Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 03, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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Bixbv Arrested at Palatial
Long Beach Home and Re
quired to Give Bail.
Woman Also Accuse Unable to Fur
nish $35,000 Bonds Arrest
In Climax of Sensational
Series of Investigation.
LOS ANGELES. May . George H.
Blxby, millionaire banker of Long
Beach and meroner of, one of the most
prominent families In Southern Cali
fornia, was arrested today, charged by
two grand Jury Indictments with bav
in contributed to the delinquency of
Blxby vu arrested at his palatial
ranch home near Long" Beach. He was
broupht to Los Angeles late tonlprht
and taken before Presiding Judge Mo
Cormlck, of the Superior Court, at the
Young Men's Institute Hall, where the
judge was attending a meeting. Bonds,
which previously had been fixed at
$5000 on each Indictment, were fur
nished and approved by the court and
Bixby wa released to appear tomor
row morning for arraignment before
Judge "Wilbur In the Juvenile depart
ment of the Superior Court.
Mr. Rosenberg tm Prliom.
Foot indictments were returned late
today by the grand Jury, the two others
being directed against Mrs. Josie
Rosenberg, who la accused of pander
ing. The warrants were served opon
Mrs. Rosenberg in the county Jail,
where she Is bold In default of 115,000
bonds on charges of procuring.
The arrest of the millionaire fur
nished the climax of a sensational vice
Investigation. In the course of which
his name was freely mentioned In
connection with a resort known as the
"Jonquil." which was operated by Mrs.
Rosenberg. Two young women fre
quenters of the place, Mrs. Ireme Ma
rie Brown Levy, 17 years old, and Miss
Cleo Helen Barker, It years old. told
the Grand Jury of their alleged rela
tions with Blxby and others. The of
fense is designated aa a high-grade
misdemeanor. The maximum penalty
for each offense la a. year in the coun
ty JalL
Cousin On of Boadsmesu
B1xbys bond was furnished by
Llewellyn Blxby, a cousin, and Joseph
Mrs. Rosenberg's bond was fixed at
110.000 on each count, which makes a
total of $35,000 In bonds required be
fore she can now obtain her release
from the county Jail.
The accusation against the woman
constitutes a felony punishable by a
term In the penitentiary.
After his arrest Blxby was taken in
an automobile to the home of Attorney
Samuel Hosklns. where he was Joined
by Oscar Lawler, formerly United
States Assistant Attorney-General, who
has represented Blxby since his name
has been connected with the vice cru
sade Lawler and Hosklns accompanied
Bixby to the hall where Judge McCor
mlck was awaiting their arrival.
Grand Jory Take Reeeaa.
After reporting the Indictments late
today the grand Jury took recess until
Monday morning, when the investiga
tion will be resumed, with the prospect
that Mrs. Kitty PhiUipss, now on her
way to Los Angeles from San Fran
cisco, where she was arrested, would
appear in the role of principal witness.
Assistant District Attorney Ford, who
Is In charge of the investigation by
the grand jury, said tonight that other
witnesses would be summoned to testi
fy before the grand jury and It was
intimated that further Indictments
probably would be returned during the
coming week.
Blxby Is nearly 50 years old and has
a wife and five children. He is prom
inently Identified with practically
every large enterprise In Long Beach
and many in Los Angeles.
Stork Inspection Xot to Be Paid by
Owner, Rules Circuit Judge.
ROSEBCRG. Or.. May 2. (Special.)
That a veterinary official of Oregon
has a legal right to examine stock
shipped from another state, but he can
not compel the owner of such stock
to pay him for his services, was the
substance of a decision handed down
hy Judge Hamilton, in the Circuit
Court late today.
Judge Hamilton's decision followed
the filing of injunction proceedings by
WUletts A Burr, railroad contractors,
to annul a quarantine order Issued by
State Veterinarian Morel and release
5 head of mulea consigned from points
in California to Coos County.
The stock arrived here Wednesday,
when Deputy Stock Inspector Hunt
started to examine them upon tele
graphic orders received from Mr. Morel.
I-ater the inspector presented a bill for
$75. which the contractors refused to
pay. It was then that Mr. Morel ordered
the mules quarantined.
Under Judge Hamilton's decision, the
state Instead ofthe owner, herafter will
be compelled to pay the expense of In
specting stock.
Driver Who Killed Pedestrian Sen
tenced to 14 Years.
CHICAGO, May 2. Lawrence Llnd
bloora. a chauffeur, who In 1910 ran
over and killed Joseph Welse, was
found guilty of murder today by a
Jury in the crrainal court and was sen
ticed to 14 years' imprisonment. The
evidence showed he was driving about
3S miles an hour when bla car struck
In instructing the Jury. Judge Cooper
said If it had been shown that Llnd
bioom was driving his machine in mch
a manner as to endanger human life,
they should find him guilty, whether
the killing was accidental or inten
tional. Lindbloom. according to the
testimony, ran his machine for two
Mocks after the accident and stopped
only when Weise's body became en
tangled in the machinery and stopped
the automobile.
The defendant testified he had been
jnabLe to stop in a shorter distance.
3 t r ,1 it X7
vc V ) $T' ft tt jr
Photo by Studio de Luxe.
The auditorium of the Lincoln High School will be the scene this
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock of a pretty fairy play. In which the little chil
dren of the People's Institute, Albina branch, will participate. Sev
eral of the children will be seen as fairies, others as flowers and tiny
Mildred Tucker will be the busy bumblebee. Miss Mildred Raab
has drilled the" youngsters in their various parts and Mrs. Bertha Mil
ler, assisted by a number of the friends of the institute, has planned
the most -orgeous dresses, that transform the children into the love
liest of daffodils, tulips buttercups and other flowers of gay hue.
The spirit of nelghborllness has been beautifully exemplified in the
making of these costumes and many of the women who live near the
institute have given generously of their time to help prepare for the
big event the annual May festival of the People's Institute. Two
little folks are supposed to be out picking flowers in the forest. Get
ting tired, they lie down to sleep and dream of the fairies. Then the
flowers come to life, the fairies appear, and as a grand ending tfiere is
a beautiful May-pole dance. A large gathering of friends of the in
stitute will attend the entertainment
Many Manufacturers Indorse
Law Favoring Workingmen.
standard Oil Grants Six-Day Week.
OAKLAND. CaL. May I. Announce
ment was made today by the Standard
Oil Company that a new schedule of
hours became ' effective today at the
company's plant In Richmond by which
too men get a six-day meek without
reduction of pay. Heretofore the men
have been working seven days a week
with one day a month off. A new shift
of 100 men has been employed to make
possible the reduction to a six-day
Speaker Before Association Urges
Organization of Local Company
to Operate Vessels Between
Here and Kew York.
Discussion of the effect of the new
workman's compensation act and of the
employers' liability law, which was
passed by initiative vote in lsiu. were
discussed at a meeting of the Manu
facturers' Association at tne commer
cial Club last nlgbt.
Gns Moser. chairman ot tne jucu-
clary committee in the State Senate,
and John Latourette. chairman of the
Judiciary committee for the House, were
the speakers, the rormer outlining me
provisions or the IlaDUity law ana hie
latter discussing the compensation act.
Mr. Latourette declared that the prin
cipal opposition to the compensation
act is on the part of casualty Insurance
"Casualty companies have stirred up
things principally over the provision
of the compensation law which allows
an employe to cue upon certificate
from the compensation commission iu
recover from the employer in a case
where there is evidence of negligence
on the part of the employer," he said.
Aa a matter of fact there can never
be much trouble on this score, if em
ployers are reasonably careful. The
employe cannot sue in such a case ex
cept upon certificate from the commis
sion and even then I believe that it
will not be long after the compensa
tion act has been in operation before
lawyers will learn to advise their
clients to accept workmen's compensa
tion rather than to go into court."
Several manufacturers gave their
opinion of the effectiveness of the new
compensation act. Most of those pres
ent were in favor of It.
Captain Richard Chllcott. at the close
of the meeting, spoke in behalf of a
plan to establish a home-manufactured.
home-owned and bome-operatea steam
ship line between Portland and New
CaDtaln Chllcotfs plan is the organi
sation of a company in Portland with
capital of $1,250,000. Three ships would
be built, according to his plan, and
with these In operation bonds could
be issued for the construction or two
more. Five ships on the line would
give a 12-day service between Portland
and New York.
Captain Cbilcott announced that a
meeting of representatives from various
business organizations Is to be called
in the near future, and requested that
a committee of five be appointed be
fore that meeting, to represent the
manufacturing element of the city. T.
S. Mann, president of the association,
presided at the meeting.
Escape rade From Woman's Broth
ers Xear White Salmon.
WHITE SALMON. Wash., May 2.
(Special.) Armed with carbine and re
volver, the Rose brothers, engaged at
Swan-Hamann mill on the heights, were
in town today looking for Jack Acton,
whom they charged with an attack on
their sister.
They caught Ackton the preceding
evening and tied him to a tree while
they awaited the coming of the con
stable from White Salmon. Ackton
finally begged to be allowed to change
his clothes. He was released and taken
upstairs to his room, guarded by one
of the brothers., Completing his change,
he suddenly dived through the window,
landing on the porch roof, slid off into
the darkness and made his escape.
Educator Lauds Newspaper Men.
but Says They See Xot.
MADISON. Wis.. May 2. Professor
Edward A Ross, of the University of
Wisconsin; Hamlin Garland, the au
thor, and Richard Lloyd Jones, editor
of the Wisconsin State Journal, ad
dressed the National convention of the
Sigma Delta Chi, a Journalistic fra
ternity, tonight. Delegates are pres
ent from 16 universities.
Professor Ross' subject was "Com
mercialism in Journalism."
"There never was a time when so
many men of high character were in
newspaper work as now or when the
profession of Journalism was so at
tractive to spirited young men," ne
said. "Nor was there ever a time when
the public was so much In need of a
copious, continuous supply of truth
about current happenings In order to
safeguard Its essential Interests. At
the same tlrao the great economic
strata upon which Journalism is erect
ed are creeping, creeping down hill.
morally speaking, and few newspaper
men realise what is happening.
For relief. Professor Koss looked to
an endowed or a public press.
Contlnued From First Pax.)
the administration forces. "Now, I want
you to repudiate It again."
Debate at Times Partlsaa.
They did. Only five votes were
cast In favor of substituting the III!
nois law for the Webb bill. Voting
in the affirmative with Wright were
Campbell, Cartwright and Sanford
(Democrats) and Jones (Progressive).
At times the debate became strictly
partisan, and the Democrats would
openly charge the Progressives with
lack of sincerity and bad faith in
changing their attitude toward the
state's rights theory, which they used
to deny in years past when there was
a Republican administration in Wash
ington and when the Progressives
themselves were Republicans."
Minority In Full Sympathy.
Democratlo opposition was purely
tactical. The minority confessed Its
sympathy with the ends sought. In
fact, it freely criticised the bill, not as
too drastic, but as too weak. Where
the minority differed was in its Judg
ment of the means wisest to employ.
The attitude found Its expression in a
resolution offered by Senator Curtin
and defeated by a vote of 10 ayes to
26 noes. The administration majority
for the bill was solid with a single
exception. In opposition were eight
out of 10 Democrats, one Progressive
and Senator Wright, of San Diego, the
lone Tart Republican in the chamber.
Senator Curtln'a resolution proposed
that "the people of the State of Cali
fornia defer to the wishes of the Presi
dent of the United States, and this
Legislature will not at this session pass
the bills advised against."
People's Imilre Declared.
This was on condition that it be un
derstood that the people of the state
desired substantially tae ends sought
In the administration measure and "that
the President of the United States be
requested to endeavor to secure such
treaty or other agreement from any
nation protesting against the passage
of the bills under consideration as will
effectually accomplish the end and pur
pose herein mentioned." The resolution
"Further, That If at any time the
Governor of California becomes con
vinced that the success of such effort
is Improbable, he is hereby requested
to call an extra session of the Legisla
ture." The criticism of the minority was
praised by Senator Sanford (Democrat),
who, as be said. Introduced alien land
bills "six years, four years, two years
and two months ago."
"What do the people of California de
sire?" he asked. "They wisn," he an
swered, "to prevent the Japanese from
owning land and from putting the
white man out of business."
Senator Curtin, defending his own
resolution, strengthened the same af
firmation. Referendum la Feared.
"I don't like these words, 'in accord
ance with treaty,' " he shouted, "be
cause a new treaty may at any time be
signed which will nullify the purpose
of this legislation."
The chief arguments advanced against
the bill and in support of the Curtin
resolution were:
1. That the bill was discourteous to
the President of the United States and
the Imperial government of Japan.
I. That the ends it sought might1
better and more permanently be ac-1
quired by Federal negotiations.
3. That those opposed to It might
Invoke the referendum, thus inhibiting
effective action under its provisions for
a .nd seven months, during which
Japanese, advised of the intentions of
the state, might acquire all tne iana
they were able to buy without let or
"In 1907 and 1911," urged Senator
Curtin, "we had the same conditions
and the same Federal appeal, but with
no assurances or promises of relief.
Why should we be so hasty now. when
we hearkened then?
Chinese Situation Recalled.
"In 1879-80, when feeling against the
Chinese ran Incomparably higher than
It does against the Japanese now. we
found our relief In Congress, not in the
State Legislature.
"Never before in the history of the
United States has a President gone so
far as to lend a sympathetic ear to
the difficulties of a state as did Presi
dent Wilson In sending the chief of
his Cabinet to counsel with us."
Senator Curtin read from the Lon
don Times an editorial reciting the
British solution of ,the same problem
as It affects Canada. A similar line
of action, he thought, might be fol
lowed here. "If we get the end we
seek," he asked, "isn't that all we de
sire? If this end Is accomplished by
Federal action, it will be firmly ac
complished, but if it Is accomplished
by California it will be but partially
and perhaps temporarily accomplished."
Senator Birdsall. supporting the bill
which he originally introduced, argued
that there were only three points to
consider: - Had the state the right to
enact the legislation contemplated?
Did the people of the state want it
now? Was It the best they could get?
All three questions he answered in the
Law Demanded.
Senators Caminetti and Shanahan
supported the resolution and criticised
the bill because it was not broad
enough. In particular Senator Shana
han thought the amendment offered
today by Senator Boynton and adopt
ed by the majority was a weak spot.
This amendment would permit Japanese
and other aliens ineligible to citizenship
to lease California lands for agricul
tural purposes for a term not exceed
ing three years.
Senator Shanahan saw nothing in the
language of the amendment to pre
vent Japanese from renewing three
year leases indefinitely. His opposi
tion was not answered.
Senator Sanford argued that the
longest way around was the shortest
way home. Three months, he thought,
would be sufficient to demonstrate
what diplomacy could do, but 20.000
signatures to a referendum petition
would be sufficient 'to Invoke a delay
of 19 months before the final will of
the people could be known.
Senator Cartwright feared that the
bill would surely lead to a test of the
eligibility of the Japanese to citizen
ship, a test that might result contrary
to the wishes of the state. "For this
reason," he aaid, "I believe the Pro
gressive party in California is about to
commit the most colossal blunder of Its
existence and It has committed many."
Governor Will Sign Bill.
Governor Johnson will sign an alien
bill as soon as it comes to him, reserv
ing "a reasonable time In which to
listen to protests."
"I have assured Mr. Bryan," he said
tonight, "that when the bill comes to
me from the Legislature I will wait a
reasonable time for his protests. I
cannot say how long. If the bill passes
while the Legislature Is still in ses
sion, I have 10 days in which to sign
it. If it comes to me after the Legis
lature has adjourned, I have SO days.
I expect the bill to pass without ran.
Washington Believes Japan Will
Accept Kew Conditions.
WASHINGTON. May 2. In official
circles here the opinion is gaining
ground that the situation created by
proposed anti-alien lana-owning ies'
latton in California has been relieved
largely of its grave aspect and that a
satisfactory adjustment Is brought
Into sight by latest developments at
The adoption by the California Sen
ate of the amendment to the pending
alien land-owning bill to permit leases
of lands by Japanese Tor perious not
exceeding three years is connected by
offlrem of the Administration here
with Secretary Bryan's postponement
of his return to Washington irom Sac
ramento. It is believed the Secretary
hopes to mitigate the drastic features
of the bill to a point where there would
be no ground for objection from the
JaDanese government.
Any such legislation that is pending
in California would not De weicomeo
by the Japanese, but It is said in the
higher circles In ToKlo it is reauzeo
that some such legislation is Inevit
able and must be accepted, provided
Japanese pride is saved and the prob
able injury to Japanese subjects In
California reduced to a. minimum.
The Japanese embassy officials here
are discreetly silent regarding the lat
est phase of the situation, but it is be
lieved that they regard, tnis lasc meas
ure as far less offensive than the orig
inal Webb bllh
- Most of the agricultural lands in
California cultivated by Japanese are
held under lease and the property oc
cupied as residences and business
houses by Japanese is especially ex
empted from escheatment, so that the
pecuniary damage caused by the act
would De reduced to a minimum oy tne
amendment. It is pointed out, too, that
by recognizing the validity of leases
the Callfornians are simply duplicating
the conditions under which Americans
at present bold land In Japan.
Japanese Premier Hopeful.
Shibusawa and other prominent men
called on Premier Yamamoto today and
discussed the California land law. ac
cording to advices received by the Jap
anese-American, a San Francisco Jap
anese newspaper. At the conclusion of
the conference, the premier said he
was still hopeful that the California
situation would be adjusted satisfac
The Japanese-American Association
had a farewell meeting today for Soro-
ku Ebara, a member of the House of
Peers, and Ayao Hattorl, . member of
the lower nouse -or parliament, wno
left today for Yokohama. They will
sail for San Francisco tomorrow to
investigate the California land law.
"The American Cousin" Proves
, Marked Success at Lincoln High.
"The American Cousin." a German
Play, presented last night at "the
Lincoln High School by the members of
the department of music of the Monday
Musical Club was a marked success.
Miss Caroline Lowengart, who sang
the leading part, has a sweet lyric so
prano voice with dramatic feeling. All
the characters were wen portrayed.
A number of excellent voices were
displayed to advantage in the musical
selections that are part or tne piay.
Thoso taking part were: Mrs. N. O.
Taylor, Miss Gertrude Hoeber, Miss
Elizabeth jonnson. Airs, uienoenning
Stafford, Miss Melba Westengard, Miss
Florence Westengard, Mrs. M. R.
Koone, Miss Florence Jackson, Mrs.
Anton Giebisch and Mrs. John Mc-
Mrs. Nathan Harris, author or the
play, will publish it for the benefit of
local high school students. .
Peace Congress Speaker Says
Every Question Could Be
Settled Without War.
Nation Said to Be Bankrupt hy
Following Her" "Great Ally in
Race! of Mad Militarism."
Fund for Peace Proposed.
ST. LOUIS, May 3. Arbitration can
be made much wider in its scope than
hitherto, in the opinion of John Wesley
Hill, of New York, president of the
International Peace Forum. Mr. Hill
spoke tonight at the fourth general
session of the American Peace Con
gress on "The Outlook for Peace."
"As great as the achievements of
arbitration have been we have not
quite reached the goal," he said. "We
must continue the agitation until not
only the United States and Great
Britain, but the world powers are unit
ed in a combat to submit to an interna
tional arbitral court every difference
arising between them even questions
of honor and vital interest.
"If the controversy over the Panama
tolls Is such a question, it should be
submitted to arbitration, regardless of
the consideration as to whether we
should be winners or losers before the
International court"
- Japan's Burden Reviewed.
Militarism is the burden of the na
tions, declared Thomas Edward Green,
of Chicago. Reviewing the nation of
Japan, he said:
"Japan poor, bankrupt, broken, im
poverished Japan. She is the logical
end of the whole delusion. Fifty mil
lion industrious, economic, patriotic
people without national resource, figur
ing income and expense to the last
penny; halving each pitiful coin in
willingly borne taxation 8p per cent
of Japan's income Is derived from tax
ation she has nothing else. It means
that her people must give each year
an average of 25 per cent of all they
have and earn to pay Japan's penalty
of following her 'great ally in the
race of mad militarism.' "
Mrs. Lucia Ames Mead, of Boston,
chairman of the peace and arbitration
committee of the National Council of
Women, In discussing "The Immediate
Issue," urged, instead of enormous Con
gressional appropriations for Army and
Navy, that the President, in his mes
sage to Congress, ask for "an expendi
ture of $10,000,000 in lessening the aw
ful needless death rate that disgraces
us among nations, and J6,000,000 for a
peace budget."
Exchange of Visits Vrged.
"Imagine," she continued, "this put
into the hands of a special commission
to be spent in cementing our friend
ships with all nations by help In time
of trouble, by exchange of visits of
Congressmen and editors, by spreading
authentic reports, by refuting the yel
low press suspicions and slanders and
In every way promoting understand
ing." . President David Starr Jordan, of Ice
land Stanford. Jr., University, spoke
on "Manhood and War." He deplored
the tremendous cost in lives in war and
pointed out that those who are sacri
ficed in battle could serve a far more
useful service in peace.
"In times of war," he said, "the
bravest, strongest and manliest are
lost. The weaklings survive. But in
times of peace the strong and manly
survive, the weakling and the unfitted
are lost through the survival of the
fittest. Truly, war cripples nations,
for it takes from them the flower of
their manhood."
First Deep Sea Fish In.
NEWPORT. Or., May 2. (Special.)
The gasoline schooner Ollie S. was the
first of the fishing boats to bring in
Ask Your Doctor
And why not? Yet some
people act as if a medicine
could take the place of a
doctor I The best medicine
in the world cannot do this.
If we did not believe doctors
endorsed AVer's Cherry Pec
toral for coughs and colds,
we would not offer it to you.
J. 0. arar Co.. lomll. Mm
'Tape's Diapepsin" Makes Upset
Stomachs Feel Fine in
Five Minutes.
If what you just ate is souring on
your stomach or lies like a lump of
lead, refusing to digest, or you belch
gas and eructate sour, undigested food,
or have a feeling of dizziness, heart
burn, fullness, nausea, bad taste in
mouth and stomach headache this is
A full case of Pape's Diapepsin costs
only 60 cents and will thoroughly cure
your out-of-order stomach, and leave
sufficient about the house in case some
on else in the family may suffer from
stomach trouble or indigestion.
Ask your pharmacist to show .you the
formula plainly printed on those 50
cent cases, then you will understand
why dyspeptic trouble of all kinds
must go, and why they usually relieve
sour, out-of-order stomachs or indiges
tion In five minutes. Diapepsin is
harmless and tastes like candy, though
eaoh dose contains power sufficient to
digest and prepare for assimilation into
the blood all the food you eat; besides,
it makes you go to the table with a
healthy appetite: but, what will please
you most, is that you will feel that
your stomaeh and intestines are clean
and fresh, and you will not need to re
sort to laxatives or liver pills for bil
iousness or constipation.
Tbis city will have many Diapepsin
cranks, as some people will call them.
but you will - be cranky about this
splendid stomach preparation, too, it
you ever try a little for indigestion or
gastritis or any other stomach misery.
uet some now. this minute, and for
ever rid yourself of stomach trouble
nd lndlcttstion-
Tliee is no substitute
foRoyal Baking Pow
der iot making the
best cake, fcisc&it and
pastry. Royal is Ab
solutely Pure and the
only baking
made from
grape cream of tartar
a load of deep-sea fish this season. The
catch amounted to about 1000 pounds of
halibut and about 150 pounds of cod
and were all disposed of on the dock
within one hour of landing. The fish
ing boats here are making preparations
here for a big fishing season, and will
place most of the fish in cold storage.
Becker Trial Sequel Is Dynamite.
TTTTTr "V ("i T t." tt 9 Tien RtloWs of
dynamite with a fuse attached, which
had been iigntea. out naa gone out.
were found today in the basement en
trance of the house occupied ty
Abraham Brown, one time partner of
"Bridgie" Webber, one of the four In
formants in the Becker murder trial.
Less than a month ago a bomb wrecked
an alleged gambling-house conducted
by Brown.
Thirty thousand deer die In California
each vear. the victims of hunters rfd prry
iiiR animals, according to a report Issued
by the state flsu and anw commission. Of
this number about 10,000 are killed by
In Fair
Three Little Maids
From School
Are We"
Pay a Vacation Visit
To the Orient's Summer Resort
thmc KaViA artA errn tnminf,9.!ti retreats aro
u tui nf RnrnnMn rt;ideiits in the far East their attrac-
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n 1 J 1 A Jtn,rt tn Panarlifln Partfic't fast Roval
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Canadian Pacific Empress Fleet
Most luxurious steamers in Pacific
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serve passengers in true Oriental
Lieavlnir trom Vancouver, tne
voyage is ahortened by nearly
week which means two
on the round trip.
v. Keacheavia
the Canadian Rockies America s
famous "SO Switzerlands in One.
The pleasures of an Oriental Vaca
tion are told in our folder on Japan
and China, r ree witn uiiik
and Information as to anauma
Pacific Oriental. Australasian and
'Round-the-wona trips, kau u
any steamship accnt or
J- , lb. 4UUUMJB, BOO.
mwt Mr. A: Pine.
rortiana. w. xuome.
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Why be annoyed by
the wearing out of the
finger tips of your silk gloves?
Every pair Jfiatorfcu
silk gloves is double finger
tipped and contains a guar
antee ticket which insures
you against such an annoy
ance. The colorings are fashionably
They cost no more than any
other good silk glove.
If your dealer cannot supply
you, tend us bis name. We
will supply yon through him.
Niagara Silk Mills
North Tonawanda, N. V.
New York
8a. Praacisco
At All Family Liquor Stores
Grills and Cafes
runn an
(Wholesale Distributors)
Oregon, Idaho, Utah
Main 2958 Phones A 2958