Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 02, 1913, Page 6, Image 6

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    mTf w tci-TxrTxm nprr.nvTAV "PT?TTI A V. 1TAV 2. 1ft18.
Despite Unanimous Action in
Both Houses No Attempt
. Made to Override Veto.
Votes lor Women, White Slavery,
Establishment ot Prospectors'
; Homes and Juvenile Courts
Among Measures Passed.
JUNEAU. Alaska. May 1. Governor
Clark vetoed the antl-aien fishing- bill,
aimed at Japanese fishermen. Just be
fore the Alaska Legislature adjourned
sine die today. The bill had passed
both houses unanimously, but when the
Governor's message was received there
was no attempt .to pass It over his
The" Legislature, which was Alaska s
first lawmaking1 body, had been in ses
sion since March . Among the not
able achievements of the assembly were
the enactment of the following laws:
Votes for women, pharmacy and den
tistry commission, laborers' lien min
ing law. registration of vital statistics,
anti-white slave law. creation of the
offices of Territorial Treasurer and
Mining Inspector, Incorporation of second-class
cities, establishment of pros
pectors' homes at Fairbanks and Sitka,
creation of Juvenile courts, repeal of
poll tax and providing for an occupa
tion tax. ,
Albant Oddfellows Confer Jewels on
ALBANY, Or., May 1. (Special) In
connection with the celebration of, the
4th anniversary of the foundation of
the order. Albany Lodge No. 4. Inde
pendent Order of Oddfellows, last evening-
presented -veterans'. Jewels to ten
of its members, who have served from
Ji to 15 years continuously In the or-
ier.-- It -was the-first time in the
" history ot Oddfellowship In this state
"that any lodge has conferred veterans'
Jewels oil three past grand masters
W. C. Tweedale and T. J. Stites. each of
w -f t,-., . i.waT - for 4a Years'
membership, and J. K. Weatherford.
who received a Jewel showing 40 jeais'
continuous service in the order.
The other veterans who received
Jewels, together with the number of
years signified by the Jewels they re
ceived, are: Past Grand C. W. Sears.
45 years; Past Grand D. M. Walters.
Past Grand H. J. Reese and A. J. Hunt.
Si years: Past Grand H. Barns and A.
A. Gordon; SO years: Past Grand John
ieohson. ii 'years.
Washington Executive Jleard by
-'Adults and Students at Centralist.
"-CENTRALIA; Wash., May 1. Gov
ernor Lister yesterday addressed the
student body of the Centralis High
School on "Captain Amundsen." F. L.
blocking, postmaster at Tacoma and
president of the Western Washington
holding- a -threw days' convention here,
also -spoke, j The Governor last night
addressed a, packed bouse at the Meth
odist Church, hundreds being turned
away. He returned to Olympla this
" All of the sessions of the Sunday
School convention are being well at
tended. Tonight Rev. J. H. Mathews,
of Seattle, one of the best-known lec
turers on the Pacific Coast, delivered
teropticon lecture In the Methodist
Church, -More than COO delegates are
here from various parts of Western
Washington. '
' Klndergartners .Would Counteract
Influence of Sunday Supplement.
WASHINGTON. May 1. Final ses
sions of the International Kinder
garten ynion will -be held tomorrow,
when the result of the election held to
day will be announced. The greater
part of the day's session was devoted
to plans for the erection of a statue
to Frederick FroebeL to be on of a
general group of memorials In Wash
ington to great educators. The dele
gates pledged more than 14000 toward
the statue, which Is to cost $25,000.
In the afternoon session speakers
discussed kindergarten work. The Sun
day comic supplement was character
ized as a 'deleterious Influence" by
Miss Annie Moore and a weekly of
colored funny pictures was planned to
counteract the effect of the supple
ment on the childish mind.
Obesity and Fatty Heart Treated by
Subcutaneous Injection.
BERLIN. May . (Special.) An ex
traordinary treatment for obesity has
Just tei- pofr- forward by Dr. Max
Kaufmann; a lecturer of the Halle Uni
versity, who claims that It is a most
valuable cure for stout people.
He has. It seems, subcutaneously In
jected patients suffering from excessive
corpulence, and even fatty heart, with
a solution of palladium a metal of
the platinum group), made colloidal, or
plastic, and utilized in a paraffin solu
tion. Two Injections weekly, it is said,
produce a daily loss of two pounds'
weight, not only without 111 effects,
but with a feeling of pleasant relief.
Palladium acts on the system by chem
ical reaction, increasing the natural
oxydlzation of food.
21 Surviving Officers of Dewey's
Fleet Celebrate Anniversary.-
WASHINGTON. May 1. Twenty-one
of the surviving officers who fought
under Admiral Dewey In the battle of
Manila Bay celebrated the 15th anni
versary of the famous naval engage
ment here tonight at the annual re
union and banquet of the Society of
Manila Bay. The officers. Including
Rear-Admiral Asa Wnlkar. who com
manded the cruiser Concord, and the
only survivor of Dewey's fleet cap
' tains, gathered around the banquet ta
ble to do honor to Admiral Dewey,
president ot the society.
Personal reminiscences of the bat
. tie were given by the diners. A fea--tnre
was the reading by Admiral Dewey
' of a poem from Edward C. Curran. of
Philadelphia, entitled "Lest We For
- fft," written" In celebration cSTthe "an
niversary of the battle, the last stanza
of which dealth especially with the
fact that there was not a single cas
ualty on the American warships, while
hundreds of the enemy were killed and
Smithsonian to Take. Up Work by
Establishing New Laboratory.
WASHINGTON. May 1. A National
aeronautical experiment plant, to be
known as the "Langley aerodynamic
laboratory." is to be established by the
Smithsonian Institution. This was de
cided on at a meeting today of the
regents of the Institution. Aerodyna
mical researches were Inaugurated at
the Smithsonian by the late Samuel P.
Langiey. Its secretary, but since his
death some years ago, nothing" has
been done by the Institution along tnis
line. . - . .
Dr. Charles D. Walcott secretary.
was authorised today to take neces
sary steps to provide for the organiza
tion and administration of the labora
tory on a permanent basis. It Is pro
posed to co-ordinate the work with
that being; done by the Army ana .-savy.
Gettysburg Survivors Plan to Sub
ititute Handclasps for Bullets.
MIDDLE TOWN, N. Y.. May 1. A
plan to re-stage the battle of Gettys-
i . ....... . . . 1 T
I . - - V f t i
; -. - - ' ' $
i. ' i i i aii ii is in ii ii w l
Ilmrr-y C. Hetsel.
' COLLEGE. Corvallis. May 1.
(Special.) Harry C. Hetzel, se
nior student In agriculture at
O. A. C, leaves for Columbia.
Mo., May 2, to attend the Ni
' tlonal conclave of the Sigma
Delta Theta fraternity as repre
sentative of the Eta chapter.
The convention will hold a two
days' session at the University
of Missouri. Delta Theta Sigma
Is a National honorary agricul
tural fraternity with local chap
ters established In the leading
agricultural colleges of the coun
try. Members are elected by
the faculties In recognition of
high standard of scholarship and
attainment of their acholastio
" honors. . - .
burg on its fiftieth anniversary In
July with handshaking taking the
place of bullets was announced tonight
by Henry M. Howell, who fought with
the One Hundred and Twenty-fourth
New York Regiment at Gettysburg.
. According to Grand Army of the Re
public men here, the Idea of Mr. How
elL himself a Grand Army member, is
meeting with the approval of many
men who took part in the battle. Mr.
Howell la endeavoring to arrange a re
union of the survivors, arrange the
contending -armies" as they were on
the eve of battle and have them ad
vance across the famous field and clasp
X-Itay Finds Obstruction Swallowed
by Tot Six Months Ago.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. May 1. (Spe
cial.) A shingle nail In the bronchial
tube of the J-year-old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Parker was dis
covered here today by the use of aa X
ray photograph. About six months ago
the child swallowed the shingle nail,
but as it suffered no pain, it was then
thought that the nail had passed Into
the stomach. However, she had violent
coughing spells, which were thought
to be from whooping cough.
An X-ray photograph, made by a lo
cal physician, revealed the nail in the
bronchial tube behind the fourth rib.
The .little tot will be taken to a spe
cialist In Portland, where the nail will
be removed.
Mayday Parnde Crosses Boundary
With Serions Results.
1. The police attacked and wounded
several workmen participating In a
May day procession In the village of
Rustringen this afternoon. There were
2000 men In the parade and they dis
regarded the warnings of the Prussian
boundary police and attempted to cross
the frontier into Prussia from Olden
burg. The police thereupon attacked them
with drawn swords and dispersed
Sunday School Workers Elect.
ASTORIA. Or.. May 1. (Special.)
The Clatsop County Sunday School As
sociation closed a most successful an
nual convention here today. Officers
to serve during the year were elected
as follows: Rev. J. G. BrlngedahU pres
ident; Mrs. William E. Warren, secre
tary; Professor N. E. Fertig. superin
tendent of Bible study teaching: Mrs.
N. E. Fertig. superintendent of ele
mentary division: Rev. G. R. Cromley.
superintendent of secondary division;
Rev. W. S. Gilbert, superintendent of
adults' division; Miss Eraella Nyland,
superintendent of temperance and good
citizenship department; Miss Emma
Warren, superintendent of home visita
tion: F. C. Turner, superintendent of
Chilean Ministry Resigns.
WASHINGTON, May 1. The Stats
Department was advised today that the
Chilean ministry resigned last night
No reason for the action was given In
the dispatch.
, " . River Rises at Stevenson.
STEVENSON. Wash.. May 1. 6 pe
dal. ) The Columbia River at this point
Is steadily rising and old residents pre
dict unusually high water this year.
Double Stamps
Friday and Saturday-
Patent Medicine
Cooper's Sarsaparilla a speedy and ef
fectual system renovator, 75J; threa
for 52.00
Micro removes dandruff $1.00; three
for $2.50
Quaker Botanical LTerbs a remedy for
the kidneys, liver and stomach, $1.00.
Lane's . Kidney and Liver Regulator,
45 and .....S5
Effervescent Sodium Phosphate for con
stipation, obesity and jaundice, 25
and 85
Lane's Sarsaparilla, with Iodides for en
riching the blood, 85; 3 for $2.25
It costs $500 to remove the human ap
pendix. It takes only two-bits to remove
a corn with a bottle of Carter's Crystal
Corn Cure. Neither one of the two is nec
essary for the welfare of the human race.
Take No Chances
With Your Pictures
Use Ansco Films and Cyko Paper. The
Ansco Films fit all cameras and kodaks.
"We carry all sizes. Free demonstration
with Cyko Paper.
Largest stock of Photographio Goods in
the Northwest. "We carry a complete line
of non-trust supplies and all the latest
novelties. You are always welcome to
look around and see what we have.
Courteous salesmen are always in attend
ance, anxious to answer questions.
Medicinal Stimulants
Full quart, Three Star, 8-year-old Port or
Sherry Wine, regular 75c, at 57
Your choice of Angelica, Muscatel, Tokay
or Madeira "Wines, in full quart bottle,
50; four bottles for ...$1.50
Full line of genuine imported sweet and
dry "Wines, such as Duff-Gordon, Cer
vera Sherrv. Cunliffe. Dobson & Co.'s
OSauterne, London Dock Port, Gome
-. r . 1 Tir-O.J XT Off Oi. T1J-
Muscaiei, luaaeira ou uuueu
Medoc, Mason, Beaujolias, etc., usually
selling from $1 to $1.75 per bottle. Spe
cial sale price 89
oodard, Clarke & Co.
Special Week-End Bargains
Our wide buying power and the experience of our buyers
enable us to offer you special bargains on Friday and Satur
day which will appeal to you. Our constant effort is to serve.
The merchandise we carry is of superior quality, and our
descriptions are correct. As a result, Portland people have
for years recognized this as the store of personal service,
where careful and economical buying on our part permits us
in turn to offer you many money-saving purchases.
Double Z&C Stamps
Friday and Saturday
At the Bower 0'Sweets
Delicious Pan "Taffy; tn cbocolaU, va-
nlLla, cocoanut, eta. at. lb 254
Large Fruit Gum Dropa, lb 104
Chocolate Coated Peanut Clusters, the
pound 30d
Toasted Marshmallows In large boxes,
at ...lO
Drug Department
Witch Haxel. pint 184
Sweet Oil, regular ioo, at 184
Rose Water, regular l5o at .....164
Glycerin and Rose Water, regular 83c,
at . 174
Castor Oil, regular 85c at ........174
Domeitlo Anrtnonia, re. 15c, at.... 94
Crude Carbollo Aold. reg. 35c at 194
Moth Balls, regular 10c at '. 64
Babbitt's ragular 10c at .....84
Pur Vermont Maple Sugar, cake 254
Ralston Select Bran. pkg. ...... .15
Bath Supplies
At Special Reductions
35c Bath Towels at..... .....284
40c Bath Towels at. 32
50o Bath Towels at. 394
Bleached Bath Sponge In sheep's
wool, Mandrnlca. Bahama, etc. all the
best grades, 1-3 OFF.
Bath Brushes, both with permanent
and detachable handles-
$1.00 size at only 674
$1.60 six at only 81.0O
12.00 size at only ...01.35
Bath Mitt at 1-3 OFF
Friction Flash Belts at ..I-S OFF
$3.15 Bathroom Stools la whit en
amel at - 82.17
In the
Heart of
Alder St.
At West
Stationery Specials
Never Before Equaled
TVhitingr's Finest 50a Papeterie 39
Reg. 25c Wood-Lark Lawn, the lb ,.17
5 pkgs. Wood-Lark Lawn Envelopes. .. .35
25c Linen Papeterie 19
Our popular 15c Papeterie '. . . . .10
Hurd'a finest paper. 5 qujres, per box $1
Wedding announcements, invitations, at homes,
etc., engraved at astonishingly low prices.
At your command. We repair any pen.
Try the Wood-Lark Pen, at 89
Wood-Lark Self-Filling Pen at $1.33
Conklin's and Waterman's Pens,
from $1.50 to $27.00
Bristle Department
$3.50 English Ivory Hair Brush, 10 rows of
bristle , $2.49
$3.50 English Ivory Mirror, Princess loner
handle. $2.49
$2 Hair Brush, solid back, real ebony, 10 rows
bristles $1.49
$1.00 Ladies Unbreakable Comb 78
Perfume Department
2oc Mennea's Talcum Powder ,..15
25c Cuticura Soap 15
25e Frostilla 14
Princess Cream 50?
25c Satin Skin Face Powder 14
50c LaBlache Face Powder 35
Milk and Honey Malted
It is a further step in advance of malted foods.
The greatest objection to the ordinary malted
food is that it is prepared with commercial
sugar, glueose, etc. In Milconey, pure strained
clover honey takes the place of all sugars.
There is no other sweetening material used
than pure honey. It has been found particu
larly beneficial to infanta. For the aged, con
valescents and for general family use, we rec
ommend Mileoney.
Family size, $3.75 large size, $1; medium
size, 50.
Small size, a generous sample portion, 10
' ' " '"' ' I ! I , -r.
- - - - - M . , - i I
Negroes Act as Sandbags to
Save Threatened Levee.
When It Is Found Ten-Minute Walt
Would Be Too Long, Dozen Men
Are Pressed Into Service to
lie on Threatened Ground.
NEW ORLEANS. Mar 1 A doses
negro mn took the places of sand bags
and checked tho wash ovsr tho top of
the Poydras levee. 13 mites south of
here, until sand bags wer obtained. A
thousand men are working tonight in
.w- . . h.. onH hnnflru build-
In; t new semi-circular levee behind
what threatened to De a aisasiruus
crevasse, and the engineers expect to
. u ni p.av,sa. hem would
mean inundation of large areas in Pla
quemines and St. uernara parisues ana
loss of hundreds of thousands of dol
lars. A stream two inches deep was flow
ing over the levee, of which large sec
tions had sloughed away, when the
danger was discovered today. Two
thousand bags of sand were sent, for
but a ten-minute wait would have been
too long. n doeen negroes lay on
boards so placed as to prevent the wash
until bags were brought, filled and put
in place.
A moment after they left the earth
work where they had lain slipped into
the river, but the negroes had given
the workers time to put bags enough
In place to save the levee temporarily.
Favoraole Buling on Incorporation
Is Cause for Celebration.
' BAT CITT. Or, May 1. (Special.)
This city had a royal celebration last
night in honor of the favorable deci
sion of the State Supreme Court on the
legality of the city charter. The prog
ress of the city has been held back
for several months on account of the
legal standing of the municipality.
Since . incorporation there has been
some doubt regarding the town's right
to carry on business according to the
law. .
When Mayor Oilmore took office he
promised a speedy settlement of this
Important quastion. The case . was
heard before the Superior Court and
decided In favor of the city..' Later,
ex-Senator C. W. Fulton was employed
by the city and it went to the Supreme
Court. During the months it has been
pending all local improvement work
was suspended and the people awaited
the decision. Activity has begun al
ready as a result of the ruling.
The Bay City Band made its first
public appearanoe and some fireworks,
vocal and otherwise, were "set off" at
the theater. The celebration was- han
dled by the Commercial Club.
School Concert to Be Given.
A concert will be held at Holman
School, corner of Bancroft and Crbett
streets, tonight at 8 o'clock. Thit con
cert is under the auspices of the
Parent-Teacher Circle of Holman
School and is for school athletic pur
poses. . Miss Henrietta - Beatrice
Honey, a reader, will be assisted by
several people of musical ability
Rising at Lisbon Said to Have Been
Started by Socialists.
LISBON, May 1. A further investi
gation of the recent revolutionary
movement seems to have established
the fact that it waa organised by the
Socialists and extreme Jacobin repub
licans for th purpose of overthrowing
the nreaent administration In favor ot
a more radical administration. There
is little evidence that the Monarcnisis
participated in the movement.
It now appears that many of those
t.n vri-A TTcxtAil in tne streets had
come out of their houses to aid in sup
pressing what they supposed to be a
Monarchist rising.
Ten marines of the cruiser sao ua-
k.l.l n-Avo arrvst.d whilA trvlnsr tO lib.
erate the prisoners who had been taken
aboard the cruiser Republic A hundred
others on shore and in barracks were
a,MRtA!i fnr a.ttemrjtinff to start a mil
itary revolt. The government had
abandoned tne iaea oi senuing un yuo
oners for trial to the colonies on board
the Sao Gabriel, aa the attitude of the
crew has aroused distrust.
AnU-Priiefight Bill KilWd.
SifRAireSTO. Mav L Assembly
man H. W. Brown's anti-prizefight bill.
making the promotion ot a prizengni
a felony and attendance at one a mis
demeanor, was defeated by a vote oi
SS to 24 in the lower house tonight.
While the ui of electrical machinery in
London factories was more than doubled in
the lBt ten yesrs. the number of acci
dents has not Increaned.
Government position. C. W. De Qoffson. B. J- Brldgeford. J. F. Douglass
acted as toastmaster. Those in at
tendance were! K. W. De Goff. M. T.
Easthorn, V. O. Steenrod, J. Koy May
son, L W. Decker, Q. W. Hungate. R.
a Balrd, V. L. Herrlck, F. EL Tomlin-
C. E. Stansbery, A. C. Longshore. La
ton Wisdom. C. O. Olmstead, Ivan M.
Pollard. A. L. Fraley, Victor Schneider,
Boy H. B. Nelson, Q. I Deusche and
Earl W. Hammond.
Movement Started to Insure Full
Ticket Candidates to be An-
. nounced Tonight.
A general movement has been
started by the Democrats, whereby the
names of a number of men and women
will be written in on the ballots of
that party tomorrow, in order to in
sure lull ticket at the general elec
tion. Formal - announcement of this
fact will be made tonight, when the
Jackson Club will meet in the Medical
building, with John H. Stevenson pre
siding. C. L. McKenna, candidate for
Mayor, will address the meeting.
Tbe candidates, who will be nom
inated by writing weir names in on
the ballot tomorrow, are as follows:
... jt,qttAf rianrcrf T Smith? CitV
Attorney, John B. Moon; Municipal
Judge, Roscoe f. iiursi; .:ny jromuiw,
F. C Whltten; Councilmen-at-Large,
tr And Rosalie O.
i'ti i .
Goulding; Councilman. Second Ward. J.
W. McGinn; Councilman, ruin,
Edward Killfeather; Councilman. Ninth
Ward, E. Versteeg.
George Wr. White Honor Guest.
Employes of the Northwestern Na
tional Bank and the Portland Trust
Company held a banquet in the col
lege room at the Hazelwood last eve
ning in honor of George M. White, one
of their number, who is going to the
Philippines to accept an important
Portland Man Says He Never Found Anything to Equal
the New Tonic, Plant Juice.
Mr. M. L. Wagner, who has lived 'n
Portland r the past seven years, and
is very well known here, says he never
found anything to do him any good
until he used Plant Juice. Mr. Wagusr,
M. L. Wagner.
who resides at 5320 Forty-second ave
nue, saw service in the Spanlsh-Amerl.
can war end in the Pbiitppine lnaurrec
tion. Since his return to this country
he held a position as clerk in the gen
eral offflces of the O. W. R. R. for
three years, and at present is a deputy
in the office of County Clerk. In com
menting on Plant Juice, Mr. Wagner
"When I returned from the Phlllpr
pine Islands I was in pretty bad shape
physically. . My stomach was in very
bad condition. I suffered from severe
pains, and seemed to have all the
recognized symptoms of appendicitis. I
have been growing steadily worse for
the last three years, and have not been
able to eat a hearty meal for a year.
Everything I ate seemed to (disagree
with me, causing a most disagreeable
bloating. I was told that I could only
get relief from an operation, but, nat
urally, was averse to this. Then I
heard of Plant Juice and thought I
would try it. I have used three bot
tles, and the pain .in my stomach is
gone, my food agrees with me and I am
eating anything. I want. I sleep well
and, in fact, am feeling fine in every
Stomach trouble and nervousness are
the twin curses of modern times. There
are thousands of people right here who
are half sick, depressed, tired and
dragged out. no'energy or vitality, with
nerves strung to the breaking point,
that know they are in bad condition,
Out do not know Just what to take to
remedy the trouble. These are the peo
ple who need Plant Juice. The results
are quick and lasting. The Plant Juice
man is at The Owl Drug Co. store.
Seventh and AVashlngton streets. Get
a bottle from him, and If It does not
help you he will return your money.
Is all the discriminating per
son needs.
Then they are instantly
convinced of tho superior
ity of
Gold Beer
Its mild, pleasing flavor---its
matchless purity make Jt
the favorite family beer.
Tour dealer will be glad to
snpply you.
Star Brewery
(Northern Brewing Co.)
Portland, Vancouver . .
9 umm w 6i
I Hip!
1 ii
Everybody Admires a Beautiful Complexion.
Oriental Cream
Jin Indispensable end Delightful
Joilet Hequisile
for Fashionable Women.
A dally necessity for the ladle' toilet
whether at home or while traveling. It
p70tocts the skin from injurious effepts
of the elements, gives a wonderfully ef
fective beauty to the complexion. It is a
perfect non-greasy Toilet Cream and pos.
itively will not cause or encourage the
growth of hair which all ladles should
guard against when selecting a toilet pre
paration. When dancing, howling or oth
er exertions heat the akin, it prevents a
greasy appearance.
Gouraud's Oriental Cream has been
highly recommended by physicians, act
resses, singers and women ef fashion for
over half a century and cannot be sur
passed when preparing for daily or even
ing attire.
uourjua s unenvai tream cures hkih
Plscases and relieves Sunburn. Removes Tan. Pimples, Blackheads, Moth
Patches. Rash. Freckles and Vulgar Redness, Yellow and Muddy Blcin, giving
a delicately clear and refined complexion which every woman desires,
"So. 11 ' For sale by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers.
Ferd. T. Hopkins, Prop., ' 37 Great Jon e Street, New York.
JlLDUMSIfli ir to unos.