME AND PLASTER. T. CROWE A CO.. 41 Fourth St. COFFEES, TEAS AND SPICES. CLOSSKT A DBVEIts. 1-11 N. Front st. J:OYD TEA CO.. 21 Salmon at. Monro. A Crlssel. ld Front, M. 640. A 6428. llr:s AAt ie.fc c i . 1 . v. WESTERN Tool A Die Works. 3Ud llne St. Mazamas to Take I til cad a Trip. For their Sunday tramp the Maxamas will leave on the O. W. P. line at First and Alder at -7:46 A. M. and go. to Ktitacada. From here they will tramp northeasterly, vlsting the falls on Kagrf Creek and other places of In terest, nd in the afternoon will swlngr back to Eagle Creek station, where they will take the train for Portland. The walk will be between 11 and 13 miles. . DAILY METEOROLOGICAL . REPORT. PORTLAND, Or, May 2n. Maximum tern rerature, 7A degrees; minimum. 53 degrees. P.lver reading. A. M, 14 6 feet - change In last 21 hours, none. Total rainfall (5 P. M. to S P M ). none; total rainfall since Sep tember 1. 1912. 54.27 Inches; normal rain fall since September 1, 41. 6S Inches; defi ciency of ramfal since September 1, 181i i 41 inches. Total sunshine. 12 hours 27 minutes: possible sunshine, IS hours 13 mln tTtes. Barometer (reduced to sea level) at 5 p. M, 30.01 Inches. THE WEATHER. Wind 2 3 S STATIONS (State ol Weather Baker ......... Poise Boston ........ ('ilsarr ....... Chicago Colfax Denver !es Moines .... lu;uth Eureka ........ Galveston ..... Helena ........ Jacksonville ... Kansas C.tv ... Klamath Falls . Laurier l.oe Aneles ... Marshfleid Medford Montreal ....... New Orleans .. . Nw York ..... North Head ... .North Yakima . Fendleton ..... phoenix ....... Pocatello ...... Portland Roeeburg ...... Sacramento .... El I.oui4 St. Paul Bait Lake Fan Francisco . Spokane ....... Tacoma Tatoosh Island Walla Walla .. Washington ... Welser W'enatehe .... Wlnlpeg 72 T. 12 N ,Pt. cloudy S2 0.00,12 NW;Clear o.ci b a ,ni TU.O.Ol; iV nw Pt. cloudy i, T. 8 NW Clear 77 0.O0 (Clear S2 0.00. 4 SW PL cloudy 7o0."0l 4 SW ,-Clear 61 o.oo' 4 NW.Cloudy 60 O.Ol'lI N ;Pt-cloudy fKi .lo'l N U'lear 72 O.Oli SW 'Cloudy S4 T. 1U 8 (Rain oVO.lirti 6 N" Clear 77. oV 4 vv ;pt-.oiouay s; o.mj 4 s Ooudy 76 O.OO' 6 8W 'Cloudy 64 O.t'2.10 NW Clear (.2 O.Ool 4 NW'Clear 81 0.00- 8 NE iCloudy i0.01'14 N Clear 70 0.82 .IS NWiRalo 84 0.00 24 NW .Clear . 0.00: 6 SB lear 4 0.001 4 W jClear PS 0.001 4 W Cloudy TS0.1H10SE Cloudy 7.; O.no W.N Clear 80 0.00' 4 X (Clear 8S0.OO US (Clear 62 o.on 10 N 'Cloudy 'SO.W1S SW !Clear 84 0.00 14 nwIpl cloudy tw 0.0021 W Clear 79 0.00; 8 W )pt cloudy 70 O.ool 6 w iciear 810.001 SW 'Cloudy $2 0.02' 4'tSWrClear 7n 1.821 6 N Rain 80 0.02! 4 SB I PL cloudy 87. (. .... iciear 641 T. 124 NE Iciear WEATHER CONDITIONS. The barometer continues relatively low ever the Rocky Mountain states and a dis turbance of slight energy Is central over the Middle Atlantis states. A weak hlgh- Jressure area overlies the middle Mississippi aiix And smother higl-sressuie are ol BUSINESS DIRECTORY EAR, yosK AND THRO AT. Treatment by specialist. Glasses F. F. Casseday. 413 L'ekum bldg.. Sd-W asn. nRXlTVBK H09TIIAL UOWK8 A PARSONS. lOOVs Front, M- "43. Furniture Hospital. Packing and shipping. HAT FACTORY. LAtiTEHN HAT FACTORY. 4-9 S d street. Men's soft and Panama hais cleaned. Best 13 Hat on earth tor men. IXSrRANCE. PACIFIC fcTATES FIRE IX C" Only Oregon fire Insurance company. I.A-PSCAPK C,AROKMN0 BETTER lan.1s.-ape and geueral gardening. SWISS i FLORAL , CO, East SUM, t- PACIFIC Landscape Oarden Company. SI 5 Rot h child bKlg. Phone Marshall 2JU8. Iif ATHER AND MXPrXO. J A i-TKOWIIKIDOE LEATHER CO. Es tabitshed 1S.1S. 1S Front St. Up REAPrXG. LlNO SCHOOL for the deat and aard-of- h earing, aus v.entrmi pma. MEN'K.WEK SERVICE. HASTY Measenser Co., day and night aerv ice. Phone Main 6S. A ylM. MCS1CAU VIENNA CONSERVATORY OF MV8IC, ;4v Morrison; Instruction violin piano, cornet etc.; Summer course half price. rtanamaeter -eis. unw PIANO STUDIO, modern methods. 28 14th. Slain 3SU'I. Arrangements for practice. EM1L TI1IELHORN. Tlolln teacher, pupil Sovclk. a2.1 Fl'edner bid. A 41W. Mir. 1821. NATUROPATHIC PHYS1C1AXB. Dr. Groer. specialist In paralysis, nervoua. chronic diseases. 703 Oregonlan bd. M. 814 OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Dr. K. B. Northrup. 415-19-17 Dekum bidg. Nervous and Chronic Dlseasev Phone office. M. .1411; res.. East or B 028. PAIXTIXO ASP PAPERHANOrXO. W. M. SMITH A CO.. 3i9 Williams, con tracting, wall paper, tinting, painting; vrices low; work guarantoeq. PAPERING, palntlnt. tinting, reaaonable. Metropolitan Decorating Co.. Main B428. PAIXT1XO AXTt PAl'EMXO. TIN'TINO. I2..10 and up; wall paper Se an! up. B. T. crane, the practical painter. WS PAINTS. OILS AXP GLASS. COAST-MADE paint and yarnlah. Is best adapted to the Coast climate. BA8S HECTER PAINT CO.. 181 1st at. PIPE. , PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near jilt and York ste. Main 8488. PATENT ATTORNEYS. WASHINGTON. D. C. Velatl Bldg. r i u tpTl PORTLAND. 4P8-9 Cham, of Com. bUg. Patente procured by J. K. Mock, attorney-at-law. late of the C. S. Patent Office. Booklet free. 1010 Board of Trade bldg. PATENT. R c. WRIGHT. 23 years- practice. U. S. and foreign patents, two i.caum ume. WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURERS PKltiUlOlS. . Clarke-Woodward Drug-Co.. Alder at . W. P 'ark ti i u mauer-r rana unii v-o-. . . FLEISCHXER-MAVER A CO.. 20T Ash tt. tLLtirLlt.JUi oilli-i. STTJBBS ELECTRICAL CO.. 8th and Pine itg ....... ........i- .. .muui i" ivii ivOOKIi. Xinx.rixwx w- J. C. ilAlER. Front and Market sts. MAI.ARKEY i CO.. Inc.. 148 Front t PORTLAND FISH CO.. 34 Front St. . . . u ..II I U CROWN MILLS. Board of Trade bldg. r i iy .- , Mj , , i .' J. C. BAYER. Front and Market ste. . . . . . . ...'IfJ'lI k VJTC Albers Broa, ilililng Co., Front and Margliall KERR. G1FFORD A CO.. Lewie bldg. BALFOUR-GUTHRIE A CO., Board of Trade H. M. HOUSER. Board of Trade. NORTHERN GRAIN A WHSE. CO, Br. Tr. THE W. A. GORDON CO.. Board of Trade. iinotr.sir.1. ALLEN A LEWIS (Est. 151). Front. ae -o.. n-i 11.VI9 AXf lar THANH Al'SEK HAT CO.. &3-5 Front et. 1J A V J. H. Klosterman A Co.. 'leading hay aealera. ..I Bviis unoi. AND I'L'Ra. KAHN Brtoa.. IVI r ront , i.i i i' u wnni Tit lJIW IIILVr.9. X . ..v- - . ---7 - THE 1C F. NORTON CO.. 03-6 t ront St. nr nr.mnniiio. MNEFF BROTHERS. 614 Worcester bldg. IRON WORKS. PACIFIC Iron Works. E. 3d and Burnslde. Complete stock of structural ateeL Architectural Iron. Castings. KODAKS AND PHOTO SUPPLIES. PORTLAND PHOTO SUPPLY CO.. 148 8d. LEATHER AND SHOE STORE SUPPLIES. HERTSCHE BROS.. 304 Pine St. CHA3. L. MAST1CK A CO.. 74 Front. Leath er of every description, taps, mfr. findings. I. I I1IVU .1 1 l-'VI ,.(-. Balfour. Guthrie A Co.. Board of Trade. ...... a-.i a. ft fll IV CUV F. B. MALLORY A CO. 231 Pine gt. Loggers A Contractors' Mach. Co.. il Dtp, St. .HAIL yf ifcir rv. FRANKLIN A CO.. 132 Front It. " JIKN'S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR, Columbia Neckwear jilt- Co.. S3 Fifth t. "NEW A SECOND-HAND MOTORCYCLES. APEX BICYCLE CO.. 124-128 12th it. unknown magnitude and character Is ap proaching the North Paciflo states from the ocean. Showers have occurred in the Blue Mountains and in Southeastern Idaho and rain has fnllen In the Atlantlo states from Maine to Florida. The temperature haa fallen at the headwaters of the Snske River and It continues above normal In the Uppef Columbia Basin. The conditions are favorable for fair weather Saturday in Western Oregon and Western Washington and for showers In portionts of Eastern Oregon, Eastern Wash, Ington and Idaho. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Fair; northwesterly winds. Oregon and Watshlngton Fair, except showers extreme eastern portion; westerly winds. Iilaho Showers and thunder storms. RPWtRn .. BRAIiK. DlKtriet Forecsster. MEETING NOTICES. AL KADER TEMPLB .A, A. O. X. U. S. Stated ses sion Saturday, May 24, at t P. M, new Masonio Temple. West Park and Yamhill sts. Visiting nobles cordially Invited.- By order of the po tentate. HTJOH J. BOTD. Recorder. ALL COMRADES OF THE G. 7VT A. R. and W. R. C. are requested to meet with George wrignt roat at T P. M.. May 25. on Fourth it, front of Courthouse, and go to Park and Madison and worsnlp with the good people of the First Congregational Church, who have Xlndly Invited you ail to be there. A. C. FLOAN. Adjutant. OREGON LODGE. NO. 101. A. F. AND A, M A special com munication will be held in the Grand Lodge room. Masonic Tem ple, this (Saturday) evening. May 24. at 7:30 sharn. when the Mas- ter Mason's degree will be conferred in the presence of the M. W. Grand Master, his officers and visiting Masters and Wardens. Visiting brethren are cordially invited to be with us on this occasion. By order of the W. H. A. J. HAND LAN. Secretary. PORTLAND MOOSE) EXCURSION Spe cial trains leave Jefferson-street depot for Salem Moose Carnival Saturday, May 24, S P. M. Tickets at secretarvs office or at depot. T. R. RATCL1FFE, Secretary. THE CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE of the De gree of Honor will have their regular 800 party tonight. May 24. at 12 Fourth at. Elegsnt prisea Admission 1 cent a DIED. ALLEN In this cltyT May 23. Harold J, Infant aon of Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Allen, aged 1 year. 1 month, 8 daya. The remains are at the family residence, 248 East Mth st. North. Funeral notice In a later Issue. ORMSBY In Portland. May 28, at his late residence. 6605 East 71st st, George A. Ormsby. aed 88 years. Remains at par lors of F. s. Dunning. East Side. Funeral directors. Funeral notice later. O'DELL In this elty. May 13. John 8. O'Dell. aged 73 years. Remains at Hem stock funeral parlors, 16S7 East 13th st. Funeral notice later. sTfr V w TITE MORNING OltEGOXIAX, SATURDAY, MAY S4. 1913 PLATENO WORKS. Nickel plating, pollshlns. enameling. Ore gon Plaunc Works. ltSlh-Alder. M. 2o7B. KJEFR1GERATOR3 AND ICE BOXK8. Built to order, any size. 8T.50 up. P. C. Bed r a t'.u. enutli Phone Cast 243 KLBBF.R STAMPS. SEALS. BRASS BIONS. PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORKS. 231 Wash. St. phone Main 710 and A gil. THE IRW1N-HODSON COMPANY. 83 8th st. Phonea Main 81-. A l'SA. bEWlNti MACHINES. NEW, all makes, factory prices; second hand, f- up; machines rented and re paired. Main tHdi. lov wQ. PCU m.m.n. imou CASES!BAUOWEWiiiK, WESTERN FIX. A SHOWCASE CO.. lutn and Davis. Showcases to order and In stock. UHE LL'TKE MFQ. CO., branch Grand Rap- iu. onuM;u w.u " . manager. MARSHALL MFG. CO.. 4tb and Couch; new and old window display and cabinet work. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. STORAGE In flrcprof building with track ae facliltiea. You don't have to carry fire Insurance, our building Is reinforced con crete; no vermin; absolutely clean; we win store your furniture at 1 cent per cu bic foot; give estimates on packing and hipping same; rent entire floor or part; rent special private rooms and give) per oual key. Pacific Storage Co.. East Madi son and 1st. Phone E. ill. B 1T. PORTLAND Van Storage Co. cor. 16th and Kearney sts.. Just completed new fire proof warehouse for iiousehold enecla pianos and automobiles contains separate fire and vermln-i'roof rooms, steam-heated piano room, trunk and rug vaults, track age for carload shipments; vans for noy lng; reduced freight rales on household goods to and from East In through car. Alain boio. All departments. C O. PICK Transier A Storage Co.. offices ana coranioaioue t-wij " separate Iron rooma and fireproof vaults for vaiuablea; N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts.; pianos and furniture moved and packed for snlpmont, special rates made on goods in our through cars to all doraeatio and xoreign ports, nam fl2. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 74 Gllsan St.. cor. 13th. Telephone Main 68 or A 116 General transfer and forwarding agents. We own and operate two large class A warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest Insurance rates In the city. OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transferring and storage, safe ?lanos and furniture moved and packed or shipments, B7-S9 Front . Telephone Main 647 or 2247. TYPEWRITERS. 118 TO 35 Will buy a REBUILT TYPE WRITER: rebuilt aa good as new; all makes to choose from at Giire, 3d and Alder: terms to suit; every machine guar anteed. Call or phone for representative. Main MOO or A 60G8. - WE are the exchange for the largeat type- urli.r nrniMrn on the Coast: investigate; all makea, all prices. The Typewriter Exchange. 851 H Washington EL NEW rebuilt second-hand rentals at cur rates. P. D. C. Co.. 231 Btark. Main i CPHOLSTERrXCI. TABOR 4762, Hawthorne Upholstering Co. Furn. repairing, mattress renovating, car peta cleaned, laid, refitted. 1104 Hawthorne. MILLINERY. B. O. CASE A CO.. 6th and Oak. BRADSHAW BROS.. Morrison and 7th sta MOTORCYCLE DISTRIBUTORS. THOR and De Luxe. Apex Co., 124 12th. NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS. MILLER bl.MI.VGTON, Calhoun Co.. 45 4th. ORNAMENTAL IRON AND WIRE. Portland Ire A Iron Wki, 2a A Columbia. PAINTS. OILS AND VARNISHES. RASMUSSEN A CO., jobbers, paints, oils. glass, sasii and doors, cor. 2d ana layior. W. P. FULLER A CO.. 12th and Davis. PIANOS. KOHLER A CHASE. 37S Washington It, manulacturers and wholesale dealers. PAINTS AND WALL PAPER. PIONEER PAINT CO.. 100 First SU PAPhaft BOXES AND SHELF BOXES. PortlanJ Peper Box Jo, 82 Front. Cartons. PlCKf.ES AND VINEGAR. KNIGHT PACKING CO.. 474 East Alder. PIPE, PIPE PITTING AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE. 84-bU Front St. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE, b4-eti Front st, M. BARDB A SONS. 240 Front St. POULTRY, EGGS. CALVES, HOGS. HENRY EVERD1.VG, 45-47 Front St. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERDING A FAHKULL, 140 Front street ROPE AND BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup. SAND AND GRAVEL. COLUMBIA DIGGER CO.. Fool Ankeny st. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER A CO., 12th and Davla. SAWMILL MACHINERY. PORTLAND Iron Works. 14th and Northrup. SECOND-HAND FURNITURE. 50 cheaper than elsewhere. 24 Union ave. SODA FOUNTAIN SUPPLIES. COLUMBIA SUPPLY CO.. 68 Front St. WALL PAPER, Ernest Miller Wall Paper Co., 173 1st st, MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 280 2d St. WINES AND LIQUORS. JOHN ECKLUND, 123-125 First st. WIRE AND WIRE HOPE. John A. Roebllng's Sons Co, 88 Oth st. WIRE AND IRON WORKS. Portland Wire A Iron Wka, 2d and Columbia DIED. WILBER At 4P6 Tacoma ave., Samuel B. Wllber, aged 73 years, o months, 28 days. FUNERAL NOTICES. NTSSEN In this city. May 23, at the res idence of her parents. 850 East 42d st, Nina E, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Nlssen, aged 18 years, 23 days, sister of Mra Idah Burcbell. Thomas, John, Arthur and Miss Clara Nlssen. The funeral services will he hatri at the Chanel or F. S. Dunning, East Side Funeral Di rectors. 414 East Aider st, at 2:80 P. M. tomorrow (Sunday), May 25. Friends In vited. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. WILLIAM In this city. May 22, at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. H. A. Bow ers. 1084 Vernon ave, William H. Wil liams, aged 73 years. The funeral services will be held at the chapel of F. 8. Dun ning. Inc., East Side Funeral Directors, 414 East Alder st, at 8 P. M. today (Sat urday). Friends invited. Interment Rose City Cemetery. PATTERSON The funeral services of the late Mrs. Virginia Patterson will be held at the Portland Crematorium, Saturday, May 24. at 3 P. M. Friends invited. Take Sellwood ear. Remains at Lerch's under taking parlors. East Sixth and Alder streets. GILMORE The funeral of the Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gllmore will be held from the family residence, on Main st, Lents, today (Saturday), May 24. 10 A. M. Interment Mt. Scott Park Cemetery. PATTERSON The funeral of the late Vir ginia Patterson will be held at the Port land Crematorium today (Saturday), May 24. at 2 P. M. Friends invited. Take Sell wood car. TRUST The funeral of the late William Trust will be held from Pease chapei, Lents. Or, today (Saturday), at 8 A, M. Interment Mt. Scott Park Cemetery.! FUNERAL DIRECTORS. MR. EDWARD HOLMAN, tbe leading fu neral director, 220 Third street, corner Sal mon, Lady assistant. A loll. Mala 607. J. P. FINLEY A SON, FUNERAL SERVICE. Lady Attendant. Montgomery, at Fifth St. F. S. DUNNING, INC. East Side Funeral Directors, 414 East Alder St, East 82. II 2525. DUNNING M'ENTEK. funeral directors, 7th and Pine. Phone Main 430. Lady at tendant. Office of County Coroner. . Lr.KCH. undertaker, cor. East Alder and Sixth. East 781. B 1888. Lady attendant. SKLWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY, 3d and Clay. Main 4153, A 232 1. Lady attendant. A. R. ZELLER CO., East 1088. C 1088. Lady Attendant. Night Service. MEMORIALS Portland Marble Works, 284 4th, opposite City Hall. Main 3S64. FUNERAL DIRECTORY. PORTLAND CREMATORIUM, 680 Glen wood ave, Portland, Or. Open to visitors dnlly from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. CEMETERY BEAUTIFUL MOUNT SCOTT PARK Portland's perpetual Care Cemetery. jLarsss Psrmsaeot, Modern, UolU phooaa " '. ) RIU ESTATE. KKAL KSIATE. -, AMTTBEMKNT8. . NEW TODAY. .1 -; ...eli0t.. " I ToTle-Hou.... ; HEILIG THEATER HTH AND MOBRISOX Pboneet Mala I, A im . THIS AFTERNOON AT 2, TONIGHT 8 CHARLES FROHMAN PRESENTS MAUDE ADAMS alSU PETER PAN Prices 2. 81.60. fl, 7So. BAKER THEATER Main 2, A 6300 . f t. Rnkw Urr. The Popular Baker Flayers MAT. TODAY LA8T TIME TONIGHT. as piayea wnn siw ' ' . Dixey and Max Flgman. One of the greatest favorites of the day. A comedy with strong situations and Immense character studies. A dellarht for the children. Evening prices: .. ..1 . .. . OS. WAAlC. . , . . . . - kw TTrtryr K. starting tomorrow Mat. -David Harum. MATINEE DAILY. Main . A 1120. MADAME OLGA PETROTA "Detective xvecu FU villa Mr. Samnel Llebert Co. Woods A Woods Trio and The Croul wells EDISON TALKLNU rtUvm.s A nCNTER'S GAME KTrn !r KslAffnril A CO. Moffot-Lalieine Co. (Human Dynamos) Al Herman (The Blax-k lJueh) Lillian Holmte W. C. Hoefler Brouphton A Turner ANT MA TEN EE SEAT lSe. Nights. 18c. 1 .1c ... ,,avr . Ml,, T II, ITIti- I, The r, r. IV J1AI Ail JilM Wup " , - --- Man She Mef; Joe Carroll, The Temple Quartet. Three Flying Planers, can bioc dule A Co, Eelllott Bros, Pantagescope. Popular prlcea. Matinee daily. Boxes and first row balcony reservea. not on from 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. Phones, A 2236, Main 4636. Curtain, :30, 7:15 and . LYRIC wiririr vav 4 Q new Mualceil Opera Company will offer "The Gay Widow." Tues day night, athletic contees. a- Chorus Girls' Contest. Nights, loo and) 28c Matinees, any seat IBe. The Oaks OPENS THIS afternoon' A GREAT FREE BILL. BASEBALL RECREATION PARK. Cor Vanha and Twenty-fourth Sts. TACOMA PORTLAND MAY 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25. Games Besln Weekdays at 3:15 P. M, Sundays, 2:30 F. M. LADIES' DAY FRIDAY. Boys Under 12 Free to Bleachers Wednesday. UNCALLED - FOR ANSWERS ANSWERS ARE HELD AT THIS OF FICE FOR THE FOLLOWING ANSWER CHECKS AND MAY UK HAU I i.' SENTIG YOUR CHECiiS AI 'mis oke. GONIAN OFFICE: A 43. 4(1. 77, 7S, 79. 80, 81. 82. 213. B 10, 42, 1, C.S, 9, 71, 77, 79, 84. C 51, 54. 72. 73. 79. D 61. 75. 70. 83. B 7. 5S. 77. SO, 84. F 38, 63. 66, 67. 75. 983. G 19. 31, 51. 5S, 66, 70, 82, 85. 860. H-G4. 7i. 73. 84. J ii. 75, 76. 78. 85. I 1-t 7 77 RA 85. L M.' 35. 47. 57. 64, 70, 72. 75, 78. 77. 78, 81. M S. 88, 68, 70, 12, It, IS, si. 34, tit, i, y, 1, 10, 10, eu. S, Ol, O, Ol, ill, 11, I 01, t I, Of, fn. R 62, 68. 77. 79. S 33, 40, 57. 58. 89. 83. 84. T 39. 58. 62. 711. 84. V 07, 74, 78. 85. W 61. 61. 71, 73, 77, 85. 86. X 54. 69. 62, 68. 71, 72. 85. V 66. 67. 84. AB 35. 41, 71, 72, 75, 76. 81. AC .u fi.l K. 74. 76. 77 .78. SO. 82. Al 8. 9, 61, 53, 65, 67, 68, 69, 70, 73, 74, AE 70. 73. 75, 77. 80. 81, 83, 84, 85. AF 40, 4S, 5S, 62. 71. 72, 74. 80, 81, 82. AG .16, 52, 59, 70. 71. M, 84. AH 55, 57, 58. 71, 81. 82, 83. AJ 17, 55, 56, 61, 67, 71, 73, 74, 81. Alt 7. 77 79. SO. 85. AL 34, 47, 51, 60, 59, 63, 8T, 72, 74, 75, 79, Ml. su. AM 58. 69, 67, 80. 81, 82; 85. AN 50, 59. 77, 78, 79, 84, 85, 300. AO 48. 66. 69. 71, 75, 79, 84. AP 68. 71, 72. 78, 79. AhV 30, 69, 70, 71. 75. SO, 108, 950. AS 68. 68. 71, 74, 75. 79. AT 69, 72. 74. 78. 83. 85. 87. 89. 102. If the above answers are not called for wlrhtr fIt rtnys. Fame tvIM he riestroyed. Independence Team Suffers. INDEPENDENCE. Or., May 23. (Spe claL) The Independence High School athletes have about given up hope of winning the county high school meet at Dallas Saturday as two of their best men are laid up. Russell, one of their best hurdlers, was badly spiked In the heel and will likely be off his feet for the rest of the season. Seeley is ill. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE NO. 820 UNION AVENUE, COR. KBR MARKET STREET. . phase East 1423, B 2S1B. Rorse ambulance for sick: or disabled animals at a moment's notice. Prices reasonable. Report all cases of cruelty to this office, open aay ana nignt. NEW TODAY. 3 ACRES on the Orefron City carllne. 200 feet from the station, electric iigrnts ami -rood water: land all cleared, fine dark soil; Just the place for bungalows: fare only 9 cents; price a big snap, $1200 per acre; will divide: S500 down on each and $15 per month. Hurry and see these. C. M. ZAD0W 414 Corbett Bids;. A 1410, Marshall 92, A SNAP LAnn'S ADDITION Lot on Ladd avenue, near Hawthorns avenue, wnu esvicny aw. iviwi to suit. Address or apply to OWNER. SOI UKKGOMAX BUILDING CITY & FARM LOANS : $1000 and up at lowest rates. CM. ZAD0W 414 Corbett Bide A 1416, Marshall B"3. CITY AND FARM LOANS Any Amount at Current Rates. JOHN E. CE0NAN 802 Spaldlns- Bldg. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS Oar Own Manes at Current Rates. WESTERN BOND A MORTGAGE CO, Cpnuoexvlai Club BldsT-s Portlaad, On r!tWslMii ;. .! ;..,;;' .: , '.'I tsV foS&"&&Mr'Jiii',i WHERE I nil s IS it35i eve?v" I I LlJljiiJ J fiflKi "Inn goes VIEW ACRES on WEST SIDE Willamette and Columbia Rivers, East Portland, entire peninsula, Van couver, Mountains iiooa, Aaams, Jefferson, Rainier, St. Helens all in view from these choice homesites. Come in and let ns tell yon about the improvements going in and tne many advantages. 250 Stark St. HOLLADAY'S ADDITION THE VERY BEST XS THE CITY FOR SALE t,m rin r-enidRnnes. one nine rooms and one seven rooms. Furnace, flre- . a ,11 ..nnnunn, iTlOSA In. Location choice and certain to In crease In value. Terms 11 aesireu. THE OREGON REAL ESTATE COMPAJTr, Grand Ave. and Multnomah. Phones E 67, O 1708 BOSTON AVE. SNAP -x Ml Vilin tro 1 rXT with attic, two bedrooms, Dutch kitchen, cement liuui, i,uuuij .. , j , ... D age: corner lot, 80x100; nice lawn. eight fruit trees, a oib "-rj-r' 12S0 down and $20 per month. See this today. On the northeast corner Ains worth and Boston avenues. C. M. ZAD0W 414 Corbett Bldar. A 1410. Marshall 92. Beautiful Home Site Irvington Park Lot, with bearing apple trees, three blocks from carllne, will bo sold very reasonable. Easy terms. AP 100, Ore fronlan. Mortgage Loans If you have A-l P.eal Estate security wo can loan you any amount at lowest rates. CALLAN & KASER 722 - 24 Veoo Bide. Edward E. Goudey Lewis Building. MORTGAGE LOANS S per cent on best business properties, a par cent and 7 per cent on other close-in busi ness and reattlcnce securities. Mortgage Loans On Improved Property Only. Business or Residence. We specialise in Loans of 500 and over. Mortgages to Sell. Commerce bale Dep. A Mortgage Co. 91 Third St., Cham, of Com. Bldg. PRIVATE MONEY To Loan on Portland Realty. Current Rates Quick Action. SEELEY . CO.. 301 Board of Trade. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Beck. William O.. 316-816 Falling bldg, BRUBAKEK. C. L. A CO., loans. S17 Rail way Exchange bldg. Main 619. Cbapln A Herlow. 332 Chamber of Commerce Jennings A Co.. Main lo. 206 Oregonlan. PALMER-J ONES CO, B, F, 404-40S-4VS Wilcox bldg. TBE Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand are. at Multnomah St. (Hollsday Addition.) REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lota, CHOICE BUILDING LOTS ON WEST SIDE. Glenelyn Addition, restricted district, in side 8-mlle circle; commands an unob structed view of Tualatin Valley and Mt. Hood; walks, graded streets and Bull Kun water in and Included in price; Fourth street line runs In front of property! the electrification of which will be completed by August 1. This will bo the fineBt car llne In the city, which will greatly en hanse the values. Buy NOW before the advance takes place. Prices range from $850 up. Select your lot and we will build to suit you for small cash payment down. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPACT, 2d Floor Selling Bldg. HOMES. t hflv in home sites in Piedmont dis on Mlnm.. fmm center nf city: all improvements in; one block from park. 6 blocks from nign scnooi. uiwr" library; fine view. This is a restricted dis trict, I will build a homo for you here on your own terms. Mr. Renter, don t mlii this. Call Main 7750. ask for Mr. b.eeley. LAURELHURST. w KneciniizA un this beautiful prop erty, we handle no other, we handle the best that is ior saie. we anow a.uci hurst and can save you money; Laurel hurst Is Just what you want. You can always find us at the tract of fice, 89th and East Gllsan sts. DEUHONII A CLEMENTS. 80TH AND KNOTT, $J50. ' Fine residence lot, corner, 30th st, near Knott. Buy from owner ana save com mission. Terms. AS 84, Oregonlan. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. If you want to buy on Portland Heights, see me. I have about 80 per cent of the property for sale up here in my hands and nave not one aiseatisiieu cubiuiuci. BROOKE. Elm and 22d sts. Marshall 4827. A 2839. WIDOW IN LOS ANGELES needing money nffmrm lota MOOxlOOi. COT. E. 17th and Zanlta for $1200 cash, or would accept large cash payment ana balance on suun time; this Is cheap. H. J. Brown, 583 Leo ave., Sellwood. B-24K5. $1100 Broadway lot 50x100 ft., near E. 82d at.: paved street; adjacent to Sullivan Gulch factory District. Price $1100. H. I'. PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wllcux bldg. Phones M 8699, A 2653. IS f,A L, llf nuJiMiiu. Magnificent quarter block, fine view, location close in, Irvington, surrounded by palatial homes, at a price greatly be low value. Seeing this means buying it Fast 1706. LOT. S2.V my loss, your gain; will sell m choice Beaumont lot $250 less what I paid for 2 years ago; make offer; will leave city. AR 84, Oregonlan. $1500 80x100 ft, corner lot on Macadam St., with trackage. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO, 404 Wilcox bids- Phones M 8099. A 2653. WESTMORELAND LOT. near Reed Col legee. car and stores. hard-surfaced streets, sewer and walks all in and paid for. Price only $950. Belford & Huff, 1629 East 13th st. Phone Sellwood 161. $2000 1 acre on E. B2d at, 3 blocks from Monta vllla car. It's worth the money. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO, 404 Wilcox bldg. Phones M 8699, A 2353. WOULD you buy a lot having 50 feet front age at $750 If you were convinced that in one year this lot would be worth $10001 Terms easy. Y 73. Oregonlan. WIDOW LADY'S SACRIFICE. Adjoining ML Tabor Park. 168 feet on Belmont. Worth $10,000; will sell much less. Phone Marshall 5213. THREE lots, choice section of Vancouver, B. C, for sale or trade. Owner, P. O. bex 353, Portland. A LOT for sale, price $75. In Mills Addition, Tillamook City. Owner, C. Geo. Jaacks, 840 16th st. North. Portland, Or. LAUKELHURST equities In vlow lots at a sacrifice. Phone Main 3914. - IRVINGTON LOTS OUR SPECIALTY. NEUHAUSEN ft CO. MAIN 8078. R. T. STREET. IRVINGTON LOTS. LOTS near car, $375; (5 monthly. Owner, Z2Q Chamber of Commerce, Main 1166. For Sale Lots LOTS, 75 to $200, $1 down. $1 week; cie- llgntlul tsunaay ouiiug. km -ferson-st station to Portland Park Ad dition at Shahapta station. 1 to 3 blocks from Oregon Electric, double track serv ice. 20 minutes to downtown. J. V. Hef ferlln .owner, 307 Railway Exch. Bldg. For 6ale Business Property. ilS.OOO Lot 50x106: stores and apartments, well rented, prominent street, close in. West Side. Owner. 824 Worcester bldg. for Sale Houses. FIRST OP ALL THINK OF THE COST. Buy a cheap home. Not cheap In ma terial, looks or location, but cheap In price. To know satisfaction Is to get your money's worth. You get it here. $750 buys a new cottase and a 60x100 lot In Gregory Heights: $15 per month (includ ing interest) pays for iu Llttie over two blocks to good carllne, same distance to Sandy road, now paved to 72d st. Location and surroundings good. More Information at 418 Corbett bldg. Call today. GREGORY INVESTMENT CO, Marshall 657. 2W- ALBERTA DI9T. $ 1980 41 ! 50 $ 1 950 $1 950 $1950. aauu jiiwv. B-room strictly modern bungalow tor iri ,ln, n,nr two oars, large lot amid beautiful surroundings; haa cement basement floor, wash trays, cement walks, steps, etc.: rooms nicely tinted; Dulcli kitchen, panel dining-room, electric fix tures, built-in effects, near church and school; this place is a Jewel and must go today for $1950; home broken; terms. OWNER, 961 EAST 2STH N. Alberta car to -o"i. nieu v"- ' "","'7, Broadway car to terminus, then 1 oiooa west. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME? WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY? BUILD APARTMENTS RESI DENCE OR ANYTHING PLANS Pg: HOVVI TALK TO OUR CLIENTS SEE UlLK R. BAILEY CO.'. CONTRACTING ARCHITECTS. 824 ABINGTON BLDG. WILL sell my Deaumui close In on Oregon City carllne; 6-room bungalow, with pantry, bathroom full ce ment basement, fireplace, electrlo lights, telephone: large workshop, large modern . inl.iirh.n home chicken nouse anu luunaj., - ,T ground, with 17 young fruit trees, all L , ,i ar,-,n n lawn ana flowers, investigate and make me an of- mi . TJ l i trairnn an. ier; or w:u ti mio. - - o l. ! a.Li.i J ..('rt-llah Ml I n n Vl 1 1 A hill. II ft I).a Li 1 kJV vilj '1.J4A , low: owDei-s sacrifice; handsome, oe(fJ"1y new. modern 5-room bungalow, on 8tn st he i ween buiiuj aiuu .aiuuu side; very easy terms to good party. Se owner, w-i . - Phone B 2023 tiy UOC VV -sw. by the new arrangement. Fine for busy people. Suitable for family of four. Most attractive, inexjienslve home in city. "TERMS LIKE KENT." No Incumbrances to assume. iee owner, ouuunj, 20th st. Nortn. Leaving country and will sacrlnoe my Woodlawn home, 50x120 lot. convenient to car; was offered $.1750 year ago; its yours for $2050. Including household goods and piano: WOO or so cash, balance terms. Ax 104. Oregonlan. SOUTH Mt. Tabor coming into its own. Cause, extension of Hawthorne-ave. car line now building through this section. An attractive 6-room modern house, cor- . i, a r ftffpr.ll TOT ner lot. - uiu-tv - one week at special price: terms if de- . r. n 1 , n T., Kn fldl slrea. uwner. j-iiu,,, " T. r.. . T-rn.1 1?ITI XlTvVl New, modern C-room bungalow, in Lo reinurst. aiiis i on,, n... cash paj-ment, (Ask for Mr. Beainer.) HACKER A THERKELSEN CO, Main 7592. 300 Spalding bldg. New 6-room house, furnished. The best bargain in A-oxuaiiu. a win u show you at my expense and let you be me juage, BEAUTIFUL premises, delightful shrubbery. 3 lots 10-room house and small house 20x '11, suitable old folks' home or clubhouse; block from car. Small payment some trade ana uniinn-n ,,w fer. O i-. uregoniaii. BUILDING sites on the West Side, over looking the beautiful Tualatin Valley, $800 and up for a large lot. easy terms. This Is an opportunity to secure a home; lei us show you. Purse A Co, 818 Chamber of commerce. 4-room cottage, nice yard, on Woodstock car: easy terms. 404 Wllcux bldg. Phone M SC99, A 2C.53. races, is ruuiu, o .'...s J,-,.,..--, -bathrooms, equal of 2 lots, unobstructable view, t-rice .-iv.vv. , balance easy terms. Call Marshall 3951. MUST SELL my new artistic home. 6 rooms, actually worth $5500. In an Ideally shel tered spot on Mt. Tabor, 2 full lots; my price $4300 demands your immediate i at- tention; easy mime, a - WW HII11.U l,. r.AOl , n, ..m... . WE FUKNISH PLANS AND MONEY . . . . , .-, c . T A V,I? VT AXD IMjIIjU 1 U U r. x i vj -i u a .av ROrt M'KAY BLDG., 3D AND STARK STS. LAURELHURST 1W Ail.il.. New. modern, 8-room house, view lot. close to car. " bldg. Main ion" . . . . .rx.tT?, tnnn Exceptional value, modern house, 6 large rooms, beautiful grounds, trees, fruit; near high school and library. See owner. 1200 commercial at. .. , , . aaninr.nmvtl fire- titoce furnace, hardwood floors, paneled :... , n ttnu to car: terms. By owner.' Phone Woodlawn 2631. " ..... -TT, T , Df! IIV ij r, N i, l , , . . . . Doubly constructed 8-room house, bath, toilet, electric lights and basement: lot 40x100. Fire insurance on house for J1500. rrice iww . SNAP 1-N mvi.-iuiw.i ... . - modern home with every convenience; a . ...i.,r-vvT niCTDIPT il.rnnm lovely ana uraT"-"'" ,."''" ' r i, -al ' sold at a great sacrifice, bee A H Blr- rell Co., aicrvay ums, ' TT . , ci-init ISO Anwn HOME tor tne oiu 115 monthly, buys neat llttie 4-room cot tage and largo barn. 4 blocks from car Fred W German Co, 932 Chamber of Commerce, ajoi.ii NEW 3-room house, 2 large lots, on Oregon Electric 25 minutes from Portland; run ning water, garden in fruit trees, fine view; payment down, and monthly vy- menis; pars""1- "- " cT-v-f n en A MPG! Leaving June 1. Must sacrifice below cost my exclusive 7-room Laurelhurat nome. investigate. Make offer. Tabor 2883. ' MAGNIFICENT HOME. 739 HALSEY STj a ROOMS. TWO FULLY EQUIPPED BATHROOMS. 3 TOILETS. FINISHED OAK AND MAHOGANY; GARAGE. OAK- , tit u HI-nnVANS KABi -i'O- " IHVlMilU" nvaiD jjvuvji. .... 7 rooms new. modern, hardwood floors, full lot' a cosy home, priced low. Sher man Nelson, owner. 037 East 11th rvortb. Office phono Main 7591. , PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. Cosy modern, fireplace; 689 Ravenvlew Drive- J4250; terms. Lot worth J3O00. SVr.h.11 4827. BROOKE. A 3839. ........ ,,r,C 13 A U,. A IM A VbiKI UtlCAt- nvi-JD. 1305 E. Madison St., $50 down and $18 per month. Price $1700. Phone owner. Tabor 777. , IRVINGTON home must be sold. Owner rone East: modern 7-room and sleeping Tjorch . house on 23d between Brasee and r. . , t-,,., K-'ftM tVDOtt. lCia- FOR SALE Exclusivo home In Irvington. eight rooms, modern in every respect; ga rage and only one block from car; bar-g-a i n for quick sale. East 794. FOR SALE i-room bungalow; prife $1350. onlv $150 down, balance monthly install ments. Belford & Huff, 162U East 13th st. Phone Sellwood 161. RESTRICTED district; beautiful home, V rooms; will sell at bargain if taken right away; owner wants to go East, Main 4144 forenoons. FOR SALE 6-room modern house, east front, sjeeping' porch, etc, $3100, terms. Owner, 721 Rodney ave. 6 ROOMS and sleeping porch; all modern throughout; terms reasonable. C57 East 65th st, near Sandy rocd. Tabor 8597. 14 COLUMBIA apartment site, 60x100, east front. See W. S. Ward, owner, 210 Alisky bidg. STRANGER! 5-room, modern, completely furnished, garage, fruit, garden, blo-k car: $400 cash. Tabor 1306. IRVINGTON HOUSES OUR SPECIALTY. NEUHAUSEN A CO. Main 8078. -ROOM modern house. Alberta, '2500; half cash, balance easy. 540 Rouelawn ave. R. T. STREET. VINGTON HOMES", A SNAP. Modern 8-room bungalow. In the very BEST part Of the ClTl'j lot .HIxlUO. beau tiful lawn, eveiytnlng fine; less than cost; a smalt cash payment, balance like rent. i Ask for Mr. Brown.) HACKEK & THBUKEWES CO., Main 75D2. Kr.ii Spalaliig bldg. sjloo (WEST ijlDEi, mouern couae reoms, oatn, iuniAtr, c.v...., light; eayy terms. I'hone E. "16. B 2'!-. For bale Acreage. IMPORTANT POINTS TO CONSIDER WHEN BUYING LAND. 1st SOIL; 2d TRANSPORTATION; fid PRICE AND TERMS; 4th CONVENIENCES. This combination of features we offer vou on the Mount Hood Electric Line from Portland to the bandy Hiver. Send foi our book, "Little Farms" and "Work ing Acres." UMBDENSTOCK A LARSON CO, 296 Oak St. Main 10,000 SQUARE FEET OF LAND. INCLUD ING IMPROVEMENTS. AT GRESHAM. $225.00. Reduced cost of living with a positive future in the investment. $5 monthly. Two carllnes from 1st and Alder. UMBDENSTOCK A LARSON CO, 286 Oak. Main 7750. THIS WTLL BEAR INVESTIGATION. Our acreage lying on both sides of the Southern Pacific, West Side, electric line, half-way between Port land and Hlllsboro, or 80 minutes' ride to 4th and Washington sta when the electrio cars are running. Any sized tract, JJ50 to $o00 per acre; $26 to $50 down, the balance easy mouthly payments. We are go ing to give away a few 60x100 and 100x100 lots to parties who will build homes on same, close to Huber and Aloha Stations, on our large plat- : ting. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, Main 85. 10 Fourth St. A J50O, "RUBY" CHICKEN RANCHES. TWO ELECTRIC LINES AND BASE LINE ROAD. WORK IN TOWN. LIVE AT RUBY. LARGE TRACTS. v ONLY $15.00 MONTHLY. UMBDENSTOCK A LARSON CO, 286 Oak, Main 7750. B ANT) Iff-ACRE) TRACTS FINE LAND NEAR WILLALATIN PARK On Germantown road. The new 200-foot boulevard to Linnton will orOBS this road about 1"4 miles from this land. Each tract fronts on graded road and is clone to school. Prlcea 175 to $260 per acre. JS17.60 to $23 down, the balance small payments monthly. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, Main S5. 103 Fourth st. A 3600. LITTLE FARMS AT PLEASANT HOME. $475 TO $1300. FIVE YEARS TO PAY. ELECTRIC TRAINS FROM FIRST AND ALDER. EVERY CITY CONVENIENCE. UMBDENSTOCK A LARSON CO, 2S(j Oak. Main 7750. 10 ACRES, $300. $10 DOWN. 15 PER MONTH. Buys 10 acres of logged-off land, one mile from the railroad station, town and the Columbia River. The soil Is free from rock and gravel and none of this land overflows, somo of these tracts have running streams on them, these tracts art ideal lor chicken ranches or dairy r"r poses. perfect title and warranty deed. BELL REAL ESTATE COMPANY, 212 Railway Exchange building. ELECTRIC LINE, eight blocks station; chicken and fruit ranches near Portland; new subdivision near Gresham; 5 acres 400. 1500, $700: b acres. $50t. 700; 1C acres. 7D0. J9U0. $1000 per tract; best soli, free wood, spring water: acreage al bcappoose. Or, 25 to $100 per acre. FRANK MFARLAND REALTY CO, 809 Yeon Bldg, Portland. " 1 ACRE FOR .-,50. $10 Down and i'o per Month. This land is adjoining the city limits of Gresham, with a population of 1000 peo ple ai.d has three main county road; running into Portland. Land is all cleared and has been under cultivation. bee 1e"e212 Railway Exchange Bldg. ONE ACHE. RYAN STATION. All In cultivation; nice 4-room house; is all fenced; has good poultry-house and well of water; this Is Just a short dis tance from ityan and Multnomah sta tions; price $235i; will sell on easy terms. C De Young A Co, 514 Chamber of Com merce. Stump land, perfectly level, fine so! . easy to clear; 1 mile from railroad, school, store, p. O, large mill; plcuty of work at good wages; clnse to good business town, market for everything; high Bchool. bank, etc Price $700? terms 170 cash, balance 5 years at 6 per cent. AK 8:1. Oregonlan. 10 ACRES at station on Estacade eleotrio line, all cleared, running water, famous Powell Valley soil: Ideally located for truck gardening. 20 per acre. UMBDENSTOCK A LARSON CO, 280 Oak st. Ask for Mr. Hageman. 3 ACRES FOR 11500. $30 Down and $15 per Month. This land is level, cleared and free from rocks and gravel. Close to Portland. Three blocks u electric car-line. BELL HEAL ESTATE COMPANY. 2 1 2 Railway Exchange Bldg. 16 ACRES unimproved land, halt mile easl of Roethe station. Oregon City carllne; well located for subdividing; 40 minutes' ride from First and Alder sts. Price .',o0 per acre. Address W. L. Starkweather, owner. Route 1, Mllwaukle, Or. HALF ACRES, $175. $10 down, $5 monthly; extra fine soil, Oregon City lino, 25 minutes out. A. C Marsters, u- vviiei, mug. ,l.,h ONE-HALF acre on East Hassalo st, in side cltv limits, close to carllne, you can pay for' this by the month. H 82, Orego nian. FOR SALE or leaee. 3 or 3 acres, by Mt Tabor Park, on 72d st.: all fenced: f!i view, and a great variety of fruit. Sheeny Bros, owners. 129 12th st. CALIFORNIA LAND Send for catalog. Properties in ull counties. Valuable, re liable information. C. M. Wooster Co., Phelan bldg.. Sun Francisco. CITY ACRES. Hawthorne-ave. carllne ex tension. South Mount Tabor. Owner, East 8'6"- SNAP 2D acres, 11 miles east of Court house; price, $100 per acre; terms; Al soli, no rock. I'hone Tabor 1.-j4. . ACREAGE in any size, near and far, at hard time prices. R. Buetlkofer. 265 Salmon. For Sale Business Property. 3000 Store and Uat on Alberta St.;. good income. Vanduyn & Walton, 515 Chamber of Commerce. Homesteads. lf.o HOMESTEAD relinquishment, near Medforil, on creek, wagon road; neighbors, good, farming land, lots of good timber, 1 1 HA;. If taken quick. 603 Oregonlan bldg. HOMESTEADS and cheap land lor aa 14 fit, eta I s