Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 08, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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.. . . .....i..ii.MHiTmHHIi.MNitktiniiniSTMIItMmilifrn,ttlMIRl1l:il'tn
Ereak Between Administration
and O'Gorman Saved by
Naming of Independent.
Candidacy Once Dropped wn lte"
quest Place Pay S1S.OOO aii
(arrlr Appointment or
Army of Employes.
. .. . i ...i rxtmocrat ana
M.tcni- ""T1" . t Aldermen of
V Tork cttr. wu nominated today
r PrTsTdeni Wilson to b collector of
the Fort of New Tork to eucceed Wll-
" ThelecHon brought what the p.
Ho.. termed a "happy 1t'on,
. contest in which New York state
Teaders of every win. of th. .party had
taken a lively part for the last two
".a'ndidatea for the post, which paya
,i:."o and carrie. with It the Pi
ment of an army of f mDlo" Vere
country's biggest stm-i,"'t. ffll
numerous from the .tart. Re"t y the
President practically .
point Frank K. Polk, a friend or SeC
r?taYy MOdoo. of the Treasury Depart
ment, but Senator OGorman '"tpo-ed
ejection, declaring a more active Dem
ocrat ahould Kt the place.
For a time political circles ex pected
a break between the Administration and
the New Tork Senator. W.thin the last
two dava. however, friends of Mr.
MttcheU whose candidacy nad been
cropped at his own wish a. month mgo
r-r.ewed their effort. In nJf
when toe President went to the Capitol
tVi" to talk wlh Senator OGorman.
'e New Tork Senator himself 8J
ed Mr. Mltchel as the best n..n for
position. The President waa J"1""
to find that Mr. McAdoo, who originally
Tad favored Mr. Mltchel. and Senator
0- Qorm.n and himself were
ment and he promptly aent the nam.
to the Senate.
(Continued From Flrrt Pace)
rapidly aa possible with prospect of a
roll call about midnight.
With an overwhelming Democratic
majority on hand to send the bill on Its
way to the Senate, the session tonight
was marked by an exuberant spirit of
triumph on the Democratic aide of the
renter aisle. Every member who could
possibly attend waa in hia place to hear
the conclusion of the debate on the bill
and to cast his vote. Although aeveral
Democrat had announced their inten
tion of voting against the bill. Majority
1- eader Tnderwood and Mb lieutenants
nad plenty of votes to insure lta pas
sage and the defeat of the Republican
and Progressive efforta to amend.
As the end of the two weeks of poli
tical spellbinding and weary efforta to
mend the bill that marked lta progress
through the House drew to a close,
th? expectation of a vote drew great
thrones to the galleries of the House
rhamber. Early in the evening all
seats were filled and the crowd had
taken possession of the gallery aisles.
After the gallery doora were cloaed
the crowda continued to come and soon
scores were lined up In the corridor
trvlng in vain for a glimpse of the
floor. The gowns and millinery of fash
ionable women lent color to the
crowded galleries.
Leader Mrlntalm VlgiL
D wn in the well of the House. Rep
resentative Underwood, flanked by hia
aides. Democratic membera of the waya
and means committee, led the final
movement of the two-weeks battle to
pass his bill, dominating the actions
of the Democratic aide and warily
watching the parliamentary evolutlona
of the opposition. A few feet away
was the leader of the Republicans, Rep
resentative Mann, of Illinois, with
Representatives Payne, of New Tork,
and Fordney, of Michigan, the Repub
- lican tariff experts, who for two weeks
had maintained an unceaaing Are of
caustic criticisms and amendments
kept up their forlorn fight to
change the provisions of the bill.
One of the last skirmishes on the
details of the measure came on the
administrative clause allowing a 5
per cent discount on the duty on all
goods brought into the United States
, In American ships. Republicans at
tacked this provision vigorously, de
claring that It waa 'political bun
combe" and that if it had any meaning
it meant an advantage to foreign ves
sel and "foreign shipping combines."
After an hour of vigorous debate an
attempt to strike out th. provision
was defeated by a rolling chorus of
Democratic "noes."
Kaai Sounds Warning.
Amid a chorus of cheers and thun
derous applause from floor and gal
leries, the leaders on both sides closed
the debate on the bill. Representative
Mann told the Democrats that they
must accept a tariff Commission now,
"or we will Jam It down your throat
in the next Congress."
"Tour bill has now been before the
country for two months." he said, "and
already it has been universally con
demned. Business Is more or less
stagnated in the fear that your rates
will Injure industry. I hope that fear
u-m ritftannesLr. But vou are trvlnfir to
continue prosperity by threatening
prosperity and if you succeed you will
have accomplished the Impossible. We
turn over to you a prosperous country
there Is work for all to do. Take It and
Fee whether you can do as well aa we
" have, for the country will Judge you.
not by what you aay here, but by the
As the Reublans applauded. Repre
sentative Payne, of New Tork, arose,
"I have heard mighty little criticism
of the present law." he Bald. Thera
has been some denunciation, not much,
from gentlemen who appear on this
floor for the first time and most of
them for the last time. All of them
fv thev don't like some of the pro
visions of this bill."
Speaker Clark Acclaimed.
Shaking a finger at the Democratic
side of the chamber, Mr. Payne ad
vanced acrosa the well of the House
and shouted: "It those of you who are
voting for this bill and holding your
noses because you don't like the odor
. cf it were to vote according to your
convictions there would not be enough
votes to Insure Its final passage."
Me pvne aat down and the chalr-
man 'recoanlxed Sneaker Clark. There
was a roar of applause from the Demo
cratic side aa the Speaker strode down
. - dIbU riamnrrftts and Re
publicans alike rose out "bf respect to
. . alAAll Until thft ID
' " " -----
"In the language of the old hymn."
aid the Speaker, 'this is the way I long
Ha cot no further. Applause that
wept the floor and galleries- left him
silent in the midst of pandemonium.
After some time the noise subsided
and he continued:
"A few of as have been fighting for
20 years to accomplish what we are
going to do in a few minutes. We
have faced a majority of 12 on the
other side of the aisle. You now face
a majority of Jl."
HoDne "Maanera" Improving.
The Speaker congratulated Repre
sentative Underwood and the Demo
crats of the waya and means-committee
for their work in the preparation
of the bill and" congratulated both sides
of the House for the "courtesy. Kind
ness and good feeling" that marked
this consideration.
"It seems your manners aa well ss
your politics are Improving In this
House." he said. "No tariff bill was
ever ao thoroughly considered in th
House. Two weeks in the Democratic
caucus, and they can say what they
please about that caucus, brought about
unanimity of the House, we Drougm
in no nil to limit debate or amend
ment. Tou can't kick or squeal that
i I
John Parroy Mitchell. Whose Ap
pointment to Succeed I.oeb
SolTen Dlfflenlt Xew York Pa
tronage Sirnatlonv
yon did not have an opportunity to of-
.hnnM h In
if r your luran a i j m vv
the bill. The unanimity in the House
was not brought about by the lash of
trie tasaroaaier. iou nopuoiin - j
that the last time we passed thei tariff
bill we split up. This time we will pass
the tariff bill and atlck together.
frr l I ..ill I 4K nntieAnailt nf .the
1 I11B Will .lit? 11J 11. -...I-
opinions of 218 men In the House. 49 in
the Senate ana one man in me unc
II TC arn. Kill nil Which WO
can go to the country and the country
. . ... TITa
win rtse up ana can us dic.oocu.
a - i J T t t nur 1 1 7T1 1 11 "I
Wftni , lliri s,wnw- i
products and that's what this bill Is
going to give ua.
Tariff Boeird Again Rejected.
ti . .1 & u,nn roiTltroHllCed his
iVlJ71TT311.l- ' VJ . -
tariff board amendment as a rider to
'.mninr" f laTIKH which WOUld 88-
sess a penalty not to exceed 15 per cent
ad valorem on imports boiu u mio
. ... inw nririt than abroad.
CVUUUJ " V n v.. ' -
He proposed that the Secretary of the
Treasury in arriving 11 a ir ui.'
value for such things be assisted by
.i nnnllitcd bv the
President. This amendment was voted
down after a debate of 30 minutes, aii
amendment by Representative Fordney
to Include articles on the free list in
the "dumping clause aiso mei aeiem.
The real parliamentary battle took
plaoe after the completion of .the read
ing of the bill for amendment, when
. . 1 Para. nr-KAnt-d for th B
Republicans a lengthy motion which
would have cameo, tne dim ok to
w.J T1TT1 m iften with ln-
w8 i mi-"
structlona to alter various provisions.
It contained the Republican bill for I
tariff commission, me nciiuunwi
.(....- .tM wool achedule with a
duty baaed on H cents a pound on raw
wool, ana oraer. iu vi "i'- - --
i j , .nAm.4tTC n the renort of
ICnUU w,w.e -
the tariff board, orders to change all
rates in the Das is or ine omv
- -' KmiiiiKtiA- a. hnrna and
ine cw wi - - :
abroad, and to aubstitute Bpectflc du
ties for ad valorem rates whenever pos
Republicans, In Debating Sundry
Civil Bill, Demand Separate
WASHINGTON, May 7. By a vote of
41 to 82, the Senate refused tonight
to accept an amendment to the sundry
civil service bill by Senator Gallinger
striking out a clause exempting labor
and farmers' organizations from prose
cution under the anti-trust law with
funds appropriated by the bill. Three
Republican Senators, Jones, La Follette
and Norrls. voted with the Democrats
against the Gallinger amendment and
two Democrats, Pomerene and Thomas,
Joined the Republicans in supporting
it. The bill itself, carrying about 1117.
000.000. finally waa passed by a viva
voce vote with only one minor cotntnit-
. . r t. will k. ..lit to con -
lev vim, i' " -
fersnce probably on Friday and should
be ready for President wuson a consia
eratton next week. Friends of the
President believe that, he will sign it.
In the debate today Senator Cum
mina made an effort to have Congress
take up the question of exempting la-
i farmers' f r ST a Ti 1 1A t i O II from
the Sherman act directly and not by
legislation m an approprumun "
movea i". ..... j
civil bill be suspended until May 17:
that the Senate Interstate Commerce
CVlllllll.LCC w - I -
advisability or sucn exempiions. anu
that If founa aavisaoio 11 snouiu au
company lta report with a bill for that
r mntlnn nf Senator 3hlajtin the
Cummins proposal was laid on the ta-
ki, BAVArtt I minor a rnnfl m nnin nro
posed were beaten without requiring
. m ce. eini nt.
l.WIU w.vav . . -
was taken the Senate spent three days
in debate on tne laoor clause ana
scores of Senators spoke on the sub-
1 . CnuAhiu nn Ih. R.nnhllp.n M 111 d
JCl. .1( nil ' " ii-i-"--
indicating an apparent willingness to
see tue esnerman law amunaea auu
made more specific, may lessen the
jiiii.iUU. r.0 DM.Ma.f nrllnnn In nut
ting through his reported plan for
changes in mis law.
Poindexter's Son Among Those Ad
mitted to Annapolis. ,
ington. May 7. The following North
western boys have passed examination
and will be admitted to Annapolis
Naval Academy: '
Oregon K. L- Jacobsen and I. French.
Washington C. B. V. Headlee, W. P.
Richards and E. A. Polndexter. Idaho
a S. Ward.
Toang Polndexter is the son of the
Washington Senator.
Iff? 4- ' " i
rV r u
! " i
t i A -fit
Foreigners in Charge of Ma
chine Bought in Los An
geles" Are Captured.
High Explosives Said to Have Been
Procured to Drop on Heads of
Government Troops, Only
' Itecently Reinforced.
TUCSON. Arlx.. May 7. A much-
sought war aeroplane alleged to have
been purchased In Los Angeles for ubo
by the state troops In the Sonora re
bellion, was captured tonight by Dep
..... I'nit.H star.. Marshal Johnson and
Is now at Pike's ranch, J7 miles south
of Tucson. Two men wno were in
charge of the machine, both foreigners,
were taken into custody on a charge
of attempting to violate the neutrality
When the Federal officer came on
the aviatora the machine, which was
dismantled and occupied five crates,
was on a wagon drawn by four horses.
It was headed toward the border.
One of the men gave nis name as
Smith and said he was a citizen oi
i.rnnce. The other, who gave his name
as Morgan, said that he was an Austral-
Ian by 'birth, but a Biltisn suojecu
Ambassadors Appealed To.
Thev said the machine was their
property and they were taking it out
to try some' experiments. They tele
graphed appeals to their respective Am
bassadors at vtasmngion.
still another flying machine la re
ported smuggled over the border, ar-ri,.ino-
feiv at Orlts. the base of the
state troops operating against the Cali
fornia gulf port.
It Is reported that the intention was
to fly over the border. American avia
tor and mechanics having been ready
on the ground, when the machine ar
rived. How the Becona macmne was
smuggled over Is not known. It was
ni.nn.ii in emnlov the aeroplanes In
besieging Guaymas, where strong Fed
eral reinforcements were received wi
week, it la stated.
It ia said that high explosive shells
have been secured which the birdmen
could drop orer the heads of the gov
ernment troops.
Fighting between Guaymas ana unu
was not resumea toaay. sccumuia -v.
current reports. A strict censorship is
being enforced by the state auinoriwc.
State Troop Take Heart.
In the expectation of the assistance
of these aeroplanes, state troops are
mohiliainsr tonight before uuaymaa in
greater numbers than ever. A train ar
rived from the cananea aisirict
400 men. artillery ana mucn neeuou
rifle ammunition. The men or tne
troop lines below Oritx are being de
ployed into advancing formation.
The effect of the war flying machines
is expected to offset the value of the
Mexican gunboat Guerrero, which lies
in Guavmas harbor ready to assist the
federal' garrison. Passengers arriving
tnnirht renorted that the federal
advance was only a few miles north of
Empalme. Major Fleming oi tne unneu
States border patrol tonight sent out
a detachment of cavalry along the line
to the west on a report that an effort
was being made to smuggle over the
missing aeroplane by wagon.
The aeroplane expedition is reported
to have been arranged by a promoter
with the assistance of a Los Angeles
bird mar of well-known daring. The
guaranteed pay for the aerial expedi
tion is said to be $45,000.
Initiation of Shipments to Rebels
Held to -Violate Law.
WASHINGTON. May 7. Many ar
rests for violations of neutrality laws
of the United States by shipments of
munitions of war to revolutionists in
Mexico are expected by the Department
of Justice as a result of the Supreme
Court's decision on Monday that the
mere starting of arms and ammunition
to forbidden territory was a violation
of law.
Copies of the court's decision reached
the department today, and prepara
tions were made to instruct Govern
ment agents on the border to enforce
rigidly the President's proclamation
prohibiting exportationss to the Mexi
can rebels.
In two cases the United States Court
for the Western District of Texas bad
decided that it was necessary for the
Government to prove that exportation
had been completed and the war ma
terials landed In Mexico before viola
tion of law could be established. Chief
Justice White's opinion reversed this
finding and held the actual beginning
of a shipment intercepted in this coun
try was all that was necessary.
Craft "Was to Have Been. Used for
Expositions, Says Aviator.
LOS ANGELES. May 7. Glen H. Mar
tin, the aviator and aeroplane manu-
. .. eaiii tnnirht t h u t t h a aero
plane captured near Tucson tonight was
sold by him last ween, w uimer ..uooauu,
the French aviator.
According to Martin the machine was
shipped by express Monday to Tucson.
Masson. he said, had told him that he
was going to make exhibition flights
i - A-i.An. nnif h. was to hava been
accompanied by Thomas Dean, a me
chanic. Masson was said to have purchased
a camera outfit before his departure.
Henry B. Anderson President ot Na
tional Organization.
NEW TORK. May 7. The directors
of the Automobile Association of Amer
ica elected today the following officers:
President, Henry B. Anderson; first
vice-president, Edward Shearon: sec
ond vice-president, Henry R. Taylor:
third vice-president, Alexander J.
Hemphill; treasurer, Dudley Olcott;
secretary. W. A. Edwarda.
Edward Shearon waa elected cnair
man of the executive committee and W.
K. Vanderbilt, Jr., chairman of the
contest commtitee.
(Continued From First Page.)
October IS last did not go far enough
In that It failed to apply a merit system
to the entire service it was aimed to
cover. It has the effect of placing
within the classified .service a large
number of postmasters who have not
been required to demonstrate their fit
ness for such appointments. Funda
mentally a reform movement has for
its purpose the righting of an existing ;
wrong. i
"Therefore. If the application of the !
merit .vstem to the nostal service was I
needed in order to correct an existing j
evil, then the scope of the order effect- I
ing the change should have been Droaa
enough to have correctea as xar as pos
sible the condition then existing as a
result of the former system as well as
to accomplish the desired results in the
"Horde" Left la Office.
"Political considerations in the past
very largely have controlled the selec
tion of fourth-class , postmasters and
under this order Democrats must be
held responsible for the wise and safe
administration of the offices.
"Under the circumstances the Taft
order violated at least the fundamental
purpose of the civil service law, be
cause it placed permanently in office
without examination or other test as
to merit or efficiency a great horde of
persons. If left in this condition and
permitted to operate without proper ex
amination Into its workings, the order
would make honest civil service a
farce and prove a setback to Its proper
admlnifitra.tlnn and future nrocress. M V
effort is to correct the evil and save j
the merit of the order and duly safe
guard civil service and efficiency."
Charge of Inducing Witness to Leave
Jurisdiction of Court Fails
in Kansas.
FORT SCOTT. Kan., May 7. Federal
cases against Eugene V. Debs, former
Socialist candidate for President, and
J. L Sheppard and Fred Warren, pub
lishers of a Socialist newspaper at
Girard, Kan., charging attempt to ob
struct Justice, were dismissed in the
Federal Court here today on instruc
tions from the Attorney-General. - This
ends several months of litigation which
resulted from a Government charge of
misuse of the mails brought against
those connected with the Girard paper.
Debs, Sheppard and Warren were in
dicted last November by the Federal
Grand Jury here. The offense charsred
was "obstruction of justice by inducing
witnesses to leave the country." It was
alleged to have been committed in con
nection with the case of J. A. Wayland,
owner of the Girard paper, City Editor
Phifer and Fred Warren, and charged
in a Federal indictment in May, 1313,
with misuse of the mails in posting ob
scene matter concerning the Federal
prison at Leavenworth,
The Government's case against Debs,
Warren and Sheppard was based largely
on testimony of J. P. McDonough of
Kansas City, formerly a prisoner at
Leavenworth Penitentiary, who said the
defendants paid him $200 to go to Cali
fornia and to not testify in the case
charging misuse of the mails.
J. A. Wayland committed suicide last
Fall. Warren and Phifer, his co-defendants
in the misuse of the malls
case, filed a demurrer which was sus
tained by Judge Pollock In the Federal
Court here 10 days ago.
(Continued From FInt Page.)
15 men was named to select a commit
tee of 10 representative citizens, who
should be taken from all walks ot life
and from all classes and interests, in
the hope that such a committee could
evolve a plan adequate to meet the
Selection Task Vital.
"This committee of 15 met this
(Wednesday) ' afternoon, and has left
no stone unturned to namsa committee
which should represent every element
of Portland's cltisenship. The ranks of
labor and of leaders In philanthropic
and church work were canvassed, as
well as all the varied business and
other enterprises of the city, to seek
men whose views would carry weight,
and. whose disinterestedness could be
questioned by no one.
"You have been selected as a mem
ber of this committee. We know that
you recognize the gravity of the situa
tion, and we trust you will feel it your
pleasure and your duty as a citizen to
meet with this 100 men and women to
morrow (Thursday) night, at 8 o'clock,
on the seventh floor of the Commer
cial Club, and help find a way out.
"You will find the names of your
fellow committeemen in The Orego
nian of Thursday morning.
"A. A. Morrison, chairman; Arthur M.
Churchill, secretary."
Much interest was manifested in the
streets yesterday in the movement for
a committee of one hundred. Much
curiosity was shown In the probable
personnel of the committee. The com
mittee of 15, which met at noon yester
day, canvassed the situation carefully,
realizing the delicate nature of the
task which confronted it. The mem
bers decided that their duties would
be fulfilled simply by naming a com
mittee of 100, representative of every
phase of the civic life of the com
munity and making no recommenda
tions as to its course of procedure.
plan of organization or its scope of
Municipal Association Names Com
mittee to Arrange for Meeting.
That the candidates for office under
the new charter do not measure up to
the standard men aspiring to such posi
tions should, was the consensus of
opinion of representatives of several
civic and religious organizations at a
meeting in the auditorium of the Jour
nal Building last night. The meeting
waa called by the Portland Municipal
Association, the object being to try to
get the various organizations to center
on certain candidates and co-operate
witn tne uitizens i.uhuiiiiiod aw.
The chairman of the Municipal Asso
ciation, D. A. Pattullo, was authorized
n with th oommittea of 100
and report at another meeting to bo
held next v eanesaay nisiiu a com-
i . . HM.iein. nl (L F. T.Annn. TT T
JllillCO tUHOWUH. " . -
Coffin, Miller Murdock, K. A. Wilklne
and J. Alen Harrison, was appointed
to arrange xor lueemns. a
hall will be engaged and several hun
dred persons are expected to be present.
Mr. Pattullo said there was a general
feeling that the candldatea for the im
portant officea were not the men
wanted. C E. Lenon said it would be
.. t a. T.vant tn t rv to arrp. on
candidates. He suggested that the
clubs defer action unm an c&naiaaies
have filed and then unite on the best
men for the varioua officea. Miller
Murdock waa of the same opinion.
Ralph R. Dunlway, who has an
nounced that he will file suit to test
k. woiiiiittf Af th new charter, said
that the question probably would be
settled before tne election, tie caiiea
the charter "a misnomer and a mon
strosity." T believe," he said, "that the election
will be held under the old charter and
the old election laws. We will vote for
.v.- mAn nominated at the recent nri-
mary, unless I am badly mistaken. If
we hold an election on tne meory ui
the new charter is legal, the men
elected will take office in July. The
first thing they do that displeases any
person will result In the courts being
called upon to determine their right to
office. The case could go clear to the
United States Court. The reason I be-
I iiiiiiiii I
s B'lUi 'i in i ii'v"Sr jra l i
p mm j "mm
a :i 'it 'M, (.it. til: i .'i i i ii vrt--4Uii
EPS WA. WW ili.7 1 I IV h v'l to
I I 111
m aw
1 jy fashion
lIlUlllllllilmllllMIWllU'll"''""''!!' IHIIIHIIIIIIIHmilllUllinnunw.lui'"iimi"uimini'"" -
exclusive Sjmrnnnclfc
i r l si s7 a ru m kl aa
n.,,,- ih. charter is illeeal is that it
does not define the duties of the
B. J. Patterson said the records or
the candidates should be obtained and
Policeman's Son Is Burglar.
LOS ANGELES, Cal., May 7. Frank
Lang, the 19-year-old son of Police
Lieutenant Lang, who for 28 years has
been connected with the police de
partment of New Tork City, was placed
on probation for three years today,
after he had pleaded guilty in the Los
Angeles Superior Court to a charge of
McReynolds Withholds letters.
WASHINGTON. May 7. Attorney
General McReynolds declined today to
send to the Senate correspondence be
tween the State Department and the
Department of Justice in regard to the
settlement of the Brazilian coffee val
orization scheme, because "incompat
ible with the public Interests." He did,
however, send other papers on the sub
ject. AVealthy Indian Is Jailed.
WELLINGTON. Kan., May 7. Wil
liam Lone Wolf, a graduate of Carlisle,
is in jail heie churged with having
shot and mortally wounded George
Cowen. a neighbor. They previously
had ouarreled over a baseball game.
Lone Wolf Is wealthy. He denies the
Baronet Marries St. Louis Girl.
ST. LOUIS. May 7. Sir Wilfrid Peek,
of London, baronet, today married Miss
Edwine Thornburgn, ot &t- l.ouis. in
the First Presbyterian Church. One
thousand guests attended the wedding.
Haye Better Rest at
Night, Do Better Vork
by Day Drink
AlfnJ L. loomU. M. D U I D
the famous Professor of Potholofr.
njH "Mineral Waters ahoulii be
tmly irnak. at all time. Espealal
W thews carbonated Labia Watera
mjuji.k. emaiii..
Poslam dally proves a cause of won
der to thousands because of the rapidity
of Its action in the cure of any skin
Its healing powers are felt at once.
Itching stops. Burning, angry skin Is
soothed and comforted.
The progress of the cure may be noted
daily; soon the skin Is clear and fair
where disfigurements formerly existed.
All ezcemas, acne, salt rheum, tetter,
barbers itch and similar diseases de
mand precisely the curative properties
which Poslam exerts. Extraordinary is
the work it has accomplished.
POSLAM SOAP Boothes tender skin;
beautifies complexions; purifies the
scalp. Best and safest for baby's bath.
All druggists sell Poslam (price 50
cents) and Poslam Soap (price. 25
cents). For free samples, write to the
Emergency Laboratories, 32 West 25th
street. New York City '
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&CJa Spirite
What to Wear This Spring:
Put it on with your new Spring gowns
and keep it on as seasons change.
' You can do it any woman can.
Here is a simple secretj: Today visit
the corset department of your favorite
store and be fitted to that special CB a
la Spirite model which is skilfully de
signed to mould your very figure into
supple, graceful lines of real, youth.
Don't think about it do it!
CB materials always the finest CB
styles always correct CB prices $1 to
$10 at all leading dealers.
Xohe Standard Euerywhere
cfor the Iffoman
CT Merchandise ofc
OUR Mortgage Loan
Department is in a
position to extend
prompt and satisfactory
attention to the require
ments of either borrower
or lender, and negotiate
the transaction to the com
plete satisfaction of all
Safe Deposit
Boxes $3.50
Per Year
The safe, accident and element
proof repositary for valuable
papers and jewelry.
284 Oak Street
Santa Fe
on sale dairy commencing
May 2S, Good for return
tratil October 31, 1913.
When you go Santa Fe through.
California, you avoid the
excerelva heat and have
stopover privilege for visit
to Grand Canyon, Also you
may visit San Francisco and
Los Angeles,
Let me arrange details of your
trip, and send you our picture folders,
H. E. Vernon, Gen, Agt Santa Fe Ry.
260 Alder St., Portland,
Phone MAIN 1274.
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5i -t i: ', -iiuiii:ilin;uli)iBn
&prfUfP CO.
Henry Building