TTIE MOItXIXG OREG OXI AN, WEDNESDAY. MAY 7, 1913- ti ti i! V t. 1 l V J I ' v 4 I) V 1 FIGHT BROUGHT UP HI JOHNSON TRIAL Prospective Jurors Are Asked Whether They Bet on Bout With Jeffries. MANY TALESMEN LET GO Several Dismissed Because or Preju dice Brought by Suicide of First Wife Important Witness, Kenney, Is Missing. CHICAGO. May . (Special.) Bur ring scenes were enacted today in Fed .... i intK Cxmonter'a courtroom dur ing the selection ot a Jury to try John Arthur Jnhitinn on the charge of vi olating-, the Mann act, the particular Instance Deing me nutntu irui. Rlla Shrelber. former Mll waukee manicure, from Pittsburg to Chicago for immoral purposes. Prospective Jurors were summarily excused when they delivered caustic opinions of relations between whites and colored persona There were broad hints that prospective Jurors had been approached on behalf of the defendant and the Jury box was empuea times despite the Insistence of men that they would give the Government and the negro a "fair snaae. Jffrta-Jolaaaoa Fight Recalled. Attorneys for Johnson qulxsed all prospective jurors closely on whether or not they had lost money on the Johnson-Jeffries fight or whether that event had affected any or tneir menus or relatives, financially or otherwise. They were also asked If they bore any prejudice against a man because of his color or the fact that he waa a prizefighter. Important witnesses for the Govern ment are still missing, among them be. ing "Yank" Kenney, Johnson's former trainer, who was expected to relate certain salacious details or the train ing ramus in California and Reno and also concerning Johnson's private training camp In Indlnapolts. Federal sleuths have been hunting two and nights for Kenney without the slightest trace of his whereabouts. Belle Schrleber Is held a close prisoner In a downtown hotel, but waa not per mitted to go to the courtroom today. Crowd to B Kept Out Today. Judae Carnenter. at the close of to day's proceedings, caused balllffa to . notify the crown that tomorrow no one but the principals and newspaper men would be admitted to the courtroom. This rule will also apply when Belle Schrelber takes the stand. Her testi mony la expected to be of a character that would attract a morbid crowo. Several prospective Jurymen were dismissed today when they said the suicide of Etta Duryea, Johnson s rirst white wife, had so prejudiced them that they could not give him a fair trail. Others admitted that they nau bet and lost on Jeffries and still others said they had been hopelessly Influ enced bv reading lurid accounts of Johnson's escapades In the yellow press. Belle Schrelber, the main witness against Johnson, is in for a terrific irriUinir at the hands of Johnson's at torneys, as ber career has not been of the spotless variety. Johnson s attor neys will not permit his latest white wife to attend the trial despite her pleading, as they hold ber presence would Injure his chances. NAVAL TRADITION BROKEN Girl Subject of King George Chris tens Torpedo Submarine. SAX FRANCISCO. May 6. Wben the new submarine torpedo boat H-l was christened today at the Union Iron "Works by Miss Leslie Jean Meakln. a tradition of the United States Navy was broken. It Is said. Miss Meakln. who Is a niece of the superintendent of the Iron works, was born In Montreal and Is a subject of King George. Never before, officers assert, has one of Uncle Sam's fight ing ships been christened by a cltlsen of another country. IRISH VOTE SEALS FATE (Continued From Flint Pag.) Asquith. Reginald McKenna, Lewis Harcourt, B. T. B. " Seeley. Winston Spencer Churchill, and C E. Hobbouse. The supporters of the bill Included 61r Edward Grey. David Lloyd George, Rufus Isaacs. Augustln Blrrell. Sydney Buxton, C F. G. Masterman. Sir J. A. Simon and F. D. Acland. Aaqnltk Oppoaea Bill. In opposing the bill. Premier Asqulth took occasion to say that the new bill never had been approved by the exist ing electorate. He added: "Would our political fabric be strengthened; would our legislative fabric be more respected; would our social and domestic life be enriched; would our standard of manners and by manners I mean the old-fashioned virtues of chivalry, courtesy and Inter dependence of the sexes on one another be raised or refined If women were given the vote?" Cries of "of course they would," were raised on all sides of the house. The Premier strongly denied that Parliament had been neglectful of women, and aald he saw no evidences that British women as a whole wanted the vote. Sir Edward Grey. Secretary for For eign Affairs, supported the bllL He said there was ample evidence that a large section of the women of the country had shown by constitutional means that they favored the enfran chisement ot their sex. Grey Belittles Militancy . Militancy he characterized as the "in considerate and criminal conduct of a small body of Individuals with whose outrages the law had dealt and ought to deal severely." Nobody, he said, had greater reason to deplore the methods of the militant suffragists than those who desired the enfranchisement of the women, but he argued that their outrages should not Influence the decision of the House. Some argued that women were fit ted to deal with social and Industrial matters of' legislation which vitally affected their interests, but that they were not fitted to deal with questions of foreign policy. He contended that the demonstrated attitude of women in dealing with abstruse economic ques- : tlons Involved In social and industrial legislation proved that they were pos sessed of sufficient Intelligence to pass F Judgment on questions of foreign pol- icM which were far less complicated and seldom an issue at the general elec tions. Lord Robert Cecil, advocating the bill. contended that to vote against It be cause of militant outrages would be ut terly Illogical and unworthy the high standard of intelligence claimed by members of the House. Prim Hlnlater Congratulated. Right Hon. Walter Hume Long. In opposing the measure, first congratu lated the Prime Minister on the ability and calm dignity displayed . In his speech, despite the treatment he had received at the bands of the suffra gettes, which, he took occasion to say, 'Is a disgrace to the country." He urged that the passage of the bill would not stop militant tactics, but would only lead to fiercer agitation for a larger measure of enfranchisement. Right Hon. Frederick E. Smith said the supporters of the bill repudiated the militants when it suited them, but would use them as long as it paid to do so. It was not until 1906. when mill tancy began, that a single member of the House took the movement seriously. The great bulk of the women, he main tained, were Indifferent to the fran chise. The country had never been con sulted on the question. Under such cir cumstances, therefore, the voting with the bill would be grossly inconsistent with home rule on the ground that the electorate had been given no mandate for it. A motion to reject the bill was car ried. 266 to 219. PATERSON FACES CRISIS CITIZEN'S VIEW SILK STRIKE SITUATION AS GRAVE. Committee Xamed by Mayor Enters Into Plans to Investigate and Settle Controversy. PATERSON. N. J May 6. Mayor McBrlde's citizens' committee of 25. appointed to seek a means of ending the silk mill strike, now In its eleventh week, decided tonight on its course of action. Three sub-committees were ap pointed. The first will investigate the causes of the trouble, confer with man ufacturers and dyers and prepare sug gestions for settling the strike; the second will place the suggestions be fore the parties to the controversy; the third will raise funds to carry on the work of settling the trouble. MUIowners and strike committees will be notified at once of the commit tee's plans. Early conferences will be urged. In view of declarations by the city's business Interests, as voiced by speakers at the conference tonight. that Faterson faces a crisis. Anarchy is being openly preached In the city streets, members of the May ors committee reported. Strikebreakers Are Attacked. SUMMIT. N. J., May 6. Strikers and sympathizers, women and children among them, attacked 25 strikebreak ers at the doors of the Summit silk mills tonight. The police dispersed the mob after the strikebreakers had defended themselves in a hand-to-hand clash. Several persons were Injured. The strike here haa been in progress about eight weeks. CHURCH RETAINS NAME Episcopalians Vote, 223 to 80, Not to Insert Word "Catholic." PHILADELPHIA. May 6. The move to change the name of the Protestant Episcopal Church was voted down to day at the 139th annual convention of the Pennsylvania diocese. In .a resolu Uon the convention declared it Inexpe dient to change the name of the church by Inserting the word "Catholic" In the title or to change the title page of the Book of Common Prayer." Delegates to the general convention of the church in New York next Octooer were instructed to oppose the move ment for the change, which was pro posed by the diocese of California. The vote on the resolution was: Aye. clericals 130, laymen S3; nay. clericals 63. laymen 27. SEATTLE BONDS REFUSED Xew York Firm Is Willing to Lose $7000 Forfeit on Big Issue. SEATTLE. Wash.. May t. The King County Commissioners were notified today by the New York bond firm which was the successful bidder for the $950,000 Courthouse bond issue, that on the advice of counsel the bonds would not be accepted. The firm had posted 17000 forfeit money and the County Commissioners had sent the bonds to New York. Suit has been brought here to defeat the Commissioners Courthouse .project and a special grand Jury will meet to morrow to investigate charges of mal. feasance against the Commissioners in their handling of the Courthouse scheme. RISON RETURN DELIGHTS Veteran Counterfeiter looks For ward to Sojottrn at Old "Home." SEATTLE, Wash- May . John C. Webber, the septuagenarian counter feiter, sentenced with George Edward Adams, the assay office gold looter. to 18 months In McNeil's Island Peni tentiary, wbere both were serving time when they became acquainted. expressed delight today at the pros pect of returning to his old nome. He expects to be assigned to his for mer duty of trimming the lawn and re moving the dandelions. Webber bas spent most of the last 30 years, in various prisons for coun terfeiting. He is feeble and the con- inement of the county Jail was almost fatal to him. REPORTS FROM VESSELS By Marconi Wireless. Steamer Camlno. 30 miles south Blan co. 8 A. M-, May 6. Steamer Mongolia, San Francisco to Orient, 794 miles from San Francisco, May 6, 8 P. M. Steamer Sierra. Honolulu to San Francisco, 1233 miles from San Fran cisco, May 3. 8 P. M. Steamer Honolulan, Honolulu to San Francisco. 1178 miles from San Fran cisco, May 5. 8 P. M. Steamer Lurllne. San Francisco to Honolulu. 1622 miles from San Francis co, May 5, 8 P. M. Steamer Chanslor. Port Harford to Portland. 220 miles south of Columbia River, May 8. 8 P. M. Steamer Hyades, Honolulu to San Francisco, 1178 miles from San Fran cisco, May S, 8 P. M. Philip Christ Is Dead. VANCOUVER, Wash.. May S. (Spe cial.) Philip Christ, well-known Van couver resident, died here tonight at a late hour. Death had been expected for several days. Arthur Evans Wood to Lecture. Arthur Evans Wood will lecture In the Unitarian chapel this afternoon at P. M. Subject. "The Religious Aspect NG OF CHURCH LAID TO MILITANTS Vicar of St. Catherine's As cribes New Incendiarism to "Those Lovely Ladies." BOMB IS LAID AT HOTEL Policeman Pursues Woman AVho Turns Out to Be Xight Prowler and While He Is Chasing Her Explosive Disappears. LONDON. May 6. While the. members of the House of Commons were enter ing Parliament this afternoon to dis cuss the woman suffrage bill, news boys thrust "extras" at them announc ing what seems to be the most destruc. tlve work the militant suffragettes have yet accomplished. St. Catharine's Church, at Matcnam. the southeast of London, one of the finest church edifices in the suburbs, caught fire soon after noon in a mys terious way and was destroyed. the vicar. Rev. Howard Truscott. when asked about the cause of the fire, said "I cannot ascribe it to another than those delightful ladies." Women Thought to Be Praying. The vicar visited the church at noon. when he noticed three women in the building. He supposed them to be praying. He now believes that they ar ranged the fire and thinks explosives must have been used to aid in the de structive work. A mysterious attempt to explode bomb was made early this morning out. side the Grand Hotel, opposite Trafal gar Square, where suffrage disturbances took place Sunday. The hotel was crow ed with American tourists. A policeman saw a woman deposit a can with lighted fuse In front of the door. He abandoned the bomb after extinguish ing It by tramping on the fuse and then pursued the woman. Bomb la Taken Away. He caught one woman whom he sup posed to be the culprit and who when brought up in court gave her name as Ada Ward. Investigation proved ber to be a night prowler who had often been brought up In police court. She denied planting the bomb, which disappeared while the policeman was chasing her. VOICE BETRAYS ROBBER VICTIM IDENTIFIES MAX HELD CP TKAIX. WHO Peculiar Note Figures In Undoing of Man Police Were About to Re lease From Custody. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. May 6. A wounded man arrested today in a grading camp near Birmingham, Mo., was positively identified today as the train robber who on Friday night last held up a Kansas City Southern train and wounded Jesse M, Short, a Joplln miner, from whom he obtained 81000. The Identification was made by Short. "I'd know him among a thousand. said Short, as the man, who gave the name of Louis Watson, was taken to his cot at Wesley Hospital, where the Joplln miner is recovering from wounds inflicted by the robber.- A peculiar note in the man's voice figured prominently in the identifica tion. On the night of the holdup, although wounded. Short shot and wounded the robber as the latter was leaving the coach after the robbery. Farmers in nearby towns telephoned Chief of Police Griffin yesterday of having seen a wounded man in their neighbor hoods. The trail led to Birmingham, where "the man was arrested. At police headquarters today he told a plausible story of being held up and beaten Friday night. The police be lieved they had the wrong man, but decided to take him to the hospital, and let Short see him. - CHICAGO HASJWORAL WAVE Suggestive Songs Tnder Ban and Low-Xeck Dresses May Be Taboo. CHICAGO. May t. Pursuant to an energetic "blue laws ' campaign by the Council, indecent songs were put un der official ban tonight. Suggestive verse thus takes Its place with un draped figures in pictures, the "turkey trot and some other dances, an or which recently bave been made un lawful in Chicago. The ordinance was adopted by a large majority. Alderman '"Bathhouse John" Cougblan announcedl that he would offer an ordinance prohibiting transparent Btocklngs. low necks and flimsy waists worn by women. "Some of the dresseB I see on tne street shock my moral sense." he said. "They should be forbidden by law." MAN BELIEVED MURDERED Mystery Surrounds Death of Seaman in Seattle Hotel. SEATTLE. Wash., May 6. A man be lieved to be Robert Duerr. a seaman 38 years old, was found dead In a room In a cheap hotel on Washington street late today. He apparently had been beaten to death and robbed. He had not been seen about the ho tel and it Is not known how he got Into the room, which had been rent ed to a man who said his name was McKay and who' asked the clerk to register him because he could not write. McKay has not been seen about the hotel since last night. DUTIES WILL BE PAID HERE Packages by Parcel Post May Be Opened at Portland Office. Hereafter packages arriving by par cel post from Europe or other coun tries on which duties are to do paio. 111 be opened at Portland and the customs duties collected here. At pres ent the Seattle postofflce and its cus toms officers exercise this function and the duties are collected there and swell the total for Puget Sound business. The Portland Chamber of Commerce took this matter up with both the Post office and Treasury Departments at Washington over two months ago through Sena'tor Chamberlain. Yesterday the Chamber received ad vices from Washington saying that its had been favorably acted on and that the Postmaster at Port SIDE from its very d e 1 i c i ousness, a luncheon at The Portland is something to linger pleasantly in the memory by reason of the courteous service that al ways obtains and the hos pitable atmosphere of wel come. t Seated, on one side you overlook the busy street; on the other, the cool, shaded courtyard with its masses of trailing vines and blossoms greet you cheerily. Luncheon is served from 11:30 to 2 fifty cents In the Rathskeller every table serves you with the latest baseball, business and other news by Telephone-Herald. Gentlemen are invited to drop in and avail themselves of this delightful service. , The Portland Hotel G. J. Kaufman n, Manager N. K. Clarke, Asst. Mgr. had been notified of the recognition of Portland's claims. ."DRYS" SCORE CANDIDATES Committee Named to Aid In Select ing Men for City Race. Pursuant to a call issued May 1 by the Multnomah County Prohibition committee, a representative body of Prohibitionists, met zast night at the Women's Christian Temperance Union headquarters to nominate candidates for various city offices. On account of the Commission charter, which nullifies Dartlsan nominations, the caucus re solved itself Into a convention for the consideration of ways to promote the good government or the city. A com mittee was appointed to co-operate with committees from other bodies to select candidates for the six positions to be filled under the new charter, and to bend every energy in promoting the candidacy of those who may be deemed the best qualified for the positions. The practice of some men tn initiat ing their own candidacy was heavily scored. The committee named consists of T. W. Trasker, J. P. Newell, Bruce Wolverton, Mrs. L. F. Addlton and Miss Grace Amos. LEW1ST0N PRIMARY HELD Dr. J. B. Morris, Dr. Jj. J. Perkins and W. C. Brooks Out for Mayor. LEWTRTOS. Idaho. Mav 6. (Spe cial.) The primary election hefd for Mayor and three councilmen to oe voted on at the city election to oe nem In June resulted as follows: For May or, Dr. J. B. Morris. 122; Dr. L. J. Perkins. 68; W. C. Brooks, 1. For Councilmen George E. Crum, 145; Frank Thompson, 122; J. D. Ja cobs, 109; J. L. Fenton, 76; John Wil kinson, 60; Charles Baker, 35; scatter ing. 5. Dr. J. B. Morris for Mayor, ueorge E. Crum, Frank Thompson and J. D. Jacobs, for Councilmen, who polled the heaviest vote In the primaries, are runnings on the business men's ticket. Dr. L. J. Perkins is the present Mayor and Wilkinson, Fenton and Baker are the present Councilmen. all of whose terms expire next month. Estacada Has Dancing Lessons. EST ACAD A. Or.. May 6. (Special.) Professor Standish. of this place commenced a series of dancing lessons Saturday night. The class Is very large and is composed of children, young people and the middle-aged. After the lesson there is a general dance. In which visitors are allowed to partici pate. Wood Alcohol Makes Many Blind. NEW YORK, May 6. Thirteen per sons in the State of New York were made blind for life and four others were killed in the past 12 months either by drinking wood alcohol or In- The nerves of the head are the most sensitive of the entire nervous system. Like all the narves of the body they are dependent opon pore blood for their health. They are, affected by any derangement of the system that throws impurities into the blood. You cannot hope to get complete relief from headaches until you build up the blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, a blood builder and nerve tonic, are recommended to every headache sufferer. The pills are free from Tiarmful or habit-forming drugs which are so common in headache remedies. Bend for free booklet, ' 'Treatment of Sick Headache." Dr. Williams' rink Pills are sold by druegists at 50 cents per box or six boxes for ?2.50 or by the Dr. Williams Medicine Company. Schenectady. N. Y- A Sale of Boys' Suits $6.50, $7.50 and $8.50 Suits Now Selling for Only $5.00 Scores of careful mothers are thronging our second floor, taking full advantage of this' remarkable sale. Only $5 the suit for these smart Knicker suits of extra strength and extra worth that have hereto fore sold at $6.50, $7.50 and $8.50. haling its fumes, according to the fourth annual report of the New York committee on the prevention of blind ness. Rebekabs Give Calico Ball. FSTACADA. Or.. Mav 6. (Special.) The local order of Rebekahs gave a calico ball at their hall maay even ing, proceeds to be used for the pur pose of furnishing their banquet hall. A large number were In attendance and a very pleasant evening was spent Centralia Teachers Renamed. CENTRALIA. Wash.. May 6. (Spe cial.) J. M. Layhue, Centralia's new Superintendent of Schools, has an nounced his selections of teachers for next year. Most of the present force were retained. De Fore Chambitt was appointed principal of the Logan School, to succeed W. L. Hall, resigned. A hitherto unknown clan of Jews has been discovered in the interior desert of Arabia. Ifflllllllllilllilllllllllil! BALTIMO ! t With the advent of Spring comes the call of the great out-doors to every healthy boy. His activities know no limit and the consequent Wear on his clothes "will he only too apparent unless they are made especially to stand the strain of hard usage. The suits which we offer you in this most unusual sale are made especially for strenuous boys. Yet in their wearing qualities there is no sacrifice of style. They are distinctive both in model and fabric, yet on every suit you save from $1.50 to $3.50. Made of strong, wearable serges, cassimeres, worsteds, tweeds and cheviots. In beautiful fancy mixtures and in tans, grays and browns. The trousers are all lined throughout and the tailoring is first-class. Parents are invited to come and take advantage of these remarkable reductions. BEN SELLING Morrison-Street at Fourth SUFFRAGISTS EXPEL 12 SELFISH MOTIVES CHARGED BY XEW HA VEX WOMEN'S CLUB. Resolution of Expulsion Declares in History of Politics Xo Such Low Methods Used. NEW HAVEN. Conn.. May 6. Charg ing that they had formed, without knowledge and consent of the club, an organization within It. "for their own selfish motives," the New Haven Polit ical Equality Club, a suffrage organ ization, today expelled 12 of its mem bers, including the president, Mrs. Ter rence S. McDermott, and vice-president. Mrs. Augusta Troup, one of the first suffragists in the city and wife of LJT TKTTCD lUlN 1 Ei RYE IS PURIFIED AND PERFECTED BY SKILFUL DISTILLA--TION TO THE HIGHEST STANDARD OF QUALITY. THEN CAREFULLY RIPENED AND MELLOWED BY ACE INTO ITS EXQUISITE TONE AND .FLAVOR. jll t ji Ia $w md $m m m m 3Sa 111 i m. sm mm mm mm gp - Igp J gjjjj- gfg Sold at all fintlsst emit and by jobber!. WM. LAN AH AN & SON, Balomon, laid. SUK LEADING CLOTHIER Alexander Troup, who is a close per sonal friend of Secretary of State Bry an. The organization referred to had been named the "rioneer Equality Club." The resolutions of expulsion declared that "It has never been known In the ' history of politics, no matter how cor rupt the political parties have been In the past, that such low and unfair methods have been adopted by lndlvd uals to get control of an organization." School Tax Opinion Given. SALEM, Or., May 6. (Special.) Ac cording to an opinion today by As sistant Attorney-General DoLong a union high school district giving a high school course will not be subject to a tax to maintain a county high school. The opinion was rendered at the request of the clerk for school dis trict No. 15 in Harney County. The polar regions are said to cover 4.S88,' POO nquare mile. RE of the Social Question," land and the Collector of Customs here