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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1913)
VtTT! MORNING OREGOyiAy;" TUESDAY, MAY 20, 1913. DYNAMITE CRUISER RENT BY TORPEDO Vesuvius Beached at Once Af ter Crash; Own Missile Is Boomerang. - FLEET DASHES -TO RESCUE recked Vessel Xoted In Xtj tor Its Wort'ln War With Spain on Santiago PracUc-e Shot Lead to Disaster. NEWPORT. R- I.. May lS.Tho tor pedo boat Vesuvius was struck by on of its own torpedoes late today and was beached on Hope Island. Narragan sett Ray. when the HVes dt those-on board seemed Imperiled by the -waters which rushed In through atwo-lnch hr ajttern. 1 ' The beaching of the Vesuvius was aafely accomplished by Chief Gunner Thomas Smith, the commanding officer. Besides the regular ere,. .60. seamen gunners were onboard. The vessel was worked off the beach late tonight and proceeded to the torpedo station.: . Tr Tm Like Boomeram. The Vesuvius. dynamite cruiser, fa mous as due of the vessels of "the new Navy.- was being used for torpedo In struction in Xarragansett Bay. As a practice "Whitehead torpedo left her side, the mhanism went wrong In some manner not yet determined. , Tne torpedo turned like a boomerang and crashed Into the Vesuvius astern below the w.ter line, gashing a two-inch hole. When the Vesuvius began to settle astern a call lor help was sent out by wifeless, j Smith ordered full efceed ahead to wards the nearest land Hope Island, two miles away. All pumps were kept working until the Vesuvius ran her nose en the beach of Hope Island. Fleet Roekes Recne. The crew massed In the bow out of reach of the water while the wireless operator notified the torpedo station. Soon the fleet from the torpedo station ranged Alongside the Vesuvius. The Vesuvius became noted in the Navy for Ita work aa a dynamite cruis er In the war. with Spain. Off Santia go she threw dynamite into the Span ish trenches ashore and It became a saying among the sailors that "when the Vesuvius coughs, there's an erup tion ashore." KING PETER TO ABDICATE to Join them In a conference to be held in this city, in the near future to devise Immediate plans for establishing boat service on the Columbia and Snake Rivers to Portland. W.- R. Struble, manager of the Lewlston, Idaho, Com mercial Club, is In Portland now and has visited the Commercial Club and the Chamber of Conynerce with the re quest that arrangements for such .a meeting be made. ' i - "Regular "boat service must Ire estab lished on the river, says Mr. Struble, "or It will be fatal to all prospects of continued Improvements on the rivers by the United States Government." . The arrangements and date tor the meeting probably will be completed within the next few days. , Mr. Struble says that Lewlston is ex periencing an active period of railway development. An elgbt-mlle extension of the Lewiston-Clarkaton Valley road has been financed by the people of Lewlston and, construction on an " 80 mlle extension from Lewlston to Volmer is undet way. "Following out the idea of the Port land Rose Society, the people of Lewts ton have Xormeu an organization and will." says Mr. Struble, "hold a rose show In Lewlston the first week -of June. Plans for the annual livestock show also are going ahead. $5600 having been subscribed -for premiums." . f FORESTERS PLAN HOME SOI OF $8000 ALKEADV SXJB . SCRIBED FOR BCILDIXG. MR: GRIFFITH IS METBY E MPLDYES Street. Railway's New Execu: :;. tive Introduced, by Retir- . ,-Uria President. ' 2000 LISTEN TO ADDRESS Servian Knler Will End -Days Peace rn Switzerland' Home. in GENEVA. 8wltserland. May 1. King Peter, ot Bervla, intends to abdicate as soon as he possibly can alter peace In the Balkan states and. Turkey has been signed. He plans to return to Geneva, where he lived for many years before he was called to the Servian throne in 1903. after the murder of King Alaxander and Queen IJraga. The Servian mon arch's Intention became known when Ms emissary arrived here today to find a suitable residence for his Majesty. Crown Prince Alexander and Prince George, the KlfcVe sons, were educated here and his majesty, as Prince Karageorgevltch. made many Genevese friends, with whom he cor responds regularly. The health of King Peter, who is 69 years old, has broken down. It Is un derstood, as a result of the war with Turkey and he wishes to end his days In peace among his friends In Switzerland. LEWIS IS OUT FOR GRANGE Centralis and Supporters Flpht In June. to Make CHEHALTS. Wash., May 19. (Spe clai.) Local leaders of the grange movement in Lewla County expect to make a fight at the annual meeting of the state organisation which will con vene at Colvllle. Wash., June 1. to bring the 1914 meeting to Lewis. Last year Colvllle was selected after an In teresting; discussion, but the Lewis County members served notice then that this year they would ask that the 1914 meeting be held at Centralla. The Commercial Club at Centralla and the Citizens' Club of Chehalls will be asked by the local members of the grange, who expert to attend the Colvllle eneet ing in large numbers, to join In an In vitation to the State Grange to hold the, 114 session at Centralla and to co operate In a plan to land the meeting. The annual state meeting generally at. tracts an attendance of S00 or TOO peo ple. Lewis County has a large num ber ot granges and a large membership, many of the locals owning fSelr own halls. Seventeenth Annual State Conven tion Will Open Today at Fourth and Washington. . NEW CLUBHOUSE ASSURED Laurelhurst Will Break Ground on or Before August 1. Ground for the new Laurelburst club house will be broken on or before An gust I and construction of the magnifi cent structure will be pushed steadily forward until It is completed. This assuring news was given to members of the club at a special meet ing last night. The campaign for funds among Laurelhurst people Is progress ing satisfactorily and a . sufficient amount now has been guaranteed to make the completed building an as sured success. , ' The club also Is adrocatinnJa park plan which Includes the development' of the present Laurelhurst Park and the preservation of the topography of the district In Its present natural beauty. Ir. J. I. Fenton, president of the rlub. presided at ttv meeting. Follow Ins the regular business meeting H. R. Albee, a member of the club, discussed various civic Improvements and In dorsed the club's park plan. He em- baslzed the duties andi responsibility of citizenship under the newly adopted commission form or government. RIVER CONFERENCE ASKED Interior ,Towns Seek Meeting Her to , Establish Bout Service, ' Viftv-flve towns and cities of the In fpnd Empire bave petitioned" Portland That S0O0 is already subscribed to ward erecting a building tnat snaii . . f h. serve as state neaoqurmio - Foresters of America will be tne re port of the executive commjiiee i Oregon Grand Court of that order on the floor of Its I7tn annual "in vention, which opens at Foresters Hall, at Fourth and Washington streets, at 10 o'clock this morning. It will be proposed to Incorporate a building com pany for J' . ? There will be about ISO delegates. who will make their neaaquarier. the Imnerlal. They will tepreseni courts throughout the state. The Port land members of the Companions of Foresters, a woman's auxmnijr lodge, will gather In the EllxaDetnan room of the Imperial this morning at 10 as a committee of entertainment for the visiting Companions. me vy gramme of entertainment win "Uu a sightseeing tour oi "'r V. Wednesday evening tne visitors win, given a theater party. Included in tne ousin tu vention win db tne sufreme representatives to represent Oregon at the meeting or. ine . . L,al Court of Foresters, iiib "" ranisatlon, at Atlantio City In August Th. .wtinn of officers will be taken up the first thing this morning. Charley A. Elwell, of Portland, Is spoken of as a strong contender for the position of Grand Chler .Hanger ior urcsuu. The grand court of Oregon offers a n tnr the best-drilled team. The competition will -take place Wed nesday night. MORE CHILDREN NEEDED Principals Report l&OO Volunteers for East Side Parade. Seven principals of the Portland pub lic schools attended a conference with .v,. Mmmittu from the East Side Business Men's Club last night at the Hotel Clifford regarding the children s parade to be held during the Rose Fes tival, and it was reported that so far 1500 children have volunteered to take part. This number was not considered sufficient to make the parade a suc cess, and It was decided to ran tn nnrents to permit their child ren to enter the parade In order that k & ..mhr ma be Increased to 2000 C A. Blgelow. who presided at the meeting, said that the principals are willing and ready to do their part, and to these an appeal will be made. An other meeting will be held later In the week. ' .... ' "It would be too bad to fall down on the children's parade," said Chairman Bigelow, "and we hope that we may de pend on the patriotism of the parents to encourage their children to enter tfce parade and thus make It a succtss. PORTLAND TOSH0W CAUSE Attorney Duniway Hopes for De cision by May 28 or 2. a The City of Portland Is now officially aware that It must appear before the State Supreme Court may 23 and show cause why it shall not hold an election t nA.r the old charter, at which the nominees of the various Parties chosen at the primary May 8 shall be the candidates. Pspers to that effect were served on Auditor iiarDur a M.ra, Rilahllrht. en Attornev ursni is uw preparing the city's brier, tie is lb Its. who were members of the commit to. that drafted the new commission charter which the suit In the Supreme Court proposes to snow is invana. Attornev uuniway nopea mi sion by May 28 or 2, in wnict case there Would still be time to have the altered ballots printed for the election June 2. PRINCE APPEALS IN COURT t RMtn Wants- Right to Handle Money 1eTt by American Wife n'lsmvflTON. May 19. The trou bles of Prince de Bearo, won cam American limelight by marrying a daughter of Ross R. -Winans, a Balti more millionaire, worn i - the Supreme Court. - For years the Prince has pressed his .in. hold in his own right money left to his children upon ine oeain vi bis wife That case to the bu- preme Court and he won. xoaa tne Prince tiled an appeal irora me Mslon of the Maryland courts upholding the right of Bernard Carter, who rep resented the children by court appoint ment In the former litigation, to at tach railroad bonds in Baltimore for the Prince for the compensation for his services to the (Children. At tne . same time he appealed from similar at tachment suits by his brothers and 1 Parisian jeweler. Mr. Joeselyn -.. Counsels Employes Against Attempts to Arouse Dis '. content Among Them; Big ; '.' Meeting' Held at Oaks. Franklin T.- Griffith, the incoming executive of the Portland Kanway. Light & Power Company, made his initial appearance before 2000 em ployes of the company, at the OaKs ti... I..' lht - and at the same kime B. R Jesselyn. the retiring jresi- ent, ' made-his farewell aaaresa ... which hp urged that tne same w co-operation and: fellowship be shown to Mr. Griffith that had been extended hi, th nrmtn to himself during his six years at the head of the company. Hundreds ot employes ga.ine. the open doors, ananie to nuu n the theater, while between iwu three thousand more were u Trail, dancing in the pavilion or skat ing in the nk. "This is the largest meeting we have ever had together." Mr. Josselyn told the carmen. '. .. n. The iatherlmr was arrangea "r Boynton as a means or enaunnis " employes of tne company i ""-"'r. Mr. Griffith and to bid farewell to Mr. Josselyn.' '' '; . The crowd was vocnerous in w. . ception it gave to Mr. Griffith. From the word go; he struck a favorable note with .the carmen. . . a,iwa" Vi a remarked. l want yuu . i - atlon man. I am Just as warm-blooded as any man In the employ w "; ...... i i J .mnlflVPJ Mr. orillitn remuiuou j V, of the big company iney access to ,him at any time and In any 1 shall welcome every suggestion for the betterment of our service, whether It 6e made to your Immediate superiors or to myself apa l warn i v,n v.. ever readv to listen to. lu" ? 1 who desire or to give a aearniB IV oca . - , Mr. Josselyn beggea tne to allow "anyone to sow v- in ti t- hearts. w.u ... . . . There Is a movement on - ward this end," he went on. i you won't listen to those who would Hiuenslon and cause enees. Tou men with families, you women hear . my appeal. will cause grief and poverty, misery and unhapplness. xou are now . ....nitinn vou have been oni V ' . . T want for six years ami wm - you to show tne same icyai tion to Mr.- Griffith that you fellows have to me." "7 v... Refreshments were served by company to all Its SjOOO "guests. Mr. Street to Sing. One of, the pleasing features of the reception to be given this evening by LMr. and Mrs. William E. Prudhomme at their home, l weniy-rourth ana rrv Ing streets, will be the singing of Mr. Oeorrt Hotahkiss Street, who hasre oently returned from Paris. Mr. Street will sing several groups of songs In French. German and Italian, and his many friends will enjoy this first op portunlty of hearing him since he has been abroad. An orchestra will render the musical programme during th evening. Mr. James J. Flynn and Miss Irene Flynn, who will be a charming June bride, will also favor the guests with vocal selections. . in' bv. members of a ' number of fra-I ternal orders will he- given Wedsenday afternoon. Thursday will ;be. Eugene Albany day; Friday, Salem-Dallas day, and Saturday. Portland day.' m C. 0. P. PARCEL NO DREAD Portland PostofXlce Expects Xo Iif ficulty In System in Force July 1. Portland Postoffice officials say they are. notworrying at the prospect ot tha new C. O. D. parcel post system which goes Into effect July . 1. It Is probable 'that no additional help will be required to care ifor that business, though 'each' person conoerned will ind his. duties added 'to: .' ' Since the adoption, of ihe parcel post system last 'Winter. Assistant Post master. Shellenburger says Portland merchants are making more and more use of It In local deliveries. In many cases merely mailing1 parcels of; goods to customers In the .ouiskitih " would be inconvlnient to send their own delivery wagons." Because of the lack of any data from headquarters as to the details of the C- O. D. system, the Portland oiwco is making no plans tor nanuims mo business and- will not do so until In structions are received. ' MRS. HARRIET L. APLIN DIES Funeral Services for East Side Wom an Will Be Held Tomorrow. K.. TTn lot T nil Ine Aolln. ' Widow Of .111 O. .1111 1 l . i i- H. W. Aplin, died at her home, 722 East Davis street, yesterday,, after an illness of several months. She was born in Hanover, N. Y., March 16, 1845, and lived most of her life In Jamestown. Her only child Is H. F. Aplln, a linotype operator on The Oregonlan. a- aero jura, aphu tmu her eon to Portland, where she made her home until her death. ... The funeral services will oe nem at ,Mm at 10:30 tomorrow morn- inr Rv. W. O. Schenk. of the Baptist Church, officiating. v PORTLAND WOMAN SUICIDE '3frs. John Smith" Found Dead in Missoula, Mont., Hotel. ' MISSOULA. Mont- May 19. The corpse of a Deautiful young woman was found in her room at ji nui day. She arrived last nignt ana r"B tered as "Mrs. jonn omuu, tvi. i-eoiKtratlon was shaky and un certain. No papers were found in her effects and a wedding ring, a 'bracelet and one copper cent were all the valu ables found. Her lips were bub"" burned and-suicide seems certain. The woman was aoout za years ji Koi rtarlt hair, srrey eyeu, the ROSS- ANSWERS CHARGES Bllsapplicatlon of Syndicate Fnhds Is Denied. t-..,i .h.t h swindled T. P. Cook, John W. Cook. A. R. Gangloff. Thomas r,ii and J. L. Shultx, his asso- i - .indicate realty transaction, i. bv J- Thorburn Ross In an answer to their suit against him. The answer was filed in Circuit Court yes terday morning. Mr. itosa i. . v j .nntnntAH tf Durchase the 11X3 uau v- fc involved nrior to the forma ..' .vrfirate, and that the mmber,. of the syndicate took it oyer t his nrlce. 181.079.16. He denies that he was their ageni or '""' .i .,. h. wax entitled to his proflt He sets up tnat a iun k"'"s . . . i - il nnwtt.a UVATAl was had Deiween mo -v ; years ago. ' He admits that when the Title Guarantee & Trust company - .lo-r,n,.nt- la flnflJlV WOUUQ UP liicio will be, money and securities due him from R. S. Howard, the receiver. The purpose of the present suit is to attach these for the benefit of the members of the syndicate, who say that Ross de frauded them out of approximately $8000 by representing tnat ne n.nro for tha property than he really did and that he pocketed approximate ly inno which thev paid aa Interest on notes. Another cnarjte is mat carried ah account under the" name of Nathan Coy for tne purpose oi cover' Ing up his misapplication of the syndl' cate's funds. SUIT FOR $416,253 IS WON King Ed-ward Sllnlng Company Or dered to Pay Engineer. NEW YORK, May 19. Charles D. Flynn. a mining engineer, won his suit today against the Kins Edward Min- lns; Syndicate to recover 416,253 on tne ground he discovered the company s silver mines in the Cobalt region of Canada and under an agreement was entitled to 10 per cent of the company s nroflts. The case vs tried before the Sunreme Court Jury in Brooklyn. Officers and directors or ine com- nflnv also namea as aenyiuuiu c William S. Breevort, Payne Whitney, Rarnard M. Baruch. of New Tork and. flurpnee and Willis McCormick and Samuel Kewhouse. of Salt Lake City, The suit was brought In the name or George Nlner, -a Brooklyn jrrocery clerk, who received S2& from Flynn to act as dummy plaintiff, so that Flynn could travel In the pursuit of his pro- leHiuu. SALEM GREETS ALL MOOSE today Will Be States Societies Daj .and Next Fraternal Day. ' satJr.M. Or.. Ma'y 19. (Special.) The big Moose carnival, which will be attended by representatives oi an ine lodges in the Willamette Valley, South ern Oregon , and many lodges In the eastern part of the state, opened au- snlclously today and by tomorrow night, It Is expected, that h mdreds of visiting "Howdy Japs" will be In the city. .Today, f or - the most part, was devoted "to making ready far the big celebration, which will continue the remainder of the week. All th.e .busi ness streets are decorated and a ma jority of the business houses and many homes are in gala attire. Tomorrow will . be state societies! day and Wednesday fraternal day. when lodges of all orders are urged to participate. Numerous booths have been erected for various entertain ments, and about a score of amateur spotitsmen are present to take part in the various sporting- events, the first pf which will be given tomorrow after noon.' A. monsterparade participated N Absolutely Pure ,TheX only Baking Powder mado from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar NO ALUM, NO LIME PHOSPHATE J. Swayne's place at the lower end of the valley, the other near the An drew Toung place, further up the val ley. MORSE AGAIN PRESIDENT Multnomah Sunday School Associa tion Banquets, Elects Officers. A. A. Morse was re-elected president of the Multnomah County Sunday School Association, which closed Its an nual convention with a banquet, at tended by 150, after a two days' ses sion at Taylor street, Methodist church, last night. Other' officers elected were: vice-president. Mrs. L. A. Danen hower; secretary-treasurer, C. W. Clark; superintendents of departments, home and visitation, the Rev. J. H. Bennett; elementary, Miss Olive Clark; temperance and, good citizenship. Pro fessor R. R. Steele; missions. Dr. D. N. Taylor; evangelistic, J. V. Guthrie. Among the speakers at the banquet were Dr. John H. Boyd, Dr. Luther R. Dvott. C. S. McDanlel. Mrs. ueimar H. Trimble, Mrs. F. W. Ormsby. the Rev. F. w. Emerson. Edward Elkins, Farmer, Found. BUEN'A VISTA, Or May 19. (Spe cial.) Edward E. Elkins, a farmer of this place, who was missing from his home here for more than a month, was found by his friends In the country on the road to Albany. He Is In a nervous condition. A description of the , man was sent to nearly every town in Ore gon, and a reward of $50 was offered. a' slight cold in a child or grown person holds possibilities of the grav est nature. Croup may come on sud denly in the night, bronchitis or pneu monia may develop.' and severe ca tarrhal troubles and ' consumption are possible results. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound nips a cold at the out get cures croup quickly, checks a deep seated racking cough, and heals in flamed membranes: It does not con stipate and contains no opiates. Re fuse substitutes. For sale by Huntley Rrna.. Fourth and Washington streets. age, plexion and was well dressed. PORTLAND TO BE BOOSTED Hotel Men Chosen Delegates to St. Paul Greeters Convention. Instructed to "pull" for Portland as i, ion .oTiuontimi C. W. Sharer, chief clerk of the Imperial hotel, and Ross Finnegan. manager of the Carl ton .hotel, were chosen last night dele- - il it -.fnal rareeters COn- gaies iu i. ii n niiiivii.i. vention In St. .fauijuiy a . rri,. PnrtisTiH Greeters met at tne Hotel Oregon and made the selection. ALIEN LAND BILL SIGNED (Continued From First Page.) new treaty were considered most desir able. A section of the press bitterly de nounces Governor Johnson's reply to President Wilson as Illiberal and un just, declaring that it Is strongly anU Japanese and that Governor Johnson Is seeking to evade his own responsi bility under cover of the Iwational law. It is pointed out that the Japanese have not acquired land by violence and it Is urged that they "are no more ob 4 hn EuroDeans who ac quire citizenship, amass wealtn and return to their fatherlands. Instead of endangering peace and order they have improved the resources ot ya.ll fornia and advanced the prosperity of the state. Inhabitants oi me .nmA of the papers contend. i M.i,. Hv to the injustice of BIIUUlu PoHfflmta. Tt,. vnrtvdiu considers Governor Johnson's attitude as an intolerable ln Ton. which it says has al ways manifested good will and has voluntarily restricted emigration. The paper expresses he hope that a pro test will be lodged against the alien land ownership bill recently signed by the Governor of Arizona. Xew Schoolliouses to Bo Built- CHEHALIS, Wash., May- 19. (Spe ti wMents of Coal Creek Valley, .hi'h lies 1uet over the hill north and .oo nt this cltv. settled a long-drawn Saturday as to their future I .hi fr.llties. By a vote or ju ror r . . ... j.Hiiiiul Tin I1H and 12 against it wa -' " two -new schoolhouses and by about the same vote the site was selected. Bonds to the amount of 3000 were ,.,i on. hulldlna- will be located on Many Noted Beauties Use Walnnt-Tlut Hair Stala to Retain Their Attractiveness. Nothing gives, a woman the appearance of age more surely than gray, streaked, or faded hair. Just a touch now and then with Mrs. Potter's Walnut-Tint Hair Stain and prestot Youth has returned again. No one would ever sus pect that you stained your hair after you use this splendid prepara tion. It does nbtruo ou as ayes oo. flnrt- leaves the bair soft and fluffy. w"th a bVa'tifulbrown (or black) shade. It nnlv takes you a few minutes once a "on"h to apply Mrs. Potter's Walnut. Tint Hair StaPln. Stains only the , hair .la easily and quickly applied, and It is free from lead, sulphur silver and ail metal lic compounds. Has no odor no sedl- . .rusa One bottle of Xra. Potter's Walnut-Tint Hair Stain should vn?. Tvear. Sells for 11.00 per bottle at first-class druggists. We guarantee satisfaction. Don't accept a substitute. If you preier a i"1, """ ; send your name and address and enclose 25 cents (stamps or coin) and w, wiU mall you, charges prepaid, a trial pack. o"ii, ifn. Healed wrapper, with valu able booklet on the hair. Mrs Potter's Hygienic Supply Co.. 17 o Groton Bidg, Cincinnati, unio. ...... Or send small strand-of hair for us to stain , as sample. FRKE. If you send sample of haiiv Indicate shade desired. Wear Wear fbWNES WD FITTING SILK GLOVES Wear ff-' Wear $985 - ;gJ? In 1908 the Overland factory &Tij& F ' made 400 cars. This year they y&Kijigr will make 40,000. Big production, growing each year, has made it possible for the Willys-Overland Company to increase their car value, and in consequence decrease their retail selling price, which accounts for and explains their phenomenal progress. By sheer force of huge production, which was their original con ception of capturing the automobile markets of the world, they were able-to give each succeeding year more actual car for less actual money than any one else in the business. This big, broad manufacturing policy resulted in their rapid and remarkable growth; Take the present $985 car as a specific case. This car upset the entire industry. ; When announced, few believed such a car, at such a price, was possible, but it was. Every day you see new Overlands on the street. We are making immediate deliveries. . If you are in the market for a car, see this Model 69 Overland. If you will compare it- with others you will be convinced you will save considerable money. It is a self starting, 30-horsepower, five-passenger touring car, mag nificently finished, modernly appointed and completely equipped with every necessary essential. No other maker can give you ils equal for a cent less than $1200. Whenever you find the greatest demand, you can depend on getting the greatest value. We sell Overland ' cars for cash or terms. Let us show you the car today. J. W. LEAVITT CO. Pacific Ooast Distributors 529-31 WASHINGTON ST., PORTLAND, OR. Causes Much Diseaa Advice about Stomach Troubls and how to relisv them. Don't negleot Indigestion' for I . may lead to all sorts oi ills and com plications. An. eminent Phynoian once said that ninety-five per cent of all ills have their onjia In dis ordered stomach. Our experience with Rexall Dys pepsia Tablet leads us to believe there to be one of the most dependable remedies known for indigestion and chronio dyspepsia. Their credi ents are soothing to the Inflamed membranes of the stomach. Rich in Pepsin and BUmuth, two o! tne Kreatest digestive aids known to medicine, the relief they afford is verv prompt, fsed persistently and regularly for a short time, they tend to relieve pains caused by stomach disorders. Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets help Insure healthy appotite, aid diges tion and promote nutrition. As .videnoe of our faith in them, w i ask you to try them at our risk. .11 they do not give entire satisfaction, we will return the money you paid us without question or formality. 16" uses, 25 cenu, 50 cents and $1.00. Tou can buy Rexall "93" Ha" Tonic in this community only at THE OWL DRUG CO. Portland, Ore. tores In Portland. Seattle, Spokane. Sal Francisco, Oakland, Los Angeles and 6acramento. There h a Rexsll Store in nearly every tows and citv In the United States, Cansds and Grett Britain. There is a different KeiiU Remedy lor nnarly every ordinary biimm ui each especially doaigned for ti partioulai ill for whioh li ia recommended. The Rsxali Stores are Araarlca'e Greetesd. . Dnut Stone RESINOL A SAFE SKIN TREATMENT Tou need never hesitate to use Rcsi nol Soap and Reslnol Ointment. There Is nothing In them to injure the teiidcr est surface. Rcsinol is a doctor's pre scription which proved so successful for eczema, ringworm and other itcli insr.sburningr. unsightly skin eruf.Mon. that it has been used by other physi cians all over the country for eighteen years. No other treatment for the skin now before the public can show such a record of professional approval. In a single month, two hundred and twenty-one doctors wrote us endorsing the Resinol preparations. They would not have done so If they had not fouml them highly valuable In their own practice. They prescribe Reslnol free ly, confident that Us soothing:, healins action Is brought about by agents so bland and Kentle as to be suited to the most delicate skin even of a tiny baby. The nearest drugcist sells Reslnol Ointment (50c and J1.00) and Resinol Soap (25c) or sou can try tnem irce by writing to Dept. 23-S, Resluol, Hal- ' timore Md., for liberal sample of each. Through Express Service San Francisco. Los Angeles Direct A SAN FRANCISCO $6, $10, $12, $15 LOS ANGELES $1L35, $21.50, $23.50, $26.50 Meals and Berth Free. S.S. BEAR, 0 A.M., THURSDAY", May S. S. ROSK CITV, MAT 27. Daylight Voyage Down the Columbia and Through the Golden Gate. Forty-Six Hours to San Fraadaco. Through Tickets to All Points by Water and RaiL THE SAX FRAXCISCO & PORTLASu S. S. CO. Third anil W aniline ton. (Wllk O.-W. R. Itlarnsnil l.iwu. ni.i. " ' li" - . I The, ' Efficient Stove H ' l il -J I V'i t Oil ,CQQKzStQ3& COMPLETENESS It bakes, broils, roasts and toasts just as a regular coal range. CLEANLINESS Bums oil the cleanest fuel. No . No dirty coal of wood. No odor. a. wrel, ashes. ECONOMY Burns oil the cheapest fueL No fuel con sumed when stove is not in use. ' EFFICIENCY All heat is applied at the cooking point. None wasted in heating kitchen-which you want cool. CONVENIENCE Gives full heat instantly. No waiting for fire to "start. Just the heat desired- tense, medium or slow. FOR BEST RESULTS WE RECOMMEND PEARL or EOCENE OIL Sold in balk and emu Sold ly leading dealers everywhere. Our nearest agericp will gioe you further information. PORTLAND SAN FRANCISCO