VOL. LII1 XO. 1C.3G3. PORTLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, 1913 PRICE FIVE CENTS. X i it v t f V REPUBLICANS FAIL TO AMEND TARIFF House Passes on to In come Tax. MANN'S AMENDMENT BEATEN Tariff Commission Refused on Parliamentary Grounds. FINAL VOTE DUE TODAY Commit! Agrees to Consider Ad vlsabllity of Taxing Asiatics as Well as XatlTes and Ameri cana in Philippines. WASHINGTON. May 6. The over whelming Democratic majority In the House swept today through the free Itatr bowled over all opposition to free wool, free meats and other necessities and passed on to consideration of the 1100.000,000 income tax feature of the Vnderwood tariff bill. Not a dent was made In the bill as approved by the way and means com mittee majority and when the night session began it was expected that the measure as a whole would be passed unamended by the House by tomorrow There was sparring all day across the aisle dividing the Democrats and Re- nnhiirans- Manv amendments were offered by Republicans in a forlorn ef fort to Dut many free listed articles back on the dutiable list, but all were roted down with a regularity that brought smiles from the minority, rarllameatarr Experts Astir. Finally, when the last of these pro posed changes had been rejected. Rep resentatlve Payne, of New Tork, head of the ways and means committee un der the Republican regime In the House, precipitated a lively rules fight by offering a brand new amendment to create a tariff commission. ; Instantly all the. parliamentary sharps on both skies were, astir. Rep resentative Fitzgerald, of New York, rushed In from the appropriations com mittee, armed with precedents, and fol lowed by Representatives - Sherley, of Kentucky, and Hard wick, of Georgia, who Joined in the majority protest against admitting the amendment. On the Republican side Leader Mann, Rep. resentatlves Gardner of Massachusets. Payne of New York and others con ferred and addressed the House. Chairman la Sustained. It was all over quickly. Representa tive Garrett, of Tennessee, In the chair, sustaining a point of order made by ilr. Underwood that the tariff commis sion amendment was not germane to ' the bill. When Representative Mann appealed from the decision the House sustained the chair, 16 to 87. The reading of the Income tax pro vision for amendment was completed in short order. Perfecting amendments offered by the ways and means com mittee, and adopted. Included a provis ion exempting return Investments In insurance and a clause changing the terms regarding mutual Are insurance companies so as to allow them to de duct from their gross Incomes the amoufft required under the state laws to be placed In their reserve funds. An other amendment changed the lan guage of the provision Imposing a tax of 1 per cent on the profits of insurance companies, so as to make the bill con form literally to the present corpora tion tax law. Filipinos Are Included. Representative Mann, for resident Commissioner Quezon of the Philippines, offered an amendment to tax the Chi nese, Japanese and other residents of the Philippines' as well as the Filipinos and Americans In the islands. The committee agreed to take this under . consideration. The Philippine commissioners unsuccessful sought to relieve the Filipinos of any income tax on the ground that they could not vote on this legislation. Representative Un derwood explained that the Inclusion of the Philippines In the Income tax was to reach the wealthy of the Philippine Islands, that the bill lightened the bur dens of the small farmer of the Phil ippines by repealing the export tax on Philippine products. Republicans attempted by numerous amendments to alter the income tax rates, but without avail. The Progres sives also offered several amendments. Progressive Leader Murdock proposed a 6 per cent tax on all Incomes over $100,000 and Representative Kelly, of Pennsylvania, urged an 8 per cent tax on such Incomes. Income Tan Defended. Representative Kelly announced his Intention of voting for the entire Dem ocratic bill, declaring he believed it was a step In the right direction. Other Progressives Indorsed the Income tax feature. Representative GUlett " offered an amendment providing a tax of I per cent on between 11000 and (4000 a year. The Democrats generally defended the income tax as lifting the burden of taxation from ttp poor men and mak ing the rich man bear his share. "Some of the rich men say this Is cla'ss legislation." said Representative Taventier, of Illinois. "They were never heard to complain, however, of the existing class legislation which lim the hats, the coats and shirts of ICvaciuded oo Page 3.) PORTLAND TO COOS BAYIN 191 4 CALVIN LlYK TO BE FINISHED BY THAT TIME, SAYS OFFICIAL. Vice-President of Southern Pacific Makes Inspection of New AVork and Sees Regular Trains 1915. Trains will be running between Tort land and Coos Bay by the end of 1914 thinks B. E. Calvin, vice-president of the Southern Pacific, who recently took a trip over the line now being built to Marahfiolrt nnri who Is Dasslng a few days in Portland. Mr. Calvin inspected the 23 miles of track being completed by Twohy Brothers Immediately west of Eugene and the tunnel at Notl. which now Is virtually complete. Ha went west over the new road 'as far as Gardner, but did not go to Marshfleld on this trip, having visited that city and the vari ous other towns on Coos Bay that the new road will touch, on an inspection tour a year ago. For SO miles the new road will be built along the water. Mr. Calvin pointed out, either rivers, lakes, the ocean front or the bay. This work re quires slow and careful construction. Speed, therefore. Is not an essential factor and the Southern Pacific offi cials are not figuring on having the line finished much before January 1, 1915. The entire project is under con tract, that on the western end being In the hands of Porter Brothers. Mr. Calvin and E. O. McCormick, vice-president In charge of traffic, also Inspected a part of the Southern "Pa cific system In the Willamette Valley now undergoing electrification. They rode from Eugene to Corvallie In an automobile and saw the work being done between Monroe and Eugene by Flasrr & Standifer. This portion of the line virtually Is complete. FOOD WASTE IS ILLEGAL California Passes Law Providing Penalty for Destruction. SACRAMENTO, May 6. The lower house of the State Legislature unanim ously passed today a "hlgh-cost-of-llv- Ing" bill. The measure, which is only. 11 lines in length, makes it unlawful for any person to destroy any animal. vegetable or other stuffs In restraint of trade, which are customary food for human beings and are in fit sanitary condition to be used as such." "The bill is i aimed at the reputed common practice of the dealers of de stroying food products in order to keep up the market price," said Assembly. man Roberts, who introduced It. "Shi ma, the Japanese potato king. Is re ported to have thrown thousands of sacks of potatoes into the river when a plentiful crop threatened to push the price down below- the point to which his control of the market had enabled him to boost it In previous seasons." The maximum penalty provided for persons, firms or corporations" vlolat- ng the act is a fine of $500 or im prisonment for six months. BIG CRUISER TO COME HERE St. Louis to Anchor Off Portland During Rose Festival. The United States cruiser St. Louis. one of the largest vessels of its class In the United States Navy, will come to Portland during the Rose Festival. Rear-Admiral Alfred Reynolds, com mander-in-chief of the United States Pacific reserve . fleet, made this an nouncement to the Portland Chamber of Commerce yesterday. The Chamber has also petitioned for one or both of the submarines that are being finished in the Bremerton Navy Yard and several weeks ago was as sured by the Secretary of the Navy that they would be sent here In case they can be completed in time. It now appears that at least ene of the sub marines can be expected. The cruiser St. Louis is now at the Puget Sound Navy-Yard and Is con sidered one of the best vessels of the reserve. It Is 424 feet in length, 66 feet beam an dhas a draft of 24 feet 6 Inches in salt water. It takes 36 of ficers and 634 men to man the ship. SALMON GOING OVER FALLS Fish Ladders Cleared at Oregon City for Annual Migration. Salmon are ascending, the Upper Willamette in larger numbers than for years, says Lou Rathbun, deputy fish warden, who visited Oregon City yesterday and reported that schools of the fish were Jumping up the ladders provided for then! at Willamette Falls. uuring the Winter corporations en gaged in locgliig above are permitted to place gates across the upper end of the ladders so as to conserve the water supply and owing to high water it was not until Monday that the gates were removed this season, so the passage of the fish was delayed. Mr. Rathbun says that the salmon go upstream to where the McKenzle River is reached. as there is a state fish hatchery on the latter stteam. Anglers are permitted to within 200 feet of Willamette Falls, so the traveling salmon are not dis turbed gaining the upper liver.' MOTORCYCLE RUNS AMUCK Pedestrians Slowed Down When Dis mounted Rider Loses Control. CHICAGO, May 6. A riderless mo torcycle dashed into a crowd of pe destrians down town today, seriously injuring one man. The owner of the machine had dismounted to start It and waa unable to hold It. The crossing policeman seized the machine after it had knocked down two men and pushed it into a pillar of the elevated railroad. : . DEATH OF CAPTAIN SCOTT PEACEFUL Exhaustion, Not Star vation, Brings End. LEADER IS LAST TO EXPIRE Bodies of Comrades Show Evl dence of His Care. SUPPLY OF FUEL IS GONE Member of Supporting Party, on "Way to London AVith Explorer's Diary, Describes Finding of Ill-Fated Party. " WINNIPEG, Man.. May 6. Exhaus tion and not starvation was the cause of the death of Captain Scott and the men who died with him on his way back from, the South Pole, according to Lieutenant Gran, a member of the supporting party . which found the bodies of -the party in the frosen .ant arctic. Lieutenant Gran stopped off fn this city for a few hours on his way to London. ' "The end of the party was peaceful," declared Gran. "When we came up to the tent In which the bodies were, all was silent. , Tho snow had drifted about the tent and something seemed to tell that the end for them had come. All about , us were desolate wastes of snow and ice and a chill came over our hearts. 'Scott Last to Die. "Lieutenant Wright, of Toronto, a Canadian, who commanded our little party, approached the tent first and lifted the flag. We followed, expect ing the worst, and formed In a little group about the mouth of the -tent. Captain Scott lay on his back as if asleep, but outside of his sleeping bag. The bodies of Dr. Wallson and Lieu tenant Bowers were in their sleeping bags and it was apparent that they had . been carefully WTapped - up by Captain Scott, ' who evidently was the last to die. "Lieutenant Bowers lay on his side, exactly as if he were asleep. Dr. Wil son was sitting In a 'half-reclining position, his back aga'.ist the inside of the tent, facing us -.s we entered. On his features were the traces of a faint smile, and he looked exactly as if he were about to awaken from a sound sleep., I had often seen the same look on his face in the morning as he awakened, as he was of a most cheer ful disposition. The look struck us to the heart and we all s.ood silent In the presence of death." " Foel Supply Exhausted. Lieutenant Gran, a stalwart young Norwegian, Is en route from Vancouver to New York. Thence he will go to London to attend the meeting of the Royal Geographical Society on May 23. "While they did not die of starva- (Concluded on Page ft.) f ' T" ITS A 7"H O 8TTf flf 1 HARoYMH$ , HURRY, MY HUBBY) HKINtoOCIO jffVS ALREADY our J poR MAVO OR OvV . ZZe&MJ hurt in THE RUSH jf TOrHS AUDITORS ' QUAi.CA-rso'YS fit CG gP INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature 84 decrees: minimum. 50 degrees. TODAY'S Increasing cloudiness probably followed by showers; cooler. . westerly winds. Foreign. Suffrage bill beaten in Commons by votes ot Irish Nationalists, rage i. Burning of Ri. Catherine's Church. London la! I to suffragettes. Page 5. Mexican Federals fight among themselves in streets or Acapuico. rage o. National. Republicans fall to amend tariff. Page 1. J Iand sales held up by narrow reading of mw is cuurgc. . " i Wool men aik for pure clothing law. Page 16. t Pioneer aviator's memory is honored. Page ". Domestic. Prospective Jurors at Johnson trial are ask-d whether, they bet on fight with Jeffries. Page 5. Four New York police Inspectors convicted by Jury.' Page 4. Dan Hanna advises Bull Moose to unite with Republicans. Page 2. Captain Scott's death due to exhaustion, not starvation, page i. Denver police stand by while mob attacks Sheriff trying to mane arrest, fage . Bixby found in contempt of Justice Court. Page 3. Syracuse striking laborers make terms after day of serious rioting, fage e. Merrlam divorce trial reveals absence of "Army chivalry." Page 6. -Japan will base protest on "most favored nation" clause of treaty. Page 7. . Sport. Pacific Coast T.eaguo results: ' Portland 5. Sacramento J; Venice 3. Oakland 2 (10 innings); I .os Angeles 4. San Francisco 1. Page 3. Northwestern league results: Portland 2. Seattle t; Tacoma 7, Victoria 0: Vancou ver 3, Spokane 2 (II innings). Page 8. Illinois legiklators see boxing bouts before voting on bill. Page 9. Llpton is asked to explain challenge for yacht race, page 0. Pacific Northweitt. Sensations sprung at telephone inquiry in Seattle. Page T. 'Ex-G-vernor Huy, of Washington, tries to ship as sailor. Page 1. Man arrested near Redmond admits trying to wreck train. Page 12. Oregon rate expert sees danger In proposed Harriman route cancellation. Page 14. . Commercial and Marine. Oriental flour orders booked for shipment under new rate. Page 21.. Wheat lower at Chicago on prospects of record Winter crop. Page 21. Stocks forced down in face of favorable Eu-. ropean situation. Page 21. Portland Dock Commission rejects bids for bond issue. Page 20. Portland and Vicinity. Business men start move -to elect only ca pable candidates. Page 1. Rosarians more successful In attracting crowds for Festival than collecting funds. Page 12. Portland-to-Coos Bay trains to nia by end of 1914, says Calvin. Page 1. East Side Club's plans out tor union depot and subway, page lo. Charles Dolan wins Julia Blair as bride. Page 11. New Postmaster arrives in city. Page 12. Denver broker talks of effect of Commission on bonds. Page 14. Auto traffic violator gets five days' ' sen tence. Page 14. Judge denies Injunction requested by 0--"W. R. & N. Page 20. Auto backfires, badly burning bystander. Page 4. ..... . i Weather report, data and forecast. Page 16. $10,000 SECURED IN DAY Forty Members of Westminster Win in Fund Campaign. At a dinner given by the women of the Westminster Presbyterian Church last night to the members, of the com mittee on the solicitation of funds, it was announced that the 40 members bad secured $10,000 for the church. The campaign is on for $25,000. Encouraged by the excellent results obtained yesterday, the committee will go out again today. A large sign has been erected at East Fifteenth street and Broadway, in the form of a clock, which Tells dally the sums obtained by the committee. CANDIDATES IN THE MAKING. IRISH VOTE SEALS FATE OF SUFFRAGE Nationalists in Com mons Oppose Bill. MILITANT TACTICS HURTFUL Many Influenced by Fresh Acts of Incendiarism. ALL SIDES CHEER VOTE Prospect of Passage of Measure in More Limited Form Regarded as Doubtful Asquilh Leads Opposition Forces. ', LONDON, May 6. The fate of the' woman's suffrage bill was sealed to night by the votes of more than 60 Irish Nationalists, who voted against it. The bill, which sought to enfran chise 6,000.000 women, was rejected by a majority of 47. The vote stood 266 to 219. . Whether there is any chance that the present Parliament will pass a bill of more limited character may be doubted. Possibly the Nationalists fear that if they allow a woman's franchise bill to pass the second reading it will lead to a parliamentary struggle which would not unlikely end in dissolution of Par liament before the Home Rule bill be comes a law. MI 11 taint Policy Hurtful. ' Furthermore the debate today proved that the militant policy of the suf fragists has done the cause great harm, as far as Parliament is concerned. The conciliation bill of last session was rejected by only a smc.ll majority com pared with the Dickinson bill, which was under discussion today and prevl ous bills, iriving some measure of en franchlsement to women, have passed the second . reading, although they never survived subsequent stages. Recent police ' court ... disclosures of acts, of incendiarism planned by the militants far surpassing In magnitude anything heretofore attempted and the burning of St. Catherine s Church at Hathcham today undoubtedly influenced many members to vote againBt the. bill, Vote Greeted With Cheers. The figures on the division, showing the defesit of the bill, were greeted with great cheer from all sides of the House. The debate which on Monday proceeded with extraordinary apathy, was today characterized by intensity and brilliant speeches. The House was crowded and pervaded with an atrao sphere of electrical excitement. The stranger galleries were packed and many anxious faces peered from behind the grille-guarded gallery devoted to women. Neither Andrew Borfar Law, leader of the opposition, nor A. J. Balfour voted in the division. Among the ministers who voted against the bill were Premier (Concluded on Page 5.) EX-G0VERN0RTRIES TO SHIP AS SAILOR M. E. HAY, OF WASHINGTON, EE FUSED BY CAPTAIN". Former Executive, Unable to Get to Slexico Holdings by Influence, Fails Also Using Ruse. SPOKANE, May 6. (Special.) How ex-Governor M. E. nay attempted to ship as an abie-bodled seaman in order to reach his holdings in Mexico and how the calculating captain . spurned tho offer of his services was told to day by E. T. Hay, brother of tho former state executive, on returning from an Eastern trip. Marlon E. Hay owns pretty much of the hot little state of Tobasco 117.000 acres, to be exact. He and his brother, E. T., left Spo kane five weeks ago for a tour. Mr. Hay tried first to purchase rail road tickets for the south of Mexico. The company would' not sell them. The osi-Governor got into communication with the president of the railroad, but even this high official faired. The rebels were too pestiferous along his right-of-way, he -said, and it was ab solutely impossible to operate trains. Next they turned to the steamship companies. The only ships sailing had full passenger lists booked far in ad vance. Finding that cajolery failed, the Hay brothers took a last desper ate step. They offered to ship as able bodied seamen. And they were re fused. SPOKANE RECALL MOVE ON Labor Council Digs Up Campaign Talks of Two Commissioners. SPOKANE, WaaMay 6. (Special.) Campaign statements alleged to have been made at the last city election by Mayor Hindley and Commissioner Fair- ley were resurrected Monday by the Sectional Central Labor Council and will play an Important part in the re call campaign against the two Com missioners, which the Council decided to proceed with at once. The Labor Council instructed the re call committee appointed two weeks ago to proceed immediately, following the adoption by the City Council Mon day of ordinances abolishing the 13 scale on all contract work and repeal ing the $6 a day scale for teams and teamsters. The committee, it was an nounced will hold nightly sessions and the recall petitions, as well as the ref erendum petitions against the ordi nances affecting the scale which passed Monday, will be out for circulation Ira mediately. WAKEFIELD JURY DIVIDED Mount Tabor Heservoirs Case May Be Compromised. Seven to five in favor of the plaintiff is the way the jury in the Mount Tabor reservoirs suit of Wakefield & Com pany against the the city is believed to stand. It is conceded that there is small chance of an early agreement and if a verdict finally is reached It is almost certain to be a compromise. As the case occupied nearly three months in trial Judge Morrow is of no mind to go through the siege again and will hold the jury out as long as thtre is any possibility of an agreement. "Wakefield & Company ask almost $409,000. asserting that the contract was abrogated by acts of the city. The city contends that deducting for pen alty the contractors have' already been overpaid and wants $75,000 returned of what has been paid. Practically the only question for the Jury to determine Is whether or not the contract was act ually abandoned. The jury has been put since 10:30 Monday morning. DIVORCED PAIR REUNITED Judge Who Severed Bonds Remarries Couple at Vancouver. VANCOUVER, Wash., May 6. (Spe cial.) After severing the bonds of matrimony for a young couple, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Bennett, six months ago, to rejoin them In wedlock today, was the happy task of Judge R. H. Back, of the Superior Court of Clark County. Tha. young people had difficulty after they had been married a short time, outsiders making It worse, until they decided to be divorced. However, they had not been single long ere they discovered that they really loved each other, and the result was a happy mar riage here today. They live at La Center. Marriage licenses were issued today to Paul R. Rates and Ella Huck, of Portland, and William E. Johnson, of Seattle, and Edith Griffin, of Portland. The last couple were witnessed by Hordon McDonald. DILLINGHAM TAKES BRIDE Theatrical Manager Weds California Heiress, Miss Kearney. NEW TORK lily 6. ((Special.) Charles Dillingham, one of the best known theatrical managers in New York, was married yesterday in Pur chase, N. T., to Miss Eilien Kearney, a California heiress. Mr. and Mrs. Dillingham left today on board the Kron Prlnz Wilhelm for an extended tour of Europe. Mr. Dil lingnam, besides being manager of the Globe Theater,, has produced some of the most successful musical comedies seen on the stage of New York, Mrs. Dillingham has been on the stage for about three years. The marriage was kept secret until Mr. Dillingham notified his New York office by wireless of his marriage after the Kron Prlns Wilhelm was out of the harbor on her way to Plymouth. Miss' Kearney's last engagement was with the Frohmann management with Mme. Nazimova, BUSINESS MEN WAR ON INCOMPETENTS Aim Isfto Elect Able Candidates Only. BIG MEN URGED TO ENTER City Faces One of Crises of History, Say Leaders. APPEAL GOES TO VOTERS C. W. Hodson Doubts Ability of Anj Entered Up to Yesterday to Han dle Any Other $5000 Job. Fight Is on Office Seekers. CANDIDATES WHO FILED YES TERDAY. For Mayor C. L,. McKenns. For Auditor H. A. Moser. For Commissioner W. c. Alder son, Jamrs Magulre, W. A. Munly. A. B. Crosman. A. A. Closset, J. P. Mar shall, L. Victoria Hampton. William Schmeer. Charles 'it. Beard. E. Verstecg. W. I. Cattel, M. L. T. Hidden. Candidates Who Filed Previonlj. For Mayor Dan Kellahcr, A. G. Rushlight, H. R. Albee. For Auditor A. L. Borbur. For Mayor Dan Kellaher, A. Q. J. H. Nolta, W. B. Holllngsvorth. L. G. Carpenter, L. M. Lepper, W. C Benbow. M. O. Collins, C. A. Blr low, George L. Baker. Tom M. Monks, T. J. Hammer, D. W. Ward, If. C. McAllister. H. D. Wagnon. Harry L. Day. A. K. Borthwlck, w. Irving Spencer, John Drlacoll, Milton Weldler. . Candidates Who Are Circulating Pe titions. For Mayor M. E. Gibson. For Commlitsloner J. E. Werleln. Will H. Daly, C. II. Thompson. Er nest House. Harrey O'Brysn. T. O. ljly, M. J. Murnane. Thad W. Tree land. George B. Thomas, J. H. Tip ton. W. T. Vaughn. Frank W. Winn. A. G. Clark, W. H. Crawford, Charles X. Byan. C. C. Craig. 4 Preparing to combat the "Influx of Incompetents," as It was characterized, into the field of candidates for office Under the new commission charter by persuading strong and competent men of recognized importance in the munic ipality to run, 50 leading business and professional men of Portland mot at the Commercial Club yesterday and ar ranged for an organization to make a prompt, decisive move In that direc tion. F. W. Chausse concentrated the strong sentiments In favor of prompt action, which were expressed by those present, in a motion for the appoint ment of a committee of 15 to select im mediately a body of 100 representative men and women of Portland to carry on the campaign. John S. Beall, tem porary chairman of the meeting, ap pointed C. W. Hodson, John BurgarU and E. L. Thompson on a special com mittee and the following 15 men were selected at once by thorn to organize and designate the committee of 100: John S. Beall, Phil Metschan, Sr., Dr. A. A. Morrison, John H. Hall, G. W. Kleiser, W. P. Olds. J. F. Logan. C. F. Berg, A. M. Churchill, W. F. Wood ward, J. Fred Larson, H. D. Ramudell, F. A. Freeman, G. W. Hoyt and W. E. Coman. Quick Action Demanded. This commitee will meet today and, since there Is but limited time in which to launch the proposed movement be fore May 12, when the filing of peti tions will be closed, the committee of 100 probably will be designated and ready for organization and active work Thursday. Those who were present at the meet ing spared no time for applause, but took the whole matter with grave earnestness, as speaker after speaker declared that Portland Is now facing one of the most serious crises In Its history. "It is very apparent to everyone," said C. W. Hodson. "from the petitions that have been filed already, that there is an organization at work which is very potent In the affairs of the city and which, along with the scattering petitions of ambitious Individuals, has filed petitions looking toward establish, ing on the commission five of its men. Other organizations will do the same, and if the citizens who are conscien tiously in favor of good amd efficient government for Portland would over come the conditions, they must also organize. Ability of Entrants Doubted. I doubt if a single one of the men who have thus far filed their petitions would have the temerity to offer him self as a superintendent for one' of the big business corporations of the city, if It should advertise for a com petent business manager at a salary of $5000 a year. This shows that they deem the public's demands upon Its officials for efficiency to be less than those of a sound business concern. From the exhibit you have in those who have filed, I doubt If any one of you would be willing to Intrust any department of the city government to them. How are we to meet this situation? The answer advanced here has been: By bringing Into the Held men who are known to be efficient, capable and reliable' But this is going to be no P.OJUCluded on Pag 7.)