TIIE MOK7TTNG- OKEGOyiAy. SATURDAY, MAY 3, MULTNOMAH 'TEAM TO VISIT POWWOW Eight Athletes to Take Part in ' Big Track Games at Spokane, June 20. NORTHWEST GAMES HERE Gigantic Competition to Be Staged on CInb Field Jane 14 With Pick of Cinder-Path Men of Territory Entered. Manager 'William Schmltt. of the Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club track anil field team, has added an other meet to the Winged "M" sched ule, agreeing to send an el?ht-man team to the Spokane Pow Wow meet of June SO. The Spokane officials plan to make the June 20 meet the athletic feature of the Pow Wow, the biggest affair ever staged In Eastern Washington. Echmltt has been asked to send at least eight men, and will take eight of the men who will represent the club In the June 14 meet on Multnomah field. The June 14 affair, concluding the athletic activity of Rose Festival week, will be a Pacific Northwest Association championship gathering, and not a Pa cific Coast meet, as planned. After In vestigating the situation Schmltt is convinced that it will be better to hold a gigantic Northwest meet, with the pick of the athletes of the territory involved, than to import a few Callfor nlans and perhaps scare off a number of Northwesterners. Schmltt and his aaslstanta are already preparing tof the Rose Festival competition , Portland's first tennis tourney of the 1911 season will open on May 17, Mult nomah Amateur Athletic Club mem bers engaging in their annual Spring handicap competitions. Singles and doubles will be played, the finale com ing on May 24 if the weather Is good. A. D. Wakeman, chairman of the winged "M" tennis committee, an nounces that the city championships will be staged on the club's cement courts commencing August 30. In ad dition to the city title matches open competitions are likely to be added. Bill Schmltt and a squad of six or seven Multnomah Club track and field men leave Portland early this morn ing for a quadrangular meet at Cor vallls this afternoon. Oregon Agricul tural College, Multnomah Club, Pacific University and Columbia University are to engage In the competitiotis; The Multnomah Club will be com posed of Captain Hawkins, Phllbrook, Hummel, Brace, Jackson, McGinty and possibly Wolff. The final Multnomah Club dance of the season will be held In the club house next Thursday night. Ed Morris and the members of the entertainment committee are working hard to make the affair the most successful of the year. The perpetual handball tourney at Multnomah Club will be discontinued during the Summer. After May 10 no matches will be played until Fall. Dick Jones now leads the players, but sev eral matches will be pulled off before Saturday. TKXICE SQTJAD TOO LARGE McCredle Says Hog an Is Evading Rules by Subterfuge. That "Happy" Hogan, manager of the Venice team In the Pacific Coast League. Is evading, by subterfuge, the rules of the National Commission by carrying too many men Is the charge fired at Hogan last night by Walte McCredle. manager of the Portland Clam AA club. "Hogan has 12 or iJ players, although he is allowed only 20 after May 1.. charges McCredle. "He has suspended Elliott and McDonnell, presumably for Injuries, but I notice Elliott Is along with the team in uniform and out on the coaching lines. Tne rules certainly mean that a club can carry on the payroll only 20 men, and if we are to have rules, why not live np to them?" Manager McCredle win not protest any of this week's games, but be may call President Baura's attention to the alleged infraction of the National tenets. The penalty for carrying over the limit Is severe, . there being a stiff fine attached. In addition to a forfeiture of the franchise for conviction. REG IX A TEAM. GOES XORTH Htrien Takes His . 4 Men to See Portland-Venice Game. ALBA XT. Or, May I. (Special.) After training here the past three weeks, the Reglna team of the Western Canada League left to day for Medi cine Hat. Alberta, where It will open the league season Monday afternoon. Manager Hulen planned to stop In Portland this afternon to let the team see the Portland-Venice game and then, leaving the Oregon metropolis to night, go straight through to Medicine Hat. Hulen took the following 14 men with him: Art Hargreaves, Charlie Taliafero, Sam Beer. R. C. Burgess and D. W. Rankin, pitchers; iave Davidson and Al Baker, catchers: Earl Hill, first baseman; W. Weckler. second baseman; Jack Hargreaves, third baseman; Harry Cooper, shortstop; Kenneth Williams, left fielder; Gene Jewett, center fleider, and W. Btepp. right fielder. The only man not heretofore released who was not taken with the team was W. B. Mclntyre. a Medford boy, who has been working out as a pitcher. Pendleton Holds Meet Today. PENDLETON, Or, May 2. (Special.) The annual Eastern Oregon inter- scholastic track and field meet will be held at Round-up Park tomorrow, the Trl-State Baseball League holding its game in the forenoon In order to per mit the track meet in the afternoon. The Commercial Club at a meeting yesterday heartily Indorsed this athletic event, and an automobile parade is planned to precede the meet. Pendle ton's chances were never better for vic tory than this year. Lloyd Hathaway Wins. VANCOUVER. Wash, May S. (Spe cial) Lloyd Hathaway, of the Van couver High School, won first place In the declamatory contest today, be ing highest among seven contestants. He will represent thl8 school In the Southwestern Washington contest In Chehalis next Friday. Miss Eva Ells worth won second place. "The Death of Lafayette" was the title of Hatha way's declamation. Cornell to Meet Michigan Today. ITHACA. N. T, May 2. Cornell and Michigan will meet tomorrow on Perry field In the. first big dual track meet of the year. The Michigan team ar rived today. The outcome of the meet is much in doubt and neither coach would claim victory tonight. One of the hottest contests outside of the ln tercolleglates will be the half mile race between Haff of Michigan and John Paul Jones. Cornell's Intercol legiate record holder. Telegraphic Sport Briefs SAN FRANCISCO. Jack umigan. former pitcher for the San Fran cisco Club, has left for Minneapolis, where he will play with the American Association Club. Qllilgan came to Portland from the American Associa tion. Los Angeles A. B. Jones and Horace Rice, of the Australian team, which will represent the Antipodes In the Eastern tournament next month, de feated Braley and Duncan, 6-3. in their vnatfto hilt lOMt tO TOITl Bundy and Ward Dawson in the sec ond by a 6-4 score. -Bundy's famous serve clearly puzzled the Australian experts, who were also handicapped by the cement courts. r i ryar-,- a ik tr t a A pthur Pelkv bat tered Andy Morris, of Boston, so badly . . - UflnhnsrAi Awna that Referee Tommy Burns had to stop the bout In the eighth round, relay ana .umtrr McCarty are to meet here on May 24. New Market. England. The 1000 i - .ab woo vnn hre by J. B. Joel's three-year-old filly Jest, ridden by Danny Maher. Taslett was second and Prue third. Oakland, Cal. Inability to come to BUCKS Will 4 1 Boise, Invincible at Home, Has Hard Time Abroad. BEARS TAKE RAGGED GAME Yaks Humbled by Miners, Heretofore Consistent Losers Irrigators Try Spokane Pitcher Who Loses Control end Game. Boise. Invincible on her own grounds , i. I- n hni- Pendelton In the Western Tri-State League Fri day, the Bucks winning. 6 to 0. This made it four straignts ior rB i". i ..t..nv.H nvir North Yakima, 11 to 5, taking the second game of the season. Walla Walla beat La Grande, V Tn,iAti RniiA used Johnson, the new southpaw from Spokane. He start ed like another waiter ana control. Two errors by his team- ... ,r Rurka their opportu nity. Altermatt's errors in the fourth let In two. In tne nrtn two pg WALLA WALLA TEAM IN TBI-STATE LEAGUE. z .- v mi ' i ( A,..-' ... . i :w. .- i - !" '"I'll y ' x Al t-tt o Tticht Chllders. 3b Snoddy. pi Laird,. p Leonard, p; Steely. lD?piTBrow.7c, Kelly, p, Garner p, Davis, , Jokneon. rf Lower Raw Angnst Bade. Manager, Luadstrom, as, Dunn. C Martini, lf Menaor, rf Harmon, ef. . ,. nnuttnn of weight re terms ' " , ... suited in an announcement that the iu- . . . EiniflA U t. n a Ann round bout neiweeu - ,j .ir wt,if.h wah Rch&duled tor May 21, had been declared off. t . Ar.ies. Ad Wolgast. former lightweight champion, and Johnny Dundee, the New York featherweight, will box 20 rounds at Vernon Arena on i.-v,. ? T.1n. 3 if Walast accepts an offer for such a match. Dundee ex pressed a desire to meet noieam .. his manager, Scotty MonUeth, had seen the former champion In action wUn Harlem Tommy aiurpnjr v Cisco. 1.1 . ir;n.a.i ffnArmatt. of the Illinois Athletic Club, won the Na- i Athlxtlo Union breast- stroke championship for 220 yards .n 2:55 2-5, almost sw Kran . world s record. i a r Tha nlA of the Aus- trian bred trotting stallion Willy, . - . n FurnnfL was an nounced here when A. C. Pennock. who has had charge or me n ""- "" arrival In America in 1910, left with him for New York. Willy la owned by Louis Wlnans, of Hove. England, who u iiimh in, him. The purchase price could not be learned. London. Forty-five ponies valued at $100 000 for the use of the British polo team In their attempt to win the In ternational Polo Cup at Meadowbrook, L. I, In June, were loaded safely on the Minneapolis. Thirty-two Brooms w- vhiph will be accompany i-iid - exercised dally on the tanbark-cov- ered deck of tne siearosnip. New Haven. Conn. The Yale-Cornell tennis match here resulted In a S to 3 tie. Each college won two matches In the singles and one In the doubles. Lansing, Mlch.-Case 11, Michigan Agricultural College 3. Syracuse, N. TSyracuse 5, Niag ara 8. Syracuse. N. Y. Syracuse and Brown will meet in a dual track meet here Saturday for the first time. Many good contests are expected. Syracuse will meet Michigan later. JEFFERSON WINS 14-2 HEAVY HITTIXG IS KFFECTIVE AGAINST ACADEMY. Williams, for High School Players, Holds Rivals Hitless for Five Innings, Then Gives Four, W L PC W I PC Wuhlnsa a 0 LonoiColTRnbla.. 1 1 .85 ijtlroln" 1 O l.OOO Port. Acad. 0 8 .000 Jefferson.. 1 0 1.0MMH1U o The Jefferson High Bchool baseball team, by heavy hitting and good field ing, won Its first league game against Portland Academy yesterday on the Jefferson grounds. 14 to 2. Williams started the game for Jef ferson, and his assortment of curves held the academy batters hitless for five Innings. In the fifth canto, with the score 12 to 0 In favor of his team, he made way for Earl, who allowed only four hits throughout the re mainder of the game. Loose fielding and one bit gave Jef ferson three runs In the first and a series of Umely blngles In the second gave them four more. The Portland Academy rallied in the, ninth Inning and two timely hits aided by Earl's error gave Portland Academy its only scores of the game. Strowbridge got the academy s nrst nii in i" Wolfer, playing second base for Jef ferson, knocked the ball over center fielder's head In the fifth Inning for a home run with two men on bases. Kingsley, behind the bat, and Ashley at third, played superb ball for the de feated nine, while the batUng of Rob inson. Watts and Wolfer were features of the game. The lineup: J'ffersnn. Position. Port. Acsd. Lodell. Brady IB Jrt" Wolfer -B Wllmot Watts 8S... OrahalA, Reagor Swlcv SB , A-hley Shrvby RK c,w:!! Rfblnson CF.... Hltl Colvln I.F Isenberj Williams, Karl P. . Schoenber-;. Wllraot Irvine C. Kins-ley. bchoenberc L'inpire) Rankin. A MAN WITH A PULL, A 1913 model fishing license and some good tackle is happy. Get them of us. Archer & Wiggins, Sixth and Oak. and a single filled the bases and John son walked in a score. wam the ball away and another came hlme. Johnson balked In the seventh and one more tallied. The score: R. H. E.I n. Pendleton. 6 7 l'.Bolse ..0 4 2 Batteries Berger and Bladen; John son and Oard. Walla Walla won a raggeo. game from La Grande. 7 to 4. Martini's nn.ir in ttt flnlH wu the feature. The Bears got 11 hits the first four innings. In the seventh JJaviB nil a name run. Three runs tallied in the fourth, due .!. . wnllc - rid an overthrow. Garber, for 'Walla Walla, was wild and had little on the ban, oni ne siaveu ou. several batting rallies. The score: p ti r. I R. H. E. Walla Wal.7 18 SjLa Grande. .4 S i Batteries Garber and Brown; Goocn and Peterson. At North Yakima the Braves and Baker played ragged ball. Baker, the consistent loser ot tne league, com bined heavy batting, Takimv's errors and Baker's good luck and counted 11. while Yakima got five. Kile started for North Yakima, but was hit freely. The score: R. H. E-l R. H. E. Baker ...11 15 8jN. Yakima.. 6 11 6 Batteries Coleman and Cress; Kile, Rundstrom and Stanley. Sporting Sparks IF Portland secures outfield reinforce ments from Cleveland. Buddy Ryan will likely be the man because Mil waukee has prior claim to both Beall and Llebold. Somers secured Liebold from Milwaukee ana promised to send Beall there If Liebold made good. Then, when the Naps asked for waivers, Mil waukee refused to waive on Liebold. a drafted player, so there seems little chance of either being sent to Fort land. Luther McCarty. cowboy prlseflghter. thinks he can - outshoot Buffalo Bill (Colonel Cody) and his manager has posted 3600 In New York for a pistol match at targets ranging from 60 to 100 paces distant. Jack Coombs, of the Athletics pitch ing staff, is so ill that he has been taken to the Northwestern general hos pital In Philadelphia. He Is now In the same bed In which Dr. Michael Powers, the Athletics' old catcher, died. This bed Is endowed for the use of ball. players. The Venice club of the Coast League seems to be the most progressive of the sextet. In addition to an equipment of dictagraphlc announcers In the park at Venice. Hogan now has a press agent. This latest acquisition is Eugene Patrick Doyle, whose ancestors 60- Just sixty times a minute you can say, "Gordon Hat." Once is enough if your hatter has your interest at heart. THE Gordon HAT evidently hail from Dublin, and whose business It is to furnish newspapers with photos of the Venice players and other information of interest to the public m If the Chicago Cubs continue to win and the New York Americans continue to lose, "Frank Chance day" In Chi cago Is liable to prove a bloomer. Johnny Evers seems to be getting along, fairly well even without Trainer Semmons. ' Bud Anderson has "arrived." They are organizing a company to manufac ture "Bud Anderson" cigars. Before Dick Donald, manager of the Van couver fighter, left for Medford, he practically closed negotiations with Vancouver people for the manufacture and sale of cigars bearing the picture and name of the famous Northwestern boxer. The cigar will not .be placed on the market until after the Mandot fight. . Jaok King Is looking for heavy weights to box Larry Madden, his policeman-scrapper. Larry is working out every day with Ace Clement, Ike Cohen and another husky chap, but Jack is not satisfied with the sixe of the sparring partners. Dick Donald's prospective heavy weight charge Is Kid Kenneth, the Taft, Cal., man who knocked out Mark CDonnell, former Northwestern ama ..... nnnflM thlnka that Ken neth is the most promising man in the division. ETJGEXE BOTS ROUT COItVAXLlS Moses and Bounds Stars of High School Tract Meet, EUGENE. Or., May 2. (Special.) In spite of the efforts of Moses, the crack hurdler for Corvallis High School, the Eugene High School today defeated the track team from the Agricultural College town by a total score of 106 to 35. Frank Bounds, captain of the Eugene team, was the best Individual noint-wlnner. taking four first places and having a place In the winning re lay team. Moses, of corvallis, won first In both the high and the low hur dles, the only first places taken by his team. His Individual score, however, was 19 points. Eugene took all three piaoes in six of tho events, namely, hammer throw, shot put, discus, javelin and broad Jump and high Jump. None of the events was fast, although the track was in excellent shape. WALLOWA SHOOTERS UNBEATEN Portland in Sixth Place In Oregon Trap League. The latest official figures of the Oregon Trap Shooting League show Wallowa in first place with six vic tories and no defeats, Troutdale second and Portland down in sixth place. The tie matches between La Grande and -Bend and Portland and Bend must be shot off tomorrow afternoon. This makes two matches for Portland, the regular shoot being against the Eu gene Club. The standings, as announced oy President Bean: w L. PC' W L PC Wallowa.. 6 0 l.OOO'Bend...... 1 2 .333 Troutdsle. 4 1 .W)0 Portland.. . 1 3 .WiO La Orande 2 2 ..'.""'ungene. v o .wu Pendleton. 2 8 .400 Oregon City to Meet Vancouver. . VANCOUVER, Wash., May 2. (Spe cial.) The Vancouver High School will compete with the track team of the Oregon City High School here tomor row afternoon. In the visiting team are 10 men. NOTE TAMPERING IS COSTLY Holder, by Changing Interest Rate, Loses $3 3 2. 14 Principal, Too, WALLA WALLA. Wash.. May 2. (Special.) By changing one word in each of two similar notes, in order to get 8 per cent Instead of 7 per cent In terest, A. A. Durand loses both inter est and principal of S3326.14. Durand sued E. T. Juvenal ior tnis sum. Evidence snowed mat uureno took the notes, given by Juvenal, to a bank which would not accept them at 7 per cent. Durand consulted Juvenal about changing "7" to "8." Juvenal testified he neither consented nor re fused to have the word substituted. The change was made by Durand, and Judge Ellis decided today tVe change made the notes Illegal and found for Juvenal. Durand has to pay all costs of the suit. RAGE PROGRAMME OUT STATE FAIR HARNESS EVENTS BEGIN SEPTEMBER 29. $5000 Oregon Futurity to Be Big Feature October 1, and $5000 Lewis and Clark Purse Next- SALEM, Or, May 2. (Special.) With the harness race programme for the State Fair, which will be held here from September 29 to and Including October 4, completed by the state prlnrer, Frank Meredith, secretary for the State Fair Board, Is now prepar ing to distribute them among the horsemen. Besides showing each event the pro gramme also contains all the condi tions surrounding them. The programme follows: i September 29 2-year-old trot. Oregon fu turity. No. 4 (closed), $900; 2:14 pace. Cap ital City purse (every heat. J 1000 ; 2:24 trot (every heat) (early), flOOO. September 30 3:25 pace (every heat) (early)", tlOOO; 2:18 trot. Woodmen of the World purse (every heat), $800; 3-year-old trot, Oregon futurity No. 3 (closed), S2000. October 1. 8-year-old pace, Oregon fu turity No. 8 (closed), $1500; 2:08 pace. Greater Oregon purse (early)", S500 ; 2:30 trot (every beat), J50O. October 2. 2-year-old pace, Oregon fu turity No. 4 (closed), $000 ; 2:20 pace (every heat). S00: 2:12 trot. Lewis and Clark purse (early) 3000. October 3. 2:20 trot (every heat). $700; 2:08 pace, consolation, J100O; 2:09 trot (early)". J1000. October 4. 2:18 pace. State Pair purse (every heat). J1000 ; 2:04 pace (every heat) (early)" 81000; 2:12 trot, consolation, $1000. Stars mean entries close May 15; others September 15. Conditions The main race for the $5000 purse for 2:12 trotters will be for $4000, wltb a handicap entrance fee on this amount as follows: Horses with records of 2:11H to 2:15, $1'00: 2:15 to 2:18, $160; no record or slower than 2:18, J120. One-third of entrance fee . payable on closing date. May 15. when horse must be named, one third June 15 and one-third August 1. with 5 per cent deduction from money winners. The main race for the $5000 purse for 2:08 pacers wU) be for $4000. with a handicap entrance fee on this amount as follows : Horses with records of 2:0T to 2:12. $200; 2-12U to 2:17. $160: no record or slower than 2:17, $120. Entrance fee payable as in the 2:12 trot. A consolation purse of $1000, free en trance, will be given In each of the $5000 purses for non-winning starters, provided there are eight or more starters In the main events. NANA. MO FACES STRIKE President of United Mine Workers Issues Call to Miners. VANCOUVER. B. C. May 2. Acting under authority conferred upon him by President James P. White of the United Mlno Workers of America, Frank Far- rlngton, of -Seattle, representative for the Pacific Northwest, has instructed Robert Foster, ot Nanaimo, president of the local there, to call out on strike all employes of the Nanaimo coal min ing area until such time as matters In dispute between the owners and the mine workers in the Cubermand and Ladysmlth fields have been adjusted to the satisfaction of the United Mine Workers- of America. Mr. Foster Issued the strike order today. The districts affected are Nanaimo, Wellington and Jinglepot collerles to the number of approximately 1500 In Nanaimo and 1000 In the two others. Two hundred men employed out of the 1500 in Nanaimo do not belong to the organization. A mass meeting of all employes will be held tonight, when a secret ballot will be taken on the question as to whether miners will recognize a strike order of the United Mine Workers. SALMON SEASON CROWDED Net and Fish Seized Near Astoria Before Opening Pay. ASTORIA. Or.. May 2. (Special.) Early yesterday morning, before the fishing season opened. Water Bailiff Larson confiscated a net tnat ne rouna in the water at Wallace Slough and he also seized one near Maygers on the preceding day. He also reports that officers of the fisheries dopartment found a cache containing a quantity of Salmon near Maygers on W ednesday night. John Niese, who was arrested on April 25 for illegal flBhlng, was ar raigned In the Justice Court at Clats kanie yesterday and held to await the Smoking dried-up tobacco out of the bottom of a 10c tin. In the convenient little tin of STAG you buy just enough at a time to keep fresh until it's ALL SMOKED. 18 perfect smokes. " EVER-LASTING-LY GOOD" r ireo 2) For Pipe arid Cigarette action of the grand Jury. He furnished $650 bonds. Larson says good catches were made yesterday by glllnetters in the vicinity of the Eureka cannery, one man get ting 63 salmon while another caught 4". The fish averaged small but were of excellent quality. SIGN LECTURE IS FILMED School for Deaf at Vancouver to See Moving Picture Address. VANCOUVER, Wash., May 2. (Spe cial.) Moving pictures of a sign lan guage lecture recently delivered In Washington, D. C, by one of the most efficient deaf training experts of the world will be seen in Vancouver to morrow night The lecture was given by Dr. Edward Gallaudet, first president of Gallaudet College for the deaf, at Washington, D. C. The moving picture reproduction will be at the Washington State School for the Deaf here. Deaf persons and others Interested In the development of the sign lan guage have been invited. The Invita tion Is general. The lecture will be given at 8 o'clock. LABORER KILLED BY TRAIN Jack O'Brien Lies Down With Head Against Rail and Dies. ALBANY, Or.. May 2. (Special.) Lying down beside the track with his head against the rail. Jack O'Brien, a railroad laborer, 35 years old, was struck In the back of the head and instantly killed by a north-bound Southern Paclflo train at Alford Sta tion today. A man who passed O'Brien a short time be-fore the trnin came found him lying near the track and forced him to move. He evidently resumed the same position again. Men with whom he had worked recently say he has shown signs of insanity. Nothing is known v here regarding O'Brien's relatives. TIMBER CONTEST IS HEARD Judge Reserves Decision in Suit of Simpson Logging Company. MONTESANO, Wash.. May 2. (Spe cial.) Suit brought by the Simpson Logging Company to contest the coun ty cruise on eight sections of land In township 21-7 was ended today, but Judge Clifford, of Tacoma, will not ren der his decision until he has read the transcript of the testimony briefs sub mitted. The trial lasted four days and five cruises on the lands in question, show ing a difference of from 50,000,000 to 110,000,000 feet, were used in endea voring to assist Judge Clifford to ar rive at an estimate of the timber on the contested sections. The 'suit la considered important, aa other logging companies have filed papers contest ing the official estimates. Lebanon Children Give Play. ' LEBANON, Or., May 2. The oper etta, "The Queen of the May," sung by 40 children, was given In the Pres byterian Church Wednesday, under the direction of Mrs. L. M. Jones, assisted by Miss Beatrice Reid. The operetta was preceded by. "The Wedding of Tom Thumb." given by 12 children un der seven years of age. " A MATTER liS-jfttlxStreeU Fly With the Cinder Owls O'er the ess Trail BETWEEN Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, Centralia, Aberdeen and Hoquiam VIA. No Change of Cars No Loss of Time Save a Day You Wake Up Fine Beginning May 9th, through sleepers will be run nightly between Portland and Grays Harbor points In connection with the regular Owl and the new Grays Harbor Owl. Three' other steel trains daily in each direction between Portland, Tacoma and Seattle. Meals that taste so good. UNIFORMED PASSENGER AGENT MEETS ALL TRAINS CITY TICKET OFFICE fZtiilil