17 THE MOIiXIXG OREGOyiAV TUESDAY. 3IAY 6, 1913. APPLE SEASON ENDS Stocks in Pacific Northwest Are Closely Cleaned Up. LAST PRICES ARE FIRMER Supplies In Eastern States Will Be Worked Off Before w Crop Is Ready Sales Larger Than in Recent Tears. With strawberries bo In first place In th. fruit market to apple eaon he been brought to a close. There are a lew email lata left at -rrloo polnta In Oregon and W.shlngton. but taken aa a whole, the apple clean-op la better than waa expected. Supplies in the Hood River district are aboot exhausted and bnt little la left In the Yakima, country. There la enough de mand yet ta take care or the moderate shlp mente ar-r-rclng and the price obtainable are tightly better than prevailed In the Win ter month. Thla wa ahown by a car of Wenatchee Wlnesap brought la yeeterday. which aold at (1 to 11.25 for the 5-tier. L25 to $LT8 for th 4 H -tier, while extra fancy e-Uera were held at 1.75 to (2, Of common atoclc not ranch I left beside Ben DaTla Th poorer lot are moving: at 00 cent and th better grade at "5 cent. Members of the International Apple Shippers Association declare that the great American apple crop of 1913. amounting; to not 'lees than 50.000.000 barrels, will be cleaned bp before the new standard crop Is ready for market. While price are not considered high, they are comparatively rood now and fire promise of holding. Apple dealers are elated o-rer their mo cess In marketing such a Tat amount of on variety of fruit, aa compared with mount In previous years. Some of thea think the persistent advertising; campaign conducted by the association had much to do with the result: but In addition to thla. It la-pointed out that th big shortage of th orange crop la California and th oualltr or strawberries that have been ffered la all th leading; market since January are factors la the achievement; but they say whatever may have been causes the fact remains that at the and of toe season th consumption of American ap ples will have been about 20.0. 00.000 bar rel more thn It has been for any other year In the past tea or more. Experts are already getting; Information aa to the condition of the tree and or chard throughout the country, and alo of th thousands of young orchards, espe clslly in the Northwest, that will com Into bearing for th first time thl year. Re ports are of a most promising nature, and on a basis of the past crop and conditions now being reported, venturesome forecasters are already predicting a commercial crop of 60.000.000 barrels for 191S. WHEAT HOLDERS ASK MORE MONEY Oats are linn With Higher Bid ea Sound. Weekly statistics. Wheat holders are asking about a cent more now that lower Oriental freight are assured, and thla ba a tendency to check export business. The, Is Inquiry, however, rrom all quarters. The oats and barley markets continue very firm with California demand. Local oats handlers yesterday talked 330, track. Thla price was bid on the sound, but locally the best price wes S29.50. Local receipt. In cars, were reported by fie Merchants' Exchange as follows: Wheat Barley Flour Oat Hay Monday 47 14 4 11 rear ago 55 3 13 3 12 Seas'n to date 15! Jo57 21!'l 1SP1 1012 Year ago 13.00 3-J8 2221 14SS 2534 The Merchant Exchange weekly statis tic, follow: American visible supply Huehels Decrease. May R, 101S.. May 6. ..47.157.000 3.0 .41,722.000 2.H2I.UW .25.H67.000 1,U;.),W0 .24.2H4.0) l.45.00 .26.027.000 3.OO2,0O . 2S.0-fl.000 2.272.0'M) .5O.127.0lH l.sr.3.000 .35.3.H 3.4!5,"0 May S. JM1 May . mo May 10, 1900 May 11, 100..... May 13, J007 May 14. Jt'6 Mav J3, 1905 Mav U. 1B04 . Quantities on passag Week .24.lTO.otM .29,839.000 2, IBS. 000 Week Week Ending May 3. F.uihels. Ending Ending April 2ti Muy4. '12 For V. K Continent, Hustieis. mifneis. ..23.464.0O0 2.-..01.O"K 3o.IHMi.000 S6,S2S,000 37,S2S.OOO 22.24S.OOO Total , . .68.aa2.ooo e2.544.000 53.208.000 World's shipments principal exporting Week Ending May 4, '12 Hushels. 3..-.43.O00 0 ;i!2.M'0 1.21.-.. 77tl.O'tO 1.4rt4.o.M 4S.OOO countries ((lour inciuaea- Week Week Ending May o. Bushels. 2.62S.UOO s.e.ooo 720.0OO PO2.0OO L752.0OO 844.000 Endintr April 24 Bushels. 3.440. 4.442.iM 1.320.HM 7M.0O0 2.2.ls.inHt O4S.00O From T. P.. Can. Argentine. . Australia. . . !an. ports. Russia. ..r, India...... -tl Totals .10,124.000 12.S72.OoO 12.87S.OOO World's shipments season to dste Ttal kince Same period July 1. '12. La.t season. V. S. and Canada..,. lri.50.-..ono 131, 23., o0 Argentina ..lH'..V.is.inx Australia ;1!..H1.ihh lanube 4t..541.tNN ,n3.vxio 4s. ". 0'0 70,C2,otK 70.224,000 38.3W2.000 nu.sia iki.x-2.i'o India 46,57.W Total 5ni.lRl.OO0 431.443,000 1IXE WEATHrTB. FOR STRAWBERRIES. 1" rent-street Offerings hell Readily at Urn Friers. The weather yesterday waa Ideal for the strawberry trade, and the Front-street mar ket was actlvo and firm- Supplies were good. The best berries offered were Mar shalls from Los Angeles, which sold at 3.50 a crate. Other Los Angeles berries moved at 13.25. Florin Jessies brough $1.50 and Dollar 12.50. The first refrigerator csr of Florins will reach Portland today. A car of Telephone pea was received and they were quoted firm at 78 7H cents. The California pea market haa advanced 14 eenta, A car of head lettuce also arrived. Normal Trade la Cheese Market. The movement of cheese now Is normal, and with supplies ample, prices are on a teady basis. Butter is going into consump tion at an active rate and prices are steady. Poultry recelpta were fair and sold gen erally at last week's rang. A shipment of fine Spring ducks wa received and sold at 25 cent for the white and 22 cent for the colored. Hens were quoted t 17 cents. Broodsr sold at 30 and 35 cents. Dressed meata were stesdy and un changed. Small Trade la Spot Hope. About a carload of 1012 hops changed hands between dealers yesterday at 15 cents and a fraction better. There wa no pres sure to buy or sell the new crop, and con tracts were quoted, nominal at IS eenta Growers are taking advantage of the present fine weather to rush cultivation. Bank Clearings. Bank clesrlngs of the Northwestern cities yesterday were aa follows: Clearings. Balances. Portland 2.1'40.s $201. S24 Sesttl 2.5:-71"-' 002. 44 7l'OH 553.4S.r. 56.S40 Spokane 786.243 l0.43 PORTLAND MARKETS. Fruit aad Vegetables. I -ftt lobbing quotations: TROPICAL FRUITS Orange Navels. $3 0004.75: Florida grapefruit. $3.0095.75; lemons. California. $7 per box; tilclly, $7 per box; pineapples, 67o per pour.d. VEGETABLES Artichoke. 73c per dosen: aspaxagua. California. $1.75f2 per box; beans, 17Ho pr pound: csbbage. 34 bSc per pound; cauliflower. 35c$$l per -dozen; celery. $4 per crate: eggplant. 20o pound; head lettuce. $2.00 crate; hothouse lettuce, dos.; peas. 77 He per pound :. peppers. Z?& 40o per pound; radishes, lv9121c per dox; T5e oer garllo. B6o per pound. ONIONS Oregon, 75000 per ek; mda. J1.S0W2.23 per crate. Bar- hun POTATWfcf isuroanaa. Fuuo -ed: new, 4 660 per pound: sweet pot; a a - Hw 48d Den nound: sweet Dot uoe. GREEN FRUIT Apple. BOc-312- per box. according to quality: strs Florin. 1.50 a 2.50 per crate; Los Angeles, PACK VEGETABLES Turnips. Mo sack; parsnips. 85o per sack; carrots, per sack. per sac Grain, Floor. Feed. Flo. whrat Tnrk nrlces: Club. 89c; blue- stem. &o0c: fortyfold. 90c; red rums! an. Stc: Valley, oc FLO UK Patent, M.70 per barrel tl.hi, SA 10? ..nnrt, xS.ft5SS.Q5: VI ley. S4.70; grsham. .60; whole wheat. I 60. OATS No. 1 white, 21 23.50 per ton. r-r.K v u'hntL crtrkid. t2S psr toa. M ILLSTC FF3 Bran. 24 per ton; hort. f2B per ton: middling. 30 per ton. J1AKLET Feed. 258 23.50 per ton; brew. Inf nnmlnnt- rnll.il , -.1 '.l.'ji "7 TiO Tlf'T ton. "HAY Eastern Oregon timothy, choice, 17 CIS; alfalfa, SIS 9 14; straw, s7. Dairy and Country 11 educe. Leeal lebtalnr anotatfotis: KJL'LTRV Hen. 17c: broilers. 30835c; turkey, live. 20c: dressed, choice. 25c; ducks. 17fcie: zeese. rounit. 15 617c EGGS Oregon ranch, case count, 19o per dozen: candled. 20Q21C ier dozen. CHEESE Oregon triplet. lJic: Dallle 17c: Younr Amerloaa. lac BTJTTER City creamery butter cube. 2So per pound; prints. 28 6 29 o per pound. PCRK Fancy, 12c per pound. VEAL. Fancy, 14014HO per pound. Staple Groceries Local Jobbing quotation.! SALMON Columbia River, one-pound tails, 1125 per dosen: half-pound flat, 11.40: one-pound flat, $2-4ii Alaska pink, en-pound tall. S6c aJJvertud, one-peuo tails, 11.28. HON EY. Choice, f (.2598. 75 per ease. NUTS Walnuts, lso nar sound: BrU nut. 12Hloc; filbert. 14-&tte; almonda ltc; peanuts, tttftel coooanuts. U-OcOU per dosen. chestnuts, ilo per pound; hick erynuts, (O10o; pecan. 17o; pine, 17 M 020C BEANS 6mU white, 5 40c: large whit. l.lc; Lima, tltc; pink, A.ISo; Mexican, (o; Myoo, 4.15c SUGAR Fruit and berry, S5.15; Honolulu plantation. (5.10; beet. I4.H5; extra C. I4.5; powdered, barrels, 5.40; cubes, barrels, 15.59. COFFtE Koaileo. la drums. 21MO0 per pound. SALT Oranluated, 114 per ton: half ground loom, 110 per ton; 508, 110.71 per ton; dairy, (12 50 per ton, RICE No. 1 Japan. 605He: cheaper grades, 4c: Southern head. 6 Ok. DRIED FRUITS Apples, lOe per pound; .ipricot. l-'014c; peacbea, 10 lie; prune, It. liana, to 10c, silver, lbc; flga white and black. e97c; currant. 8-fco; raisin, lees Muscatel. d407Hc; bleached. Thompson. 11 He; unbleached. Sultanas, o; seeded, IHOSHc; date. Persian, 1S per pound; fard. IL85 oer bos fins Tw.lv. 10-ouncii. Me: fid d-Ounce. , II "; 70 eunce, i&0; SO 10-oun ". loos. 60-pound boxes. 6K97e: Smyrna, box. Il.l0tfl.25: candled. $3 par bex. a-rovutens. Local jobbing quotations: HAMS 10 to 12 pounds. 19020c: 13 t 14 pounds, 18 20c; picnics, 13c; cottag roll, 44c BACON Fancy. 2O20c; standard, 30 24c; English, 19tor20c. LARD In tierces, choice, 14 "a o; com pound. Stsc. DR Y SALT MEATS Regular short clears, 13ii 015c; short clesr backs. 12 to 1 iba, 14015c; short clear backe, 18 to 33 lbs, ItOlSHe; exports. 159100. BARRELED BEEF Extra mess bsit $1B: mess beef, $18; plat beef, $21; rollsd boneless beef. $80. BARRELED PORK Best pig pork. $27; plckeled pork. $25. Hops, Woe aad Hide. HOPS 1913 crop, 10916a per pound; 1S13 contr.cn. 1J9I3HO per pound. PELTS Dry, 1212fec; lambs. 25035c; full wool, $1.23 (VL35. WOOL Eastern Oregon, 14017c; valley, 14 2718c per pound. HIDES Salted hldee, 11 012 hi a per lb.; salted calf. 16017-ttc: salted kip, 12 0 14c; green hides. 11c; dry hides. 21922c; dry calf No. I, 25c; No. 2, 20c; salted bulla so. MOHAIR 1813 clip, 30 S 33c. per pound. GRAIN BAGS Buyer Ju.y. 10UI1 C . b. Portland. Unseed Oil and Turpentine. LINSEED OIL Raw, barrels, 58c: boiled, barrels, 00c: raw. cases. 63c; boiled, cases, ttJc. v. OIL MEAL F. o. b. Portland works: Car. lots. $33; 5 and 10-ton lot. $34: ton lota. $35. TUkPkNtiXE I'arrels. 5i(,c; cases, 37c. GASOLINE Naptha, In Iron barr.la,. Its; In case, 23c: motor gasoline. In Iron bar rets. 17c; cases, 24c; engine distillate, la Iron barrels. S4c: in casea l&ttc COAL OIL Cases, 17 He; bulk. He. SAN FRANCISCO PRODUCE .MAKKJCT Prices Quoted at the Bay City for Vegeta bles, Fruits, Etc. SAN FRANCISCO. May 5. The follow ing produce prices were current here today: Fruit Apples. 73c(b$1.30; Mexican limes, $3'iio.&0: California lemons, choice. $&.&0; common, $3; navel orange. $1.26 I; pine apples, $2 y 3.50. Cheee New. 139140; Toting Americas. 15c. Kegs Ftore, lRc; fancy ranch, 10c Hay Wheat. $:3kj25; wheat and oats, j:i.50S-3: alfalfa, 15fclS; barley, $18 6 M. Butter Fancy crsamery, 2tUc; seconds, 3Sc Potatoes Oregon Burbanks, 075c; Riv er white, toggle; new, l'nijZc; aweets. $3 0 1.:;. Vegetables Cucumbers, $?.50f.75; green peas. 2f33: string beana. Sai25sc; eggplant. 334 30c; onions, 20c'u$l.SO. Receipts Flour. 1522 quarter sacks; bar ley, E3T.0 centals; potatoes. 4310 sacks; hay, 57 tons. Sletal Markets. NEW YORK. Slay 5. Copper strong. Standard spot to July, 15.00B 15.30; electro lytic, 13.73; lake, 15.S7; casting. 15.30. Tin lirm. Spot and May. 4M.S0S 50.0U; June, 49.451130; July. 4S.S7 -8 49.30. Lead essy. 4.30 bid. Fpelter weak. 5.io 5 5.5.V Antlnionv dull. Cookson's, 9.00. Iron quiet. No. 1 Northern, 17.250 17.75; No. 2 Northern, 16.75ru 17.23; No. 1 -southern. 17.30 fir 19.00; No. 1 Southern soft, 17.00 4 17.50. . Copper exports this month. 8041 tons. Lon don copper firm. Spot. 63 5s; futures, 69. l.ocal exchuiiKe sales tin ho tons. Ixmdon tin easy; spot. 1230 lts: future?; f2?2. Lon don lend 18 5s; London spelter, f2S 10s. Iron, Cleveland wsrrauts. 7s d. Hops, r'tc, at New York. NEW YORK. May 6. Hops, easy: state common to choice, 1912. 16$ 23c; 1911, ut J4c: Taclfic Coast, 1912, I' 20c; 1811, 11 (n 13c. Hides, stesdy: Bogota, 2Sfct320e; Central America. 2840. petroleum, steady; refined. Now York, bulk. $4.b0; barrels. $8.50; cases, $10 80. Wool, steady; domestic fleece, XX Ohio, 2Sc. Naval Stores. SAVANNAH. G.. May S. Turpentine, firm. S6'f(37c; sales. 772: receipts, 81S; shipments. 1102: stocks. 17.909. Rosin, firm: sales. .1103: receipts, 1519; shipments. 3270; slocks, 44.962. Quote: A, B, C, D. $4.30: E. K. 4.0: G. H. $4.70; I. $.n.i; M. $5.30; N, $6.00; WG. $6.25; WW, 6i0. ' Pried Fruit at New Tork. NEW YORK, May 6. Evaporated apples, quiet, but steady: fancy, 7V8V.C; choice, 64 uSc: prime, 6'4i Sc. Prunes, firm; California, 3H3H4c; Ore, gons. 6Hi(ac. Peaches, quiet, but steady; choice. 6mi 6c; extra choice. 6 14 7c: fancy, 7 14 a So. London Wool Sale. LONDON. Msy 5. The offerings at the wool auction sales today amounted to 97K5 balea. principally cross-breds. Buyers read ily paid full prices for suitable parcel and merinos sold briskly to the Continent. Chicago Iairy Froduce. CHICAGO. May B,. Butter Steady. Creameries, 24 Vi H 2!c. Ec-rs Easier for firsts, others unchsnged. Receipts, 30.539 cases; fresh, 16c, at mark, cases included. 17tflSc; ordinary firsts, 17c; crsts. 17'9I8c. Wool at St. Louis. ST. 7X)UI3. Msy 5. Wool Steady. North era and western medium. 16910; light burry. 156 loo; slight burry. 14Ccl5c. . Hops In London. LIVERPOOL, My 5. Hop In London, Facin Coast, 14 10s 5 10a Klgin Butter Market. ELOrK, Tl!.. May 5. Butter Steady. 28c. Talr Appropriation Killed. PHOKNIX. Ariz, May 5. The State Senate killed today the bills to provide appropriations of $50,000 for the Panama-Tactile Exposition and $25,000 for the Panama-Calif ornia Fair at Ban rhubarb, 192o per pound: spinacn. box: tomatoes. 12.50 34.60 par box; s8a tier pound. J Diego. STOCK RISE SHARP Market" Reflects Improved Sit uation in Europe. BUYING ON BROAD SCALE Prospect for Repurchasing of Amer lean Secnritleu by Foreign Invest ors Is Opened Vp Shorts Cover Heavily at Openinff. NEW YORK. May 5. The decided Im provement In the European political situa tion consequent upon Montenegro's decision to yield to the powers, and the resultant strength of securities abroad exerted the dominating Influence upon the stock market today. Expectation of speedy settlement of problem which have menaced the peace of Europe for montha opened up ,the prospect of the repurchasing of American securltle by foreign lnvestora ' Th situation waa on which offered no comfort to the bear and there was spirited bidding for stock to oover when the mar ket opened. London also was in thl mar ket, buying most heavily of Eteel, Amalga mated and TL'nlon Pacific Operation on th long sld were carried on more confi dently, and la the first hour there was a sharp upturn, reaultlng In gain for im portant issues of one to three point. Later trading grew dull and price eased off, although in the final hour th Hat rote to around the top again. Traders were disappointed at tne -supreme Court's refusal to extend beyond July 1 the time for completing the Harriman dissolution, and union ana eoutnern ra- ciflo aold oft Bonds showed an Improved tone. Total sales par value $1,870,000. United States bond were unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Reported by J. C Wilson Co- Lewis building. Portland. Closing Seles. 27.100 oo 8.O00 200 seJO High. 75 24 84 ' 03 Vs 4! LOW. Via. 74T4 20 83 93 4914 44 67 Amsl Copper .. 74 2S 83 03 49 Am tseot sugar Am Can Co .... do preferred.. Am Car & Fdy Am Cotton Oil.. Am Emel A Ref 1,000 68 67 ink" 125! -S7T4 1214 Sir 14 89-i 240"i 63 i2'i 107 do preferred.. 10114 111 112 12814 225 88 120-14 90 , 9914 P8V4 90 24114 6414 14 14 12-S14 1071s 2314 820 304 81 28 Vi 130 890 ' 19 1514 2914 188 82 "4 1201 US' 1314 62 "4 2314 15.114 Am fsugar ..... 100 'i.ooo "soo 100 2,300 "oo" 4.SO0 8,200 1.700 111. vu' 'ik'si 12m 9S 'B8"- BOH 242 U 12!'H 108 do prclerrea.. Am Tel sc Tel.. Am Tobacco Anaconda Atl Coast Line. AT Santa Fe ' do preferred.. Bait Ohio ... Brook R T ran. Canadian Faa c u C Jt G W C AN W 800 C. M Et Paul. 2.100 Central Leather ..... . Central of W J Cblno s.boo 384 32 Col Fuel & Iron 300 32 lOl PUUIUBIB Consol Gas .... D L W D 4 R G 800 130 H 150 Distilling Sscur. 600 6,600 2O0 10O 7o0 300 1.600 1.000 100 2.900 100 1.500 ' 'i.ioo 164 29 H 134 31 H 12714 1134 1314 62 4 24 ISA 13214 23 "2414 36 15H 28 li 189 31 126 l 112-4 1 62 24 155 1324 22 H "24" 83 Era Gen Electrlo ... Gt North Ore . . Gt North pf ... Illinois central. Interboro Met .. do prererrea. . K C Southern.. Lehigh Valley .. Louis As Nash . . Mexican Central M. S P A 8 S M Mo, Kan & Tex Mo Psclflo 1.500 National Lead - . Nat Biscuit . . .. do prererrea.. N Y Central . . . N Y. Ont A Wes 1,300 700 ' " "206 1.10O 300 102 30 7' " 1154 23 11H 29 "76"" 11414 22 Norfolk A West North America. Northern Pac .. Pacific Mail .J. Paciijj TAT.. do preferred.. Pennsylvania .. 7.700 200 4.0O 200 4.500 8.700 4O0 113i 10914 12'4 2S14 2014 99 24 112 IOB 181 2314 19-14 97 24 149 14 People s Gas .. Reading Republic SAL Rock Island Co. Southern Pac . . Southern uy . .. Texaa Oil Union Paciflo .. 89.700 151 do preterrea. . ...... United Rds S F U 8 Steel 42.P0O 1S 106i 5114 60S loVi 5014 do preferred.. -to" I"iah Copper . Wabash Western Union Westlnff Elco . 2.300 200 65 65 52 Wisconsin Cent. 100 52 Total sales for the day, 270.000 shares. BONDS. Reported by Orerbeck A Cooke Co., Board of Trade building. Portland. atchl.nn general 4. 13 9314 901? Atlantic Coast Line first 4s.... 94 Baltimore A Ohio gold 4 B R T 4S 8'i Chesapeake A Ohio 4Vt 87 C M A St P gen 4s Chlcaco Hock Island Col 4.... SSij 93 SOU 871 0014 39 94 94 72V4 76 9414 70 K5 . 93 11414 "014 92 ! loo fl( 73 Ml 02 I0414 65 4 ut 91 S loo '4 94 .V.H 92 90 MS 100 10314' 103 14 114 1 1-114 Tal Gas 6b 9: C B A Q Joint 4s . if-r Erie general 4s 72 Int Met 41s. 7314 Louisville & Nashville unl 4s Jllssourl Paciflo 4s 69 New York Central general 814e. 84 N A W first con 4a 9314 Northern Pacific 4s 94 Oregon Short Lino ref s o Oreeon Ry A Nav 4s 90 Pacific Tel 6 Penna Con 4s 9S Reading general 4s 84 Vj St L S F ref 4s , Southern Pacific ref 4 v, Southern Pacific Col 4s........ S9 Southern Railway 5a .....30 Southern Railway 4a. .1 wii I - m . .1 n,llirBT Inv 4s.. 60 Cnion pacific first and ret 4s.. 91 United states steel 6s. ...10014 West Shore 4s Wabash 4s Westinghouso Eleo convvs.. Wisconsin Central 4s Western Paciflo 3s UnHed States 2s rexislered . , Vnlted States 2s coupon..... Vnited States 3s registered. . United States 3s coupon...., United States 4s registered.. United States 4s coupon ... 9214 ... 36 ... 90 si " ...1004 ...10014 .. .102S, .. .loll, ...11314 ...11314 Stock at Boston. ' BOSTON, May 8. Closing quotation: Allouez -12 IMohawk Atnalg Copper.. 74T4 Nevada Con .... A Z L. A Sm... 24:Nlpissing Mines. Arizona Com .. 31iNorth Butte BACCASM. 8 Ixorth Lake "al A Arizona.. 6314 Old Dominion... Cat A Hecla. ...4S3 lOsceola Centennial lSH-'Qulncy Cop Ran Con Co 42 shannon 50 16T4 R--4 2S 1 41; 83 65 0-4 28 3 3914 4614 502 K tttitte cop m. 11- superior Franklin Suo A Bos -Mln.. Giroux Con 214 tlranby Con . . . 63 Tamarack U S R A M... Greene Cananea. 6 do preferred... I Rovalle (Cool 22V Utah Con Kerr Lake. 14!I'tah Copper Co. Lake Copper.... 12 li: Winona ......... I a Salle Copper 3 j Wolverine Miami Copper... 23 1 4 4814 Money, Exchange, Ete. NEW YORK. May 5. Money ea call steady, 29 3 per cent; ruling rate, 214; closing bid, 2 li : ofrered at 3. Time loan eftsler; 60 days, 4 per cent; 90 days, 4&44 six months. 44e414. Prime mercantile paper, 5fj&514 per cent. Sterling exchange steady, with actual busi ness In bankers bill at $4.8315 for 60-day bills and at $4.8670 for demand. Commercial bills, $4.83. Bar sliver, 60c. Mexican dollars, 48c Government bonds steady railroad bonds firmer. I-ONDON. May 5. Bsr silver stedy, 2714d per ounce. Money, 3&3 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bill 1 814 6 8 15-16 per cent; tor three month' bill. 814 9313-16 per cent. 8 AN rRANCI8Co7 May 6. Silver bars, COc Mexican dollars, nominal. Drafts, sight par, telegraph 214c Sterling In London, 60 days, $4.8314: sight, $I-S6. Condition of the Treasury. WASHINGTON. May 8. The condition of the United States Treasury at the begin ning of business today was : Working balance $ 71.677.488 In banks and Philippine Treasury 43.027.583 Total of general fund Ho.643,916 Receipts Saturday 2,784.758 Disbursements 1.992.773 The surplus this fiscal year is $9,443,538. as against a deficit of Hl.534.324 last year. The figures for receipts, disbursements, surplus and deficit exclude Panama Canal and public debt transactions. Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK, May 5. Coffee futures ! opened steady at an advance of 4 points In sympathy with steady European cables. Thar wu can little demand, however, and prices later eased off under scattering liqui dation on a little pressure Inspired by lower closing French cables and the absence of any aggressive support. The close wu steady. Sale 9250 bag. May, 10.95; July, 11.06c; September. 11.27c; December, 11.26o; January. 11.27c: March, 11.81c. Spot, quiet. Rio. No. 7. 1114: Santos, No. 4. 13-fccrmlld. dull; Cordova. l14-?'"c Raw sugar, steady: Muscovado, 2.869 2.89c: centrifugal, 3.833.39o; molasses, 2.61(32.64. Refined, steady; cut loaf, 8.15c; crushed. 5.05c; mould "A," 4.70c; cubes, 4.60c; XXXX powdered, $4.50; powdered. 4.45c; fine granulated. 4.85c; diamond A. 4.45c; confectioner1 A,' 4.20c; No. X. 4.10c. Cotton Market. NEW TORK, May 5. Cotton Spot closed quiet. Middling uplands. 11.83c; do. gulf, 12.10a Sales. 5300 bale. Futures closed steady unchanged to & polnta lower. May. 11.35c; June. 11.39c: July, 1144c: August, 11.29c: September, 10.97c; October. 10.89c; December, 10.90c; January, 10.87c; March. 10.c x-T-r-co- ovtT.-fCAjNS. May 5. Spot ootton quiet, unchanged. .Middling, 12-c; sale, six bales. LIVERPOOL, May 6. Cotton Spot In fair demand, price easier. CATTLE SELLAT ADVANCE CHOICE OREGON STOCK OF FERED OX LOCAL MARKET. Best Steers Bring- $S.3& ana $8.35. Top-Grafie Cows Are Taken at $7.40 -Hogs and Sheep Firm. There wa a liberal supply of choice Ore gon cattle on the market yesterday, and buyer were, therefore, more ready to take hold. The consequence wa not only an active, hut also a -rtrong and higher market. Hog and aheep oontlnued firm at last week' price. - t..r, steera 18.35 was paid. Four load were moved at $8.80 and. five at $8.26. From tnat price uw " down to $7.60. according to grade. A fw extra choice Oregon cow were sold at $7.40, the hlgheet price of the eaon, and other cow. brought $7.10 and $7. Choice calve, again sold at $- . , The top of the hog market remain at $9.04. Six loads bought this price Md two were taken at $9. Heavy hogs also so!d at last week's quotations.. ., . Two bunches of Spring lambs were so id at $8 50 and $8.7i Wether brought $9.60 and 7.50. and ewe. .old at f . Receipt were oa j hose and 1908 sheep. Shippers were C. C. Price, Terrebonne. 1 car of cattle: H. F. Cram, Metoliut-. 10 cars of cattle; Gilchrist Bros.. Redmond. 2 cars of cattle: F. B. Spike. Echo. 8 cars of cattle; J. a Lonergen. Echo, 1 car of cattle; Port land Cattle Loan Company. Caldwell. 4 cars of cattle; E. E. Wlllard, Nampa. 8 car 01 cattle: H. Walker, Stanfleld, 1 car of cat tle; A. B- Gale, Alrlie. 1 car of hog; J. O. Martin. Blackfoot. 7 cara of hogs; I L. Baker, Caldwell, 1 car of hogs; Kiddle Bros.. Union Junction, 1 car of hogs; J. W. Chand ler Elgin. 1 car of hogs; C. Brown, Klm beriy. 1 car of hogs; F. Bond. Toppenish. a car of sheep; McCully A Rumble, Enter prise. 6 cars of sheep; J. D. Dlnsmore. Leb. anon, 1 car of sheep and hogs: B. W. Gill, West Sclo, 8 cars of cattle and calves; Ed Flint, Junction City, 2 cara of calves, sheep and hogs, and C. W. Helm, Hlllsboro, 1 car of cattle and horses. The day were fo-1w?-. ,,. .1320 $7.23 1 steer ......... 29 steers ........ 2!) steers ........ 3 cows 2S etcers ......... 12 steers ........ 85 Spring lambs . KT 4 .vo .90 1036 127 1282 36 360 117ft 8.23 S.23 8.50 so: l hogs 8.50 2 hogs 8 hoes 2 hors ..... 93 hogs - 1 hoc ........ 96 hogs ....... 87 hogs 2 hog ....... 38 wothers I hop -. 1 hog 25 steers ...... 22 steers ...... 1 steer 24 steers ...... 24 steers ...... 24 steers .. ... 21 steers ...... 6 steers ...... 11 steers 25 steers ...... 26 steers ...... 25 steers - 1 steer ....... 2 steers ...... 9 steers ...... 1 steer ....... 87 steers ....... 1 steer 12 steer ...... 28 cows ........ 8 cows ....... 14 calves 1 calf 1 stag 1 bull 75 Spring lambs 89 ewes 82 wethers ..... S3 hons 91 hogs 76 hop's 89 hogs O . hni7, ........ 38 8.00 ............ 820 8.00 15 9.0D . . .... 20 8.05 176 9.03 , 201 9.00 315 8.00 91 6.00 220 9.03 870 8.05 1273 S.2S 12S0 8.30 800 ' 7.50 1285 8.30 1258 830 10R5 8.25 1207 8.25 1163 7.50 1020 8.00 104 7.65 '....1009 8 20 ...1092 8.30 940 7.5T 1175 8.35 ...1072 7.75 890 7.00 1117 8.25 1000 8.25 1113 7.75 1110 7.10 010 7.00 167 9.O0 240 7.50 1230 7.50 1560 6.00 58 8.75 3 6.75 S3 7.50 .. 197 9.05 .. 212 9.03 .. 191 9.00 .. 174 9.00 .. 178 9.03 .. 182 9.03 105 hogs The range of price at tne yards wa follows: .TTco,r Choice steer ... . ......' T.50- 7.75 7.30 4 7.60 6.75 7.40 isood steers . . Medium steer. Choice cone .. 6.5U(rs 6.13 Goon cows Medium cows ...... Choice calves no3d heavy calve... .... 6.00 O 8.50 .... 8.00(9 .! .... 8.30 0 T.SO .... 5.5 a 6.-5 .... .7S'5 9.05 .... .00 e.2r,ift i.r.n .... S.-.T)!?!) .75 .... T.UOiji 8.75 Bulls Ho-fS Uht Heavy Yearllnj- wethers ... .............. Lambs Omaha Livestock Market. ' SOUTH CUYtAM.-v, nca, e...i.i. T -no- market, hlsher. Native steers. 7.50, s-'aoj cows and heifers. l l . n" . cuna auu . -. . - " $tf.70l& 9.75. , Hogs Kece pts. wuu; msrtioi, n,.. .c.,;... nil,. MtOMS:i5: ale. S7&S; bulk ' of' sales. 8.25tf 8.30. j -v.Mi.iin,. 7vi7.i0: wethers, 8.40-ab.W, lambs. -fS-3 8.75. Chlcaco livestock Slarket. - . . ctn. Tt ffai nt 18.. OCX); market, .irons; to generally lc up. m tm n f. J-bil TfW mm si r-I Itl Mil l(s i-co: western bi., . , , and feeder. J6.10&8.10; cow and heifers. 4WS.i5; calves. 16.60 & . ...H Hog Receipts. "- fl IS 8.50; heavy. JS 404f 8.40; rough J7.W S.10; pig. to.w""i w " v -- Ibeep RecelpU, 25,000; mrket. steady to 7U2C0;earliSg.: . ikSoSH UmH native. .6o 'ROWING BOAT' SAVES MAN Portlander's Brother, However, Pays - $50 for Salmon on Hook. nnirfinv PITT. Or.. Mar 5. (Spe cial.) m, F. Templeton went flshlni? monday at oregron -oity sou paia v for the privilege. Nor did he catch any : .v. Tile hMthar R E. TemDletOn, also' went fishing with him,' caught one salmon, was fined o, dui own . to pay It. The chief reason of this is that K. E.. the brother, when arraigned before Justice Slevers, pleaded that he had only been rowlns the boat in which L. F. was fishing, and that he In no way was to blame for a salmon get ting upon a line trailing from the craft. , , rr i . ir.mnlofnnil rATTA I f tTTlO I because they were fishing beyond the dead line" on the river, ana wimm .u feet of a fish ladder. It la a state of- . .nrla within 200 feet Of the pathway followed by the fish over ob structions in a river, ana iuikwu" the Templetons, who are from Port- i.-j i haA ti over before visited this locality, broke the law. The ?50 fine Is the minimum tnat can " -sessed. L. F. Templeton pleaded guilty, while the brother told the gentle story about "Just rowing the boat." French exports to the United States in- creaee.! by nearly 17.0OO.O)0 In llMS, as impared with the precedlnc jrer. FALLS WITH RA N Wheat Market Is Depressed by Weather Map. CHINCH BUGS KNOCKED OUT Weakness Is Aggravated by Clearing of Distnrbed Political Situation In Europe Coarse Grains Also Score Declines. CHICAGO, May 5. Wat weather was the chief Influence today In lowering wheat val ues, !4o to Sc. The close wa steady. Corn and oats both suffered net declines, corn 14 o. oats a shade to 14 c Provision made a net upturn of 0 to 13a "Goodbye chinch hug," said wheat trader, today a they read report of the oaktng rains of Saturday and Sunday la Missouri, Kansas and Oklahoma. It Is said the moisture stored by the fields will be enough to carry the plants through maturity aa well as rid it of the peat The downward course of wheat prices incident to the weather map wa aggravted by the clear ing of the disturbed political situation la Europe. Primary receipt of wheat today were L214.00O bushels; last year 1,005,000. Sea board clearances of wheat and flour equaled 690.000 bushel. Expectation of Increased country offer ings lowered com. The market showed a narrow range throughout the session. General rains caused heaviness In oat. In spite of lower prices at the yard pro vision made gains. Offerings were limited and there was good Investment buying, a well as covering by shorts. The leading futures ranged aa follow: WHEAT. Open. Htph. .. .90 .91 .. .90H .91 .. .9014 .8014 CORN. Low. .902 Close. $ .9014 .90 H .9014 Msy July Sept May July Sept .5-1 "i .55-4 .5614 .64 H .55"- .66r .54 .65 .56 li .34 K, .55 .5614 OATS. " .8514 .8414 .8414 May . . July ...... Sept ... . .3514 .34-J 3414 .35 H .3414 .34H .88 H .34 .84 Vi MESS PORK. . 19.3214 10.4214 39.3214 May July Seit 19.40 19.35 19.3214 ...19.421. 19.60 19.15 19.8214 LARD. ...10.90 10.0214 ...10.7714 10.85 .'..10.7714 10.86 19.4214 19.13 May July Sept 10.90 10.7714 10.771 10.92 14 10.85 10.8a SHORT RIBS. ...11.4214 11.45 11.4214 ...10.9714 11.05 10.9714 ...10.7714 10.8714 10.7714 May July Sept . 1L42H 11.05 10.S714 Pash rlce were? Wheat No. 2 red. $L021i: No. , red, 96c$1.00; No. 3 hard, 8914 92c; No. 1 Northern, 923c; No. 2 Northern, 91 92c: No. 3 Northern, 8991c; No. 2, Spring, 91!2c; No. 3 Spring, 893 91c; No. 4 Spring, 828Sc; Durum, 949Sc fnr-n TJo. Q. 55 U. till 56 C: NO. 2 White, 57!i(857c; No. 2 yellow, 5656!e; No. 8, 54-&5514c; No. 3 white, 5614 57 He; No. 3 yellow, 5555l4c: No. 4, 54 54-Sio; No. 4 white, OOWoo-c; o. yellow, uoxw 54c. Rye. No. 2. 64c. Barley, 46 70c. Tlmothj, $2.853.S5. Clover, $17.00 (a 22.00. Visible Supply of Grain. NEW TORK, May 5. The visible supply of grain In the United States Saturday. May S. as compiled oy ine -taw lorn rroou" Exchanxe. was as follows: Decrease Bushels. Bushels. 8,660,000 910.000 Wheat -41,157.000 Wheat In bond ,4B,uti Corn Oats 8.T04.00O Oats in hond rtOB.ooo 2,175,000 770.000 46.000 Kye .................. . Barlev 1.706.000 58.000 947,000 81,000 Barley In bond 418.000 Increase. Puset Sound "Wheat Market. 98c; fortyfold, 89c; club, 88c; Fife, 87c; red Russian, 85-ic. T-1 inu l Vnn K WTnet "Sluestem. OS 5 89c: fortyfo'id. S7c club. Sc; red Fife, 85c. Car receipts, wneai 11, owney u, v-r Grains In Ban Francisco. raw trtrtANfrrsco. Mav 5. Spot Quota tions, Walla walla, 1.6091.S2H red Rus sian, 11.57 14 1.6o; Turkey red, J1.75W 1.77 V4: -bluestem, Sl.7SWl.eo: ieea oaney. $1.4t4i tS1.48?i ; brewing barley, nominal: white oats. 1.82tt 0 1.85; bran. S28.50IS27; middlings, ta031: shorts, t2S.50ig)iS. Call board sales: Wheat, firm, no trading. Barley, firm. December, 1.50; May, $1.48',i bid, $1.60 asked per cental. Minneapolis Orain Market. MINVTEAPOTCIS, May 5. Close: Wheat, Mav, 87Vjc; July, S9Vi -sSBSc; September. 80 c. Cash, No. 1 hard. 90 Vic; No. 1 Northern. 80 00c; No. 2 Northern, 87(i?8Sc; No. 2 hard Montana, 80 Vic; No. 3 wheat, 85 86a Flax, !. 29-54. Barley 42 58c. Bran 16 17 European Grain Markets. LOXDON, May S. Cargoe on passage quiet, buyer reserved. LrVERPOOI May 6. Wheat Spot, steady. Futures easy. May, 7s 8?d; July, 7s 6d; October, V 8-iid Duluth linseed Market. DUT.UTH. May 8. Close: "Linseed, S1.80U 1.30ri; May, 1.S0 bid; July, $1.31; Sep tember, J1.S4: October, $1.32 bid. UNIFORMS ARE ADVOCATED Grange Asks That State Furnish Dresses for Pupils. ALBANY, Or.. Slay 8. (Special.) That all children attending public schools should wear uniforms while at school, the uniforms to be furnished by the state. Is a proposal embodied in a resolution adopted by the Linn County Council of the Grange In a session at the Sand Ridge Grange hall. J. H. Scott, president of the Council, was instructed to present the resolution to the State Grange, at its meeting in Albany. May 13. Besides proposing uniforms for all public school children the resolution proposes free text-books and the fur nishing of warm noonday lunches to all students. It was Introduced by C. Carlson, of Ash Swale Grange, and after a spirited discussion was Indorsed unanimously. Representative Martin Drops Dead. "WASHINGTON. May 5. Representa tive Lewis J. Martin (Democrat), of Newton, N. X, dropped dead in the Union Station here today. He was serv ing his first term in Congress and had served his state in both tha Assembly and the Senate, being the minority leader in the latter from 1899 to 1902. Martin was 69 years old. He had just arrived " In Washington from New Jersey!. ESTABLISHED 1894 jngineers ACT AS . C0NSULTINQ ENGINEERS CONSTRUCTINQ ENGINEERS . OPERATING MANAGERS APPRAISERS PROPERTIES FINANCED 85 SECOND ST.. SAN FRANCISCO ;EW YORK , NEW ORLEANS Accommodation One of the vital principles of a bank service is its care in serving its cus tomers. Tie , Northwestern National Bank gives careful attention to all of the wants of its depositors. Third and Oak First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 900.000 Oldest National Bank West of tha Rocky Mountains COEHXB FIRST AKD WASHINGTON STS. LADD & TILTON BANK Established 1869. Capital Stock $1,000,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profit! 1,000,000.00 Commercial and Savings Accounts tctter-i of credit, drafts and traveler' check issued, availably in all parts of the world. tV. VL T.arld. "President. Kdward Cookfngrham, Vlo loe-Praa W. H. Dunckley. Cashier. "Leave Seattle, Wash Midnight, 'Wednesday, for Victoria, Vancouver, Prince Rupert, Granby. Bay and ueen Charlotte Inland. ALTERNATE. "PRINCE JOHN" AND "PRINCE ALBERT' Leave Victoria every THURSDAY at 10:00 P. M., and Vancouver every FRT DAY at 12 o'clock midnight for QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDb an after connecting with "S. S. PRINCE RUPERT," from Seattle, on GRAND TRUNK Passenger trains leave Prince Rupert Wednesday and Saturday at 10 A. M. for New TIazelton. B. C. (181 miles). Returning, leave New Hazelton Sunday and Thursday at 9:45 A. M.( arriving Prince Rupert at 5:00 P. M. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM DOUBLE - TRACK ROUTE. Chicago to New York and other Atlantic seaports. Through PULLMAN STANDARD and TOURIST sleeping-cars. DOllSEY B. SMITH, O. P. A, J. H. BURGIS, General Agent. Phone Marshall 18-79. Pnnsenser Department. City Office 60 Fifth Street, Portland, Or. AGENTS FOR ALL TRANS-ATLANTIC STEAMSHIP LINES. nci E: 1 u y -1 k J ta 3 T Xjm- tiU a-V! I T1 k I hnl R l-i-ta it i Mti jn itJ a t sVa-ga-"" tlES i W WS0 tl tSS B - - f . 1 silTT isT- Sailings from sailTn-o 1 ',, PROVENCE May LA LORRAINE May KKAMIK (newt June Ulirf.l Twin-screw steamer. tWuadruple-screw stcamei. SPECIAL SATURDAY SAILINGS FROM NEW YORK 8 P. M. ONE CLASS CABIN (II) and THIRD-CLASS Passenger Only. Chicago May 10 Niagara May U C. W. Stinger. 80 6th St.: A. D. Charlton, 335 Morrison St.; J, O. Thomas, (). M. St. P. By.; Dorsey B. Smith, 6th St.; A. C. Sheldon, 100 3d st.: II. Dickson, 123 2d St.; North Bank Road, 6th and Stark si., agent s. Portland. 0 TRANS - ATLANTIC LINES AMERICAN LINE N.Y.-PIymenth-Cherbourg-'soulhampton ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINE New York London Direct RED STAR LINE New York Dover Antwerp WHITE STAR LINE Vm TTrtrk Oneenstowit UvorOool N.Y.-Plymoutta-CherbourR-Sonttaampton CrnlBea New York and A. E. DISNEY. PASS. AGT-. 619 SECOND AVE., S DOORS FROM CHERRY, SEATTLE, Or Local Railway and Steamship Agents. Throughout the Northwest, the cities and towns are following Portland's example and laying Bitulithic paving. J.C WILSON&CO. STOCKS. BONDS. GRAIN AND COTTOJ4 MEMBERS NEW YORK STOCK KXCRANO& X'BW YORK COTTON KXCBANUSk CIUCAOO BOARD OF TBADJS, CHS STOCK AND BONO EXCKANQS WMt VBAMCUOO. PORTLAND 0XTZ0B: Lewi Building, 269 Oak Street Phones MarshaU 4120. A 4187 TRAVELERS' GUIDE. AUSTRALIA TAHITI AND NEW ZEALAND. Bennd Trip luteal DA class t Tahiti 1135. to Wellington (267.60, to Sydney 1300. Special Pacific Oeean Tear (Including South Cea Isles) to Sydney via Tahiti. Rarolonga and New Zealand ana returning to Ke.it Francisco (or Vanoouver) via Auckland Flit or Samoa and Honolulu. 32S. 1st class Stop-overs ny point, good on year. Sail ing irom Ban j ran Cisco apru z, apni tv. Ray 28. etc. Fnlon Steamship Co. of New TCealand, Ltd. OXXlco: JB Market Street, Ban rranclsco. OFCIOIERS. Robert 8. Howard. A. at CaabUa J. W. Ladd, Asst. Cashier. . Walter M. Cook. At. Casbto. EFFECTIVE MARCH 26th, 1013. 'S.S.PrinceRnpert' 'S.S. Prince George' "Leave Seattle, Wash., Midnight, Sunday, for Prince Rupert, Stewart and Massett, O. C. d local polnta Wednesday. PACIFIC RAILWAY Comp&4nie Generale Transatlantique Direct Line to Ua-rre-Parl (Franee) New York every Thursday at 10 A. M. France New Thursday, May 15 S "LA SAVOIB " 29 LA PROVENCE Juno 18 5 tl'RANCt: (new) June 26 CANADIAN SERVICE balling Erery Tuesday From Montreal and Quebec BY THE LARGEST CANADIAN LINERS Including the LAURENT1C TEUTONIC MKGANTIO CANADA SeT-id for folders nt the Short Land locked St. Lawrenre Ronte to Europe. Boston Mediterranean Egypt. TRAVELERS' GUIDE, yMHT 'BT 'BTl If r Can Franzftco and Lo Angel WITHOUT CHANGE 8. K. BEAR sails 9 A. M., !Uy 7. 8. 8. ROI?E CITY, A. SI. May li. IKK SAN rKANCl.-.CO A POKTLANU . S. CO. Ticket Office 3d and Washington (wills O-W. R. N. Co.) Phone Ma-mbali ASOO. A IUI. COOS BAY LINE , STEAMSHIP "BREAKWATER' sails from Alnsworth Dock, Portland, at S K. M.. April 17. 23. 30, May 5. 10. 15. 20. 25. 30, thereafter every five days, 8 A. M. Freight received dally until 5 p. M. except day previous to sailing, previous day 4 P. M.. passenger fares: First-class. $10; sec-ond-clsss. $7, Including berth and meals. Ticket office at Alnsworth Dock. PORTLAND & COOS BAY 8. 8. LINE, L. U. KEATING, Agent. Phone Main 3600. A 3K3. San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego Direct S. S. Roanoke and S. S. Elder. Call Every Wedneadey Alternately at NORTH PACIFIC S. S. 00. Ul A Third St. PboBe Main 1314. A 1314. LOS ANGELES AND BAN DIEGO STEAMSHIPS YALE AND HARVARD Rllrod or any steamer to 5an Franclseo, the Kxpo City. Largest, fastest and the ONLY strictly first-class passenger ships oa th Coast. Average speed 2s miles pes hour; cost $2,000,000 each, BAN FRANCISCO, TORTLAND 1LA. Main 20, Frank Bollam,' Agent. A 439, 11!4 Third be reel. s it-t-if iri - - -- i-Ttm'tTmi BAHIA. SANTOS. MONTEVIDEO. BUENOS AYKES and ROSARIO. targe, Kw and rtt las-trer Steamers Irom New York every alternate Saturrisy. r--Tor rstes. etcspply local ticket A cents, or t BUSK lANfKLS, General Acents, SOI rmdnre Frrhsnee. Kew Y-rk.