TIIE MORNING OREGOXIAX. SATURDAY, MAT 3, 1913. 6 Ill ELECTION FID IN OCTOBER : Huerta, Diaz and Other Lead ers Said to Have Agreed as to Details. Olds. Mrs. M. C. Howard. 'BO: Q. R. H. Miller. '55; T. T. Geer. '51; M. W, Hunt, SO; IV. B. Jolly. '47; Olfve M. Riley. "44 (daughter of Joe Meek); D. I J. Cooper, '57; Davtd Caufleld. '47; George H. Hlmes, '5S; Mrs. H. P. Brown, 57: William H. Tope. '51; Nancy R. Caufleld, 66; Peter Kittson (born at Port Walla Walla February IS. 1830) Lucy E. Hay, '53: L. H. Baker. '5S I Lcmutl Lemmon, '4S; SL G. Lemmon. '61; P. H. DArcy, '57; Sol Durbln, '45; F. X. Morson, '45; J. A. Sellwood. '56. Mrs. H. K. Jolly. Mrs. Evangeline F. Shaw, Mrs. Jennie McE. Galbreath, Mrs. I. B. Sanborn. Mrs. J. A. Armsplger, Mrs. James Bains. Mrs. Angle B. Rich ardson, W. H. Hollls. H. W. Noaker, (Theodore Burkman. J. J. Fitzgerald, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Howard. Matthleu Howard, Joseph Caron. Mrs. Caron. Mrs. Anna V. Word, Mrs. Clara Eberhart. Maria Her. Mary Patterson. Mrs. C. E. ; ! IRFRnl TD HDLD ALOOF Shlnn- Charles Williams Kittson. Nor - LIDCilALO IU nUUU HUUUriman K,ttaon Mrs. jemima Kittson St. Clair; Isaiah Buokman. W. A. Williams. I Thomas Dowse, Addison Bennett. Jamas ' i Bain, Lena Graham, Irma G. Moore- omwm r viom t-ti 1 1 Vl to Bel house, Richard Breyer, J. G. Sill. L. H. Party f Mtero Unlikely to Be Moon,aw Mr. and Mri John D. yince. Rrnresented Unless Peace 18 Restored MeuwhUe Dia Is Leading; Candidate. Mrs. J. W. Norrls, Albert Tozler, Tom W. Gcrber. Mrs. Ines Jolly; Jennie Ovie. Mrs. E. E. Morgan. J. E. Hall. A. W. Mills, W. N. Morse. Z. M. Parvln, Mrs. Z. M. Parvln, Mrs. Albert Bos- worth, Mrs. W. N. Morse, Mallssa E. ICleary, Helen Parker, Leita Bents, Mrs. I S. H. Carter, Sarah J. Buckman. Eve WAStnxOTOX. May tj Election forllyn Fitzgerald, Mrs. R. J. Hendrlx, Mrs. n ,a xt i -in .onducted i aie burton. Lake. Lois Burton AO- October JO by the Huerta government, according to advices to the Mexican EIGHT INDICTED 111 BUNCO RING CASES Second Accusation Against Detective Esola Included Among Findings. "BLACK HAND" DISCLOSED thony, Mrs. J. E. Staples, Pearl Sta-, pies, J. E. Staples, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Important Witness AealnBt San Francisco Policemen Threatened If He Is Xot Silent Bribery Described In Detail. SAN FRANCISCO. May 2. Eight in dlctments charging conspiracy were voted by the grand, Jury tonight embassy here today. Tha report saldl the date was agreed on at a confer-1 ence between Provisional President! Huerta, General Felix Dlas, the Cabl- net-and representatives of all parties I In both houses of Congress. .fceneral Diaz Is now expected to be the leadtnz candidate for the presi dency, although many persons believe I that General Huerta also will enter the race. It Is eupgested that Fran cisco de la Barra. Minister of Foreign Affairs In the provisional government. also mar be a candidate. Probably no adherent of the Liberal I party, of wnicn the late iresiaeni Madero was leader, will enter the race unless In the meantime peace has been completely restored. SI1FXL KILLS IVHOXE FAMILY Federal Believed to Have Begun Advance on G nay mas. NOGALES. Ariz.. May 2. The only apparent result of the shelling of Em- palme today on the state troops was the killing of an entire family. A shell from the gunboat Guerrero burst over a house in a suburb of the town, killing a man and his wife and their several children. No Americans were reported wounded. Rifle fire late today indicated that the Federals had begun a movement in nursult'of the fleeing Constitutional- . Ists. whose hasty exit caused the shell ing on the part of the Federal boat. It was believed the f ederal reinforce ments recently arriving at Guaymas had begun an advance. The state troops left on trains con stating of 17 engines and 40 boxcars, all the available railway equipment. Thus any pursuit of the Federals by rail was prevented. General Pedro OJeda. whose daring defense of Naco, Sonora, occasioned much official recognition, baa been made commander of the first military zone, including Sonora state. A con sulate report says that he has sailed for Guaymas to take the field against the same insurgents who drove him from Naco only after a gruelling cam paign of many weeks. GLEE CLUB 3 OF JEFFERSON HIGH" SCHOOL APPEAR IN CLEVER OPERETTA. PEORIA FORGER CAUGHTi 1 1 11 no Is-Wanted Man Hides Self asj Bartender Here. After IS months residence In Port- - land, during which time ha gained a large acquaintance with police officials. "Billy Hughes, bartender In a saloon at Williams avenne and Russell street was found last night to be Harry Bradley. of Peoria. TIL. wanted there for forgery. He was arrested by Detectives Hyde and Vaughn, with the aid of Special Agent Harry Bulger, of the County Court, and was locked up as a fugitive from Justice. He admitted his Identity and said he would not fight extradition. Bradley, who comes of wealthy and influential people In Peoria, was Dep- nty Collector of Customs in IS 10, when he became heavily Interested In real estate, paid .out beyond his resources. and found himself facing debts he could not meet, according to his own stnrv told the detectives. Taking his wife and baby, he asked for a month's leave of absence end left I Government Resists Contention That Peoria. He denied any forgeries and tiff- . , C Ar) -I I i-"--. r i if- tit?? if t . pa . " -S - "A Nautical Knot," a rollicking. tuneful and Interesting operetta, full of pleasing and amusing Incidents, was presented last night at the Jefferson High School by several gifted members of the glee clubs of the school. Misa Fay Wentx. who has a sweet soprano voice, took the part of Julia, the belle of Barnsrapoole; Miss Daisy Gibson, contralto, appeared as Nance. Julia's friend. Both girls did some good act ing and sang well. A thread of ro mance, enough love making and some jolly sailors, all essential parts of a nautical play, contributed much toward the charm of the evening. Each mem ber of the cast did unusually well, and there was little of the amateurishness often noticed in school affairs. The same programme will be pre sented again tonight, and the excel lence of the operetta assures a- large attendance. The complete cast is as follows: Julia (soprano), belle of Barnstapoole, Fay Wentz; Nance (contralto), her friend. Daisy Gibson; Barnabas Lee (tenor), wandering artist, Harry Kenln; Joe Stout (baritone), mate Bounding Billow. Jack Frost; Bill Salt (bass), boatswain. Elbert Paul; Jim Spray (bari tone), sailor. Homer Edwards; Ned Bluff (baritone), sailor. Verne Everett; Jack Brace (tenor), sailor. Harold Demmon; Barnstapoole girls Delia, Helen Bracht; Daisy, Madeline Brown; Dora, Nellie Springer. Chorus Barnstapoole girls, sailors, artists. "Benjamin's" American clothes are the standard of the world and we keep up the standard, as our Spring styles will prove to yon. It's not possible in the highest type of manufacturing' to produce better suits than we show from $20 to $35. Come in today, just to get posted.- Lots of new styles on display. . Bufiiim & Pendleton 311 Morrison, Opp. Postoffice This Is a Partial List of Buyers of Our WATER SYSTEM Near Portland W. H. Edwards. Milwaukie. Or. Jacob Jackee. Milwaukie, Or. St. Marie's Academy, Beaverton, Or. M. E. Blanton, Huber, Or. C. W. Walther, Milwaukie. Or. C. W. Patterson, Ryan Place, Or. J. C. Gllman. Garden Home, Or. G. B. Cuttle. Gresham, Or. P. Fuller, Donald, Or. M. Koerner, Tigard, Or. E. V. Prentice. Milwaukie, Or. Jacob Bauer, Sherwood, Or. L. W. Schamburg, Sherwood, Or. Fred Berger. Hillsboro, Or. MORE THAN lOO MORE THAN lOO W. Kruger, Tigard. Or. ta. uuack L. C. Savage, white Salmon. Or. uackenbuah, Tualatin. Or. George O'Brien. Evelyn Wlrtx, C, M. Sain, Mrs. William Ryan, Margaretta C Olson. Mrs. C W. Purdin, Mrs. J. E. Fait. J. W. Graham. H. B. Miller. Laura Miller, Anna Baker, Pearl Baker and Mae Baker. COAL LANDS GIN OP FTTETj CO M PAX V SCRRKXDERS HOLD rVGS WOBTH MLLLIOXS. Itulinj? of Secretary of In terior Is Final. said that he bad deeded over all his propertv to his uncle in Peoria to satis fy any debt against him. Since he left Peoria he has been working at miscel laneous Jobs. He lived on Sacramento I DENVER, May 2. Coal land involv- street. near Union avenue, where his ling J400 acres and valued at approxl wife, his 4-year-old child and a baby mately 1. 000,000 was surrendered to the are now staying. STATE DAY IS OBSERVED (Continued From Second Pss.) -they tajig and acted like United States Government today by the Colorado Fuel & Iron Company, in con sideration of the dismissal of a suit involving E800 acres owned by the com pany. The land lg situated in Las Ani mas County, in Southern Colorado. Future entry on the land will be per mitted under regulations and prices re- by reput Thn vn nn net sneerhea. mn I Cently f ixed. sneaker was limited to five nrlnutes. The land originally was taken up as So we had a running fire of bright agricultural land, under the law that mnd wlttv sneechea and the oU neo- permits owners of forest land to re- ple and the young people, too, weretun it to the Government and receive kept In the best of humor. The speak- n rerurn agnuunurai muu. era were A. W. Williams. Rev. Mr. fluently the land was turned tover to Bell. J. rx Lee. Frederick V. Holman, tfte fuel company. The Government's H B. Miller. George H. Hlmes. Albert complaint against the company was that Tosier. State Senator Hollls. D. J. tne entrants to tne iana knew tney Coonor and alwava Peter D'Arevl wre getting valuable coal property. "Pete" kept the others down to five "r four years the company has minutes, but as he consumed several fought the case through the Interior minutes in introducing and excusing Department, where it secured a favor each one It can readily bs seen what able decision. Subsequently suit was a. graft he had! (started by the Government In the Fed Never did I see such an audience! I era! Court, resisting the company's So many, so exceedingly many old I contention that tha ruling of the. Sec- people, women and men who came here I retary of the Interior was final. New or were born here in 1830. 1840. . 1859 1 evidence was Introduced and today's settlement resulted from negotiations that have been in progress several months. and 1S60. but all like kids out at play) And the others, their friends, admir ers, well wishers all happy and jolly. Meaaaa-a la Sent. There In his chair of state sat dear Father Matthlen. Do not forget that. If you -ever pray, then pray that be may be spared to be there next year, and the next and for many and many a year to come. For he is the first citi zen of Oregon, the man who was as necessary mat day three score and ten I The flagship Beaver, Captain Mason, years ago to tne nation as was Joe I left at 9 o'clock yesterday morning ieeK. ior no persuaoea ttutnnd l,u-ih,i, anA ?jnn nn t cier to joa uuwn ,u.0 wnn- freight. Including a carload of salmon, out ttnenne moiera vote wnat would I ,. ... ..i,, . rout. from Bav uvo usppearui lrtv Or lierore leaving xne grounds l asked I ir.,.. v-. Kn. rawier aiaiuueu .i lib naa . message photographer and has a new kodak co sena to xne people oi Oregon inrougo wnloh ha -- all hl- friend- BEAVER LEAVES FOR SOUTH Flagship Carries 235 Passengers and 23O0 Tqns Freight- His collection. ine vrrgon.an. in. uero la mes- when they caH on him sage. (for an amateur, is large. kIwat boston fuljcuSa kopI Knowing his latest hobby. a woman OREOX TtLAJlia. T1LLICLJI3 KOPA on th- c.pt4,n just beforo he Which, translated, means, "Mr heart sailed and asked him to pose for his feels very kindly to all of the inhabl- photograph, a request that he promptly tants of the Oregon country, Poaaoaa. last Given. Here is a list of visitors who regis tered on the Pomona on our way up. Only those who arrived before I860 have the year of their arrival men tioned: F. X. Matthleu. '42; John Mlnto, '44; Peter Lucier. '42: Mrs. Charlotte Ma lheur Kirk wood. '41; Mrs. Nancy Bea gle Hembree, '43: J. D. Lee, '48; Joseph Barstow, '61; J. W. Stevenson, 'S3; Mrs. IL E. Jolly, 'it; Mrs. Anna Scheurer, 0; Alvlna Short Merithew, 'S; F. granted. After giving instructions as to how he should stand,' his friend ' pressed the button, and to the skipper's surprise a small door opened in the kodak and a kitten stubk its head out. J. J. Cunningham Is Dead . J. Cunningham, SEATTLE, May 2. paymaster's clerk, U. S. N died suddenly today at his home in Charleston, Wash., aged El years. VHe was with Admiral Dewey at the bat tle of Manila Bay and for 14 years was Mvlat Mara Island. against the eight detectives and pa trolmen under suspension as a result of accusations made by members of the so-called "Dunco ring." The indict ments Include a second accusation against Frank Esola, former detective, now patrolman, who was charged with bribery in an Indictment returned two days ago. The eight men are: Louis Droulette, former detective, a patrolman when suspended; Charles Josephs, patrolman; W. F. McIIugh, former detective, a pa trolman when suspended; Jack Sulll van, a former detective, a patrolman when suspended; James McGowan, ce tective sergeant; Arthur MacPhee, de tectlve sergeant; Charles Taylor, for mer detective, a patrolman when bus pended; Frank Esola, former detec live, a patrolman when suspended. Black Hand Slakes Threat. Shortly before the indictments were voted a new clement, the Italian black hand, disclosed itself as a development, when Caesar Roc hi, cafe proprietor and one of the Important witnesses against the police, burst inte the Hall of Jus tice weeping and beset with fear. He exhibited a typical black hand letter he had received today. Marked with the sinister skull and crossbones. the note Was a demand that he keep si lent and make no further disclosures on pain of losing his life. Quavering with every sign of terror, he demanded protection and asked for a body guard. It was Ronchl who declared he had received from members of the bunco rings bulky envelopes which be turned over to detectives and police. These envelopes, be asserted, contained money. Alleged Bribery Described. Probably the most Important testi mony the jury , has heard was given today by Dlsmo Dentgri, an ex-as semblyman, who has a drugstore in the Latin quarter, and by Joe Secco, a cafe proprietor. Joe Secco was arrested a few davs ago following his appear ance before the grand jury. It was in consideration of the revelations he made today, it is said, that the charge of perjury which was held over him was, withdrawn and he was released. Secco and Denigrl related in detail incidents in connection with the nay ment of 700 to Frank Esola. The in cident they described as having oc curred In September, 191L Two men, said to be members of the Italian ring, and said to have come here from Se attle, haa been arrested. Only one name, that of Frank Ross, could the two witnesses recall. Denigri, so the testimony ran, learned from the police that the two could be freed If they had money to pay to have it done. He informed Secco of this. From the two in jail Secco ob tained $700. he said, and while still in the Hall of Justice be turned the money over to Denigrl. Both testified that Denigrl gave it to Esola. The follow ing day. they added, charges of vag rancy were made against the two in jail and at their hearing they were released. STUDENTS SPANK "PROF" Polka Dot Tie Gets University of Washington Instructor in Trouble. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON, Se attle. May 3. (Special.) Although It retireoV was campus day at the University of Washington, pnysics instructor .Her bert Anderson came to college today with an artistic blue polka dot tie and an Immaculate linen collar encircling his neck. Immediately upon entering the university grounds he was sur rounded by a yelling flannel-shirted bunch of undergraduates who shouted "hot hand I hot hand." So the faculty member "was raised to a horizontal po sition and given a lesson in how the energy of motion may be converted Into heat by the Impact with a solid. The Instructor was severely spanked for wearing the garb prohibited on this day. The offending neckwear was re moved and Professor Anderson with drew to the seclusion of the physics library. most Indignant. Professor Stark, director of the extension divis ion, was subjected to the same indig nities a few moments later because he wore the same taboo articles of dress. KERN PRESSES INQUIRY RKIGXOF TERROR IX PAIXT CREEK IS CHARGED. Senator Says Government Is Con - cerned in Causes That Led to Strike in Coal Fields. WASHINGTON. May t. Despite the settlement of the West "Virginia Paint Creek coal strike. Senator Kern, the majority leader, is determined to press his Senatorial investigation oi conai tions which led to the trial of "Mother Jones." the strike leader, and the mili tary regime. He declared -today that appeals from ex-Senator Watson to abandon the investigation because the strike was ended would be disregarded and h would bring un his Investijra tion. resolirfton when the Senate met Monday. "The Senate is not concerned in the settlement," he declared today, "but in the condition which led to the strike. It wants to find out If there is peonage, white slavery or a reign of terror, as haa been reported." The Senator declared he knew of one instance of those who had gone to re port the trial of Mother Jones being deported from the state. Strikers were" forced to take to the mountains for their lives, leaving their wages be hind them, the Senator declared. MIXERS COXVEYED TO WORK West Virginia Sends Special Train to Distribute Former Strikers. CHARLESTON. W.' Va., May s2. A special train In charge of a represent tlve of Governor Hatfield transported today many miners from tents along Cabin and Paint creeks to various mines throughout Kanawha County, where employment awaited them. The men and their families had been living in the tents since April, 1812, when a strike was called. The trouble was adjusted a few days ago. both operators and miners agreeing to peace proposals submitted by Governor Hatfield. The Governor announced tonight that he would place guards in the for mer strike zone to do police duty and that no mine guards would be permits ted. WHITMAN TAKES STAND COXTTDEXTIAL XATCRE OF COX. FESSIOX DENTED. Inspector Sfurtha, Xot Previously Involved, Said to Have Tried to Gain Immunity. NEW YORK, May J. District Attor ney Whitman Jumped Into the breach today when- the defense in the trial of the four former police inspectors aC' cused of conspiracy made an effort to rule but important testimony Involving one of the quartet. The Drosecutor motioned Al Thomas, a detective on the District Attorney's staff, from the stand and took bis aide's place as a witness. Thomas bad (riven testimony to show mat ex-in- spector Murtha, who had not been in volved by evidence previously pro duced, had gone to the prosecutors home arter being inaictea ana sougnt immunity as a reward for turning state's evidence. The defense's objec tion to tha revelation as a breach of confidence caused Mr. Whitman's intervention. The prosecutor denied that Murtha s talk, heard by Thomas, had been con fidential. Shortly after the prosecu tor's appearance as a witness the state rested the case. Counsel for the de fense called half a dozen witnesses in an effort to show that the -x-inspec- tors, Murtha, Thompson, Hussey and Sweeney, did not conspire to obstruct justice by bribing grand jury witnesses to leave tne state, as cnargea in the Indictment. Gunboat to Guard Mazatlan. WASHINGTON, May 3. In answer to reports from Henry Lane Wilson, Ambassador at Mexico City, of pre carious and disturbed conditions en the west coast of Mexico, the naval auxiliary ship Glacier, now at Topolo bampo, with the gunboat Annapolis, will proceed at once to Mazatlan to guard American interests there and at Ac&oulco. H Oak Grove School. Oak Grove. Or. G. F. Boyer, Currinsville, Or. C. Gertch, Garden Home. Or. C. A. Wolfgang, Evergreen Station. F. M. Robinson, Beaverton. Or. W. C. Evans, Corbett, Or. A. G. Wilhelm, Tigard. Or. Wm. Fueggy, Hillsboro, Or. J. W. Chambers, Rex, Or. J. Singer, Donald, Or. A. Rossle. Beaverton. Or. D. L. Labbot, Gresham, Or. J. R. Lownsley, Milwaukie, Or. C. W. Resler, Milwaukie, Or. Antone Ritzmge. Gresham, Or. G. M. Parker, Oak Grove, Or. R. W. Standlsh, Estacada, Or. J. W. Harris, Gresham, Or. Ed. Sleret, Boring. Or. J. C. Peterson. Boring, Or. J. Samoni, Troutdale. Or. W. Btanley. Gresham, Or. A. Barnes. Milwaukie, Or. R. B. Holoomb, Clackamas. Or. D. C. Bates. Milwaukie, Or. Geo. Buckford, Boring, Or. O. F. Wittie, Milwaukie. Or. A. Anderson, Milwaukie, Or. Lawrence Bros., Estacada, Or. P. S. Ramsey, Oak Grove. Or. F. Goodwin, Hillsboro, Or. L. B. Miller, Milwaukie. Or. B. L. Lillian, Concord Sta. A. H. Rltzars, Gresham. Or. C. W. Risley, Milwaukie, Or. John Kammes, Gresham, Or. Mrs. A. E. Laborwitch. Milwaukie, Or. S. S. Thompson, Gresham, Or. Theo. Brugger, Gresham, Or. J. G. Keller, Gresham, Or. H. Jurgenson, Sherwood, Or. John Rlchey. Boring. Or. U. U Heck, Fulton Park, Or. S. C. Jones, Gresham, Or. A. Bruner. Gresham, Or. R. Hoffarber, Tigard, Or. J. Schckle, Sherwood, Or. E. Bauman. Portland, Or. D. F. Monoco, Vancouver, Wash. Clark Co. Assn., Vancouver-Wash. D. Sutherland, Vancouver, Wash. Fred Jensen. Vanvouver, Wash. Frank Morrison, Vancouver, Wash. W. E. Beanchamp, Vancouver, Wash. School for Deaf. Vancouver, Wash. J. Kaiser. Oregon City. Or. Lloyd Whipple, Vancouver, Wash. Sarah School No. 48, Clark Co. Peters Hdw. Co., Wilsonville, Or. Nels l.arsen, Hillsboro, Or. H. Rehberg, Tigard, Or. John Schela, Tigard. Or. Arthur Grant, Gresham, Or. W. H. Taylor, Currinsville. Or. G. V. Campbell, Gresham, Or. F. E. Gadke, Concord Sta. J. W. Shute, Hillsboro. Or. P. R. Melng, Sandy, Or. Milo Thompson, Clackamas. Or. Wm. Cederson. Oak Grove, Or. Peter Stralff, Hillsdale. Or. Gen. Finger, Clackamas, Or. : i Dr. McArthurOak Grove, Or. J. McConnell, Butterville, Or. David Hagy, Reedville, Or. Geo. C. Blrrell, Garden Home, Or. W. W. Lunger, Lafayette, Or. Dorothy Ranzair, Dundee, Or. Frank Haberlach, Clackamas, Or. W. S. Halin. North Plains. John Sohomacher, Hillsdale, Or. F. L. Mathelu, Donald. Or. And many more. EVERY ONE of these people BOUGHT the Mitchell-Leader System on ITS merits. Within a 20-Mile Radius Within a 20-Mile Radius Nothing Uncertain About This Water System You don't take even the smallest chance when you buy - a Mitchell Water System. If you ' have any doubt about this we will take you to a dozen homes where the system is giving satisfaction day in and day out. We will take you to the homes in which our first . systems were installed and you will find the same sat isfaction, the same enthusiastic owners. We have been putting them in for more than 5 years. We know how they should be built to give satisfaction, what capacity the system should have to furnish water for your in dividual requirements, and we know how to install the system so it will give desirable service and continue to do so year after year. NO SUBURBAN OR RURAL HOME COMPLETE WITHOUT WATER UNDER PRESSURE The service of the Mitchell-Leader System enables the owner to have his bath, his washrooms, his lavatories, anything and every thing that depends upon a dependable stipply of water under pressure, including PROTECTION AGAINST FIRE. Come and let us show the simple principle of the system and quote you a price on yours. If you can't call, just drop us a card for our Catalogues and Book, "The Paths of His Fathers." East Morrison and Second Sts. PARTY PLEA MADE Wilson Urges Democrats to Keep Their Pledges. NEW JERSEY BATTLE . ON President TTrees Those Who Spe cifically Describe Themselves as Worktngmen to " Support Reform of Prices. V .TTrRRTSY CITT. N. J., May 2. Presi . . . .1.1. wiiinn tnnisrnt miernreteu if c fiirht In New Jersey for jury rerorm ana constitutional revision as a part of the struggle of the American people to obtain through the Democratic party equal Justice to all and special privilege to none. Thoueh he made no reference to leg' Islntive oollcles pending in Washing- tun, the President indlcatea mat tne protests being voiced against the tariff bill were tnose oi me oyntun "uro and not the masses. "Some of my reliow ciiiKons ma some of their coUeaguea In Washing ton ditv." he- said. "now. think that th.T are hearing the voice of the peo ni of the United States when they nr. tnlv hearing the part that has be cnm vocal by moving down to Wash ington and insisting upon ita special interests. Service Doe to Whole People. "I wish that you might do two oppo- lt thines tonight. I wish that you mlirht forget that I am President of th TTnlted States, because I come down here as a Jersey man, fulfilling all the promises that I made as a jersey man; and yet I want you to rememDer tnai I am Preslaent oi tne umrea ows. because It is the business of the Pres irtRtiL to see to It wherever he can that the people get what they have a right to emect. f or 1 am not me servaui of the Democratic party. I am the servant of the people acting through the Democratic party, which has now undertaken some of the most solemn obligations that a party ever under took, for it nas sieppea iorwara at a moment of universal disappointment and said: "We pledge you our honor as men and aa patriots that you shall not be disappointed again. "This is the situation in which the Democratic party finds itself and in the midst of this situation there are par ticular promises which the Democratic party, far example in New Jersey, has given the people. One of the things which has made thoughtful men in this country most uneasy is that criminal justice was touched at its sources by perverting political influence and, that when a man stood in with the Sheriff's office, he was' safe from prosecution I and that when be did not stand in with the Sheriff's office he was in the position in which we all ought to be responsible for anything that he did against the law of the land." Essex Charge Repeated. "I was present at a conference today at whicli one of the gentlemen in the Assembly from the county of Essex asked me if I had said that the great part of the delegation from that county exercised rro choice of its own, but took orders. He did not ask me In those words, but the words do not make any difference. That is what I said and I said it cot because I suspected it, but because I have lived in the state a good many years. I was an observer and a very close observer of the course of politics . before I ventured upon that uneasy sea, and when I ventured I was not the land lubber I looked. I knew the gentlemen who controlled the pol itics of Essex County. Knew them? Why, the whole United States knew them.". The President indicated that he was not disturbed by the opposition he had encountered among members of the Legislature. "Losing Cause" Denied. . "Somebody told me." he said, "that things were so tangled up here that Jury reform was going to lose anyhow. and they said, "Why come up and fight for a losing causer Well, l Know my feUow citizens in New Jersey and deny that it is a losing cause. But suppose it was? I would rather havo my body one of the first to tail by tne wall than one of the last. And whether we win or lose, the battalions are com ing on and tha eventual outcome of the day of battle Is not in doubt. There Is a God In heaven and an is weu ana I am not going to be impatient. "The supreme test which the Demo cratic party has now to respond to is this: as it ready to give the citizens of New Jersey final guarantees of dis interested Justice?'" "Did you ever hear a bigger ques tion than that stated? Is there any suspicion abroad that equal justice Is not administered in the United States? If there is such a suspicion, who ought of all others to remove it? The men who are responsible for the administra tion of Justice finally or the men who make the laws which underlie the ad ministration of Justice. I do not know any more solemn thing than happens when these gentlemen get together in those chambers down in Trenton. There is the temple in which is wor shipped the god of Justice or the god of intrigue and there is a high priest of intrigue who is to be seen lurking about the corridors of the temple. Are you going to burn incense to this god or are you going to burn incense to the god of mankind, the god of love and of Justice, and of purity and of right eousness ? . . Advice Given Worklngmen. "I am told that some of my friends among' the laboring men have been told that this was a plan to see that they didn't get an equal share With the rest in the determination of what should be done in the courts of crim inal Justice. I ask them to answer me this question: In the game of poli tics do they generally get the advan tage? Is the present arangement al together to their liking? I haven't heard it praised from their ranks and what we are trying to do is to bring them with all other men into the part-! nership. j 'The game of politics has sever gone In their direction that I ever heard. What you ought to do then, those of you who -specifically describe your selves as worklngmen tor some of the rest of us work and don't have any limited hours either if there were more than one President I would form a union but if those of you who choose to describe yourselves as In some particular sense workingmen want to ge your share then I advise you to go In for Jury reform." After his conference with members of the Legislature the President was consulted by the state party leaders and it was generally agreed to submit to the conference of the legislators next Monday a compromise proposal which would provide for a commis sioner in each county to act with the sheriff in drawing jurors so that the one would act as a check on the other. These commissioners , would be chosen by the chancellor of the state. KILL GAMBLING IS PURPOSE Racetrack Law to Be Enforced in New Tork, Is Announced. ALBANY, N. T., May 2. The State Law and Order Alliance is "going to see to it" that the racetrack gambling law is enforced on every track this year, according to Superintendent West. "The officers of this organization are going at it In a sane, sensible way," Mr. West said tonight. "Their pur pose is not to kill horseraclng, but to kill gambling. They are not after the directors of racing associations or the law enforcement officers of the county; thar arA aftai tVlA STfimhlerS. TheV ! !1 - tend to co-operate with the directors of the racing associations and also the law enforcement officers where racing is held." Gave Him A. New Stomach "There are thousands of sufferers from stomach and liver troubles whom I wish I could meet and tell what Chamberlain s Stomach and Liver Tablets would do for them," writes' H. M. Y oungpeters, editor oi the Sun, Lake View, Ohio. -One bottle of the tablets would end the trouble for moat of them. I suffered in tensely after eating and never felt weli; and no treatment or medicine I tried ever seemed to do me any good until reading aa advertisement -for Chamber lain'sTableta in my own paper, I tried a bottle. The first few doses gave me sur-, prising relief, and thai second bottle seemed to rive me a new stom-l ach and perfect good health. I didn't think anything would give me such a complete cure. . uney are wonderful." jfkf 4 i