Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 08, 1913, Image 1

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VOL.. L.III U. iu,uw. ; , . .
T i " .
Representative Body
to Organize.
Commercial Club Rendezvous
of Citizens.
In View of Adoption of Commission
Charter, Men and Women of
Various Walks cf Life Are
Called Into Conference.
Committee of. One Hundred.
A. H. Averlll
Truman L. A da ma
w. B. Aver
Phil S. Bates
D. John H. Boyd
Kdward Bralthwalte
Kugene Brooklnga
T. H. Burchard
N. U. Carpenter
James Caaalda
F. W. Chausse
Dr. K. A. J. mckmwi
-. D. Mehaffle
Mrl. Jhon Manning
WIIHim A. Marshall
Andy Maton
A. U Mills
H. WMltche!l
Dr. A. A. MorrUon
H. H. Newhail
Mrs. A. C. Newtll
Kd Newbegln
Carl Cauirield
F. A. Mtchy
Mrs. Henry Waldo Coe Father O'Hara
. C. Colt
Rev. Richard Olson
v. Cooper
(ieorge M. Cornwall
Elliott R. Corhatt
t;orge Dllwortb
F. S. Doernbecner
Frank Dooly
Drake C. O'Reilly
John F. O'Shea
X. P. Palmer
L. T. Peery
R. R. Perkins
Johnston Porter
Rev. L. R. Dyott
R. W. Kajrmona
Airs. Frederick Eggert Rev. Wm. F. Reagor
Kdward Ehrman
Frank C. Blags
Ftar. w. G. Eliot
A. Feliienhelmer
W. H. Fitzgerald
Ma F'.elschntr
Dr. William T. Foster
"Mrs. J. Anurew Foul-
Mrt,. H. Ge
W. B. Clafka
R. t GlUan
J. S. Hamilton
P.. A. Harris
qf. W. B. Hlnson
Mrs. S. Hlrsch
Rilward C. Holman
V.-ter Hume
F. W. Tsherwood
M'ss Mary France
, Isom
K. J. Jaerer
G. F. Johnson
A. A. Kadderlr
Kamuel C. Kerr
W. M. Kllllngsworth
Arthur W. Lawrence
Per. J. A- Lees
I. L. Levin ss
K. V. T.lttlefleld
F.varett Lagan
.;eorge F. Robertson
A. Rosensteln
Mrs. Chas. E. Runyon
Fred H. Rothchlld
Charles S. Ruesell
Frank Pchlegel
Ben Felllng
Mm Rose Celling
Roger B. Slnnott
Dr. Andrew C. Smith
McCants Stewart
fcd J. Stack
Mrs. H. R. Talbott
J. N. Teal
E. I- Thompson
Father Thompson
Mrs. Mlllls R. Trum
bull TV. O. VanPchnyver
W. D. Wheelwright
Mrs. Ralph W. Wilbur
T. B..WlIcox
Dr. J. R. WLaon
Rabbi Wise
Charles F. Wright
Miss Emma Wold
F. 8. Wood.
Rav. Benjamin Toung
1 list of 100 men and women, rep
re. tenting every phase of commercial,
professional, business, religious, philan
thropic and Industrial life of Portland,
to serve as a committee of 100. was
announced last night.
This committee will hold Its first
meeting: In the Commercial Club to
night It has been called together to
discuss the affairs of the City of Port
land and the welfare of the cltlrens.
In view of the adoption of the com
mission charter In last Saturdays elec
tion. The committee of 100 was se
lected by a committee of 15, chosen
at a meeting of 50 representative men
at the Commercial Club Tuesday.
No plan of action has been outlined
for the committee of 100 to follow. It
u ill select its own chairman, and what
its course of procedure will be will de
pend upon the members of the com
mittee themselves.
Procedure Not Outlined.
Whether the committee will proceed
to investigate the qualifications of can
didates, whether recommendations to
the voters as to candidates for Mayor.
Auditor and Commissioners win be
made, whether further efforts will be
made to bring new candidates Into the
field, will be determined by the com
mittee. In fact it will be necessary for the
committee itself to perfect Its own or
ganisation, to outline how broad or how
narrow Its scope shall be, and to deter
mine how It shall proceed if Its mem
bers decide that It In any way can as
sist the voters of Portland in select
ing from the great number of candi
dates men and women capable of suc
cessfully Installing and conducting the
commission form of government in the
City of Portland.
Barring Interference from the courts,
the election at which the Mayor and
four Commissioners, as well as an Au
ditor, will be chosen to take over the
city" affairs under" the commission
rlan. will be held June I. It will there
fore be seen that he time for action Is
short. Hence the call, which was sent
out last night, for a meeting to be
held In the Commercial Club at 8
o'clock tonight.
Request To Appear Made.
A. M. Churchill, who acted as secre
tary of the meeting of a committee of
la citisens. In the Commercial Club at
noon, requests that all whose names
are published herewith be present to
night, whether they receive their offi
cial letter or not. as it was late when
the letters were posted and some may
fail to reach their destination.
The letter which was sent out to the
100 citizens named was as follows:
"Yesterday (Tuesday) noon about CO
representative men of Portland gath
ered at the Commercial Club to dis
cuss the present dangerous crisis In the
city's affairs. Ways and means must
be found at once for concentrating the
vote of good citizenship in Portland
upon worthy men as candidates for
Mayor and Commissioners. Thousands
of voters are looking anxiously for
some sort of guidance, soma knowledge
which shall help them to choose wisely
out of the present chaos, and they must
receive this from men whose motives
can never be questioned. Hours are
precious. Some one must do something,
and do it quickly.
"After deliberation a committee of
(Concluded on Face 2.)
; i
Herr Heineken Sees Great Influx to
raclflc Coast When Panama
Canal Is Opened.
BERLIN, May 7. The exemption or
American vessels from the payment oi
tolls for passing through the Panama
Canal Is unjust and places German
shipping at a disadvantage, according
to Philip Heineken. managing director
of the North German Lloyd, who writes
In the Tageblatt today.
He expresses confidence, however,
that German shipping Interests are suf
ficiently powerful and enterprising to
maintain competition even under these
Herr Heineken hopes, under President
Wilson's regime, the measure of dis
crimination will be revoked. He fore
sees a big immigrant traffic to the Pa
cific Coast of both the United States
and Canada, and In a more limited way
also to the states of South America,
thus bringing to an end the inundation
of the Northeastern, states.
Portland Bride AValta at Court Steps
Until Witness Is Found.
VANCOUVER. Wash, May 7. (Spe
cial.) J. P. Sickler and Mrs. E. A.
Sanders, of Portland, came here today
with the happy thought of being mar
ried, but when they appeared at the
office of the County Auditor, they had
no witness. Mr. Sickler did hot know
of any one la Vancouver he. knew, but
took a trip around the city and found
that he was acquainted with B. S.
Woodruff, having known him in Walla
Walla years ago. With Mr. Woodruff,
he reappeared at the Auditor's office
and the license was secured. The bride-to-be
waited on the steps of the Court
house while the witness was found.
Other marriage licenses were issued
today to: J. I Taylor and Flora Ballon.
A. W. Harvey and Mary M. Sester,
Jamea Holman and Sadie Ryan, all of
Portland; Mike P. Ochs. of Sherwood,
and Miss Georgia Jurgens. of Tualatan,
Equal Suffrage for Statutory Offices
Granted In Senate.
Illinois Senate passed today the Magill
woman suffraare bilL which gives
women the right to vote on all stat
utory offices. -Tmil member of the "white
slave" commission, spoke in favor ot
the bill, saying that, while he had op
posed votes for women In the past, the
revelations made to tne commission naa him that men were not giv
ing women the protection they needed.
When the Senate adjournment was
taken women descended on the law
makers who had supported their
mramire and overwhelmed them with
expressions of gratitude.
The nassaa-e of the bill by the ben-
ate will be reported to the House to
morrow. It Is doubtful whether the
measure reaches a rollcall in the House
at the present session.
Johnson Brands Alleged Anti-Wilson
Remark as False.
SACRAMENTO, ' May 7. Governor
Johnson requested ot the public press
tonight the privilege of making an un
equivocal denial of a dispatch published
In an Eastern newspaper and widely
commented on, in effect that at a con
ference of progressive State Senators,
relative to the proposed anti-alien land
law, he had made the remark: "To hell
with Wilson. Let's put him in a hole."
There Is not a word of truth In it."
the Governor said tonight.
"At no time, or under any circum
stances during the antl-allen discussion
was there anything but the most pleas
ant relations between the representa
tives of the state government, and there
was not even so much as a harsh word
spoken on either side."
Sheriff Ksch Searches ex-Convict and
Finds Two Saws.
SAIJCM. Or.. May 7. (Special.) Ex
tra precautions taken by Sheriff Esch
tonight by searching Frank ' Redfleld.
who has several aliases, prevented a
Jail break here, for there was found
upon his person two saws manufac
tured from clock springs, which he
undoubtedly had concealed in the seams
of his clothes when arrested.
Redfleld is .being held for burglary
and Is a bad man. having served two
terms In the penitentiary of this state
and one in the Colorado penitentiary.
With the two saws an escape would
have been easy and It Is believed Red
field had planned to make the jail
break tonight.
Meat Price Occupies International
Institute of Agriculture.
ROME, May 7. The general assem
bly of the International Institute of Ag.
riculture, occupied Its time today with
the consideration of tho increase In the
price of meats. It was decided to col
lect statistics of cattle throughout tho
world for the purpose of studying the
causes of the increase in cost and de
vising a means to combat It.
A table will be rrepared showing the
eonsumption of meats in different
countries. . ,
Parliamentary Action
Postpones Vote.
Noteworthy Assemblage There
to Witness Final Scenes.
Republican Leader's Demand for
Reading of Enrolled Bill Puts
Off Climax for Which Stag
Has Been Prepared.
WASHINGTON. May 7. After all of
the fireworks preparatory to the pas
sage of the Underwood bill In the
House had been set off. a Republican
parliamentary maneuver blocked pro
gress by the Deraocratlo majority and
the House waa forced to adjourn until
tomorrow with the bill still pending.
When the valedletorv speeches on the
bill had been delivered and crowded
floor and galleries were prepared for
the final action. Republican Leader
Mann replied to Majority Leader Un
derwood's opposition to a roll call on
the Republican amendment proposing
a tariff commission by declaring he
would demand the reading of the "en
rolled bills." It was Impossible for the
enrolling clerk to complete the enroll
ment of th bill before tomorrow af
ternoon and amid the dissatisfied mut-
terlncR o f th members who had waited
ins: in the expectation
of a final vote. Representative Under
wood moved that the House adjourn
until 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon
when the vote on the bill will be taken.
Income Tax Feature Amended.
In the closing hours of the session
vav and means committee amend.
mjt the income tax section of the bill
so as to exempt from Its provisions
the citizens or Porto kico ana tne
Party leaders primed for the final
nniit,-sl thrust of the tariff debate
hurled their defiance across the cham
ber on belated amendments, with al
ternating currents of applause reverb
erating through the chamber, the
packed galleries frequently joining in
the demonstration.
While the House was in the commit
tee of the whole,- Representative Gor
don of Tennessee, chairman of the
committee, turned the gavel over to
Speaker Clark. Majority" Leader Un
derwood then placed the bill before the
House and moved Its passage. Debate
on this motion was beistg hastened as
(Concluded oa Pa 2.)
r :
j : -j-
t '
expedience rfjy
The Weethe.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 6!
degreesi-mlnlmum, SO degrees.
TODAY'S Unsettled weather with probable
showers: winds mostly westerly.
Pacific Coast to see big Immigrant traffic
when canal opens, says German steam
ship man. Page 1.
New treaty suggested as solution of Japan
ese problem. Page 6.
Appointment of John Purroy Mitchell to
Web's place saves break with O'Gorman.
Page 2.
Wilson orders that r.0,000 fourth-clasa post
masters must undergo competitive test.
Page 1.
Parliamentary point prevents final vote on
tariff bill la House. Page 1.
. liomestic.
Jaek Johnson heara scathing attack as trial
opens. Page 3.
8tork stops hearing of telephone case at
Seattle. Page 4.
Doctors say lifa has been sustained In spa-
arata tissues long after- boty Js dead.
Page 1.
Los Angeles vice Inquiry approachinr close.
Page 8,
War aeroplanes destined to Mexican rebels
smuggled across border. Page 2.
Mellen accused of "wildcat rrethodi" In
connection with New Haven road.
Page 5.
Progressive Republicans to hold conference.
Page 6.
Monkey trained as burglar robs fashionable
residences of Jewels. Page 1.
Strike of California power employes menaces
Industries in 30 counties. Page 4.
Mcrriam divorce scandal hushed suddenly.
Page 6.
Coast League results San Francisco 9, Los
Angeles 2: Portland 5, Sacramento 3;
Oakland 11, Venice S. Page 0.
Northwestern League results Portland 2.
Seattle 5; Victoria 2, Tacoma 1; Van
couver 5, Spokane 0. Page 8.
Oregon loses. ." to 1, to University of Wash
ington. Page 8.
Naps and Red Sox have fight in clubhouse.
Is report. Page 0.
Pacific Northwest.
Plan out to make Spokan,e "model license"
city. Page 7. .
Students of Etate University nominate
leaders. Page 7.
Commercial and Marine.
Wool buyers operating in Eastern Oregon
and Washington. Page 19.
Wheat strengthened at Chicago by export
sales. Page 10.
Outburst of buying sends stock prices soar
ing In Wall street. Page JO.
Merger of Hamburg-American and Wels
ford lines promises .more Pacific trade.
Page 18.
Portland and Vicinity.
Rose Festival Association says fund Is 20.
000 short. Page 13.
Reed College conference on conservation of
human life opens tomorrow. Page IS.
Jewish Philanthropic Society tells of
year's work. Page 11.
H. R. Albee, candidate for Mayor, Issues
platform. Page 12.
Weather report, data and forecast. Page 14.
Fight on charter to be made In courts next
week. Page 12.
Seventy-five additional- candidates expected
to enter Commisslonership race. Page 18.
"Committee of 100" to meet tonight at the
Commercial Club. Page 1.
McArthur's Check: Shows "38 Seer
tlons of Lord's Tjbws Gone.
SALEM, Or.. May 7. (Special.)
Six hundred and thirty-eight sections
of Lord's Oregon Laws were repealed
by the recent Legislature, according to
check made by Speaker MCArtnur.
While a number of them were repealed
hv acts nassed taking their place, the
most of them represent dead matter
in the code.
This breaks all records in the re-
neailnar of dead laws. Speaker Mc-
Arthur prepared many of these bills
and had them Introduced by members.
The repealing of these sections Is re
garded as one of the most important
features of the session.
50,000 OFFICES
Wilson Revokes Order
Made by Taft.
Only Those Receiving Less
Than $180 a Year Exempt.
Burleson Says It Is Intended That
Second and Third Class Shall Bo
Placed in Civil Service
Within Coming Year.
WASHINGTON, May 7. All fourth
class postmastershlps except those pay
Intr less than 1180 a year were thrown
open to competition by an executive
order issued today by President Wilson.
These positions are retained In the clas
slfied section, but about 50,000 Incum
bents who were "covered In" into the
classified service by executive orders
of previous Administrations, will have
to meet all-comers In competitive ex
aminations In order to hold their posi
tions with civil service protection.
Further Extension Intended.
In a statement making this order
public, Postmaster-General Burleson
announced, that it was the purpose of
President Wilson and himself to ex
tend the classified service to include
Presidential postmasters of the second
and third classes, probably within a
year. This may require legislation by
Congress, he said.
His plan, which will be laid before
the President soon, will provide for a
qualification test for incumbents and
applications, "In keeping with the Im
portance of the office."
Taft's Order Changed.
Under President Taft's order of Oc
tober 15, 1912, fourth-class postmasters
were divided into, two classes, "class
A,'' those drawing more than 500, ana
"class B." those drawing less than 500.
Competitive examinations were pre
scribed for future applications for
class A appointments, while the class B
positions were to be filled on returns
on postoffice inspectors. Today s order
leaves only the offices paying S1S0 or
less to be filled on Inspectors' reports.
Rules and regulations to govern the
administration of the new order will
be worked out and announced by the
Civil Service Commission as soon as
Merit System Widened.
In his statement, the Postmaster-
General said:
"I feel that President Taft's order of
(Concluded on Page 2.)
Aristocratic Evanston in Terror Over
j Peculiar Footprints on Its
Window Sills.
CHICAGO, May 7, (Special.) Resi
dents of aristocratic Evanston are be
ing terrified by operations of some un
known criminal, who uses a trained
monkey in robbing houses. The mon
key Is able to enter a window open only
a few Inches and has been taught to
gather up and pass out to his master
glittering objects from dressers and
At a residence recently robbed, the
occupants were unable to explain pe
culiar footprints on windowsills, always
accompanied by heavy marks of a
man's shoes outside. Early this morn
ing Mrs. H. B. Wheelock. wife of an
architect, heard the monkey drop a
tray full of Jewelry, as the master be
came impatient and pulled the cord too
harshly. She awoke in time to turn on
an emergency light and saw the mon
key being dragged through the win
dow and her jewelry scattered over the
floor and wlndowslll.
Numerous other instances have been
reported of robberies that could not be
explained because no doors or windows
were found open, and the police assert
they were the work of a trained
Cold Weather and Heavy Frosts Fail
to Hurt Buds.
GOLDENDALE, Wash.. May 7.
(Special.) A warm wave struck the
Klickitat Valley, and fruit blossoms
are coming out with -a rush. Little
damage was done to fruit by the cold
weather and heavy frosts In April.
Grain crops have made a satisfactory
growth and frequent heavy Spring
rains have filled the ground with mois
ture enough to take the wheat over
until harvest.
A party of city officials and engi
neers found ten feet of snow at the
Intake of the Goidendale water system
in the Simcoe Mountains yesterday.
There is more snow on the summit of
the Simcoe range than has ever been
known at this time of the year.
New Jersey Canon Provides Better
Pay for Mia-.sters AVItli Wives.
today's session of the annual conven
tion of the Protestant Episcopal Dio
cese of New Jersey, a canon was
adopted that provided that married
ministers in new parishes should xe
celve an annual salary of flZOO and
unmarried ones $1000 a- year.
It Is said the action of the New Jer
sey diocese will become an issue
throughout the church, which will
have for its aim "higher prices."
Commercial Club to Include Farm
ers and Business Men.
SALEM, Or., May 7. (Special.) An
nouncement was made tonight by a
number of business men that there will
be a meeting at the Board of Trade
rooms Friday night to form a Commer
cial Club.
The club will be broad enough to
include farmers and fruitgrowers in
the adjacent country, as well us busi
ness men of the city and will be in
dependent of the Board of Trade and
Illlhee Club. Invitations are being scat
tered broadcast and a monster meeting
is expected.
Portland Woman in Chicago Court
When Case Is Put Over.
CHICAGO. May 7. (Special.) Con
tinuance was taken today In Judge
George Kersten's court In the habeas
corpus proceedings instituted by Ed
mund E. C. von Klein, of Minneapolis,
alleged matrimonial swindler, against
whom several women have made
charges that he robbed them of their
The hearing was postponed until May
15. Von Klein is at liberty on J15.060
bond. Miss Ethel Newcomb. of Port
land, Or., who caused Von Klein's ar
rest at the Blackstone Hotel, was in
Locations in South Dakota Dcsig
nated by Quarter Sections.
PIERRE. S. D., May 7. Instead of
going to established towns, several
banks in the nprthwestern part of the
state will be started on the proposed
line of a railroad, and will wait for
the railroad and towns to come to
them, according to plans made known
here today.
The locations of the banks are desig
nated on quarter sections.
Xindemann, Who . Helped Find
Greeley, Man With Busy Career.
NEW YORK. May 7. William F. C.
Nlndemann, one of the two survivors
of the Commander De Long's party in
the Jeanette expedition into North
Polar regions 14 years ago, died at his
home at Hollis, L. I., today.
He was born in Germany in 1850 and
became an explorer at the age of 21.
Vitality Shown After
Body Is Dead.
Some Cells Declared to Retain
Vigor for Years.
Only Proper Medium, Say Speaker:
at National Congress, Is Needed.
Progressive Growth Also
Declared Possible.
WASHINGTON, May 7. Sustained Ufa
in parts of the human tissue after the
organism has died, like the snake's tail,
which the schoolboy believed does not
die until after the sun has set, was the
theme discussed today at the closing
session of the Congress of American
Physicians and Surroons. The meetlns
of the Congress ended tonight with a
According to the papers read by em
inent authorities, life in cells taken
from a living animal organism has been
sustained under certain conditions for
more than four years after the animul
from which they were taken ceased to
exist. Tho speakers declared that it
ultimately would be clearly demon
strated that llfo In severed cells could
be sustained for as long a period as
the organism would live under normal
Cellular Life Maintained.
This .view was taken by Dr. Ross G.
Harrison of Yale University, who spoke
on the life of tissues outside the or
ganism from the cmbryolugical stand
point. He was the first speaker on the gen
eral topic "On the Development of Tis
sues in Vitro." He was followed by
Drs. Montrose T. Burrows, of Cornell
University Medical College, and Rob
ert A. Lambert, of Columbia Univer
sity. All maintained that life could bo
maintained in several cells and that
there could be regular growth in the
actual cell divisions and not merely
degenerative movement. It also waa
declared that life could be- suspended
and made active again through the
application of a proper medium. Lan
tern slides illustrated the addresses ot
all the speakers.
Civil Surgeons Useful In War.
Component organisations of the con
gress continued their sessions today.
These meetings probably will come to
an end tomorrow. At the session of the
American Surgical Section, Surgeon
General C. F. Stokes, of the United
States Navy, told how the surgeon in
civil life best could serve his country
In time of war. He said that with a
slight amount of additional study these
surgeons could be of Inestimable serv
ice and could fit themselves for the
strenuous duties of an army or navy
Papers on practically all the ills that
human flesh Is heir to were under dis
cussion at the several meetings.
President Chooses Seven Postmas
ters for Oregon Towns.
ington. May 7. president Wilson today
sent to the Senate the nominations ot
the follwlng Oregon postmasters:
iwmvn wise. Astoria: E. E. Bragg. La
Grande; C. W. Erown. Canyon City; A.
H. Strider. Sumpter; Ira C. Meiirnns.
Falls CMtv: II. Y. Kilpatrick. Lebanon.
and 1L E. Mahoney. Oakland.
The President also nominated Jwcn
ar,l Stanbush to be register of tho
Nortn Yakima ,and office. Before
mokino- this nomination the PreshUnt
sent for Senator Jones and ascertained
that Stanbush would not be objection
able to him.
Sohuinausse, of Nice, Cables to
Havre of Discovery.
CAMBRIDGE. Mass., May 7. The
discovery of a xcmet by Schumausse,
of Nice, is announced in a cablegram
received at Harvard College obser
vatory from Kiel. ,
Its position on May 6. .6082 Green
wich mean titr.e, was right ascension,.
20 hours 54 minutes and 44 seconds;
declination; plus 9 decrees 52 minutes.
The comet was visible in a smalt
telescope -and was moving northeast.
Warning of Burning Trestle Given
After Hun of Half a Mile.
WESTON. W. Va.. May 7. After a
run of half a mile, Robert Brlnkley.
aged 10. flagged a Baltimore & Ohio
passenger train In the mountains near
here today and saved the train fiom
crashing through a burning trestle.
The underpinning of the structure had
burned away when the boy discovered
the fire. The train, with 150 pas-sc-igjrs,
was halted near the trestle
and a skeleton support was erected.