Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 03, 1913, Page 13, Image 13

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) Double Stamps
Double Stamps
Bulgarian Ribbons.
Main Floor We are now showing
a large and varied assortment of
the new Bulgarian Ribbons in
widths from 2y2 to 10 inches. All
wanted colors; many O
designs. At 25c up toV7vr
75c NecKwear 48c
Main Floor Choice of hundreds of
novelties, jabots, imperials, stocks,
frills, etc, in fluffy shadow lace ef
fects, Venise styles and wash nov
elties. The season's new-A O,
est creations. 65c-75e rals."1
Olds. Woriman
9:30 A. M. to 12
On cash purchases in all departments
of the store. Do your buying here and
reap benefits of this great profit-sharing
plan. Premium Parlors, 4th floor.
9:30 A. M. to 12
Shop in the morning' and get double
"S. & H." Green Trading Stamps
with all cash purchases amounting to
This Store Opens at 9:30 A. M. and Closes at 9:30 P. M. Every Saturday
10c or over. Stamp booth, main floor,
-- vw w- v - - Ksvtx oj wwu; - ----- g
Green Trading Stamps Given on Charge Accounts Providing Same Are Paid in Full by the lOth-No Stamps on Amounts Carried Forward
Take Lunch Today in Our Beautiful Fourth Floor Tea Room, Prompt Service, Reasonable Prices-Manicuring and Hairdressing Parlors, 2d Floor
Saturdau Is "Candu Day" at the Main Floor Bargain Circle-Take Home Some of Our Delicious Bon Bons and Chocolates-They're Pure, Wholesomg
Men's Suits at $15 and $20
Best of Materials Superior WorKmanship.
Men's Store, Main Floor The clothes we show this Spring are just a .
notch or two higher than we have ever shown before. Part of their
value results from the artistic handling of every style feature, and
part from the fine fabrics and part from the search we made to find
just the quality we required at the price we wanted to pay. Step in
today and let ws show you the many handsome CO) OO'
new models for men and young men at $15.00 and pU vrw
Men's Motor Coats $2.50 to $10
A Most Complete Showing.
Men's Store, Main Floor At no other store will yon find so complete
a line of these practical garments for traveling purposes. We've made
special efforts to secure the latest ideas and have succeeded admirably.
Materials include linens, repps, aipaoa and khaki, in C1H flfk
gray and brown shades; all sizes. Priced, $2.50 to pJ-WS
'Wellington' Straw Hats $1.50
Other Styles at $2.00 Up to $6.00
Men's Store, Main Floor We are sole Portland agents for the " Wel
lington" Straw llat, unequaled for style and quality. The new Spring
line is now ready for your inspection. Highest grade split yachts,
sennets, Milans, Bangkoks and genuine Panamas. Smooth split yachts
in fancy rousrh braid, sennets with double brim, Great Barrington or
cable edses nnd the trumpet brim at $2. Popular soft-brim Milans,
yachts and sennets at $3.00 each, and the double-brim T tZfk
mrhts and sennets, offered at the. low price of, ea. V
Men's $1.50 Shirts Special $1.15
Plain or Pleated Bosoms.
Main Floor One of the largest and best lots of Men's
. Shirts we have ever put on sale. Finest woven madras and
French percales, made in coat style, with plain or pleated
besoms and attached cuffs. Hundreds of fancy patterns
in all the very newest colorings. All sizes fi? T - f EZ
in the lot. See window display. $1.50 Shirts
$2.00 Underwe'r 79c
Main Floor Wise men will take advantage of this phe
nomenal sale of Wen-trade Underwear, Spring and Sum
mer weights, in mercerized and lisle thread, including"
white, light blue and flesh colors. Long or short sleeves;
"Cooper" or "Lewis" makes. In broken sizes. Q
$3.00 grade at $2.29; $1.50 grade $1.19; $1 grade
Men's Knit SilkTies 29c New Line "Beach" Sweaters
Main Floor Now's the time to supply the
Neckwear needs. Choose from this splendid
line of knitted silk Ties at about half price.
Hundreds of patterns and latest col- OQ
Extra good grade, for only -'
it 'W
Women's Tailored Suits LastDay of Great Millinery Sale
Most RemarKable Values Ever Offered the
Portland Buying Public SHARE!
$12.50 Hats at $6.95
Vols, to $20 at $9.95
Regular Vols. Up to $35.00
Suit Salons, Second Floor It won't take 70a long to decide on
one of these stylish Suits when you see them, for they are with
out doubt the best values to be had in the city. Plain tailored,
cutaways or Norfolk models in an excellent line of the season's
most popular materials and colors. Coats are lined with best
quality silk messaline and Skinner's satin, and are extra well
tailored. Suits in this special line worth up to JJ J CT Q
$35.00 each. Your choice for one day only 'v'w
$15 Motorcycle Skirts $6.98
Second Floor Skirt3 suitable for horseback riding, motorcycling
or other outdoor sports. Made with panel front and double row
of buttons down either side. Serges, broadcloths, coverts, chev
iots and cravenettes. Some stvles suitable for Q2
walking skirts.. Values up to $15.00, special for pvFCJ
Millinery Department, on Second Floor Today will be your
last opportunity to choose from these beautiful Hats at the
above prices, 60 don't delay. We have added several dozen to
the different lots and you will have no difficulty in finding a
model just suited to your individual taste. Double "S.& H."
Trading Stamps on cash purchases in all departments todny,
from 9:30 A. M. to1 12. Shop in the morning, if possible.
You will find it more convenient, besides getting double stamps.
Hemp Hat Shapes, Worth to $5, at $1.39
$7.50 Leghorn Hat Shapes for $2.39
Scores of other special bargains in the millinery department
Ribbons, Flowers, Children's Hats, etc., at reduced prices. No
mail or phone orders tilled at these prices, lake advantage.
it' -V 5-
Basement Sale of Trimmed Millinery Continues All Day Saturday
Supply the Hosiery and Underwear Needs Here
Cotnplete Stocks of All the rroper weignis ana lexiures iot opr.i.y uu ..
Burson" Hose, 3 Pair $1.00
T r Uncin OCu Dai
VsUUUll UU3C faV
Main Floor New line of those heavy "Jum
bo" cardigan ribbed Sweaters has just ar
rived. Ruffneck, coat style, with large pearl
buttons. In colors gray and car- 2? O fh
dinal. Priced at only $6.50 and pO.JJ
Boys' All WoolNorfolk Suits at $5
No Better suits naae ai ine race
Juvenile Department, Main Floor Examine the suits other stores sell at
$5.00, then come here and let us point out to you wherein our boys' Suits
exceL These splendid suits are made from all-wool materials and extra
well finished. Coats lined with serge or mohair and pants full lined,
with taped seams and watch pockets. Each suit has the famous "Bar
tell" nockets that were never known to sax or eet out of shape. An ex
cellent line of patterns and colorings in the assortment for CCT fifi
your selection. The best $5 suit made. Priced at, suit vwvl
Boys9 $1.50 Wash Suits at $1.19
Boys Straw Hats, $i.uu to 33.uu
Main Fir. Closing out several doz
en boys' high-grade Wash Suits-
some tuat nave Decome sugniiy
soiled from being handled. All new
Spring stock, nicely made and
handsomely trimmed. These are
the regular $1.50 grade. Good as
sortment of sizes. On C T TO
sale today for only P7
Main Floor Select the Straw Hat
for that boy from our splendid
showing. Every popular straw and
all the desirable shapes, with wide
variety of trimmings. Double "S.
& H." Green Trading Stamps on
cash purchases in all departments
today, from 9:30 to JfiJ ff
12. Boys' Hats, $1 to
Main Floor "Burson" seamless fash
ioned Hosiery for women. Knit to fit
without a seam, fine grade silk lisle
with double heel and toe. (j T flfl
A pair 35c, or 3 pairs for P UJ
Main Floor "Burson" high-grade cot
ton hose .for women. Double garter
tops, double sole, heel and toe. Un
surpassed value at the price. Off
Double Stamps, cash purchases"-''
''Onyx" Hose, 3 Pair $1.00
, Women's Outsize Hose 39c Pair
Main Floor Women's full fash
ioned outsize hose in medium weight
for present wear. Black and tan. Cot
ton. AIL sizes. Marked sPe-QQ
cial for the 6ale at, pair'''
Main Floor "Onyx" Silk Boot-Hosiery,
' Light weight and seamless, with
lisle thread, garter . tops ; colors in
clude black, white, tan, fi " fhfk
Good values. Three pairs W
Child's Silk Lisle Hose 25c
Infants' 25c and 35c Hose 20c Pair
Main Floor Children's" seamless silk
lisle stockings with extra heavy
spliced heels and toes. Fine ribbed, in
black, white, .tan, pink, blue. 0J
Good values. Special, the pair
Main Floor Sale of children's fine
cashmere hose seamless or full fash
ioned. The grade that usually sells at
25c and 35c. Sizes 4, iV2 andOlr
5. Specially priced atj pair'
Children's Hose, 3 Pair $1
Hosiery Dept., Main Floor Wayne knit "Indestructible" Hose for boys and
-iris two weights heavy ribbed, for boys and fine ribbed for girls. Four-
thread double heels, knees and toes. Warranted to give best of service. Fast colors,
Women's Union Suits at 39c
Women's Swiss Ribbed Vests 48c
Floor Women 's fine quality
swiss ribbed sleeveless vests, iu sev
eral dainty styles, hand crochet yokes.
Full line of sizes, good ma5.j2f
terial. Priced at, the garment-''
Main Floor Women's summer weight,
ribbed cotton Union Suits. Low neck
and sleeveless. Tight fitting or loose
knee. All sizes. Good values. QQ
Specially priced, the suit, for-'''
"Richelieu" Union Suits $1
Women's Fine Lisle Vests at 50c
Main Floor Dozens of pretty styles to
choose from at this popular price. Low
neck, sleeveless, with fancy yokes. All
Main Floor Women's fine lisle thread
Union Suits, the celebrated "Riche
lieu" brand. Band trimmed top and
lace knee. Sizes 4, 5 3J T f
and 6. Priced at, each ? v
regular sizes.
garments. Specially priced
Good quality CZfg
ally priced at
Sleeveless Vests 3 for $1.00
65c Lisle Underwear, Special 49c
Main Floor Women's Swiss ribbed
sleeveless vests of best grade white
lisle with fancy crochet yoke. Full
line of sizes. These are JJ J ftfl
35a each, or three for P--
Main Floor Women's fine lisle
thread vests, pants and tights, high
neck, long sleeve vests, knee length
tights and lace trimmed pants. ZCkt
They are the 65c grade. At"7"
$1 Lisle Union Suits at 89c
Underwear Dept., Main Floor Women's fine ribbed white lisle Union Suits,
beautifully finished and perfect fitting. Low neck, sleeveless style, with lace
trimmed umbrella knee. Sizes 4,, 5 and 6 only. They are regular $1.00 quality.
Full Line "Kayser" Silk Gloves for Women, 50c to $2.00
All Weiqhts, All Styles New Pair if Finger Tips Wear Vut tsetore me .ioves
Women's "Radio" Kid Gloves 1.75
Women's "Derby" Hid Gloves $1.50
Main Floor "Radio" one pearl clasp
kid gloves with fancy stitched back.
Pique sewn. Colors black, white, cream
and tan, and a full line P i 'J ft
of all sizes. Priced, pair
Fownes' "Phyllis" Two-Clasp Kid Gloves at Only $2.00 Pair
xToIb from best selected kid, pique sewn with four-row stitched back. A very
serviceable and dressy glove for street wear. Come in black and $2.00
JJOUDie otamps a .riiyuis uiuvea r
Main Floor Women's "Derby" kid
gloves. Finest imported quality, P. K.
6ewn with Paris Point backs; black,
white and all colors. Good J "f Ctf
quality. Priced at, pair P -
white, full line of all sizes.
"Fownes" Long Kid Gloves, Pair $4
Women's "EsKay" Kid Gloves $1.50 Pair
Main Floor We are sole Portland
agents for "Fownes" Suede "Gloves, 16
button length, with 3-pearl clasp all
6izes. Double Stamps CZA OO
given with cash purchases P"
Main Floor "Eskay" real French
kid gloves, two-clasp style, overseam,
sewn with Paris Point backs, black,
white and all colors. "f V
They are priced at, pair P -vF
Women's "Perfection" Long Kid Gloves at Only $3.50 a Pair
Women's "Perfection" fine Kid Gloves are true to name in every respect. Full
16-button length and perfect fitting. You will be satisfied with J0 C?
these splendid gloves. Double Stamps, 9:30 to 12. Special at, pair
40c Imperial Coffee
29c Lb.
Order a pound of this famous Coffee
today. It is equal to the best 40c
grade sold anywhere. Full line deli
catessen and Bakery Goods on the
Fourth Floor, at the lowest prices.
To $2.75 Millinery Flowers 69c
On Sale at the Main Floor, Center Circle, Today
We estimate that there will be sufficient of these high-grade flowers left for today's selling, though yon had
best come in the morning if you want to be sure of getting the kind and color you are looking tor. VCI7
variety of flowers, large or small, is in this great offering. Made from finest materials velvets, 'o
silks, muslins, etc, manv of them being Vorth $2.00, $250 and $2.75 a bunch. We bought the entire lot (jl)Q
at a ridiculously low price, else we could never sell them t this figure. Values up to $2.7o, now at
In the Basement 'Underprice Store' - Tu i n
50 Envelopes to Match, 15c
Stationery Dept., Main Floor Beautiful linen fin
ish correspondence paper, 96 sheets to the pound
the standard 25c quality, on sale today at 15c a
pound. Linen finish envelopes to match "t
2 packages (50 envelopes), on special sale -
Women's $4 Shoes for
$2.98 Pair
Shoe Department, Main Floor
Women's high-grade spring Footwear, lace or but
ton boots, of tan calf, velour and gunmetal calf and
vici kid, with regular or cloth tops; an excellent
range of styles to choose all new, fresh stock.
Don't overlook this opportunity to buy ffO QO
standard $4.00 shoes at, special, pair -
Up to $25 Suits and Dresses at $5
$5 Trimmed Hats at $1.69
Basement On sale from 6 to 9 :30 P. M. only
at . this jriee. Just an even 100 garments -in
the lot tailored suits and dresses of various
kinds odd garments grouped for this special
"After Six" sale. Made from good depend
able materials in up-to-date styles and color
ings. Nearly all sizes in the lot, but, of course,
not all sizes in each style. Regular values
up to $25.00. All good quality. Jff fifl
From 6 to 9:30 your choice for p
Basement Sensational "After Six" sale of
beautiful trimmed Millinery an opportunity
that can be shared in by only 100 women, for
that's the number of the hats in the lot.
Stylish new creations no two alike small,
medium and large shapes in all the popular
braids and trimmed with expert taste. Re
member, there are only 100 hats in this lot.
None sold at
during hours
; this price except jj T Q
specified. $5 hats pJLJi7
Sale of Drugs and Toilet Necessities
5c Ivory Soap, Small Size, 7 Lanes tor zoc
The prices quoted here are for Saturday's selling" only. Read every item
in the list for savings worth while. Soap delivered only with other goods.
Palmer's Skin Success, cake at li
10c Lifae Rose Glycerine Soap 5
35e Domestic Castile (large) 21
10c Laco Castile Soap, cake at 8
5c Jergen's Toilet Soap, cake 2
10c Jergen's Toilet Soap, cake 6
10c 4711 Verdura Soap only 6
$1.00 Rose and Vio Vegetal 65
Hudnut 's Toilet W. 75-$1.40
10c Moth Balls at, a pound, 5
25c Moth Crystals, af, pound, 10
Maurine Toilet Goods
Are Fully Guaranteed
If any package, box or bottle of "Maurine"
Toilet Preparations prove unsatisfactory, re
turn to us the unused portion and we will
cheerfully refund to you the purchase price.
FVfl treatment in the Rest Rooms, second floor.
Maurine Beauty Lotion, 2 sizes, 50 and $1
Maurine Satin Cream, 2 sizes, at 50 and $1
Maurine Skin Food, 2 sizes, at 50 and $1
25o Whisk Brooms, special 18
5c Scott's Paper, dozen for 45
50c Scott's Paper Towels, doz 35
35c large size Scissors for 18
15c Peroxide, large bottle, at 8J
50c Lambert's Listerine, at 35
35c Witch Hazel, full pound, 21
25c Petroleum, 1-pound jar, 10
50c Pebeco Tooth Paste at 29
25c Kolynos Tooth Paste at 20
15c Talcum Powder at only 5
25o Riveri's Talcum Pow. 19
15c Hand Scrub Brushes at 8
40c Ebony Hand Scrubs 25
35c Tooth Brushes, choice 18J
65c Rubber-lined Silk Traveling Cases (filled) 50tf
75c Rubber Cushion Hair Brushes, special at 69
$1.00 White Rubber Syringe, best quality, at 69
$1.50 Best grade Red Rubber Syringe, spec. SI. 10
Rubber Gloves, the regular 50c grade, pair for 39
"Radium" Disinfectants
One of the best cleansers and sanitary disinfectants
on the market. Special reduced prices Surday:
Regular 50c grade, special for Saturday at 34t
Regular $1.00 grade, 'special for Saturday at 69J
iteguiar jpz-ou graae, special for Saturday, $1.75
Demonstration Borden's JMalted MilK, Drug Department, on the Main Floor
1 1
150 WILL VISIT 0. A. C.
Portland O. A. C. and Floral Clubs
to Have Joint Celebration.
More than 150 persons are expected
to go from Portland to Corvallla on
the excursion to the Oreg-on Agricul
tural Colleg-e under the auspices of the
Portland O. A. C. Club May 15, for the
O. A. C. Club contemplates consolida
tion of Its excursion with that of the
Portland Floral Club.
The train will leave Portland at 8
A. M. May 15 and wlU start on the re
turn trip to Portland at 9 P. M, after
the excursion party has passed prac
tically the entire day on the campus
as g-uests of the college, looking over
Its equipment and studying- Its work.
The floral club Is making Its trip es
pecially to inspect the departments
which have to do with floriculture,
while the members of the O. A. C Club
desire to Inspect the institution with a
view to securing some idea of what
steps are most needed In the campaign
of the alumni for the betterment of
the college.
J. Q. Shroeder and M. E. Sraead are
attending to the plans for the excur
sion. En route for Corvallis the spe
cial from Portland will stop at prin
cipal towns and receive other delega
tions of alumni of the O. A. C
Jackson Taxes Reach $500,0-00.
ASHLAND. Or, May J. (Special)
Over $500,000 of the total tax levy of
Jackson County has toeen collected to
date. The total tax for the county
approximates 1750,000.
Research Bureau Says Taxpayers Are
Kept Too Much In Dark.
The system employed in Portland for
making municipal reports is declared
to be inadequate. In a report on "'De
partmental Reporting Methods," made
publio yesterday by the officials of
the New York Bureau of Municipal Re
search. It Is declared that taxpayers
are kept In the dark regarding the
city's affairs, departmental reports are
cumbersome and too exhaustive to be
of any value and the, general system
of putting out the reports Is wrong.
"Under the present organization and
methods." says the report, "citizens of
Portland have been left almost com
pletely In -the dark concerning- their
city government. They have known
little of what was going on at the City
Hall, and their government has af
forded them no means for becoming
"As stockholders in the corporation
of the City of Portland, they have been
assessed year after year, but have
been given no balance sheets, no ade
quate statements of operation, nothing.
In short, that as stockholders in any
private corporation they would have
demanded as a matter of right.
tr a v,at K,,n furnished with DroD-
erly prepared quarterly and annual re
ports or operating cobib, uieuivua
results obtained, a chang-e in organiza
methods would undoubtedly
have been effected long ago.
3UCn Cflpsnmoouu lejjuiw a
been rendered have been such a hodge-
i-A-mgtlnn ,nA mlfllnfnrm&.
tion that the average taxpayer has been
discouraged from even attempting to
glean anything of value from tnem.
Surveyors lieave for Clear Tjnke to
Install Power Plant.
EUGENE, Or, May 2. (Special.) G.
S. Edmunston, hydraulic engineer for
the Oregon Electric, and three sur
veyors, left today for their summer's
work at Clear Lake, where the Oregon
Electric Company is planning to In
stall a power plant to develop 33,000
The engineers would give out noth
ing here as to their instructions.
The Runian empire's population Is esti
mated at 17S.0OO.000.
W. J. Smith Heads Organization as
Mayoralty Candidate.
A complete Socialist ticket for the
city election. June 2, was filed yester
day with City Auditor Barbur, follow
ing a convention of the party held at
headquarters. The ticket Is headed by
W. J. Smith, candidate for Mayor. In
asmuch as the Socialist party has not
joined In the direct primary policy the
convention system of nominations is
legal, and the names as given Auditor
Barbur will be placed on the ballot.
The other candidates are: Jacob
Soloman, 305 Grant street. City Audi
tor; Mary E. Clay. 42 H North Third
street. City Treasurer; R. W. Dur-
schmlth., 773 Second xtreot Mniinoi
Judge; Ira Taylor, 444 Park street
Citv Attorney: PhARtur raii tot
Johnson street, Councilman-at-Large;
Daniel Kuokka, 265 North Twenty-flrst
street, Councilman-at-Large; P. A.
aiicnaei, i Everett street. Councilman
from the Second Ward; Emil H. Hoffs,
63 North Park utrept. nnunrli Thi
iWardr Charles Koernon, 306 Fourth
street. Councilman Fifth Ward; D. O.
Moody, 650 East Fifty-second street
mono, t-ouncuman ivinia ward; E. M.
Heimo, address not given, Councilman
xentn ward.
Title Trust Company. 4th and Oak,
will make first mortgage loans on im
proved city property and also loaa
money to home-builders.