Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 10, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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Republicans Begin Fight for
Open Hearings on .Every
Schedule Involved.
Smith of Mlchdgan Declare nwt
Sugar Industry Will B AYiped
Out Debate Warm When
Subject Is Broached.
WASHTNGTOX. May 9. Republicans
f the Senate leaped eagerly Into their
ItBht apalnst the t'nderwood tariff bill
when it was brought over from the
House today and precipitated an Issue
by attempting to override the decision
of the Democrat to consider the meas
ure without public hearings.
Forerunning the assault that the Re
publicans propose to wage against the
schedules from aetata to sine. Senator
Penrose sought to have the bill re
ferred to the finance committee -with
' Instructions for open hearings after
Senator Simmons, chairman of the com
mittee, had moved for reference with
out Instructions. Action on this phase
was pending when the. Senate ad
journed until Tuesday. everal Repub
lican leaders having-' predicted that
they would win thir contention and
that public hearWfta would be forced
over the heads 0f the finance commit
tee. Democratic leaders, however, dis
pute the prthdictlon.
?mltkFreeat Dark Daya.
Speakfrig of the Penrose amendment,
Brnatosmith. of Michigan, in a vigor-
out rpeal for consideration of the
bill ill the open instead of "in the dark
nes' and gloom" of the commlttee
rojm. assailed the tariff bill. He de
clared that It would result In a re
petition of "dark days" that followed
the Wilson bill: that the sugar lndua
trv would be ruined; that other Indus
tries would suffer and that alrewly
business was falling, off rapidly
throughout the country.
Charging that free sugar In three
Tears would give the American Sugar
Refining Company and the Federal
Sugar Refining Company an option
which they would foreclose on the
property of the beet sugar interests,
their only domestic rivals. Senator
Smith declared that the beet sugar In
dustry, in which 15.000 persons in
Michigan alone""were Interested, would
be wiped out.
Sagar Alllaare Iatlmated.
"If the American Sugar Refining Com
fany and the Federal Sugar Refining
Companv," said Senator imlth, "have
made an alliance with the Democratia
party It Is an unholy alliance. Men
v ho have ritt shirked In committing
crimes to Increase the volume of their
business and who are now responding
to the will ef the law, make poor al
lies for any political party."
The debate warmed up immediately.
Senator Thomas read an article from
a Troy. X. Y.. newspaper, in which an
employe of a shirt company declared
that concern had threatened to reduce
wages and in other ways had attempt
ed to coerce its workers to use their
Influence against the Underwood bill.
"Speaking for myself." said Senator
Thomas, "I want to say here and now
t!iat tactics of this sort will produce
any but desired results. I believe that
an Industry which resorts to this line
of conduct In order that its employes
may be coerced ahould meet the result
of having placed on the free list every
article that enters into Its line of busi
ness. Employer Rights Defeaded.
-I think It little less than brazen
effrontery." said Senator Smith, ans
wering Mr. Thomas, "for the Senator
from Colorado to make these state
ments and to say that manufacturers
shall not be allowed to complain about
the burdens put upon them by this bill.
If you think by your threats you can
force silence on the part of the em
ployers of labor, you are making a
While Senator Smith kept the floor.
Senators Reed. James, Smoot. Works,
Thomas and Hitchcock entered into an
argument that turned away from sugar
to the manufacture of furniture and
then back again to sugar.
Senator James said he would prefer
to have the sugar "monopoly" bought
hy money from the Treasury of the
I'nited States than to give It permis
sion to continue "to rob the people."
Senator Thomas got Into an argu
ment again by declaring that Assyrians.
Japanese. Chinese and Mexican peons
and other foreigners were employed In
the Western beet fields and that the
usual wage paid was about 20 cents a
day. Senator Smoot denied this.
Senator Hitchcock wanted to know
whv the furniture manufacturers of
Michigan were afraid of the proposed
tariff on their products and Senator
Smith replied that they feared com
petition with furniture built In Europe
with cheaper labor.
I'rogress-ive Is Only Northwest Mem
ber for TarUf Bill.
ington. May 9. Representative Bryan,
of Washington. Bull Moose, was the
e.nly Representative in Congress from
the" Pacific Northwest to vote for the
parsage of the Underwood tariff bill.
The solid delegations from Oregot
and Idaho voted against the bill, as
riirl the four other members from
Washington. Prior to casting his vote
Bryan notified the House of his inten
tion, and coupled with his announce
ment the declaration that he was not
In favor of a combination of Repub
licans and P:4gresslves. and as for
himself, he said he was through with
the Republican party.
This brought from Representative
Fordney a reply to the effect that
Bryan was like his predecessor. War
burton. The latter. Fordney said, had
talked himself . Into Congress and out
of It, and he predicted that Bryan wa
doing the same thing. Bryan resented
Fordney's attempt to "skin" a man no
longer In the House, to which Fordney
"The people of your state will "skin1
you quick enough and relieve me of
that trouble.
fCcntlnned From Flrt Page.
land and the President of the United
The Secretary of State said In part:
"We have three great forces at work
throughout the world, forces that work
constantly and Irresistibly, and every
one of these forces makes for peace. I
bring them before you a growing in
telligence and Increasing iindrstand
Ing of the doctrine of brotherhood and
growing power of the people to con
trol their destinies. Through the
must be willing to extend its hand
all those who come from any direction
t tli intrpt f narr. Xo na
shall outstrip us in its advocacy
America VVul'l 'xainple.
"Xo other nation is bctfr situated
better prepared to set an example
the iiitrKt of neace than this, am
am jr'.aJ on this-occasion to make
nrer r-t n th art of our President t
einnooles this thought in language.
direction I summoned the represen
i,.An r,r - Tt k not nttR rpnresen ivu
WacTilrtt ti.n that I might for
stmiiltaneouhly present througn i.i
in rhptr- irovrn men til A proposition
which the President expresses not oi
wllllnvness. but his Jesire. to en
Into agreement with every otner
i ..-..-. .mall that so far as
Nation and that contracting nation
concerned there will be no war,
J 1 .. . ' nn i.(imnipni1pment of h
tilitles until the question In dlspu
has been Investlgatca Dy an iiuem
tlonal tribunal and its report
Arbitration Xot Abolished.
"Xow. 1 believe that this propositi
Is a long step In the direction of peace.
It docs not mean to take the place
1 . . tpAatlM make all vou c
submit to arbitration every questl
. i I. t.
which you can agree to suuum, .
when you are through you will find
last we have round tnua tar
. l. . .... .rtiin ouoKtlons that are
rented. And they are so Important
that they themselves become the
of war.
,.t . , . i f ,h1 rtlnn
1 1 IS lllO ii . I
close the gap and to leave no question
to Decomo a cause
belief of the President that when the
treaties have been made between thl
Nation and all other nations, severally,
by which there will be Investigations
before hostilities begin, war will be
come practically Impossible. The time
that will be allowed gives a chance for
the separation of questions of fact
. . I tinnn, anri It ftVCM
irom (iuBiiwiH .
a chance also for the operation of pub-
i I Innr.BllnplV OF
peace. . . ,,
"It is the hope of those who believe
in the plan that when It Is adopted be
tween this Nation and other nations It
will be adopted by other nations be
tween themselves until the nations of
the earth will be knit together by
these agreements and people wtll learn
war no more."
Cardinal Gibbons. In a letter ex
pressing regret that he was unable to
be present, aaid:
"Let Brittanla and Columbia join
hands across the Atlantic and their out-
. -1 i a win form a. narred arch
Bireitucu ..... - -- -
of peace which will excite the admlra-
tlon oi me nations hu ...
to the world the hope tnat with God a
nelp we fann '" - ---
uged with bloodshed In fratricidal
Three-Fifths of Output Will Be Ap
ple?, Suss Commission Man.
Old Trees Hnrt.
NORTH YAKIMA. Wash.. Mi y 9
(Speolal.)--The 1913 fruit crop of the
Yakima Valley la . estimated at 4545
cars, by Fred Thompson, a local com
mission man. whose estimates In the
past have always proven closest to
the mark. He returned today after a
200-mile trip through the fruit dis
tricts. The estimate is J000 Bhort of
last year's crop.
Three-fifths of the crop will be of
apples, according to Mr. Thompson.
Peaches, he estimates at 1600 carloads,
pears at 250 cars, prunes at 125 cars,
grapes at 60. cars and cherries at 20
a"Three shipping points In the valley
will show an Increase over last year,
said Mr.- Thompson. "They are Donald,
Wapato and Toppenish. The rest will
show a decrease but this Is a good crop
for an off year. Peach productions will
Show a slight decrease, but this valley
will get good prices because.' of all
the peach sections In the United States,
only Michigan and the New England
states have crops, and we"ll have an
elegant crop here.
"I found more apples than I expected
The old trees were the most hurt by
the frost Those 6, 6 and 7 years old
have a fine bloom and will be big pro
ducers. Pears and apricots show the
only real damage from frost In the
J. V. Martin, Wli Says He Can
Cross Atlantic in 24 Hours, Will
Take Wife With Him.
SAN FRANCISCO. May. 9. James V.
Martin, who holds both a pilot's license
for the air and a master's license for
the seas, announced here todiy on his
arrival from the Hawaiian Islands, that
he will attempt next August to cross
the Atlantic from Newfoundland to Ire
land, In competition for Lord North
cliffe's prize of J50.000 for the first
aviator to make the passage inside 70
lours. With him will be his wife. form,
crly Miss Lillian Irvine, who says she
was the first English woman to fly.
Captain Martin, until recently com
manded one of the vessels of the Inter
iFland Navigation Company, plying the
South Seas. He has Deen an aviator
for three years. The airline he will
attempt to follow is 1635 miles long,
and he expects to make a non-stop
flight, in a specially built French bi
plane. Although To houra are allowed, his
estimate of the time necessary is 24
hours, which calls for an average speed
Slightly better than 68 miles an hour.
Higher speeds are possible with a
monoplane, but the superior stability
and carrying power of the biplane de
termined the captain's choice.
State Representative .Declares Inno
cence and Will Appeal.
MARSHF1ELD, Or., May 9. "Guilty"
was the verdict brought in this morn
ing by the Jury in the case of State
Representative J. S. Barton, of Co
quille. indicted on complaint of Miss
Madge Yoakam, an employe of his
office. The Jury was out only a few
Barton declares that he will ask a
new trial, or if that is denied him he
will appeal, as he maintains that he is
innocent. Barton is the third Coos
County man convicted of a like offense
at this term of court. The penalty Is
from two to 10 years' Imprisonment.
nnt. this Xa
Senator Accuses West Virginia
Governor of Lawless"
' Course During Strike.
l"pper Branch of Congress Debates
Isue for More Than Hour and
Probably Will Decide Tuesday.
"Insult" to Statft Is Fear.
urictrtvfiTnv Tv ft. Senator
Kern's resolution for a Federal investi
gation of conditions accompanying
the strike of the West Virginia coal
minora wu riehAted in the Senate for
more than an hour today, but was not
acted upon. A vote proDauiy win oe
reached at the next session on Tues
cnatnv Worn im honeful that the
resolution will be adopted, but some
Senators were ' Inclined tonight to
doubt the ability or tne majority
leader to put it through.
Under the resolution as amended and
laid before the Senate, 'the committee
on .education and labor would be em
.w.u'0r.(l to determine whether peon
age exists in the West Virginia fields;
whether access can De naa to rosi
offtcee In the strike region: whether
the Commissioner of Labor could settle
the strike -and whether any persons
have been convicted in violation of the
laws of the United States.
Kern Attacks Hatfield.
Mr. Kern and Senators Chilton and
Goff. of West Virginia, spoke on the
resolution. Senator Chilton declared
that in view of the publicity given the
proposal to Investigate, he would not
oppose its passage, but later would
move to amend it. Senator Goff op
posed its adoption in vigorous fashion.
Senator Kern made a short speech in
which he attacked Governor Hatfield,
of West Virginia, in a sarcastic vein.
He read Into the record a published
Interview with the Governor in which
that official was quoted as declaring
that Mr. Kern was "lying" when he
made certain published statements con
cerning the strike. The Senator
charged that West Virginia's strike
district was under martial law and
that men were tried . and convicted
there under a sweeping order of the
Governor by a commission of militia
officers and not In the courts.
"We have the spectacle," he added,
"of the Governor of a great state pro
claiming his purpose to proceed in his
lawless course, defying all the limita
tions on his power provided by the con
stitution." riilltoa Oppoaed to "Insult."
Senator Chilton said the Senate
v. - ftfiMi an Inaiilt to a state by
attempting to Investigate its conduct
of its own affairs ana saia inai un
doubtedly the whole matter would
reaoh the Supreme Court, and be set
tled there.
Senator Goff claimed that the Senate
had no evidence before it on which to
base a resolution of Injury. He admit
ted that conditions In the strike region
had been deplorable and that martial
law had been resorted to, but said that
West Virginia was not the first state
to suffer from strikes and to make use
of martial law.
Wealthy Orange County Man Also
' Summoned, but Exact Connection
Is Not Made Known.
LO.-3 ANGELES, May 9. Instead of
reporting today, as had been predicted
by county officials, the grand jury
bids fair to continue for several days
its investigation into white slavery in
Los Angeles.
Its efforts were directed today to
ward tracing a valuable diamond ring,
said to have been presented to an In
mate of the Jonquil, the resort con
ducted by Mrs. Emma J. Goodman,
alias Josie Rosenberg, alleged pro
curess, by a Southern California mil
lionaire. The ring disappeared soon
after the present investigation began.
Several members of the city detective
department were called before the Jury
after Chief of Police Sebastian, who di
rected the obtaining of evidence, pre
sented to the jurors in the present in
vestigation, had been 'before the fn
qulsltors more than an hour.
Another witness was Donomic Bas
tanchury. a wealthy Orange County
man. whose exact connection with the
Investigation was not made known.
banker' is reprimanded
Glover Apologizes to House for A-
. sault on Sims.
WASHINGTON. May 9. Charles C
Glover, the Washington banker., who
recently attacked Representative Sims,
of Tennessee, for a speech delivered in
the House, was brought before the bar
of the House late today and reprimand
ed by Speaker Clark for violation of the
privileges of the House.
A resolution authorising the banker's
arrest had been adopted a few minutes
before with only four dissenting votes.
When brought In by the Sergeant-at-Arms,
Glover read an apology, saying
that his act was committed under great
stress of feeling and that he did not
know he was affronting the House.
Idaho Senator to Attend Conference
on Republican Reunion.
ington, May 9. Senator Borah, of Ida
ho, expects to leave for Chicago Sat
urday night to participate In the con
ference of Republican leaders with a
view to mapping out a plan of reor
ganizing the party on Progressive lines
and bringing the two factions together.
Probably Senator Borah will be the
only Northwestern Senator to attend
this meeting.
(Continued From First Page.)
already inoculated must look forward
to a long period of treatment.
"We believe that at the present
time." says the report, "we are not
in a position to express an opinion
based on the present conditions under
observation. The disease for which the
remedy la used is prolonged and Is
characterised by periods of advance
ment and retrogression. It Is also one
In which psychic Influences are a pow
erful factor. Time is therefore neces
sary properly to evaluate the effect of
therapeutia measures.
"We must not lose eight of the pos
sible therapeutic value of this prepara.
tlon and cn. the other hand it is neces
sary to guard against too great an op
timism in respect to its merits. With
out presenting In detail the condition
of patients under observation we are
in a position to state that the facts
thus far observed do not Justify that
confidence in the remedy which has
been Inspired by widespread publicity.
Harm Dune by Undue Publicity.
"In our opinion barm may have been
done by this undue publicity 'insofar
as It has lessened the confidence of
tuberculous persona. We are constrained
to advise against lessening confidence
in those well-known measures whicS
are known to have worked cures.
"On our aeries of patients. Dr. Frled-
mana baa almost exclusively made use
of intra-muscular methods alone In
plumonary cases and a very consider
able portion of them have either de
veloped no considerable infiltrate at all
or have suffered from abscess forma
tions. It is evident, therefore, that a
very considerable portion of these pa
tients may expect their treatment at
the hand of Dr. Friedmann to extend
over a long period.
"Concerning the cultures submitted
to us, we may state that a series of ex
periments is under way. The bacillus
has been found to be an acid-fast or
ganism having properties quits differ
ent from those of any tubercula bacillus
with which we are acquainted. It ap
pears to be identical with an organism
cultivated from a few loopfuls of the
mat used for injection which Dr. Fried
mann permitted us to place on culture
media in his presence. We requested
Dr. Friedmann to furnish us with a
large amount of this material for ex
amination, but this he has declined to
CaU of the House to Vote on Bill
Tnkes Some of Guests Away, but
Most of Them Remain.
WASHINGTON. May 9. Washington
society, official folks and their friends
were entertained from 5 to 7 o clock to
night at tea on the lawn fronting the
White House by President and Mrs.
Threatening skies spread apprehension-
through the groups of fashionably-
dressed guests, but the expected
showers never came. The President
and Mrs. Wilson received them while
their daughters, members of the Cabi
net and their families, mingled with
the visitors.
After the first formalities of the re
ception, the President moved about on
the lawn greeting his friends. Vice-
Tresident Marshall. Chief Justice White
and members of the United States Su
preme Court, diplomats and many mem
bers of Congress were present, but the
Invitation list contained only a part of
the Congressional circle, two other
parties being set for May It and May
A call of the House for a quorum to
vote on a bill took some of the mem
bers away, but most of them failed to
heed the call. The marine band played
and light refreshments were served
under the maple trees.
Oakland Man Spoils Plan by Notify
ing Brother of Intent.
OAKLAND. Cal.. May 9. "I am going
to kill myself. I Just wanted to say
w. A. T. Agard. of Berkeley, received
this message at 2 o'clock this morning
from his brother, A. H. Agard, of Oak
land. The Berkeley Agard pleaded with
his brother not to commit suicide and
when the telephone waa hung up on
him. he at once notified the police. Po
liceman N. Thornall broke In the door
of the Agard home -in Oakland and
found the entire house filled with gas.
The stopcocks in every room had been
turned on.
The policeman groped through the
rooms and found, Agard's unconscious
form on a bed. Thornall fell twice
from the effects of the gas before he
was able to drag Agard outside. Agard
will recover.
Association's Action Makes Rate of
Pay on Coast Uniform.
t-vC2 a vnirT.VQ Mnv a Af ter u. dls
cusslon lasting several days, delegates
to the meeting oi tno memo uivisiuu
UL WiB .. " . " "--a -
l..n.laMnn vattflfwt 0lAV the Pll C t
Sound and British Columbia wage
The agreement provides an increase
of 10 per cent for night work and 12 H
per cent for day work in handling
freight at Puget Sound points.
In British Columbia the working
hours are reduced to nine, while the
longshoremen will receive 60 cents an
hoiir and 75 cents for overtime instead
of the present rates of 40 and 60 cents.
n,, .,IAa41a, nf tha a c s m rrt
AJIW J uLuiiunvM c-
practically gives uniform rates of pay
to longshoremen at all points on the
Pacmo v;oast.
Right to Suppress Socialist Emblem
Denied In Ohio.
red flag of the Socialist organisation
may fly in East Liverpool or any other
town In Ohio, according to the opinion
of Attorney-General Hogan, delivered
to City Solicitor Bennett today and by
him transmitted to Mayor Marshall, un
der whose order the flag was removed
several days ago.
The Socialists' replaced the flag, and
when the news of the decision reached
here souie person climbed to the roof
of the building from which it was
flying aid smeared it with black ink.
The Sofcailists immediately offered a
re ward' for the name of the man, but
no one hame forward with the informa
tion, although the act was witnessed
by ma-y persons.
Jury. Believes Charge of Wbel by
Progressive Candidate.
MINNEAPOLIS,' May 9. Alexis E.
Georgian, editor of a Socialist weekly
newspaper, waa convicted today in the
District Court of criminal libel. The
complainant was P. .V. Collins, Progres-
fr , J?
We will build you a home right now
for $150 down
Choose your own plans
This is an exceptional offer only a coincidence makes it possible. Ve own Linaenhursb-
choice residential park in the Mount Tabor district There are only 22 lots. We are anxious
to discontinue holding real estate and confine our attention to bur increasing building opera
tions, therefore for quick action we are makingthis exceptional offer. Select your lot your
plans pay us $150, and the balance like rent, and you are independent of the landlord.
If you haven't $150 pay a small de
posit on your lot and when you have
paid in $150 we'll build your home
If you cannot spare the $150 now, pay a deposit on your lot, and -when $150 is paid we will
then start your home under the same conditions as if all had been paid at one time. Linden
hurst is a choice piece of property overlooks the city is just two blocks trora the Monta
villa cavline water and gas are in everything is ready for your home Telephone us, Mar
shall 5565, at once, and w will be pleased to show you the property and explain our plan. If
you prefer to go out alone, take rfontavilla ear to 60th street and walk to 1580 East Ghsan
street, where our tract office is located.
Investors' Building and
Trust Company
400-410 Yeon Building Portland
s!ve candidate for Governor at the 1912
election, who alleged that Georgian
published libelous articles concerning
him during the campaign. Georgian
will be sentenced Monday.
Georgian recently served a term in
the workhouse, after being convicted
of libeling Mayor Nye,
IUinoisans Indorse Sabatli.
WASHINGTON. May 9. The Illinois
delegation met tn the House today and
elected Kepresentatlve Sabath, of Chi
cago, as Illinois member of the Demo
crat Congressional committee to suc
ceed Representative Rainey, who de
clined to serve again. The delegation
Ask Your Doctor
Stir up your liver a little,
just enough to start the bile
nicely. One of Ayers Pills
at bedtime is all you need.
These pills act directly on
the liver. Made, for the
treatment of constipation,
biliousness, dyspepsia, sick
headache. Ask your doctor
if he knows a better pill for
a sluggish liver.
How the little one suffers from irri
tating, chafed and itching skin! And
how quickly Poslam soothes, cools and
comforts, soon driving these troubles
In all skin affections, Poslam pro
duces immediately noticeable results,
stopping all Itching and rapidly restor
ing the skin to normal conditions. Ec
zema, acne, tetter, salt rheum, all forms
of itch, scalp scale, psorlas, pimples,
rashes, etc.. yield to Poslam as to noth
ing else.
POSLAM SOAP is without equal for
tender skin; the ideal nursery soap,
grateful, soothing and non-irritating.
Every mother may rely upon its abso
lute safety and purity.
All druggists sell Poslam (price, B0
cents) and Poslam Soap (price, 25
cents). For free samples, write to the
Emergency Laboratories, 32 West 25th
street. New York City.
sJimt ' ?jfrH Urn -J tnl TTrnTJ -ml J -ttttI
Indorsed Mr. Sabath for chairman of
lttee. urarins: the strategic lo
cation of Chicago. '
Monmouth Plant Nearly Ready.
MnNMOTTTH. Or Mav 9. (Special.)
The pumphouse for the new water
system is nnisnea ana tne pump ib in-
the drunkard, the heavy drinker,
and the man who craves rough,
ttrnnor. hitrh-Droof whiskev.
W. J. Van Schuyver & Co., General Agents
Portland, Oregon
$4 4
This splendid electrical appliance sold on one day of the year at
exactly half price ! A combined toaster and stove, which may be used
right at the table. If you can't come, phone your order NOW, to
'Hotpoint" Factory
stalled. It will draw 200 gallons of
water a minute and take a 35-horse-power
motor to operate. The new sys
tem will bo ready for use about the
last of this month. There waa delay
because the well would not furnish
enough water, but a charge of dyna
mite exploded near the bottom proved
a remedy. .
Cyrua NobU mild Pr
Did you see the big double-page
"Hotpoint" announcement in this
week's Saturday Evening1 Post?
For Today Only!
cctidbiS0 $2
Distributers for Portland.