TIIE MORNING OREGOMAN. FRIDAY. MAY 2, 1913. WOMEN STARTLED BY JUDGE GATENS Declaration Made Immora Girls Under 21 Years of Age Are in Majority. BLAME IS PUT ON PARENTS Education at Home Is Held to Be Lacking Whipping Post Farored for Men Wring Ofr Earnings of Fallen Women. There Is more Immorality among drls under the agra of 51 years than there la amonir women above that aire parents are responsible for that eon dltion; the evil cannot be cured by fines or imprisonment: there should be separate Dubllc schools for boys and frlrls; Portland Is "honey-combed with houses freauented by fallen women; the srlrl who wears low shoes, silk stockings and whose face betrays brazenness is the future scarlet woman; recruits for the ranks of disorderly women come not from department stores, but from Idleness and from homes where no care Is exercised over children: education alone, combined with the elimination of the vicious double standard of morals, can bring about a cessation of the terrible con ditions. Such, in brief, was the summing up of conditions as to the delinquency of minors and the social evil by W". N. Gatens. Judge of th Juvenile Court, in an address In the auditorium of the Medical building yesterday afternoon. the room being packed. In fact, every chair was occupied and women whose hair was gray stood throughout the meeting and some sat on top of a flat desk, so intense was the interest. Oay Ijomhard Speaker. Following this address. Gay Lom bard. Republican candidate for Mayor, spoke on the proposed charter, which he denounced as a vicious document. "Questioned as to his policy toward the social evil. Mr. Lombard declared he would "jail or drive out of the city every man who lives from the earn ings of fallen women," and said he agreed with Judge Gatens on the sa lient features of the latter's address, saying he would favor the whipping post for such men. Alice R. Nugent. president of the Women's Good Gov ernment Club, under the auspices of which the meeting was held, presided. Judge Gatens and Mr. Lombard were loudly applauded through their ad dresses. Conditions of the most dreadful type, concerning the delinquencies of boys and girls, especially the latter, were brought to light by Judge Gatens and the most startling feature of his speech was his declaration that gross immorality Is "a very common thing and not at all uncommon" in Portland As a matter of fact. Judge Gatens de . clared. the question of how to solve the social evil and to do away. Insofar as is possible, with the problems aris ing therefrom, has not been solved at all by men from the foundation of the world. In his opinion, he said, it can be greatly helped by education of the young, both boy and girl, not in the public school, "but by father and mother in the home." Education at Home 1'rged. "It is in the home." declared Judge Gatens, "that we must get the needed education that will bring about changed conditions. I doubt the wisdom of fachlng sex education in the public schools." Judge Gatens said that, admitting the absolute truth, all that has been done toward curing the social evil Is to pass laws to fine and imprison the fallen woman. The guilty men, he said, who alone are the cause of Immorality as, he said, men are almost always at fault are seldom, if ever, adequately punished. Be said that it is of no use to fine or imprison these women and that was why he opposed the proposed morals court bill, which was introduced Into the last Legislature. "By merely fining or imprisoning the woman." said he, "you do her no good.' Unless you reach out to her a helping Jiand unless you put heart action Into your efforts to abolish the fallen wom an and to help her to a good life, you will faiL If fined, she must serve out time in Jail or return to her abode and earn more shame money wlUi which to pay her fine; If Imprisoned, she is allowed to become Idle and when re leased is more helpless than before, and returns to' her evil life, worse. If possible, than before." Judge Gatens declared that Idleness Is the greatest source of recruits for houses of Ill-fame. It Is untrue, he declared, that the department stores furnish the majority of these recruits. Salesgirls An Defeaded. "To say that these women are re crulted from department stores Is to ' Insult every girl who works In a de- partment store." said Judge Gatens, i "and it is not true. The facts are that I the majority of the fallen women come from homes where parents neglect to look properly after their children and to throw about them proper safe guards. Watch the girls you pass on the streets at night or even by day, and you will see many wearing low top shoes, silk stockings and with brazen faces they are the future scar let women of this city. Now, we must work to alter conditions so that girls will be taught in their homes the re sults of 'fast' living and neglect." Judge Gatens declared absolutely In favor of a single moral standard for men and women and severely con demned men of the present and past and also the parents for excusing as saults on the virtue of girls by say ing, "Oh. the boy simply la sowing his wtld oats." "It will startle you, I know." said Judse Gatens. "when I tell you that there are more Immoral girls under 21 years In Portland than there are wom en above that age. However, you had better be shocked right now by what I say. for 1 shall speak quite frankly, than to be shocked and mortified later b" the actions of your children. It is high time that parents were educating their children right and I Bay to you mothers, the fault for conditions today lies at your door." Paalabairat sf Mca oggested. "Isnt It about time the courts were doing something to the men?" asked a woman, and thia was followed by cheers. "The Juvenile Court is doing Its full duty. I assure you," replied Judge Gatens, and he was applauded. "I do not take that to myself therefore." "Sometimes men who attack girls are sent Into the country by the Judges," suggested another woman. "Well, if they are. I think it is wrong; I hare never done such a thing- myself and do not approve of it.-' replied Judge Oatena. Judge Gatens then remarked that. "I oppose the whipping post on principle, but. In case of the men who live from the earnings of fallen women or who lead girls astray, I should be glad to see It used: tbey are entitled to no mercy and there is no extenuating cir cumstance In their case." "Should not the names of such men be published In the newspapers and be given the greatest publicity?" was an other question asked by a woman. "I think they are. usually," the Juice replied. "There Is one thing that we must stop," commented Judge Gatens, "and that Is the present condition which tolerates It if a boy goes out and con tributes to the delinquency of every girl In the neighborhood, but in the case of a girl she is spumed and con demned by all. Womea Are Blamed. "You women are to blame for part of this, for you turn away from a woman who has fallen and help to crush her: you should assist her to a better life and to an independent liv ing by learning a trade or something good." "If we women should be seen walk ing with an Immortal woman, known to be such, would not you men be the first to complain 7" asked a woman. "Some men mleht- was Judge oa tena" reply. At the conclusion of his address Judge Gatens received the thanks of those present, through the presiding officer, amid great applause. BLOSSOM FETE ON Yakima Festival Names Girl From Zillah as Queen. TODAY IS BIG FUNFEST SCHOOL BOARD MEETS OFFICES IX COCRTHOrSE TO BE USED AFTER ACGCST 1. Directors Decide to Purchase Auto for Administrative Officials New Building Is Authorized. The administrative department of the school board will have offices in the County Courthouse after August 1. The directors, at a meeting yesterday, de cided to. make the transfer from the Tllford building when the present lease expires. It was decided that more room was needed and as the-county offered this at a rental of Just half the board is paying the proposition was eagerly accepted. The rental for the present quarters is $240 a month. It was decided to provide an automo bile for the use of school officials. A report of the secretary showed that In the long run It would be cheaper to have an automobile than for the of ficials and employes to use the street cars, as at present. A. W. Kutsche was awarded a con tract for building the proposed Hoff man Schoolhouse. at Sixty-ninth street and Powell Valley Road. The building will be of concrete and steel and will cost about 70.000. The board decided to sell the old Ainsworth school building and have It raxed at the close of the present school term. ACTORS IN AMATEUR PLAY "The Rag Time Band"' Comic Fea ture at Peoples. "The Ragtime Band," the comic fea ture on the new bill at the People's Theater, is causing roars of merriment. It Is a Keystone production, in which Ford Terling and Mabel Norman play the leading roles and it depicts the appearance of Proressor scnmeitz ana his band at an amateur show. An ama teur show generally Is funny anyway, but this Is put on by real comedians, who have the science of comedy down to a fine point and the Keystone com pany has Deen exceptionally success ful In their comic films. The Star Theater offered 4000 feet of licensed films and musical turns and has secured Cy Confer, a, popular local singer. He received a cordial recep house, where he previously played con secutively for 62 weeks. The Arcade offered Gene Gautler, formerly a Kalem star, now at the head of her own company in a great mili tary spectacle in three big, splendid spectacular reels. Miss Gautler Is one of the best film actresses in the world and her work in this piece is quite artistic. Towns in Fruit Valley Delegate Blos som Princesses; Portland Rosari ans to Arrive for Afternoon and Night Gayety. NORTH YAKIMA. Wash.. May 1. (Special.) Miss Sisto Granger, the first srlrl born In Zillah.. wash., was select ed oueen of the third annual Taklma Blossom Festival by lot today, from blossom princesses representing Wap ato, Roslyn, Ellensburg, Moxee, Zellah and a number of other cities of the Yakima Valley. Tomorrow will be the big day. A delegation of 122 Tllllcums of Elttaes on a special train will arrive tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock with Wagner's band. They Have invited Mayor Bplawn and 25 other residents of North Yakima to breakfast with them, will take part In the big parade tomorrow afternoon and the burlesque parade at night and will place themselves at the disposal of the local entertainment committee for concerts. The Portland special train with the Rosarlans Is expected later in the aft ernoon and the special from Spokane with the Enakops will come in about 2 In the afternoon. Beside the two pa radea tomorrow, the Yakima fire de partment will make an exhibition run, two blossom dances will be given and a smoker in the Commercial Club rooms for the delegation from the outside cities. DUFUR SEED CORN BOUGHT C. Tk Smith Desirous of Having Greater Variety of Crops Tried. THE DALLES, Or, May 1. (Special.) That Wasco County is a splendid corn-growing section is evidenced by the fact that C L. Smith, agriculturist for the O.-W. R. & N. Company, has purchased 3000 pounds of seed corn from M. M. Burtner, of Dufur. The railroad will supply farmers In Oregon and Washington, along the lines of the railroad company, with the seed. Mr. Smith believes that there is no better I corn in the West than that grown in this county. The O.-W. R. N. Is encouraging corn-raising because it is interested in the stimulation, encouragement and success of diversified farming, bellev- ng such a system will increase the productive capacity of the land and furnish a more continuous demand for labor. "Such a division of labor would be more profitable and satisfactory to both employer and employe," said Mr. Smith. "It would necessitate homes for more people on the land and lead logically to an increase In rural popu lation; to more extensive and Intelli gent methods of soil cultivation, more careful selection of seed, better live stock, better social and business conditions." For Your Luncheon The Portland, of course. Every week-day this pleas ant airy dining room is filled with a throng of men and women enjoying an hour of rest from the morning's activities, and gathering renewed strength for the after noon's duties. 11:30 to 2 Fifty Cents. Afternoon tea in the beau tiful grillroom from 3:30 to 6, with delightful or chestral music. A treat ap preciated by scores of Portland ladies. Direct entrance on Broadway. A sumptuous table d'hote dinner is served in the dining room every evening. On Sunday evening there is a special program of music, followed by a sym phony concert in the lobby. $5:30 to 8 $1.00 After-Theater Service in the Grill. The Portland Hotel 0. J. Kaufmann, Manager N. K. Clarke, Asst. Mngr. STAFF TO RIDE 465 MILES War College Cavalcade Leaves Fred ericksburg for Gettysburg. FREDERICKSBURG, Va, May 1. Four hundred and sixty-five miles will be covered In the 20-day horseback ride of the War College staff cavalcade, which rode from here today on a jour ney over the Civil War battlefields of Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania. Thirty-six officers, including two British Army officers of high rank. one naval officer, two surgeons and the War College instructors and student officers, galloped away over the quiet Virginia roads. The riders win reach Gettysburg on May 17, traveling by a roundabout way. DECISION EXPECTED SOON Milwaukie Prepares for Paving of Front Street at Cost of $20,000. MILWAUKIE, 0May 1. (Special.) The matter of 5-cent fare between Milwaukie and Portland is before the Supreme Court of the United States and a decision is expected in a short time Final hearing was set for last Monday. Milwaukie won its contentions in all the lower courts. Proceedings are advancing for im proving Front street from the north to the south city limits. It is hoped to get the contract let within a month. This street is 70 feet wide and will be paved for most of the distance. The cost will be about $20,000, although the official estimates have not been com pleted. Postal Savings Director Resigns. WASHINGTON, May 1. Theodore L. Weed, director of the postal savings' system since its establishment, pre sented to Postmaster-General Burleson today his resignation, effective June 30. Mr. Weed will engage in business in New York. CHOOSE your new suit now and meet Spring half way Spring lias journeyed far to meet you with her gladness her showers and sunshine her wel come to the great outdoors. Of these fabrics, too, many have come from dis tant climes tweeds from Scotland, homespuns from Ireland, cheviots and worsteds fromi Eng land, and fine woolens from all-America all meet here to make your choosing easy. $20 to $35 will pay for your choke of these beautiful weaves, which have been tailored into faultless mod els read's for you to wear now. Men's shop main floor Young men's shop second floor Boys' $6.50 and $7.50 A A Knickerbocker Suits pO.JJ 160 boys' all-wool suits, ranging from 10 to 17 years, tailored from tweeds, cheviots and worsteds; trousers fully lined. In beautiful grays, tans, browns and fancy mixtures. As long as they last you may take your choice at only $5. Boys' shop second floor The best $3 Hat wade for men is a Brewer HaL You'll find them here the newest styles and colors. m BEN SELLING CLOTHIER Morrison Street at Fourth POWERS URGING HASTE AUSTRIA'S ATTITUDE ABOUT SCUTATCI CAUSES FEARS. Montenegro, Preparing for Siege, Is Willing to Evacuate if Territorial Compensation Is Given. LONDON. May 1. No date has yet been fixed tor the reassembling of the peace conference at London, but the powers are urging Turkey and the Balkan allies to send their . delegates as quickly as possible. In the belief that the conclusion of peace will as sist In the settlement of the other problems. Although the tension arising over the fate cf Scutari has been lessened, the danger is not past. It is understood that Montenegro is willing to evacuate that town on condition that territorial compensation be allowed, but Austria heretofore has insisted on uncondition al evacuation, and if she still persists In this attitude a peaceful arrange ment hardly will be possible. The Austrian Emperor has summoned an extraordinary crown council for tomorrow, which will include the pre miers and war ministers of both Aus tria and Hungary. I Reports through Vienna say the Montenegrins are preparing Scutari for a slego. "LABOR DAY" CELEBRATED Socialists In British Isles Cheer Anil-Capital Orators. LONDON. May 1. "Labcr Day." which hitherto has been celebrated In a minor key In the British Isles, was greeted today In louder tones. Pome 10,000 men, mostly Socialists, paraded the streets and subsequently congre gated In Hyde Park. Here they received with loud cheer ing the fiery denunciations of the thralldom of capital and militarism de livered In half a dozen languages by numerous orators. Emp onum' mighty i i vii -uy? Take ay Fully and Dresses ent Cam arm 500 New Spring ivaj Suits Only Our Own Low Regular Prices Were $27.50, $24.75, $22.50 and $19.50 No let-up to this unparalleled event at Portland's Emporium today ! Crowds were here from opening until closing time yesterday. If you need a Suit, Ooat or Dress, you cannot afford to let such an opportunity go by unheeded. Every garment is new right out of regular stock. FOUR STYLES PRECISELY AS ILLUS TRATED. Read on come today I THE SUITS Every new fabric, coloring and fashion-feature of the season! Charming Cutaways, plain tailored, chic fancy models, Norfolks and semi-Norfolks. Blue serges, Bedford cords, homespuns, Shep herd checks, mixtures and novelty weaves, lovely grays, tans, browns, blues. Newest style skirts. Guaranteed linings. All sizes. Our $27.50, $24.75, $22.50 and $19.50 Suits, $15.55. No Phone C.O.D. or Approval Orders THE COATS Smart , V and full-length Coats, of natty shep herd checks, handsome plaids, diagonals, home spuns, eponges, black satins, navy serges and fancy materials in all colors. All sizes, 14 to 44. Regular $24.75, $22.50 and $19.50 Coats. May Garment Carnival for only $15.55 THE DRESSES Beautful models, of finest mannish serges, in navy, black, Copenhagen and tan. Also the fashioable Shepherd checks and Bedford cords. Pretty Bulgarian trimmings and bright touches of color. Regular $24.75, $22.50, $19.50 Dresses. May Garment Carnival for only 15.55 See Window Display Advantage Today SUITS, COATS, DRESSES, WAISTS Second I Floor C J ' P-'r 41). WF H JBk PJf HtVVS?li i i 124-128 Sixth Street, Between, Washington and Alder Ele vator Service