.... ,,.7, rORTLAXD, OKEGO FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1913. PRICE FIVE CENTS. VOL,. LIU 0. 16,oC7. 1 i i I - I ... ' j DEMOCRATS CLINCH VICTORY ON TARIFF Bill Passes House by 281 to 139. TWO REPUBLICANS ASSENT Five Democrats Registered on Opposing Side. MEMBERS HASTENING HOME Jjowrr Body Will Mark Time TTntll June 1 Republicans See little Hope of Defeating Meas ure In Senate. WASHINGTON. May 8. Ttie TTnder wood tariff bill, proclaimed by the Democratic party as the answer to its platform pledge to reduce the tariff downward, was passed by the House late today. The vote was 281 to 139, five Demo crats voting against the bill and two Republicans for It Four Progressives supported the measure and 11 opposed It while one Independent, Progressive joined with the majority. When Speaker Clark announced a vote In loud tones that revealed his satisfaction, exuberant Democrats here started a stuffed Democratic donkey over the heads of their colleagues In the rear of the chamber, a faint ripple of applause followed and the gavel fell on the first chapter In the history of President Wilson's extraordinary . ses sion of Congress. Hoih Members Hastea Home. With the bill on Its way to the Sen ate, there was a rush of Representa tives to their homes tonight. Adjourn ment will be taken in the House three days at a time, beginning next week, until June 1. Republicans and Progressives. led re spectively by Representatives Mann and Murdock. protested to the last against the measure, the lowest tariff bill ever written, and proclaiming, as the Demo- atic avalanche bowled them over. th virtues of differing tariff commission plana The Republicans who Toted for the bill were Cary and Stafford, of Wiscon sin. . Democrats who opposed it were Brouasard. Dupre. Lazare and Morgan, of Louisiana, and C B. Smith, of New York. Progressives who voted for the bill were Kelly and Rupley, of Penn sylvania; Nolan, of California, and Bryan, of Washington. Kent, of Cali fornia, formerly a Republican but now an Independent Progressive, also voted for the bill. Progressive Leader Mur dock and 13 of his Progressive follow ers voted with the minority in the final consideration of the measure. IHm'a Appeal Fall. Minority Leader Mann made a lengthy . rpeech on a point of order by Mr. Un derwood to rule out a provision for a tariff board on the motion of Represen tative Payne, of New York, to recom mit the bill. Speaker Clark sustained the point of order. Mr. Mann appealed from the decision of the chair, and a roll call was taken on Mr. Underwood's motion to table the appeal, the Demo crats winning 274 to 143. Progressive Leader Murdock also moved to recommit, with Instructions to provide for a non-partisan tariff commission, but he failed to get a roll call, and then the Payne ' motion to recommit, minus the tariff board pro vision, was lost. The tariff fight shifts tomorrow from the House, with its overwhelming Democratic majority, to the Senate, where the party's slim majority of six already has been reduced, as far as this bill Is concerned, to four. Unless Senators familiar with the progress of each legislation are mistaken, there Is now little prospect of a final vote on the bill before August 1. Keaate Voyaao ts Be Stormy. The bill's passage through the Senate will be fought at. every step by Repub lican a Leaders of the Democrats on the Senate finance committee, which will handle the bill, expressed the belief tonight that It would go through In practically the same form as It passed the House, and that their small major ity would stand firm to the last. Demo cratic leaders acknowledge that the two Senators from Louisiana will not accept the sugar schedule, and that they might be willing to combine with ethers to defeat the whole bill. Although there have been reports about the Senate that the Democrats intend to allow one more Senator to vote against sugar and another to vote against wool, leaders of the finance committee today refused to confirm it. Republicans who are Interested in beat ing the bill and who have canvassed those Democrats who looked at all doubtful, agreed tonight that they had little hope of success, and that, with the exception of the two Senators from Louisiana, they cannot count on a single vote. Smoot Wlil Seek to Aniril. Senator Smoot will offer amendments to every schedule .in the bilL These will be debated at length and a record vote probably will be required on each. The bill may be laid before the Senate tomorrow and will be referred" to the finance committee. Chairman Simmons had hoped to be able to report It from the committee In two weeks from tomorrow, but he now thinks It cannot be reported under three weeks, even if hearings are not held. Opinion In the finance com mittee Is that at least five weeks will be ppont by the Senate in consideration of tha bill after It is reported- INQUIRY INTO VICE IN SEATTLE IS DUE FOLICE CHIEF A XT) REEFER OF RESORT CALXED SUDDENLY. Grand Jury, of Which live Members Are Women, Expected to Make Sweeping Investigation at Once. SEATTLE. Wash., May 8. Tna county grand jury, after considering today whether there was a skull in each lot of bones paid for in the cre mation of paupers from the county farm crematory, turned to the liver subject of the Seattle police and vice. Police Captain Charles Sullivan and Mrs. Grace Bailey, keeper of a resort at Third avenue and Columbia street, were summoned. It Is reported that a sweeping inquiry Into the Seattle po lice force is contemplated. Mrs. Bailey's establishment has been raided only twice in the last two years. She Is said to have compla'lned against being arrested and publicly fined be cause, as she Is said to have expressed it, "she bad an understanding," and considered herself exempt from police Interference. After Mrs. Bailey left the grand Jury room Captain Sullivan took in seven books containing letters and other police department records. These wera left with the jurors for examina tion. Prosecuting Attorney John F. Mur phy today was authorised oy the Coun ty Commissioners to upend 3500 gath ering evidence to present to the grand Jury and as the evidence concerning the complaints against the County Com missioners has already been arranged It Is believed today's appropriation is to be used in the investigation of po lice conditions. The presence of five women on the grand Jury is believed to be responsi ble for its early manifestations of in terest In the suppression of vice. BUILDING FUND INCREASES Nearly $20,000 Secured for Xew Presbyterian Church. More than 16000 was collected yes terday by the committee In charge of the campaign to raise a 325.000 build ing fund for the now Westminster Presbyterian Church, at Seventeenth and Schuyler streets. This makes the aggregate collected since the campaign begun the first of the week approximately 319,600. A most of the heaviest subscrip tions already have been accounted for, the committee feels that It will have a lot of hard work to do In collecting the remainder from smaller sub scribers. The 40 men who are direct ing the campaign will work today and tomorrow. Heretofore they have worked In the evenings only. The women of the congregation will continue their dinners each evening until the fund Is complete. A big cake is given each evening to the team that procures the most contributions during the day. Thus far a different team has won the prize each evening. SERUM REPORT OUT TODAY Government Investigator to Tell of Vaccine Treatment. WASHINGTON. May 8. The first an nouncement of the result of the publlo health service's Investigation of Dr. Frlederlch Frledmann's tuberculosis vaccine will be made tomorrow morn ing before the National Association for the Study and 1-r eventlon of Tubercu losis, which Is holding its ninth annual meeting here. Dr. John F. Anderson has been desig nated by the Treasury Department to make a statement relative to the tests and operation of the German physi cian's treatment in response to the re quest from the Anti-Tuberculosis As sociation. It will be re A by Dr. An derson and will. It is understood, out line the present status of the "remedy" so far as the public health service is concerned. WIND BLOWS AWAY CROP Half of 200 Acres of Barley and Wlteat Tor Out by Root. GOLDE.VDALE. Wash.. May 8. (Spe cial.) Heavy west winds have blown away one-half of a 200-acre field of barley and wheat on the ranch of C V. Anderson, four miles northeast of Blckleton. in. the Eastern Klickitat. The loss of a crop In this manner has never been known before In the ninlrlatnn rniintn'. according? to County Commissioner Frank W. San ders, who has resided there for 25 years. Mr. Anderson hauled manure and straw In the path of the blow, with nn effect. Tha irannd has blown away as deep as It is plowed and has made a clean sweep acrcss the enure neia, taking the growing grain crop out by the roots. FILM CENSOR IS PROVIDED California Bill Requiring State's O. R. Passed by Senate. SACRAMENTO. May S. A state mov ing-plcture censor commission with full power to pass upon all motion pictures exhibited in California Is provided for In a bill which passed the upper House today by a vote of 24 to 2. By the terms of the act the Governor Is required to appoint a commission composed of three members, who shall draw a salary of 12400 each a year and who shall Inspect and stamp every film shown In the ft ate. It provides for levying a tax of one-tenth of 1 cent a lineal foot on each original film, and one-twentieth of a cent a foot on Ju- plloa tea- - 1 1 1 '- 1 . I I JAPAN TO PRESENT ITS PROTEST TODAY Special Meeting of Cabinet Called. HOPE SEEN IN REFERENDUM New Treaty Possible Before Law Goes Into Effect. OBJECTIONS ARE OUTLINED Contention May Bo Made That Pres ent Agreement Is Violated In Spirit Bryan May Suggest . Waiting on Courts. WASHINGTON. May. 8. The Japa nese government, through Ambassador Chinda, will acquaint Secretary Bryan early tomorrow of the nature of Its ob jections to the anti-alien land bill awaiting Governor Johnson's signature in California, and by noon it Is expect ed that the position of the United States Government will have been de fined to the Ambassador. This understanding followed confer ences which Secretary Bryan had late today with President Wilson and with Ambassador Chinda. Secretary Bryan had to hurry away to Baltimore to at tend a dinner there and he talked with Ambassador Chinda only a few minutes, arranging to meet him at 9:30 o'clock tomorrow. Immediately after which, by special arrangement, the President and his Cabinet will meet to discuss the Japanese protest. Afterward, Mr. Bryan will confer again with Ambas sador Chinda explaining the attitude of the Administration. Referendum Slay Delay Issue. Secretary Bryan discussed the Call foVnia situation at length with John Bassett Moore, counsellor of the De partment It is believed here that the refer endum movement being urged by Theo dore Bell, of San Francisco, may have the effect of postponing the entire question for a psriod long enough for the United States and Japan to arrive at an understanding or perhaps nego tiate a new treaty covering . disputed points. While Secretary Bryan declined to discuss the referendum, and White House officials were equally reticent, it Is known that friends of the Ad ministration have told the President there would be no difficulty In getting sufficient signers in California to compel a referendum at the polls on the antt-allen bill. Jfohnsoa to Be Advised. In the meantime It Is expected that the President or Secretary Bryan will sdvlse Governor Johnson of the atti tude of the Federal Government. The (Concluded on page S- i i V"E ) yBE FOURTH CtASS V, I " PAYlErtt, I WiU flOlA ARISE - I CHILOP-E,rA AHOPAS$A I INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 42 degrees; minimum. 53 degree. TODAY'S Showers; westerly winds. foreign. Windsor castle to be closed during London season Is fear of militant outrages. Page S. National. Tariff bill passed by' tbe House. Page 1. Japan to present today Its formal protest against anti-alien law. Fags 1. Domestic Witness declares Illinois Lieutenant-Governor was on guard against "fraraeup." Page 5. Warrants nut for aviators accused of Intent to aid Mexican rebels. Page 6. White woman tells of being beaten by Jack Johnson. Page 3. Roosevelt tells peace conference he would arbitrate with Britain. Page 2. Mrs. Meniam oollapses under strain of di vorce suit scandal. Page 3. Colonel Harvey tells of J. P. Morgan's desire to be of service to his country. Page 1. Church unity meeting held with plans formed tor world's conference. Page 1. Sports. Joe Mandot declared to be no mean antag onist for Bud Anderson. Page 8. Oregon expects to win from Washington In today's meet. Page -9. Pacific Coast League results: Sacramento 4, Portland 1: Venice 7, Oakland 0 (seven Innings, rain); San Francisco 6, Los An geles Page 8. Northwestern League results: Victoria 4, Ta comk S; other games postponed, rain. Page S. Nine teams entered In Paciflo Coast confer ence meet tomorrow. Page 9. Paciflo Korth ent. Oregon Aggies to meet Washington College in debate Saturday. Page 7. Colony of Russians buys large Linn County tract of land. Page 7. North Bend High School wins debating championship of state. Page 7. Vice Inquiry hinted at Seattle. Page 1. SoctaltBt at Marsbfleld agrees to obey street-speaking ordtnance. Page 4. Death of Insured son laid to mother. .Page 16. Striking wireless operators fall to delay de parture of Latoucbe. Page 5. Spokane woman arrested on charge of poi soning Insured son. Page 7. Commercial and Marine. Farmers' pool of bluestem wheat sells at high price. Page 21. Government report Indicates record Winter wheat crop. Page 21. Wheat lower at Chicago on liberal selling. Page 31. Stock prices not affected by day's develop ments. Page 21. F. N. Pendleton Is named to Port of Portland Commission. Page 20. Portland and Vicinity. Filings for city offices reach 45, with 76 petitions In circulation, r-age it Ministers to scrutinize candidates tor city office. Page 12. Multnomah Club Is dance host. Page 13. Conference for conservation of human life opens at Reed College today. Page 16. La France tells how he obtained corpse and entangles alleged medical students. Page 14. Rose Festival deficit shrinking slowly, page 16. Gateways hearing opens In Portland today. Page 14. Minister heads committee of 100. Page 1. HORSE GIVES THEFT CLEW Animal, Left Behind in Encounter With Police, Followed Home. SPOKANK. Wash., May 8. After a horse had led detectives to a house oc cupied by two men, already under bond because of larceny charges, warrants were issued today charging the two men with attempts to rob. The horse had been left behind in a lumber yard last night when Detective Benway shot at the men and in return waa shot through the left leg. The horse, attached to the wagon, was turned loose and. followed by the two detectives, when to a house In the suburbs that the police alleged was oc cupied by the men named In the war rants. JTJST LIKE A SCHOOLTEACHER. HARVEY PICTURES MORGAN AS PATRIOT Financier Devoted to Land of Nativity. LAST INTERVIEW RECALLED Message Sent to Wilson Offer- ing Help When Needed. DESIRE WAS TO DO GOOD Comment on Effect or Testimony Be. fore Pujo Committee Revelation of Aspiration . to Merit Fellow-Men's Approval. NEW YORK, May 8. When you see Mr. Wilson tell him for me that H ever there should come a time when he thinks any influence or resources that I have can be used for the country, they are wholly at his disposal." These, the last words of J. P. Morgan spoken to Colonel George Harvey the day before Mr. Morgan sailed for Eu rope, never to return alive, were r.intori tnnisrht In an address by Col onel Harvey before a gathering of bankers and other representative men at a dinner of the Trust Companies of America, Mr. Morgan was a Republi can anil in the words of Colonel Har vey, not only "regarded the political views advanced Dy Mr. wnoon m honest apprehension but never con sidered the Democratic party fully capable of governing this nation. Morgan's Patriotism Defended. His message to the new president Colonel Harvey cited as measuring the depths of the man's patriotism. . col onel Harvey said: "The election has taken place, the ln- oi-itohia had hannened. ' and using sn.oVoi. Cannon's shrase. Mr. Wilson had become Mr. Morgan's president as much as mine perhaps, in fact, a little more. Anyhow, there was no con straint on our conversation when I saw him for tha last time In his library on the day before he 'went away. He was optimistio regarding the country ana i naturally spoke hopefully of the pros n or the comlner administration. "Suddenly turning those piercing eyes on me, Mr. Morgan saia: Tin vou remember that American speech you made In LondonT I re-,Kor-.ri vrtv well. It was not a speech only a few remarks at the close of a private dinner in repiy to ... onoiir-izad svcoDhant who had mis takenly thought to curry favor with Mr. .Morgan by speaking contemptu nnoiir of Mr. Bryan, who, on the pre ceding day, as It happened. I had in troduced to him at a reception. Poet's Words Recalled. " "And do you recall," asked Mr, (Concluded on page 2.) -s-A CHURCH UNITY IS PLAN. OF LEADERS ALTj PROTESTANT BODIES PLAN WORXD CONFERENCE. At Private Meeting Attended by Every Denomination, First Steps Are Worked Out. XEW YORK, May ' 8. At the first conference today in the Interest of the union of Christian churches, represen tatives from practically all the Protes tant communions were in attendance. Bishop David H. Greer, of the Protes tant Episcopal Church, presided. Steps for hastening the coming world con ference on church unity were dis cussed- It is purposed to hold this world conference in some American or Eu ropean city in the next year. It will be attended by leaders of every de nomination and a programme of unity adopted. On leaving the conference, which was private. Bishop Greer said lie was hopeful for the success of the movement. In a formal statement Issued by the conferees, the announcement Is made that the Archbishops of Canterbury and York have appointed a representa tive body of delegates from the Eng lish church. It is also announced that the meeting was chiefly devoted to Uscussion of the best methods of ap proaching the churches not repre sented. EX-MATE SUED FOR BREACH Man Charged With Breaking Prom ise to Re-Wed Divorced Wife. Charges that her divorced husband, Luke F. Knowlton, city passenger agent of the North Bank road, induced her to give him a half Interest in a house cost ing 12800, which she caused to be built under an arrangement that they were to be remarried, and that he then mar ried another woman, are made by Lil lian M. Knowlton In a suit to recover $25,000 for breach of promise Instituted In Circuit Court yesterday. She asserts that her former husband refuses to give up his half interest and that, in defiance of their agreement, he married Myrtle Davis in March, of this year. Lillian M. Knowlton and Luke M. Knowlton were -divorced three or four years ago after several years of married life. She originally was Lillian M. Stevenson, daughter of D. O. Steven son. Mrs. Knowlton gives March 1. 1811, as the date of their contract to remarry. BIG CELEBRATION IS PLAN Man In Sack of Stones to Be Dropped From Woodland Bridge. Residents of Woodland, Wash., on the main line of the Northern Pacific, the Great Northern and the O.-W. R. & N. Company, 35 miles out of Portland, are preparing to celebrate the comple tion of a new wagon road bridge across the Lewis River near that place, and have Invited representative citizens of the surrounding territory, including Portland, to Join In the festivities. Professor Arthur Cavil, swimming Instructor at the Multnomah Club and champion swimmer of the world, will be thrown from the bridge In a sack weighted down with stones. He prom ises to release himself while under water. Three or four of the swimmers at the Multnomah Club will accompany him and give exhibitions. HOT CAMPAIGN PROMISED Albce Sajs He Will Put Ginger Into His Race fr Mayoralty. The campaign of H. R. Albee for Mayor under the commission charter was opened last night with a meeting at the Henry building, which also served to dedicate the new headquar ters, from which Mr. Albee's friends propose to launch such a well-organized campaign that every voter in the city will be reached and will learn of the qualifications of their candidate. Mr. Albee outlined his plan of campaign. "In the past I have never put enough ginger into a campaign to suit my friends," he declared, "but I have my dander up and will follow any pace that may be set for me. I am In this fight to win. and I am willing to work 22 hours a day to do It." POWERS STILL UNDECIDED International Fleet May Hold Scu tari Pending Final Settlement. LONDON, May 8. The Ambassador ial conference sat for two hours today, but reached no Important decision. It Is not expected that the conference will reassemble before May 20. In the meantime proposals defining the limits and status of the New Al bania will be submitted to the Euro pean governments. The peace congress will assemble in London and presum ably detachments from the interna tional fleet will take possession of Scutari pending final settlement. HOME LEFT STENOGRAPHER Berkeley Man Remembers Employe With Sixth of Estate.' BERKELEY, Cal., May 8. To his stenographer. Miss E . Lillian Foss. the late Edwin R. Norton, who was com missioner of publlo supplies' here, be queathed in his will, fixed In the Pro bate Court today, the Norton residence, which has been appraised at $10,000, Miss Foss had been In Norton's em ploy four years. The remainder of the estate, all of which approximates $60,000, is left to relatives and friends. Norton waa a widower, MINISTER HEADS COMMITTEE OF 100 Candidates' Records Are to Be Known. LAWYER NAMED SECRETARY Rev. A. A. Morrison and A. NL Churchill Elected. NO INDORSEMENTS MADE Correct Information for Benefit of Voters to Be Compiled and Pub lished Sub-Committee to Solicit Suitable Candidates. ' Investigation of the records and capabilities of the various candidates for offices under the commission char ter will be compiled and published under the direction of the "committee of 100 citizens, which met In the green room of the Commercial Club last night and formed a permanent organization, with Rev. A. A. Morrison, rector of Trinity Episcopal Church, as chairman, and A. M. Churchill, a lawyer, as secre tary. A committee of 10 also was author ized to solicit suitable candidates for the offices of Mayor and Commission ers and, while no implication of in dorsement was given to these new can didates, some present favored goln that far, should the occasion warrant It. Following the meeting, late last night. Dr. Morrison selected members for the various committees, among the most Important of which is the com mittee to seek further satisfactory candidates to enter the field for the offices of Mayor and Commissioners. The committee has no power to pledge in any way the support or indorsement of the committee of 100, but merely to promise that the records of such candi dates and their respective qualifications shall be fully set forth, to the public. Women on Committee. The membors of this committee are: G. F. Johnson, Phil S. Bates, William A. Marshall. J. N. Teal. R. W. Ray mond, R. L. Glisan, Mrs. Frederick Es gert, Mrs. Henry Waldo Coe, C. D. Ma haffle and Ben Selling. This commit tee will meet at 10 o'clock this morn ing at 212 Selling building. A finance committee was named, as folows: F. W. Chausse, Jonston Porter. Elliott It. Corbett, C. C. Colt, Mrs. S. Hlrsch, Max Fleischner, Carl Caulfield, Edward Hol man, Edward Newbegln. For the membership committee there were named Eugene Brookings. W. H. Fitzgerald, T. H. Burchard, Mrs. A. C. Newlll, Father O'Hara. A. H. Harris was named as a commit tee of one on publicity. The chairmen of these committees will act with W. B. Aycr, John F. O'Shea, Everett Logan and Dr. L. K. Dyott as the executive committee. The general sentiment prevailing was that the committee of 100 citizens should make no indorsements, although some favored such action. Some were of the opinion that the public would appreciate such an indorsement, while others felt that such indorsement would not be appreciated by the general public No One la Indorsed. At any rate, the meeting last night took no action toward indorsing any one for any office. It was agreed that the most Important work now at hand was the compilation of the records of the various candidates for office and their publication, so that the average voter might select whom he or she pleases, having the correct information from which to make the choice. Upon motion of F. W. Chausse. the chair was -authorized to appoint all committees, including the committee of ten, on new candidates, membership. Investigation, publicity and finance. All of the committees will work sub ject to the general direction of the committee of 100 and will form an executive committee to carry forward the work between meetings of the gen eral committee. The' committee on Investigation was empowered to obtain the records of the various candidates and to expend sum of money, if necessary, but it was ex pressly stipulated by the general com mittee that no professional detectives were to be employed. Reliable Facts Only Wanted. It was made clear that only such In formation as may be had from regular channels, such a3 commercial agencies, for illustration, shall be obtained, and It was also made clear that it is the special aim of the committee to provide the public with Information which shall be absolutely accurate and reliable,. so that when it is published and laid be fore the voters It cannot be refuted in any manner. That the committee of 100 wished to acquaint all of the voters with the ac tual facts about each, candidate was impressed clearly upon those present, and It was expressly stated that the committee desired to make especially prominent the good records of all the candidates whom they think deserved support at the hands of the electorate, as well as the bad records of those not deserving support. There was difference of opinion among those in attendance as to he far the committee of 100 should go in the direction of centering public atten upon certain candidates thought to be deserving of support, but the general Concluded on page 16.) . . s