BT. PORTLAND. May A Maximo" tempera- co - i-1 s-s-rees. K: raadlnr a a u laA fee change 10 ut 14 tioura. 0 t foot ris ntal rainfall S P. M. to 6 P. M.). .12 loci slnoe 6Ttembr i 1912. 11 totaj rainfall lncnest nor- roal rainfall since September 40.55 inches; oellelency of rainfall sine 7.17 lnche. Total unhi September L hour. minutes; possible unhlc 4 hour. 4 uuuibb, pamm suuui4,t , Minutes. JJarometer (red Jed to sea t i hK. 19.51 laehea c a Wind tate of Weather exjirioxa 7 a": flatter Bolat , Boston Y..10l ,S Clear Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy 'if Calgary Chicago ax. ! o.eo i.w Rain ICloudy coirax Denver 74,0. SO Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear l,0.of 4ISW l'00nNa? r'o. oi iN De Moms . . Duluth Eureka Galveston ....... Helena ....... ... Jacksonville ...... Kansas City ..... Klamath FU . XAuxier .......... Lo Angeles ... Marshfleld - Medford Montreal ......... New Orlrana .... New York North Bead ...... .North Yakima . Pendleton Phoenix Pocatello .. Portland Roseburg ........ PacramentO ...... St. Loula St. Paul Salt Lake Sao Fraaclaoo , Spokane ......... Ticomt ......... Tatooab Island ... Walla Walla .... 71' Cloudy 41 A 04) flW Clear Cloudy 4S,'Tee HINW TO.'. 00 UV 7iTcll23E "'.O'UlPB wC ...! hi.. (Cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear Pt. cloudy tSO.OOjlOTSW $0 O.lSl 4.SW -r. l-st. . 64'0.00 SE 80M).0(M 4!SB 4:.&fio;s alo 241l83 tClear (Cloudy 'Itain Cloudy Clear Clear (Cloudy Cioudr 80tT'cej SiNW 4. 0I 4SW s'O.OOl 4;W TSiT"oeia?SW i'.121 SB 64 O.oef 6B 72'o.0)'l2;SW 7 0.001 4 E 0 f f 1 4 N jpt. cloudy i-issr Pt. cloudy Cloudy Cloudy pt. clondy Clear Pt. cloudy Clear Rain Rain Cloudy P.aln PL cloudy 784.00114 NWj 1 o.oel sw Si 0.061 4,.VWi S4 0.20 14,3 2!0.0l 4N WEATHER CONDITIONS. A trough-shaped low-pressure i area extendi frnrn British Columbta southeastward to New Mexico and a larra hlrh-preaxure area extendi from the Canadian Kortbweet eoutn eaatward to the AtlanUo atatea. Shower hare occurred aeneraUy In the North Paclflo tatea. Montana and In California aj far ton? aa Ban Francisco. loal ralua have fallen In portion of the Missouri and upper Klsslaslppl alleys and In the upper LM realon. It la cooler In the Interior of West ern Oregon, extreme Northern California. Montana. Wjotntnr and the western portion of Nebraska and tha Dakota. The temper atures hare risen In the Ohio Galley and In the Interior of California. The condltlona are favorable for enowers in this dii-trlct Friday, with lower temper ature Id Kastern Oregon, lias tern Washing ton and iorthera Idaho. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Snower: westerly wind. Oreron and "Washington Showers; cooler at portion: wlnda mostly westerly. Idaho Pnowars: cooler north portion. FIWP.D A. BK.MJ- District Forecaster. HJJTTTXO NOTICES. WASHUTOTON COMMAND ER Y. No. 15. K. T. Stated conclave thu 'Friday) ven Ing. 7:30. Red Cross All Sir Knights court so ualx In vited to attend. F. H. NOtTNER, Recorder. I SElirWCOD I.ODCTE, NO. 111. , mtmlcatlon this (Friday) evening. . - 7:30 o clocK. rfiiwooa auwiiiv v9? TlalL Visiting brothers welcome. By order W. t. J. rl. l lUVlt. cecrery. PORTLAND LODGE:. NO. 55. A. F. AND A. M. Social this 'VrMavi viilni. 8:30 o'clock. (''f second floor. Masnnlo Temple. Members and families. By order W. M. C. M. STBADHAX, Sec. MYRTLE CHAPTER. NO. 15, O fX S. Megtilar meeting; this. Fri day evening. In Masonic Xemple at 8 o'clock. Special, by order W. M. JENNIE H. OALLOWAT. 6ecy. HASSAUO IXIGB, NO. IB. I. O- O. Fj. wlU nfri this (Friday) evenlnr at 8 o'clock In Oddfellow Temple, corner First and Al der streets, work in the Initiatory decree. Visitor welcome. FREDERICK COZBNS. Peorerary. DIED. ST'TCIJFFE At toa Angeles. CeX. Earah Lucy Sutoliffe. aged 70 years, sill of H Sutcllffe. of thla city. Remain are at the new parlor of J. P. Flnley at Son. Mont aomery and 6th at. Notice la .a later Is sue. STEELE In thl city. May 7, Wlllard J. Steele, aged S yeara. Remains ara at the nww parlors of J. P. Flnley & Son. Mont gomery and 6U t. Notice of funeral in later Issue. TIMMONS In this dty. May 7. Steven Tim mons, aged 87 years. Remain are at the new parlors of J. P. Flnley & Son. Mont gomery and 6th sta. Notice of funeral In a later issue. PRIOR In thl city. May , Jemea Pryor. aged 89 years. Remains are at the new parlors of J. P. Flnley Son. Montgomery and 6th at. Notice In later issue. FUNEKAX. NOTICES. GRANT At the family residence in Linn too. May 7. Jemima Margaret Urant, aged S8 years. 4 months. 4 days, beloved wife of William Grant, devoted mother of Mrs. Annie Jlll'er. Mrs. Susan R. Duggan, Mrs. gnes Watt. John William, Jr., Joseph M James R. and George P. Grant. Friends invited to attend the funeral services, ahich will be held at Holman' funeral parlor. Third and Balmon streets at 2 P M. tomorrow tSaturday), May lO. In terment Klvarvlew Cemetery. C MP In this city. May 7, at the residence r hi. xn J-r 1 Csjud. HO East Salmon street, John J. Camp, aged 7 yeara, be loved husband of Airs. Katie Camp and father of George J.. Herbert of this city; Edgar 1. ot uregon tity. J. on. of -s'w York, and Mr a Anna Kann. of Freewater. CTr. The funeral services will be held at the above residence at 1:50 P M. today (Pridavl, May . Interment In Mount PCOtt rars vemeiery. urriuu City and New York paper please copy. M'KEELY May 7. at hla late residence, 481 East Eighth street North, Patrick stlnson jjcFeely. aged yeara, beloved father of Mary and Margaret McFeely. Funeral will take place from the above residence Sat urday. May 1, at g:80 A. M. thence to tit. Mary's Church, corner Willisana ave nue and Stanton street, where service will be held at o'clock. Friend respect fully Invited. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. The deceased was a member of the Ancient Order of Hibernians. JOHNSON In thl city. May 8. Elizabeth Johnson, aged 61 years, beloved wife of Chris Johnson and mother of Mrs. Alfred Xu puis Thomas, Charlie, Esther, Dewey n4 Chris Peter. Jr. The funeral aervtcea will be held at Scott Church, Scott Bttriaugrounoa, nw ixiowr, v1 . v ii Sunday. May 11. Friends Invited. The remain are at the parlors of the East Fide Funeral Directors, 414 East Alder street. Friend oeetruig w can may w w until Sunday morning It S A. 11 SOMMER3 la thl city, at 6. Vincent Hospital. May 7, Mr. Anna Lydla Som mera. aged 1 years 10 months; beloved wire of Joseph Somroera, mother of Sam uel So miners. Friend Invited to attend yuneral service, which will be held at the Port Kind Crematorium at 2:80 P. M. today tFTlday), May a. Remains at Hol me, funeral parlor until 1 P. M. Friday. r . n.uwood car to Crematorium. JUSTICE At the family residence. 8S2 Clin ton St.. May 8, Mra. Martha J. Justice, sf.ri r.n r B month, -t days. Friend Invited to attend funeral ervlce, which will be held at the above residence at :S0 A. M. tomorrow (Saturday). May lO. In terment Rlvervlow Cemetery. TAYIXHV In thl city. May 8. Carrie Ixralae Taylor, aged 22 years, & months. Friends Invited to attend funeral service, which will be held at Holman' funeral parlor at 10 A. M. tomorrow (Saturday), May 10. Concluding services at Portland Cre matorium private. Kr ERA T. DIRECTORS. . P. KIN LEY A tOM. 1XNEKAL. bEKVICK. Lady Attradant. Montgomery, at I Uth Bt. UK. EDWARD HOLMAN. the leading funeral director, tO Third street, corner Balmea. Aady aeeurtaas. A 1611. Mala 6i F. 8. DUNNING. INC East Bide Funeral Directors, 414 East Alder Bt- ran as, a saa. DCNNING M'ENTEB. funeral Ureeters. fth aad Pine. Phone Mala 440. Lady at tendant, irnrcv wiuttij voroner. LEkCH. andertaker. eor. East Alder and pigthu svaai s sees, aqy atteniaal. hKKWEH UNDERTAKING COMPANY, d and f lay, asis sio. A sai. umay atteooaai A. R. ZKLLKR CO.. Kat 1088, C 1088. Lady Alteadaat. Night berrloe. MEMORIALS Portland Marble Werka, (84 4tfa. opposite -"y ataii. nmim aeee. CEMETERY BEAUTIFUL MOUNT SCOTT PARK Portland Perpetual Care Cemetery. Large, Permanent, Modern. Both phone DAILY METEOROLOGICAI. M v 1 4f HP" I I If! TWEATEK X-i A A- X s j ltn Kn( aiorrlsoB Phone Mala 1 and A US. TONIGHT SS?BOW Special Price Matinee Tomorrow Henry B. Harris Estate Present ROSE STAHL In the Comedy Success "MAGGIE PEPPER." Bvenlng: lower floor. 14 row $3. 8 row il.5-1. Balcony, ft. ?5c. BOe. Tomorrow Matinee: Iower floor, fl.S0. II. Balcony, tL 7Sc. Vfc. SEATS SOW hKIJXN'G SEAT HT.TC OPENS TODAY " HEIUQ THEATER 7 AFTERNOONS AT S EVENINGS at 8:80 bnnino Sun May 11 The Motion Picture Classic, Paul J. Ralney African Fun Excitement Education POPTTLAB PRICES BOe. too. Reserved Beats All Performances. BAKER THEATER Main 2. A S3 60 1 -Rnker.Mar. Tonight. All Week Mat. Wed ana i eat. The popular BAKER PLATERS In the famoua comedy MRS. mGGB Or THE CABBAGE PATCH Dramatized from the widely read novel of Alice Began Rice. Immense cast and pror auction. A scream of laughter from start t0Efv?ntas 2BO. 3 Sc. 50c All Mats 25c. Next week Starting; Sunday matinee, "East Lynne." ilATTNT.E DAILY. Main 6. A 10S0. JESSIE BrSLEY IV "jnss ZIB." Laddlo Cliff Mis Margaret .Oh ton rharle and Adelaide Wilson 5 Melody Maids amd Win J. Ward Meehan'e Canine and Dei mar Delmar EDIKOM TALKING PICTURES. 1 WUKK GOES trvATW RAKERS am" Major PbU Roy "Traprlna; Santa Clams' Holmes Wells Joe Kelsey MTSS-CAKAUX SrXIJVAN, Portnuid Harpist 1800 :V."7 1 5c .1 5c & 25c WEEK MAY 6. TMitv irrlnntea In Chlniktmrn. Joseph Callahan, Madie Do Long. Ilarland and Rol Uisms, EUle Kramer Xrio, . Bob Albright, Pantaureooone Popular prices. Matinee dally. Boxea and first row balcony reserved. Box office open from 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. PhoneA. JL 22SS, Main 4650. Curtain :0, 7:15 and t. LYRIC ENTIRE NEW COMPANY Opening with a matinee to-lay. Offering" nB OtOYAi NABOB," A comic opera acream In Tabloid form. All new faces, all new productions. The musical treat of the season. Athletic contest Tuesday clsht. Chorus girls' contest Friday night. Pricee. nights, 15c. 25c. Matrnees. 15c. BASE RECTI EATI O X PARK, Cor. Vanrchn and Twenty-fourth Sta. SEATTLE vs PORTLAND HAT . 7, 8, 0, 10, 11. Games BegIn Weekdays at 3:13 P. M. Snsdays 2i30 P. M. LADIES' DAY FRIDAY. Boys Under 12 Free to Bleachers Wednesday. ACCnOJi" SALES TODAY. - - At Wilson's Auction House, at 10 A. M. Furniture. I00-8 First at. Ford Auction House, 211 1st. Furniture, carpets, etc Bala at 2 P. M. OREGON HUMANE SOICETY OFFICE NO. 820 I'NION A VETi I E, COB. NEK MARKET STRKET. Phone East 1433, B 2315. 'Horse ambulance for sick or disabled animals, at a moment's notice. Prices reasonable. Report all caaes of cruelty to this office. Open day and night. NEW TODAY. GREAT BARGAIN 32 LOTS. 812.500 4 blocks east of Laurelhurst. on East Burnside Must realize money within 10 tars. Will bo soid at less than half price. Can double your money ux once. S4 tilebe ftlriar. Ptese A g188. CITY & FARM LOANS Loans of $1000 and up at lowest rates on Good Improved City or Farm Prop erties. If yon need money call today. Our installment payments are attractive. A. H. BIERELL CO. XOa McKay Bids;.. Third anal Stark ta. GLISAN STREET SNAP Riwioo with 11 .room house, located on Glisan. near Twenty-third. Must be sold this week- .Price has been cat for quick sale to SOuO; 13250 cash, bal ance e per cent. GRUSSI & BOLDS 818 Board of TrAde Bid-., 4th and Oak. Mortgage Loans On Improved Property Only. Business or Realdsnoe. We speciaiue In Loam of 500 and over. Mortres to SelL Commerce ttafe Dep.' Mortsace Co. tl Third St.. Cham, of Com. Bids. CITY AND FARM LOANS Any Amount at Current Rates. JOHN E. CRONAN 90S Spaldlas UldK. 1'Ttland. Or. CITY & FARM LOANS (1000 and up at lowest rates. C. M. ZAD0W 414 Corbett Bide. A 1416, Marshall OX MORTGAGE LOANS Our Owa Money at Curreat Rates. WESTERN BOND Jt MORTGAGE CO, Comrarrelal Club Bide., Portland. Or. FOR BENT., Urn. new. mocern home at Bayocean: fisvad streets, city water, telephone, electric ights and view of both ocean and bay; completely furnished; will rent for creatsr part t season, rnont aiainm PRIVATE MONEY To Loss oa Portland Realty. Current Rates ttnlrk Action. SEELE1' at CO, 0L Board of Trade. Hunt BALL THE MORNING OREGONIAN, HEW TODAY. FINE HOME . Modern 8-room house, oak floors Chroughont, 2 fireplaces, beautiful fixtures. 25th near Raleigh. $8000, easy terms. ATLAS LAND CO, 420 Lumber Exchange. A SNAP LADD'S ADDITION tot on ladd avenae, near Hawthono avenue, vrith easterly face. Term to suit. Address or apply to OWXER, 601 OREGOMAX BCILDCTG. Mortgage Loans If you havo A-l Real Estate security we can loan you arly amount -at lowest rates. C ALLAN & KASER T23-M Iron Bldgj. Ba$e Line Acreage Platting; proposition. Improved acro ape, facing; electric, at a sacrifice. A few thousand iollaTs handles. No trades. F". O. KORTHBrP CO 601 Conch Bldg.. 4th, near V aMnlrtoii. Edvard E. Goudey MORTGAGE LOANS 6 per cent on beat bnilnesa propertle. Per cent and 7 per cent on otbar cioaela busi n and rrtienco oocurltiOgU MORTGAGE LOANS PROMPT SERVICE. ANT AMOUNT. GEO. II. THOMAS, 267 Oak St., Hoom 2, Alnaworth Bids;. BXAX ESTATE PEALEBS. Beck. WUllam O., SI5-81 Falling bids. Chapln t Barlow, 332 Chamber of Commerce Jennings Co.. Mala Its. 206 Oregonlan. PAl.Mi.R-JO.Nli3 CO, li. P, 4W-403-40 Wilcox bldg. &L.OC, 817 Railway Ex change bldg. Main C49. tHB Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand ara. at Multnomah st. iHolladay AddiUon.) REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lota. DESIRABLE WEST SIDE LOTS 4365 to $830 Including graded street and city wa ter, which are in. Thirty houses have been built on this choice property and many more to be built thl year, upper Portland HetfChta. short diatartce to carj lots maetly level; good view; conveniences. Why go to the East Side when you can buy on Ulo West Side at these prices? Let me ehow you the property before deciding to buy elsewhere. It will stand the closest scrutiny for locntlon and value J. a RAIN EY, 00 Teon Bldg. Marshall 81T7, A 8468. OLENELTN ADDITION, WEST SIDE. Choice buildlna- lot on West Side, re stricted district, inside 3-mUe circle, com mands an unobstructed view of Tualatin Valley and Mt. Hood; walks, graded streets and Bull Run water In and Included In price; carllne In Iront 01 property; n and up. Select your lot and we will build to suit you; small cash payment down. PROVIDENT TRUST CO., OWNERS, 3d floor Selling bldg. IRVINGTON. THB ONE BEST BUT. East front, corner. 100x100. on SO foot streets; all lmprovementa In. Two blocks from carllne; heart of IRVINGTON; terms or cub. F , J. Relay, Hamilton bldg. GLENETRIE. IS minutes out on the Broadway car. at 24th and Knott sta,, elegant homes ur- 7SX100 on E. 24th, all improvements In cluded, fl(K). 60x100 on E. ,25th. 1T00, ell Improve ment mciuaeu. t a T 1.- IWESTVENT CO.. IE. 24th and Knott or E. 15th and Broad way. E, bUO. E. 4uao. HOMESITE AT RIVEKVIEW. 1 '11 irRES. Native trees, flowing spring, widest view, road frontage, short distance from .tut inn - .m la a choice niece: you can se cure this and build this Summer; auk us about this today; price 2250 per acre. Dorr B, Keaaey &-Co., 232 Chamber of commerce. We peelallze on thla beautiful prop erty, we handle no other, we handle the neat that ta xor saie, we nuuw w hurst and can save you money: Laurel burst 1 Just what you want. Too can always find us at the tract of fice, S9th and East Gllsan sts. DELAHUXTi a CUE.Mli.Aia. ; lilt; J35A X J JLdo bridge district; have lots in this dis trict a low as S75t: J75 down. 10 a montn, j. a. .v.. , 11. .h . Commerce. Irington oftice, aitn and Klickitat st. Broadway car. Open on Sundays. . PnBTIJND HEIGHTS EXCl.CSIVEt.T, If you want te buy on Portland Heights, m , 1 have about SO oer cent of the property for sale up hero in my hands and nave not one aiKsniisiou. cubviuw. BROOKE. Elm and 22d sts. Marshall 4827. A 3S39. BUSINESS lots right at station In fustest- . 1.. I ) .u. 11 -IUn. -irkjlfl nnn- grOWing tOWn I" i w n t .1 vc.j, wvw ulatlon to draw from; electric service; -i0 miles to Portland; small cash down. 4 years on " v1 . .uv ... .u. drtas Frost. Pleasant Home, Or. HOiHO. S3S0. to down. S& monthly, high level lots with water and graded streets; 30 minutes out. A. C. Maratara, zva vviicox Main 51T. 4576. Mtist sell my lot. corner Ftanton and B 69th at. IN m xtose city x-axar uismci discount for cash. Owner. C F. Palm- berg, 601 Teon bldg. fnone at. mm. I HAVE lot In tbs Piedmont district, one , block from the boulevard and the park, that I will sell tor ,873. Mr. Burks. Main Tioo, a rata. FINE view lot. 8-oent carfare; tl down. 1 a week; prices way below other proper ties, owner, S07 Railway Exchange oiag. 4tb and Stark sts. nvEBinoKlNO THE RIVEK. Block of line view lots. S0O0; will di vide, easy torms or some traae. owner, AD 50, Oregonlan WIDOW LADV'S SACKUPICE. Adjoining Mt. Tabor Park, Ids feet on Belmont. Worth $10,000; will sell muci less. Phone Marsnau 0210. LOTS soxlto. West Side. 1 to 4 blocks to le or 10 DIOCKS to 00 car lacs, u min utes; $100 to 75. easy terms. Owner, SO" Railway Exchange bMg. FOR SALE by owner, corner lot 50x100, Vernon Addition, on 10th, block north of Alberta St.: $120O, Including Improvement; $500 cash will handle. AH 4". Oregonlan. FOUR view lota, 8 block from river, 2 block to car. 35 minute to center of Portland. Marshall diss. i irniTnvir,iox xiooo. 60x100 on E. 17th st, 2 biks. to Irv lngton car. A bargain. E. 5298. FOR 6AL.S by owner, two nice lota. Corner Minnesota and Saratoga av., $400 each. Easy terms. A 4153. ' R. T. STREET. IRVINGTON LOTS. ROSE CITY PARIC near Sandy boulevard. Oy owner, ftov. jinrBiiBiiic LOTS near car. $375; $5 monthly. Owner. ,20 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1166. For Sale House. FOR SALE Exclusive home In Irvlngton eight rooms, modern In every respect; garage and,onlyone block from car; bar gain for quick saie. iasi 10. int ...vx . - w v -. - -- - - FINE HOMES, $4lt00 AND UP; CHOICE LOTS. $1U0 AND UP. NEUHAUSEN A CO. 703 LEWIS BLDG. MAIN 8078. Ui.-ix-nTrtM .T - L BurriAl.TV. TWO nice houses. 5 and 6 rooms, vacant lot for first payment; monthly payments same aa rent for balance. See me for bargains E. T. Price. 204 Rothchlld bldg. FOR-SALE cheap, 6-room new modern house in good locality for sale by owner; easy terms. Call 268 75th N. East 4433. LEAVING town, must sell home, new. modern. furnace, flreplaae, hardwood f.oors. good location. A 42, Oregonlan. FRIDAY, MAT 9, 1913. REAL ESTATE. For sale Houses. SACRIFICED. i2K)l CASH-. BAL. EASY TERMS m TO GOOD RESPONSIBLE PARTT. Handsome, nearly new Sumiyaide bun galow, 5 rooms; full cement basement, laundry trays, fnel, attic, fireplace, book cases, china closet; Just a step to Sun nystii and Mt. Tabor cars; this I the best buy In Portland. See owner, 026 E. Taylor, cor. 31st. ftione evening, o w.o. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A HOME AJ CALL MAIN 278. NO. 414 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BUILDING. 8-room house, Lanrelhurst. steam heated, everything modern, 6- room bungalow, Wat-erlelgh Heights, 7- room bungalow, Irving wood. 7- room bungalow. Piedmont. 8- room house. Council Crest. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURX A BURDEN INTO INCOME? WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY, BUILD APARTMENTS. RESI DENCE OP. ANYTHING. PLANS FREE. WE ARE RESPONSIBLE. WE K.NOW HOW. TALK TO OUR CLIENTS. SEE OUR WORK. WILL GIVE BONDS. L. R. BAILEY A CO.. CONTRACTING ARCHITECTS, 324 ABINQTON BLDfl. BARGAIN A 6-room, 2-story modern house on lot 43x129; furnace, gas and electric light fixtures, tewer, hard-surface street paid for, near Jefterson High School, near i canines'; If sold soon, will take J3500, part terms. IOWA REALTY CO., 628 Chamber of Commerce. NEW IRVINGTON HOME. Seven rooms, high-class, full basement, furnace, fireplace, oak floors, plate glass windows, old gold lighting fixtures. Tif fany glassware. Imported wall decorations, laundry trays, lawn, shrubs, etc; lot 00 xlOO.- one block from Broadway car-, best part of Irvlngton; price $5350, terms. DENLER DENLER CO., OWNERS, 824 Chamber of Com. Main 6584. Residence, Woodlawn 2209. THB best buy in Rose City Park; 6-room bungalow, block and a half north of Sandy boulevard. No. 696 East ttlst St.; 92tiOi easy terms. Tony G. Anderson, 323 Chamber of Commerce. HERE IS AN OPPORTUNTY FOR YOU TO OWN YOUR OWN ftuaiti. SMALL PAYMENT --DOWN, BALANCE LIKE RENT. Give me an Idea of your plan for a home and I will finance it for you. I will build on your lot or buy one for you In any location you desire. Call Main 2T8 No. 414 RaJlway Exchange Building. MAKE GARDEN LIVE, CONTENTED. Here is a fine chance; 80xl5, new mod ern bungalow, rtarht rn flrst-claa neigh borhood, close in to school and business; cannot be duplicated for tha price, 52200; small cash payment, balance easy term. See Davles. CHAF1.V-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST CO., 'i-rue r loor LOftiniwrwwirc- Wla BUILD ON EASY PAYMENTS. WE FURNISH PLANS AND MONEY TO BUILD YOUR HOME OR APART MENT; HONEST WORK AND MODER ATE FRIOES; NOTHIN'O TOO SMALL, NOTHING TOO LARGE; 30 YEARS IN THIS BUSINESS. TAYLOR BUILDING CO.. BOB M'KAY BLDG., 8D AND STARK STS. BIG SNAP; HALSEY STREET. Nice 6-room house, two-etory, five years old, and all in fine order, lot 50x100, all in good condition, with barn, on East 6tb street, near Halsey; walking distance; price for a few days only, 4300: lot alone worth 53800. Ask for Mr. Reinhart, with GRUSSI Jt BOLDS, 318 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak. NEW 4-room bungalow; hot and cold Bull Run water, bath, toilet, etc; sleepmg porch with built-in bed; grand view; graded streets and aidowelks, Sc fare; West Side, o minute out. S1400; small cash pay ment; balance easy. Phone owner. Main 454. WILL sell my $1800 equity in my 6-room h.,nuli in Rose City Park for S1000 cash, balance due on property $2200, pay able $22 per montn, inciuamg interest. Pmmriv is worth S4000. Tills is an oppor tunity to secure a fine home. Phone Main 1222. ni-i VOTT WANT TO SAVE S1000T I have a fine t-room bungalow In nicest part of Laurelhurst which I will sell furnished or unfurnished. Everything Is new and modern. I am leaving the state and am willing to sacTince lor quiac saie. This is a chance of a lifetime. No agents. Phone Tabor 3308. RTflP PAVIVfl RENT. I will build for you tn the following location, for a small payment down; T .uPalVitipt.rrv1nfftan-Waverleiah-HeiKhts Rose City Park, .Piedmont, and Hlbbard s Addition. Call Main 273 No. 414 Railway Exchange Building, and let me explain my plan ot helping you own your oft a uomp. IRVINGTON. Trnf aie tho finest home In Irvlngton finished in mahogany and oak; located on E. 23d between liraee ana nuoii sio. Call today and see it. F. E. BOWMAN A CO., Owners, E. 22d and Brazee. E. 935, C 2322. tiiTMi-unw sviP: ALBERTA STREET. Nice 4-room house, with attic, gas and lertrlcitv. nice bath, etc, on a business street lot on Alberta street, near 11th price a snap, ?'J250, some terms. GRUSSI & BOLDS, 319 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. CLASSY, CLOSE-IN . . , ai!Hl!HRA!J RESIDENCE. On ti 'acre. 20 minutes from P. O., on Ore. Elec. Ry.. 5c fare, fine mountain view, tennis court, young fruit trees. Box 336, P. O.. portiana NEW 4-room bungalow; hot and cold Bull Run water, bath, toilet, etc; sleeping porch, with built-in bed- grand view, traded streets and sidewalks; 5c fare; West Side. 20 minutes out; 140O; small -h navment. balance easy. 'hone own er. Main 4519 CLASSY CLOSE-IN CtmirRBAN RESIDENCE. One acre, 20 minutes from P. O., on Ore Elec. Ry- 5c fare", fine mountain view, tennis court, young fruit trees, gar den planted, tiox Jao, e. c- x-urnanu. SACRIFICE SALE. I must raise some cash and will sell my large 8-room nouso in ju iw" uisw-ici, near 58th st.. for $1300 If taken ot once. Small cash payment. a, oregoman. COSTLS furnished 5-room modern bunga low, close on isisi mou, uive lawn, Must be sold; lunuture aiune wrui iiuw, snap for $4000; terms. Sturman, 839 Mor. riBon. BUSINESS LOTS ONLY $1000. West Side; large enough for tore and flats: large payroll adjoining. Jas. C. Logan, 815 Spalding bldg. 5-ROOM modem bungalow, full basement, attic, laundry tubs, gas. electrloity, 20 minutes out. fine location, best car service- $250 down, balance like rent; snap. M kl99 or Tabor 4.124. 13000 NEW 5-room bungalow, partly fur nished. Leaving city; will accept unin cumbered property as part payment. Will discount for substantial cash payment, or If furniture not taken. B 46. Oregonlan. HOME OF REFINED ELEGANCE. Leaving; must sacrifice my exclusive 7-room $7000 Laurelhurst bungalow; beau tiful hardwood finish throughout; make offer. Tabor 2883. MUST BELL new modern 5-room bungalow; light fixtures, bunt-In effect, cement basement, wash trays; 50x100 lot; $2100; term. Owner, 1104 J3. 23d at. N. Alberta car. " LAURELHURST. Beautifully finished colonial home, 8 rooms, sacrifice for quick sale. Tabor ANY cash offer, or diamonds, for my $575 eaulty in 6-room house and furniture, leav ing city. Ma East 4th st. N. Rose-.Clty 5-KOOM modern bungalow, lot 50x200, H block Irvlngton car; price $2300, worth li'lGLET & BISHOP, 201 Hamilton bldg. MUST sell my beautiful suburban home on bank of Willamette River, six rooms; a real snap; make offer. P. H. Kneeland, 2S6 Oak st. Main 7750. $50 CASH, $10 per month, neat 3-room bun galow, lot 60x100, good chicken - house, fenced. 35 minutes out; price $'J00. HIULEY & BISHOP. 201 Hamilton bldg. VERY SELECT BUNGALOW. Two two-story residence, finished oak and mahogany, very cheap; also three lota. East 273. W. H. Hero man. TWO-ROOM house, cheap; 25xlOO lot; fruit trues. E. 74th and Mill t. See owner. Tony, 111 6th st. SOCTHPORT. brand new 6-room. house, on carllne: easy payment. 721 board of carllne: easy Trade bldg. NEW. modern homes tn Irvlngton and Ala ameda. R. B. Rice Building & Realty Co., r.. ithono East 2432; on'lce. East 26. HOUSES built and financed. TV. A. Carpenter, architect, 318 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 752. SOMEONE Is going to get a bargain In a new 6-room furnished house; who wants it? Call owner. Tabor 4S09. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, small bungalow, 4 lots, fine trees. S35O0. easy terms: take jot as part payment. ai unyiuii. FOR SALE by owner.'modern 4-room house. lot 50x100, ot Myrtle Park, near car line, $950. Terms. A 4153. $1500. $100 down, 6-room, modern cottage, near car. Tabor 4826. FOR SALE by owner Six-room modern house. Take W-W car to 491g10thst. HOUSE and lots, sidewalk paid, restricted district. Price $S50, terms. 620 Henry bldg. REAL ESTATE. For Saie -Mouses. MODERN HOMES ON EASY PAYMENTS. rooms and 2 aleeplng-porches; atriotly modern; street lmprovementa all In; irv lngton; $3500: terms. 6-room modern bungalow, convenient to school, churches and cor, restricted dis trict, good view of city and Mount Hood. Rose City Park; $3350. . 1 rooms, new; modern, all built-in con veniences, unobstructed view of city, riv ers and mountains, all street Improve ment In; west Side; $0300; terms! Lo suit. 8 rooms and bath, comer 100x100. West Side, view of Tualatin Valley, convenient to oarline; $2100. , . 3 rooms and bath, new. West Side, lot 60x100, close to car; $1650. '6-room modern bungalow, corner 101 100x100, West Side, furnace, fireplace, buf fet and cement basement, unobstructed view of Tualatin Valley and Mount Hood, three blocks to car; $3000; terms. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY, Second Floor Selling Bldg SACRIFICE SALE. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. ONLY $3050. I have a modern 6-room bungalow ana will leave electrio Vight fixtures, shades, linoleum on kitchen and bathroom floors, gas stove, hot-water heater, etc; remem ber, a new bungalow would not possesss these things; this place was built 8 months ago and will rent tor $2o a mootft; make me a small down pav-ment. 119S East Harrison at., near 38th. 3 block outh ot Hawthorne ave. Phone owner, A 7767. . ONLY $2300. DON'T GO WRONG by buying a high-priced home, which you cannot afford, especially when here is a weil-bulU 6-room modern bungalow on lot 60x120, with up-to-date conveniences, one block to Rose City Park car. good neighborhood, that can be purchased for $250 down, balance $25 monthly. Including Interest. Don't guesa take a look at a bargain. Mr. Logan, owner, 816 Spalding. Marshall 2748. A 2489. I HAVE several modern bungalows, ail new and in A-l shape. $100 to $200 cash, bal ance $10 to $20 monthly payments. Main 4993. Mr. Leonard. For Sale Business Property. INSIDE lot ou Market, near 11th. with house; choice location for home, flats or apartment. W 4S, Oregonlan. . For Bale Acreage. CHOICE ACREAGE, CLOSE IN We have for sale on both the East and West sides of the river, inside of the 6V mlle circle, very choice acreage, located close to carllne; best of soil, good drain age and on good macadamized roadas plat ted In 1 and 2 -acre tracts; prices ranee from $350 td $1500 per acre. Some of this is stump land, some cleared and In 'cultivation and some 1 In bearing fruit tree of a commercial variety. We will build to suit , purchaser. PROVIDENT TRUST CO., 2d Floor Selling Bldg. READ THIS. IT SPEAKS FOR ITSELF. 25 acres, right at station, on electric line, CLOSE to Portland: 10 acres In cul tivation; all kinds1 of fruit for home use; good six-room house with well at door; outbuildings fair; sickness compels owner to leuve for Illinois Sunday morning; beet offer before that gate It. Your chance to get a real bargain. Don't take our time unless you mean business. Nellan & Park hlii, 609 Spalding blag. 10 ACRES, $300. $10 DOWN, $5 FES MONTH. Buy 10 acres of logged-ofi land, 1 mile from the railroad station, town and the Columbia River. The soil is free from rock and gravel and none of thl land overflows, some of these tracts have running streams on them, these tract are Ideal for chicken ranches or dairy pur poses, perfect title and warrantee deed. BELL REAL ESTATE COMPANY, 212 Railway Exchange building. FOlTsALE. ON OREGON CITY CARLINE, at Meldrum Station, on the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company's line to Oregon City. Two and one-half acres of tiie finest land between Oregon City and Portland. Right at the station. Fine homes all aroqnd the vicinity. Good water and the finest solL Price right. Will cut to smaller tracts If desired and make terms to suit. By owner, G. C. Yale, or J. F. Clark, care of Clackamas Ab stract & Trust Company, over the Oregon City Bank, Oregon City, Oregon. nmrKTUtt RANCH. 7 acres, all cultivated except acre timber; this 1 one of the most desirable little places In the Tualatin Valley; lies slightly eloping, best black sandy loam soil, on corner, two county roads, crose to school and stores; 12 miles from center of Portland and In the Beaverton district; this year's crop should half pay for it. Price $1500, 5 years to pay. See Mr. Carr, 218 Board of Trade. BAYNES 1, 2, 8. 4 and 5-acre tract make desirable suburban homes, splendid invest ment, self-supporting, enabling you to save your wages; $175 to $100 per acre, easy terms; close to Portland, auto road, elec tric car, store, school, telephone, -daily mail: electric-lighted depot; some with running water especially adapted for poul try: also farm lands ready lor plow, $25 to $50 per acre. J. W. Hefferlln, 307 Rail way Exchange bldg: 40 ACRES FOR $1000. $50 DOWN AND $25 PER MONTH. Thl, land in located IS miles this side of Astoria. Or.; 1 mile from town of Knappa, railroad station and Columbia River: Is logged-off bench land. This is an Ideal location for dairy purposes, hav ing an abundance of suraounding pasture, well watered and has to be seen to be appreciated. See DelfeL 212 Railway Exchange bldg. S150O EQUITY in 0 acres at Gresham to trade for lot or house and lot In or near "Portland. This land lies level and Is all cleared and is free from rocks and gravel; three block from electric line; or will trade three acres with an equity of $750 for a vacant lot. BELL REAL ESTATE COMPANY. 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. I MUST SELL my acre, adjoining city limits, near Powell Valley road, 30 minutes out, about C minutes' walk to car, 7c fare, water piped, telephone and electric light con veniences, splendid location, fine for ber ries fruit and chickens; investigate this and' make your own terms; $050. Give phone number. F 43, Oregonlan. ELECTRIC LINE. elfiht oiocks station; chicken and fruit ranches near Portland; new subdivision near Gresham; 6 acres. $400. $500. $700; 8 acres. $500, $700; 10 acre, $700, $900, $1000 per tract: beat soil, free wood, spring water; acreage at Scappoose. Or., $25 to $100 per acre. FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO.. 309 Yeon Bldg.. Portland. 10 ACRES. under cultivation, opposite China Gardens: new barn and house; 6 miles from Madjon-st. bridge, jnilee from Kendall atation; 1 acres In grapes; will take some Portland property in ex change; price $0000. GRUSSI & BOLDS, 818 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. $4K BUY8 10 acres choice unimproved land, near school, postoffloe. mill, etc; good roads, fine water, free wood; oll will pro duce anything grown in Oregon- guaran teed as represented; part In cash. Hard-Ing-Furbeck Co.. 80 4th st. Phone Main 5405. 4Va ACRES, UNDER CULTIVATION. 6-room housa, all kinds of beritSs, good bam. henhouse, one mile from Tlgard, on county road; price $2.X00, $1000 cash, Dal. anoe trade for city property. ' GRUSSI & BOLDS, 818 Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. $16 TO $00 per acre. 5 to 20 -acre traot. good soil, road to every tract, new school. S miles to Columbia River and railway station, 1M hours from Portland, easy terms. 215 Lumber Ex. bldg, corner Id and Stark sts. 1 ACRB. On Oregon Electrio, only 8 block from station; lies level and is a beautiful build ing site. Price $600, part cash, balance terms. A genuine bargain. CALLAN & KASER. 722-24 Yeon bldg. ONLY $1300. THINK OF IT. ' For mostly 2 beautiful acres. 2 blocks to car, running water, close in. West Side; terms. This Is certainly your chance. Hurry. 215 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 79 acres, 23 acres clear, rest timber, shingle mill, implements included. No rocks or gravel. Fred Heyeprlch, Lents, Or. Brlght's Addition. FOR SALE or lease, 3 or b acres, by Mt Tabor Park, on 72d St.; all fenced; fine view, and a great variety of fruit. Sheehy Bros. . owners. 129 12th st. Li and 14 acres. 5-cent carfare: $5 down. I $5 a month; prices below other properties. H Owner, 307 Railway Exchange bldg.. 4th and stark sts. I AM going back East and want to sell my chicken ranch lte on electric carllne; good road, close In, easy terms. X 41, Orego nlan. , TWO acres, 6-room house, $4 mile 5c car: good soli, sightly. West Side; sacrifice $2200. AO 30. Oregonian. . $25 MONTHLY, including Interest, 10 acres improved, fair buildings, bearing orchard, well and spring. 4S3 64th st. S. E. $20 per month will handle 5 1-6 acres, best of soil, on county road, close to electric station; price $120. AH 83, Oregonlan. CITY acrea Hawthorne-ave. carllne exten sion. South Mt. Tabor. Owner. East 3S60, 40 ACRES near Silverton. on railway, $1000, terms. X 37, Oregonian. - ACRE tracts overlooking beautiful Tuala tin Valley. Tabor 2763. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. STOP. INVESTIGATE. Would an ounce of gold nugget at $L appeal to you a a splendid investment And Immediately you answer yes! and why? Because you know that they are worth $18 any day. Would A-l soil, with fine water, near the railroad, 25 miles from Portland, near good school and railroad station, land easiLv cleared, where other people have recently bought and are now building homes and clearing land for crops? V e Bay ould $25 to $65 per acre in small farms of 8 to 20 acres, on easy payments, appeal to you. and the answer should be yes! because you know that the price must necessarily advance rapidly for all lands as close, in all other directions, are now several time that pries' already; why not this 7 LISTEN1 We offer 12 acre at $25 per acre, only $35 down, balance on monthly pay ments, has 4 acres bottom land on main county road and trout .stream; 2 pure cold springs, balance of land Is pasture or fruit land and easily cleared. This tract ls-ldeal for hogs or chickens. Also 13 acres at $40 per acre on easy terms. Joining railroad, Vs mile to station and school, deep soil, flowing water year ro-.nd, hi bench land easily cleared, bal ance line pasture land with fine spring. We also oiler several other tracts from $50 to $05 per acre. Como in or write for literature. We can show the3ft lands any day. LTJEDDEMANN, RULEY & CO., 013 Chamber of Commerce. 60 ACRES, 83 improved. 2hi miles east of Portland. Near Mt. Hood R. R. Overlooks Columbia. Fine view of mountains. On 2 county roads. Best soli, no gravel. Ideal orchard land. A perfect platting proposition. Real estate men, get wise. Will Join you, or otherwise. Cash or time, will trade for Income Portland property. F. J. Raley, Hamilton bldg. 7 ACRES ON ELECTRIC LINE. 7i4 acres, on S. P. line, now be ing electrified, at station; 6 -room plastered house with large base ment, new henhouse 16x41), barn and other outbuildings, incubators, cider mill, spraying equipment; 21 acrea finest commercial apple orchard, also familv orchard, varieties. All this land, is under cultivation and lies adjoining the railroad track. Price. $4000; cash required $1300. DORR E. KEASEY & CO.. Second floor Chamber of Commerce. jtiOO 2 ACRES, close to carllne, best soil, hard roads. Ideal Summer home; $13 per month. AH 34. Oregonlan. Irrigated Lands. FOR high-class irrigated Idaho land, with plenty water, lava aah soil. Ideal climate, good fruit, grain and dairy country, ad dress the Gooding Land Co., Gooding, Idaho. Fruit Lands. FOR SALE An Ideal fruit ranch, suitable for ooJony or private individual, situated in the Mosier district. Contains 160 acres, 120 of which is splendid fruit land, easily cleared and every foot capaDle of cultiva tion. 40 acres in Newtown and Spltzen berg apples. 25 acres in bearing; 40 acres timbered land with creek running through, suitable for pasture. All necessary tools and farm Implements, fine team of horses and wagon. Barn and necessary buildings for farm hands. A beautiful building spot for residence. The orchard has had the beet of care and is in fine condition. Rea sons for selling, owner cannot, owing to other business interests, give personal at tention required. This will be a money maker from the start. Price J30.0OO, or would consider inside Portland business property In exchange. Address AT 48, Oregonlan. HOW TO MAKE AN ORCHARD IN British Columbia Send 25 cents for book written by J. T. Beaiby, B. A., the prise-winning B. C. fruitgrower; full information for be ginners or experienced growers. Interna tional Securities Company, Limited, 884D Somerset block. Winnipeg. Canada. WHITE SALMON PERSONALLY INSPECT ED LAaNDS for sale and exchange by Homer G. Day Co., 607 Yeon bldg., Port land. Alarsnall iw. For Sale Homestead. FOR SALE Homestead relinquishment, 40 miles from Portland on MCHood Automo bile Road, 2 miles from schoolhouae. Price $."0 if taken at once. Main 4480. 160 ACRES near American Falls, creek on claim; cheap. Phone woodiawn 1974. " For Sale Farms. SMALL FARMS. $1500 2Vi acres, Vt mile to Troutdale; all clear and fenced; view of Col umbia River. $1000 8 acres; 4 acres clear; small house and barn; near Hubbard, Or. $32CO 12 acres; 4 acrea clear; buildings, stock and implements; mile to de pot, near Dlllty. Or. $2800 24 acres, 6 miles from Cornelius, Or.: 12 acres clear; 8 cows, imple ments and other stock; mile to school. J900 3 acres on Salem line; small house; all clear; $300 down. $3002 acres on Salem Electric line; all clcur but a few oak trees; $100 down. $1100 15 acres; 6 acrea clear; 6-room house, bara and improvements; six miles from St. Helens, Or.; $330 down. $1800 10 acres on Salem Electrio; 8 acre clear; all staked off, $930 10 acre timber land on Salem line! $400 down. RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO., 204 Failing Bldg., 3d and Wash. 440 ACRES, $16 PER ACRE. 250 acres In cultivation. 80 acres Sum mer fallowed. 160 In Winter wheat and rye, 190 in pasture; 7 miles of hog-tlgnt fence, spring water in pasture, cheap house and barn and hoghouses, spring water in the house, all farm machinery and tools, 13 head of fine horses, 12 head ot cattle, 6 cowb fresh this month, 23 Head of hogs, 2 wagons, harness, good family orchard : i1.ntert in Wasco, County, near Boyd, all tho best of soil, no irrigation required; is good for any kind ot crops; is ior im ;i half Its value, $16 per acre: no trade. W. H. Lane;, 315 Ablngton bldg. CLOSE TO PORTLAND. 20-ACRE FARM. SMALL FIRST PAYMENT. Twenty acres, suitable for berries, vege tables, fruits or small dairy; half-mile to railroad, school and store, 25 miles to Portland: fine spring water; 6 acres cleared (balance light clearing: the un cleared has a fine stand of clover on It). Price (note this carefully) only $1800; $800 down, balance long time. The owner will also furnish lumber for house and barn and give plenty of time to pay for It. Arrange to see this Sunday. C. W. ravis & co- 606 Commercial block. 60 ACRES, or will sell Improved 40; 20 un der cultivation and 40 pasture; 26 mile , from Portland, good road; 4 mile from thriving college lown, eiuiu miu cars, hour and 40-mlnute service; title SI terfect; price tor quica. idle, per km i East Humboldt st. Phone C 2 ISO. 54-ACRE FARM BARGAIN. On river, 14 mllea to Salem, at Fair field: boat landing, railroad 4 miles: 30 acres cleared; best soil on earth; $6300; will take $3000 Portland home, $2000 cash, balance time; cash values. Main 3060. 948 Corbett St. FINE CHEAP LANDS IN WASHINGTON, ALONG THE "NEW LINE." For particulars, write Dnmigration Bu reau, CT, M. & St. P. Ry., 637 Henry bldg., Seattle, wasn. THREE acres in heart of nice town; two acres bearing prunes; $100 will secure possession; ideal home. Good for chick ens, berries, vegetables, etc. AJ 48, Ore gonlan TWO or three-acre orchard in center of town, conveniences, ideal for home, berries, vegetables, chickens, fruit, etc.: small navmcnt will secure possession; chance to earn money. Call today. 266 Stark st. t2rt ACRES 2 miles to Fort Rock, Lake Co., land level, picked 1003; settled valley on croDOSed Ore. Eastern Ry.; $20 acre, long terms. Owner, F. Deuster, 792 Melrose Drive. Woodiawn 22t6. STOCK, dairy and grain ranch of 865 acres, In Linn County, for $25 per acre, one ha'f cash, balance on long time; no ex change; must be sold. Address Geo. W. Wright, attorney, Albany, Oregon. CALtTfor list Benton (BLUB RIBBON) Co. lands and city property In live college town. MIDDLEKAUFF A YOUNG. BEN TON CO. BANK, CORYALLI3, OREGON. FOR SALE 3acres, planted to loganber ries, irrigated; will benr in two years, near town; terms. Sacrifice, write me. AJ. 40, Oregonlan. DAIRY FOR SALE. I will give very easy terms on from 20 to 50 acres irrigated, with buildings, good market. D 49, Oregonlan. 120 ACRES good land, Lincoln Co.,; 50 M Spokane, 1 M. R. R.; exchange Port land or Vancouver proporty. Baldwin t Pfile, 312 Lindelle. Spokane. house and barn; finest fruit land, beauti ful view. Owner, oox zja, aiosicr. cr. EXCEPTIONAL sacrifice, Willamette 80. $2100; buildings, orchard, stream. Owner, 1030 Grand, North. 17 REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Fax ma. FARM LANDS IN CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA. ALONG THE GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC HIGHWAY. The railroad will soon be completed, giv ing settlers main line transportation; an army of men are rushing the work that it may be completed in 1914. The land along this new railway is unsurpassed for fruit, mixed farming, gardening, dairy and slock farms; no Irrigation. Summer rains, pea vine and wild grasses to horse's back, rich soil: good ollraate, fine drinking water, beautiful rivers and lakes, wild fruit, nJh and rami In abundance; thousands will go Into the country when the railway 1 com pleted. . .. , We cell the best valley land In all slse tracts at a low price and on unusually easy terms; can give guaranteed title to every acre we sell; over 100 stereopllcon views of Central British Columbia free. Everybody welcome. Call week day; will show views evenings by appointment. For maps. Government reports, field notes and full information call or write W. A. Stock ton, district salesman for the NORTH COAST LAND CO., LTD., Paid-up capital. $1,500,000. 824 chamber of Commerce Bldg., Portland, Or. . FOR SALE by owner, small farm; bargain; 10 acres, 1H miles east of Oregon City's courthouse, y. mile from limits; 5-room house, partly "furnished; good barn, chick-en-houses, etc.; well and spring; one acre bearing orchard; Clackamas Southern Railway runs through it; 7 acres cleared and fenced, balance in timber and under brush; price $2500; $1450 down, balance. $lu5o, 2V) years or before at 7 per cent, no trades or agents. AM 40, Oregonlan. RANCH, 60 acres, with buildings; 18 miles from Portland, near electric line; bargain for all cash. By owner, 1S2 Morrison u FOR wheat, alfalfa and stock ranches, writ M. Fitxmaurice, Condon, Or. TO EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE. 160 acres of Eastern Oregon wheat land, 4 miles from a splendid town in one of the best wheat-raising districts of Eastern Oregon. Will trade for horses, cattle or sheep; mortgages or town property; or will trade for Alberta laud. Price $25 an aero. Also 160 acres in Wasco County, par tially In cultivation; well located; will trade for Alberta land. Price $23 an acre. W. G. IDE. 21S Lumbermena blJg. DAIRY RANCH 116 acres, down river, close to town, river and railroads; 40 acres cultivated, 50 acres open pasture, balance light timber; no rock; 105 acres very easily tilled; family orchard, set buildings, 18 head good dairy stock, besides 4 head horses, 13 hogs, 15 stand bees, full outlit implements, and Implements will be In cluded; $3200 mortgage at 6 per cent runs 8 years; I want $1300 cash and some other Portland property for my equity. See BECK at 272 Stark St. 40 A. AT $6300. A great big snap; located on the Base Line road, near school and stores and where the market price of such land Is from $20O to $300 per acre; 23 acrea un der cultivation, 8 acres open slump pas ture; land lies good and is the best of soil; set buildings, good family orchard; no rock or gravel; owner wants smaller place or house to $4O0O, balance in 4 years. See BECK at 272 Stark Bt. $15,000 TO $20. fX) CLEAR RANCH. WANTED. Will give A-l city property and om mortgages. SEE HARBOI.T, 714 Lewis Bldg. Marshall 4200. A 7158. TO EXCHANGE Modern 8-room house with garage on a corner lot 80x100. cluse In on East Side. Price $8000. Will take from $2u00 to $3000 In horses, cattle, sheep or Alberta land. Also have some splendid acreage in Willamette Valley to trado for Alberta land,, mortgage or con tracts. AK 8S. Oregonian. NEW, modern 9-room house, located In one of the best close-in residential districts ot Portland; hardwood floors, two fireplaces: all appointments first class; garagu; Una lot 60x129 feet; will consider exchango for acreage or farm free ot incumbrance, but no inflated values. J. W. Crossley. oil Cornell tnuii. $3a00 130X160-FT. LOT. no Incumbrance, Falrvlow, on electrio R. R.; 6-roora bun galow, electric lights, full cement base ment, laundry trays, furnace, hot and cold water, buffet, Dutch kitchen, toilet and bath, everything new, less than year old; for property in suburbs of Portland. INCOME PROPERTY TO TRADE. 10 PER CENT ON IN V iSSl JlliiiN l. Will consider apartment-house site or farm as part payment on good paying East Side apartment-house. For particu lar call LUEDEMANN, RULEY A CO., 918 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE or trade, furnished 6-room cot tage, Gearhart, $1250. 4 lots, Gearhart. $250 each. 4-room bungalow (rented) and S lots, Woodstock, $1700. Lot or cash first pay ment, balance easy. SENECA C. BEACH A CO., Main 444. 92 First St. A 1044. TO EXC11ANCE Flower store, 4 green houses and about 4 acres, doing largj and profitable business; estnbll hed Ml years, for improved city or suburban Portland property, valued, at $10,000. A 054. Orfgonian. WE have a large listing of first-class prop erties to exchange, both city and country. If ou wish to do business on a cash basis, our propositions will interest you. F. E. TAYLOR CO., 404-5 Lewis Building. $10,000 TO $15,000 RANCH WANTED Will give A-l city property. Phono Marshal! 4200. WANT about 40 acres, partly Improved, near school, for dairy purposes, with or without stock: give- house and largo lot. clear, some cash, if suited. Pedersen, 0U0 Union ave. Nortli CONFECTIONERY and cigar store to trad for good vacant property. IOWA REALTY CO.. 629 Chamber of Commerce. $"500 GROCERY store to exchange, 1.V0 In real estate, $10U0 cash; best proposition In city for man and wife W 51, Ore gonian. WILL exchange my $2500 equity In lot 2ox 100 good 11-room house. 10 minutes' walk from Postoffice, for aoreage or farm. AB 41, Oregonlan. 240-ACRE Kosue River orchard; 70 acres pears and apples; trado for acreage near Portland on Oregon Electric or So. Paciflc . electric lines. 721 lid, of Trade. WH VI" have you to trade for 10 acres at St Louis station? Also 200 acres of wheat land near Pomeroy, Wash. N 40, Ore gonian. WHEAT land wanted for Portland property and acreage, from $20,000 to $60,000. Ad dress AM 32, Oregonlan. SMALL HOUSE and to -foot lot In Portland to trade for Seattle property. A. N. Thompon.407Glob bldg.. Seattle. $1500 EQUITY In modern, new 6-room house on 76th t., lor unincumbered lot. Al 40. Oresoiilan. 14000 EQUITY rented residence for Wil- lamett? farm; owner, only. 1030 Grand ave. North. 80 ACRES, unimproved, $2000. My equity. i.i for citv property. Marshall 2482. FOR TRADES OF ALL KINDS SEE WILL trade real estate for automobile. W. L. Fry. Silverton. Or. 6-ROOM house to exchange for acreage or lots, fnone main ldl" TWIN Reading Standard, will consider trade, real estate, etc. AF 50. Oregonlan. FARMS WANTED. DAIRY FARM WANTED Want a dairy farm of 100 to 200 hun dred acres within 12 mile of Portland, on a good road; must be In a high state of cultivation, and worth the money. T 44. Oregonian. WANTED -Farm, some timber on preferred, priced right; will give choice 6-acre tract. SluuO, in Douglas Co.: will pay balance cash. AO 48, Oregonlan. WANTED 5 to 10 acres on Oregon Elec tric; must be a bargain. J. A. Dary, 212 Railway Exchange. ; WELL Improved Polk or Yamhill County farm, 100 acres or more; this Fall s pos session; principals only. Y 48, Oregonian. FOR KAI.E TIMBER LANDS. CHEAP 160 acres heavy fir timber, in western part of Lane County, good Invest ment. Address A. Colo. 321 S. 1st f.vPort. land. Or. EY owner, 12.000,000 feet of green timber. Clatsop County, Oregon. Inquire or write E C Johnson, 13th and Kaufman, Van- couver, vvaan. BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRACKEN, 34 McKay bldg. A , , k 15 CTVI D 1 CP Ideal location for tie mill, stream run ning to R. R. spur. No. 75 Cth st. FOR RENT FARMS. 30 ACRES, cultivated, good house, barn, fruit, near Portland, reasonable. Marshall 4410 WHNTPn ft FA I. ESTATE. LARGE boiiy of land, "logged off" or burnt over, that will do for truck garden or dairy, etc.- J"-44 Oregonlan.