FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1013. 1 3IORXI"G OREGOXIAX BAPTIST WOMEN AHEAD CONVENTION' MARKS 1MPOKT ANT CONCKSSION TO SKX. Illjtht to Hold Orrioc nd Places on Nominating CiommUtre Now Granted hy Convention. DETROIT. Mar :?, Today's sessions nf th. Northern Baptist convention were devoted largely to routine busi es and address. Thirty-five new missionaries were appoin ed for for eign fields and will l 'or their destinations; the comlns Summer and WDiverrer,t views re-ardln the meth od for the final vote- on fnr questions caused a verbal ttl. on the convention floor. Th debate last ed two hours and became so healed that action was postponed until katur riav The discussion was the result of an effort to amend the by-laws so That a majority vole by states could decide important issues instead of a vote by the general convention. Much discussion was beard today concerns the convention's action In -riving women delegates rirht to bold Places on nominating committees and the privilege of holding office. Here tofore the men have controlled nomi nating committees and offices. The women say the new arrangement Is an Important victory for them. Printers to Hold Memorial. SALEM. Or.. May :2. .(Special.) Capital Typographical Union. No. S10. will have memorial exercises at 2:30 p M Sunday in Moose llaJl. P. IL IVArcv will deliver an address and Colonel J- H- Cradtlbauph. editor" of the Capital Journal, will read an orig inal poem. Jiulse UArcy and Mr. Cradclbaugh are honorary members of the union. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES XXMy r Sund.-. na time .;'".' 11 i'-e Kam .l two can-erntlTe Kana ad three conto(iv tira".. . V- ,d or -eve- .cuii time.. Me The ! rat-. "Pl,lv dvertinirnts nder "New Toitoi" nH all other ela-Uica-tiuus except the following! !if-atlnns Wanted. Male. .itualb-ia Wanted. Female. For Heat. Iloonn. Private Families. hocnu and Board. Private t . lluuxl.rrt.lnc Rooms ITliate 1 amine. IUI on the above claaaifh-sMiolM U 7 real m Itoo rmctt ln-lloa. M hi one advirtloement la not ran In coo-- utile the one-time rate applies- M average wni ctiuiit a one line on rah adverii.e-wnls -d " ad counted for lew. than lines. On -vhargrd" lrert!em-it charge will be bame! m Ihr num'ter of line appearing la tlio paper. rra-rdlr of the -umber of -erd in earn line. Minimum chaise, "The OrrtonUii will accept classified ad nniniriil. eiee Ue telephone, providing the advecti-er U a anlwrrlb-r o either phone. , price will be quirted over the phone, but hill wilt be. rewderrxl the lollop In day. Whether mibaenneut adv-rtUein-nts will be a r pi it over I lie phooe 1r. nuN apon the oromulaoo of the fay ment of telephone ad TfTtwarM Munition olfil and rer anrntl advrrtWniFUU will not be accepted oeer tho lei-1 . h e. Ordera for one Inser tion oolc will be accepted for "llouw- for K,l Furniture '"r 'e." Uu'lnriu. Oppor tunities" -Koomlua-houaca" and "Wauled to Kent." The Or-gonlao wUI not guarantee accuracy or anrne rcponwbillty for error, occurring la telephoned dveri- iruta. In "New Today" all advertlement are charged by umwrt onlj. It lines lo the loch. . , . Kemlttancea int accompany out-ol-ton a oritrrw. MEETING NOTICES. . AL KADER TEMPLB .A. A. O. X. SI. S. Stated s-a- ion Saturday. May tt. at 1 r. M., new Masonic Temple. West Park and Yamhill at. Vialttng noblea cordially in cited. Br order or lb po tentate. 1UOH J. BOYD.. Recorder. SELLWOOD I.ODOE No. 131. A. I-'. AND A. M. Stated com- munlratljn this (Friday) evenins t'fc' S o'clock, S.!lwcK)d Mtonic VfyV Work. . t". doitr"'. Visitor wei- curae. I'.y order W. M- J. H. i:l rLKz:. seertar. aa WArHlNT.TOX COMMAND- A iJrt No- K- T- con' -JJV cave thi 4 Friday , ovenlnjt b 'J T:3i. Oriir oi! the Temple. AH Sir Kntghts courteously ln ar ited to attend. F. H. NOLTN'ETR. PvRTL.ND LODGK. NO. A. F. A XX) A. M- fc-'r'' cvrnmunicattion this i; Friday) e emnp. 7 ::n o'r.nck. Iiawthorne L.ode, No. ill. !M pay m IrtHiTnal visit and cnfr the M. M. dcjjme. Visitors welcome, K urder W. M. C. M. STKADMAX. Secretary. HAFSALO LOIK5K, NO. l.'i, I. O. O. F-. nil! meet llila i Krtilnr) evenhiK at 8 o'clock l?i 4idfeiIos Tajinple. crntr First aad A i i -r strieifl. Work m the third de:re. Vis itors Mel oine. FHlLKRIOK COZENS. Secretary. !OKTI.AXD MOOSE EXCVRHION Spe cinl trains leave- J fTvrsmi -street depot for Milem Mose I'anUul Saturday, iiay 24. 2 I. M. TicUts at r- vT' t ir " off u-e or at tinrot. T. K. HATC LiFr E, it-crctary. vf7 . -ReKUiar lnevtlttjt this Friday) JST-i? evening in ilo,!o!iic Temple at b r"j 1 1. T TT , i . ST T .. 11 X JKX.MS ti. U.V1.QWAY,' Ser DIKU. , HALL In this city. May 22-1. 1!M J, at the residence of his duughtcr. Mrs. Patsy Car dlir. TU Columbia street. Henry Hall, asetf 60 years, uecelseu. Is survived by a widow. Mrs. Kl.'sabrth Burke Hall, three daughters. Sirs. Georae Hynea of tpo kane. Mrs. patsy Cardiff of this city and He&xrice SantKrn of Seattle, also four sons, H.ary Hall ox tuia city, Thomaa and Ed mund Hall. Okanogan. Wash., and M. J. Hall of Wyoming. P.emalna are at the parlors of the Skewcs 'nuertaktaf Com pany. Funeral notice latcr WILLIAMS In this ally. May t2. 1094 Ver non ave. William Heury Wllltama, ace .3 yrara. Remains at tho parlore of F. b. Imnaing. Inc.. East Side Funeral Directors, 41 but Alder st. Funeral notice la a later Issue. FTXEBAL NOTICES. DI'XX Mbt 22, at the residence, 414 East t'ay atreeet. Catharine O. Dunn. aKed S r. beloved mother of lira. II. P. White ar.d Frank K. Putin. Funeral will take I.ace from the aoove resilience Saturday. -May 54. at S:SO A. M. Thence to sit. Fran cla Church, cor. E. ll'th and Pine sta. where requiem mass wiil be iuhr at V o'clock. Frienda respectfully Invited. In terment Rtvervlew Cemetery. Ploaso omit flower. HOKS Th funeral of the late Mrs. Johanna H'tes. aiced rt years "J montha 13 days, will Ir belli at the I'hurrt, f tho Asceasloo. Fast ee:it)--slxth street, haturday. May Jt. at 0 A. M. lntermei.t Mt. Calvary I'emi-etery. Friends are kindly Invited. Kemalns at A. K. ZcIIer Company's funer al parlors. OwJ-Oyl WHUiiins ave. FfXFKAL UfRKCTOR.-.. MR. tllWAKP IIOLMAN. the Icadlna; fu ureal director. Tliu-J street, corner Sai- . LaMty aaai.lant. A Jill, Maia Mtl. J. I: HNH.Y a SON, Il'NKKAl. MKrilE. Inl Atteniluut. Montsoioery. at tilth St. K. s. -IHNMMi. INC. last hl.le tuarral Kirrctora, 411 East Allter e. r.aa .. n ..i. in wTnl; s: x'fvrj'i t.t..r.t .itPtnr." lib aad l ine, 1'liune Main 4,'u. Lady at- imunm. ..ii.- w. wunty 1 oroner. LKK( .1. unilertahrr. ror. lt.t Alder and UI..I. k . "Ml 1. I u u . .. a . -"ii". .-.. ' "-". ""T aiieouant K;ts I mfktakim company. nn i lily, lain 411, A lastly attemlant. A. K. Zr.l.I.i.R CO.. F.a IOKS. I WW. jity -Mtriioont. Mitht Venice. MKMORI AI.X- I'ortlind Miirhle Works It 4th. opposite City Hall. Mala SSW. CEMETERY BEAUTIFUL XOVXT SCOTT PARK Portland s Perpetual Car Cemeterr. Large. Permaneut. Modern. Both pboaaa 5 AMrHEMKNTS. feXTRA HEILIG liTIl AM MORRISON Phones: Main 1. A 1LS! In order to ao-ommnrlnte school chil dren, curtain will rite TODAY'S fflATIFIEE AT 2:4 O Tonlrht Tomorrow Night 8. Tomorrow's Mailnee, 2 CHARtES FROHMAN PRESEHCTS MAUDE ADAMS In Tier Mo.t PETER PAN i axil u tis hnccesa Prtcea both evcnlnas nd matinees Lower' floor 12. baluony, 3 rows ?-l rows ft rows si; 4 rn' BEATS NOW SELLING BAKER'I THEATER t..i a i-.ft 1 ltaker.Mcr. Th. nonnlar Raker Players. Tonieht, All w.-ek Mali. Wednesday and Saturday. Wedneaday and Saturday. -MARY JASFH PA- As playefl-w ih vrent iuwom uy H'nr.: Ulxey and Max Flgman. One of the ; greatest i--oritea of the day. A comedy with f"""' aituatlona and Immense character studies. A dellabt for the children. Evening prlcea. "sc. :w,c. .-."c. All Mata. 23c Next week "HarW Ilarom." MATINEE DAILY. Mala a. Jk lit. MADAME OI.OA PKTROVA "IleteetKe Keen Flayllla Mr. Homnrl I.leliert Co. BiiS rt A Nelson Woods Wood Trio and The Cromwelli - a nr'TKir i;.vmk 1 1 rani, pmuoni Moffat-I aKclne ( o. (Unman ynaiB Al Herman (The Hlack I-aurhi Lillian Holmes W. - Hoetler nroni'htnn Turner ANY MAT IN CK SfcAT 13c. Mghta. ISC. 5c. WKr.K MAY IH Miss Jnlie Bins; In -The Man fhe Met"; Joe Canoll. Tile Temple Ouancl. Ttiree t'lviac i whera, t arl SMwk U.ile A Co.. Lelliotl lro.. Pantaiteacope. l-opular prlcee. Matlneo dolly. U"es untl rin. row baleonr referred. ll olflco open from l A. M. to 10 P. -M. Phones. A Main 463d. Cnrtain. :S0. I'-IS and . "LYRIC. ; BXFK UV 19. The new Musical Opera Company will offer The lis Widow.- Tues day Dhjht. athletic contest. lday nlKht. ( Iiorua t.lrla' Contest. Nights. ISo and, -ic Matinee-, any seat 15e. The Oaks OPES 9 TOMORROW A KKKAT KltEB BILL. IlECREATIOX PARK, Cor VattKM and Twenty-fourth St TACOMA PORTLAND MAY 20, 21. 22. 23, '2-1. 25. Games lleeln M'rekdnya at 3:15 P. M, Sunday a, 3l30 P. M. LADIUS' DAY FRIDAY. Boys Under 12 Free to Bleachers Wednesday. ' AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Wilson's Auction House, at 10 A. M. Furniture, iea-8 First sC Ford Auction House. 211 lsU Furniture, carpets, etc Sale at 2 P. VI. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY UKIU ). 30 l.MOS AVKlt,Wll. AEI1 MARKET STREET. 1-bOojC East 1423, U 251S. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled animals at a moment's notice. Prices reasonable, rteport all eases ot cruelty tu tills or rice. Open day and night. NEW TODAY. CITY & FARM LOANS Loans of J1000 and up at lowest rates on Good Improved City or Farm Prop erties. If you need money call today. Our installment payments are attractive. A. HBIREELL CO; 205 McKay Hide-. Third and Stark Sta. S550 30th and Knott Corner lot. Knott is hard-surfaced nearly to this street, and values are advancing rapidly. Buy- from owner and save commission, lenua. f AS 81, OREGOMAX. A SNAP LADD'S ADDITION Lot on Ladd avenue, near Hawthorn avenue, with easterly lace, xerma to suit. Address or apply to OSVNrlR, 601 OREGON IAN MUILUIXG. Money Tight? UO.T TUt, BELIKYK IT. We want to lend you any sum from Sl'Ou lo ioj.uuu. Heal easte security $4u00 for farm loan this county. (.KU1U.G II. THOMAS. i7 Oak !t.. Koom 3 Alnnvrorth Rld. CITY & FARM LOANS 1'iOOU end up at .owest rates. C. M. ZADOW 414 Corbett Rldz. A 1410. Marshall 93. CITY AND FARM LOANS Any Amount at Current Rates. JOHN E. CEONAN B02 Spaldlns lildar. 1'ortlaad, OS. flORTGAGE LOANS Our Owa Muarjr at Correal Rates. ' WESTEHN BOX D MORTGAGE: CO. Commercial Club Uliiic Portion 1. Or. PRIVATE MONEY To l.oas oa Portland Realty. Current Rates (iulck Action. (EELLV at CO, 301 Hoard of Trad BASEBALL i j MTT.- I REALKSTATE. KUIT REAL ESTT NEW touai. .. ., . For bale Acreage. r enne a rp. TEN ACRES TO TRADE IMPROVED RANCH ON R. R STOCKED . S50OO Clear of incumbrance. Trade for home in Portland. All in cultivation; 6-room house, with city water, small family orchard, creek and well, barn and outbuilding all in good condition. Right in a town of 1200 and within miles -of another of 5000; stores, a planinir mill, etc., with in a few rods of the farm. Owned by a couple of elderly people who wish to come to Portland with their ehiMren. If traded this week they will include their " horse, cow, wagons, harness, chickens and all farm implements. DORR E. KEASEY & CO. 2d Floor Chamber of Commerce Bldg. $7000-7 WANTED On East Side improved income prop erty, valued at $16,000. HARTMAN THOMPSON BANK Chamber of Commerce Building, Mortgage Loan Dept. Main 208. A 2050. VIEW ACRES ON- WEST SIDE Willamette and Columbia Rivers, East Portland, entire peninsula, Van couver, Mountains tiooa, Aaams, Jefferson, Rainier, St. Helens all in view from these ehoice homesites. Come in and let us tell you about the improvements going in and the many advantages. 250 Stark St. HELP WANTED Contracts to let for cutting cord wood and grubbing for gradinE. THE FRED. A. JACOBS CO. iSOD Washington St. Mortgage Loans It you have A-t KeaV Estate uecur.iy we can loan n you tin iy amount at lowest rates. C ALLAN & KASER 723 - 34 Yeon Bide Edward E. Goudey Lewis Bulldlnr. MORTGAGE LOANS . - ia.a.t hiiafno nronertlc. 8 aar s jrr com w" - - em and 5 pr cn oa otbr loae-ln bu-u- Mortgage Loans On Improved I'royerty Onlj. Baslneas or Residence. We apeclalise in Loans of 30a aad over. Mortsaeea to Sell. Commerce bale Ueu. Mortroie Co. tl Third St.. Cham, ot Com. Bid. . REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Beck, willlara O., 815-816 Falllcc bld. BliLBAKKK, C. L. er CO.. loans. 31i Rail way Exchange bids. Main 549. ChaDln Herlow. 3Si Chamber of Commsrss Jennlnes A Co.. Main li. i0t Oregonlso. PALMER-JONES CO.. H. 4U4-SUV40S Wilcox bldg. THE Orecon Real Bstate Co.. Grand ave. at alulinomao si. snuiuuio ' rr REAL ESTATE. jt'or bale. Lota. HO.MK3. T T Vnn.A tn Pladmnilt diS lni prove menu lit; one block from park. 6 Olocks irom msn sciiooi. wiuciv. .tu.u Horary; tine view. This is a restricted dis trict. I will build a home lor you here on your own terms. .Mr. Renter, don't miss tnis. call .Via in mju. a ur u. Keeley. J.AI7HHI.HURST We speelsiilze on th.a beautiful prop erty, we hanU:e no other, we handle the beat that Is for sulc, we know Laurel- h.iret and can save you money; i.uiei hurst la Just what you want. . Hu can always find us at tha tract of fice. lllth and East Ulisun sis. DELAHL.Vf Y Jc, iMlHTI.AXn HEIGHTS EXCLL'SIVELY it- vrtn n-jini lo buv on 1'ortland Heights. see me. 1 have about t per cent of the prupenv lor sale up here in my hands and have not one 0!BS;itlsnoa customer. HROOKE. Kim and T1& sis. Marshall 48'J7. A SS.S9. WIDOW IN LOS AXOELES needing money oiiera - iois ii'vup, ZnniLa for S12D0 cash, or would accept largo cash payment and balance on short time; this Is cheap. H. J. Brown. 585 Leo ave.. Seilwood. B-2-m5. SUOtr . Broadway lot 60x100 ft., near E. 82d st.; paved street; adjaoent to Sullivan Gulch raotory District. Price $1100. H. i: PALM EH -J ONES CO.. 404 wtloox blJK- I'hones M WJ. A 3o3- Magnificent quarter block, fine view, location close In, Irvington, surrounded by palatial home, at a price greatly be low value. Seeing this means buying it. Kast 17M6. LOT. rj nV in., vour e-aln: will sell m Choice Beaumont lot $250 less what I fe paid for 2 years ago; rnaae oner, win eave city. AR M, Oregonlan. CLOSING out new delivery wagons at second-hand prices: alao second-hand deliv ery wagona at real bargains. Call and see them. Oregon Mollne Plow Co.. 105 Union ave.. N. $1300 00x100 ft., corner lot on Macadam St., with tracksge. . H. T. PALMER-JONES CO., 404 V.-llcox bids. Phones M 860a. A 8653. WESTMORELAND LOT. near Reed Col lecee. car and atores. hard-surfaced atrcets. sewer and walks all In and paid for. Price only $n:0. Belford it Hurf, 1620 East lath at. 1'hone Seilwood lttl. $2000 1 acre on E. 52d st., 3 blocks from Monta vllla car. li s worth the money. H. P. PALM FIR-JONES CO.. I(M Wilcox blcg. Phones M S'W.'. A 2053. WOULD you buy a lot having 50 feet front age at $750 if you were convinced that In one year this lot would bs worth JiuOOJ Terms easy. Y 3. Oregonlan. . Kt LI.-S1Z.KD lot, .r0xlU0, wilh improve ments In, adjoining the highest-priced subdivision on the East Side, $0o, terms. V 74. Oregonlsn. 2i7HOICE building lots. Hawthorne-ave. district, for" sale very reasonable by own er. Phone Tabor 1019 or call 437 E. 53d tB; . FINE lot on Patton avenue, near Lombard: street Improvement In and paid: price $mo. on easy terras. Call 275 Pine st. Phone Main 121. LOT on Montana avenue, alear Alblna car; nice shade trees: $."00. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT CO.. 275 Pine Street. A LOT for sal'?, r.rire $75. In Mills Addition. Tillamook i'lt. Owner, C. Geo. Jnacks. .14o 10th st. North, porllnnd. Or. LAUKELKUBST equities in view iula at a sacrifice. Phone M.:i 31114. IRVINGTON LOTS OUR SPECIALTY. NEUHAUSEN & CO. MAIN S"73. U. T. STREET. IRVINGTON LOTS. LOTS near car, $375; $5 monthly. Owner, 70 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1166: i j or dbiw wi". . I i 1 - - i CHOICE BUILDING LOTS ON WEST SIDE. Glenelvn Addition, restricted district. In side :i-mile circle; command! an- unob siructed view of Tualatin ValUy and Mt. Hood; walks, graded streets and Bull Run water in and Included in price: 1'ourth street line runs In front of property! the electrification of which will be completed by 1. This the finest car line in the city, which will greatly en hanae the valuea. Buy NOW bet-re the advance takes place. Prices range from ::50 up. Select your lot and we will build to suit you for small cash payment down. '. PROVIDKNT TRUST "COMPANY, 2d Floor SSellinS BIdg. LOTS $75 to 100, tl, down. $1 week, r.0 . u i.u.i.. trt n.o.nn F. ectric. double-track service. 20 minutes to down town. Fine view. Compare location ana values with lots selling for double. Take cars at Jefforson-St. elation, 10:25 A. 1:15 and 2:15 P. M. to shaphapta Station, Sunday, 10c local fare. Tou will regret It If you do not take 2 or more lots at these barealn prices and extreme easy temis. Owner, 207 Railway Ex. Building, Main , r. . . ,,, t I.'I, " t,' Adjoining Mt. Tsbor Park lo feet on Belmont. Worth 1".000; will sell much less. Phone Marshall 5213. - For Sale Beach Property. FOR SALE at a bargain, five-room cottage . ti...t. ..An. Vownnrt ' large llv- Ing-roon-. rrlth" fireplace; spring water Plpea into noum, extent. .. 1 ..: pea into noum, . ... . , . -. , iS ocean, phone Main 22Cf) or Tabor 5.8. In lor rial -Houses. HOUSES FOR SMALL PAYMENTS. 1100 down, 11900 -roort 'cot tage, S7th ana Hawthorne; ex tra fine lot, 60x100; balance 20 month. Including Interest. $100 down, $3400 new 5-room, modern bunalow. near 3ith and Hawthorne; fireplace, bookcase, buf fet, Dutch kitchen, cement base ment, hardwood floors, walls tlntea, .corner lot. Balance $30 "month. In cluding Interest. $300 down. $3300 new. modern 5 room bungalow, near Jofferson High School; street Improvements all paid. So many good things in this house that we will have to show them to do them Justice. We have others in the vicinity. $100 down, $2850--New 5-room bungalow, $20 a month, including interest. $300 down, $2150 ?20 month and Interest; 5 rooms, modern, and bath, flrepluce. gas and electricity; full cement basement, only 2 blocks from car. This is a fine district. $100 down. $1400 $15 month. In cluding lnteist; 4-room cottage; has gas. electricity, two blocks from car in a good residence district. ' DORR E. KEASEY & CO.. 2(1 floor. Chamber of Commerce. FIRST OF ALL THtNK OF THE COST. Buy a cheap hoiraB. Not cheap In ma terial, looks or location, but cheap In price To know satisfaction Is to get your money's worth. - l'ou get It here. $750 buys a new eottage'snd a 30x100 lot In Gregory Heights; $15 per month (Includ ing lntere.t) paya for it. Little over two blocks to good carhne, same distance to Bandy road, now paved to 72d st. Location and surroundings good. More Information at 418 Corbett bldg. Call today. GREGORY INVESTMENT CO., Marshall 557. A 2944. tS4rt(i will buy modern 8-room house on Eest l.V.h St., near Prescott; Irvington car will run In front of house In three weeks; furnace, laundry, gas and electric fixtures, front and rear porches; lot faces east, owner leaves for Buffftlo next week. -GOD DA RD & W1BURICK, BUNGALOW FNAP, ALBERTA STREET. 4-room hofloe. with attic; gas and elec tricity; nice bath. etc.. on a business street, on Alberta St.. noar 11th: price a snap, $2100. some terms. SIS Board of Trade bhlg.. 4th and Oak. SOUTH Mt. Tabor coming Into Its own. Cause, extension of Hawthorne-ave. car line now builJlng through this -section. An attractive u-room modern house, cor ner lot. 2 blocks from car. offered for " one week at special price; terms if de sired, owner, r iioue i NEW 4-room bungalow, hot and cold Bull Run water, bath, toilet, etc.; sleeping porch, with built-in bed: grand view; graded streets and sidewalks: 5c fare. West Side. 20 minutes out; $1400: small cash payment, balance easy. Phone own er. Alain iuik. BEAUTIFUL premises, delightful shrubbery, .1 lots 10-room house and small house -Ox IK suitahle old folks' home or clubhouse; block from. car. timall payment some trade and balance mortgage. Make of fer. G 7 4. oreKPiimu. - HI'lLDING sites on the West Side, over Bookms' the beautiful Tualatin Valley, $H00 . infiTA Int on ir terms, i 1118 is" an "opportunity to secure a home; let snow you. . of Commerce 4-room cottage, nice yard, on Woodstock car; Vp'pALMER-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox bldg. Pbone M A 2fi-i3. ..n.-mmirt haiu home nn Westover .er- races 12 rooms, 8 sleeping porches, 8 bathrooms, equal of 2 lots, unobstructable view. Price io.uv. '" ' ' " ."", balance easy erms. Call Marshall joai. xi:':t SELL my new artistlo home, tf rooms,;. orh 'f.1500. In an ideally shel tered spot on lit. Tabor. 2 full lots; my nrlc. S4.1iH- demands your immediate at tention; easy terms. Phone Tabor -BU. HOME for the-old folks; $1100. $50 down $i."i monthly, buys neat little 4-room cot- Fred "wl 'German Co.: 032 Chamber' of Commerce, -pom f""""- ;-': r t--. TTCt xTl av oivyir.VTS Ve furnish plana and money and bulla your home or apartments, etc. Taylor feuilding Co- 503 McKay bldg.. Sd and ' BtarK Bts I Mvine June I. Aluit acrillce beiow t i...l.a T.rnnm T.anrAlhlint Z Tnv.Mti.raL6. Make offer. Tabor 9 ROOMS TWO FULLY EQUIPPED BATHROOMS, 8 TOILETS, FINISHED OAK. .r:, . fv EAST 273. v. xi. 7 rooms, new. modern, hardwood -floore, full lot1 a cosy home, priced low, Sher man Nelson, owner, r37 East 11th North. T 'Z . r'rlMAIl TO U T V fl A T ri Cosy, modern, fireplace; 6S Kavenview Tirlvft" J4.nU iciuib- uuv " t vi nrnnii -- - - JC.-V pish ana i" v- u, tag., J0 minutes out, 1 block car. lot 60s. Hl"liLEryCt BiaHOP. 201 Hamilton bldg. IRVINGTON home must be sold. Owner rone East: modern 7-room and sleeping porch house on 2d between B razee and Knott, terms. East B1'6S. ... ... -..i.-vr. Tulv ! . l v 1 - A' Irti . . . . . . . . 5-room new bungalow, built-in effects. Sleeping porch, sewer and sidewalks all i'" ... . . jil RALE Exclusive home In Irvington, paid. Jl- lewio nmB. ei"ht roome. mooeru in every respect, ga rage and only one block from car; bai" gam for Quick ante. East 704. FOR SALE l-room bungalow; price i:if0, only J1SU down, balance monthly Install ments Uelford Halt. 102S East 13th at. Phone Pellwood 1C1- MAKE 475 -bv buvlnr equity ol :i75 In S2800 house "or ."o Must sell before June 1. H 71. Oregonmn. 3-POOM Calif, bungalow, fireplace, lot 50X lta- trees, garden; snap. 11250. Easy term Call morningr. Marshall 1324. 8 ROOMS and sleeping porch; all modern throughout: terms reasonable. iir7 East st.. near Sandy road. Tabor 8507. t".HOOM cottage, near Council Crest, fur n'shed or unfurrlshed: lot 50x10s; bar gain. Phone Marshall 520t!. STRtXOEH! 5-room, modern, completely furnished, garage, fruit. garden, block car; 4uu cash. Tabor 1.-.Q6. - IRVlNtiTO.N' HMftfCS OUR SPECIALTY. NKVHAl'.-BS ft CO. 3lain 8'7. 0-KOOI.I miMlern houao, Alberta. 2500; half rash, balance easy, iwo Koseiawn ave. HOl'E and 1 acre for sale or rent, cheap. Call Vain 7042. - R. T. STREET. IRVINGTON HOMES. MODERN HOMES ON EASY PAYMENTS. 7 rooms and sleeping porch; modern, new. unobstructed view of city, rivers ana mountains; West Side, convenient to car; all street improvements in; ?U0O0, terms to suit.' 9-room and sleeping porch, glass-inclosed breakfast-room, Hvlns-room, dltitng room, cabinet kitchen, pass pantry, large sunken den, two iireplaces, four lalge . sleeping chambers, tiled bath, cem--nt basement, fairuace. laundry trays. . cement garage, corner 100x100. Broadway cai , - S0500. easy terms. 7 rooms and sleeping porch; best of con. ' structlon, new aud modern; all built-in conveniences; east front; street Improve ments in; convenient to car; Laurelhurst, $6250, terms. 8-room French chalet; glass-laclosedJ View porcn, UX40, inree imso 1..,. lu-n e,imnle bathrooms, ull rooms tastefully tinted; unobstructed view of city, rivers and mountains;' lot 50xljt, sireet Improvements In, convenient to Council Crest car; $11,000, terms to suit. S rooms and bath. West Side, fine v.lew, two blocks to car; walks, graded streets and water in and paid; lot 50x100; $15u0. $100 cash. a3 rooms and batli and sleeping porch; v Siiade trees, creek, corner H'OxlbS; three ; blocks to car. West Side; $3000. 7 rooms and sleeping porch: hot water heat, all built-in modern conveniences; ar tistic fireplace, oak lloors, houso linlsu;d In white enamel; unobstructed view ot city, rivers and mountains; Btreet Improve ments in and paid; Portland Heighis; .ot 05x115: $13,000; terms cau be arranged. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY, Zd. rioor ftenms jaiua. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. 5-00. . New 8-room modern house, furnace, lire place, bullet, bookcases, paneled dining room, beamed celling. Dutch kitchen, ce ment floor in basement, laundry tra s. three bedrooms and. Inclosed sleeping porch; lot 50x100; nice garden, small fruit and some nice fruit tre.s; plenty of roses and shrubbery. Includes gas range, gas heater and linoleum; - located on Pm Kc at., between S3d and Imperial. Price JoOOO $.".00 cash, balance at $25 per month, or will take one or two good lots at casn value as first payment. GKUSSI & HOLDS, S18 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak. ROSE CITY PARK CAR. ONLY $2000. Brand-new 6-room modern bungalow, full basement, laundry trays, fireplace, buffet, plate rati. Dutch kitchen, extra cupboards, ironing board, etc.; complete bath equipment, beautifully finished, light and sanitary; electricity, gas. best of plumbing and materials. ell built, solid construction. View lot. 50x115, one block to car. Largo norcnes. VW'y pay more? $300 cash, balance $i month, in cluding interest, or other P?"'' terms. Mr. Logan, owner, bio Spalding hlHi- Iarnha!l 2740. A 249. $3150 HAWTHORNE .g-gTS?CT $31oO. MUST HE SOLD THIS WEEK. My 6-room bungalow, with all modern conveniences, equipped with electric fix tures, shades, gas stove linoleura on kitchen . and bathroom floors; the attic Is finished off and could be used for lleepiTporch. This Is one block from IchooT'" Remember- to be sold this week, not at my price, but at a great sacrifice. Come out and see It furnished. Built S montha ago 1108 E. Harrison Hawthorne car to 39th. 3 blocks aouth. Pnonea Ta bor oC4. B 3159. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT A cozy 5-room bungalow with built-in conveniences. A large living-room, good sized bedrooms and windows in closets, fireplace and bookcases, shades, screen doors and windows, gas and electr f x tares, linoleum In kitchen and bath. ull cement basement. Must sell before June 1 price S2S50; $200 cash, bal. terms. John L Karnipp. owner, 325 Ry, Exchange v i .1 -a a .if.lA THAT VAC VT IjU i . " WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME? WE WILL FUrtNmH THs, MOVEVT BUILD APARTMENTS, RESI DENCE OK ANYTHING PLANS FREE. WE ARE RESPONSIBLE. WE KNOW HOW TALK TO OUR CLIENTS. SEE OUR WORK WILL GIVE BONDS. LL R. BA I LEY & CO CONTRACTING A tit. n i i. a jr " WILL sell my beauUf u, ,;w suburban home. bungalow, with gantry, bathroom, full ce ment basement, nrealace, e lectrio l-Bhts telephone; large workshop, large modern chicken house and runways; half-acre or 'ground with 17 young fruit frees, ail kinds berries and garden, nice lawn and flowers, investigate and make me an. oi ferV or will trade. P Tl. Oiegoman. $2300 BUMiALUVi, o v""-"f, Nice 4-room bungalow, nice Itght flx turea, beamed ceiling. Dutch kitchen, nice porcelain bath, cement floor In basement; lot 40x100. on E. 2tith St.. near Holgate. price $2300. $300 cash and $15 per month. Buy this and pay rent to yourself. GKUSSI & BOLDS. ttlo rjoaro m An.o ONLY $200 down Stylish Sunnysldts bunga. low owners bciiih. , - - -,77tf. new modern 5-room bungalow, on 37th st between Sunnyaide carline and Laurel hurst Park; the finest location in Sunny side: very easy terms to good party. Sea owner, U2 East Taylor St.. cor. olst. Phone B 2023. : ! $250 DOWN. S3"Q0 will buy California bungalow, 5 large rooms, bath, furnace, fireplace, gas and electi-ic fixtures; premises on East Grant, near 34th st. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 248 Stark St. 11300 BUYS new modern 3-room bungalow on ou-it iui. " ,7. , : Beautiful view property, easy terms, lake Oregon Electric cars to Multnomah. Corns and see it Sunday afternoon. The West ern Securities Co., 730 Chamber of Com merce $2750 BUYS corner lot and 6-room modern nouse, am ibci i.wm. ness district. This Is worth more, but owner must ecu... .a.uc In this district. Call at 730 Chamber of Commerce. MODERN bungalow; fireplace, shower bath, beamed ceilint's. paneled walls: ideal nlace; fruit, Bhade, roses; lot OOxlOo; In Rose City park; price $4r.00. Also 1 view lot. See owner, 304 Couch bldg. Phone Main u-tirc FOR SALE OR RENT BY OWNER New o-room house, furnished. The best i u...luH I will be ulnd to UttlgKlU 111 ..... 0 - show you at my expense and let you be . J pilONB TABOR 4S0O nibinxiriVT unl It' tJllllil Exceptloiiul value, modern house, 6 large rooms, beautiful grounds, trees, fruit; near high school and library. See oyner, 1200 MODERN home on easy payments In Ivau relhurBt; 1 rooms and sleopinK-porch, lire place, furnace, hardwood floors, paneled dining-room and den; 3 blocks to car; terma. By owner. Phone Woodlawn T7- V T 1 X-C Ti A RlllIV " 1 li.r-rwttn hnil.a hath toilet, electric lights and basement; lot Price 1550; $500 cash. Owner. Sast 4161, at head ot King sueet. in choice residence ection; 7 rooms; easy terms. Apply 72J iVlUgl I.OUI l. rnmic ma.! RESTRICTED district; beautiful borne, 1 rooms; will' sell at bargain If taken right away; owner want to go East. Main 144 ioreauoni. New 4-room house. Dutch kitchen, wood- SneU, IOI UnJLi'V. ox J. uomB a-mB. 8-ROOM houae, B- 19th st., near Washing ton. $4250. AC 74, Oregonlan. For Sole Buntnesa I'ro party. WANTEli To buy five or ten acres suitable fni- oonltrv ranch: must be reasonable and on easy terms; prefer one with buildings all ready. au rua, uregnnmii. iiuou STORE and flat on Alberta St.; good income. Vanduyu & Walton. 515 Chamber of Commerce. tmitfin Tit !U)xl06: stores and apartmenls weil l-ented, prominent street, close In, West Side. Owner, 324 Worcester bldtt. For gale Acreage. BEAVERTON SALE. 3 choice 5-acre tracts for sale, less than $300 per acre, 20 mln walk from depot, electric, 10c fare, owner, Madsen. irw Mi.clr hldir. 100 ACRES apple land, Moialla Valley, 10 clear 50 brush, balance timber; $15 per acre' $1200 cash, balance 6 per cent for 4S; years. Owner, 013 Corbett bldg. Main 3929. ONE-HALF acre on East Ilassalo st., In "aide city limits, close to carline; you can pay for this by the month. H 2, Orego nian. f DANDY 1012 7-h. p. chain drive twin Flying Merkel- Presto and rear seat. Cost $305. Price only $105; $35 down; $15 mouth. S50 Alder st;; FOK SALE or lease, 3 or D acre, by ML Tabor Pak. on 72d St.; all fenced; fine view, and a great variety of fruit. Sheehy Bros., owners. 120 12th St. CALIFORNIA LAND Send for catalog, 'properties in all counties. Valuable, re liable information. C. M. Wooster Co.. Phelan bldg., San Francisco. CITY ACRES. Hawthorne-ave. carline ex tension. South Mount Tabor. Owner. East 3S6". " S;AI 20 aores, 11 miles east of Court "house, price. $lo0 per acre; terms; Al soli, no rock. Phone Tabor1554. FINE 1012 Flanders roadster, Al tires, ma chine in splendid shape. Coat $l."r0. Price $525; $200 down, $10 monthly. 350 Alder. 10 ACRES. $200 DOWN. Only 80 rods from Base Line road, near 12-Mile House; as level as a floor; 5 acres cleared and In culti vation, balance slashed; fair house, good well, woodslft'd; soil is unsur passed for trucking; location ideal f;r paying chicken ranch; close lo electric line; best macadamized roads in Multnomah County. Tha ia high-class acreage at the price and terms of cheap acreage. $31100 1200 down, $41)0 first year. Including interest: $60 second year, including Interest; $H00 third year, including interest; balance fourth year. Act quickly. DORR E. KEASEY & CO.. 2d floor. Chamber of Commerce. SCAPPOOSE ACRES. Just 25 miles from Portland, along the deep, rich soil. no rock or gravel: fine water. Sold in tracts of tW to 2f. acres from S25 to 0S per acre, on 10 per cent cash payments and easj monthly installments. Being so near to Portland means a rapid advance In value- for those lucky enough to buy at our present prices. Homes being built and land rapidly being cleared for crops. ... We show this land every day. Litera ture on request. Photos in office. LU ELI LE MANN, ItL'LEI & CO., ' 0111 Chamber of Commerce. KILL, TWO BIRDS WITH ONE STONE. Seee the motorboat races at Wilsonvilie Sunday (fare 80c round trip, Oregon Elec tric) and while there look at a beautiful tract of 14 acres fronting on the Willam ette River and near the electric-station, which will be sold at a sacrifice; 10 acres In high state of cultivation. Fine stream of spring water runs the year round. Can be piped to any part of the land. Will sell part of this tract If desired. Owner will be on the land Sunday. See sign at feo-y landing. For further partic ulars phone Marshall 6209 or address H 74, Orejronlan. CHOICE ACREAGE. P ALLAY PARK, Just outside ot the 6 mlle circle from the Postoftice, on the West Side; very best of soil, some stump land, some cleared and under cultivation; best of drainage; convenient to carlines. Prices range from o23 tof45o. We wiil -build to suit you. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY. 2d Floor Selling Bldg. 10 ACRES, 30O. $10 DOWN. 5 PER MONTH. Buys 10 acres of losged-off land, one mile from the railroad station, town and the Columbia River. The soli is free front roc' and gravel and none of this land overflows, some of tlieao tracts have running streams on them, these tracts are Ideal for chicken ranches or dairy pur puses, perfect title and warranty deed. BELL REAL ESTATE CUJIPAM, 212 Railway Exchange building. 1-ACRE SNAP. One acre, all In cultivation, within a few minutes' walk ot the Mt. Scott carllno and close to Lents; 10-cent fare. Price for quick sale, SliT."'. terms. RALPH AC K LEY LAND CO.. L04 Falling bldg. ELECTRIo' LINE, eight blocks station; chicken and fruit ranches near riuu, new subdivision near Greshnm; o acres. 400. ,500. Tou; tl acres, $-0u, $i00; 10 acres. J730, 5000, J1000 per tract: best soil, free wood, spring water; acreage at Scappoose. Or.. $25 to $100 per acre FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO., 300 Yeon Bldg., I'ortlaod. 1 AC RE FOR $550. $10 Down and $3 per Month. This land Is adjoining the city limits of Gresham. with a population of 1000 peo ple and has three main county roads running into Portland. Lund Is all cleared and has been under cultivation. bee 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. 20 ACRES. Stump land, perfectly level, fine sol . easv to clear; 1 mile from railroad, school, store, P. 1).. large mill;' plenty ot work at good wages; close lo good business town; market tor everything; hieh school, bank, etc. Price 700; terms $Vo cash, balance 5 vears at C per cent. AK S:i. Oregonlan. .-.. ..... r tr a -IM CI.!.' 5 acres, all in cultivation, sloping soutn, 2 miles from Multnomah station, 5c car fare: S-room plastered house, barn, spring; price $3J0tl. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 10 ACRES at station on Estacade electric line, all cleared, running water, famous Powell Valley soil: ideally located tor truck gardening. 250 per acre. CMBDENSTOCK & LARSON CO.. H;t link st. Ask for Mr. Hageman. 8 AI RES, PATTON ROAD. Just beyond Council Crest; A acres In cul tivation; gentle slope south, overlooking Tualatin Yallev; beautiful home sites; PriC8 GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark S:. A m-i li 1,'flB S1500. loo Lioi II anu ... i"-i This land Is level, cleared and free from rocks and gravel. Close to Portland. Three blocks of electric car-line. , BELL REAL ESTATE COllPAM. 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. . . i a ll.nlli 2 acres, 5c fare, on the Oregon Elec tric near Multnomah Station, 22 minutes from Jcfferson-st. depot. Small house, good well, close to station, Bouth slope. Purso & Co., 818 Chamber of Commerce. ACREAGE in any size, near and fnr, at hard time prices. R. Buetlkufer. 205 Salmon. Homesteads FOR S4.LE Homestead relinquishment oil 100 acres, 11 miles from R. R. SO acres plow land, 80 acres timbered and when cleared will make grazing land, some cleared; small house built, can be secured as cheap as location foe. Forced to sell account sickness. Address - H. V.. lial Sandy blvd. JOIN California land excursion to Yuba Valley June 14: free-fare coupon. A. M. HlgnilOUSe. Hi v imnmei .m.....v-. c WANTED Good homestead relinquishment; give price and all particulars in first let ter; cash deal. K 71. oret-onlan. I ri Nale rruli La'iuv LEVEL Oregon lands, $12.50, $35 and $ls&. Terras. Owners, 810 Spalding bldg. - Tor hole l-'arms. 40-ACRE FARM FOR ALE. For good reasons am forced to sell my 40-acre farm at a great sacrltlce. Located within the nine-mile circle of Portland. 12 miles on the Germantown road; every foot tillable, fenced and easily cleared: has 10 acres under cultivation, now In as line clover as ever grew; nine acres In open pasture, balance in stcond-growth timber; 4-room house, goud barn, hue spring, living stream ot water, affording some trout; tine llsh pond" site, ior In terview address B 75, Oregonlaru A HOME WITHOUT CASH. Will sell 10 or 20-acre tracts of strictly first-class land 20 miles from center oi Portland. miles from electrio line, good water piped to each tract; you pay nothing now, one-fifth at end of 2 years. To Bee the property and to find out how those who have bought are getting alonu, take Southern Pacific to Spriugbraok. Inquire for W. E. Burke, owner, or write Sherwood, Or., Route i.' SMALL FARM FOR KALE WllrllN 2o MILES OF PORTLAND. Railroad station at your door. Ten acres richest kind of soil (3 acres cleared; balance easily cleared). Wei furnish the lumber for the house, barn and out buildings; a fine Holsteln cow (now milking!, hogs and chickens; ail Included for $1500. A money maker from the start. Pay $400 down; balance to suit. C. -W. Davis & Co.. 000 Commercial blk. A REAL bargain in Yamhill County; 80 acre farm, :hs miles from Portland, 1 mile from railroad and a thriving town; 40 acres in crop; family orchard, small fruits, all fenced and cross-fenced; 'vater piped tu house and barn; nice, large house, bain and outbuildings; all for $35 per acre; A2500 cas.i, terma on balance to suit pur chaser. Phone Seilwood 1S4U or call 701 Marion ave.. seilwood. Or. BIG BARGAIN 200-acre farm 24 milea frem Turner, 8 milea from Salem; my Health tailing, have to sell. 170 acres cul tivated, two-thirds bottom land, fine for Logans; 50 acres prune land, 30.00U graft ed prune trees ready to' transplant Oct. 1 Good 8-rooin house, 2 barns, good well, ' springs and running water. Might accept part trade. W. . H. Holder, owner, Etta cada. Or. ' FINE CHEAP LANDS IN WASHINGTON. ALONG THE "NEW LINE." For particulars, write Immigration Bu reau, C, M & St. P. Ry., 57 Uenry b!dg Seattle. Wash. - READ this; a farm of 52 acres, all In culti vation, 14 acres In hops. Including crop, stock, teams, machinery and tools; at $16o per acre, half cash. R. Buetikos,,r, 205 Salmon. ' FOR SALE A choke well Improved acre farm: would consider e":nu Portland lots as part pay. Price $14,000, eany terms. For particulars write owner, H. H. Hurst. Toledo.' Wasn. WRITE today for price lists descriptive of farms in Eugene district. Great Western Land Company. Inc.. Eugene. Or. RANCH. 60 acres, with buildings; 18 miles from Portland, near electric line; bargain for all cash. By owner. 1S2 Morrison st. STfV 1.T AVn n A I H V FARMS. 60.000 acres $10 per acre. Northern Call - forma, colonization scheme. 1.S00 acres $22.50 per acre, along S. P. Railway. 40 miles south of Eugene, three and a half miles from good town. 1000 acres cleared, of which 3UO is alfalfa land, along creek bottom. A good stock ranch. 10,000 acres $15 per acre, including 300 cows. '5'l0 sheep, horses, and com plete equipment ; about 50 per cent below value, John Day country. Eastern Oregon. 000 acres $50 per acre. 25 miles below Portland, on island, one mite from station, two-thlrus overflows about one mouth each year. A practical ' dairy ranch. 16 acres $40 per nrre. four miles from Sheridan, Yamhill County. About 00 acres cleared, part clover field, balance level and rolling, covered with small fir: could bo slashed and burned and made into splen did pasture, on good rock road. Distinctive features are: Largo clear, stream lull length of proper ' ty, two smaller ones, all good trout streams. I'uuaual depth of soil and a paradise of gro.s. The place is exceedingly beautiful. S00 acres $20 per acre, same road, four miles further out, about one-fourth cleared, balance fir brush, lots of water. 5000 acres $17.50 pe. acre, near Nush ville, O. & C. Railway, largely cleared, about two-third too ateep lor cultivation, excels any other locality in Western Oregon tor abundance of grass; will cut up Intu small tracts tor colonization scheme. 00 acres $35 per acre, on Yaqulna Bay. . near Toledo, simply a beautitul spot for Summer home. GEO. E WAGGONER, 805 Yeon bldg., Portland. Or. FARM LANDS IN CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA, ALONG THE , GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC HIGHWAY The railroad will soon be completed, giv ing settlers main line transportation; an army of men are rushing the work that it may be completed in 1014. The land along this new railway Is unsurpassed for fruit, mixed farming. i:ardening, uairy and stock farms; no irrigation. Summer rams, pea vine and wild glasses to horse's back, noil soil; good climate, fine drinking water, beautiful rivers and luKcs, wild fruit, fish and gamo in abundance; thousands will go Into ilia country when the railway Is com pleted. Wo sell the best valley land In all size tracts at a low price and on unusually easy terms; can give guaranteed title to every acre we sell; over 100 slereopllcon views of Central British Columbia free. Everybody welcome. Call week days; wil show .views evenings by appointment. For maps. Government reports, field nutes and full Information call or write W. A. Stock ton, district salesman tor the NORTH COAST LAND CO.. LTD., Paid-up capital, $1,500,000 824 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.. Portland. Or. A GOING POl'LTR Y FARM. This splendidly equipped and modern poultry farm, located hut 25 miles from Portland on good transportation, may ho had at a low- price and on easy teniiu because owner is ready to install larger plant en ad joining land. includes five acres richest kind of soli, all under cultivation, one acre In bearing orchard, all fenced. Good new five-room house. Hrooder house, 20011 ca pacity, hot water heat; laying house, 10UO capacity, and- Incubator house with equip ment to SOU capacity; everything new and in good condition. Located in live community with school, church, store and posloitice within 200 yards of plant. $2500 is the price and wo will include sufficient stock to start. $700 will handle, and the balance you may have long timo to pay. Come In and arrange to see us this Sunday. . C. W. DAVIS Ai CO., 000 Commercial blk. OREGON RANCH FOR SALE AT BIG HAKOAl.V. 479 acres, located in a small valley trib utary to Sutherlin Valley; tlireo miles from the enterprising little town of Sutherlin. which is situated on the main line of tiie Southern Pacific, lt5 miles south of Port land. This ranch Is fenced with woven wire fenca anil cross fenced, 1-0 acres land under cultivation, balance In pasture. Small farm bulldlnga, bearing orchard, abundance of pure spring water. Splendid mixed farming proposition; $-'2. 50 an ucro. Ad dress owner, box 213. Sutherlin, Or. SACRIFICE IN TUALATIN VALLEY. 35 acres. 3 miles north of Newbeig, .0 acres cleared, in line state of cultivation; 7 acres fine timber. 4 acres In prunes, cherries and English walnuts: common house and barn: commands good view of surrounding country, on fine county road. Price $100 per acre; $1000 cash down, balance can run 3 years. Thia is $50 per acre under value and must be sold. Come In at once If you are Interested, tor thia snap will not last. LUEDDEMANN. RL'LEY & CO.. Hl:i Chamber of Commerce. DAIRY RANCH. 180 acres. 3 miles southeast of Craw ford. Wash., oil good county road; 30 acres cleared and in crop and clover, balance or land burned over very closely and most of It sown to clover. Land ail ue.uly level. 2 springs, new 4-room house. 50x50 barn anil other outbuildings; 32 cows and calve. 1 team good horses. 100 hens, some other stock .loins Swedish settlement, where lands' sell ior $100 or more. Price tins month, " per acre, H cash. ' LL'EDDEMANN, RULE & CO.. 013 Chamber of Commerce. CALL for list Benton (BLUE RIBBON Co. lauds and cliy property In live college town. MIDDI.KKALFF & YOUNG. BEN TON CO. BANK. CORVALLIS. OREGON. VOlt SALE TIMHE1C LAXIIS. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND aiOLD. C. J. M' CRACK EN. 34 McKay bldg. AM tired of paying taxes on my 100 aires timber. Jackson County; who-wants a real snap.' AN 50, oregonlan. CHEAP STUMPAGB. Ideal location tor tie mill, stream run ning to R. R. spur. No. 75 Bth St. WAN TEU HEAL ESTATE. WANTED. Wo want some cheap houses for alo thnt can be sold with small amount casn down, balance easy monthly payments. Prices to range from $05o to 2ouu. -Must be good values. Call at office if you have one for sale and give lis full particulars. We have some prospects waiting, it. H. GOliDKl.VD CO.. 1NJ.. 4U2 Wilcox. See Mr. Cowie. CLIENT wants 2-atory house, 7 rooms, with furnace; not over sluoo; within 3 Idoci.s from carline; wants to turn in clear lot worth SliKin as llrst payment. GODDAill) WIEDRICK, 243 Stark W NTED Good lncomu property. West Side preferred; stores or stores and room above; value about $lu.000 to 1.'.,UU0. Ulu approximate location and exact Income and price. Alt .104. Oregonian. WANTED FOR CASH a good 6-room home in Hawthorne district- not less than 0 rooms; cash price only: jfive location und detuils. At 71, Oregonlan. . WANT lots, mortgages or sellers' contracts. 1 buy, sell or trade. If you want a home on the Installment plan or for cash. See jas. C Loan. M5 Spalding bldg. rWNT a lot up to $10O0 In Tacoma or Seattle as part payment oa a new, mo,i Tin 7-roora homo at Mt. Tabor. $45uo. Terms on balance. Main 4400. WANT equity In 1 to a acres close In. with buiidlna. Owners only. 511 Buchanan bldg. M. 5554. THE bestlut money can buy; must bo right; will look if location and price are given. A E 75. Orefc-onlan. , WANTED TO RENT FARMS. 5 1S 10 acres for Summer with house and barn 30 minutes out, furnished or unfur nished; best of references. All 73, Orego nlan. W ANTE I) T 1MBEKLAXD3. HAVE client who will buy 50.000.000 te KM) uco.ono feet timber, tributury to Co lumbia River preferred; owners only. W 73. ureiTiinian. FARMS WANTED. WANTED Dairy ranch or dairy stock, hogs, cattle and horses for unincumbered Irri gated alfalfa land or close-in acreage. OKL'lisI & BOLDS. 318 Board of Trnrfe hidg.. 4Ui and Oak. FvRMS WANTED We have actual buyera for farms in Eastern Oregon. Lands must be near railroad. Write full description.. Great Western Lund Co., Eugene, Or. FOR RUNT FARMS. FOR LEASE 0 acres on Johnson Creek, house, barn, etc., 30 min. out on two car lines 10 min. walk from station. Ideal place for small dairy and poultry. Owner 320 Lahhe bldg- XKN acres. Improved; 4-room houso; l' miles east ol Gresham, Or. Call Gresham, Farmers' ;hone 2U5. FARM WtNTED. with cows and imple ments, or milk rout,-, by a farmer; give terms. AL 1"'!, Oregonlan. TO KXCHANGIS. jtiO ACRES of timber laud in Columbia Co. to trade for city property or farm property. Call 418 Lumber Exchange bldi;. ACREAGE to trade for clt' property or gro cery store. 41S Lumber Exchange bldg. $1500 EQUITY In fine new 0-room house for what hHVe you? A.I 70. Oregonlan. WILL trade a fine piano for auto. East 5339. i