Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 03, 1913, Page 11, Image 11

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Prtntinn; Roora...........Wln 70T0. A "OWI
Cl-.y Circulation lln 70T0. A emS
lnln Editor ....Main 7OT0. A ent'5
Eundsy Editor .....ilLn 770. A
Composing Room. ..... Main 7070. A SOUS
Eupsrlauudani Building. .Mala 7070. A WHO
HPTT.TO THEATER E!Tllth and Morri
son Nat C. Ooodwln In the drama
OllTr Twlit This afternoon at :J5 and
tonight at 8.
ORPHEI'JI TKEATJR (Qrolliraj aild Tay
lor) Vaudevill. This aftsrnooa at 3:1B
and tonght at 1:13.
BAKER THEATER f Broadway and Vorrl-
on street B leer plavors In "Fifty
Miles From Boston." This afternoon at
- ij and lonlcht at 1:13.
EMPRESS THEATER (Broadway and Tam-
hi:: Vsudsvllls. Thl afternoon at 3:10
and tonlcht at 7 30 and 0.
PAXTAGES THEATER (Broadway and At-
dr Vaudeville. This afternoon at t:18
and tonlgnt at 7:SO and a.
LTRJC THEATER fFourth and Ftark
Musical Comedy. "Tns Twin Hebrawa.-
Tbls afternoon at 2:15 and tonlfbt at
a.3tf to lS:3k
tures. 11 A. M to 13 P. M-
GLOBB THEATER (Elayentb and Wash
InrtonV Contlnuoua first-run notion pic
tures. RECREATION PARK (Twenty-fourth and
Vaurbn) Baseball. Portland n. Venice.
Tbu afternoon at 3.1 3k
AdTerttarmrata tnUaded for ttaa City News
la Brief colnmas la Sunday's Issue anost be
handed la The Oreconlan business of Ac by
'clock Saturday eTrnlos;.
Corporations Mcrr Detbxd Suit.
Demurrers Interposed by the Portland
Railway. Light & Power Company and
tha Mount Hood Railway & Power Com
pany to suits brought by the city to
collect the X per cent gross earnings
tax were overruled by Circuit Judges
McGinn and Davis yesterday morning.
City Attorney Grant and Deputy City
Attorney Everson appeared for the city
in the arguments. Overruling or tne
demurrers will force the defendant
companies to file answers. It la prob
able. Mr. Everson said, thtrt the city
will demur to tha answers, thus s-lvlng
an opportunity to thresh1 the whole
controversy out on the law. The
public service corporations are resisting
payment on the ground that It la
double taxation.
PariJST Supbrior Visits Pobtlajjd.
Rev. John J. Hughes. C S. P., suporlor
general of the Congregation of St.
I'aul. has been In Portland visiting the
newly-established Paulist community
established on the East Bide. He la
visiting the homes of tha order In the
West- The Paulist Fathers are having
a handsome brick church built on East
Sixteenth and Hickory streets, Ladd's
Addition. Rev. Mr. Hughes expressed
himself as pleased with tha location, of
the church, and regretted that he can
not attend the laying of the corner
stone. May 26. Rev. Michel P. Smith
C. S. P, Is the Portland superior, and
Rev. Guy P. Qulnlan. a S. P., his as
sistant. The name of the new Paulist
church Is the Church of St. Philip Norl.
It Is proposed to redress the macadam
improvements In the Rodney avenue
district. Alblna. at an estimated cost of
3S.7S2. This district includes jtoaney
avenue from Russell to Hancock
streets; Sacramento from Williams to
Union avenues: Tillamook from wn
Hams to Union avenues; San Rafael
from Williams to Union avenues; Han
cock from Union to Williams avenues.
These streets are all Improved vlth
macadam, which will be retained as the
foundation for the hard-surface re
Mrs. M, Dickey, wife of J. W. Dickey,
both pioneers of La Orande and Grande
Honda Valley. Is seriously ill at her
home. 1104 Mlxter street, near Haw
thorne avenue. Mrs. Dickey is 78 years
of age. With her husband she settled
in La Grande In 1863. when there were
but few people in Grande Ronde Valley
and about 25 houses in La Grande,
where they lived up to a few years
ago when they came to Portland. Mrs.
Dickey has been In failing health for
some time.
Wiathss Rbcordb Show Afrii. Mild.
April was a comparatively mild month
accordlnjr to the report U b. A. ueais,
United States Forecastor, in spite of
the fact that the complaint common on
the part of the general public has been
that it was a cgld month. Practically
every day In the month recorded a-llght
frost, and half of the month was rainy,
neverthelesa the total precipitation for
the month was below normal and the
normal temperature was recorded at
Sl.S degrees.
Brotherhood Favor Historical Bcru
isa. George H. Hlrnee, C W. Stubs
and Frank Motter are a committee
from the Brotherhood of the Atkinson
Memorial Congregational Church, East
Couch and Eaat Twenty-ninth streets,
to assist in carrying the $250,008 bend
Issue at the June election for the erec
tion of a home for the Oregon Histori
cal Society and art museum on the East
Side. They will visit other brother
hoods of the city and ask their co
operation. Mb- Lord Witx. Lectcr Rev. W. R.
Lord, of Massachusetts, who Jias been
lecturing on "Birds of Oregon," and who
Is author of the well-known book on
Oregon birds, will lecture Sunday even
ing at 8 o'clock, at the Church of Our
Father, Broadway and T am MIL The
lecture will be illustrated with lantern
views. There Is no charge for admis
sion and the publics is respectfully in
vited. Mothers CoreoRiss to Meet Mondat.
The Oregon Congress of Mothers will
discuss informally. "Amendments to the
State Constitution.' Monday at 3 P. M..
at the Courthouse in room 651. All
interested are invited to be present.
Tomorrow evening at 7:30 at Cen
tral Portland S. D. A. Church, cor. E.
11th and Everett, H. G. Thurston, for
merly president of the Arizona confer
ence and now here from Los Angeles,
will preach. Strangers welcome.
Youth Combs to all who have the
love of use. Swedenborg tells us how
to gain it. Clearly explained by Rev.
Charles A. Nusabaum, K. of P. Hall.
Seventh and Alder sts., Sunday morntng
at 11 o'clock.
First Conorboattokai, Church, Park
and Madison streets, Rev. Luther R.
Dyott. D. D., minister. Dr. Dyott's
themes tomorrow: At 11, "The Spirit of
Truth"; 7:45. "Money and Morals;"
Icb Cream delivered to all parts of
the city. We give "S. A H." trading
stamps on all retail purchases. Wash
ington Cream Co., 444 Wash. at.
Win StDB FLAT VOR Rs.fT. Six
rooms; furnace, flreplaca, every con
venience, and in fine order; rent. 825.
Phene owner, Eaat 4498.
Tkmth Ward Rxfcbtjcaj-bv -When in,
and when not in doubt vote for Fred
W. Latham, candidate for . Councilman,
No. SI on ballot. (Paid adv.)
Dekih A vs. "WhtT becausb a
permanent extension to the street rail
way lines is almost completed on
Dekum ave. to !4th street.
MARTfN & Campbell. Incorporated, an
nounce the removal of their insurance
offices from the Worcester bids', to
suite 208 Corbett bldg.
Dekum Ave. "WhtT" Becausb It
"points the way" to the most sub
stantial investment In many a day.
Irvington Park No. 3.
Sacriticx Suburban Home. 40 minutes
on Oregon City Electric: beautiful site
on bank of river; see It today make
offer. Main 7750.
Dstkum Ave. . "WhiT" Bbcausb It
"paves the way" to an "ideal property
within your means." Irvington Park
No. 3.
Rev. J. R. WrLso!, D. D., will occupy
the pulpit tomorrow both morning and
Da. returned from the East;
701-3 The Dekum, Third and Wash.
Evekino Ptar Grajcob Meets Todat.
Evening Star Grange will hold an all
day meeting today at the hall on Sec
tton road in South Mount Tabor, when
the following general programme will
be given In the afternoon under charge
of Miss Wlllda Buckman. lecturer; ad
dress. "School Vacations." Mrs. W. J,
Hawkins; address. "A Short Ballot,"
H. Upton; address, "Water and Waste
on the Farm." J. G. Kelly; address.
"Champoeg." George H. Hlmes, secre
tary Oregon Historical Society. Miss
Marie Myers will give readings.
chorus of IS voices from the public
schools will render selections. The prat.
gramme will be given In the afternoon
and will be open to the public sat
urday wfll be distribution day for the
co-operative department of this Grange
Carltos Hotel, Not Included Suit.
Suit has not been started to collect
the rental of the Carlton Hotel, at the
corner of Fourteenth and Washington
streets. An article which appeared in
The Oregonian yesterday to that effect
was based on erroneous information.
The Carlton Is located at the northwest
corner of Fourteenth and Washington,
and the Ansonla rooming-house, at the
southwest corner, is the property in
volved In the suit started In Circuit
Court by Richard Koehler against
Philip Gevurts and I Gevurts & Sons,
to recover rental alleged to be unpaid.
The Carlton Hotel, now under the man
agement of Victor Brandt, is doing a
flourishing business.
Alumni "Hike" Routed. Members
of the Portland Lincoln High School
Alumni Association and their friends
have a fine walk outlined for their
Sunday afternon "hike." They will
meet at Fifth and Morrison streets at
1:30 o'clock and take the Portland
Heights car to Mount Zlon Station.
From there they will follow the
Humphrey boulevard to Sylvan thence
to the Barnes road. They will follow
the Barnes road to its Intersection
with the Cornell Toad and return to the
city by that route. All members and
their friends are cordially invited to
Firb Extinguished A utomati caut.
Because the pipe connections with a
water tank in the kitchen oi a nome
owned by A. O. Speer. near Peninsular
Station, on St. Johns line, were severea
In some way the bouse was saved from
destruction bv the fire which broke out
a few days ago during the absence of
the family. The family went away the
nlerht before and returning next morn
lng found a fire had damaged the
kitchen. The floor was burned and the
ceiling was scorched, and then went
out. It is thought that the water from
the tank extinguished the Are automat
Complainant Found Gun-rr. On de
mand of Sam Mltrovlch. who enera-ged
In a fight at Russell and Delay streets,
Patrolman Snyder searched bis op
ponent, Peba Blaeszln, for a revolver,
but found no such weapon. He then
sent the pair to the City Jail on a
charge of disorderly conduct, and when
they were searched at the. station,
Mltrovich. who had been so wary of a
reason In the Docket of his adversary,
was found to be carrying one himself.
He was held on a charge of carrying
concealed weapons and the cases went
over In Municipal Court yesterday.
Opium Cass Reported. Fourteen
years old and said to be a confirmed
ODlum smoker, soon Lee, a cmnese Doy,
presents a problem which the police
have turned over to tne juvenile tjourt.
The boy was caught in a raid Thurs
day night by Patrolmen NiJes and
Hatchings. He had in his possession
eight cans of opium and ts alleged to
be a po-between selected on account of
his youth, as most likely to eiuoe oo
serration. The Federal authorities are
making an investigation.
Injured PLAiNTirr Testtptes. With
bla back broken Olaf Herrlln. whose
damage suit to recover $50,000 from
the Brown A McCabe Company, steve
dores, is on trial before a jury in Judge
McGinn's court, was wheeled into the
courtroom and gave his testimony yes
terday. He Is asking $50,000. He fs
paralyzed. He was piling sacked wheat
with other dock laborers on a ship
being loaded for export when a tier of
sacks fell over, burying mm under
Mutton stew, 8c Shoulder lamb, 12c
Pot roast beef. 11c Pot roast beef, 12c
Beef to boll, 10c cornea beet, luc
Halibut, 10c Codfish, 10c
Perk roasts, 12 He Pork chops, 18c
Whole bams, 19c Half hams, 19c
Fancy bacon, 20c Oregon eggs. 20c
Creamery butter, 60cLard in Ss. 45c
Lard in Ss. 70c. Lard in 10s. $1.35.
The above prices prevail at Frank L.
Smith's three markets: Z28 Aider St.,
228 Washington street and 171 Third
street, opposite Roberts Bros.
J. C. Peters to Answer in Court. An
array of charges faces J. C. Peters
when he appears before the Municipal
Court today, following his arrest by
Patrolman Thorpe at Grand avenue and
East Morrison street. The officer
charges that Peters, while drunk, drove
his automobile between a streetcar and
the curb while passengers were alight
ing, wrecked a wagon owned by A. A.
Collender, and ran into an automobile
owned by Dr. Armstrong.
Injured Farmer Dibs in Auto. On
his way to the city in an ambulance,
M. H. Taylor, an elderly farmer of
Kernsville. near Estacada, died yes
terday afternoon, and ' the LJy was
given into the cuBtody or the- coroner.
Mr. Taylor, who was a farmer, was
binding a load of hay when the pole
broke and hurled him to tne grouna.
causing a fracture of the skulL He was
about 60 years old and leaves a family.
Citt Has $3,352,770.15 Balance. At
the close of business April 31. Portland
had in the banks of the city cash
totaling- $3,352,770.15, according to the
monthly report of City Treasurer
Adams Issued yesterday. The balance
on hamd at the beginning of April was
83.606.686.36. The receipts lor April
were $1,977,505.18 and the disbursements
Mother Seeks News op Son. An ap
peal from a mother for information
regarding; the whereabouts of her son,
Albert J. Dussean formerly of Toledo,
O.. was received yesterday by Mayor
Rushlight Mrs, Dussean says in her
letter that her son has been away for
several years and for a long time has
not been beard from.
First Presbyterian Church, corner
12th and Alder streets. The pastor.
Rev. John H. Boyd, will speak at the
morntng service. 10:30 A. M., on "The
Cry of the Human for God." At 7:46
P. M. his topic will be "ttaising Appies
nd Children In Oregon," a canora wore
on the Ideals of education now prev
alent In the state.
Irvington engine company was Installed
In the bungalow engine-nouse on nasi
Twenty-fourth, near Thompson street,
Irvington, yesterday. It has. seven
men and a motor combination chemical
entrine. the same as was exhibited at
the formal opening of the engine-house
last week. '
Lincoln High School Class to Hike.
The June 013) class of the Lincoln
High School will meet at 3 o'clock to
morrow afternoon, at Third and Mor
rison streets, and take the Montavilla
car to the end of the line from whence
they will "hike" to Troutdale. returning
by way of the electric train.
Founder's Dat at Columbia Univer
sity Tuesday. Founder's day will be
observed at Columbia University next
Tuesday, at which time a dinner will
be given in honor of Archbishop Alex
ander Christie, the founder of the col
lege. Tokioht at 7:30 at Central Portland
S. D. A. Church, cor. E. 11th and Everett,
H. G. Thurston, formerly president of
the Arizona conference and now here
from Los Angeles, will preach. Stran
gers welcome.
Dekum Ave. "Why?" Becausb it
"points the way" to a new and very
sightly residential district. Irvington
Park No. 3.
Concert. Orpheus Male Chorus Ma
sonic Temple, West Park and Tamhill
sts., Wednesday evening. May 7, 8:15.
$100 Diamond Rino por $76. Aron
son's removal sale, 294 Washington St.
Maxamas to Hikb Up Claceamas
River. For their Sunday tramp the
Mazamas will leave town on the
Southern Paclflo train that leaves the
Union Depot at 8:35 A. ML and will go
to Clackamas. From there they, will
walk up the northerly side of the
Clackamas River a few miles and then
take lunch, after which they will strike
across the country tr the north and
reach Sycamore, on the Caiadero line,
by which they will return to the city.
Tha total tramp will be between 10 and
12 miles.
Miss Allen Not Sbriouslt Hurt.
A report from Roseburg that Miss
Amelia Allen, formerly a school teacher
of this city, had been struck by a train
there and seriously injured was some
what overdrawn. Miss Allen suffered
only slight injuries. Harry Allen, a
brother, of this city, yesterday re
ceived the following telegram from her:
"Am feeling quite well. No danger.
Little hurt on back of head, which will
keep me quiet for several days. Am
not able to write Just yet. Do not
Rev. L. R. Dtott Speaks. Rev. I. R.
Dyott was the speaker before the Credit
Men's Association at its luncheon at the
Multnomah Hotel yesterday, upon the
subject of "Values of Assets." Dr.
Dyott declared that in the business
world a man who has a clean record
behind him, even though he may be
penniless, is a safer subject for credit
than the man who has a poor past
record, even though his material as
sets may run into the millions. Chair
man of the luncheon was W. H. McVey
Homes and Poor Get Free Fish. The
Home for the Aged, the Patton Home,
the Baby Home and the Boys' and Girls'
Aid Society, received donations of fish
this week from the State Fish Warden,
and many pounds were distributed also
among families of the poor, "ine nsn,
several hundred pounds of crapples and
bass, were seized at the opening of the
season, and were given to any chart
table organizations which mlht apply
for them.
Candidates indorsed by the Women s
Good Government Club at executive
session Friday, May 2: Mayor, Gay
Lombard: Auditor, A. L. Barbur; Treas.
urer, William Adams; Municipal Judge,
A. W. Parshley; City Attorney, Frank
S. Grant: Councllmeh-at-Large, L. Vic
toria Hamoton. K. K. Kubll and iiosaiie
Gouldlng; Councilman, Second Ward, T.
O. Daly; Councilman, Fifth Ward,
Oeorca B. Thomas: Councilman, Ninth
Ward, John Keating; Councilman, Tenth
Ward. L. D. Mahone. commission
charter, vote "No." Alice R. Nugent,
president. (Paid adv.)
Cat Has Homino Instinct. Miss
Nellie Tresrenza. a Portland girl, has
Just heard from her mother in England.
of a family cat that lor noming char
acteristics has "out-carrlered" a carrier
pigeon. The feline was taken, irom tne
Tregenza nome at nun in a
to Birmingham, a distance of 125 miles
by rail. It was accidentally left la a
taxi cab, when it disappeared for six
weeks.- After the expiration of that
time pussy turned up, but little be
draggled, at Hull.
UrmiKK Club to Co-Operatb. The
Eugene Commercial Club has informed
the Oregon Development League that
it will co-operate this year in the
preparations for Oregon representation
In Eastern Land Shows by placing at
the disposal of the league the best
Lane County exhibit that can be pro.
cored. The Eugene club, under tne
leadership of M. J. Duryea. was one
of the largest contributors in the state
to the Land Show exhibits sent to the
East last year.
LmiA Italy Gunman Surrenders.
L Petrarcho. who caused commotion in
Little Italy Wednesday night by shoot
ing a compatriot through the shoulder.
surrendered himself yesterday to
Deputy Constable Nicholson and fur
nished balL He says mat ine nnois
fired in aelf-delense after Andrew
Mortello had attacked him with an ax.
pnaTOFTTTon Motorcyclist Hurt. In a
collision between an automobile driven
by John Manning and a motorcycle
driven by Chester J. Seeley, a post
office messenger, Seeley was thrown
down at Seventh and Alder streets yes-
tnrviav and sustained severe Druises.
The accident, according to witnesses,
was unavoidable.
Ct.ttr to Hike TJp Canton Road. The
Physical Culture Union walking club
has planned for its regular weekly out
ing tomorrow a hike up the Canyon
road to Sylvan, turning south at this
nnint nnd returnlnsr by the Patton road.
The club will meet at the head of Jef
ferson street, near the City Park, at
1:30 P. M. ,
Exclusive designs in stamped Dorothy
dresses for children; waists, underwear,
etc The Gift Shop, Morrison at 13th.
John Slater spiritual meeting Sun
day evening, 8:15 sharp. Women of
Woodcraft Hall, lotn ana rayior.
B rand-New Ice Wagon, with coal
body, for sale. Main 358, A 3358.
Served at the Holts Store.
Daily from 11 A. M. to 6 P. M. Best
foods, quick service, low prices. Try
it todav. "Holtz' corner." firm ana
Washington, 5th-street entrance, d.rect
to restaurant.
Then go to Gearhart "By-the-Sea" to
recuperate. Join special party leaving
tonight. Hotel always open. Informa
tion at 100V4 Fourth street. "
Flva francs (06. B cents) Is more than the
average laborer sets for a days work in
the Lyon district oi r ranee.
Hanan Shoes
Cinderella wouldn't have ac
cepted the crystal slippers if
the fairy godmother had been
able to offer her the style, com
fort and quality which we of
fer you in IIANAN Shoes for
129 Tenth, Near Washington.
We Give 'S. & H.' Trading Stamps.
Queen of May to Be Chosen This
Afternoon and Programme
Follows Tonight.
The members and friends of tbe
younc people of Pilgrim Congrega'
ttonal Church, Missouri avenue and
Shaver street, are looking forward to
the May festival to be conducted at
the church this afternoon and even
lng. Parents of children of the Sun
day school have been hearing of the
festival for some time past through
the children who have been counting
the days until they could vote for the
May queen.
Two months ago a plan was begun
whereby every person attending Sun
,day school received a certificate for
25 votes for May queen every time
they attended. When a new scholar
was brought 50 extra votes were given.
Voting began In the church last night
and will continue until 2 P. M. today.
The ident!tyof the queen and maids of
honor will be kept secret until their
entrance into the banquet hall at 8:30
this evening. There, with appropriate
music and exercises, with Dr. Dyott
officiating, the queen of the second
annual May festival will be crowned.
Elaborate arrangements have been
made for the programme, several mu
sical numbers by prominent people In
musical circles of the city being sched
uled. Dr. Luther R. Dyott will be the
principal speaker and Dr. George B.
Pratt will also deliver a short ad
dress. A feature of the aftenfoon will be
a May pole dance under the direction
of Miss Winifred Williams and will be
participated In by 14 young girls.
Election New Will Bo Given to Au
dience In Baker Theater,
Manager Baker, of the Baker The
ater, has made special arrangements to
have- complete election returns read
from the stage between the acts of
"Fifty Miles From Boston" tonight.
This la always a feature of the per
formances at the Baker on election
Everyone who attends tonight will
not only pass an evening watching the
stock company, present George M.
Cohan's play, but will get all tbe latest
reports from the election as fast as
they come in and avoid the necessity
of standing around the streets to read
the bulletins.
By the time the performance is over
the returns on all important offices are
expected to be sufficient to determine
pretty accurately the ultimate results.
Centralia Convention Success.
CENTRALIA. Wash., May 2. (Spe
cial.) The 26th annual convention cf
the Western Washington Sunday School
Association closed a three days' ses-
"Women especially
should have the
protection which
our Guaranteed
Certificate of Title
offers them in real
estate matters. It
is simple, plain and
secure. It shows
you exactly where
you stand on title
questions. Inves
tigate. Call for
booklet. Title &
Trust Company,
4th and Oak Sts.
slon in Centralia tonight. The eonven
tion was a success in every way, all
of the meetings being well attended.
More than 600 delegates attended. A
big street parade, which was partici
pated in by all of the Sunday scnoois
of Centralia and Chehalis was held here
this afternoon.
Edgar M. Lazarus Writes Letter of
Apology to Mayor Rushlight. .
tTiVs-bw "T T.enriia nresldent Of the
Oregon chapter of the American Insti
A.nKitadtfl vABtAiv!fl.v sent the
fnltnvln, lottor n MflVOf RUShlifiTht:
i-'n y-t , a n n i it- :vi it v
irnnnr.hin a n RuRhHihtMavor of
.v, ru, Pn.danH K1r: Mv attention
has been called to a scurrilous article
over the signature of .Harrison jt
Whitney, secretary of the Oregon Chap
ter of American Institute of Architects
under headline "Says Rushlight Falsi
fied," which was published in the Even.
As president of the Oregon Chapter
, . i Tntt,,f. ftf ArrthttAOtK 1
have the honor to advise you that this
publication was not authorized oy mis
chapter and. in fact, my attention was
nnt rallfA to It nrevloua to its publica
tion. In view of his action in this
m a m at- I hnvn demanded of Mr. Whit
ney his resignation as secretary of the
Oregon Chapter of American Institute
Regretting this uncalled-for insult
through Mr. - Whitney's unauthorized
action, I have the honor to remain, sir,
(Paid Advertisement.) President.
' Crossing Alarms Promised.
SALEM. Or., May 2. (Special.) Re-
On Safe May 28 to September 30. Stopovers permitted.
October 31, 1913, to return.
Poll information will be given of fares and routings..
Four Fine, Fast Through
Trains East Each Day
Two to
In just Three Days from the Pacific Coast.
Three to II One to
Minneapolis and St Pan! 1 Kansas City and St. Louis
Our . Unexcelled Dining Service on each train. Ask
us what some world travelers say of it and THOSE
whflreof they speak
A. D. Charlton, Asst. Genl Pass. Agent, Portland, Or.
255 Morrison St., Corner 3d St Phones, Main 244, A 1244
Northern Pacific Railway
to life:
: v. 7V-v:-.-:
V'" tvx ...
v- i;.fi i y
Obey That Impulse
Buy Her a Pair of
the Kew Style
and $2.90
5S lOCr X5C.
i "J Our Low Rent Means Low
fnced ohoes to lou
. Bet. WaahinKton and Alder.
The Strike of
Wireless Operators
on the Coast,' has called attention
to the big demand for men with
wireless experience. ,
Why not let your boy learn Wire
less? Buy him an outfit that'll send
and receive messages for miles
around. It '11 be the source of
pleasure and permanent
knowledge to him. We carry
tbe only complete stock of
Wireless Supplies on the Coast. - All extra parts. Complete 1
outfits, $10up. Ask for Wireless Catalogue and Code Chart.
If by mail, send 2c postage.
spondingr to a request made by the
State Railroad Commission, the Port
land Railway, Light & Power Company
has agreed to Install In the near future
automatlo alarm bells at Powell Val
ley and Gray's Crossing: on the Mount
Scott division.
if he keeps the in
terests of his cus
tomers at heart and
puts' good ice cream
above mere profit
per dish or package.
When you want ice
cream, say
Makers of the famous White
Clover Butter
Did you ever stop to think that maybe
your wife has been reading these regular
weekly invitations to take Sunday dinner
at the Imperial Grill f And that she has
been waiting and waiting for you to ask
her to go with you J Right now, while
you think about it, call up Phil Metsohan
and tell him you're coming.
Sunday Table d'Hoto Dinner $1.00
Low Rates
Rock Island
May 28th
September 30th
Return Limit, October 31, 1913
The Route of the
De Luxe
Rocky Mountain Limited
By purchasing your tickets at
our office, you have your choice
of any line out of Portland.
Special attention to women and
children traveling alone.
Tickets, Reservations, Informa
tion, etc.,
General Agent Passenger
264 Stark St, Portland, Oresea
I Main 834
I Main
i Horn
e, A 3060
The Kind
egflC That Growl
Keep Them in the Gound"
J. J. Butzer
188 Front Street, Portland, Or.
if ujailty
beL Alder and Morrison.
Phones Pacific, Marshall 1
Home, A 6281
Country, Milk Fed
Special Saving Prices
This Saturday
Plainly Price-Marked at Market
i.uiiiiu mwj.'yyijM)'J)twl.i.w.""- j
- - - ftr-nmyif
Candidate for
Public rest station for women in the
shopping district maintained by the
city. .
More playgrounds for children.
(Paid Adv.)
C. E. Hollidav Co.
offer today only the bet
ter class
Dresses 1-2 Price
ranging from $16.50 to
$47.50, at
S8.25 to S23.75