0$mtM J . itpitim VOL. LII1 XO. 16,368. PORTLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY. MAY 10, 1913. PRICE FIVE CENTS. GARRANZA SAYS HE WILL HANG HUERTA Other Leaders Marked for Execution. MEXICAN SITUATION IS GRAVE Conditions Known to Give Washington Concern. GOVERNMENT'S FUNDS LOW Witliout -Money, It Is Recognized Present Regime Must Soon Fall and Repetition of Bloody Events Is Feared. WASHINGTON. Mar . (Special.) A condition of affairs bas developed in Mexico as a result of the revolt against the government of President Huerta, which is causing; the Wilson Adminis tration deep concern. It Is not too much to say that offi cials here fear a repetition of the bloody scenes in the Mexican capital which resulted in the assassination of President Madero and his brother and Vice-President Euarex. General Carranxa, leader of the so ca'.ed Constitutional party, has openly declared that upon his capture of Mex ico City he will hang the following Mexican officials: General Huerta. President of the republic; General Fe lix Diaz, nephew of the former dicta tor. Porfirio Piss: General Blanquet, who aided in the downfall of Madero; General Mondragon. one of Huerta- lieutenants: General Garcia Granados, who was Minister of the Interior for a short time under Huerta; General Ro dolfo Reyes, a Huerta supporter: Fran. ?lsco Je la Barra. Minister for Foreign Affairs under Huerta. Mea Aenurd as Coaaalratora. Alj of these, men. according to Car ranza. participated ln the conspiracy which resulted in the assassination of Madero. They will be treated with the ame scant mercy that- was accorded to Madero. Other officers now with Huerta will not be molested, providing It is shown that they did not personally participate in the plot against the life of the deposed President. ine important question is: Can Car- ranza and his allies "make good?" They believe they can, and their op erations up to date Indicate they have an excellent chance of success. rrMioeni Huerta has 10.000 men in the Mexican capital. He has no money save that which he receives ln way of customs receipts from Carrlbean Sea and Pacific Coast porta Comparatively nothing is crossing the border from Texas. The revolution has reduced the buying rapacity of the Mexicans, so that imports have fallen off. Girtnani Srrklas Loaa. To meet th situation, the Huerta government is seeking foreign loana The Constitutionalists, as those in op position to the Huerta government pre fer to be known, have cabled to every banking house in the United States and r.urope notirylng them that If they grant money to Huerta it will be at their own risk and that, once the gov ernment changes hands, the loans will be repudiated. nuerta, nowever. Is supported by "ra -owaray, head of the Pierson In terests, which were responsible for the recognition of the present government by oreat Britain. Spanish shopkeepers In Mexico City have applied pressure at Madrid, aided by the British, and he Spanish government probably will recognize Huertas administration. The United States and other nations have not accorded recognition . to Huerta. and it is not likely they will do so. Deaertloaa From Amy Reported. wunout recognition and without money Huerta's government cannot stand. This Is conceded by his friends. once he rails to pay his troops and It is said they are being Irregularly paid he must abdicate or take the conse quences. As it is. It Is reported there are numerous desertions. Huerta seems to be in anything but a satisfactory situation. His troops have been practically driven out of the entire northern part of Mexico. General Can-ansa, according to all inai rin dg learned, seems to have no difficulty concerning money, and it is known that large purchases of arms and ammunition ha.ve been made in tha United States. If he should triumph his friends declare he will rule with an Iron hand and will promptly restore peace throughout the "republic." AERO CLUB OFFICIAL 'CALLED federal (.rand Jury Investigating Aclivltlcs Along Border. LOS ANGELES. May . The Federal grand Jury started an Inquiry today Into the alleged conspiracy on the part of Mexican Insurrectionists and aides of other nationalities to furnish an aero plane corps to Sonora rebels for war purposes, i One of the first witnesses called was Van M. Griffith, secretary of tha Aero riub of Southern California, who Is vi Id to have csrrled on negotiations th Jlenn Martin, the aeroplanlst. foT .ne flying machine which was dis covered Wednesday by Government agents at Tucson. Griffith said he had acted In the in (Concluded oa Faa J ' j RICH WOMEN AID CANCER RESEARCH SOCIETY" FOR PREVENTION OF DISEASE PLAXXED. Leader in Movement Says Enough Is Known to Justify Belief That Cause Can Be Removed. "WASHINGTON. May ?. Plans for the formation of a society for the preven tion of cancer were announced here today by Frederick L. Hoffman, a di rector of the National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tubercu losis, which' closed Its annual meeting today. The new health body will work along lines already found effective by the tuberculosis fighters, much of the effort being of an educational nature. Mr. Hoffman announced that there would be a meeting ln New York next week of a committee to formulate de finite plans for the society. Wealthy women, among them Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbllt, Mrs. Russell Sage and Mrs, James Speyer. have offered financial aid. he said, to 'start the movement. Mr. Hoffman said that while much was still to be learned concerning the disease, certain known facts made the work of prevention possible. He added that corsets worn by women, heat on the Hps from the stem of a clay pipe. growths caused by work ln the pitch industry, the eating of too hot food and of brook trout are among known and probable causes of the disease. $30 SUIT IN CIRCUIT COURT Judge Resents Action of Appealing Trivial Matters. Judge McGinn was displeased yester day when an appeal from Justice Court ln the case of A. Polsky against Sam Christ man. a controversy involving about 30, for rent, came before him. Ha dilated on what he called the absurdity of wasting the valuable time of a Circuit Court Judge on such a trivial matter. Attorney W. H. Masters, appearing In the case, objected to the court's remarks, tersely stating that the Drivllege of appealing Is a con stltutional right. 'Tea- soliloquized the judge, "you are right but that puts me in mind of what Judge Shattuck said once from the bench. He said that a man had constitutional right to skin a coyote but was a darn fool to waste his time doing It." Judge McGinn learned that Frel Fritz knew the facts and Instructed his clerk to call Fritz and let him say who was in the right Fritz gave It as bis belief that the plaintiff was and Judge McGinn so decided, reversing Justice Jones." FLASHLIGHT INJURES EYES "Woman at The Dalles Burns Pow ders and Stove Is "Wrecked. THE DALLES. Or.. May 9. (Special.) Two accidents were caused here yes terday by the explosions of flashlight powders. -and one may cost Karl Corson the loss of his eyesight. Young Corson, who is 14 years old, attended a campflre picnic, and while attempting to take a flashlight looked directly into the flash, causing a severe shock to the nerves of the eye. Mrs. E. K. Vlckers yesterday morn ing threw a small pasteboard box which she supposed was empty into her kitchen stove. A few seconds later there was an explosltion which wrecked the range. The box contained flash light powders. CHINA SHOWS GRATITUDE Legation Reports on ' Celebration in Honor of Recognition. WASHINGTON. May 9. The gratifl cation of the people of China over the recognition of their republic by the United States was described ln a mes sage received at the State Department from the American legation in Pekin. Deputations from commercial and other organisations, students and teachers held a popular celebration ln honor of the United States and ln the course of n.rul stormed at the American lega tion waving the Stars and Stripes Jong? with the Chinese flag. Both houses of the National Assembly have passed resolutions of appreciation which will be communicated to the American Government through tha Chi nese minister. FAIR SEX SENATE PROPOSED London Newspaper Suggests Way to i Suffragettes to Advance Cause. LONDON. May 10. The Dally Mall, in an editorial today suggests that the suffragettes could secure all they have at heart by organizing a woman's par llament or senate elected on represen tative lines by the women of the whole country. Such a body, the editorial says, al though lacking In executive authority, could draft measures and. if it acted with sanity and Judgment. It would acquire immense Influence and its rec ommendations could not be lightly dis regarded by the House of Commons. MARSHALL MAKES REPLY Vice-President Will Apologize if Harvey's Charge Is Upheld. WASHINGTON. May 9. Vice-Presi dent Marshall replied . today to Colonel George Harvey's statement that his re cent public speeches were meant to in cite the "predatory poor." "If anybody will proaur.e a public utterance of mine advocating the cur tailment of distribution of honest wealth except by a fair inheritance tax, I will go to Wall street and apologize," said Mr. Marshall. OFFICIAL DflUBMF Fl Experts Declare Lack of Faith in "Cure." DOCTOR'S STAND CRITICISED Public Advised to Cling to Well Tried Agencies. TESTS TO BE CONTINUED Observation of Patients Already Treated Said Not to Justify Confidence' Inspired by Wide Publicity. WASHrNGTON, May 9. The first au thentic and official report of the Gov ernment's . investigation of the Fried mann tuberculosis vaccine, made public here today, declares the results of the public health service observations so far "do not Justify that confidence ln the remedy which has been Inspired by widespread publicity." The National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis, before which the report was presented. Immediately and unanimously adopted resolutions declaring Its belief that "no specific cure for tuberculosis has been discovered that deserves the confidence of the medical profession and the pub lic" and declaring it to be tha duty of tha public to continue "all the present well-tried agencies." Disappointment Is Rxpresaed. Though couched in the diplomatic terms of a governmental scientific doc ument, the report on the Frledmann "cure" expresses the disappointment of the public health service at the condi tions Imposed by Frledmann, and says his declination to furnish complete in formation concerning his vaccine was not "satisfactory from a scientific standpoint." The public health serv ice, however, the report says, accepted bis conditions because of the great im portance to thousands of sufferers, and the hope that a cure might be found. 'Tho report was made by Dr. John F. Anderson, director of the hygienic lab oratory, and Dr. A. M. Stlmson, another public health service officer, who were designated by Surgeon-General Blue to make laboratory-,, tests of the Frled mann vaccine and observe the 90-odd tuberculosis patients Inoculated ln New York. ' Observation t We Continued. The investigators pointed out that while Dr. Frledmann in his prelimi nary correspondence offered to lay full and impartial Information before this Government, he declined to do so after coming here. Observations by the pub lic health service will be continued, however, and the investigators - ex pressed the opinion that the patients Concluded on page 2.) HIS 01 THEY'RE ! 1 1 - 4 I . . SSI. . . . ..............I... .......... .II.. ......t.t.l.. ......... t ,i INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. TESTER DATS Maximum temperature. 85 degrees; minimum. 60 degrees. TODAY'S Prpbably showers; westerly winds. National. Too vigorous protests react against Montana . reclamatidki projects. Page 5. Senator Kern would learn whether peonage exists in west Virginia coal fields. Page Reply to Japan's formal protest on alien land bill may be given today. Page 4. Tariff battle promptly opened ln Senate. Page 2. Washington concerned over situation In Mexico. Page 1. Domestic. Government experts declare lack of confi dence in Frledmann tuberculosis "cure." Page 1. Belle Schreiber denies she ever had any love for Jack Johnson. Page 4. Rich women aid movement to prevent can cer. Page 1. Army aviator, killed on scouting trip from ban Diego to Los Angeles, page o. Xew York ex-police inspectors accept xnaxl mum sentences '.without betraying men higher up. Page 5. Bryan pleads for Administration's wcrld peace plan. Page 1. New Tork barbers strike, leaving men's - heads half clipped. Page 1. rociflc Northwest. Seattle's grand Jury keeps busy probing city and county affairs. Page 6t Sham battle staged at annual O. A. C. ca det Inspection. Page 6. Sports. Coast League results Oakland A, Venice 2: San FTandsco 4, Los Angeles 2; Port- ' land 1, Sacramento 3. Page 7. Northwest League results Seattle S, Port land 3; (Vancouver-Spokane and Vic- toria-Tacoma games postponed on ac eount of wet grounds). Page T. Columbia V. prominent candidate for honors baturday at Eugene. Page 8. i Oregon defeats Washington in tual track meet. Page 6. - ' Commercial -and JIarlne. Mills try to force burden of free wool on growers. Page 17. ' Buying flurry sends up May wheat at Chi cago. Page 17. Harrlmans strong features, of Wall street stock market, page 17. Assurance of big crops, means prosperity for country. Page 17. Slthonia. pathfinder of Hamburg-American fleet, in port. Page 16. ' Portland and Vicinity. Hearing In railway gateway closing case starts. Page Is. . . Numerous strong candidates expected to run tor city offices. Page 1Z. Junior police to bx permanently organized Wednesday, page 10. Albee's campaign for Mayor to opeA at Mon- taviiia Monday. Face 10. Charles B. Moores scores voters for Indif ference. Page 10. Elimination of disease held possible by lec turer at numan life conference. Page 1. Weather report, data and forecast. Page 12. Council recalls many amendments. Page 10. Masons hosts to friends at brilliant ball. Page 9. INDIAN BOARD RETAINED Owen Leads Tain Fight in Senate Committee for Abolishment. WASHINGTON. May 8. Senator Owen led an attempt today before the Senate Indian .affairs committee to abolish the board of Indian commis sioners. The board is appointed by the President and its members serve with out compensation. Mr. Owen and other Senators contended it was useless, but grave .up the fight after a long argu ment. The Indian appropriation bill, carry ing $10,000,000. -was under - considera tion today by the committee. It prob ably will not be reported to the Senate until late next week. Haytl President Poisoned, Is Report. NEW TORK, May 9. Poison, admin istered in his food, caused the death on May 2 of President Auguste. of Haytl, according to a dispatch from Kingston, Jamaica, printed here. The story is based on news received in Kingston by mail from Hayti. JP AGAINST THE REAL THING. BRYAN PLEADS FOR WORLD PEACE PLAN No War Without Delib eration Is Text. PRESIDENT'S IDEA EXTOLLED Secretary Says This Nation : Should Set Example. THREE FORCES AT WORK Growing Intelligence, Understand - Ingr and Control of People Over Destinies Viewed as Influ ence Against Conflict. NEW YORK, May 9. William Jen nings Bryan, speaking at a dinner giv en tonight in honor of the foreign mem bers of . the , international conference that is arranging the celebration of 100 years of peace among English- speaking peoples, declared that the new peace plan offered by President Wilson to all nations Is the latest and longest step toward peace. "It contemplates time for investiga tion and deliberation, h Said, "and this makes the possibility of war re mote. Mr. Bryan's subject was "Progress Toward Peace." He said that the part of the United States ln the cause of necessity must be large because "more than any other nation it had a popula tion which is attached by blood to nearly all other nations." Peace Chord Is Struck. Peace for all time between the Unit ed States and Great Britain was the keynote of other addresses of the eve ning, delivered by Lord Weardale, chairman of the English delegation; Sir Edmund Walker, of Canada; Sir George Houstoun Reid, of Australia, and Judge George Gray, of Delaware. Tonight's function marked the last of many that have engaged the delegates here .for the last week. Tomorrow they start for Boston. Unstinted applause greeted all re marks that emphasized the cordial re lations between the two nations and the cause of universal- peace in gen eral. The enthusiastic singing of "America" and "God Save the King" was one of the features of the eve ning. ' Brltls'i Ambassador Present. Joseph H. Choate, ex-Ambassador of Great Britain, acted as toastmaster. At his left sat the new British Ambassa dor, Sir Arthur Cecil Spring-Rice, and on his right M. DaGama, the Brazilian Ambassador, dean of the diplomatic corps at Washington. Mr. Bryan was introduced after the banqueters had drunk a toast to the King of Eng- (Concluded on page 2.) NOW. MEN LEFT IN CHAIR AS BARBERS STRIKE H.ILP-CLIPPED HEADS ABAN DONED IN NEW YORK. Lather Dries on TJnscraped Chins as Men Join Demonstration 4000 Brooklyn Shops Are Closed. NEW TORK. May 9. (Special.) The barbers' strike, which started in Brooklyn Monday and closed 4000 shops in that borough, spread to Manhattan this afternoon, when 3000 striking bar bers bearing banners lettered' ln Italian, marched across Brooklyn bridge behind a rass band to hold a mass meeting ln "Union Square. Heads of the barbers' unions say they will have all shops ln Manhattan employing union labor closed before Monday un less tho bosses arrant demands for shorter hours. From Brooklyn bridge the parade went uptown by way of Park Row and the Bowery. On the way delegations of strikers invaded open barber shops and called out hundreds of workmen. Tom Sharkey was among those who were deserted in the midst of the opera tion of having their whiskers trimmed. One man who had accumulated half a hair cut protested mightily, but the barber paid no attention to his com plaints, and left him with part of his head clipped and the rest just as it had been when he entered the shop. PHONE GIRLS VACCINATED Squeal From "Central" Gives First Intimation to Public. "Number, please." "Main 421." "Main 421 7" this with a rising ac cent, then a squeal through the tele phone and "Ouch, don't touch my arm" Introduced the Portland telephone public late yesterday to the fact that each of the "hello girls" in tho main station of the Pacific States Telephone Company, at Tenth and Alder streets, had acquired a new little red mark on her shoulder, indicating vaccination. . The cause of the vaccination was the fear of spread of a slight case of small pox which was discovered yesterday in the telephone exchange by City Health Officer Wheeler, and which was prompt ly Isolated. All tho telephone operators, some 190, who were ln any way likely to have come into contact with the young lady who was found to have smallpox, were jabbed with the handy vaccine, the whole operation taking several hours. VOTERS' BOOKS TO OPEN Women's Petition for Further Chance to Register Granted. Registration books are to be . kept open at the County Courthouse eac day next week from S A. M. to 8 P. M. The City Council yesterday adopted resolution requesting County Clerk Coffee to open the books for a week to give all who have not had a chance to register to get their names on the books. It will be possible also for many persons to straighten out tangles occasioned by their having given incor rect addresses, precincts or names, o having changed their precincts since registering- before. The books were ordered open prln cipally on the strength of a petition from women's organizations declaring that there are no fewer than 10,000 working women who have not regis tered. WIND DAMAGES SHIPYARD Large Shed Wrecked at St. Helens Causing Loss of $700 0. ST. HELENS. Or.. May 9. (Special.) Damage to the extent of about 17000 was caused at the plant of the St. Helens Shipyards this afternoon by I severe wind storm. The storm was pre ceded by thunder, lightning and halt. which lasted about 15 minutes. The wind bbsw so strong that the large shed at the shipyard collapsed and all poles and derricks were blown over. All the men were at work, but as soon as the bigr shed began to creak and groan the men hurried to safety and no one was injured. No damage was done in any other part of. the city and so far none has been reported from the surrounding country. FRATS' CONTINUE PLEDGES University of Washington Societies Reach Decision. ITNIVERSITT OF WASHINGTON, Se attle, Wash., May 9. (Special.) The Greek letter fraternities of the Uni versity of Washington, at a meeting last night, signified their Intention not to alter the present system of pledging new candidates to their societies. Some contention arose recently among some of the organizations over the pledging of first-year men at the opening of the college year, it being considered it was not beneficial. Tho Washington fraternities have been investigating conditions in sev eral Eastern colleges to ascertain how matters of thatNsort are run there. STUDENTS HELP FIREMEN Buildings of University of Utah Threatened With Destruction. SALT LAKE CITY. Utah, May 9. Flames that threatened to' destroy all the principal buildings of the Univer sity of Utah were checked today by firemen and students after the labora tory building had been destroyed and the medical building damaged. EDUCATION ADVISED ID CONSERVE LIFE Elimination of Disease Held Possible. EFFECT OF POLITICS IS SEEN Many Health Officers Poorly Trained, Says Hygienist. MORE LEGISLATION URGED Physical Training, Playgrounds, Good Roads and Social Problems Discussed Amid Demonstra tions at Reed College. ' A. liberal education in the develop ment of devices for the conservation of human life, offered by means of more than a score of exhibits and by lectures, both illustrated and unlllus trated,. carried on simultaneously in many different sections: this, in gen eral. Is what is offered at Reed College in the Conference for the Conservation of Human Life, which opened yesterday morning and which will continue until tomorrow evening. More than 300 delegates, representing the principal civic and social organiza tions of Tortland and many other cities of the Pacific Coast, registered at the opening of the conference. As the work of the flrsh day progressed the great breadth of the field covered by the lectures and exhibits and the thoroughness with which it was cov ered brought forth continued expres sions of surprise and admiration from the delegates. Lectures Are Divided. The lecture work was divided into sections, each presided over by a spe cial representative of some educational or civic organization and in different halls in the administration building of Reed College, these sections carried on their work simultaneously, while the delegates visited one or another lec ture hall, according to tho subject In which they might be " interested, or passed from room to room in which the exhibits of the various organizations whose work, deals with the conserva tion of human life have their exhibits. Dr. George F. Reinhardt, professor of hygiene of the University of Cali fornia, delivered one of the most strik ing addresses in the series given yes terday in the public health section of the conference, his subject being "Pub lic Health Administration." Dr. Reinhardt declared that it Is within the power of men to eliminate disease almost absolutely from the hu man race by a proper understanding of the conditions under which disease Is produced and traV nltted and by an intelligent enactment and administra tion of public health laws. He assert, ed that well-informed, progressive phy. slclans, trained ln public health admin istration, are the prime essential to a condition of best welfare ln the com munity. Politics Retard Work. "We have not yet divorced public health from politics ln this country." he declared. "Thore are many men who might secure the technical train ing necessary to make them the best administrative officers of public health. but they are not sure of a position in which they can work If they do pass the time and take the trouble to fit themselves for it. Consequently we too frequently find the public health officer acting half-heartedly or Indif ferently in a position which he Is wholly unfitted to fill and to which he attained only, through some political move. . Public health administration should be under, civil service and the man who is given the task of administering the public health laws should be thorough, ly trained in the business which he is to pursue, for after all, the conserva tion of the life and health of our peo ple is the first thing that should he considered at all times. A man either must be systematically trained for such work or he will be obliged to learn at the expense of. the public." Dr. Reinhardt lamented Imperfect training and indifference to develop ment of skill in their profession which he said exist among many physicims. large proportion of physicians who graduated before 1900, he declared. never looked through microscope nor gained -any experimental knowledge of bacteriology. Public Being Taught. That class of physicians today is just where It was when it graduated, he declared, "and it Is teaching the public a great deal of foolishness about pre- entative medicine that is now abroad In the country." The discussion in the same section was opened In the forenoon by Dr. C. S. White, who outlined the recent legisla tion in Oregon which deals with the conservation or human lire. Dr. vvmte paid that there were passed by tha last Legislature 18 bills having a direct or Indirect bearing upon conservation of life. Most important among these, h said. Is the legislation regarding tu berculosis, but he still ueld that fur ther legislation on that subject is need ed to make the fight against tubercu losis effective. "Health officers need the authority to break up families If necessary and (Concluded on Paa If.)