Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 03, 1913, Image 2

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3IAT 3, 1913.
mm shower
Oncg Seen
Is Never
Mrs. Catt Says Complaints
Are More Than Against
Rule in America.
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'More Militants and Mora Militancy'
Is Cry n Answer to Latest Mots
of Govern ment Plots Re
Tea led br Letters.
LONDON". Mar . At an Actresse
Franchise League meeting tonight tn
Drury Lane Theater. Mrs. Carrie Chap
man Catt, of New York, president of
the International Women Suffrage Al
liance, delivered the first speech she
has made since her arrival in England.
Mrs. Catt said that In the three days
she had been In London, which she had
devoted to attending suffragette meet
ings, she had heard more complaints
against the British government than
she had heard against the American
Government In her -whole life.
Mrs. Catt heard many more mm
plaints at tonight's meeting, for every
speaker denounced the British govern
ment. Itesolutlons strongly condemn
ing the government for not bringing In
a bill enfranchising women were adopt
ed with enthusiasm.
Frfedom Leajni. In Bitter.
The denunciation of the ministry by
the actresses was mlli. however, com
pared with the abuse heaped upon it
by speakers at an Indignation meeting
of the Women's freedom League In
Castor. Hall. A few phrases culled
from the speech of Miss Xtna Boyle, a
Militant suffragette, will serve as.spec
Imens. She said the government was
composed of "cads and cowards'' and
that the ministers were "a disgrace to
the name of Britishers.'.' Miss Boyle
called for militant volunteers and hint,
iwt at an outbreak of militancy that had
been planned "that will show this gov.
ernment what a pitiful opinion we have
of it."
Mrs. Charlotte Pespard also appealed
f-r militant recruits. "More militants
and more militancy," she saW, "will be
' our answer to the latest move of the
government. 1 don't care how often
they arrest me."
t'onipoiter Seads C'fcalleage.
As a challenge to the threat of gov
ernment counsel that subscribers to
militant suffragette funds would be
likely to get Into serious trouble. Law
rence Houseman, an .English music
composer, announced today that he had
; sent a contribution to the Women's and Political Union.
Mrs. Emmaline Pankhurst was re-
. moted today, with the consent of the
authorities, from the house in which
she had been staying In London to a
sanitarium at Woking, where she will
remain under the supervision of the
A bottle filled with nitro-glycerine
and wrapped in brown paper was dis
covered by a policeman today at the
tube xtation at Piccadilly Circus.
Bow Street Court was crowded this
morning, when a band of six militant
suffragettes, who were arrested In the
police raid on headquarters of the Wo
man's Social and Political Union on
Wednesday were brought up before the
magistrate on a. charge of conspiracy
under the malicious damage act.
Dornmrata Reveal Plots.
Sme interesting documents seised by
the police were read by the prosecuting
counsel. They were intended to show
the connection of Clayton, the analyt
ical chemist arrested last night, with
the militant movement. One of them
wsa addressed to Mi.-a Annie Kenney
and regretted the delay In supplying
some chemical preparation she lad
axked for.
"The exact, proportions are very dif
ficult to get.' it said, adding: "Please
burn this."
Another document bearing Clayton's
name suggested a widespread scheme
of false fire alarms, and still another
gave a Hat of seven timber yards In
I-ondon. which "lend themselves par
ticularly well to attack."
In a third letter Clayton said he had
a list of cotton manufacturers In Lon
don, "whose premises will Inspect dur
ing the next few days and report."
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SuffraRo AVUI AVIn in Norway.
CITRISTIAXIA. May 2. The constitu
tinnsl committee of the storthing de
rided unanimously today to Introduce
a bill bestowing the franchise on
women for all elections. With a rad
ical majority In the storthing the pas
sage of the bill Is assured.
Redfirld Modifies Requirements in
Three Important Particulars.
WASHIXGTOX. "May 2. (SpeciaL)
Secretary of Commerce Redfleld has
approved three important changes in
steamboat inspection rules. The first
of these permits men who have had
experience on gasoline motor yachts to
stand examinations for licenses as
masters of coastwise steamers. Here
tofore these men had to have experi
ence on steam-propelled vessels.
Another new rule applies to lifeboat
equipment on motor-boats under SO
tons burden, subject to inspection,
permitting them to travel with a Ufa
boat capacity of only 100 cuble feet
when navigating In daylight only and
when equipped with air tanks of suf
ficient capacity to sustain the vessel
float when full of water and with a
full complement of passengers.
The third rule permits licensing as
masters of lake. bay. sound or river
steamers of persons who have served
five years on sailing vessels, one year
of which has been as master.
Trans-Pacific Reduction to Allow
Competition with Australia.
SEATTLE. Wash, May 3. Reduc
tions of freight rates on flour and
wheat from North Pacific porta to
Japan. China and Manila were agreed
to today by representatives of the
trans-Paclflc steamship lines. The re
duction will become effective June 1
and will remain in force until August
IS. to encourage shipments during the
dull season and to enable American
flour and wheat merchants to compete
with Australian dealers In the Oriental
The reductlona are: To Japan, from
Jt.56 a ton to SI; to China, from 15.50
to S4; to Manila, from SC to Jo. The
companies agreeing to the reduction
are: Prank Waterhouse St Co, the Blue
Frmsel Line, the Great Northern Steam
ship Company, the Hamburg-American
Line, the Nippon Yusen Kaisha. the
Osaka Phosen Kaisha and the Canadian
Pad do Steamship Company,
F. X. Matthieu Guest of Honor
at Champoeg.
Many Pioneers Take Trip Up Wil
lamette to Participate In Ob
servance of Oregon's Kstab
lishment "0 Years Ago.
(Continued From Pint Paje.)
more open country and found it at the
place he named Champoeg.
Here he built a warehouse, opened a
trading post and set his agriculturists
to work on the rich bottom and up
lands, and in time quite a little hamlet
sprang up and prospered as he knew
It would, for John McLoughlln was one
of the far-seeing men of his times.
French fa Majority.
Just how many people, were In the
Oregon country by the close of the
fourth decade of the ISth century no
body knows; but the principal settle
ment of tho whites was In the Wil
lamette Valley, called then the Wil
lamette settlement. Of these a large
proportion were of French descent,
mostly the voyageurs and employes or
ex-employes of the Hudson's Bay Com
pany. There were no laws, save such as
were laid down by that company
through John McLoughlia. There was
no governmental machinery whatever.
The people did not know whether they
were living upon American or English
soil, did not know whether they were
subjects of Uncle Sam of John Bull.
Flrat Court Established.
It was the death of one Ewing Young,
who had come here in 1834 and settled
In the Chehalem Valley, near the pres
ent site of Newburg. that set the peo
ple to thinking something must be done
towards bringing about orderly pro
cedure In political affairs. for Mr.
Young was a man of substance for
those days and died possessed of an
estate worth nearly $4000.
Swing Young's death occurred Feb
ruary 15. 1841. His neighbors and
friends discussed the matter of dispos
ing of his estate, and on February 18
a publ'.o meeting was held and a pro
bate court established by universal ap
proval. There was no law for this.
Such acourt would have no legal ex
istence save by universal oonsent and
obeyance, but its edicts were never
questioned and Its acta later were ap
proved by the highest courts of the
Gorenuant Need Felt,
Then It began to be felt that some
sort of a stable government should be
organized, and various meetings were
held. Finally a committee was ap
pointed to report some mode of orderly
procedure, and on May 3. 1843, 102 In
habitants of the Willamette settlement
met at Champoeg for the purpose of
hearing the report of the committee
and acting upon It.
The meeting was held in a little shed.
Who presided Is not known, but George
W. LeBreton was the clerk. The report
was read and as all know it was for the
forming of government, a state, as one
of the United States of America, It
was a bright, sunshiny Spring day. The
little building would not accommodate
all of the people present, so they left
the building and went out Into the'
Oa the Speakers' Platform, Left to Right Mrs. M. J. Hembree. John Mlnto,
K. X. Matthieu. Sirs. C. Maihen'y Klrlcwood. Part of the AndlrHoe. X K. X.
MattbJen Beside Monument Erected to Commemorate Hlitorlc Gathering at
open, under the shade of the trees and
transacted the business of the day
transacted business that stands . and
ever will stand as en act of first im
portance in the civilized world.
Spot Marked by Monument.
Of those present It must be remem
bered a large number owed allegiance,
fealty and almost existence to the Hud
son's Bay Company. The names of ail
the members of the meeting have oft
been told, and everyone of them is en
graved upon the monument that now
stands upon the spot where the great
event occurred.
It la only necessary to mention three
names Joe Meek. K. X. Matthieu and
his next friend, Ettlenne Lucler. The
latter two. as their names will show,
were of French descent. When the
question finally came fairly before
the meeting, there was for a brief
period a lack of knowledge of how to
proceed.. But Joe Meek stepped out
from the crowd and waving aloft his
counskln cap he shouted: "Let all of
those who favor a divide follow me."
Perhaps those were not his exact words,
but the intent of his utterance was to
hava those wishing to become a part of
the American Government to Join his
line, and those favoring England to
oppose them.
Picture Is Recalled.
I - wish I could picture that division
of forces, I wish I could picture the
meeting, the personnel of It. I stood
yesterday on the spot and endeavored
to look "back 70 years to that day
day of all days for the Oregon country.
Try for yourself to bring before you
that historic gathering of honest and
Intrepid men, such mn as build na
tions and establish empires and make
for civilization. Picture their dress.
Most of them were costless; many of
them, like Joe Meek, were dressed In
the garb of the hunter and trapper of
those days buckskin shirts and trous
ers, moccasins on their feet, coonskin
cap's upon their heads, faces unknown
to the rasor, hair hanging well over
their shoulders. Others arrayed in the
remnants of the clothing they had worn
across the plains, being little more than
u network of patches.
Then fancy how they had come to the
meeting- Some had come on foot for
many miles, others astride ' cayuse
ponies, many by canoe and some In
their assarts, for there was not then In ,
the settlement, not then in what today
we call Idaho and Washington, such a
thing as a real wagon or cart or buggy.
What they called a cart had wheels
made by sawing a six or eight-inch
slice from a huge log.
American Victory Won.
Picture now the meeting, picture Joe
Meek stepping aside and asking the
friends of the American republlo to
join him: -. See them ranged by his side.
I mentioned two others. F. X. Matthieu
was a carpenter-farmer, a farmer-carpenter,
who lived within a mile of the
little hamlet, where they met, and
living and working with him was his
friend. Ettlenne Lucler. Mr. Matthieu
was for joining Meek, but Lucler hesi
tated. Matthieu bfsought and urged
him. and nnally the two stood proudly
In the Meek column, stood up for the
republic, and -by a majority of one
England lost and the United States
gained a kingdom!
Oh. but that, as sweet .as it la, is
not the sweetest part of this story,
for F. X. Matthieu Father Matthieu
we call him, for was he not. Is he not
the father of the Oregon Country? Is
alive and well and strong for a man
who Is 95 years and 1 month old
Father Matthieu, beloved of all men.
was with us yesterday!
There were also deseendents of bis
present, bis two sons, John and F. X.
Jr.; his three daughters. Rose, Aggie
and Mrs. Riley. And there was young
Peter Lucler. his sister, Mrs. Ivie, and
his niece, Mrs. Shlnn.
Trip Made by Boat.
For many years May S baa seen many
"voyageurs" attend the anniversary of
the birth of real government at Cham
poeg. The state now owns the his
toric ground and a dozen acres sur
rounding, where some day we all hope
to see a park with flowering gardens
and a fine auditorium. As a rule the
majority of the guests go up the river
by boat, and yesterday morning the
Pomona, a fine vessel, left Portland at
7 o'clock with 100 or more passengers
bound for the scene of festivities.
Others Joined us on the way, so we
had twice that many when we disem
barked, arid chlefest of these was dear
Father Matthieu, who sat in a chair
of state in the cabin.
When we left the city the clouds
hung low, rain was threatening, even
a few drops fell. As we neared the:
landing it began to clear and as. we
HOW better can you spend a few hours to
morrow than by strolling or motoring
along the smooth pavements of
Hie Addition with Character
Laurelhurst is brilliantly beautiful now. It surpasses any resi
dence section in Portland. Its hundreds of elegant homes with their
velvet-like lawns never appeared to better advantage.
If you are interested in a new home, go out to Laurelhurst tomor
row, select the portion of the district in which you would like to live
and then come in and talk it over with us. We will make it easy for
you to become a home-owner. We will help you get away from the
rent man and will save you money.
Phones : Main 1503, A 1515
Office at Tract Thirty-ninth and East Glisan Phone. Tabor 3433
gathered around the saered spot the
Bun came out in an us weajin anu
i - timticii those of the Im
mortal 102. who had gone on before.
wore looking down to welcome me
onlv one of their number left in the
rrk.r. wra over 100 :i ut omoblles ana
spring wagons and bugjjles and saddle
horses with their freight of human be
ings there before us, so there were
nearer 600 men than ou present
around the stand in the grove when
Peter D'Arcy called the assemblage to
Veterans Delight Audience.
niatfnmm Rat Father Mat
thieu. by his side John Mlnto, next to
Mr. Mlnto was airs. ju. j. raeiuorcu,
and on the other side of Father Mat
thieu sat Mrs. C. Matheny Klrkwood.
Behind them was the veterans' quar
tet. These sweet singers. Z. M. Par
!" t v. Wall w. V Morsit and
A. W. Willis, had entertained us on
the boat, and tney sang irequeuwr
Aii-wtr. nrfu,.H i n iph In the ffrnvfl.
olnror, rnlvll 1 1I1T1 111 t HOU S B.D
plause. Indeed they are veterans only
( Con eluded on Page 6.1
Lengthen Your
Lease of Life-
! Water V
t I
i, M- IX, I, tm D.,
W tlaoM crbenad Li this Watara
II wbMfl proparttaa mr tuuiiM mrm i
I always ol aervioa. I
uaiii iia'iaiiniii ia:iti aaaaii 11 ai 'aawr
If You Are Going to Move,
Move in a Straight Line
A straight line is the shortest distance between two points.
The direct way is always the best.
The straight line between your old home and your new one is a
bee-line to the want ads of The Oregonian tinder the heading marked
"For Rent." It will lead you right up to the front door of tho place
you want. .
People who hare houses or flats or rooms to rent use this bee-line
for renting theui. And so, people who are seeldng.n.nelaco to live
rise this same bee-line for finding it.
- In this day nobody has time to run up one street and down another,
looking for a new borne. It's absurd.
All the new homes that are 'worth looking for are here. Here in
this paper you are reading now. All classified as to location, price,
size, conveniences. -
So all you have to do is to turn to these want ads, look up the head
ing marked "For Rent," and check off the places that answer to your
necessities and your desires.
In this way you eliminate all the places that do not interest you.
You save miles of travel and days of time.
It doesn't make any difference whether you want to rent a cottage
or a mansion, a single room or a string of offices, this is the way to
do it, and the only way. $ -
And mention The Oregonian, please, when you take your list and
start on your inspection trip.
"Now you see it and now you don't."
is literally true of the magic worked
by Foslam, the unequaled remedy, on 1
any affected skin.
By taking a small part of the skin j
where appear pimples, rash, blotches, j
etc, or which is unduly inflamed. Itch- '
lng or chafing, and applying thereto
only a small Quantity of Foslam. an
overnight demonstration may be hail
of Its remarkable properties, and
enough Poslara for the purpose will lo
mailed free of charge, upon request, by
the Emergency Laboratories, 33 West i
Twenty-fifth Street. New York City.
Eczema- acne, tetter and all itching
skin ' diseases yield to Poslam as to
nothing else.
POSLAM SOAP Is the soap of soaps
for daily use, for toilet and bath, as a
means of Improving color and texture
of the skin and assuring Its continued
health. The best shampoo for dandruff.
All druggists sell Foslam (price, 50
cents) and Poslam Soap (price. 25
when you begin craving
rough, high-proof, strong,
whiskey- when flavor,
delicacy and age no longer
appeal to you cut out
Cyrus Noble is pure, old and palatable
Bottled at drinking strength.
Costs no more than any other good whiskey.
W. J. Van Schuyver & Co., General Agents, Portland